Random KS Discussion

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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by Potato »

Forever_ambivalent wrote:I don't want to look like a goddamn spy or a guy from men in black.
Wouldn't you have to wear a suit to look like either of those? :lol: A guy in shades is still miles from an M.I.B. I wouldn't pay any mind unless you had the suit. XD

I think they make light-filtering contact lenses...
I love the interpretation of Pac-Man where he's a just a lowly worker retrieving golf balls left all over the course by the rich masters and the ghosts are all previous workers who got conked on the head and killed by incoming golf balls in the line of duty.
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by Sohtak »

Kibaro wrote:
Sohtak wrote:Man I had my first KS related dream and it didn't even involve Hanako.

It involved Shizune,Misha and Emi

I've been thinking about it all day
moar details:)) were they/you in vn 2D form? 3D? realistic? what happened?:D and I ENVY YOUUU!>_<
Well...They were..I suppose as realistic as you could get, Going off of the VN 2D form. Kind of like..Anime in real life. If that makes any sense :P

It took place in my house...I was hanging out with a friend and suddenly Misha and Shizune..just..show up. For no reason, They just do.

I open the door and let them in the house and they both give me like that "Hey you ;3" Kind of look at me which I shrug off and Misha suddenly vanishes away with my friend until it's just me and Shizune.

I plopped back down on the couch and tried to take a nap until I heard the clicking of a camera and opened my eyes to see Shizune taking a picture of me napping. I asked her why (Without sign language because she can apparently hear in my dream) and she didn't respond. So I just made room on the couch and motioned for her to come over and she cuddled up next to me on the couch, Then I woke up.

Which is strange because..I haven't even touched Shizune's route yet..Hell I haven't even finished Emi's speaking of her....

Emi just..kind of was around. Popping out from behind my fence. Trying to scare me..She was just..there. She had no real purpose to the dream, She just..ran around and was bubbly lol

Edit: So I guess you can say Shizune was the girl I picked in my dreams. Versus RL where I haven't done her route lol
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by Kibaro »

Forever_ambivalent wrote: God is this annoying. I have a condition called photophobia.
photophobia is obvious. You have to wear sunglasses to filter out most of the light. Otherwise you will get a severe headache and possibly a migraine (putting aside how disturbing and painful it is). Very few people believes this condition exists the first time I tell them about it and most just state that I am making it up so that I can look cool or some other shit that makes no sense. Somebody actually decided to take my sunglasses while I was outside just to see if I was correct. Can't put on light filtering contact lenses either because my eyes are too sensitive ( I can't open my eyes in water). I tried but it hurt too much and I couldn't take it out easily.

I just opt to not going outside or if I have to I will go blind using an understanding friend of mine for navigation. People act too much like an ass towards disabilities they have no clue about. Sunglasses attract far too much attention ( which is usually negative for me. I don't want to look like a goddamn spy or a guy from men in black).
why do you care so much if people don't believe you have extreemly sensible eyes to light? (besides being something not that unheard of), i mean do you have to prove yourself to non believers that "looking" at light hurts you? just tell them that it's up to them if they believe it or not, you're not going to hurt yourself just because others don't believe it

if you don't wear a suit and an one earphone thingy you're not coming off as a spy:))
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by brythain »

Kibaro wrote:
Forever_ambivalent wrote:God is this annoying. I have a condition called photophobia… Sunglasses attract far too much attention (which is usually negative for me. I don't want to look like a goddamn spy or a guy from men in black).
why do you care so much if people don't believe you have extreemly sensible eyes to light? ...if you don't wear a suit and an one earphone thingy you're not coming off as a spy:))
I once worked with lachrymator agents—chemicals that are the precursors and relatives of tear gases—as part of my research. I got overexposed over time and I had to wear dark glasses for three years. I always felt a bit awkward, but it was either that or be functionally shortsighted and teary in bright light. It was not as bad as photophobia, but I can understand where F_a is coming from.
Post-Yamaku, what happens? After The Dream is a mosaic that follows everyone to the (sometimes) bitter end.
Main Index (Complete)Shizune/Lilly/Emi/Hanako/Rin/Misha + Miki + Natsume
Secondary Arcs: Rika/Mutou/AkiraHideaki | Others (WIP): Straw—A Dream of SuzuSakura—The Kenji Saga.
"Much has been lost, and there is much left to lose." — Tim Powers, The Drawing of the Dark (1979)
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by Kibaro »

Sohtak wrote:
Well...They were..I suppose as realistic as you could get, Going off of the VN 2D form. Kind of like..Anime in real life. If that makes any sense :P

It took place in my house...I was hanging out with a friend and suddenly Misha and Shizune..just..show up. For no reason, They just do.

