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Re: The Neko Story: Book 1 (...And Nakai Makes Three) releas

Post by NekoDude »


«Tonight I don't wanna feel wonderful
Tonight I don't wanna feel bad
Cause tonight will be the night of my dreams
Tonight I won't feel anything»

“They might start wondering if I’m still alive, and then they’d come looking for my body. I think I’d rather just show up for class once in a while. Not on any sort of schedule of course, that would make it too easy for them to track me.” Dammit Kenji, you were just starting to make sense, too. “So, you can stay or you can go, but I’m going to sleep.” It’s not like you ever leave that blanket pile, the only difference would be that you stop ranting for a while. “You’re a pretty cool dude, for a girl.”

“Th-thanks, I think.” We’re only maybe a third of the way through this bottle of whiskey, so I can spare a bit and still get through tomorrow. I intend to spend my birthday sleeping off the epic hangover I know I’m in for. “I-I’ll leave you s-some of this. W-would the Jack b-bottle b-be good?”

“You’re a pretty cool dude. Yeah, thanks.”

After pouring a few shots worth of Suntory Red into the empty Jack Daniels bottle, I slip out quietly with the bottle concealed under a borrowed sweatshirt, and the remainder of my Coke and instant food in a plastic bag. I encounter nobody leaving the building, but see Rin fighting with her door in my own building. I slip back around the corner before she notices me and wait for her to go away. I could take another hall, but then I run the risk of bumping into someone there instead. Finally I hear a door open, then close again, and take another look to make sure the hallway is clear.

Back at my own room, it takes me a moment to get the door unlocked. Once inside, I don’t even bother with the light. I just throw the food and soda in the fridge and tuck the whiskey under the bed before collapsing backward onto it. I lay there for a moment, then suddenly, the room phone rings, making me yelp in surprise. I don’t think I’ve actually heard it ring before. Ring. Go away. Ring. I’m not here. Ring. I’m calling in sick. Ring. No, I’m calling in dead. Ring. Take a hint, I’m not here! No ring. Good.

My pulse and breathing are just starting to slow down when it happens again. Ring. No no no. Ring. Fuck off! Ring. Finally, I can’t take it any longer. I leap off the bed and grab the handset in one motion.


“Ikezawa?” It’s Kenji. “I heard noises and wanted to make sure they hadn’t gotten you.”

My head starts throbbing just a little bit less, and the urge to vomit subsides. You heard noises? Who are they? No, remember who is speaking. Don’t overthink this or you’ll end up as crazy as him. “N-no, I’m s-safe. Y-you just sc-scared me is all.”

“Good to hear. And always look both ways.” He hangs up. Look both ways? What is that supposed to mean?

I need another drink.

«Naa, na na, naa
Naa, na na, naa
Naa, na na na na na, naa
Tonight I don't feel anything»
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Re: The Neko Story: Book 1 (...And Nakai Makes Three) releas

Post by NekoDude »


“I’m glad you’re coming with us, Suzu. It would obviously be better if we could take Neko, but she can’t know about this. It’s supposed to be a surprise.” I smile at her, and she smiles back.

“It’s fine, I know you’re not an expert on girls’ bikes. Neither am I, but at least I know what I like.”

Sally pulls up to the curb in the new car, rolls down the window, and waves. It wasn’t really necessary to roll it down, considering these windows aren’t tinted, but I guess old habits die hard.


You can have it, I’m sure Sally wants to keep an eye on you anyhow. I climb in back. “I thought you said you didn’t like this car.”

“I don’t, but we’re supposed to be on the down low here. This is as close to generic as we’ve got.” She adjusts the seat a bit, then a mirror. “Besides, I’m still making sure it’s fit for service. I still don’t trust things made in China.”

It takes about twenty minutes to get to the bike shop. The guy that greets us is not much older than me, and wears a name tag bearing the name ‘Iwao’. “How can I help you today?” He bows slightly.

“We’re looking for a trio of bicycles, preferably ones that can be delivered quickly. Don’t worry, we don’t live very far away.”

“How quickly did you have in mind, Ms…”

“Rogers. And… maybe tomorrow?”

“Oh! Well then I highly suggest we take a look at what we already have in stock, Ms. Rogers.”

“Can you do minor modifications on site?” I ask. “Because at least one of them needs to be set up a little bit differently.”

“What would you consider ‘minor modifications,’ sir?”

“My name is Hisao.” I bow slightly. “No need to call me ‘sir’. If I know your name, it’s only fair that you know mine.”

He looks pleased. “Thank you, Hisao. What do you have in mind?”

“Switching brake cables, for one. Swapping chainring, cranks, and pedals too, if you have them in stock.”

“Oh! Yes, that all sounds like something we could do here in the shop. Not me personally, but we have a tech.” He looks a bit ashamed not to be capable of doing it himself.

“Very good.” Sally claps her hands. “Let’s have a look, shall we?”

“So are the three bicycles for the three of you?”

A logical conclusion, even if wrong. “No. I mean, one is for me, but the other two are surprise gifts. We brought a friend along who is the same size as one of the riders though.”

Suzu bows too. This is getting contagious. “Suzu Suzuki.”

