Yin and Yang, Hideaki x Miki "Route"
- Posts: 4
- Joined: Tue Apr 03, 2012 4:04 am
Yin and Yang, Hideaki x Miki "Route"
Hello all, Kyro here. Decided that I would make my first appearance on this board a little of an unorthodox route idea, based on an old group RP I was a part of. Not my first KS fan fiction, but one of the first that I am going to actively present for other people to really review, so... here is to hoping I don't mess this up too bad, right? Haha. Critiques and comments are appreciated, but I swear if you aren't helpful, then... I will eat your babies. Thanks ^.^;
Edit: Broke up larger paragraphs, to address bulk issue. Next post also coming soon.
Scene 1: A Festive Meeting
It is the day of the Yamaku festival, and I can't help but feel the tension in the air. Father is uncharacteristically quiet today, and I can tell that he is less than enthused about being on the school campus for any kind of celebration. He was the same way last year, and the year before as well. Something about it seems to bother him, as though it were a crime against nature to be able to be happy about anything at a school for the disabled. I sigh quietly as we walk through the metal gates together, into the roaring crowd that has already gathered. "She should have already been out here to meet us!" His voice is loud, even compared to the crowd, and I simply look away as he scans the crowd for any sign of Shizune. It seems it is futile. As we continue through the mess of people, I can't help but stare longingly at a few of the stands we pass. Smiling students serve food and drinks to the many people around, and I can see more than a few children enjoying the various other attractions around. I look to Father and hope that maybe we can slow down a bit to enjoy things even slightly, but he is already lost to himself. I sigh once more.
"Who does she think she is?!" Father seems more aggravated as we continue on, and after a moment I notice his phone held in his outstretched hand. Apparently he has taken to calling her for a response. I refuse to point out the futility of such a thing. Even if Shizune had decided to leave her phone on vibrate, there would hardly be much of a point in her answering. In fact, the entire idea seems rather inefficient, considering that as he has distracted himself with his phone, I have just noticed my sister standing across the grass next to Misha and another person I've never met before. Average looking, with solemn looking features, I assume he must be a new student. Considering the nature of the school, it shouldn't be too unusual to see people transferring in throughout the year. The two girls are overlooking the festival with a look of pride and satisfaction, and apparently have yet to notice Father and I. I can't help but feel like this is one of the few cases where that is even possible.
I try drawing Father's attention for a few moments. At first it is strictly vocal, but soon I have resorted to pulling at his sleeve tenderly. Whether he genuinely doesn't notice or is actively ignoring it, it takes more than a few tries before he finally looks down at me, his face rather clearly annoyed seeming, with his swiftly contorting lips pressing me to make my point. Quite literally. I point forward to where the three of them stand, no words being needed before he looks over and pushes forward, rushing like a beast having just spotted his prey. "Wahaha~ Hey, Hidea-" Misha had barely made her way through a greeting before Father has her cut off, an immediate set of sparks flying between my family members. It is strange. The meeting of Shizune's silence with Father's rather uncontrolled volume make for an interesting effect as they go at each other. Though I do have to stifle a giggle as I see the rather disturbed look on the face of the young man that has been sitting here with the girls. He is half slumped over as he looks at the spat with a look of terror. I shift mildly as I consider my words, before sighing for a third time just since arriving. This is going to be a long day.
"Sorry if I am imposing or anything, but you must be new. I'm Shizune's younger brother. You may call me Hakamichi if you prefer, but Hideaki will suffice." He tilts his head in what seems like confusion for a moment as he looks over me, before nodding and reaching out his hand for a shake. I grasp it carefully and then wait to see if he responds. "Ahh...yeah... Nakai. I'm... Nakai. Hisao Nakai." His voice stammers on slightly, and I'm not quite sure if he is naturally shy, or simply thrown off by some element of the situation. I nod to him and look around. I'm not quite sure what else to say, given the circumstances. "Errr...Do they do this a lot?" He looks back over at Father in particular and scratches his head. I nod my head again, and look away. "Most of their time together is like this, actually. Though I can't exactly say that it happens often, as the two of them are usually a bit reluctant to see each other." He frowns a bit as I say it. I feel a bit remorseful for it; I didn't mean to force any kind of sympathy out of him. This is just how they have always been. As far as I remember, anyway. I look back towards him, but it seems he has once again gotten caught up in watching the scene unfold. Perhaps now is a good chance to go back and try some of that food. I doubt Father will even notice that I am missing. By this point, it seems like Hisao and Misha have started their ow conversation, so I decide to just wander off.
I dig through my memory a bit as I walk, and find myself settling on a stall before too long. It seems familiar. As the line shortens, it seems like my memory has served well, as I see a tall, blonde figure moving about within the stand. Sure enough, I come face to face with her as I reach the front of the line. "Good day, and welcome to Yamaku Academy. I do hope that you are enjoying the festival. May I help you with anything?" I smile slightly in response to the calming air about her. "Lilly, it's me, Hideaki." I announce myself casually to my blind cousin as I stare up at the menu. "Cousin Hideaki? Is your father not with you?" I stifle a giggle as she makes a slight face in her confusion. Yes, it would be rather difficult for her to miss him had he been present, even without sight. "Father and Shizune are..." I trail off a bit, and I see a look of understanding cross her face. "I see. Well, is there anything I can help you with?" I still can't quite decide what I would like, having so few opportunities to really try many festival foods. "Was just looking for something to eat. Anything you might recommend is fine with me." She smiles and calls out something to one of the other workers. "Strange to see you around by yourself, isn't it? Unless someone else is about?" She tilts her head curiously and I giggle.