I open the door and let them in the house and they both give me like that "Hey you ;3" Kind of look at me which I shrug off and Misha suddenly vanishes away with my friend until it's just me and Shizune.

I plopped back down on the couch and tried to take a nap until I heard the clicking of a camera and opened my eyes to see Shizune taking a picture of me napping. I asked her why (Without sign language because she can apparently hear in my dream) and she didn't respond. So I just made room on the couch and motioned for her to come over and she cuddled up next to me on the couch, Then I woke up.

Which is strange because..I haven't even touched Shizune's route yet..Hell I haven't even finished Emi's speaking of her....

Emi just..kind of was around. Popping out from behind my fence. Trying to scare me..She was just..there. She had no real purpose to the dream, She just..ran around and was bubbly lol

Edit: So I guess you can say Shizune was the girl I picked in my dreams. Versus RL where I haven't done her route lol
ahem, i'm sorry but the word Bubbly is only allowed for Misha, even tho Emi can be like that too:P sorry but it's just how the world works. and yeah, btw are you at emi's route now?:) also short but still seems like a nice dream to have:) and shizune was probably taking pictures of you sleeping as blackmail material for some reason or another:))
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by Forever_ambivalent »

Kibaro wrote:
Forever_ambivalent wrote: God is this annoying. I have a condition called photophobia.
photophobia is obvious. You have to wear sunglasses to filter out most of the light. Otherwise you will get a severe headache and possibly a migraine (putting aside how disturbing and painful it is). Very few people believes this condition exists the first time I tell them about it and most just state that I am making it up so that I can look cool or some other shit that makes no sense. Somebody actually decided to take my sunglasses while I was outside just to see if I was correct. Can't put on light filtering contact lenses either because my eyes are too sensitive ( I can't open my eyes in water). I tried but it hurt too much and I couldn't take it out easily.

I just opt to not going outside or if I have to I will go blind using an understanding friend of mine for navigation. People act too much like an ass towards disabilities they have no clue about. Sunglasses attract far too much attention ( which is usually negative for me. I don't want to look like a goddamn spy or a guy from men in black).
why do you care so much if people don't believe you have extreemly sensible eyes to light? (besides being something not that unheard of), i mean do you have to prove yourself to non believers that "looking" at light hurts you? just tell them that it's up to them if they believe it or not, you're not going to hurt yourself just because others don't believe it

if you don't wear a suit and an one earphone thingy you're not coming off as a spy:))
My school uniform is a black suit. Not uncommon in London.
Its very annoying to have your friends tease you about having a condition. I hate to think that my friends can be such insensitive assholes so I try to explain to them and make them understand. You see, I care about my friends. Its also very annoying to attract so much attention.

How often do you see people wearing sunglasses during winter? Or any other season aside from summer. The sun never dies. I have to wear sunglasses constantly. As Brythain stated it is very awkward and embarrassing and the public give you a lot of funny looks( mostly in winter).
I just decide to walk around blind (with a friend for assistance). Its actually easier for me to do that.
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by Steinherz »

Forever_ambivalent wrote:My school uniform is a black suit. Not uncommon in London.
Its very annoying to have your friends tease you about having a condition. I hate to think that my friends can be such insensitive assholes so I try to explain to them and make them understand. You see, I care about my friends. Its also very annoying to attract so much attention.

How often do you see people wearing sunglasses during winter? Or any other season aside from summer. The sun never dies. I have to wear sunglasses constantly. As Brythain stated it is very awkward and embarrassing and the public give you a lot of funny looks( mostly in winter).
I just decide to walk around blind (with a friend for assistance). Its actually easier for me to do that.
School uniforms: Screwing with people since 1870 :lol:

Also the sunglasses in winter thing: Fairly often over here.
Snow reflects sunlight very well and it's potentially blinding even without having issues with your eyes.
I write take a look, would you kindly?
I also draw, kind of.
KeiichiO wrote:You shall now, and forever be known as, "Steinherz, The Great".
Oddball wrote:It's an obvious mistake. Both are disfigured orphans that read alot and both wear green skirts.
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by Sohtak »

Ugh fucking god damnit man.

Another story down and here I am in tears. I didn't think Emi's route would make me cry. But fucking act 4 man...the emotions were heavy..so heavy.

God damn you fuckers, You couldn't let me live with just Hanako could you?

Though I will say Having sex almost immedately after visting Mr.Ibarazaki's grave is a bit off putting..with tears running down your face...

I'll miss you, Sassy nurse.

