Dorm Rooms

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Re: Dorm Rooms

Post by Guest »

Duo2Cuo wrote:Don't be silly you guys! Everyone knows that Misha is homeless.
Shizune's dorm room includes a pet carrier for Misha.
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Re: Dorm Rooms

Post by arrhythmia_one »

Guest wrote:
Duo2Cuo wrote:Don't be silly you guys! Everyone knows that Misha is homeless.
Shizune's dorm room includes a pet carrier for Misha.
What!? :mrgreen:
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Re: Dorm Rooms

Post by Duo2Cuo »

arrhythmia_one wrote:
Guest wrote:
Duo2Cuo wrote:Don't be silly you guys! Everyone knows that Misha is homeless.
Shizune's dorm room includes a pet carrier for Misha.
What!? :mrgreen:
Don't fight it, embrace it :)

Re: Dorm Rooms

Post by Userfrank »

I usualy say that a girl's room reflect her true nature. We might discover thing we never thought possible with some of them.

Shizune: Seeing how she cherished the teddy bear Hisao gave her, she might have a soft spot for cute thing. I wouldn't be surprise to find dolls and things teenage girls usualy likes in her room. A personal computer is a must tho.

Lilly: Due to her being blind, she probably have no sense of decoration or room aesthetic. However she's the well mannered type. Her room probably contains only the necessary since the more furnitures there is, the more difficult it would be for her to move around. A bed, a tea table, a drawer, a cosmetic table and probably a bookself for her braille books. All of these would be very refined furnitures however.

Hanako: Like previously mentioned, Lilly said that her room is pretty empty. All i can imagine is a bed, a drawer and a bookself. She probably spend few time in her room since she's either at the library or in Lilly's room. However, a mirror is impossible. She's very complexed by her scar and thinks of herself as ugly so she certainly would not like to see herself in a mirror.

Emi: Like Shizune, i have a feeling she have a soft spot for cute things. Forget the treadmill and all those kind of things; We're talking about a student dorm room, not a personal gym. Seeing how she's always full of energy and can't stand in place, her room must be a constant mess. My little finger also tells me she might be a compulsive manga reader. She's just the type for it so i wouldn't be surprise if her messy room is filled with various mangas.

Rin: Messy room for sure unless someone do the cleaning for her. I can't imagine doing a full cleaning only with my feets. Rin's interests are pretty vague, just like her artwork. They says Art is the image of one's mind, well seeing how she speaks and what she paints, her room might contains anything, even the unexpectable. One thing i'm sure we'll agree on, her room has painting material.

Misha: I don't thing Misah has a problem with her voice. I think it's more like a mental disorder that makes her unable to control her decibels like some sort of hyperactivness. So no big subwoofer and material to do lots of noise. Like Emi, i think she must be a compulsive manga reader. I don't know why but i cna't imagine her walls another color than pink. she probably have the standards furniture and her room a little messy, but less than Emi and Rin.

And for the heck of it, Kenji: ... Well, not much to say about him. He's basicly trying to turn a student dorm room inton an atomic bunker.
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Re: Dorm Rooms

Post by Warwick »

Well despite the fact that we won't be able to see the rooms as the devs envisioned them in the regular backgrounds, I hope that there is at least a CG or two that will do them justice.

Re: Dorm Rooms

Post by Nina »

I imagine Shizune's room...

Well you walk in and all the lights are off then a few spotlights turn on and you see a giants world map on the wall with different colored tacks and post it notes and then another lights a desk with world domination papers everywhere and then one more shows her bed which has a steel frame...

something like that....
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Re: Dorm Rooms

Post by G0t0 »

Earlier in this tread someone mentioned that Hanako's room would be full of games she could play by herself.
She would be like a fucking Rubik's Cube champion, If she had one. And maybe a few completed puzzles and stuff.

Now I see Shizune playing Rome Total Realism or Rhye's and Fall of Civilization if she had a computer.
She would also have a small library consisting of The Prince (obviously), Books on/by Marx, Mussolini, and many other Statists, and Noam Chomsky (Linguistics only as I don't think Anarchistic ramblings would appeal to her.)

Re: Dorm Rooms

Post by Huh!? »

G0t0 wrote:Earlier in this tread someone mentioned that Hanako's room would be full of games she could play by herself.
She would be like a fucking Rubik's Cube champion, If she had one. And maybe a few completed puzzles and stuff.

