A few short stories


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A few short stories

Post by 81pi81 »

Hello there.
I am going to post a few shorts in this thread.
English is not my first language, so sometimes, a word may sound wrong. Sorry.
To start with, here is a little song. It is a kind a crossover between KS and "Marinette", by Georges Brassens. I have some other twisted ideas, so more will come soon.


When I got into the classroom to meet my friend Hisao
The treacherous boy had had a heart attack the day before
With my pink love letter I looked like an ass
Oh mama
With my pink love letter I looked like an ass

When I got to the hospital to see my dear Hisao
The cute boy had just been transferred to Yamaku High School
With my "get well soon" card I looked like an ass
Oh mama
With my "get well soon" card I looked like an ass

When I finally met Hisao up north in Hokkaido
That bastard was kissing a tall blonde bitch in a wheat field
With my flower bouquet I looked like an ass
Oh mama
With my flower bouquet I looked like an ass

When I sneaked in to cut the throat of my darling Hisao
The beautiful traitor had had his final heart attack
With my big kichen knife I looked like an ass
Oh mama
With my big kitchen knife I looked like an ass

As I cried all the way to the funeral of Hisao
His family had decided to bury him in Inverness
With my black mourning dress I looked like an ass
Oh mama
With my black mourning dress I looked like an ass
Last edited by 81pi81 on Sun Jun 01, 2014 10:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A few short stories

Post by AntonSlavik020 »

I'm not familiar with the song this is based off of and I'm not usually a fan of fics based off of songs. Besides that, it was interesting, I guess. Also, why was Hisao buried in Inverness? I understand he dated Lilly, but still. If this is her good ending, then she stayed in Japan with him.
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Re: A few short stories

Post by Velitation »

It has been a while since I have heard a french song. I gave the song a listen, and the lyrics you made up work fairly well and gave me a good laugh. I am interested to see your other ideas. Bonne chance.
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Re: A few short stories

Post by 81pi81 »

Lost in translation

They were lying side by side on the bed in the dark student room. They were naked, covered with sweat and exhausted. For a few minutes, they did not speak, because they were out of breath, and because they felt there was nothing to be said.
He was the first to break the silence. He spoke slowly to her, because he knew she could not follow him if he talked normally: she still needed practice.

"That was just amazing! I could not imagine you were so sensual, so..."
She answered slowly. She always spoke slowly. He loved the way she chose her words carefully, and placed them one by one into sentences in the correct order.
"I am so happy we shelled this beautiful moment of love together..."
He smiled. She found the right words better than he could, but her pronunciation was not perfect yet.

Something inside him told him he'd better listen to the silence, but he spoke again.
"I liked it when you were moaning naughty worrds in Japanese. One day, you will tell me what they mean?"
"I did not lealise that I did. What was I saying?"
"You kept saying something like 'He saw'."
When she answered after a few seconds, there was something wrong in her voice.
"... It... It is pronounced Hisao. It... cannot be tlansrated into English."

Another awkward silence followed.
"I am so sorry, Lilly. Sometimes, I am really thick. Why did I have to ruin the most perrfect instant by asking that fookin' question?"
"Shh. Just hold me tight... Tighter than that, I will tell you if you hurt me."
"I love you so much, Lilly."
"I rove you, Duncan."
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Re: A few short stories

Post by NotGodlyVirus »

Title isn't capitalized, 1\10.
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Re: A few short stories

Post by 81pi81 »

Disclaimer: This is a crossover between Katawa Shoujo and the video game "Papers please". The customs procedures described here are taken from the game. They are probably different from the real ones in Japan and the UK.

Paper Love

London Heathrow, May 3rd, 2008

"Lilly Satou."
"How long will you be staying in Great Britain?"
"Two weeks"
"Purpose of your stay?"
"I am visiting a sick aunt."
I checked her passport and visa. Everything was OK, so I stamped her passport and let her through.

Sendai, May 15th, 2008

"Papers please."
She was called Lilly Satou, she had a Japanese passport and was coming from Great Britain. I checked her passport quickly and let her through.

London Heathrow, 30 June 2008

"Lilly Satou."
She looked a bit sad. Homesick, maybe?
"How long will you be staying in Great Britain?"
"Purpose of your stay?"
"My parents live here."
Her papers were all in order. So I stamped her passport and let her through.

Tokyo, 2 July 2008

I have been working at the British embassy in Tokyo for thirty years now. I have met a lot of people who wanted a visa to Great Britain. Some were really desperate. I did not realise at first that Mr. Nakai was special. I just could not get him to understand that he could not get a long stay visa to the United Kingdom. He was barely eighteen, he had no job, no family in Great Britain, his English was very poor, and he had not even finished high school.

He said he was in love with a girl in Scotland and that he would do anything to be with her. But I am not tricked that easily. He spoke louder and louder and grew more and more excited, but I am used to these people. So I was really shocked when he grabbed his chest and fell on the ground moaning. He was obviously not simulating. I panicked and did not know what to do. Fortunately, someone else called the ambulance.

