Breaking Shoujo: The Meth Route *Updated 8/7/14*


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Re: Breaking Shoujo: The Meth Route *Updated 10/19/13*

Post by Dreamcastin »

Started working on the next chapter. Probably be posted Friday or Saturday.
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Re: Breaking Shoujo: The Meth Route *Updated 10/19/13*

Post by Dreamcastin »

Sorry for the lack of updates, right as I typed the last updates of my close friends died. Will have the next chapter soon.
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Re: Breaking Shoujo: The Meth Route *Updated 10/19/13*

Post by DietKane »

so when will we get a boardwalk empire/ks crossover fic

oh, or even better. The Wire.
I co-write a KS rewrite with my friend Demifiend/Popo. It's called Katawa Aniki
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Re: Breaking Shoujo: The Meth Route *Updated 10/19/13*

Post by Dreamcastin »

I say sorry a lot, but here we go. I apologize for being "That guy for not posting any updates" or anything for quite some time. My last "reason" was rushed out, as I was still in a state of shock over the death of my two closest friends. Out of respect for their privacy, I will keep the reason for their passing off the internet. So onto updates, I will probably have something done
But if not, feel free to make angry comments and PMS. :D Have a nice day people.
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Re: Breaking Shoujo: The Meth Route *Updated 10/19/13*

Post by Feurox »

Man take all the time you need buddy ;) Ahahh :D Dw bout us ;)
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Re: Breaking Shoujo: The Meth Route *Updated 10/19/13*

Post by Dudeaga »

DietKane wrote:so when will we get a boardwalk empire/ks crossover fic

oh, or even better. The Wire.
Comrade, we don't have any serious/good Wire/Katawa Shoujo crossover fanfictions.
But there's my bad one.

Back on topic, I certainly wanna see how this ends up.
I searched long and hard to see a Breaking Bad/Katawa Shoujo or The Wire/KS crossover, but to no avail.
Until now- we finally have a writer with enough balls to write a dramatic Breaking Bad/KS fanfiction!
Even thinking about writing a dramatic Breaking Bad/Katawa Shoujo fic makes my head hurt (mostly because I write shitty metaparodies), but you made it work.
And we all will wait the needed amount for good content.
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Re: Breaking Shoujo: The Meth Route *Updated 10/19/13*

Post by Dreamcastin »

Thanks for the support. I am almost done so expect it soon.
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Re: Breaking Shoujo: The Meth Route *Updated 4/9/14*

Post by Dreamcastin »

Before I go posting the new chapter, I obviously need help with editing. If any of you guys wanna help me, I could really use some help to bounce ideas off me. PM me if you wanna help out. Alsp I apologize for the slow building up, but I want to make sure everything is in place. Alright here's the new chapter!

Chapter 3: Coffee Is Always The Answer

“So that’s why you came here in a huff and puff.”

Then he leans forward looking me dead in the eye and says, “I’m going to give it to you bluntly Nakai, it’s not cheap. You take about fifteen different types of medication a day. Roughly speaking, the medication is going to be quite expensive, although I couldn't give you a number right here. Is there any reason you're asking me that question?”

At first, I questioned actually telling him I was stuck with the bill, but I decided it would be best to keep this to Kenji and I. Given that Kenji doesn't run around screaming it. The best thing to do in this situation is to try and keep this a private matter for as long as I can.

Then the nurse snaps his fingers bringing me back into focus. “Hello? You in there?”

“Nnn no reason, I was just wondering, as I want to start helping out repay my parents.” I manage to sputter out.

“Already looking towards the future huh? I’m sure you still have a couple of more years before then, so just relax. Besides, looking at your grades, along with the regular banter I have with Mutou, you can have an excellent career in the field of science.”

Honestly it's amazing how fast the Nurse can slip from uber serious talk to casual talk. It's almost scary.

“So science huh, I guess I never really thought of that.