"Even I can not stand much of the sparring matches between Shizune and Father..." I feel a bit bad as I see the look this thought brings to Lilly's face, but she covers it quickly and nods. "I'm glad that you are getting out more on your own, at any rate," she continues carefully, seeming as though she is trying to keep from overstepping. Even with me, it seems my cousin is very cautious about her formality. "Perhaps you will find a reason to get out even more in the future." I nod and concur, and it is only a few more moments before I am being handed a plate of some kind of mixed noodles. I smile and thank Lilly, as I hand her the payment from my allowance. I watch her trace out a few coins with her slender fingers with a hint of interest, but am caught off guard as she speaks again. "Hanako is likely inside the library if I had to guess. I know you two rarely speak much, but it could be worth your time to offer her a visit if you are looking to get away from the noise."
I thank my cousin once again as I pocket my change, and make my way off to the side a bit. I sit on a decorative wall, near an apparently new mural painting. The very appearance of it just leaves me a bit confused, so I try to keep my attention away from it as I start to eat my meal. Yet even from here, I can hear the drifting sound of Father's voice as he echoes above the crowd. I know he means well, but... Is it too much to ask to have a quiet visit to, well, anywhere really. He really is a man stuck in his ways. Perhaps I will take Lilly's advice. So, narrowly sidestepping a light haired speeding bullet, I make my way along the path to the main entrance to the school building. It s rather quiet, considering the number of students I'd expect to be going to visit their classrooms and such with their parents. Perhaps it is a bit too early or too late to see much of that. Either way, it seems like I am one of the only people around at the moment. I'd be the only one, if it were not for a lone figure standing right before the door, seemingly mumbling. I approach. I am fairly certain that it is a girl, with dark features all around. Her hands disappear under a lopsided box coated with a plate perched on top, and her hair whips a bit back and forth as she shakes her head in frustration before the door. "Stupid Suzu and her parents. Stupid Emi running off. Stupid festival. So laaaame~!" I can't quite tell if she is just letting off steam or truly laughing at herself, but I can't help but feel a bit nervous as I approach the door.
"Do you need a hand with that?" I try to remember to speak a bit more casually when I finally reach her, just as my cousin Akira keeps telling me. She says that I try too hard to please everyone and should just relax. 'Casual never hurt anyone.' The girl shifts the box slightly to her one side and moves her one arm out of under it. Distracted for a moment by the precarious balancing act of the box, it takes a bit for me to notice that there is simply a bandage and then nothing where her hand should be. I feel myself flush red. "How kind of you to notice." Her words are playfully at worst, but I can't help but feel guilty. "I didn't... I mean, that's not..." My words struggle to escape my lips for a few moments before she giggles a bit at my expense. I feel like this is all the time she needs to take in my appearance, since after her laugh she seems to step back suddenly, nearly throwing off the contents of her plate. I turn red again and look away. "Sorry, is...is something wrong?" She shakes her head swiftly and a sad looking expression adorns her face. "No, no... I'm sorry. You just reminded me a lot of someone there for a moment. You wouldn't happen to know-"
I decide to cut her off there. Though it feels weird to do so, I have heard the question far too many times to care to have it completed once again. "Shizune, right? You must be in class 3-3 with her." She nods and places her handless wrist up toward her neck in a nervous gesture. "She is my sister. Older, obviously. I came with my father to visit her, but... " I stop short, struggling to find what is truly polite to say in this situation. She seems to pick up on my hesitation, however, and interrupts, bringing us back to our initial exchange. "What do you say we bring this encounter inside?" She nudges her head toward the door. I nod quickly and open the door, holding it wide enough for her to maneuver through without having much problem with her package.
"So, Hakamichi..." She addresses me as we step forward into the hall, my eyes staring along the hallway. I've never had a good chance to really look when we have visited before, but the entire campus of Yamaku is really something. Still, I find my eyes wandering back to this girl just as often. "Hideaki...err... you may call me Hideaki. If you'd like." She smiles and nods. "I'm Miura. Miki Miura." Miki... It seems like a nice name. I am about to say so, but feel my cheeks heating up slightly. I wonder why...
"So, Hideaki, what brings you inside during a perfectly good festival?" I look back at the door. "Quieter than outside, really. I couldn't bear the noise anymore, and decided I might try to visit a friend on campus, as well. What about yourself? That is, if it isn't too rude to ask..." I turn away a bit and she laughs. "The main reason was to try to find my friend Suzu... I kind of was hoping to bring her some food since she probably will end up forgetting, and see if I could also get a hand getting back into my dorm. Since... Kind of ended up getting this package today and was having a hard time with doors... Obviously. Though would you believe me if I said I also wanted to avoid your sister a bit? I...didn't really meet her standards for festival preparation." I let out a slight giggle and scratch my head. "Not only would I believe it, but I would almost encourage it."
She smiles and looks down the hallway a bit. "What do you say we help each other out here? I'm not sure who you're looking for, but Suzu can't be too easy to miss. Bright blue and sleeps a lot." I laugh a bit and turn away. "Do you know Ikezawa?" Miki looks up for a second before nodding. "Shy burned chick?" I grimace a bit at the unfortunate, albeit accurate description. "I wouldn't let her hear you say it like that." She nods and looks a bit embarrassed. "I'm a bit surprised, though...You seem to know quite a few people around here. And considering how few people Ikezawa seems to even be able to look at without running..." I nod shyly and look down at my feet. "It's a long story."