“Like the motorcycle?” He looks hopeful for some reason.

“In name only, I’m afraid. It would be nice, wouldn’t it?”

Iwao has walked us over to a section with what look like single-speed bikes. I already know we’re not going that direction. “Are these all single-speed?”

“Ah, no, anything you see here can have a three-speed swapped in rather quickly.”

“We do have to climb hills on them, and come back down the other side. We’re going to need something a bit more capable, even if it’s a bit less elegant.”

Iwao nods and leads us away from the city bikes, and into something more hybrid-like. “Something like this perhaps? You would both seem tall enough to handle these, and we have a slightly smaller variant if that would be better.”

I take a quick look at what looks like a 1x7. A single front ring means no left hand shifter to worry about, but it still offers a wide range of gearing choices. “This seems like a better place to start from. Do you have any idea what the gearing is?”

“Umm… let me ask. I think I know, but I’d rather make sure.” I nod at him and let him escape to the back. I’d rather get the right answer slowly than a wrong one fast.

Sally pokes me in the shoulder. “Is it really necessary to torture the poor guy?”

“It’s not torture, I just want to know what we’re getting to start with. That determines what needs to be changed, and the less that needs to be changed, the better and faster.” I tap my wrist, even though I haven’t worn a watch in years.

Iwao returns looking a bit more confident. “It’s 42T in the front, and 13 to 34 in the back on the larger model, 12 to 32 on the smaller. Does that help you?”

“It helps a great deal. That’s good enough until we can get them each tuned to our liking. Would it be possible to arrange for a test, preferably both of us at the same time?”

“Uh, that should be possible, but we only have one of this size assembled, and one of the other size.”

I look at Suzu, and she shrugs. “That’s fine with me.” I’ve caught Iwao looking her over a few times now, so it may be time to intervene.

“The second bike is for her boyfriend, so it will be the same size as mine. That’s okay though, we can trade off. It’s the third one that will be the smaller size, and have the cables swapped, and the shorter cranks.” I give him a sympathetic look, since I know I just pulled the rug out from underneath him. “That one would be for my girlfriend, and she’s about yea tall.” I hold my hand to my chin. “Okay, maybe not quite that short, but you get the point. At any rate, they’re all going to need pedals with Power Grips. Changing shoes is somewhat… inconvenient.”

Once we are in the alley behind the shop, both Suzu and I cut loose. We have a couple brief drag races, switch bikes, and do it again - all with nary a fat-bottomed girl in sight. The larger model seems faster, but not by much, and it’s more important that it be a good fit. Suzu clearly has no problems riding the larger bike, nor is it an issue for her to put her foot down when she stops. The alley is too narrow to get much of a feel for the handling, but at least what we can test feels good. She’s enjoying herself, and so am I, and we spend more time than is really necessary to confirm that these are acceptable. We head back inside.

Sally looks to Suzu first. “What do you think? Practical and fun?”

“Yeah, quite. I’d be happy with it.”

Then she turns to me. “And what about you, mister expert? What’s your verdict?”

“I think these will be perfectly suited. We’ll also need baskets and lights.” I turn to Iwao. “You wouldn’t happen to carry Rotor Q-Rings, would you?”

That sends him to the inventory computer. “It says we don’t normally carry them but… we have one that was a special order and never got picked up. It’s a 34T.”

“Put it on the smaller bike if you would, since it needs the cranks changed anyhow. Maybe we should be writing this down.” It turns out they have a form for this, so I start filling them out, one for each bike. “What kind of light options do you have?”

“That depends whether you want the dynamo front hub or not,” Iwao says. “Frankly, I would, or I’d go for battery-powered lights. The cheap lights that are driven from the tire make more noise than light. Whether you want to go with a dynamo or a battery, I’d recommend a rear light as well as a front.”

“Would that delay things any? The dynamo hub, that is?”

“No, it’s a very common upgrade and we always have the complete wheels in stock. We’d just be switching wheels and hooking up a couple wires. We should still be able to deliver tomorrow afternoon.”

I look at Sally, and she nods. “If it makes you easier to see at night, I’m all in favor of it. I’m more worried about you getting hit than hitting something.”

I tick the Dynamo box on all three forms. “Say, where do I mention that the brake cables need to be switched?”

Iwao looks at me a little bit puzzled. “Why do you want to do that anyhow? It means signaling takes your hand off the rear brake.”

“Because the girl that will be riding it only has one hand, and it would probably be best if she doesn’t launch herself over the bars when she tries to stop.” I don’t figure the leg bears mentioning, since there’s nothing he can do about it that I haven’t already thought of.

“Oh.” He looks embarrassed to have asked the question, or perhaps by the answer. Then he smiles and lifts his head to indicate I should look at something behind me. Sally is atop a bike best suited for a ten year old girl, complete with pink paint job and tassels on the handlebars, pretending to ride with both hands in the air, while Suzu laughs hard enough to start coughing. “So you’ll be wanting four bikes, then?”

