The Official KS Headcanon Thread

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Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Post by brythain »

It's an interesting thing to consider: if after LNE, Lilly couldn't bring herself to tell Hanako to go for it, and she herself didn't come back, what would've happened then in the equivalent of 'Developments'?
Post-Yamaku, what happens? After The Dream is a mosaic that follows everyone to the (sometimes) bitter end.
Main Index (Complete)Shizune/Lilly/Emi/Hanako/Rin/Misha + Miki + Natsume
Secondary Arcs: Rika/Mutou/AkiraHideaki | Others (WIP): Straw—A Dream of SuzuSakura—The Kenji Saga.
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Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Post by Atario »

Steinherz wrote:Of course she'd like Kraftwerk. Industrial metal FTW.
Er…? Industrial metal?? No! Maybe you're thinking of KMFDM or something?
Liminaut wrote:Kenji is a freaking stone genius. He doesn't go to class much because he really doesn't have to -- math he can work out on the fly. He's doing cutting-edge research into cryptography. It takes somebody amazingly smart to be that idiotically clueless.
I could actually buy this, though so far I have not. I've known many unbelievable jackasses who have turned out to be smart in one way or another.
Hanako winds up sharing a house with Misha in California. Not as lovers per se, but they both could use an environment that isn't Japan, one that is more tolerant.
I'll found a free-love commune with them. I'm already in the right place!
Hanako was sexually molested in the orphanage by staff there. She got into Yamaku as part of the settlement.
Dude. Y U do dis.
Steinherz wrote:Plus, divorce is damn hard in Japan.
How hard we talkin', here?
KeiichiO wrote:
Hideaki doesn't crossdress for the sake of crossdressing. He just sees clothes he likes and doesn't see what the point is in restricting certain types of apparel to particular sexes.
And completely agree with your headcanon Hideaki. People shouldn't be expected to be a certain way simply because they have a certain chromosome, or lack thereof.
However, one of the primary functions of clothing is to give appropriate social signals to others. Sending the wrong signals is sure to promote having a bad time.
NB: none of the above is a request

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Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Post by dewelar »

brythain wrote:It's an interesting thing to consider: if after LNE, Lilly couldn't bring herself to tell Hanako to go for it, and she herself didn't come back, what would've happened then in the equivalent of 'Developments'?
Assuming everything else happens as it does, then Hanako leaves with Naomi and Natsume when they go to Kyoto. Without the mutual support she and Emi developed, we wind up with an alternate Emi Bad Ending. A depressed Hisao then winds up in some kind of weird mutually-destructive relationship with Noriko and she gets her "blaze of glory ending" partner.

Or not. As you like :D .
Rin is orthogonal to everything.
Stuff I've written: Developments, a continuation of Lilly's (bad? neutral?) ending - COMPLETE!
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Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Post by Steinherz »

Atario wrote:
Steinherz wrote:Of course she'd like Kraftwerk. Industrial metal FTW.
Er…? Industrial metal?? No! Maybe you're thinking of KMFDM or something?
Kraftwerk is one of the pioneers of Industrial music, and by extension, Industrial metal. So no, I was not confusing them with KMFDM. :lol:
Atario wrote:
Steinherz wrote:Plus, divorce is damn hard in Japan.
How hard we talkin', here?
Very. Iirc, it's easier to kill your spouse and become a widow/widower than to get divorced in Japan.


Headcanon: Miki's injury is from hanging out with friends (skipping school to be exact) and spelunking when there was a cave in that crushed her hand.
I write take a look, would you kindly?
I also draw, kind of.
KeiichiO wrote:You shall now, and forever be known as, "Steinherz, The Great".
Oddball wrote:It's an obvious mistake. Both are disfigured orphans that read alot and both wear green skirts.
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Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Post by bhtooefr »

Regarding someone being transgender in Japan... I'm a bit vague on this (damn language barrier), but had reason to research it for a fanfic, but it seems like changing one's name isn't particularly hard (but depends on the prefectural court you deal with), even if changing one's legal gender is quite hard (and requires the person to be unmarried (so as to not produce a gay marriage - however, there are ways to produce a gay marriage in Japan legally), not have any children, have bottom surgery, and be sterilized, IIRC). That said, it appears that a transgender person can marry someone who is legally recognized as the opposite gender (whether they're cis or trans), IIRC.

Also, re: the gay marriage thing... my headcanon is that if Hanako and Akira got together and stayed together, and had a reason to stay in Japan, Akira would play citizenship games, end up as a UK or Scottish (if their independence referendum passes) citizen, marry Hanako in Scotland, at which point Japan treats it as a marriage to a foreign national and ignores the fact that it's a gay marriage, and then Akira would become a Japanese citizen again (I think it's possible for a former citizen who has a birthright to Japanese citizenship to regain citizenship).

