The Official KS Headcanon Thread

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Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Post by KeiichiO »

Oscar Wildecat wrote:If Lilly is a Jazz connoisseur, and Hanako a (secret) rock-babe, then Rin would be the resident Dead Head.
I saw the words 'Dead Hand' together, and could only think of this. Now, I'm being haunted by the nightmarish mental images of Rin as a Dead Hand from Ocarina of Time...
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Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Post by dewelar »

Oscar Wildecat wrote:If Lilly is a Jazz connoisseur, and Hanako a (secret) rock-babe, then Rin would be the resident Dead Head.
Heh. Emi says that Rin listens to "weird music", which in my own headcanon means she's into progressive rock (I could totally see her spacing out to Emerson, Lake & Palmer) or trip-hop, or maybe even stuff like Velvet Underground. In the AtD-verse, she probably liked "Gangnam Style" before it became a meme.
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Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Post by brythain »

dewelar wrote:
Oscar Wildecat wrote:If Lilly is a Jazz connoisseur, and Hanako a (secret) rock-babe, then Rin would be the resident Dead Head.
Heh. Emi says that Rin listens to "weird music", which in my own headcanon means she's into progressive rock (I could totally see her spacing out to Emerson, Lake & Palmer) or trip-hop, or maybe even stuff like Velvet Underground. In the AtD-verse, she probably liked "Gangnam Style" before it became a meme.
Hmmm… in my head, I actually have Rin listening to Saint Etienne (watch this vid and see what I mean?) and trying to understand what it's all about.

The wedding in Edinburgh takes place to the strains of Ralph Vaughan-Williams' 'Five Variants of Dives and Lazarus', which I think of as 'the Inverness mansion theme'; RVW is a favourite of forgetmenot's Kagami (in AtD-verse) and Kenji hears her practising 'The Lark Ascending' while at Yamaku (which makes her remind me of Nicola Benedetti).
Post-Yamaku, what happens? After The Dream is a mosaic that follows everyone to the (sometimes) bitter end.
Main Index (Complete)Shizune/Lilly/Emi/Hanako/Rin/Misha + Miki + Natsume
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Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Post by El Zilcho »

- Kenji is gay. He realized it after his experience with Yuuko but wanted to stay in the closet, so he put on an "angry anti-feminist" persona to keep other people from wondering why he didn't show any interest in girls. The 'manly picnic' was Kenji's attempt to confess his feelings for Hisao, explaining why he went to efforts to keep other people off the roof and brought alcohol (to build up his own courage and lower Hisao's inhibitions). That part of the manly picnic where Kenji keeps leaning towards Hisao (causing HIsao to back up know) was Kenji trying to lean in for a kiss.

- Jigoro is responsible for Hideaki's cross-dressing. As Shizune grew out of her old clothes, Jigoro insisted on keeping all of them just in case he and his wife had another kid...and he wasn't about to buy a bunch of new kids clothes just because his second child was a boy. Plus, he wanted to make sure his son didn't grow up to wear a sweatervest or something.
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Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Post by Eurobeatjester »

Don't really have too many headcannon things that stick out about the main cast, but I have two headcannons regarding the minor cast.

Takashi has recently had surgery for a cochlear implant, hence the bandage. Tinnitus isn't blocked or alleviated by covering the ear or wearing an earplug, and in extreme cases, a cochlear implant can be used as a last resort. The subject most likely will lose most hearing in that ear, but it's a small price to pay to get the ringing to stop. And can you imagine how bad that ringing actually was for him to end up at Yamaku?

