Misha + Weight = WTF?

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Re: Misha + Weight = WTF?

Post by Aura »

G3n0c1de wrote:
Aura wrote:Taking them off completely would work better
idk, they seemed believable enough for me.
Sure, but people obsessing over them has popped more than one blood vessel here at 4LS. It's stupid, anyone doing it should feel bad about it and reflect on their life for two weeks.
<Aura> would you squeeze a warm PVC bottle between your thighs and call it "manaka-chan"
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Re: Misha + Weight = WTF?

Post by toast »

Xzone wrote:
Aura wrote:Taking them off completely would work better
Omg, don't do it! Everyone has got to know the girls' blood types! I mean, come on.
Well, in Japan, blood types are often seem the same way as zodiac signs, i.e., they can determine your personality and compatibility with others.
<!Aura-> I did a line of powdered fig dust mixed with high grade blow from the ass of a supermodel wearing a Misha kigurumi at the party yesterday

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Re: Misha + Weight = WTF?

Post by PsychoPJ »

I vote for taking the measurements off. It's better to leave them to the imagination, until we get someone who can give more accurate measurement. The blood type can stay.

By the way, has anyone ever tried putting the characters in a line-up? Seems that will help gauging the sizes.
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Re: Misha + Weight = WTF?

Post by Caesius »

Aura wrote:
G3n0c1de wrote:
Aura wrote:Taking them off completely would work better
idk, they seemed believable enough for me.
Sure, but people obsessing over them has popped more than one blood vessel here at 4LS. It's stupid, anyone doing it should feel bad about it and reflect on their life for two weeks.
I regret nothing HAHAHAHAHAHA

PsychoPJ wrote:By the way, has anyone ever tried putting the characters in a line-up? Seems that will help gauging the sizes.
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Re: Misha + Weight = WTF?

Post by DuaneMoody »

PsychoPJ wrote:I vote for taking the measurements off. It's better to leave them to the imagination, until we get someone who can give more accurate measurement. The blood type can stay.

By the way, has anyone ever tried putting the characters in a line-up? Seems that will help gauging the sizes.
It's in the Shimmie and it's so old Rin's the tallest and Shizune's still got light colored hair
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Re: Misha + Weight = WTF?

Post by Bara »

Aura wrote:Sure, but people obsessing over them has popped more than one blood vessel here at 4LS. It's stupid, anyone doing it should feel bad about it and reflect on their life for two weeks.
Got no life to reflect on... Can I just borrow one for two weeks? :wink:
Those that will obsess have already obsessed and those who don't give a flying fuck still don't care. If it is realy that bad at 4LS, maybe pass out brown paper bags to breath into for a bit. :lol:

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<Aura> Our army of teenage girl artists couldn't draw penises without fits of giggling. Does that count?

Re: Misha + Weight = WTF?

Post by -abscess »

PsychoPJ wrote:I vote for taking the measurements off. It's better to leave them to the imagination, until we get someone who can give more accurate measurement. The blood type can stay.
I concur. I think they make matters worse than help, really. As for blood type, I don't care too much either way.
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Re: Misha + Weight = WTF?

Post by G3n0c1de »

-abscess wrote:
PsychoPJ wrote:I vote for taking the measurements off. It's better to leave them to the imagination, until we get someone who can give more accurate measurement. The blood type can stay.
I concur. I think they make matters worse than help, really. As for blood type, I don't care too much either way.
I vote keep, I take those things to be flavor anyway. And I do like my flavor. But we all should agree, at least at this point, that it is only flavor. And we can go back to the way it was.
It's a good thing Shizune is deaf, she is the only one who can stand (not) hearing "Wahaha~!" over and over.
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Re: Misha + Weight = WTF?

Post by Duo2Cuo »

These are fictional characters, who give a FUCK about whether they weigh 158kg or 153.

Re: Misha + Weight = WTF?

Post by GotPron? »

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Re: Misha + Weight = WTF?

Post by Mercutio »

GotPron? wrote:http://www.disabled-world.com/img/heigh ... -chart.gif
check the chart and begone.
I call bullshit on that. according to that chart, I'm about 40 pounds overweight. no one looking at me would think that.
Xenokitten wrote:I think the presence of a "healthy" looking girl is quite refreshing in a game like this. I struggle with weight issues myself. The smallest I have been is around 127 lbs and a size 7 in jeans and I would not WANT to be any smaller. In fact I was more comfortable around 130-140 and a size 10, my face looked better and not so gaunt and my boobs were bigger and the difference from my boobs to going in at the waist and back out in the rear/thighs gave me a more "shapely" appearance in my eyes. Overly skinny just is not that attractive to me - I understand it's "all the rage" these days, but I feel that having curves is much sexier. I'm not saying being 200+ lbs is sexy, but being soft, feminine, and womanly, is much more appealing to me as a woman than being a bag of bones. Right now I've chunked up a lil again since college, but recently started running about 2 miles a day and have faith I'll drop the weight again, but like I said I'm really not looking to lose alot. A size 10 to me is more lovely than a size 2 or zero. Different strokes for different folks I guess :)
you're fuckin' awesome.

Misha, too, is fuckin' awesome.

I don't get why people care about measurements. unless you're a Terminator or something, you can't measure just by looking at someone. so forget about the numbers and just go with what looks good to you. as for me, I think Misha and Shizune have the best bodies. dig. :mrgreen:
"There is no excellent beauty that hath not some strangeness in the proportion." - Sir Francis Bacon

Emi = Hanako > Lilly > Rin >>>>>>> Shizune
amazing how preference changes now that the game's actually out.
Akira/Hanako for the win. Meiko/Nurse for even more win. Miki/Misha for win that goes BEYOND THE IMPOSSIBLE.
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Re: Misha + Weight = WTF?

Post by delta »

PsychoPJ wrote:until we get someone who can give more accurate measurement
I would just like to point out how unbelievably stupid this statement is.
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Re: Misha + Weight = WTF?

Post by Caesius »

You could just give measurements in made-up units using an arbitrary scale.
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Re: Misha + Weight = WTF?

Post by Malinor »

Measure them in Captain Falcons. It's been done before, and you won't have anyone left (alive) to argue about it.
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Re: Misha + Weight = WTF?

Post by Exdi »

Malinor wrote:Measure them in Captain Falcons.
Not really a fan of plays on words. I perfer ones on stages.
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