“Sometimes, the best jobs suited for you is the thing you never thought about.”

“Yeah I suppose so. Wait, what. You can see students grades?”

“Actually, Mutou usually raves about your grades so it's hard to not hear about your grades. I hear your the top of his science class. Since you two are men of science, I'd assume he has taken a liking to you.”

“Wow, I didn't know he liked me that much.”

“Well, either way make sure to not overwork yourself, and take it easy. Like I said before take no unnecessary risks. Your heart is a ticking time bomb under pressure, so please for your sake take it easy. Either way I have to tend with some paperwork, so I must ask you to leave for now. It would be best if you went straight home and rest. I'll send someone to check on you in the morning.”

“Alright, thanks Nurse.” I opened the door and sauntered to the end of the hallway to the exit."

Today isn't my day I guess. Opening the door to the exit I looked at the sky. Fireworks were going off in the distance. “Huh, wish I could have spent the festival with someone” I muttered out loud.

“At least you don't have to work tomorrow” said by a man, no a woman in a pinstripe suit leaning up against the outside wall. Her eyes were ruby red, and she had messy blonde hair. She reminded me of someone I know, but I couldn't figure out who. Attempting to make conversation with the suited woman, I introduced myself.

“You don't look young enough to be a student, so I assume you're here on business or in attendance for the festival. Anywho I'm Hisao, Hisao Nakai.”

She extends her arm out in a quick motion, gesturing for me to shake hands. “Akira Satou, and I'm here for the festival. Was gonna go see the sister, but she looked way too busy working the food stand. Poor girl."

Wait Satou? It's finally connecting, she's Lilly's sister. Couldn't say her posh demeanor match her sister's. Either way she seems nice enough.

"So your Lilly's sister, right?"

"Smart kid. Yes she's my little sis, you know her very well?"

I grimace when I'm reminded how I messed up almost every relationship I could have built these past couple days. Apparently Akira seemed to notice so she spoke up.

"What's the face for kid, feeling down?"

I debate on telling Akira about what's been going on recently, whilst making a face of anger mixed with a touch of sadness.

"You feeling alright? You look like someone who's plotting revenge or something."

"No, just been dealt a bad set of cards today, and have no idea on how to dig myself out of it. It seems like today has been one bad thing after another."

Akira looks at me with a expression of pity. Even though I just met her she seems to genuinely care. After what seems like an eternity of just silence between the two of us, she breaks the silence.

Akira snaps her finger to break the silence, breaking into a full smile. "Hey why don't we grab a coffee. I know a great place we can get a cup of joe."

Why is she inviting me for a cup of coffee when we just met. I mean, she seems nice enough but why me of all people. Thinking about if I should accept the offer, she dangles her car keys in front of me.

"Hey, I'll even drive you there. Beats sitting around alone in the school."
I nod my head and say "Sounds like a cup of coffee is what I really need right now, considering the circumstances."

"Alright well I hope you don't mind if the car's trashed. I haven't cleaned it in quite a bit."

"It's probably better than my room during the school week" I mindlessly muttered.

"Ah, just like me during my college days, I never had the time to get around cleaning it" Anyways I'm parked right outside the gate, lets get going."

We both started heading for the front gates, moving through the crowds of people still at the festival. Finally we reached her car parked outside.

"You drive a Audi?" I attempt to say, without looking green with envy.

"Of course, gotta keep up the company image. My dad would have my head if I drove anything less."

I'd kill if my parents would get me a car. I would drive anywhere, but sadly I don't even have my license yet, despite being 18. And due to what just happened today, I doubt even if I got my license they would buy me one.

"Hop on in Hisao, the doors open."

I open the door and look in. Akira quickly shoves garbage no doubt from fast food on the floor.

"Heh, I told you it was trashed." Akira said this all the while looking embarrassed of the cleanliness of a car. "Lilly always begged me to clean it out, but I can't ever find the time."