However, it's also my headcanon that Hanako would become incredibly disillusioned with how she's treated in Japan, and would likely simplify everything by simply becoming a Scottish citizen herself along with Akira.
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Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Post by Munchenhausen »

Needs more background characters :3

- Mutou has ADHD
- Mutou is semi-regularly hit on by his female students, but he never takes them up on anything. They assume Mutou cares too much about his job to risk it like that, but really all the advances go right over his head and he doesn't realise what happened until later that evening. He's quite socially awkward.
-Mutou stumbled upon a drunk Nurse in a bar once and they've been bros ever since.

-A lot of students spend a lot of time and effort trying to learn Nurse's name. He knows this and makes it into a game. Many are disappointed to find it's something incredibly dull.

-Natsume and Naomi spend a lot of time 'crowd watching'; Joking about passers-by, gossiping and looking for potential articles. Natsume started this pasttime, but Naomi takes part because she knows how bad Natsume's arthritis can get.
-Naomi is very sociable and quite bubbly, whereas Natsume is generally more serious. Mutou regards them as a toned-down Shizune and Misha.
-In the NxN pairing, Natsume is the motherly one. She can get quite worried about what Naomi does and sometimes goes out of her way to make sure she's safe... much to Naomi's resentment.
-Naomi tries to act like the seizures don't happen, opting to have a laugh and a joke instead of worrying about anything. She's embarrassed about it and avoids the topic whenever its brought up.
Like stupid, silly doodles with no point? You've come to the right place, friend :^)
I also occasionally write oneshots. Why not have a skimread?
Miki fic? Miki fic!
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Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Post by KeiichiO »

Munchenhausen wrote:-Mutou stumbled upon a drunk Nurse in a bar once and they've been bros ever since.
I'm adopting this headcanon as my own.
-A lot of students spend a lot of time and effort trying to learn Nurse's name. He knows this and makes it into a game. Many are disappointed to find it's something incredibly dull.
Sounds like something he'd do.
-Naomi is very sociable and quite bubbly, whereas Natsume is generally more serious. Mutou regards them as a toned-down Shizune and Misha.
-In the NxN pairing, Natsume is the motherly one. She can get quite worried about what Naomi does and sometimes goes out of her way to make sure she's safe... much to Naomi's resentment.
-Naomi tries to act like the seizures don't happen, opting to have a laugh and a joke instead of worrying about anything. She's embarrassed about it and avoids the topic whenever its brought up.
I was writing a Pseudo-Naomi route awhile back, and this is pretty much exactly what I had in mind. I kinda abandoned that fic though, as it was told in the perspective of Hisao, and I found it boring to write. I still have the first chapter in my PM Drafts.
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Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Post by YutoTheOrc »

Munchenhausen wrote:Needs more background characters :3

-Natsume and Naomi spend a lot of time 'crowd watching'; Joking about passers-by, gossiping and looking for potential articles. Natsume started this pasttime, but Naomi takes part because she knows how bad Natsume's arthritis can get.
-Naomi is very sociable and quite bubbly, whereas Natsume is generally more serious. Mutou regards them as a toned-down Shizune and Misha.
-Naomi tries to act like the seizures don't happen, opting to have a laugh and a joke instead of worrying about anything. She's embarrassed about it and avoids the topic whenever its brought up.
I can see that actually. However instead of Naomi joining in because of Natsume's arthritis, she does it because she likes to. To me, she gives off that vibe.

My ideas are:
-Saki is a bitch, and has a lot of second year friends.
-Most OCs are real, if given a good base, reasons, character, etc(I love OCs :P)
-After the LNE, Hisao gets brought under all the girl's wing
-brythain's Kenji family
-Takashi is a pervert
-Rika is a bit of a live hard-die hard person
-Every teacher hates Nomiya, or at the very least dislikes him
-Mutou and Nurse are bros
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Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Post by Atario »

Steinherz wrote:Kraftwerk is one of the pioneers of Industrial music, and by extension, Industrial metal.
I wouldn't say that's true. They did work that was a precursor to Industrial, but that doesn't make them Industrial themselves, much less Industrial Metal. Just like The Beatles are one of the pioneers of Psychedelic, but I'd hardly call them Prog Rockers.
Atario wrote:
Steinherz wrote:Plus, divorce is damn hard in Japan.
How hard we talkin', here?
Very. Iirc, it's easier to kill your spouse and become a widow/widower than to get divorced in Japan.
Oh, well, there ya go. Get to murderin', unhappy couples!