Sendai, 4 July 2008

When I saw this girl, I immediately thought there was something wrong with her: she was worried, nervous, and impatient. A tall blonde girl, called "Satou Lilly", with a Japanese passport? She was blind, and travelled on her own. Strange. I checked her passport very carefully. However, the photo was hers, the names, the dates, the stamps were all OK. So I gave her back her passport and let her through.

London Heathrow, 3 January 2009

I swear, the airline staff is completely irresponsible. They never refuse to give a alcoholic drink to a passenger, especially a first class passenger. For instance, that girl from Japan. She had had a few sake shots on her first flight, then a few vodka shots while in transit at the Moscow airport, then a few whisky shots in the plane to London.
And there she was. Drunk as a lord. She was holding the arm of a flight attendant. Officially, because she was blind and travelling on her own, but actually she could barely stand.

"Li-lilly Satou."

The photo on the passport showed a beautiful young girl. Was it her? I looked at her face carefully. Indeed. Her hair was now cut short, she looked older, she had obviously sobbed during one half of the flight and drunk during the other half, but still it was her.
"Duration of stay?"
"I am staying in Scotland FOR EVER!!!"
She shouted so loud that people around her were scared. However, she looked harmless and I did not call the security: it would have made things worse.

"Purpose of your stay?"
"I am fleeing from Japan."
A Japanese citizen seeking political asylum in Great Britain? She did not have the required papers for a refugee. So I asked for more details.

Miss Satou told me a long and complicated story. She had a boyfriend in Japan who had had a heart attack. She had come back to Japan just for him. But after a while, he had grown tired of her. He blamed her for doting on him. She was acting more like a nurse than like a girlfriend. Finally they had a very bad fight and they broke up. The last straw came when Miss Satou's best friend, who was extremely ugly, finally found a boyfriend, who was... you guessed it, Miss Satou's ex!

She was wasting my time with all that chatter, the people waiting behind her were growing impatient, but still it was better to let her talk than try to interrupt her. Meanwhile, I checked her papers carefully. They were all in order. Her family lived in Great Britain, and she would stay in Inverness.
I stamped her passport and as she took it, she bawled that "She did not want to see that bastard EVER AGAIN, and that she would NEVER go back to Japan!"

I felt relieved when she finally left.
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Re: A few short stories

Post by AntonSlavik020 »

That was probably the best one yet, though it helped that it wasn't a song. I'm familiar with the game "papers please", so I found the crossover interesting, as simple as it was. While it's kinda sad that Lilly left Japan permanently, Hisao ending up with Hanako and the general amusement of drunk Lilly made it still enjoyable enough.
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Re: A few short stories

Post by Oddball »

IU don't know that game either, but the story stands on it's own quite nicely.
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Re: A few short stories

Post by Mirage_GSM »

I agree that this one was very good.
I know the game, but I think this story would have been even better if it had not been classified as a "crossover". That didn't do anything but distract from the story you told.
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Re: A few short stories

Post by Mahorfeus »

I liked it. Got a tad over the top towards the end, but hey, she was drunk. I hesitate to call this a crossover, since while you're borrowing elements (or THE element) from Papers, Please, nothing about the KS is fundamentally changed.

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Re: A few short stories

Post by bhtooefr »

The West Grestin checkpoint is a feminist conspiracy. For Kolechia!

(I've only played the beta demo, though.)

Also, the dates are a bit wrong. The first arrival at London (for visiting the sick aunt) would be very late on 2007-06-30. Arrival in Sendai would be 2007-07-13. Second arrival in London would be most likely 2007-08-13.
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Re: A few short stories

Post by 81pi81 »



You might be surprised by this email. You do not know me, but I read about you on the Internet, and you sound like someone who can be trusted. I need your help today.
My name is Shizune. I am a member the student council of Yamaku High School. The elections for the new student council are approaching, and this year, there are two competing lists.

I want to run the student council so that we can make great things. If my list wins, we shall organise plenty of festivals and parties. If the other candidate, Lilly, wins, then she so lazy that nothing will get done at all.

However, she is more popular than I am, so maybe she is going to win. But I am not going to let her. I plan to cover the walls with posters and run meetings to tell people about my plans for the student council. The people in charge of counting the votes might even lose a few ballots. All this is going to cost a lot of money, but I have a plan.

There are currently 10 million yen which are sleeping on the student council bank account. Yes, there is that much money which is not spent, because the other members of the council are lazy, and without ambition or ideas. I could use this money directly to fund my campaign, but this would raise suspicion. This is where I need you. These 10 million yen are going to get transferred to your personal bank account. Then you can keep 5 million, because you are a very deserving and helpful person, and transfer the rest to another bank account, which will be used for my campaign.

If you want to help me, please answer this email quickly. Never tell anyone about this transaction, because if the wrong people know about it, none of us will get any money. In your reply, please give your full name, and bank account number.

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Re: A few short stories

Post by Oddball »

Sounds legit.
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Re: A few short stories

Post by Silentcook »

Quality took a dip down.
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Re: A few short stories

Post by AntonSlavik020 »

Yeah, after the last one, this was definitely not as good. So far the only one I liked was the "drunk Lilly" one.
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