"You came to the festival today, you must have had free time." I said teasing Akira.

She holds up her hand and says "Not enough time, now let's take our focus off this and focus on getting coffee."

And with that I plopped down on the seat and slammed the door shut.
Last edited by Dreamcastin on Fri Apr 11, 2014 4:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Breaking Shoujo: The Meth Route *Updated 4/9/14*

Post by NekoDude »

Akira canonically drives a Mitsubishi Evo (company car), unless there's some reason she's traded it. They'd have to make her, most likely, because she rather likes the Evo and drives it like a maniac.
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Re: Breaking Shoujo: The Meth Route *Updated 4/9/14*

Post by bhtooefr »

And, CONVERTING the Audi to RHD? (Hint, they come in factory RHD versions...)

In any case, I'm sure Akira wouldn't turn down a company RS4 or RS6, but she does have an Evo (9, I believe) canonically.
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Re: Breaking Shoujo: The Meth Route *Updated 5/21/14*

Post by Dreamcastin »

Hooray finally got a editor, and a second writer.
Chapter 4: Russian Roulette

Why have we been driving for so long? Glancing at my watch I confirm my thought. We left around a hour ago, and all Akira has been doing is making small talk. I thought we were just gonna go for a 10 minute drive.

"So how much farther is this coffee joint" I ask.

"Another ten minutes or so, hold your horses."

We drive for around another 30 minutes. Either Akira has a horrid sense of time, or she's making one heck of a detour.

"We're here."

Finally after all of the waiting we arrive at a very fancy looking coffee place. I hope it's not too expensive, as I don't expect Akira to pay for myself.

"C'mon, are we gonna get some drinks or are you gonna sit in this car all day? I know it's fancy and all but geez."

Akira already made it to the passenger side door and opened it. She has a childlike attitude, one that can't wait to do something.

"I'm coming, I'm coming."

When I step out of the car, we both walk inside. When we step to the counter for the employees to make our order I look around. The place was almost completely empty, no doubt due to it being near closing time I'd imagine. Oh shit,I'm way past curfew.

Akira speaks up to order "Yeah, I'll take 2 espressos." We discussed what we wanted on the trip, like I said, small talk. She then pays for the both of us.

I hand Akira the money for my espresso, and she said "I got this, you keep it and use it for something useful."

Expressing my gratitude, I bow my head in thanks. I guess that solves that. We get handed our drinks and we take a table at the farthest table from the counter. Akira peers at me, looking me up and down. Her expression changes on her face very quickly, to a serious look. It's quite unsettling.

"So let's get down to brass tacks shall we. You must understand I brought you here for more than just coffee.
"What." I raised my voice drawing attention to the barista.

"You need to keep it down. You see, I obtained some information Mutou, and he said your his best student. I'm just going to tell you right now, we need a chemist and you seem to be our best option."

"Not trying to be rude, but why go to Yamaku to hire a chemist. It seems like a horrible idea, considering it's a school for the disabled. It's like playing Russian Roulette with who you hire."

"I'll be blunt with you. My father can obtain information to make it less a gamble, and made this more of a informed decision. I read up on your profile, you have Arrhythmia. As long as we keep you from doing any heavy work, you will work greatly for our company."

"I thought the school had a confidentiality agreement? They can't go around telling of my personal information."

"Agreements, contracts, rules, sadly it means nothing to my father. I apologize for having to snoop, but its necessary for our business. It's much easier to hire a student and to train them then to hire a fully trained chemist."

"What types of work will I be doing?"

"You will be mixing chemicals to form a certain compound. I can't explain to you any further unless you accept.

I don't know what to say or do. I need money, and that's a fact. I think I can learn to do what she wants me to do. But by the sound of it, it sounds highly illegal. I'm faced with a moral dilemma, make money and break the law, or accept my fate and die.

"Does it pay well Akira?"

"Of course. My family is quite well off, and we are prepared to pay top dollar."