And now in my emotional state I'm dreading finishing the game...Once I finish...nothing will be new...There will be no new stories..no new..what about Hisao and Emi's life together?

Oh god..

Last edited by Sohtak on Thu Jul 03, 2014 4:31 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by Kibaro »

Forever_ambivalent wrote: My school uniform is a black suit. Not uncommon in London.
Its very annoying to have your friends tease you about having a condition. I hate to think that my friends can be such insensitive assholes so I try to explain to them and make them understand. You see, I care about my friends. Its also very annoying to attract so much attention.

How often do you see people wearing sunglasses during winter? Or any other season aside from summer. The sun never dies. I have to wear sunglasses constantly. As Brythain stated it is very awkward and embarrassing and the public give you a lot of funny looks( mostly in winter).
I just decide to walk around blind (with a friend for assistance). Its actually easier for me to do that.
fking preview button, after all that writting you had to be the one activated and not the submit button...geeezeeee

so yeah retyping as much as i can...

i didn't know your friends were the ones teasing, but yeah that's what most friends do to be honest, being asses to each other and laughing about it (especially if they're guys:) )

also if you're having eye problems just use the glasses, the most attention you can attract is 5 seconds out of someones life when you pass them in the street, and it's health problem, just do whatever it's needed to be comfortable with it, like other KS chars, in your case the awesome black glasses are your workaround your problem:) nothing to be ashamed of nor feel uncomfortable with:P maybe they're not used to it now but if you'll keep needing it people will eventually get used to you wearing glasses all the time. also this public, how many people from this public do you actually know or know you to really give a fk (sorry for the expression) more then a few second after which going back to their own busines and having forgotten about you?

i see/heard of normal people wearing glasses at disco parties...explain that:)) and no eye problems or whatever, winter can be more "lighty" due to light reflecting from snow and making it harder to see even for people without eye problems, i often had to squint (or whats the word for it) my eyes because it was too bright to see because of the way to white snow:))

ok...now copy everything in case that happens again...
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by brythain »

Sohtak wrote:And now in my emotional state I'm dreading finishing the game...Once I finish...nothing will be new...There will be no new stories..no new..what about Hisao and Emi's life together?
Time to start looking through the many good (and bad) Hisao x Emi fanfics. :)
Post-Yamaku, what happens? After The Dream is a mosaic that follows everyone to the (sometimes) bitter end.
Main Index (Complete)Shizune/Lilly/Emi/Hanako/Rin/Misha + Miki + Natsume
Secondary Arcs: Rika/Mutou/AkiraHideaki | Others (WIP): Straw—A Dream of SuzuSakura—The Kenji Saga.
"Much has been lost, and there is much left to lose." — Tim Powers, The Drawing of the Dark (1979)
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by Kibaro »

brythain wrote: Time to start looking through the many good (and bad) Hisao x Emi fanfics. :)
bad? which are bad?:-?
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by Sohtak »

Like wh..

I mean...


Why did this have to be a fucking 1 time thing? These need to continue..

Now I'm gonna be sad for a while...just like I was with Hanako's route.

God I'm a mess again.
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by CoffeeDrive »

Sohtak wrote:Like wh..

I mean...


Why did this have to be a fucking 1 time thing? These need to continue..

Now I'm gonna be sad for a while...just like I was with Hanako's route.

God I'm a mess again.
Play more, Hide your emotions with more emotions.
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by Munchenhausen »

CoffeeDrive wrote:
Sohtak wrote:Like wh..

I mean...


Why did this have to be a fucking 1 time thing? These need to continue..

Now I'm gonna be sad for a while...just like I was with Hanako's route.

God I'm a mess again.
Play more, Hide your emotions with more emotions.
VN feels are like Alcohol:
The only way guaranteed to avoid a hangover after a heavy sessions is to drink more :lol:
Obviously, results may vary. :P
Like stupid, silly doodles with no point? You've come to the right place, friend :^)
I also occasionally write oneshots. Why not have a skimread?
Miki fic? Miki fic!
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by SpunkySix »

Munchenhausen wrote:
CoffeeDrive wrote:
Sohtak wrote:Like wh..

I mean...


Why did this have to be a fucking 1 time thing? These need to continue..

Now I'm gonna be sad for a while...just like I was with Hanako's route.

God I'm a mess again.
Play more, Hide your emotions with more emotions.
VN feels are like Alcohol:
The only way guaranteed to avoid a hangover after a heavy sessions is to drink more :lol:
Obviously, results may vary. :P
I wake up with headaches and I usually don't know where I am, BUT IT'S WORTH IT.
"Spunky at his Spunkyest/Spunkiest"
"Tissues to the extreme!"
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