The Official KS Headcanon Thread

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Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Post by Rhodri »

Atario wrote:
Rhodri wrote:Last edited by Rhodri on Tue Sep 02, 2014 3:06 pm, edited 3 times in total.
This is my favorite part of that comment. :lol:?
Just fixing the spelling and grammar. Kinda proves the point I made in that post (and I'm doing it again. urgh.). I write something and then 10 minutes later I realise I missed something, typed something that doesn't sound right, used duplicate words, or there's a grave spelling or grammar error. Yeah, 11 years of special needs teaching didn't help that much. How I got through Uni I'll never know.

Anyway, some mean head canon.

If things play out in a certain way, Hisao makes it to his 70s only to be diagnosed with dementia. Sick and cruel I know, but you gotta write what you know. My Nanna battled it for 9 years before passing away. When she died, I had just started working for the NHS and for the last 7 years, I've often worked round patients that suffer from various forms of dementia, so I know what this terrible disease does to people, some of which is real heart breaking. What triggered this in my head was seeing this picture. The old hand grasping at the faded pictures made me wonder what significance lies behind it. When I remembered that showing some dementia suffers pictures of their younger years helps jog their memory. In that moment, an image popped into my head. It was Hisao sitting all alone and confused in a nursing home on his birthday before one of the girls from Yamaku arrives with a collection of pictures to help clear his head, and what is more significant to Hisao than photos of the people that picked him up in his darkest moment and help him piece his life back together?
Last edited by Rhodri on Wed Sep 03, 2014 6:02 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Post by Atario »

KeiichiO wrote:There's a difference between having a theory/headcanon and spitting out completely imbecilic rubbish.
Hey, now, no need to be mean to Megumeru… :P
Broomhead wrote:I think there are assholes who are assholes simply to be "men." I think there are assholes that are assholes because their just lashing out. But no-one, deep down, is an asshole just because. There will be a reason, somewhere, that makes them that way. It could be something horrid (racism, etc.)
There are in fact people with psychoses that make them, effectively, an asshole "just because". But at any rate, it doesn't really matter what the cause is for someone to be a 24/7 asshole like Jigoro, because unless you're personally going to dedicate an intensive decade or more of your life to the effort, you're not personally going to fix him. It's like trying to teach a pig to sing: it only wastes your time and annoys the pig. If you're really lucky, there will be some pill that marginally improves the condition (at the possible expense of creating another). If you're typical, it will simply be the way the person is and you may as well be bashing your head against a brick wall. (Someone who's only an asshole sometimes is another matter, of course.)
brythain wrote:I would think that 'acting like an insulting asshole' already proves my point. He's acting and you know it too… :D
You should use that one on the cops next time they try to give you a ticket. "I'm not a speeder, officer; I was only acting like one! :D " (Please post video of this for posterity if you try it)
As for 'making one's children's lives hell', neither Hideaki nor Shizune seem to think so, canonically.
People often must convince themselves things are not as bad as they seem, or else they'd just give up. I'm just sayin', don't let Metalangel see you saying Jigoro's a swell guy and treats Shizune reasonably…
In fact, when Hisao suggests to her in her route that her father loves her, she replies [I know.]
Who can make your life more hellish than someone doing it out of love? Trust me, for I know whereof I speak. :(
NB: none of the above is a request

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Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Post by brythain »

Hah, that's your head canon and you're welcome to it :D
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Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Post by dewelar »

Atario wrote:
In fact, when Hisao suggests to her in her route that her father loves her, she replies [I know.]
Who can make your life more hellish than someone doing it out of love? Trust me, for I know whereof I speak. :(
*nods* Headcanon for Jigoro aside (I tend to think that this is who he really is, but wasn't always this way for...reasons), I also know first-hand about having an asshole parent who still loved me very much. Shizune not feeling her life was hell growing up: not proven.
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Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Post by Oscar Wildecat »

Atario wrote:Who can make your life more hellish than someone doing it out of love? Trust me, for I know whereof I speak. :(
Reminds me of a famous quote by C. S. Lewis:

"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience."


Another bit of personal headcanon:
--Emi is fond of the roadrunner. The roadrunner is blue -- Emi's favorite color -- and is a fast runner. :)

I like all the girls in KS, but empathize with Hanako the most.
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Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Post by brythain »

dewelar wrote:
Atario wrote:
In fact, when Hisao suggests to her in her route that her father loves her, she replies [I know.]
Who can make your life more hellish than someone doing it out of love? Trust me, for I know whereof I speak. :(
*nods* Headcanon for Jigoro aside (I tend to think that this is who he really is, but wasn't always this way for...reasons), I also know first-hand about having an asshole parent who still loved me very much. Shizune not feeling her life was hell growing up: not proven.
Shouldn't the positive assertion be proven? We have no evidence that it was hell apart from various people thinking it would've been hell for them in shizune's place. :)
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Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Post by Liminaut »

