Yamaku Book Club (20220124 Dish Washing)


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Re: Yamaku Book Club (Now Reading: Closure)

Post by Velitation »

dewelar wrote:Well, at least decently written :wink:. In an earlier edition of this book club, the Professor mentioned that this was one of the best in the category of "KS fanfics that shouldn't be KS fanfics" out there. I would definitely agree with that.
I think I need to make up a more quantitative metric. :wink: :lol:

Now I'm wondering at what point is a character out of character? Is there a line that is crossed? At what point can you make it subtle enough to not object to the change but poignant enough to incite character development? I think my inexperience at writing is definitely showing up now. :P

I guess in the context of the conversation, at what point is Hisao no longer Hisao in this story? I would think that it would be once we find out his attributes right off the bat.
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Re: Yamaku Book Club (Now Reading: Closure)

Post by dewelar »

Velitation wrote:Now I'm wondering at what point is a character out of character? Is there a line that is crossed? At what point can you make it subtle enough to not object to the change but poignant enough to incite character development? I think my inexperience at writing is definitely showing up now. :P

I guess in the context of the conversation, at what point is Hisao no longer Hisao in this story? I would think that it would be once we find out his attributes right off the bat.
I don't think it's that simple. You can really only judge whether someone is out of character or not by viewing the work as a whole. There may be extenuating circumstances for a person behaving out of character in the beginning of the work. Individual OOC events can be excused if they're explained reasonably. However, take enough of these together, and yeah, eventually there's a tipping point where it can't be accepted any more, and that point is going to be different for each reader.

Even within the context of Closure, I was waiting for some sign that the character I was reading was Our Hisao. I was willing to look at alt-Hisao through the lens of the tragedy through which he'd gone, and excuse the OOC behavior I was seeing. I gave up on that because, as far as I could tell, Hisao wasn't in character even in the Yamaku flashbacks. However, even that could be sorta-kinda excused, because Hisao is more than a bit of a cipher in Act One, but the bigger offense was how out of character Shizune was. I cannot stretch my brain far enough to see her being secretly married and pregnant while still in high school.

So, in essence, judged OOC by a preponderance of the evidence rather than by any single moment.
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Re: Yamaku Book Club (Now Reading: Closure)

Post by Helbereth »

If I'm honest, I didn't re-read Closure particularly recently, though I have read it three times previously.

I think the problem people encounter with such a story is that they're expecting Hisao, Misha, and the rest of the cast to act like they did in the source material, even though there's a fifteen(?) year time gap. That's a long time.

In perspective, I graduated HS in 1998; I'm nearing the 17th anniversary thereof. The few classmates whom I've had contact with in the years since - it was a class of 80+ and I've only seen anything from less than a dozen of them since - are still the same people they were back then, but there are obvious differences, and not just in appearance. Opinions change, reservations erode, habits are discarded or acquired, and if you were to meet even your own self from that long ago, you probably wouldn't recognize them.

This evolution happens so gradually that you don't really notice it's happening until you take a moment to reflect; that's kinda what a mid-life crisis is about.

In the case of Closure, that change happens instantly. Suddenly Hisao isn't a leery 18-year-old recent heart attack victim stumbling through the social scene of a remote school for the disabled. Instead he's nearing or past 30, working a job he doesn't care for in a city he barely notices, holding onto a memory of something he couldn't change, and droning through life instead of living on in Shizune's absence.

It's the subtle things that stay the same. Misha is still projecting happiness to cover her depression. Hisao is still an agent of haplessness; rather than him being an agent of change, things simply happen to him. Both of them are hurting from a distant loss that neither knew - or knows - how to reconcile. If we had the chance to watch their lives from Yamaku on, their decisions would probably make more sense, but the author skipped all of that in the interest of time.

Now, of course, there are problems.