Miki's injury that took her hand happened a very long time ago and isn't recent. She presents a very carefree attitude but is secretly insecure about it. Having it bandaged means it's less likely for people to ask her about it or stare out of rudeness than it would be with a naked stump.
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Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Post by dewelar »

brythain wrote:
dewelar wrote:
Oscar Wildecat wrote:If Lilly is a Jazz connoisseur, and Hanako a (secret) rock-babe, then Rin would be the resident Dead Head.
Heh. Emi says that Rin listens to "weird music", which in my own headcanon means she's into progressive rock (I could totally see her spacing out to Emerson, Lake & Palmer) or trip-hop, or maybe even stuff like Velvet Underground. In the AtD-verse, she probably liked "Gangnam Style" before it became a meme.
Hmmm… in my head, I actually have Rin listening to Saint Etienne (watch this vid and see what I mean?) and trying to understand what it's all about.
Saint Etienne's not a bad choice for Rin, I agree. of Montreal might be interesting, or even Tally Hall. I was just going for a K-Pop joke, since I picture Emi occasionally indulging in J-Pop.

For Developments-Hanako, I decided that she listens to a lot of the same music her mother would have listened to -- Noriko Sakai, maybe, but especially Akina Nakamori.
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Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Post by Steinherz »

Oscar Wildecat wrote:
bhtooefr wrote:Not only that, but she outright said that he told her (in detail, it seems) about such encounters.

New headcanon: Emi is turned on by gay men.
Which leads to a disturbing, humorous, and humorously disturbing encounter where Hisao finds Emi's stash of yaoi porn under her bed...
Addition one to that:

Emi is a fan of the Bara-genre, but Love Stage is her guilty pleasure :lol:
She also likes JoJo's Bizarre Adventures for obvious reasons.
dewelar wrote:We only have dev statements that everyone else is eighteen and when their birthdays are. Thus, Emi could easily be eighteen-and-a-half and everyone else seventeen if you just give them different birthdays in your headcanon.
Ooooor you can check the official site and check the lists for all of the girl's birthdays :lol:

My own headcanons?
Well let's see here:

-Hideaki cross-dresses because he knows it pisses off his dad and does it so he'll lighten up (it's not working as well as he planned).
-Mayoi (Shizune and Hideaki's mother) isn't dead, she just has a job where she travels often and wasn't home when Hisao went to the Hakamichi household.
-Saki does NOT have one of the lethal types of Spinocerebellar ataxia, but either SCA8 or SCA10. Symptoms: SCA8 has Horizontal nystagmus (a rapid, involuntary, oscillatory motion of the eyeball), instability, and a lack of coordination. SCA10 has mild ataxia, but remains able to walk on their own, albeit with some difficulty.
-Rika is the result of a First-Cousin (children of siblings) marriage. She has Hypoplastic left heart syndrome, and is pretty clearly an albino. Both of which are common genetic occurrences of children of first cousins. Although despite having issues because of it, she doesn't have a complex of her parents being cousins. However, she's not a fan on incest stories. (and really hates Game of Thrones :lol: )
-Taro wants to be a professional chef, in spite of his condition, and actually makes awesome food. But he tends to drop things when cooking.
-Misha actually is bisexual, she just happens to be focused solely on Shizune, and therefore didn't really enjoy sex with Hisao. If Hisao had confessed attraction to HER instead of Shizune, she likely would have turned him down at first... then reciprocated fully later on after thinking on it more.
-Takashi has a bit more of an abrasive personality than most people enjoy, which is why Hisao doesn't get along with him. Essentially, mix House, Jigoro and a perfectionist attitude and you've got Takashi.
-Akio (Hisao's classmate, not their teacher) is best friends with Takashi, and tries his best to keep Takashi from being a complete asshole. Molly also is friends with the two, and attempts to help. However, Takashi enjoys screwing with poor Molly.
-Shizune is mute by choice, not because she was born a deaf/mute. (this is going off of the fact that in the VN proper she attempts at stifling noises she makes during sex/other times, which implies she's not fully mute).
-Kenji fucking loves the series JoJo's Bizarre Adventures, but for a TOTALLY different reason than Emi.
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Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Post by dewelar »

