A22's Blogpost

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Re: A22's Blogpost

Post by Loki »

Guys I accidently my
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Re: A22's Blogpost

Post by The Commissar »

Loki wrote:Guys I accidently my
Resident "morale officer".
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Re: A22's Blogpost

Post by Loki »

The Commissar wrote:
Loki wrote:Guys I accidently my
....yeah. THE WHOLE OF MY :(
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Re: A22's Blogpost

Post by Kaal »

My biggest problem with Shizune is lack of lip-reading. As a deaf person it's kind of insulting, tbh, unless she wasn't born with or hasn't been deaf since a young age.
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Re: A22's Blogpost

Post by Loki »

Khaal: IIRC it was stated somewhere she can lipread, she just doesn't like doing it
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Re: A22's Blogpost

Post by Xybaro »

Synoptic wrote:
Pimmy wrote:Meanwhile, yeah Shizune is written good.[...] She's [...] rewarding. And anyone who calls her tsundere doesn't know what that word means.
And, she still holds the record for the best ending!
I agree.

I found all the endings kinda meh except for hers.
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Re: A22's Blogpost

Post by SirMax »

awesome Molly has her own game even if it is vapourware :D

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Re: A22's Blogpost

Post by Synoptic »


Dude this rocks!

Post was edited on the blog haha!


Thanks man, was worth it! :mrgreen:
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Re: A22's Blogpost

Post by Deimos »

Now that the trolling is over there remains the message in that particular blogpost.
"Are we (or rather some of us) treating Shizune unfairly?"

I may have to include myself in the latter group since I have stated in these forums that I categorized her path as the most uncomfortable for me.
Last edited by Deimos on Mon Jul 13, 2009 3:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Ahh, Morticia? I would die for her. I would kill for her. Either way, what bliss.
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Re: A22's Blogpost

Post by Synoptic »

Deimos wrote:"Are we (or rather some of us) treating Shizune unfairly?"
About that.

This is what I commented on the blog regarding people not liking Shizune.
You may say "teachers gotta hold it together or the student itself" but you know, there's the "students league" too like close friends giving you some moral support, or help when needed.
A teacher can't understand a student the way a student understands a student.

I, for one, would really like having such a devoted student to organize students through their way and with proper manner.
In my country, things like "student councils" don't exist. lol
Synoptic wrote:Now, I saw people saying that Shizune ain't too nice... "picked a fight, scares hanako or scolds emi" but damn, from what I see she's taking the lead there, acting like a leader for everyone in a "war people tend to rach out for hope and a better future".

She is in fact the student council president and her class rep so she has to be prompt and decisive about things.
I for one didn't start labeling Shizune as a bitch at the start but instead I took a GOOD look at how other characters describe her, taking Lily's comment into consideration A LOT because from what I saw so far, Lily ain't the type to hold a grudge and her comment at "miss hakamichi" (as she calls her) rather gave me the impression that she's saying "she is indeed a bit stingy but she has to hold it together for the rest of the students too", you know like a more motherly way of saying things with a smile on her face. :)

Shizune is AWESOME! In all aspects!
Dat's why I like her the most.

Nice trolling today but in the end it payed off!

Looking forward to more dev-talk about chars on the blog and of course mostly for Shizune.

Don't think of your heroine less than other dev's work, you're doing a great job.
Keep up the good work! :D

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Re: A22's Blogpost

Post by Pimmy »

Blogger is faggotry and won't let me comment, and it was getting long anyway, so posting in this thread.

I think there's more to Shizune's character than creating conflict, so in my opinion, I don't think there always needs to be some in order to remain interesting. Out of all the girls, she definitely has a strong personality, so I was a bit disappointed to mostly only see the conflict side of her be used to drive the scenarios. (Join the club, join the club! compete compete! contest contest!) Though, they were all VERY character-driven, which was good. We got to see glimpses of more sides to Shizune throughout though, and that was the rewarding part.

I'm looking forward to the full path for a lot of reasons, not just because I've become more endeared to her and Misha, but I'm hoping to see more interactions with the other characters. She seems antagonistic in the first act, I tacked that down to the "class rep" archetype, since they tend scold just about everyone! I'd like to see her around others when she -doesn't- have a reason to tell them off. Though judging by the low attendance of the student council... we'll see! Poor girls.