"I guess accepting is in my better interest, so when do I start."

"You start tomorrow. I'll be picking you up at from the town, as picking you up at school isn't a good idea. You know Lilly, but I'm going to have to ask to keep this a secret from her. But if it comes down to it, make up something to hide this. I'll pick you up at 6 AM sharp."

"But I have classes to attend tomorrow."

"Then you must skip classes. This is more important right now. Seeing how late it is, I'll call you a taxi to take you back. Here's some money for the taxi and my phone number."

Akira hands me a slip of paper with her phone number on it and some fare for the taxi.

I get up and head for the door. As I begin to exit, Akira sternly grabs me by the shoulder. She gives me a cold look as she slips in one last sentence.

"And Hisao, try not to mess this up."
Last edited by Dreamcastin on Wed May 28, 2014 8:10 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Breaking Shoujo: The Meth Route *Updated 5/21/14*

Post by monkeywitha6pack »

"considering it's a school for the disabled. It's like playing Russian Roulette with who you hire."

This is one of my favorite fan fiction quotes ever
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Re: Breaking Shoujo: The Meth Route *Updated 5/28/14*

Post by Dreamcastin »

Chapter 5: Welcome To The Operation

I wake up to the silence of my room. Seeing small rays of light poking from behind my curtains,

I get out from my bed. My warm, sweet, comfortable bed. I shake my head at the thought, feeling my eyes grow heavy.

After putting on a decent pair of clothes, I hear a knock at my door.

“Hey wake up Hisao! Nurse’s orders to squeeze in some exercise”

I quickly pace towards my door. Giving the doorknob a quick turn I let in the bubbly Emi.

I give her a quick smile, all the while trying to figure out some sort of excuse to avoid the morning run. I admit, it’s difficult to look her into her innocent eyes and outright lie.

“Oh crap, I forgot we had that today Emi. Look, something sort of came up. My parents sort of are making one last visit for a while with my um, cousin. I never get to see them or my relative, it’s sort of important. Do you think just this once you could cover me? I really do want to get some exercise in, just starting tomorrow.”

She gives me a cross between a glare and sad puppy dog eyes. It takes nearly all I have to resist taking my fib back and agreeing to go with her, but I did make a commitment to Akira. I’m not going to take back on my word and the idea of some sort of payment for my meds for a day of running. With a quiet sigh, I continue to manage an honest look back at Emi.

“Okay fine Hisao, whatever you say. I’ll cover for you this time. Better see you tomorrow, or I’m going to have to do my duty as a spy and report in. I mean what kind of spy would I be if I lied continually like that anyway?”

We both laugh at her joking manner about spying on me. After I wave her off, we both part in opposite directions.

It feels odd to have knowingly lied to Emi like that. It doesn't help with her kind nature or will-melting puppy eyes either. Her comment about lying echos in my mind. I know she meant it in a humourous way, but it still has some meaning to me.

What kind of person would I be if I did lie continuously? Am I starting down some sort of route where more lying is going to happen? Or even worse?

I shake those thoughts away. I have more important things to handle, like getting out to where Akira will be. I could walk but that puts me at risk for a flutter. And I definitely don’t have the money to get a cab. I guess I just need to take the risk and walk.


Well I’m still alive and I made it but looks like I’m here first. And I’m 5 minutes late. So she stressed how important it was for me to get here on time and now she’s late! But before I can get too stressed I hear the tires screech and her car swerves to the point where it nearly hits me. She rolls down her window and yells

“Get in. We are already late.”

I snap back “Hmm I wonder whose fault that is.”

That earns me a nasty glare. I take the hint, and quickly get in the passenger seat. Akira gives me a look to check if I’m ready to go, and with a reaffirming nod the car starts to move forward.

“Get here alright? No one knows where you’re going or what you’re actually doing?”