I’m glad to see everyone is having fun.
Last edited by NekoDude on Mon Nov 03, 2014 1:36 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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About the Soundtrack

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That's it for Book One. I know it sort of just stops, but at least the major plotline of Neko trying to have both Miki and Hisao has been resolved. This meant it was time for a title change.

I have compiled a Youtube playlist here you can use to follow along to all the musical references. Please note that I am not saying anything about my opinion of the songs -- in particular, I severely dislike "Tonight" by Deep Blue Something. However, it just seemed to fit.

I'm not very far into the second book, but I do have a working title for it: "Three Of A Perfect Pair", thus the last entry on the playlist.

What, you thought Neko learned her lesson about trying to swing two partners at once? Yeah, right.
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White Mice site (Bandcamp) updated.

Post by NekoDude »

I'm now up to eight songs, and finally one that's actually referenced directly in the book -- "Librarian", which provides the subtext to the Yuuko chapter. This is the first WM vocal track I've been willing to release with absolutely no Autotune used on it (not so much by choice, it was totally mangling things). This one has the same instrumentation as "Mommy Comes Back", so it has Kagami and Lilly on strings.
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Shameless self-bump. (Prologue from Book Two)

Post by NekoDude »

Here's the Prologue of Book Two. I don't really have any other means of doing flashbacks, since everything is in a POV format, so these are the only opportunities I get to show old scenes without going into re-tellings. Hopefully this gives further insight into the origins of Neko's motivations and personal traumas.

“At least her head works.” I can hear my mother speaking from the next room. “Otherwise we’d have to try again for sure. It’s bad enough that she’s a cripple and just… weird.”

Does she think I can’t hear her? Or does she think I’m falling behind on my English lessons and don’t know what she’s saying?

“You were weird too, you know, and you turned out just fine.” Pops always sticks up for me. “Besides, she’s only as crippled as she lets herself be. We’ll never know what she’s capable of doing until she tries. She’s probably never going to be a star athlete, but what would it matter if she was? That’s not exactly what we need in this line of work.”

“Have you seen what she was doing last I checked? She was tearing apart one of the minibikes. Six year old girls should not smell like petrol.” Do I smell like petrol? You smell like wine.

“Yeah? Let’s see if it works when she’s done putting it back together before we rush to judgement on that point. We’ve got half a dozen jillaroos around here doing things you don’t seem to think fit for girls to do, and they do them as well as anyone… not that I want that for her future either.”

I can hear her sigh from an entire room away, through a closed door. I bet she rolled her eyes too, something she says I got from her. “At least we don’t have to worry about hooking her up when the time comes. It will be an offer they can’t refuse, and she’s lucky for that. Nobody is going to love half a wife.”

“She’s still my daughter, and I happen to love her a great deal. I don’t see why you can’t just accept her the way she is, and stop blaming yourself for getting sick while you were carrying her. You didn’t choose to do it, and it’s far too late to change it now. I don’t blame you, I don’t think she blames you, and it’s time you stop, too. I will grant you one point though – it might not be the worst idea ever to hedge our bets. We can certainly afford to try.”

“You’re such a romantic, aren’t you? You know just what to say to get me in the mood.” I can almost see sarcasm leaking under the door like spilled wine, but what I hear after that tells me I better not open the door until they open it first.
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Hanako is a fan of The Ramones

Post by NekoDude »


The afternoon light greets me with a headache, but at least I know where I am and how I got here. Maybe that means I didn’t drink enough? That weird check-up phone call still weighs on my mind – how did Kenji know when to call, and what noises was he talking about? It’s almost like he could hear me…

Nope, that’s another idea best drowned at birth. I’m a bit too raw for straight whiskey, so I mix myself a drink with flat Coke and use it to wash down a couple aspirin. I pour some water into the electric teapot so I can make some instant noodles, and close the curtains as tightly as possible. My head keeps throbbing, and I mix up another syrupy tasting cocktail, using it to chase one more aspirin tablet.

«Twenty-twenty-twenty four hours to go
I wanna be sedated
Nothin' to do and no where to go-oh
I wanna be sedated»

One more day. That’s all I have to slog through before I can be safe in pretending that my birthday doesn’t exist – and perhaps, by extension, that I don’t exist.

The pounding in my head has eased slightly by the time the water comes to a boil, and I pour it into the cup. By the time the noodles have softened enough to eat, I no longer feel at risk of rejecting them. The sodium in the broth is refreshing, and I give a small, satisfied burp.

The drunk-fuel meter reads a bit more than a quarter tank. I just might get through the night without having to leave for anything other than bathroom breaks.

«Just put me in a wheelchair, get me to the show
Hurry hurry hurry before I go loco
I can't control my fingers, I can't control my toes
Oh no no no no no»

Drinking then eating seems to have been the right move. I can already feel the whiskey going to my head. No more mixed drinks though, they just make whiskey that tastes like arse taste like syrupy, watered-down arse. I take a double straight up, and chase it with some lifeless cola. «Carpe diem.»

«Ba-ba-bamp-ba ba-ba-ba-bamp-ba I wanna be sedated
Ba-ba-bamp-ba ba-ba-ba-bamp-ba I wanna be sedated»
Last edited by NekoDude on Tue Oct 28, 2014 1:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Now posting "Three Of A Perfect Pair"

Post by NekoDude »


I show Hisao the text message on my phone. “Summit meeting. Bring Hisao and nobody else. Will be there at 3:30.”

