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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by AaronIsCrunchy »

SpunkySix wrote:Zarys has a point. Hanako is undeniably cute, but it's amazing how fast a lot of people would condemn most of her behaviors and stigmatize them in a much harsher light if she didn't have boobs.
I can understand more of her behaviours because of the scarring, and knowing bits and pieces about her history. I'm not sure how someone could condemn many of her behaviours in all honesty.
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by Zarys »

AaronIsCrunchy wrote:
SpunkySix wrote:Zarys has a point. Hanako is undeniably cute, but it's amazing how fast a lot of people would condemn most of her behaviors and stigmatize them in a much harsher light if she didn't have boobs.
I can understand more of her behaviours because of the scarring, and knowing bits and pieces about her history. I'm not sure how someone could condemn many of her behaviours in all honesty.
Hanako is a special case in the sense that her scars diminish her immediate attractiveness and she is so sickly asociable that it makes less difference,
but I think she still benefits from a lenient by her gender. (If she was a boy, she would receive less pity and more scorn even in Yamaku; I can't imagine what would have to undergo a male Hanako in his former college :| ...)
It's more that the personnality of a girl is less considered than her appearance, it's not also a good thing (obviously, even if I don't think being considered by our appareance is really worse than be considered by our eloquence) but I think that a ugly shy chick would also suffer from this discrimination. (or at least ignored by mens and despised by women)

If Hanako out of her shell at the end, it is clear that she will never be the more outgoing of people, but I think that a male Hanako even to the best of his social potential would never reach the level of sociality required for a men, (Just look at the number of men who are regarded as total weirdos for practically nothing, normal social ankwardness; I've never seen a man with real social problems, such as mental disorders, become really integrate into society or really desirable to the opposite sex) and I can see a male friend who is like Lilly (with a less demonstrative affection), but not a woman do for a male Hanako what Hisao did. (Even story-wise, Hisao is compared to Hanako, but must be a less serious case to be able to take the initiative or act normaly; the male character who is the closest to have a real social problem is Kenji, and he is played for laughs, implied that he is just a dork and will pass this "phase" by itself or "deserves" to be like this all his life, he don't get his graduation in the Shizune's Route; and deserves to be despised; and he is critized to have strange but "manly asocial" interests directly connected to his social problems; where the interests of Hanako are "girly introverted" and seen as cute but always directly connected to her social problems; I think that such differential treatment is unintentional, but still shows some truth in the way most people feel about those with social problems since their gender: males are minimized, seen as clowns and a teenage phase or deserve their fate because they are idiots; and females are taken more seriously, with the idea that the origin of their problems must come from a legitimate injury, and more tolerated; even if it's only because a attractive women is still attractive even with a strange personnality)

Aaron, you have a good point, (at least you consider her for her past and all, not her cutness), but most people who have similar problems may not have been traumatic episodes or disfigurements, it's more banal things like "social awkwardness early in childhood (such as problems of utterances, an look a little more stupid than normal) This prevents normal socialization and may continue until the end of adolescence and even beyond."
So you would not understand someone who would act like Hanako without having her past and her scarring ? and you're that if this "someone" is a adult male, you would no more tend to think he is just a weirdos ?
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by Khalego »

Zarys wrote:
AaronIsCrunchy wrote:
SpunkySix wrote:Zarys has a point. Hanako is undeniably cute, but it's amazing how fast a lot of people would condemn most of her behaviors and stigmatize them in a much harsher light if she didn't have boobs.
I can understand more of her behaviours because of the scarring, and knowing bits and pieces about her history. I'm not sure how someone could condemn many of her behaviours in all honesty.
If she was a boy, she would receive less pity and more scorn even in Yamaku
This assuming that Yamaku is full of unfair judgmental jerks. Barring one unsprited girl who thinks Hanako is a reclusive oddball late in her route, I haven't had that experience yet...I'd imagine at Yamaku they've learned better than to judge based on silly non-factors like presence (or lack thereof) of a penis.
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by CoffeeDrive »

Khalego wrote:
Zarys wrote:
AaronIsCrunchy wrote: I can understand more of her behaviours because of the scarring, and knowing bits and pieces about her history. I'm not sure how someone could condemn many of her behaviours in all honesty.
If she was a boy, she would receive less pity and more scorn even in Yamaku
This assuming that Yamaku is full of unfair judgmental jerks. Barring one unsprited girl who thinks Hanako is a reclusive oddball late in her route, I haven't had that experience yet...I'd imagine at Yamaku they've learned better than to judge based on silly non-factors like presence (or lack thereof) of a penis.
Yamaku is a highschool, while they most probably are unlikely to make fun of anyone for a physical disability, as chances are they have one of their own, there will be situations where their personalities can cause clashes, and just because its a highschool for the physically impaired, it dosen't mean that the reclusive oddball within them is no longer the reclusive oddball, people will still see them like that.
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by SpunkySix »

AaronIsCrunchy wrote:
SpunkySix wrote:Zarys has a point. Hanako is undeniably cute, but it's amazing how fast a lot of people would condemn most of her behaviors and stigmatize them in a much harsher light if she didn't have boobs.
I can understand more of her behaviours because of the scarring, and knowing bits and pieces about her history. I'm not sure how someone could condemn many of her behaviours in all honesty.
Playing the tile game, drawing sad pictures, following somebody else around like a puppy dog, and generally being super timid are things that are much less likely to be perceived as "cute" in a young man and equally more likely to be seen as weird and/or weak.
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by Atario »

