Random KS Discussion

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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by Potato »

CoffeeDrive wrote:
Zarys wrote:
CoffeeDrive wrote:
Ah so that explains why Rin Hisao is the single most retarded person on the planet.
I have nothing against Rin, but she is not the prettiest girls of the game. (Otherwise her fan-art would look like her official art)
Nah, its good. Shizune is the sex-on-legs of the group anyway.
True. Thigh highs, man. Thigh highs. :mrgreen:
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by Zarys »

CoffeeDrive wrote:
Zarys wrote:
CoffeeDrive wrote:
Ah so that explains why Rin Hisao is the single most retarded person on the planet.
I have nothing against Rin, but she is not the prettiest girls of the game. (Otherwise her fan-art would look like her official art)
Nah, its good. Shizune is the sex-on-legs of the group anyway.

Everyone can agree on the fact that Lilly-Hanako-Shizune are goddman pretty. (and Emi if you like lolicon); at this point it's really a matter of personal taste I think. (I have a weakness for Hanako but I admit that Shizune and Lilly are better for their own kind of beauty.)
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by CoffeeDrive »

Potato wrote:
True. Thigh highs, man. Thigh highs. :mrgreen:
Completely agreed.
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by SpunkySix »

Zarys wrote:(and Emi if you like lolicon)
...I'll allow it this time. I'm watching you, though.
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by Liminaut »

Sohtak wrote:
brythain wrote:
Potato wrote:His chances are better in Emi's route.
His chances relatively suck in Lilly's route, I'd have to say...

Dude I HATED Hisao in Lillys route. The guy is an idiot and for some unexplicable reason his heart is like...20000000000000000000000x more fragile than it is in ANY other route. And it bugs the hell out of me.

Hisao why is your heart so sensative in Lillys!
Hisao's heart beats at the speed of plot.

That's actually something I liked about Lilly's route: Hisao's heart actually mattered. One thing I disliked about KS in general is that I would figure that sex period would be damn near suicidal for Hisao, especially after spending four months in a hospital bed. At least in Lilly's it's pointed out that it's OK if Lilly is doing the work, not so much if it's Hisao that's really working.
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by Liminaut »

It's taken my an embarrassingly long time, but I finally figured out that Akira and Hideaki are mirror characters.

Akira is a female that dresses in a masculine manner, and Hideaki is a male that dresses in a feminine manner.

It's interesting that no-one in the forums comments on anything wrong with how Akira dresses, but Hideaki's style is an issue.
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by KeiichiO »

Liminaut wrote:It's interesting that no-one in the forums comments on anything wrong with how Akira dresses, but Hideaki's style is an issue.
I don't think Hideaki dressing femininely is an issue. I think him dressing like a total spazz is an issue :lol: But far be it from me to tell someone how to dress, especially since I walk around in my pajamas all the time...
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by SpunkySix »

Liminaut wrote:It's interesting that no-one in the forums comments on anything wrong with how Akira dresses, but Hideaki's style is an issue.
Well, I don't take issue with either, but Hideaki looks odd while Akira looks suave, so it's a little different.
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by AaronIsCrunchy »

Zarys wrote:
CoffeeDrive wrote:
Ah so that explains why Rin Hisao is the single most retarded person on the planet.
I have nothing against Rin, but she is the less pretty girls of the game. (Otherwise her fan-art would look like her official art)
I for one happen to like both her official art and the fan-art.
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by Sohtak »

You know one thing I'm surprised with is that they didn't write it any complication with Hisao's medicine and all the STUPID shit he does, Drinking, Smoking etc...You imagine at least one of those 17 pills says "Don't drink booze you idiot!"

Also I accepted Hidaeki alot faster than I did Akira for some reason. Like when I first saw Akira I was like "Oh so Lillys sister is a tomboy" because I could have sworn she was a man and Lilly just played a joke saying her sister :S
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by KeiichiO »

Zarys wrote:I have nothing against Rin, but she is the less pretty girls of the game. (Otherwise her fan-art would look like her official art)
I think she could be 'pretty' if she wanted to, she just doesn't care. Plus, her personality kinda overrides any physical appearance she could ever have.

And I happen to find Rin adorable, so there.
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by AaronIsCrunchy »

Sohtak wrote:You know one thing I'm surprised with is that they didn't write it any complication with Hisao's medicine and all the STUPID shit he does, Drinking, Smoking etc...You imagine at least one of those 17 pills says "Don't drink booze you idiot!"

Also I accepted Hidaeki alot faster than I did Akira for some reason. Like when I first saw Akira I was like "Oh so Lillys sister is a tomboy" because I could have sworn she was a man and Lilly just played a joke saying her sister :S
I think there was Hisao accepting the risk of smoking on Hisao's heart, although the drink one IS interesting actually. I guess he might have been told in the hospital not to drink, in a side scene, but yeah, surely one would. Still, he seemed to get away with it, both the smoking and the drinking.
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by Liminaut »

SpunkySix wrote:
Liminaut wrote:It's interesting that no-one in the forums comments on anything wrong with how Akira dresses, but Hideaki's style is an issue.
Well, I don't take issue with either, but Hideaki looks odd while Akira looks suave, so it's a little different.
If Hideaki was a girl of that age, the way Hideaki dresses would be (I think) a non-issue. It's really about societal norms -- women can dress like men but men dressing as women is taboo.
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by SpunkySix »

Rin is super pretty, she's just not conventionally pretty.

Show of hands, who else was suspicious of the shmexy possible dude in a suit until they found out it was a chick and not a trap?
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by KeiichiO »

SpunkySix wrote:Show of hands, who else was suspicious of the shmexy possible dude in a suit until they found out it was a chick and not a trap?
I was. In 1998. When I found out Sheik was Zelda.
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