He gives me a puzzled look. “Does this sort of thing happen often?”

“No. The last time it happened, it was because someone had died and Mum had to leave town in a hurry to tend to family business. I certainly hope that isn’t what’s going on now, but I doubt it because she told me to bring you. That makes me think this has something to do with either Miki or Suzu.” Given the current situation between Miki and me, it better not be about her, or it had better be about business at any rate.

“Do you think I should be worried? I mean, it’s not like there’s a whole lot I can do between now and then except try to keep my eyes and ears open.” You look like you already are worried.

“Worry, no. Watch and listen, yes. They are both in your class, after all. Now as much as I hate to leave you, we both could use a shower before class, and even though your sole hallmate is blind as a bat, I’m still not inclined to risk being caught in your shower.” I give him a kiss before I put on the leg and just enough casual clothing to make the trip across the courtyard.

“I can do that much, but please let me know if you hear anything. Maybe it will give me some idea what I should be watching and listening for.” He checks the hallway for whatever he ever checks for – Flying monkeys? Wild herds of antelope? Rabid geese? Prowling Kenjis? – and gives me the all-clear.


A little hot water goes a long way toward clearing the last of the cobwebs out of my head. I wouldn’t say I hate mornings, but that doesn’t mean we’re always the best of friends either. I wish I knew what this summons could be about. This is going to be bugging me all day now. I could call and ask, but if this could be handled over the phone, then it probably already would have been. I guess I just have to wait and wonder.

Luckily, much of the morning is consumed by tutoring sessions for those having trouble with their foreign language studies. For almost everyone, this means English. I briefly consider studying Spanish instead, but that goes right out the window when I hear my name called, along with a trio of others.

“Those of you I have not just called, please arrange yourselves into four study groups.” The four of us wait for desks to be shuffled about, then each of us is assigned to one of the four groups. “Today’s topic will be ‘our favorite things,’” drones Asamiya in his usual sleepy manner. “Tutors should listen, suggest, and assist, but please do not lead the conversation. You are not the ones I am worried about.” That sounds easy enough, and I let the chatter distract me from that which does not bear worrying about.

Come lunchtime, I go for a swim. I might as well, since I won’t get a chance after class. I’m surprised to find that Hisao is already there, and has installed not one but two starting blocks along the poolside. This ought to be fun.

“It looks like you were expecting me,” I half-yell as he breaks the surface at the end of a lap.

“I figured it was a fifty-fifty, that you would either come here or go to the radio room, so I picked the one I wanted to do more.”

“I am quite pleased that you want to train even when I’m not around, but I must get changed.” I wonder if he stopped to eat anything before diving in, as Nurse had instructed, before remembering that carrying a bag, peeling fruit, and walking at the same time is less of a problem for him than it is for me. Hopefully he ate along the way.

I change and shed the leg, then jump in from the edge and immediately climb back out. I once launched from the blocks and found the water to be quite a bit colder than expected, causing me to gasp – which is mildly unpleasant when submerged. Then I launch from the block into the empty lane, aiming to come up as close to the fifteen meter mark as possible. On the return leg, I hear a splash in the next lane and grab the rope to see where he comes up. He’s short of the mark by well over a meter, but he can see this as easily as I can so there’s no point in mentioning it.

He’s still not fast, but at least everything looks coordinated now. Just a few weeks ago he looked like a rat about to drown, so this is nice progress. First comes form, then strength, then speed. At the end of a full lap, he climbs out and does another launch, then a third and a fourth. It doesn’t seem like he’s afraid to hit the water any longer.

Just as he was first into the pool, he’s also first out of it, and he’s halfway through his sandwich before I finish up, chasing it down with coffee from a plastic bottle. Even two days after, the meatballs still make some pretty tasty sandwiches, so I join him with a towel over my shoulders. I might as well drip-dry while I eat. He holds out the coffee bottle, and I realize he’s also holding out his other hand to hold my sandwich while I take a drink. The coffee is sweet and mostly cold, and provides a nice complement to the meal.

“Thanks, it’s good as usual. That was sweet of you to bring a supply fit for both of us.”

“No problem. You’ve been supplying lunches three or four days a week for three weeks running now, it’s the least I can do.”

“I still can’t help thinking of the reason for this summit meeting. Do you think it might have something to do with Mum’s trip? Maybe she’s having to go sooner than expected… but in that case, why would she not want her second-in-command around?”

He shrugs without taking his eyes off his sandwich, as if the remaining meatballs are going to escape if he looks away. “I’d tell you if I could.” Wait, is that just a hint of a smirk? I think you know more than you’re letting on. And then it’s gone.


While waiting at the gates of the school, we continue our little guessing game, and this time he’s actually taking shots himself. “What’s your birthday?”

“November 14. Exactly nine months after Valentine’s Day. That would be sweet if it meant anything, but I was a preemie so it doesn’t really mean much. I should have been a Christmas baby, or close to it.”