“Of course Akira, as far as Emi knows I’m just getting in one last visit with my parents. Why does it matter anyway? You make it sound like we’re going to a drug cartel or something."

She gives me a faux laugh at my sarcastic comment. I can’t tell whether I actually struck a sensitive spot or if she was just somewhat listening and was just giving me a cookie-cutter response like “uh huh” or “yeah man”.

“For now all you need to know is that my father would prefer our operations to be private. In the future we will allow you to be better informed. We’re more interested in having your role being established as a permanent and trustworthy member of our company.”

“Whatever you say Akira. As long as I get my money I'm fine."

"You will get your money, stop worrying so much about it. First let’s worry about getting filled in with the operation and the business ventures. So just sit back and relax until we get to the compound."

That pretty much makes my fears come true. This is illegal and I have gotten to deep to back out now . I mean, at first I figured maybe we’d be doing some sort of small time illicit activities but nothing that small needs a compound. I’m definitely gotten myself into something bigger than me.

"Earth to Hisao, where’s your mind at."

I get out of the car and I see a quiet location bequeathed with a large concrete building resting in the center of it. It’s definitely a prime location to make some sort of drugs; not a building in at least thirty miles, there’s quiet forest everywhere, and a large section of road for delivery trucks. It’s kind of unnerving actually.

I definitely would put this place on my list of “great drug making spots” if I had one. Then we walk over to the door that she promptly opens. The door swings open and my eyes are flooded with top notch equipment. Everywhere I look machinery, barrels of chemicals, and hazmat suits. This is a chemist’s paradise; and it’s all mine for manipulation.

"Welcome to Satou industries. Currently this building is registered as a storage facility, but of course it’s fully capable for our intended purposes. This isn’t the small time Hisao. We have for you a lab capable of supplying nearly the entire pacific with our product of choice. "

I step forward, turning around and inhaling the site of the lab. Almost everywhere I step I come in contact with vats, or dispersal units or even the occasional industrial vacuum and water jet. I almost can’t believe it, I’m in a fully fledged drug lab. I bet some people would kill to have this place.

I turn towards Akira as she slightly giggles at my nearly giddy response towards being introduced to the lab. I haven’t seen her smile much, but it was almost cute seeing the tomboy slightly smirk at me checking at the megalopolis of drug making.

“Impressive isn't it? We already had the building, most of our budget went into the ventilation and setting up the lab gear. Shouldn’t be an issue though. If you really are a man of science this should pay for itself in a few weeks.”

I smile at her support for my future in working the chemistry portion of this business. I have always found an interest in science, but never considered it something that could pay for my entire set of treatment and medications. Akira shoots me a serious look. I almost let the enchantment of a shiny new drug lab distract me from the reality of it; this is a business, albeit one of violence and vice. I stop running through my hypothetical meadow and return her serious expression.

“Welcome to the operation Hisao.”
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Re: Breaking Shoujo: The Meth Route *Updated 5/28/14*

Post by brythain »

Please accept a comment on this otherwise nicely-written narrative…

I find it hard to suspend disbelief here because Japan (while often alcohol- and/or nicotine-suffused) has extremely tough drug laws and anti-drug culture.
For example, here's a link to a relatively temperate and rather informative handout given to university students: PDF. Enjoy. :)

Also, the Yakuza are known to be anti-drug themselves. They make money from lots of other endeavours, but see this [BBC News] for example. They feel that drug-taking weakens the nation, and are known to root out and destroy drug traffickers.
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Re: Breaking Shoujo: The Meth Route *Updated 5/28/14*

Post by Raffyk »

We appreciate both the compliment and comment, but remind that we're not striving to have a plot based entirely focused on working around the Japanese system of drug laws and how to approach it, but merely something dedicated towards an inspiration from both the intricate and in our opinions well crafted plots of Breaking Bad and Katawa Shoujo. It's been great cowriting this fic with Dreamcastin', and I hope you'll give us a break and look at our work with an open mind :D
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