Misha's porn career. The way it's presented, discussed, and summarily dismissed makes me wonder why it was there at all. It seems like the author just wanted to toss something into Misha's narrative that gave her trepidation concering Hisao weight, but it falls flat. Had this been written after the full release, and with the knowledge of Misha's questionable sexuality, as well as her somewhat bipolar personality, something more substantial could have been concocted, but I digress; one cannot expect an author to predict something like that with so little source material.

Shizune's demise, and the pregnancy. The timeline is the real issue here, although I'm not sure whether it was ever specified which graduation at which she collapsed. Had it been a University graduation, her being pregnant and potentially married to Hisao wouldn't be an issue; it'd be a little hasty and still likely accidental, but at least they'd both be legal adults by then. However, the assumption is that she's in her first trimester at their high school graduation, which generates a plethora of questions too numerous to count, none of which are explained by the narrative.

Overall, I think Closure did the best it could with what it had to work with; Act 1 is very open-ended, and it really doesn't tell you much about the girls' personalities, or Hisao's for that matter. Certainly parts of it could have been written better, and the backstory could have used a bit more explanation, but apart from some rather hamfisted plot decisions, it's not bad.
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Re: Yamaku Book Club (Now Reading: Closure)

Post by AntonSlavik020 »

I personally didn't like it, but I want to stress that it wasn't because it was done poorly. I didn't like it because it just made me feel depressed. The concept of a major character's death is just not one I can get into, fair or not. I didn't even finish it, and from the sounds of things, it just would have made me even more depressed if I continued(Shizune dying while pregnant). Even if the ending is a good one, that's just too much bad stuff for me to finish feeling good. Like I said, a major character's death pretty much destroys any chance of that happening for me. I think part of the reason is because that's a bad thing that's permanent. No matter what the ending is, all I have to do is remember Shizune is dead and I'm sad again.
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Re: Yamaku Book Club (Now Reading: Closure)

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Closure has always been one of my favourites. At the time it came out it was easily in my top three; with the multitude of good stories that appeared since it dropped a litte but is still in my top ten. It's been some time since I last read it, though, so I might misremember some details.

Yes, it is not without flaws. Most of them have already been pointed out be the Professor and Helbereth:
Shizune's death and its circumstances were too much*, but then it was just a flashback and not too prominent in the story except for its consequences - which were excellently written.

Same for Misha's excuses for her porn video - not really necessary, but not enough to drag the story as a whole for me.

I don't have any problem with the characterization. Given how a) much time has passed and what happened to the characters during said time and b) what was known about the characters at the time the story appeared, I thought the characterization was really good.

And I actually thought Shizune's death was the least depressing thing in the story. She's not even an actual major character in the story and her death happens in a flashback.

What makes this story stand out for me is the way the author manages to flesh out the bleakness in Hisao and Misha's everyday lives. That really made an impact for me.

Reading up on Marriageable age in Japan at that age they would have only be able to marry with their parent's consent. I didn't even notice that when first reading the story, since here in Germany you're considered an adult in every way when your 18 - be it alcohol, voting, driving going to jail or marrying. (some could argue there is a bit of an overlap between the latter two, except there is no true life sentence in German criminal law.)
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

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Re: Yamaku Book Club (Now Reading: Closure)

Post by Blasphemy »

Likewise I never actually felt like there was much OOC about Hisao and Misha, in fact I was rather surprised at how authentic they felt to me despite being based off just Act 1. The large time gap and the past events seemed to justify the few changes there were just fine.

As the case with most of you I think my biggest issue was the whole Shizune and child aspect of the story. Even from just Act 1 I wouldn't think of Shizune as someone interested into getting children that early. Somewhat that determined is often a bit more career orientated and, especially in Japan, a child doesn't go to well with that. That said, I could imagine that with only little change to her character Shizune may at least be very keen about keeping a child once pregnant, being willing to work it out. She seemed to be quite a bit more in love with Hisao as well if I'm remembering some of the flashbacks correctly. So maybe they simply had unprotected sex—as far as we know they may have as well in KS—and she got pregnant and so forth.