“Hmm, so then it wouldn’t have anything to do with that. It’s pretty unlikely she just bought another car, so we can probably cross that off the list too. Wait, I just thought of something… but I really hope I’m wrong.” Now he does look worried.

“Spill it. You set it up, you can’t just leave me hanging.”

“Your mother is not that old, you know.” She’s older than you think, but continue. I think I know where you’re going and it scares me too.

“Could it be we’re about to hear about a family expansion?”

I don’t say anything, but the fact that I don’t laugh off the suggestion immediately seems to serve as confirmation that it has crossed my mind as well. “I suppose anything is possible, but if this is the case, I’m pretty sure it was an accident.”

“Have you noticed we haven’t seen Junpei around the ranch for a while?” Yes, as a matter of fact I had noticed that. Speculation time is over though, as the little blue Honda chugs up the hill and pulls to the curb.

“Good of you to make it,” Mum cheerfully tells us as we climb aboard. “This is a perfect beginner’s car. I hate it with every ounce of my being, but it’s perfect for you guys. You’re not likely to get yourselves killed in it, which is more than I can say for the other blue car. I swear sometimes that one is even trying to kill me.

I had gone immediately for the door behind the driver’s seat, leaving it to Hisao to walk around and take the other front seat. He might as well get used to the view from up there, since he’ll be experiencing it personally long before I will. It takes him a moment longer to belt himself in, and then we’re off. We pull up directly in front of the house, and all proceed in together, with no attempt made to shelter the car. That implies this may not take very long, which is a bit of a disappointment. I was looking forward to sleeping in my own bed on a weeknight for a change – even more so when I can share it. It’s quite a bit bigger than what we’ve been sharing lately.

“If you’ve got anything to unload, go ahead and do that, then meet me in the kitchen. Keep your shoes on.” Mum walks on ahead down the hall.

Hisao is wearing cargo pants – not very fashionable, but utterly sensible considering the amount of medication he has to carry. He turns straight into my room, and empties one of his pockets into my nightstand. “I’ve used up the supply I stashed before, and I completely agree with you that I should always be prepared for an overnight stay… just in case.”

I don’t have anything to dump, but I’d rather stick by him than follow Mum. We walk into the kitchen together, and Mum has a martini in her hand. Hisao looks at me just as I look at him and I have to imagine we’re thinking the same thing – no oops baby.

“Sorry I have none to offer you, but you’re going to need your wits about you.” She drains the glass in a single toss, and sets it on the table. “Please follow me.”

We follow all the way out to the stable, where Abe is already waiting. The lights come on to reveal something under a horse blanket against the closed rear doors. She turns to face us, then addresses Hisao. “Would you like to do the honors?”

“Most certainly.” He steps forward. What? You knew about this? You suck. He pulls off the blanket with a flourish fit for a matador or a magician, to reveal… wheels? Two, four, six… what is this?

Abe grasps the situation faster than I do, and rushes forward. “Oh cool!

Hisao separates the red bicycle from the other two and leans it against the railing, to remain holding a green one and a blue one. “Take your pick, these two are exactly the same. I’ll raise the saddle on mine, but otherwise they’ll stay the same for a little while.” Abe chooses the green one and hops right aboard. The moment he starts moving, the light comes on by itself. “Now it’s your turn. Sorry you don’t get a choice of color, yours is slightly different from the other two – mostly, it’s just smaller.” He takes a moment to inspect something in the region of the handlebars before stepping back again. “Alright, they set it up as I requested. You’ll be able to stop without flying over the bars.” He twists the handgrip, lifts the rear wheel off the ground, and turns the pedals a couple times. “It’s in first gear now.”

“But… I’ve never ridden a bicycle before.”

“You’ve ridden a motorbike, right?”

“Only a tiny little minibike. And I crashed it more than once.”

“Same idea, except you’re the motor, and should probably try not to crash. Abe! You’re using the wrong side of the pedals. You’re supposed to put your feet in the straps so you can pull up on the pedals as well as push down on them.”

Abe stops circling the center aisle of the stable long enough to flip the pedals over and lock one foot in. “Does anyone mind if I take this outside?”

Mum nods. “Don’t leave the property yet, not until we know everything works right.”

I can hear the whirring of the chain each time he changes gears. “Is it supposed to sound like that?”

“Yeah, that’s normal. They had some models with three-speed hubs too, but this setup is more flexible, if noisier and less elegant.”

Abe is now long gone, and I suppose it’s my turn to try this. Hisao holds my bike by the seat to keep it upright, and I notice that the top tube of the frame is lower than on the other two bikes, though it has two tubes unlike some of the bikes I see fellow students riding which have just one. I step over and grab the handlebar, and get my good leg into the strap on the pedal.

“You may or may not want to strap in with the other foot, but that’s part of the reason I chose this system – along with the fact that it doesn’t require changing shoes. Can you reach the ground while on the saddle? There’s still a bit of room to lower it if need be.”

I can, but only barely, and I have no ankle to extend to increase my reach. I can feel a pulse course through the frame, and suddenly the seat falls out from under me, then is lifted back up into a more suitable position before being locked back into place. It’s subtle, but it’s just enough to make the reach less of a strain.