She seems to take my word for it, and we continue on through the hallways together, keeping our eyes open for either of our targets. We pass by class 3-3, we head by a few other rooms, and even stop by the library, where Miki receives a slight scolding for nearly flinging around Suzu's dinner. I am honestly surprised how fun just walking around like this is. Through the window, I can see that the sun is lower in the sky. I sigh, but smile, and look over to Miki. "Seems like they must have moved on to something else." She smirks and shrugs. "Damn it. So much for that idea." I giggle a bit and shrug. "Well, I have to admit that I don't really mind how the night turned out." She smirks. "Come on now, it's still not over, you know... I mean, considering everything, I might need you to come back to my room." My face turns beet red for at least a few moments as she laughs playfully. "Calm down there, Stockings... I just need your help with my box here so I can get into my room. I could just set it down, but I don't really trust anyone with my stuff. You seem cool, though. Well... at least if you tried running off with it, I am sure I could catch you and beat you up." I feel the redness fade from my face, but I can't help but feel awkward about how quickly my mind had taken that the wrong way. Nodding my head, I smile, trying to hide the anxious feeling. "Of course, I...I don't mind."
The walk into the girls' dormitory and up to her bedroom passes uneventfully, though as I see the sun resting lower still, I am surprised that I have yet to hear from anyone. Still, I try to ignore the concern and even offer her a small smile when we reach her room. "Actually... I've got the box. Why don't you just grab my key and get the door?" I tilt my head a bit and she gives me a rather unusual look. It seems playful, but it isn't an expression that I am familiar with. "Just reach into my back pocket. It should be easy enough to grab." My mouth opens slightly and I look away. "That's...err..." She just stands there and shrugs. "I've decided that I'd rather keep my hands on the box. So what do you say? Or are you going to leave me stuck here until whenever someone else might show up. There are fireworks out there. I could be standing here for hours! Don't be such a Gaylord about it. Got something against my ass?" She laughs more, and so I stick my hand gently into her pocket after a deep breath. I cover my face with my free hand and let my fingers feel for the key. I think I feel the it, but suddenly she presses my hand between her and the door. I look at her, and she winks. "Just making sure you got a good feel."
I quickly pull the key out and open the door to her room, turning my head away as the door opens. Is it an invasion of privacy to see the inside of a girl's room? I've certainly never really known. My question becomes moot, however, as she places down the box and forcefully pulls me into the room. "So..." she starts casually. "What do you say we finish off Suzu's dinner. She probably ate something on her own time. Probably." I shrug, and Miki starts digging into the plate of food. I take a seat at the end of her bed next to her, and slowly try to relax. "Hey, Stockings-" I turn my head, and she quickly jabs a portion of food into my mouth. It is just so sudden. And...an indirect kiss...?! This is certainly not what I am used to. I can imagine Father picking apart so much of her behavior, but frankly I have found the entire evening to be rather fun.
I finish chewing the food, and look away. "Miki, I..." I feel my words drop off, however, as a sudden touch shocks me into submission. Miki's hand has slid swiftly into my front pocket with a cheery call of "My turn~." I turn away. I try to struggle. Yet I fall back limp for a few moments until I can feel her fingers close firmly around my...cell phone? She pulls her own out of her pocket as well, and within a moment I can hear the telltale beep of the signal being sent. "There, I was afraid that maybe we might not get this chance again. You're a fun kid." She hands me back my phone. "Make sure you talk to me enough. I can be very needy." I blush a bit and nod, trying to wrap my mind back around my previous thought. "Miki, I..." Once again a sensation throws me off, but this time it is the phone in my hand demanding attention. A text message from Father. In no uncertain words, he has asked that I meet him at the gate. Looking at Miki, I sigh. "Thank you for all the fun, Miki. It was great." I produce a wide smile, perhaps my most genuine one of the night. And she simply laughs again.
"I should be thanking you. Fun company, and a good hand when I needed it." She gestures with her unburdened wrist and I flinch a bit. "Which reminds me..." She leans in quickly and kisses me on the cheek. "That, Hideaki, is for being such a gentleman. Don't think too much of it." She says that and offers me a sly wink, as she points down at my phone. "Now... I'm guessing that there is someone waiting for you. Go on. Just... keep in touch, huh?" I nod shyly and walk out of her room swiftly. I move down the hall a bit, narrowly passing by a blue haired girl on the way. I can barely make out her voice as I reach the stairs. "So glad I have dinner waiting, right Miki?" With that, I speed up my pace.
I make it to the gate with sufficient time, finding that my father is still taking his time back. I can see him up the path, still arguing with Shizune as they approach closer and closer to me. How they can continue this much, I haven't a clue. Soon, we part, and Father and I are on our way home in his car. The roads are quiet, and populated mostly by students making their way up or down the hill towards town. I think I spy cousin Lilly, walking alongside Hanako and another person. Hisao, was it? I shake my head as I think, and shrug, and before long my phone vibrates once again, eliciting a strange look from Father. I open it up to see a message awaiting me. From: Miki. I take a look. Rather than any words, I am met with just a picture of her smirking at me playfully. The memory of the kiss to my cheek returns, and I feel my face go bright once more. Then, as I lose myself to that though, my ears are met with the sound of fireworks as flashing lights stimulate my view. Colors everywhere, and various patterns adorning the sky. They are more beautiful than last year's. I watch in silence, as I clutch my phone to my chest.
I can't help but blush a bit as I think of the kid. But... I've just met him. That makes this whole thing wrong. How could I tease him like that all day? And he is so young. Can't be any older than fifteen, maybe?! Double wrong. And I mean... Class Rep's little brother. Holy Hell she would want to kill me if she ever found out. Well... maybe it's not all bad.
Edit: Broke up larger paragraphs, to address bulk issue. Next post also coming soon.