LordMarluxia wrote:
Khalego wrote:
Why is that ironic? :? Favorite part of my (not-quite) favorite girl...Akira's suit. SWAG. :D
Fixed. ^-^
"Swag" is for children. Akira's a woman. A sharp one.
Zarys wrote:What is a "dweeb" ?
SpunkySix wrote:Hanako is undeniably cute, but it's amazing how fast a lot of people would condemn most of her behaviors and stigmatize them in a much harsher light if she didn't have boobs.
I'd almost be willing to bet those same people got Hanako's bad or neutral ending on their first try at her.
NB: none of the above is a request

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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by KeiichiO »

SpunkySix wrote:Playing the tile game, drawing sad pictures, following somebody else around like a puppy dog, and generally being super timid are things that are much less likely to be perceived as "cute" in a young man and equally more likely to be seen as weird and/or weak.
That's pretty fucked up, if you ask me. Society needs to stop being so goddamn judgmental.
Atario wrote:"Swag" is for children. Akira's a woman. A sharp one.
Indeed. This could totally be Akira's theme song. Of course, you'd change a few gender pronouns accordingly...
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by LordMarluxia »

AaronIsCrunchy wrote:I can understand more of her behaviours because of the scarring, and knowing bits and pieces about her history. I'm not sure how someone could condemn many of her behaviours in all honesty.
I know for a fact that if it's a guy, everyone is going to have a good laugh.
It's the double standard through and through.
KeiichiO wrote:
Atario wrote:"Swag" is for children. Akira's a woman. A sharp one.
Indeed. This could totally be Akira's theme song. Of course, you'd change a few gender pronouns accordingly...
That fits her very nicely. And saying she has swag is a just a joke.
In all seriousness Akira looks very classy, her suits fits her like a glove. Sexy as fuck man...
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by AussieInquisitor »

Megumeru wrote:
LordMarluxia wrote:
Broomhead wrote:We need an over-rustle counter. If you over-rustle three factions the thread gets shut down and we find the perp and dissect him. Forcefully.
If a member over-rustles three factions he gets each factions name and a message tattoed on his/hers body.

I can just imagine the perp. His back says: "Best regards from Hanabro Army", his left boob "No clouds today, Rinfidel Inquisitorial Group", and above his right knee "Cut here, signed Emibro Execution Squad"

And then we can proceed to dissection. Forceful dissection.
I guess that leaves the Shizuists and Lilithians to sit back and share popcorns
Well, I suspect there would also be:

- A note (in blood-stained Braille) stamped across his forehead: "Judged by the Lilquisition"; and
- Just barely visible across his jaw: '"Fired. Shizune Hakamichi, CEO."
In all seriousness Akira looks very classy, her suits fits her like a glove. Sexy as fuck man...
Yep, she certainly has a ... class of charm, all of her own, doesn't she?
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by LordMarluxia »

AussieInquisitor wrote:Well, I suspect there would also be:

- A note (in blood-stained Braille) stamped across his forehead: "Judged by the Lilquisition"; and
- Just barely visible across his jaw: '"Fired. Shizune Hakamichi, CEO."
In all seriousness Akira looks very classy, her suits fits her like a glove. Sexy as fuck man...
Yep, she certainly has a ... class of charm, all of her own, doesn't she?
I liked that "fired" one.
Hanabros could add to the party be translating the braille to words in the back of the head. That way everybody can understand! Shame to the max!
Reading: Kafka on the Shore - Haruki Murakami; Fractured - Karin Slaughter
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by AaronIsCrunchy »

SpunkySix wrote:
AaronIsCrunchy wrote:
SpunkySix wrote:Zarys has a point. Hanako is undeniably cute, but it's amazing how fast a lot of people would condemn most of her behaviors and stigmatize them in a much harsher light if she didn't have boobs.
I can understand more of her behaviours because of the scarring, and knowing bits and pieces about her history. I'm not sure how someone could condemn many of her behaviours in all honesty.
Playing the tile game, drawing sad pictures, following somebody else around like a puppy dog, and generally being super timid are things that are much less likely to be perceived as "cute" in a young man and equally more likely to be seen as weird and/or weak.
Yeah, I see where you're coming from now. Seems pretty stupid that it would be really, particularly given that there'd be a bloody good reason for that.
I'm definitely guilty of at least 2 of those listed things, sometimes 3.
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by Zarys »

AaronIsCrunchy wrote: Aaaaah...
Yeah, I see where you're coming from now. Seems pretty stupid that it would be really, particularly given that there'd be a bloody good reason for that.
I'm definitely guilty of at least 2 of those listed things, sometimes 3.
Uh explain ? what is stupid ? what is the bloody good reason for that ? and you are guilty of what ? :?
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by SpunkySix »

Zarys wrote:
AaronIsCrunchy wrote: Aaaaah...
Yeah, I see where you're coming from now. Seems pretty stupid that it would be really, particularly given that there'd be a bloody good reason for that.
I'm definitely guilty of at least 2 of those listed things, sometimes 3.
and you are guilty of what ? :?
He's guilty of treason for becoming a Rinbro all of a sudden on me. :roll:
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by AaronIsCrunchy »

SpunkySix wrote:
Zarys wrote:
AaronIsCrunchy wrote: Aaaaah...
Yeah, I see where you're coming from now. Seems pretty stupid that it would be really, particularly given that there'd be a bloody good reason for that.
I'm definitely guilty of at least 2 of those listed things, sometimes 3.
and you are guilty of what ? :?
He's guilty of treason for becoming a Rinbro all of a sudden on me. :roll:
I... I'm sorry Spunky-chan :'( I just... can't fight it any more. As much as I still like the twintails, the red-headed one is now the object of my interest.

And Zarys, it was me realising what SpunkySix meant by the double-standards and why they'd exist.
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by Zarys »

The double-standards are justified by bloody good reasons ? :?
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— Porky Minch

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