“Would you like me to hold on while you take off?” I nod, and he does, letting go once I get moving under my own power. It’s not all that difficult to stay upright, but I don’t think I’ll be locking the right foot to the pedal any time soon. Also, in this gear, I go so slowly it’s hard to maintain a straight line.

I brake and put my foot down. “How do I change gears?”

“You twist this part of the grip. Turn it backward to downshift, and forward to upshift. You have to be pedaling before anything will actually happen though, and it will feel for just a moment like the chain fell off – because that’s kind of what it does. Don’t let that freak you out.”

I start off again with a bit of help, and I feel the chain jump off the gears twice. I guess I’ll have to get used to shifting one gear at a time, but first things first – like just getting going at all. This time though, I ride clear out of the stable and almost fall over the first time I make a sharp turn. It’s not quite like the minibike, but I guess anything worth doing comes with a learning curve.

When I hit the first patch of deep shadow, I can see that my light is on as well. I can see a red glow in the distance, which would apparently be Abe. Huh, so we have tail lights too.

I’m being passed, and I can hear him shouting at me. “Keep it up!” Then with a whir and a click, he’s gone, the faint flicker of the red tail light the only thing remaining.

When I circle back around and head back the way I came, I can see that Mum has an even bigger smile on her face than I do.
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Three Of A Perfect Pair" (Neko, Book 2) 2014/03/28

Post by NekoDude »


The seat next to me was empty again. She was here before lunch, but never came back afterward, so I suppose I’d better check up on her. I check the library first just because it’s on the way, but no luck. I return to the dorm and knock at her door but get no answer. I use my key and sure enough, she’s crashed out, dead to the world – very much like a few days ago. I check the drawer of her desk, and the transparent chunk within has grown rather small indeed.

Then I notice that the picture on her desk is face up. I don’t think I’ve ever seen it that way before. I take a look at it, and the family resemblance is obvious, but I haven’t actually seen any of the others. I spot a smudge on the glass, which looks a lot like she licked her finger and wiped it. A dusting of fine white powder at the edge where the frame and glass meet confirms my suspicions.

Well, fuck. She’s going to be useless for a while, and I don’t have anyone else to pal around with. I was planning on an afternoon of mindless video games, so I figure I might as well stay with that plan… and that’s how I find myself exiting a bus in the middle of downtown Sendai.

The arcade is as chaotically noisy as it is dark. There are many people my own age (as I would expect), and most of them male (as I also would expect). Then I spot someone I recognize, playing foosball… so this is what Sharky does to entertain clients, huh? I shouldn’t be surprised, we’re not very far from their office.

One person in particular stands out from the crowd. Clearly out of place, she sits at a table in the concession area by herself, sipping on a fountain drink. If she didn’t look so utterly downtrodden, she’d be astonishingly beautiful. Actually, she still is, it’s just buried under a layer of makeup that’s probably thicker than her skin.

The games can wait. I have to know what’s going on here.

I approach slowly. Something about her posture and demeanor remind me of Hanako, and I know from experience that approaching her quickly is a bad move, even if she knows you. This is different though. This girl actually gives me a slight and unsteady smile as I step in her direction.

“You look like you could use some company,” I say as I pull one of the other chairs away from the table and sit down. I get only another smile in response. “Are you feeling alright?”

“My name Mira,” she replies with a heavy accent. Definitely gaijin.

“Would you like me to refill your drink, Mira?”

This time her smile seems genuine. “Yes, my name Mira.”

Dark blond hair. Gray eyes the color of a winter morning. Doesn’t speak the language. Fuck it, here goes nothing. “«Mira, my name is Miki. Perhaps you would have an easier time with English?»”

The gasp in response says something just got through. “«I speak little bit English!»” Well, that’s a lot more than you speak Japanese.

“«Where are you from, Mira?»”

“«Vladivostok. You know it?»” Her eyes light up for a moment, before the pain closes back in.

“«Well… no, not really. But it’s in Russia, right?»”

“«Yes, yes! From Russia.»”

“«So I hope you don’t think I’m being nosy, but what is a pretty Russian girl named Mira doing in a video arcade in Sendai?»”

There is a long hesitation, and I can’t be sure if she’s trying to find the words, or if she simply isn’t prepared to tell me. Finally she looks down at the cup still in her hands. “«I am look for love.»” Well that was certainly not the answer I was expecting. Get a grip, Miura. What are the odds?

“«This is a bit of a strange place to look for love. Horny guys maybe, but not love.»” What next? A leap of faith. “«Maybe you want to get something to eat?»”

Mira suddenly looks around the room as if looking for someone in particular, before returning to her tragic posture. “«I want to, yes. But can’t. I working.»”

“«Oh! You work here?»” Mira nods. “«Well I don’t want to get you in any trouble, and surely you must need to get back to work soon, so here...»” I pull a duplicate business card from my wallet, and write my name and number on the back as neatly as I can. “«I do come to this arcade from time to time, and don’t live that far away, so if you’d like to meet again, just give me a call, okay? Maybe we can get a bite to eat some other day.»” I catch her doing a double-take when she sees my bandaged arm pinning the card to the table, but she says nothing as I push it toward her.