Scene 1: A Festive Meeting
It is the day of the Yamaku festival, and I can't help but feel the tension in the air. Father is uncharacteristically quiet today, and I can tell that he is less than enthused about being on the school campus for any kind of celebration. He was the same way last year, and the year before as well. Something about it seems to bother him, as though it were a crime against nature to be able to be happy about anything at a school for the disabled. I sigh quietly as we walk through the metal gates together, into the roaring crowd that has already gathered. "She should have already been out here to meet us!" His voice is loud, even compared to the crowd, and I simply look away as he scans the crowd for any sign of Shizune. It seems it is futile. As we continue through the mess of people, I can't help but stare longingly at a few of the stands we pass. Smiling students serve food and drinks to the many people around, and I can see more than a few children enjoying the various other attractions around. I look to Father and hope that maybe we can slow down a bit to enjoy things even slightly, but he is already lost to himself. I sigh once more.
"Who does she think she is?!" Father seems more aggravated as we continue on, and after a moment I notice his phone held in his outstretched hand. Apparently he has taken to calling her for a response. I refuse to point out the futility of such a thing. Even if Shizune had decided to leave her phone on vibrate, there would hardly be much of a point in her answering. In fact, the entire idea seems rather inefficient, considering that as he has distracted himself with his phone, I have just noticed my sister standing across the grass next to Misha and another person I've never met before. Average looking, with solemn looking features, I assume he must be a new student. Considering the nature of the school, it shouldn't be too unusual to see people transferring in throughout the year. The two girls are overlooking the festival with a look of pride and satisfaction, and apparently have yet to notice Father and I. I can't help but feel like this is one of the few cases where that is even possible.
I try drawing Father's attention for a few moments. At first it is strictly vocal, but soon I have resorted to pulling at his sleeve tenderly. Whether he genuinely doesn't notice or is actively ignoring it, it takes more than a few tries before he finally looks down at me, his face rather clearly annoyed seeming, with his swiftly contorting lips pressing me to make my point. Quite literally. I point forward to where the three of them stand, no words being needed before he looks over and pushes forward, rushing like a beast having just spotted his prey. "Wahaha~ Hey, Hidea-" Misha had barely made her way through a greeting before Father has her cut off, an immediate set of sparks flying between my family members. It is strange. The meeting of Shizune's silence with Father's rather uncontrolled volume make for an interesting effect as they go at each other. Though I do have to stifle a giggle as I see the rather disturbed look on the face of the young man that has been sitting here with the girls. He is half slumped over as he looks at the spat with a look of terror. I shift mildly as I consider my words, before sighing for a third time just since arriving. This is going to be a long day.
"Sorry if I am imposing or anything, but you must be new. I'm Shizune's younger brother. You may call me Hakamichi if you prefer, but Hideaki will suffice." He tilts his head in what seems like confusion for a moment as he looks over me, before nodding and reaching out his hand for a shake. I grasp it carefully and then wait to see if he responds. "Ahh...yeah... Nakai. I'm... Nakai. Hisao Nakai." His voice stammers on slightly, and I'm not quite sure if he is naturally shy, or simply thrown off by some element of the situation. I nod to him and look around. I'm not quite sure what else to say, given the circumstances. "Errr...Do they do this a lot?" He looks back over at Father in particular and scratches his head. I nod my head again, and look away. "Most of their time together is like this, actually. Though I can't exactly say that it happens often, as the two of them are usually a bit reluctant to see each other." He frowns a bit as I say it. I feel a bit remorseful for it; I didn't mean to force any kind of sympathy out of him. This is just how they have always been. As far as I remember, anyway. I look back towards him, but it seems he has once again gotten caught up in watching the scene unfold. Perhaps now is a good chance to go back and try some of that food. I doubt Father will even notice that I am missing. By this point, it seems like Hisao and Misha have started their ow conversation, so I decide to just wander off.
I dig through my memory a bit as I walk, and find myself settling on a stall before too long. It seems familiar. As the line shortens, it seems like my memory has served well, as I see a tall, blonde figure moving about within the stand. Sure enough, I come face to face with her as I reach the front of the line. "Good day, and welcome to Yamaku Academy. I do hope that you are enjoying the festival. May I help you with anything?" I smile slightly in response to the calming air about her. "Lilly, it's me, Hideaki." I announce myself casually to my blind cousin as I stare up at the menu. "Cousin Hideaki? Is your father not with you?" I stifle a giggle as she makes a slight face in her confusion. Yes, it would be rather difficult for her to miss him had he been present, even without sight. "Father and Shizune are..." I trail off a bit, and I see a look of understanding cross her face. "I see. Well, is there anything I can help you with?" I still can't quite decide what I would like, having so few opportunities to really try many festival foods. "Was just looking for something to eat. Anything you might recommend is fine with me." She smiles and calls out something to one of the other workers. "Strange to see you around by yourself, isn't it? Unless someone else is about?" She tilts her head curiously and I giggle.
"Even I can not stand much of the sparring matches between Shizune and Father..." I feel a bit bad as I see the look this thought brings to Lilly's face, but she covers it quickly and nods. "I'm glad that you are getting out more on your own, at any rate," she continues carefully, seeming as though she is trying to keep from overstepping. Even with me, it seems my cousin is very cautious about her formality. "Perhaps you will find a reason to get out even more in the future." I nod and concur, and it is only a few more moments before I am being handed a plate of some kind of mixed noodles. I smile and thank Lilly, as I hand her the payment from my allowance. I watch her trace out a few coins with her slender fingers with a hint of interest, but am caught off guard as she speaks again. "Hanako is likely inside the library if I had to guess. I know you two rarely speak much, but it could be worth your time to offer her a visit if you are looking to get away from the noise."