But then it's also important to stress that it is still Japan again, something which often isn't given too much importance in KS but for s.th. like this I can't ignore it. Mirage just pointed out that the pair actually required parental consent for a marriage and... it's just a less believable situation to have all that happen in a Japanese school, be it Yamaku even. Would Shizune be allowed to stay atop the student council and represent the school while being pregnant? Wouldn't their parents break hell lose over that? How did Shizune and Hisao end up being completely happy with the idea of getting a child that early?

It just feels like a situation this 'extreme' would've required some more exposition in order for me not to suspend my disbelief quite that far. And as others mentioned, the whole child aspect may not even have been necessary for dramatic purposes. I think the death of Shizune alone could cause that kind of depression on its own just fine.

That however is pretty much my only issue with the story. I don't even feel like the porn video stuff was too minor in order to not put Misha's character in a bad light. That's not something that Misha is to blame for in that story either way. What is mattering more is that she distanced herself from Hisao after Shizune's death instead of being supportive, even if she was hit very hard as well obviously.

Now the reason I like this fanfic so much is pretty much the quality of writing I suppose. The limited third person narrator (or what it is) was a bit odd at first but was, for the most part, really well executed and gave everything a nice perspective that seemed to work well with these two characters that were somewhat removed from a normal everyday life. The more frequent switching between Hisao's and Misha's perspective at the end was a nice idea too.

I felt the writing was so strong that I enjoyed pretty much every single scene a lot, especially when both Hisao and Misha were present. Particularly the piano bar scene near the beginning and the restaurant scene with the porn DVD stuff. The subtle character behaviors, dialog and descriptions make those moments feel unbelievably real and interesting to me. I absolutely love those awkward, uncomfortable situations where the characters involved try their best to not break topic about the stuff they don't actually want to talk about. In the piano bar both parties know the elephant in the room, the entire Shizune business, is what matters but can't be discussed at the time. Or how Misha immediately has her suspicions about the 'risqué DVDs' Hisao brings up and keeps prodding him. And then her reaction to Hisao carelessly spitting it out... so good:
"Oh, it's great. You were right, this is a nice restaurant." She cocked her head to one side with a thoughtful frown. "I just find it hard to believe that someone would bring you a porno out of the blue like that." Sly grin firmly back in place: "Are you sure you didn't ask him to bring you any movies? Maybe he had something you wanted to watch?"

Hisao chuckled despite himself. "Schoolgirl Sex Volume 7 isn't on the top of my ‘to-watch' list."

A heartbeat.


Wide eyes turned to regard Misha, who just laughed and turned back to her food.

"Yeah, I guess not." Chopsticks reached for a small slice of sashimi, fumbled and dropped it back to its plate. Is she... shaking?

"Misha..." Hisao saw his friend cringe.

"Oh!" Suddenly, Misha thrust a hand into her purse and extracted her sleek black cell phone. "Oh, no," she muttered, looking at the screen and sucking air through her teeth. "Sorry, Hicchan, but my boss needs me back at the office." She looked pale as she smiled her apology, but it could have been the lighting. Gathering up her purse, "I've got to go ASAP; can you get the bill this time? Thanks," she continued, not waiting for an answer, and she started for the door, bag gripped in one hand and coat slung over an arm.
That's just so realistically written that I feel completely immersed in the situation.
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Re: Yamaku Book Club (Now Reading: Closure)

Post by ProfAllister »

dewelar wrote:
ProfAllister wrote:I'm willing to say, without qualifications, that this is one of the best works posted here.
Calling me out, huh? Fair enough - I give other people a hard time about that kind of thing, so a taste of my own medicine every so often isn't such a bad thing.