Mira looks at the card in confusion momentarily, then pockets it. “«I… I have to work. Thank you for talk.»” She smiles, but makes no effort to get up from the table.

I sit a while longer, trying to figure out what she thinks she’s doing sitting here, if she needs to get back to work. Before long, a well-muscled man of about twenty-five, who also appears to be of similar descent, approaches. He thumps Mira on the back of the head, not hard enough to injure her, but hard enough to make her wince. He says something to her, presumably in Russian, before turning to me. “Why you waste my girl’s time? Go away before I make you pay.”

“I was only trying to be friendly, she looked like she could use a friend.”

I am friend. You are not friend. You are waste of time. Now go.” He grabs Mira’s ear, forcing her to stand, and leads her back behind the concession stand counter to resume lecturing her. My blood boils, but my hand goes reflexively to my jaw as I remember what happened the last time I let my temper get the better of me. I have no doubt things would go much, much worse this time if I were to intervene. I can only hope that if she needs my help, she’s smart enough to call me. Despite everything I’ve had to do to survive, I have a hard time imagining what would drive a girl to be so desperate to escape her country as to sign herself up as a mail-order bride.
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Re: "Three Of A Perfect Pair" (Neko, Book 2) 2014/03/31

Post by NekoDude »


I give Hisao time to digest what I’m asking. The poor kid looks positively petrified, which was not the reaction I was anticipating.

“I… don’t think I can do that. I mean, it’s nice here, and I really appreciate the offer, but my parents don’t even know I have a girlfriend yet. I think they’d completely flip out if they heard I was moving in with her.

Oh, is that what you’re afraid of? Let’s try another angle. “I’m not saying you need to do that. I’m telling you that she’s moving out of that dorm room, and as far as the school is concerned, she will live here. Where she actually sleeps is another matter entirely. From what I understand, she’s spent the grand total of one night in her own room since she broke things off… or attempted to break things off, at any rate. The rest of the time, she’s either been here, or in your room. Don’t look like I just found out your terrible secret, she told me that’s what she has been doing. Between you and the radio room, she hardly has to leave the school any more than she did before.”

“But… we’re going to get caught, sooner or later. And where is she going to shower, or go to the bathroom? She has been going back to her room in the mornings for that much at least. And I don’t have room for her stuff, you’ve seen how small the rooms are…”

“‘Stuff’ is not a problem. Much of it can go to the radio room or come back here. What you will find difficult is closet space. Meaning, she’ll take it all and want more. That’s just how girls are. I might have a solution for all of this though... well, everything but the closet. You wouldn’t mind a larger room with a private bathroom, would you?” I see his eyes open wider. “I didn’t think you would. There are a few in each dorm building. Perhaps I can, ah… persuade some people into hooking you up. I’ll spring for the upgrade, since you’re doing us a favor. It’ll have a door directly to the courtyard, so you wouldn’t have to worry about nosy neighbors. You won’t be moving out, just down a floor. Do you think you could handle telling your parents you’re being assigned a different room?”

Now I’ve got him, I think, or at least he’s nodding along. “I don’t think a minor change of address would be too alarming to them. It would all be worth it to know I never have to see Kenji in the shower again.” He shudders. “When would all this be happening, if it happens?”

“Over the break. You’ll have to do most of the paperwork yourself, I won’t be here. I’ll just make sure they’re on board with it before I go. As I said before, you’re welcome to stay here over the break, although you don’t have to. I really don’t think it’s a bad idea to give Kat a shield to hide behind occasionally… by which I mean you, of course.”

“Is that what I am? A human shield?” That was brilliant, Sally. Open mouth, insert foot.

“No no, you misunderstand me. You are far more than that to her, and I don’t even think she’s considered hiding behind you. It’s just that… well, she’s going to be bumping elbows with Miki at every turn, and as you are no doubt aware, they haven’t exactly been on the best of terms lately. I’ll have you know that she genuinely seems closer to you than the two of them ever were. I knew they were a couple right away, even though they thought they were hiding it from me, but to this day I can’t say I understand why they were. It always seemed to me the only things they had in common were their vices, otherwise they’re about as compatible as oil and water. You, on the other hand… she made no attempt whatsoever to hide her interest in you.” Quite possibly because she was afraid I’d chase you myself if she didn’t seem interested enough… which I might have. I hear voices coming from the laundry room, and soon enough Kat and Abe are in the kitchen with us.

“Mum, where should we park our new wheels?” Just in case I had any doubt which new wheels she was talking about, they have brought them in with them.