I thank my cousin once again as I pocket my change, and make my way off to the side a bit. I sit on a decorative wall, near an apparently new mural painting. The very appearance of it just leaves me a bit confused, so I try to keep my attention away from it as I start to eat my meal. Yet even from here, I can hear the drifting sound of Father's voice as he echoes above the crowd. I know he means well, but... Is it too much to ask to have a quiet visit to, well, anywhere really. He really is a man stuck in his ways. Perhaps I will take Lilly's advice. So, narrowly sidestepping a light haired speeding bullet, I make my way along the path to the main entrance to the school building. It s rather quiet, considering the number of students I'd expect to be going to visit their classrooms and such with their parents. Perhaps it is a bit too early or too late to see much of that. Either way, it seems like I am one of the only people around at the moment. I'd be the only one, if it were not for a lone figure standing right before the door, seemingly mumbling. I approach. I am fairly certain that it is a girl, with dark features all around. Her hands disappear under a lopsided box coated with a plate perched on top, and her hair whips a bit back and forth as she shakes her head in frustration before the door. "Stupid Suzu and her parents. Stupid Emi running off. Stupid festival. So laaaame~!" I can't quite tell if she is just letting off steam or truly laughing at herself, but I can't help but feel a bit nervous as I approach the door.
"Do you need a hand with that?" I try to remember to speak a bit more casually when I finally reach her, just as my cousin Akira keeps telling me. She says that I try too hard to please everyone and should just relax. 'Casual never hurt anyone.' The girl shifts the box slightly to her one side and moves her one arm out of under it. Distracted for a moment by the precarious balancing act of the box, it takes a bit for me to notice that there is simply a bandage and then nothing where her hand should be. I feel myself flush red. "How kind of you to notice." Her words are playfully at worst, but I can't help but feel guilty. "I didn't... I mean, that's not..." My words struggle to escape my lips for a few moments before she giggles a bit at my expense. I feel like this is all the time she needs to take in my appearance, since after her laugh she seems to step back suddenly, nearly throwing off the contents of her plate. I turn red again and look away. "Sorry, is...is something wrong?" She shakes her head swiftly and a sad looking expression adorns her face. "No, no... I'm sorry. You just reminded me a lot of someone there for a moment. You wouldn't happen to know-"
I decide to cut her off there. Though it feels weird to do so, I have heard the question far too many times to care to have it completed once again. "Shizune, right? You must be in class 3-3 with her." She nods and places her handless wrist up toward her neck in a nervous gesture. "She is my sister. Older, obviously. I came with my father to visit her, but... " I stop short, struggling to find what is truly polite to say in this situation. She seems to pick up on my hesitation, however, and interrupts, bringing us back to our initial exchange. "What do you say we bring this encounter inside?" She nudges her head toward the door. I nod quickly and open the door, holding it wide enough for her to maneuver through without having much problem with her package.
"So, Hakamichi..." She addresses me as we step forward into the hall, my eyes staring along the hallway. I've never had a good chance to really look when we have visited before, but the entire campus of Yamaku is really something. Still, I find my eyes wandering back to this girl just as often. "Hideaki...err... you may call me Hideaki. If you'd like." She smiles and nods. "I'm Miura. Miki Miura." Miki... It seems like a nice name. I am about to say so, but feel my cheeks heating up slightly. I wonder why...
"So, Hideaki, what brings you inside during a perfectly good festival?" I look back at the door. "Quieter than outside, really. I couldn't bear the noise anymore, and decided I might try to visit a friend on campus, as well. What about yourself? That is, if it isn't too rude to ask..." I turn away a bit and she laughs. "The main reason was to try to find my friend Suzu... I kind of was hoping to bring her some food since she probably will end up forgetting, and see if I could also get a hand getting back into my dorm. Since... Kind of ended up getting this package today and was having a hard time with doors... Obviously. Though would you believe me if I said I also wanted to avoid your sister a bit? I...didn't really meet her standards for festival preparation." I let out a slight giggle and scratch my head. "Not only would I believe it, but I would almost encourage it."
She smiles and looks down the hallway a bit. "What do you say we help each other out here? I'm not sure who you're looking for, but Suzu can't be too easy to miss. Bright blue and sleeps a lot." I laugh a bit and turn away. "Do you know Ikezawa?" Miki looks up for a second before nodding. "Shy burned chick?" I grimace a bit at the unfortunate, albeit accurate description. "I wouldn't let her hear you say it like that." She nods and looks a bit embarrassed. "I'm a bit surprised, though...You seem to know quite a few people around here. And considering how few people Ikezawa seems to even be able to look at without running..." I nod shyly and look down at my feet. "It's a long story."
She seems to take my word for it, and we continue on through the hallways together, keeping our eyes open for either of our targets. We pass by class 3-3, we head by a few other rooms, and even stop by the library, where Miki receives a slight scolding for nearly flinging around Suzu's dinner. I am honestly surprised how fun just walking around like this is. Through the window, I can see that the sun is lower in the sky. I sigh, but smile, and look over to Miki. "Seems like they must have moved on to something else." She smirks and shrugs. "Damn it. So much for that idea." I giggle a bit and shrug. "Well, I have to admit that I don't really mind how the night turned out." She smirks. "Come on now, it's still not over, you know... I mean, considering everything, I might need you to come back to my room." My face turns beet red for at least a few moments as she laughs playfully. "Calm down there, Stockings... I just need your help with my box here so I can get into my room. I could just set it down, but I don't really trust anyone with my stuff. You seem cool, though. Well... at least if you tried running off with it, I am sure I could catch you and beat you up." I feel the redness fade from my face, but I can't help but feel awkward about how quickly my mind had taken that the wrong way. Nodding my head, I smile, trying to hide the anxious feeling. "Of course, I...I don't mind."