Steinherz wrote:
dewelar wrote:We only have dev statements that everyone else is eighteen and when their birthdays are. Thus, Emi could easily be eighteen-and-a-half and everyone else seventeen if you just give them different birthdays in your headcanon.
Ooooor you can check the official site and check the lists for all of the girl's birthdays :lol:
Well, obviously, but those would be the "dev statements" to which I was referring :wink:. Also, I was talking to someone who (like me) knows about them, but who (unlike me) steadfastly refuses to accept them due to other issues, so...yeah, try to keep up with context :) .
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Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Post by SpunkySix »

dewelar wrote:
Oscar Wildecat wrote:If Lilly is a Jazz connoisseur, and Hanako a (secret) rock-babe, then Rin would be the resident Dead Head.
Heh. Emi says that Rin listens to "weird music", which in my own headcanon means she's into progressive rock (I could totally see her spacing out to Emerson, Lake & Palmer) or trip-hop, or maybe even stuff like Velvet Underground. In the AtD-verse, she probably liked "Gangnam Style" before it became a meme.
I can see her listening to Pearl Jam's more mellow stuff, or maybe some System of a Down.
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Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Post by Atario »

El Zilcho wrote:Kenji is gay
This is interesting, though somewhat redundant, as we already have Misha for the unrequited, tragically isolated gay character… However, what if they met and founded the Yamaku LGBT club?
Eurobeatjester wrote:And can you imagine how bad that ringing actually was for him to end up at Yamaku?
So bad, other people can hear it!
Miki's injury that took her hand happened a very long time ago and isn't recent. She presents a very carefree attitude but is secretly insecure about it. Having it bandaged means it's less likely for people to ask her about it or stare out of rudeness than it would be with a naked stump.
See, I thought the opposite premise, but with much the same result: it happened not that long ago — say, a couple of years ago — and she still wears the bandage out of insecurity, and habit, and some kind of irrational feeling that it's not final as long as she keeps that last vestige of a state of flux. This despite the eye-catching nature of a white flash of cloth contrasting with her dark skin.
Steinherz wrote:Hideaki cross-dresses because he knows it pisses off his dad and does it so he'll lighten up (it's not working as well as he planned).
I have this too, but the way he defends when questioned on it by Hisao indicates Hideaki has done a Corporal Klinger and has come to actually like it now. Kind of a self-inflicted "fake it till you make it".
Misha actually is bisexual, she just happens to be focused solely on Shizune, and therefore didn't really enjoy sex with Hisao. If Hisao had confessed attraction to HER instead of Shizune, she likely would have turned him down at first... then reciprocated fully later on after thinking on it more.
I had this too, and it's a good way to justify a pseudoroute, but dev statements have ruined this one for me and relegated it to fanfic territory only. :(
Shizune is mute by choice, not because she was born a deaf/mute. (this is going off of the fact that in the VN proper she attempts at stifling noises she makes during sex/other times, which implies she's not fully mute).
I take this as pretty much canon.

Regarding Rin's music preferences, I picture a playlist something like this:
  • Philip Glass
  • Kraftwerk
  • David Bowie
  • Cabaret Voltaire
  • Björk
  • My Bloody Valentine
  • Robert Fripp
  • Sonic Youth
NB: none of the above is a request

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Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Post by bhtooefr »

It's my headcanon that Hanako wishes she could be the dominant partner in a relationship. This is part of why she, in my headcanon, decided to repress any attraction she had to Lilly. (And, I think this is largely based on the "I want to have control" lyric from Radiohead's Creep, which my mind immediately associated with my internal ship of her with Akira, from both directions. Hanako and Akira both think of themselves as the creep that doesn't belong there. (And, really, "your skin makes me cry" is one hell of a lyric for that relationship.))

Conversely, though, Lilly doesn't actually want to be the dominant partner in her own relationships, but finds that she slips into that role. (That is based on her intentionally provoking Hisao into getting on top and, for lack of a better word, fucking her.)

Hanako likes absurdly spicy food in my headcanon. Actually, she has a rather high pain tolerance in general, and may even find it in certain contexts to be pleasurable. (Candle play is right out for her, though. In fact, I mentally have candles as a major PTSD trigger for her, even though for the most part the fire didn't seem to fuck her up too badly mentally, thanks to H29 - Future.)