Ahem. I was actually looking for some sort of details as to why it's so difficult… (both in the sense of what hoops one must jump through and of the reasons behind those hoops being set up (or having yet to be torn down) in the first place)
Munchenhausen wrote:Mutou is semi-regularly hit on by his female students, but he never takes them up on anything. They assume Mutou cares too much about his job to risk it like that, but really all the advances go right over his head and he doesn't realise what happened until later that evening. He's quite socially awkward.
I was with you except the part where he doesn't realize till later. I feel like he knows exactly what's going on, he's just too upstanding a guy (and has too mature a preference) to brook it for even a second. All of which adds up to an even more aloof air and therefore even more young girls hitting on him.
A lot of students spend a lot of time and effort trying to learn Nurse's name. He knows this and makes it into a game. Many are disappointed to find it's something incredibly dull.
In my headcanon, everyone knows his name — except us. (This may actually be canon, though…)
Natsume and Naomi spend a lot of time 'crowd watching'; Joking about passers-by
Oh god. Now I wanna hang out with them so bad. (〃・ω・〃)
YutoTheOrc wrote:After the LNE, Hisao gets brought under all the girl's wing
Ah, the almost Harem Ending. Then news of this gets back to Lilly and she feels left out and like she's made a huge mistake.
NB: none of the above is a request

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Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Post by Oscar Wildecat »

Some bits of minor personal headcanon (headpistols?):

--Suzu has a pet cat named "Plexy".

--Post Rin Good Ending, Rin and Hisao both attend Tokyo University of the Arts (Geidai), where they major in Architecture -- much to the delight of Mutou ("Architecture is of all the arts the one nearest to a science, for every architectural design is at its inception dominated by scientific considerations. The inexorable laws of gravitation and of statics must be obeyed by even the most imaginative artist in building.") and the dismay of Nomiya ("Architecture! How pedestrian! Such a waste of a great talent as Tezuka's!"). After graduation, they go onto become architects noted for designs that combine whimsy and functionality. The most well known of their structures is their own house, known as Dandelion Rock.

--(Addendum to PRGE above): Rin still paints. In fact she leaves a painting in each structure of Hisao and hers that gets built. It's her way of talking with the future occupants.
I like all the girls in KS, but empathize with Hanako the most.
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Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Post by Guest Poster »

Ahem. I was actually looking for some sort of details as to why it's so difficult… (both in the sense of what hoops one must jump through and of the reasons behind those hoops being set up (or having yet to be torn down) in the first place)
I always had the impression that the biggest hurdle was the social stigma. Failure = shame, so a failure of something as major as a marriage was a massive source of shame.
In my headcanon, everyone knows his name — except us. (This may actually be canon, though…)
I believe that just before Hisao enters the nurse's office for the first time in the VN, he mentions a name tag on the door. He just doesn't tell the readers what it is.
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Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Post by Oscar Wildecat »

Atario wrote: In my headcanon, everyone knows his name — except us. (This may actually be canon, though…)
My theory as to why Nurse goes by "Nurse" is that is actual name is something hard to pronounce, embarrassing, or embarrassingly hard to pronounce.
I like all the girls in KS, but empathize with Hanako the most.
"Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience." - Mark Twain
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Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Post by brythain »

Oscar Wildecat wrote:
Atario wrote: In my headcanon, everyone knows his name — except us. (This may actually be canon, though…)
My theory as to why Nurse goes by "Nurse" is that is actual name is something hard to pronounce, embarrassing, or embarrassingly hard to pronounce.
My theory is that his name is actually 'Kango' or something like that, which is either identical or homophonous to 'Nurse' in Japanese. So everyone in the cast gets the joke except the poor gaijin/foreigners. :)
Post-Yamaku, what happens? After The Dream is a mosaic that follows everyone to the (sometimes) bitter end.
Main Index (Complete)Shizune/Lilly/Emi/Hanako/Rin/Misha + Miki + Natsume
Secondary Arcs: Rika/Mutou/AkiraHideaki | Others (WIP): Straw—A Dream of SuzuSakura—The Kenji Saga.
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Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Post by bhtooefr »

Not even sure where I picked this headcanon up, and there's no basis for it in the VN, but Akira refers to Lilly as "Lils" all the time. Lilly isn't fond of it, but she tolerates it from Akira (and Akira alone). Similarly, she tolerates "Lillian" only from her father.
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Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Post by KeiichiO »

bhtooefr wrote:Akira refers to Lilly as "Lils" all the time. Lilly isn't fond of it, but she tolerates it from Akira (and Akira alone).
That sounds strangely familiar... I'm not sure why. I may have read it in a fan fiction, but I can't be certain.
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