The walk into the girls' dormitory and up to her bedroom passes uneventfully, though as I see the sun resting lower still, I am surprised that I have yet to hear from anyone. Still, I try to ignore the concern and even offer her a small smile when we reach her room. "Actually... I've got the box. Why don't you just grab my key and get the door?" I tilt my head a bit and she gives me a rather unusual look. It seems playful, but it isn't an expression that I am familiar with. "Just reach into my back pocket. It should be easy enough to grab." My mouth opens slightly and I look away. "That's...err..." She just stands there and shrugs. "I've decided that I'd rather keep my hands on the box. So what do you say? Or are you going to leave me stuck here until whenever someone else might show up. There are fireworks out there. I could be standing here for hours! Don't be such a Gaylord about it. Got something against my ass?" She laughs more, and so I stick my hand gently into her pocket after a deep breath. I cover my face with my free hand and let my fingers feel for the key. I think I feel the it, but suddenly she presses my hand between her and the door. I look at her, and she winks. "Just making sure you got a good feel."
I quickly pull the key out and open the door to her room, turning my head away as the door opens. Is it an invasion of privacy to see the inside of a girl's room? I've certainly never really known. My question becomes moot, however, as she places down the box and forcefully pulls me into the room. "So..." she starts casually. "What do you say we finish off Suzu's dinner. She probably ate something on her own time. Probably." I shrug, and Miki starts digging into the plate of food. I take a seat at the end of her bed next to her, and slowly try to relax. "Hey, Stockings-" I turn my head, and she quickly jabs a portion of food into my mouth. It is just so sudden. And...an indirect kiss...?! This is certainly not what I am used to. I can imagine Father picking apart so much of her behavior, but frankly I have found the entire evening to be rather fun.
I finish chewing the food, and look away. "Miki, I..." I feel my words drop off, however, as a sudden touch shocks me into submission. Miki's hand has slid swiftly into my front pocket with a cheery call of "My turn~." I turn away. I try to struggle. Yet I fall back limp for a few moments until I can feel her fingers close firmly around my...cell phone? She pulls her own out of her pocket as well, and within a moment I can hear the telltale beep of the signal being sent. "There, I was afraid that maybe we might not get this chance again. You're a fun kid." She hands me back my phone. "Make sure you talk to me enough. I can be very needy." I blush a bit and nod, trying to wrap my mind back around my previous thought. "Miki, I..." Once again a sensation throws me off, but this time it is the phone in my hand demanding attention. A text message from Father. In no uncertain words, he has asked that I meet him at the gate. Looking at Miki, I sigh. "Thank you for all the fun, Miki. It was great." I produce a wide smile, perhaps my most genuine one of the night. And she simply laughs again.
"I should be thanking you. Fun company, and a good hand when I needed it." She gestures with her unburdened wrist and I flinch a bit. "Which reminds me..." She leans in quickly and kisses me on the cheek. "That, Hideaki, is for being such a gentleman. Don't think too much of it." She says that and offers me a sly wink, as she points down at my phone. "Now... I'm guessing that there is someone waiting for you. Go on. Just... keep in touch, huh?" I nod shyly and walk out of her room swiftly. I move down the hall a bit, narrowly passing by a blue haired girl on the way. I can barely make out her voice as I reach the stairs. "So glad I have dinner waiting, right Miki?" With that, I speed up my pace.
I make it to the gate with sufficient time, finding that my father is still taking his time back. I can see him up the path, still arguing with Shizune as they approach closer and closer to me. How they can continue this much, I haven't a clue. Soon, we part, and Father and I are on our way home in his car. The roads are quiet, and populated mostly by students making their way up or down the hill towards town. I think I spy cousin Lilly, walking alongside Hanako and another person. Hisao, was it? I shake my head as I think, and shrug, and before long my phone vibrates once again, eliciting a strange look from Father. I open it up to see a message awaiting me. From: Miki. I take a look. Rather than any words, I am met with just a picture of her smirking at me playfully. The memory of the kiss to my cheek returns, and I feel my face go bright once more. Then, as I lose myself to that though, my ears are met with the sound of fireworks as flashing lights stimulate my view. Colors everywhere, and various patterns adorning the sky. They are more beautiful than last year's. I watch in silence, as I clutch my phone to my chest.
I can't help but blush a bit as I think of the kid. But... I've just met him. That makes this whole thing wrong. How could I tease him like that all day? And he is so young. Can't be any older than fifteen, maybe?! Double wrong. And I mean... Class Rep's little brother. Holy Hell she would want to kill me if she ever found out. Well... maybe it's not all bad.
Last edited by kyroshinai on Fri Jul 25, 2014 4:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Yin and Yang, Hideaki x Miki "Route"
So amusing. Much anticipated future chapters. 

Post-Yamaku, what happens? After The Dream is a mosaic that follows everyone to the (sometimes) bitter end.
Main Index (Complete)—Shizune/Lilly/Emi/Hanako/Rin/Misha + Miki + Natsume
Secondary Arcs: Rika/Mutou/Akira • Hideaki | Others (WIP): Straw—A Dream of Suzu • Sakura—The Kenji Saga.
"Much has been lost, and there is much left to lose." — Tim Powers, The Drawing of the Dark (1979)
Main Index (Complete)—Shizune/Lilly/Emi/Hanako/Rin/Misha + Miki + Natsume
Secondary Arcs: Rika/Mutou/Akira • Hideaki | Others (WIP): Straw—A Dream of Suzu • Sakura—The Kenji Saga.