A lot of people keep saying Misha will become a third-wheel. I think that's really silly. Those two are close, and Misha seems like a person who really goes well with Shizune. Hisao provides someone she can compete with, and Misha provides that peppy gal-pal. I don't think the introduction of a love interest for her will loosen a strong friendship so easily, especially since Hisao learning sign hardly discounts Misha as a useful and good friend. I feel a bit bad for Shizune in that respect, seems few people outside of miss pink can handle her fiery nature! (Not counting communication issues) I think Shizune definitely falls under "She's great once you get to know her!"
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Re: A22's Blogpost

Post by Caesius »

I want Shizune to punish me when I'm bad ):

Re: A22's Blogpost

Post by Xenokitten »

Really? I am surprised that people dislike shizune, she's one of my favorite characters. My *only* complaint in her path in act one is that I think there are some parts of her dialogue which gets a bit repetitive or boring/long winded, but perhaps that is in shizune's very nature as well. I know there's more to all of the girls than what can be gathered about them in act one. I agree that you should not like all the characters in a visual novel. We all have our favorites and least favorites. For me in Ks, my least favorite is Emi, but I hope to see that change. I just feel like I don't know much about her from act 1, she doesn't have a strong personality one way or the other. If she's supposed to just be a peppy, the glass is half full kind of person, it's overshadowed by misha's character. But I think even for emi, there's more, maybe it's all an act and she's really weak and puts on that happy act, or maybe she made a pact or a promise with someone to not be sad about her condition and that pact has meaning for her which encourages her to be a strong person, who knows. But there's always more than meets the eye in these types of games. I'm sure that it will be the same for Shizune. I could totally see shizune being very cute and playful as her relationship with hisao deepens. Telling hisao that she's "letting him win" when he beats her at something, or even by allowing hisao to see her weaknesses, etc "letting him win" "playing a game" etc, and not admitting her true feelings for him til much later, that's the type of girl that I see Shizune as. I don't see her as a bitch or anything of the sort. Being that she loves games so much she is probably totally child like and adorable once she opens up to hisao. There's even comments hisao makes in act 1 about how "childish" Shizune seems to be, I think that by her having a strong exterior persona, that makes her soft childlike or impish moments all the more special because it's a side of herself that she does not show often or to many people, making it a special side that only hisao and misha would know.
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Re: A22's Blogpost

Post by Deimos »

Same problem as Pimmy.
From what I can assume some reasons for disliking Shizune reveal al lot about what those people who post it endured in their own life or they can at least empathize with her "victims". I will not go into that - personal matters of unknwon people are a no-go for me.

I like Shizune as a person which in itself is not very difficult since all heroines so far have no conflict in their scenario but I do not like her path. To be honest, A22, I consider your part of the story to be quite hard to write (just like I think a character like Rin is hard to portray) and I can not find any remarkable flaws in Shizune's character.
She is consistent and her interactions are believable and I am very comfortable with people like her in my life.

My problem lies in what Hisao has to become in order to date Shizune. An English proverb says something along the lines:
"I do not only love you for what you are but also for what you let me become through your love."
Hisao just strikes me as the generic anime male lead who most of the times is the underdog in regards to his female counterpart in Shizune's part of Act 1.
And that is why I think you will have a hard job writing a story in which such a stereotype will hopefully be avoided.

With establishing Shizune you have proven yourself as a good author And I look forward to seeing your complete work when all the characters have grown from the first impression the demo has given us so far.
Last edited by Deimos on Mon Jul 13, 2009 5:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Ahh, Morticia? I would die for her. I would kill for her. Either way, what bliss.
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Re: A22's Blogpost

Post by DuaneMoody »

Deimos wrote:My problem lies in what Hisao has to become in order to date Shizune.
To be fair the same thing happens with Rin: Hisao clearly couldn't give a shit about art if he doesn't pursue her. Hanako and Lilly represent paths that so far don't require Hisao to show an interest in something he ordinarily wouldn't.
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