Now I see Shizune playing Rome Total Realism or Rhye's and Fall of Civilization if she had a computer.
She would also have a small library consisting of The Prince (obviously), Books on/by Marx, Mussolini, and many other Statists, and Noam Chomsky (Linguistics only as I don't think Anarchistic ramblings would appeal to her.)
........ Son, I am dissapoint...
Karl Marx was multiple things: philosopher, historian, sociologist... but more importantly he was a political theorist that is credited for founding, along with Friedrich Engels, the communist ideology. Benito Mussolini was a key figure in the creation of the fascist party in Italy, an ideology quite different from communism. I can't think of any other extremes to pick from the political spectrum... They are pretty much day and night. As for "anarchistic ramblings," I've read a little of the guy on that, and while I differ on some of his views, they could hardly be considered "ramblings". Please, read. I won't derail the topic any further.
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Re: Dorm Rooms

Post by CindehQ »

Misha: Anything she could make a lot of noise with, drum sets, subwoofers, and karaoke set. Her walls would be painted something cheerful like pink or yellow. Probably has things like stuffed animals and manga. If she has a TV, it would always have captions for Shizune to watch with her. She has a framed picture of her and Shizune. Total slob.

Shizune: Shelf with books on politics and war. Probably a poster of a dictator on her wall and maybe all sorts of awards hung up to show off her achievements. Owns a computer with many strategy games. Generally a clean and orderly room with a real professional feel, with the exception of the plushie that Hisao won her on her bed.

Rin: Her room would be absolute chaos, since she's too laidback to care and cleaning by feet is probably annoying. Without a doubt there would be art supply laid around everywhere and the smell of paint in the air. She probably just throws her clothes on the floor too. Other then that, her room wouldn't be very decorated since she's too busy daydreaming to care about the aesthetics of her room.

Emi: Not as messy as Misha or Rin, but probably doesn't care that much about her books and whatnot, which are just laying around. However, the athletic equipment she keeps in her room is well kept and has a few cookbooks stashed away in her desk. Probably has many posters with either inspiratonal sayings or athletes on them. A framed picture of her and Rin and maybe her track team. She probably enjoys reading "feel-good" books like Chicken Soup for the Soul.

Hanako: Like Rin's, it's not very decorated or personal. Probably has a large bookshelf and some board games to play by herself or with Lilly. Maybe owns headset to listen to music with. She probably owns a lot of brushes and shampoos but doesn't own a mirror of course. Has a framed picture of Lilly.

Lilly: Very plain and spacious, for obvious reasons. None the less, the furniture is probably very elegent and high-class looking. The light are always on in case of visitors. Has a teaset and some speakers to play classical music or easy listening. Owns some board games for Hanako and her to play. Has a braile typewriter and books in braile. Maybe some saved letters from Akira, since letters feel more personal then a phone call.
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Re: Dorm Rooms

Post by ZystraL »

I'm sure Rin paints or draws on her walls. I know I sure do.

I think despite being blind, Lilly has some sort of picture frame of her and Akira on her desk. Perhaps.

And I still uphold my dream of a deaf person being a musical genius - Shizune should play something. I would assume something delicate yet technical, like herself, the only thing coming to mind is the violin/viola.
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Re: Dorm Rooms

Post by DuaneMoody »

Nina wrote:I imagine Shizune's room...

Well you walk in and all the lights are off then a few spotlights turn on and you see a giants world map on the wall with different colored tacks and post it notes and then another lights a desk with world domination papers everywhere and then one more shows her bed which has a steel frame...

something like that....
Misha: What are we going to do tonight, Shiichan?
Shizune (signing): The same thing we do every night, Misha.
Misha: NARF! Wahahahaha~

Re: Dorm Rooms

Post by -abscess »

DuaneMoody wrote:Misha: What are we going to do tonight, Shiichan?
Shizune (signing): The same thing we do every night, Misha.
Misha: NARF! Wahahahaha~
I lol'd
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Re: Dorm Rooms

Post by Bara »

-abscess wrote:
DuaneMoody wrote:Misha: What are we going to do tonight, Shiichan?
Shizune (signing): The same thing we do every night, Misha.
Misha: NARF! Wahahahaha~
I lol'd
ditto. Misha is Pinky to Shizune's Brain. :mrgreen:

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Re: Dorm Rooms

Post by somedude »

I didnt want to start another thread just to ask this question...
But why is Hisao and Kenji neighbors? So far with all the other characters, it shows that they pick people to be neighbors to balance them out.
Emi, who has no lower legs, is paired up with Rin, who has no arms
Hanako, who is shy about people looking at her, is paired up with Lilly who is blind
and Shizune, who is deaf and needs someone to translate sign-language for her, is paired up with the loudest girl in the class who knows sign language.
So what does Kenji have that Hisao needs?
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Re: Dorm Rooms

Post by Drewski »

Somedude, they're always the off chance that it wasn't an intentional pairing.
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