"Much has been lost, and there is much left to lose." — Tim Powers, The Drawing of the Dark (1979)
- Mirage_GSM
- Posts: 6154
- Joined: Mon Jun 28, 2010 2:24 am
- Location: Germany
Re: Yin and Yang, Hideaki x Miki "Route"
I suggest using more line breaks/smaller paragraphs.
Interesting pairing, and I realize you had to move things along quickly, because the two would have few opportunities to meet outside the festival, but still Miki trying to all but seduce a kid on their first meeting is a bit... strange.
Interesting pairing, and I realize you had to move things along quickly, because the two would have few opportunities to meet outside the festival, but still Miki trying to all but seduce a kid on their first meeting is a bit... strange.
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune
My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
Sore wa himitsu desu.griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
- Posts: 390
- Joined: Sat May 31, 2014 3:44 pm
- Location: A nuclear wasteland
Re: Yin and Yang, Hideaki x Miki "Route"
This. All of this.Mirage_GSM wrote:I suggest using more line breaks/smaller paragraphs.
Interesting pairing, and I realize you had to move things along quickly, because the two would have few opportunities to meet outside the festival, but still Miki trying to all but seduce a kid on their first meeting is a bit... strange.
The writing is good, but this fanfic has something which I also saw (and hated) in the Lilly route: the romance is a little rushed. In both, the characters are pretty much instantly into each other at a snap of the fingers, albeit Lilly's route was a tad bit less forceful with it.
Still, slow down the romance, take baby steps, and most importantly, (and this should be obvious), nothing sexual. The FBI gets twitchy about loli stuff.
Otherwise, writing is on par.

The best feeling in the world (FTL)
I am legitimately the only member of this website who unconditionally despises Kenji.
I am legitimately the only member of this website who unconditionally despises Kenji.
- Posts: 4
- Joined: Tue Apr 03, 2012 4:04 am
Re: Yin and Yang, Hideaki x Miki "Route"
I'd just like to thank everyone for the feedback so far, Yeah, definitely the line breaks thing/ smaller paragraphs. Honestly, that was a bit of a side effect of me wanting to get this part done and posted as soon as possible... I wrote the entire thing over the course of two nights and had kept it bunched basically as I wrote it. No time spent really separating out things haha. Now that I have a chance to look back and see how people are receiving it, I will likely focus more on the writing, rather than just kind of power through it. Which isn't to say I plan on leaving a whole lot of time between updates.
Rushed... Definitely. Things definitely feel rushed in this first part. Even Hideaki thinks so. Which... Admittedly I did just to justify them getting to spend more time together, I do have a bit of a story reason why things would progress this way which I hope to have you all see unfold soon. Miki is finding her usual playfulness and attitude coming off as a lot more clingy and flirty, and Hideaki is actually pushing for some kind of attention. Things which I hope to address at least a little in the next update, and probably after. I do know I could have done better with it in this first bit, though, so I appreciate the comments.
For the sexual comment... Meh. I don't really like to include much sex if it doesn't really feel like it aids the story, anyway, so really I don't see that eve being an issue. Though I will offer a correction in that given the participants, that no part of this pairing really constitutes as "loli" haha. But I get the point. Sex was really not on the table, and while I'm not saying it wouldn't be considered... Probably not even likely for this story. Unless I get creative :3
All in all, thanks for the current feedback. I hope to see more from people, and as well I should have another, probably shorter update available in the near future. Woooo~
Rushed... Definitely. Things definitely feel rushed in this first part. Even Hideaki thinks so. Which... Admittedly I did just to justify them getting to spend more time together, I do have a bit of a story reason why things would progress this way which I hope to have you all see unfold soon. Miki is finding her usual playfulness and attitude coming off as a lot more clingy and flirty, and Hideaki is actually pushing for some kind of attention. Things which I hope to address at least a little in the next update, and probably after. I do know I could have done better with it in this first bit, though, so I appreciate the comments.
For the sexual comment... Meh. I don't really like to include much sex if it doesn't really feel like it aids the story, anyway, so really I don't see that eve being an issue. Though I will offer a correction in that given the participants, that no part of this pairing really constitutes as "loli" haha. But I get the point. Sex was really not on the table, and while I'm not saying it wouldn't be considered... Probably not even likely for this story. Unless I get creative :3
All in all, thanks for the current feedback. I hope to see more from people, and as well I should have another, probably shorter update available in the near future. Woooo~
- Craftyatom
- Posts: 381
- Joined: Sun Apr 14, 2013 11:38 pm
- Location: Washington, USA
Re: Yin and Yang, Hideaki x Miki "Route"
I like this, it's a fun, relaxing read, and I'll be glad to see more out, so keep up the good work!
Also, the line "Got something against my ass?" is the funniest thing I've seen in weeks.
Regarding pacing issues, I personally didn't see/feel too much of an issue... But then again, I never have much of an issue with these things, so you should probably take other people's words on the matter.
Oh, and I found a thing, though this is the only one I could see:
Also, the line "Got something against my ass?" is the funniest thing I've seen in weeks.
Regarding pacing issues, I personally didn't see/feel too much of an issue... But then again, I never have much of an issue with these things, so you should probably take other people's words on the matter.
Oh, and I found a thing, though this is the only one I could see:
kyroshinai wrote:By this point, it seems like Hisao and Misha have started their ow conversation, so I decide to just wander off.
Main route: COM(promise)
One-shots: Crafty's One-Shots (Dark Winter Sky, Dreamy, Path of Least Resistance, Project Blue Curtain, and more!)