KeiichiO wrote:
Atario wrote:
brythain wrote:The point of this thread is more along the lines of 'what's in your head and why' as opposed to 'why it shouldn't be in your head'...
Well… If I say that "it's my headcanon that" Misha actually has green hair and we're just seeing through some strange filter, I wouldn't expect no one to take exception to it…
There's a difference between having a theory/headcanon and spitting out completely imbecilic rubbish.
Imbecilic rubbish is fine as long as it's entertaining Imbecilic rubbish, such as "Shizune's mom got a sex change operation and changed her name to Jigoro."
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Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Post by dewelar »

brythain wrote:Shouldn't the positive assertion be proven? We have no evidence that it was hell apart from various people thinking it would've been hell for them in shizune's place. :)
But which is the positive assertion :wink: ? If both, then both have been proven equally. Thus, everyone's headcanon is equally correct!
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Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Post by Khalego »

Liminaut wrote:Imbecilic rubbish is fine as long as it's entertaining Imbecilic rubbish, such as "Shizune's mom got a sex change operation and changed her name to Jigoro."
I feel like certain people would disagree with that. People in toque blanches.
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Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Post by brythain »

dewelar wrote:
brythain wrote:Shouldn't the positive assertion be proven? We have no evidence that it was hell apart from various people thinking it would've been hell for them in shizune's place. :)
But which is the positive assertion :wink: ? If both, then both have been proven equally. Thus, everyone's headcanon is equally correct!
*grin* since nobody in the VN thinks Shizune's life was hell, then it remains to be proven; if I assert that Shizune cooked at least two meals for Hisao in her route, canon has it so and thus it is proven. And so on… But yes, everyone's headcanon is correct except where it contradicts canon, and more correct where canon appears to support it. 8)
Post-Yamaku, what happens? After The Dream is a mosaic that follows everyone to the (sometimes) bitter end.
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Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Post by dewelar »

brythain wrote:
dewelar wrote:
brythain wrote:Shouldn't the positive assertion be proven? We have no evidence that it was hell apart from various people thinking it would've been hell for them in shizune's place. :)
But which is the positive assertion :wink: ? If both, then both have been proven equally. Thus, everyone's headcanon is equally correct!
*grin* since nobody in the VN thinks Shizune's life was hell,
Objection! Assumes facts not in evidence! :D We only know that nobody states that they think her life was a living hell, and even that is based only on Hisao's observations. In fact, unless my memory fails me, nobody outside of Hisao and Jigoro makes any kind of statement on the quality of Shizune's home life.
But yes, everyone's headcanon is correct except where it contradicts canon, and more correct where canon appears to support it. 8)
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Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Post by brythain »

My headcanon is that Emi's father was a cop who got taken out in the crossfire during a Family dispute. Miki's father was a detective who decided to do something not quite legal and died for it. Yamaku is actually sponsored by Families, who use it as an honourable way of taking care of the dependants on all sides if they need special care. Since all the kids come from broadly similar backgrounds, they tend to end up staying in touch if they're within the same region. It's like some kind of parochial school, but not quite on the side of the angels. :D
Post-Yamaku, what happens? After The Dream is a mosaic that follows everyone to the (sometimes) bitter end.
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Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Post by bhtooefr »

The main Satou home is in either Natori or Iwanuma, and the summer home is in Hakodate. (Lilly's route, at least as of 1.1, is a bit of a mess in this regard, though.)

Lilly went to Sendai Shirayuri (on the opposite side of Sendai, but hey...) for junior high. Akira went there for both junior high and high school.

This is canon, but I need to state it to build the next part of my headcanon: the Ibarazaki home is in Sendai itself. Emi's accident was in 1999. Lilly's parents left the country in 2001. Also, Lilly and Akira are both depicted as, ah, appreciating ethanol quite a lot. (Yes, I'm going to start that flamewar again.)

Now, for the headcanon: Emi's accident and Lilly's parents leaving Japan are related, and the real reason they left was because they couldn't stall a wrongful death conviction of some sort any more. They literally fled the country.
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Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Post by Broomhead »

bhtooefr wrote: This is canon, but I need to state it to build the next part of my headcanon: the Ibarazaki home is in Sendai itself. Emi's accident was in 1999. Lilly's parents left the country in 2001. Also, Lilly and Akira are both depicted as, ah, appreciating ethanol quite a lot. (Yes, I'm going to start that flamewar again.)
I can imagine it running in the family. Lilly does appear to have a bit of a habit with alcohol. Akira probably had a bit as well, and I don't know about Japanese law in that area, but I'd imagine it's legal for her to have a beer occasionally. Dunno, however, I doubt that Lilly's parents would be the type to drink it in the car, but who knows. Seems as valid as every other headcanon.
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Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Post by bhtooefr »

Minimum age is 20, so unless there's some reason why Akira specifically would be banned from drinking (and I have no idea whether that's even a thing in Japan), she's perfectly legal to drink, being 25.
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