Well, one of the fun things about the "without qualifications" bit is that it actually works as an escape clause here. I stated that it's one of the best works here, a sentiment which I have no qualms repeating. But the thing is that there's one key qualifier in this discussion that tends to be assumed - if we were discussing the best KS story, this would be completely out of the running, because, as a KS story, it falls flat. It has about as much claim to being a KS story as would a gender-swapped version of One Piece with the names changed*. But it's the qualifier of the context of KS that pulls it down there. Outside the KS context, it's the connection to KS that pulls it down; within the KS context, it's the tenuous relationship that brings it down.

I'd go further than just saying it's "decent." When I say that It could stand on its own, I mean it. If, instead of Hisao, Misha, and Shizune, it were Hiroyuki, Mayoi, and Meiko, and there were no mention of Yamaku or disabilities, it would be a good story, the emotional notes would hit, and people would talk about it. Even setting aside the fact that most fanfiction (as a feature) is heavily dependent on the source material, I can think of relatively few works on this site that, as far as writing quality is concerned, hold a comparable position.

And, for the record, I maintain that the KS elements aren't integral - they're a few names and minor references that don't really have any relevance to the story. Hisao's heart is pretty much a non-issue. Shizune's deafness even less so (and Hisao and Misha could easily have managed a private conversation without needing to use sign language). Pull those out and the story loses next to nothing. Some would argue less than nothing, because it unburdens the work from an unnecessary weight.

On the general subject of why I think it's good, it's been touched on by several others - it's descriptive, but not too descriptive; just enough to really bring the characters to life. It sets up a complex conflict, the characters address it in a believable (i.e., consistently motivated) manner, and it manages all this in the (relative) economy of under 30k words. I could probably count on one hand the number of other works on this site that are as tightly written. (I count in binary, admitted, but that's a minor point.)

For the record, I believe I read Closure after finishing Emi and Rin's routes (hadn't run Hanako, Lilly, or Shizune). My biggest attachment to Misha at the time of reading was due to her "saving throw" in Emi's route.

My issue is NOT with OOC. I'm quite liberal with what can be considered "in-character." Essentially, if you can contextualize the new material (or the old material) in such a manner that the new and the old are internally consistent (or at least don't contradict), then I consider that acceptable. In one of Doomish's attempts at a Misha route, Misha stated that she grew up around Yamaku - that breaks with the statement she makes when asked why the school is having a festival, where she said that she's not from the area. Without a third piece to contextualize those contradicting statements, you have a problem. On the other hand, the impetus for getting on to Misha's route in my own project is Hisao's decision to ask Misha for help in getting back to Yamaku. It's only available if Hisao already tried to push himself and got hurt doing so, it gives Hisao and Misha more opportunity to interact absent Shizune, and he gets back to the school faster, cooperates more readily, and, as a result, they finish earlier. The next night, instead of falling asleep (as with Shizune's route), she's awake, and approaches Hisao about his pensiveness.

It's not a matter of X = Y (Misha would fall asleep.); it's f(X) = 2Y+Z/A (If Misha gets to bed earlier, she would be less likely to fall asleep.)

That aside, I was under the impression that Hisao and Shizune weren't secretly married. Just good old-fashioned regular married. And while I'll grant that their relationship was certainly atypical, I would be reluctant to say, based only on what was available from Act 1, that it would be impossible.

As a side note, it seems to me that nearly every KS story that is related to pregnancy complications/death has Shizune as the girl. A bizarre trend, to say the least.

But I think we've all been rotating around the same key points. To summarize, best as I can tell:

- The writing (i.e., descriptions, details, dialogue, etc.) is superb quality.
- The narrative (i.e., sequence of events, causality, etc.) has a couple weak points, particularly the details of Shizune's death and Misha's porn.
- The relation to KS is nearly absent, and probably would have been better if it wasn't there at all.