Also, my headcanon is that Hanako reached her finish line during her H-scene. This is debatable, she could've faked it, but... it seems like she actually had afterglow and all.

Oh, and re: a Yamaku LGBT (or maybe just expanding to QUILTBAG, or shrinking to GRSM (Gender, Romantic, and Sexual Minorities, which is what I've seen proposed on one forum)) club, I think it's pretty damn sizable. In my headcanon, 3-3 alone could make a sizable one (Naomi, Natsume, Hanako (remember, we're including bisexuals and pansexuals here), Ritsu, Misha, Miki, and Molly) and that's leaving out Kenji (although that's NOT my headcanon) from 3-2, Rin from 3-4, the track captain, and his partners.

Suzu is straight as an arrow, and has had no desire whatsoever to experiment. And, while Miki isn't friends with her, Miki's sure as hell tried to get Suzu to experiment. (Miki's tried with every girl in 3-3, except Shizune. Communication barrier, you see.)

Oh, and this one's from the Nekoverse, but... Rin listens to Koenjihyakkei. (This being the song that was referenced:
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Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Post by dewelar »

Atario wrote:Regarding Rin's music preferences, I picture a playlist something like this:
  • Philip Glass
  • Kraftwerk
  • David Bowie
  • Cabaret Voltaire
  • Björk
  • My Bloody Valentine
  • Robert Fripp
  • Sonic Youth
Some of that seems almost...too normal for Rin :D. However, I'd definitely agree with Björk/The Sugarcubes and Fripp. Throw in Fishbone and Poi Dog Pondering and we're getting somewhere. Also, pretty much anything with a theremin.
bhtooefr wrote:Oh, and this one's from the Nekoverse, but... Rin listens to Koenjihyakkei. (This being the song that was referenced: rock with a hint of avant-garde jazz? Yep. I approve.
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Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Post by Munchenhausen »

Atario wrote:
Munchenhausen wrote:may just have the opposite affect by effectively blocking out all sounds except the ringing, making it more prominent
Would it help to go around with (supra-aural) headphones on all the time, playing mid-volume pink noise?
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that, or something similar, is one form of treatment for it.
And by treatment, I mean symptom inhibitor.
Atario wrote:
"I can't hear the ringing if I can't hear..."
Is that how it works, though? I always thought it was a nerve and/or brain thing…
I don't think it is how it works... I was talking to a deaf guy once who said his ears ring if he smacks his head on something hard enough (by accident, of course). That being said, Takashi in that state was super frustrated and kinda drunk. It became one of those "It made sense at the time" things.
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Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Post by Silentcook »

Atario wrote:
Munchenhausen wrote:So, how long until this thread is completely derailed, just like the once glorious Achievements Thread? (;
Ahhh. I still miss that thread sometimes. One of the funnest things that's happened on this board. Therefore doomed, of course.

-Rin speaks with a Kansai accent, though not in Kansai-ben.

-Emi and Misha "experimented" toghether.

-Kenji is Yuuko's ex-boyfriend.

Now good luck deciding at which level of "official-ness" these statements are. 8)
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Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Post by KeiichiO »

Atario wrote:Regarding Rin's music preferences, I picture a playlist something like this:
  • Philip Glass
  • Kraftwerk
  • David Bowie
  • Cabaret Voltaire
  • Björk
  • My Bloody Valentine
  • Robert Fripp
  • Sonic Youth
I said this earlier, though, I feel I should elaborate more on the subject. I think Rin might like Pink Floyd if she were ever to give them a listen. They're a very psychedelic rock band from the 60's and 70's, and I feel she may be able to connect with their peculiar style. (If you're not familiar with them, click on the link in my siggy. You'll understand everything once you do... Maybe.) I also think she'd appreciate the artistic values of the 1982 Pink Floyd movie 'The Wall'. It has a lot of strange visuals, all of which are animated, and remind me quite a bit of Rin's artwork, or vice versa, rather.

Of course, this is all assuming she could even understand their songs. She is Japanese... I'm sure she could still enjoy them thoroughly, kinda like we can enjoy
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