Old poetry: Google Drive Collection
One-shots: Crafty's One-Shots (Dark Winter Sky, Dreamy, Path of Least Resistance, Project Blue Curtain, and more!)
Old poetry: Google Drive Collection
Re: Yin and Yang, Hideaki x Miki "Route"
It's indeed quite a thing! Can imagine Hisao x Misha, Miki x Hideaki… poor Shizune!Craftyatom wrote:Oh, and I found a thing, though this is the only one I could see:kyroshinai wrote:By this point, it seems like Hisao and Misha have started their ow conversation, so I decide to just wander off.
Post-Yamaku, what happens? After The Dream is a mosaic that follows everyone to the (sometimes) bitter end.
Main Index (Complete)—Shizune/Lilly/Emi/Hanako/Rin/Misha + Miki + Natsume
Secondary Arcs: Rika/Mutou/Akira • Hideaki | Others (WIP): Straw—A Dream of Suzu • Sakura—The Kenji Saga.
"Much has been lost, and there is much left to lose." — Tim Powers, The Drawing of the Dark (1979)
Main Index (Complete)—Shizune/Lilly/Emi/Hanako/Rin/Misha + Miki + Natsume
Secondary Arcs: Rika/Mutou/Akira • Hideaki | Others (WIP): Straw—A Dream of Suzu • Sakura—The Kenji Saga.
"Much has been lost, and there is much left to lose." — Tim Powers, The Drawing of the Dark (1979)
- Posts: 4
- Joined: Tue Apr 03, 2012 4:04 am
Re: Yin and Yang, Hideaki x Miki "Route"
So, ran into a computer issue there and lost what I had typed up to post over here. Hopefully I can have it retyped and ready shortly. Just wanted to apologize for any false hope that came from my last status report 

- Posts: 607
- Joined: Mon Mar 04, 2013 5:03 pm
- Location: Cleveland, OH
Re: Yin and Yang, Hideaki x Miki "Route"
Well it's certainly an interesting pairing. And while it does feel a LITTLE rushed, it's not a major issue or anything. I'll be keeping an eye on this one.
Best girl
Best route
Best route
Re: Yin and Yang, Hideaki x Miki "Route"
A new level of absurd pairing is reached...only a Hanako X Jigoro fanfic can do better.
(and if the fanfic is good, not so uncredible, thus it would be awesome, I propose a title : The Scared and the Beast )

"With my eternal life, I will see the world through to its end. Until everyone who won't like me is gone."
— Porky Minch
"Can you face your fears ?"
— Hanako
I speak from the noise
Souls and shapes, forever twisted
the lost voices of the damned
lure the bringer of despair
— Porky Minch
"Can you face your fears ?"
— Hanako
I speak from the noise
Souls and shapes, forever twisted
the lost voices of the damned
lure the bringer of despair
Re: Yin and Yang, Hideaki x Miki "Route"
I disagree. Shizune X Rin is much less plausible.Zarys wrote:A new level of absurd pairing is reached...only a Hanako X Jigoro fanfic can do better.(and if the fanfic is good, not so uncredible, thus it would be awesome, I propose a title : The Scared and the Beast )
I found out about Katawa Shoujo through the forums of Misfile. There, I am the editor of Misfiled Dreams.
Completed: 100%, including bonus picture. Shizune>Emi>Lilly>Hanako>Rin
Griffon8's Writing
Completed: 100%, including bonus picture. Shizune>Emi>Lilly>Hanako>Rin
Griffon8's Writing
Re: Yin and Yang, Hideaki x Miki "Route"
Plot Twist: Jigoro is the ukeZarys wrote:A new level of absurd pairing is reached...only a Hanako X Jigoro fanfic can do better.(and if the fanfic is good, not so uncredible, thus it would be awesome, I propose a title : The Scared and the Beast )
I write take a look, would you kindly?
I also draw, kind of.
I also draw, kind of.
KeiichiO wrote:You shall now, and forever be known as, "Steinherz, The Great".
Oddball wrote:It's an obvious mistake. Both are disfigured orphans that read alot and both wear green skirts.
- Posts: 4
- Joined: Tue Apr 03, 2012 4:04 am
Re: Yin and Yang, Hideaki x Miki "Route"
Severely late and random author update:
Just in case anyone still cares about this more than I do, this project isn't exactly about to be updated, but it isn't abandoned either. I refuse to let it be cursed out of existence so swiftly. Unfortunately, my laptop is old, decrepit, and hardly qualified to do exist without exploding itself so it has kind of driven me to a few roadblocks in my attempts to write, namely deleting my files, failing to save, and generally lagging too much for me to get a lot done. Still, I am slowly working on making more happen so perhaps if anyone is still interested, I may end up with more here before too long.
Just in case anyone still cares about this more than I do, this project isn't exactly about to be updated, but it isn't abandoned either. I refuse to let it be cursed out of existence so swiftly. Unfortunately, my laptop is old, decrepit, and hardly qualified to do exist without exploding itself so it has kind of driven me to a few roadblocks in my attempts to write, namely deleting my files, failing to save, and generally lagging too much for me to get a lot done. Still, I am slowly working on making more happen so perhaps if anyone is still interested, I may end up with more here before too long.
Re: Yin and Yang, Hideaki x Miki "Route"
Don’t post here because of our interest. Post because of your desire.
I found out about Katawa Shoujo through the forums of Misfile. There, I am the editor of Misfiled Dreams.
Completed: 100%, including bonus picture. Shizune>Emi>Lilly>Hanako>Rin
Griffon8's Writing
Completed: 100%, including bonus picture. Shizune>Emi>Lilly>Hanako>Rin
Griffon8's Writing