*The comparisons make it so that this could practically write itself:
Emi - Full of energy and dreams of becoming a pirate - the main impetus behind the story.
Rin - A renowned swordfighter, notable for her unusual fighting style, wielding a sword with her mouth.
Hisao - An attractive distaff character, who ostensibly has a role onboard, but it usually just an excuse for fanservice.
Hanako - Loves cooking, hides an eye behind her hair because the sides of her face don't match, and constantly smoking.
Lilly - Distinctive appearance, renowned for marksmanship, and has a tendency to lie in order to avoid difficult situations.
Tonya Woodcutter - A tanuki who joins them on their journey, because of course you need a magical animal mascot.
Miki - Plays a relatively small role, but considered part of the group by a large contingent of fans.
Kenji - Paranoid loner with shaman eyes. Also the only other guy.
Misha - Powered by parfait, distinctive hairstyle, and considered a bit of a sexual nonconformist.
Shizune - Musically inclined, continues working long after anyone else would be dead.
And so on.
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Re: Yamaku Book Club (Now Reading: Closure)

Post by dewelar »

ProfAllister wrote:Well, one of the fun things about the "without qualifications" bit is that it actually works as an escape clause here. I stated that it's one of the best works here, a sentiment which I have no qualms repeating. But the thing is that there's one key qualifier in this discussion that tends to be assumed - if we were discussing the best KS story, this would be completely out of the running, because, as a KS story, it falls flat.
*nods* The inherent problem here is that this was meant to be a KS story. When you attempt something and fail to achieve it, that kind of blunts any claim at that thing having been done well.
It has about as much claim to being a KS story as would a gender-swapped version of One Piece with the names changed*.
With the exception of, you know, actually having made the claim.
But it's the qualifier of the context of KS that pulls it down there. Outside the KS context, it's the connection to KS that pulls it down; within the KS context, it's the tenuous relationship that brings it down.
In part, perhaps. To me, there are too many flaws with the plot itself, even without the KS elements, for the story to be considered good. I enumerated some of them in my earlier post, and others have been noted by other posters.
I'd go further than just saying it's "decent." When I say that It could stand on its own, I mean it. If, instead of Hisao, Misha, and Shizune, it were Hiroyuki, Mayoi, and Meiko, and there were no mention of Yamaku or disabilities, it would be a good story, the emotional notes would hit, and people would talk about it.
The problem with this statement is that I can't disprove it, so it's not really useful to this conversation. All I can say is "I don't believe so" and move on.
Even setting aside the fact that most fanfiction (as a feature) is heavily dependent on the source material, I can think of relatively few works on this site that, as far as writing quality is concerned, hold a comparable position.
I might agree, depending on the meaning of "relatively few". I mentioned that this would probably be in my top 30 in an earlier post. That also means that I believe I could come up with at least 20 that are (IMO, of course) at least the equal, if not the better, of this in quality.
And, for the record, I maintain that the KS elements aren't integral - they're a few names and minor references that don't really have any relevance to the story. Hisao's heart is pretty much a non-issue. Shizune's deafness even less so (and Hisao and Misha could easily have managed a private conversation without needing to use sign language). Pull those out and the story loses next to nothing. Some would argue less than nothing, because it unburdens the work from an unnecessary weight.
The KS elements are what provides the context of the story. Without those elements, we would have less of an idea of who these characters are, and dramatically less of who they were, which would significantly lessen the impact of the emotional aspects of the story.
On the general subject of why I think it's good, it's been touched on by several others - it's descriptive, but not too descriptive; just enough to really bring the characters to life.
This is kind of subjective, but since I've already mentioned that I like the characters of alt-Hisao and alt-Misha as well as their dynamic with the other characters who are present in the main body of the story, I'll at least refrain from disagreeing with this.
It sets up a complex conflict, the characters address it in a believable (i.e., consistently motivated) manner,
On the other hand, I disagree with this statement in its entirety, as addressed in my original review post.
and it manages all this in the (relative) economy of under 30k words. I could probably count on one hand the number of other works on this site that are as tightly written. (I count in binary, admitted, but that's a minor point.)
I'm trying to refrain from asking "how many have you actually read?" here :) .
My issue is NOT with OOC. (tangent snipped)
Mine is only partially with it, so that's fine.
That aside, I was under the impression that Hisao and Shizune weren't secretly married. Just good old-fashioned regular married. And while I'll grant that their relationship was certainly atypical, I would be reluctant to say, based only on what was available from Act 1, that it would be impossible.
I got the distinct impression, from the one exchange between him and alt-Hisao, that alt-Shizune's father didn't know they were married. And yes, impossible might have been a bit of hyperbole, but it was certainly highly unlikely, and we weren't really given any context for why it would happen. Give us that context, and a good chunk of my OOC issue likely goes away.
But I think we've all been rotating around the same key points. To summarize, best as I can tell:

- The writing (i.e., descriptions, details, dialogue, etc.) is superb quality.
- The narrative (i.e., sequence of events, causality, etc.) has a couple weak points, particularly the details of Shizune's death and Misha's porn.
- The relation to KS is nearly absent, and probably would have been better if it wasn't there at all.
My own response to that summary, then, would be:

- The writing quality is generally good, but is dragged down by a trite plot, a weak conflict, and enough instances of poor characterization to be an issue
- The narrative is fairly good in terms of the current plot line, but the flashbacks work against it, and additionally trying to wedge it into the KS-verse causes it to break down significantly
- The relation to KS may be tenuous, but since it wasn't intentionally so, judging it outside that context is basically giving the author an undeserved mulligan
Last edited by dewelar on Sun May 25, 2014 11:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Yamaku Book Club (Now Reading: Closure)

Post by Velitation »

ProfAllister wrote:On the general subject of why I think it's good, it's been touched on by several others - it's descriptive, but not too descriptive; just enough to really bring the characters to life. It sets up a complex conflict, the characters address it in a believable (i.e., consistently motivated) manner, and it manages all this in the (relative) economy of under 30k words. I could probably count on one hand the number of other works on this site that are as tightly written. (I count in binary, admitted, but that's a minor point.)
I could guess what is the other story's name, but that's besides the point. (hehe, binary) The writing in Closure definitely raises the bar in regards to quality.
My issue is NOT with OOC...
That example has alleviated my misunderstanding of character consistency to a good extent, along with Helbereth's explanation. Though I do understand where dewelar has qualms.
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Re: Yamaku Book Club (Now Reading: Closure)

Post by Sea »

WELL, that was probably our most fleshed-out discussion to date. And in the continued spirit of getting all the various flavors of KS covered, we shall travel into the unknown lands of . . . OC"s
*Cue mass panic and rioting*

Greater Than the Sum - Route by BlackWaltzTheThird (completed, 53.142 words)
PoV: OC; Pairings: OC X OC; Begins: beginning of the school year
Remarks: sex

Metting shall be, hmmmmmm, lets say the 29th, good reading!
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Re: Yamaku Book Club (Now Reading: Greater than the Sum)

Post by griffon8 »

That was a good discussion. Sorry I didn't participate, but I enjoyed the responses. Now I have an excuse to reread this one. I remember enjoying it.
I found out about Katawa Shoujo through the forums of Misfile. There, I am the editor of Misfiled Dreams.

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Re: Yamaku Book Club (Now Reading: Closure)

Post by BlackWaltzTheThird »

Sea wrote:Greater Than the Sum - Route by BlackWaltzTheThird
Quietly subscribing to this thread.
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Re: Yamaku Book Club (Now Reading: Closure)

Post by forgetmenot »

BlackWaltzTheThird wrote:
Sea wrote:Greater Than the Sum - Route by BlackWaltzTheThird
Quietly subscribing to this thread.
Don't worry. We'll be sure to rip you apart with due ferocity. Just kidding I actually really liked your fic.
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Re: Yamaku Book Club (Now Reading: Greater than the Sum)

Post by Mahorfeus »

I concur. I'm sorry to say that I might just have to go off memory for this one...

But on second thought, I read this over two years ago. Might just have to sit this one out.
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