“Not in the kitchen, that’s for sure! You better not have tracked mud in with you. I suppose they can stay in the laundry room until we get something figured out, or they should be safe enough in the stable... or you can keep them in your own rooms, if you wash the tires first. I guess we’ll have to get a shed for them. Do you think you can get yourself to class in the morning, or now, or whenever? Because if you can, I’m going to fix myself another martini or three.”
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Re: "Three Of A Perfect Pair" (Neko, Book 2) 2014/04/01

Post by NekoDude »


“No, darling, I promise I’m not mad at you. I’m just distracted. For one thing, I didn’t bring any of my books or homework because I wasn’t expecting to need them. I know you want to spend the night here, and I can’t blame you – you have an awesome bed – but I’m afraid I have to go back. For another thing, we don’t know how long it will take to make the ride if we go in the morning, which makes it a bit difficult to decide when to leave. I don’t really have the right clothes for a morning ride either.” I can’t really share the other source of distraction, since this is a decision I need to make myself. I know she’s going to want to stay with me much of the time whether I take the upgrade or not. I smile a bit at the irony of moving up in the world by moving down in the building.

Neko pouts a little, but not in a way that looks like she’s trying to convince me of anything. She’s just not happy that everything can’t go as she’d like. “Alrighty then, it’s not like you’re the only one who left homework behind. We’ll take off after an early dinner, if that works for you. We can leave the bikes in my room and not have to worry about tripping over them, since nobody thought to buy locks, and I’ll shower after the ride because I’m pretty sure I’ll need it.”

«We're no strangers to love
You know the rules and so do I
A full commitment's what I'm thinking of
You wouldn't get this from any other guy»

“Bikes? We don’t need no steenking bikes!” I whistle for a cab, and when it comes near, the license plate says ‘fresh’ and there are dice on the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab is rare, but I think ‘naw forget it, yo home to Bel-Air!’ I pull up to the house about seven or eight and yell to the cabbie, “yo homes smell ya later!” Look at my kingdom, I’m finally there, to settle my throne as the prince of Bel-Air.

[Sorry, had to do that. Please take a glance at the date line.]
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Re: "Three Of A Perfect Pair" (Neko, Book 2) 2014/03/31

Post by NekoDude »

Here is the actual chapter that got diverted into a double meme.

“No, darling, I promise I’m not mad at you. I’m just distracted. For one thing, I didn’t bring any of my books or homework because I wasn’t expecting to need them. I know you want to spend the night here, and I can’t blame you – you have an awesome bed – but I’m afraid I have to go back. For another thing, we don’t know how long it will take to make the ride if we go in the morning, which makes it a bit difficult to decide when to leave. I don’t really have the right clothes for a morning ride either.” I can’t really share the other source of distraction, since this is a decision I need to make myself. I know she’s going to want to stay with me much of the time whether I take the upgrade or not. I smile a bit at the irony of moving up in the world by moving down in the building.

Neko pouts a little, but not in a way that looks like she’s trying to convince me of anything. She’s just not happy that everything can’t go as she’d like. “Alrighty then, it’s not like you’re the only one who left homework behind. We’ll take off after an early dinner, if that works for you. We can leave the bikes in my room and not have to worry about tripping over them, since nobody thought to buy locks, and I’ll shower after the ride because I’m pretty sure I’ll need it.”

“I’ve never even looked at the bicycle parking area and don’t know what we’d be locking the bikes to, so I had no idea what kind of locks to get. Besides, you’re right. We pretty much share a room as it is, so the wheels can have the other.” What a difference a month makes. Today is exactly a month from that first date, with the bento and the fireworks and me almost dropping dead. “Since this little summons blew up my plans for the evening, what do you say we go into town tomorrow? Someone told me there’s a little place that makes great bento boxes…”

Her eyes light up, and she grins wide enough to show teeth. “You remembered! Yes, definitely yes!” She pounces and throws her arms around me and squeezes me tight. “Now if you’ll help me, we’re on our own for the meal tonight – well, you, me, and Abe. Then we can wheel ourselves out of here, I’m looking forward to a little privacy.” She gives me a fairly innocent kiss, as if I needed a reminder of what we typically do when presented with privacy.

Around here, ‘on our own’ means the same thing it does anywhere else, and that’s ‘whatever we can find’ – but this place is better stocked than some restaurants. Unfortunately, much of that stock is frozen solid and would take some time to thaw, so we look for things that can be prepared quickly and eventually settle on bacon cheeseburgers and pan-fried potatoes. We do move a large bag of gyoza from the deep freeze to the refrigerator though, for the next time we’re left to our own devices.

After eating, we explain to Abe that we intend to head back to school, and he looks a bit disappointed but understands. “Let me know how long the trip takes. I’m pretty sure I’m supposed to start riding in on my own now.”

Neko tips her head toward me. “Someone here forgot to get any bike locks. We have dorm rooms, but I don’t know what you’re going to do.”

“Um… I guess I’ll have to see if I can just share with one of my buddies for now, and lock two bikes with one chain. The wheels don’t come off, do they?”

“They do, but not without a wrench and some dirty hands,” I answer. “They’re not quick-release, if that’s what you mean. That was an option I had to give up when choosing the front wheel with the dynamo to drive the lights, and removing the rear wheel means having to handle the chain. It’s not pretty. We should probably register them as soon as we can as well, for all the good that does.”

“We’re supposed to go bowling again tomorrow, I guess we can look for locks while we’re in the city. I can’t think of any place in Moniwadai that’s likely to have them.”

“Neither can we, but we’ll try anyhow,” Neko chimes in. “Let us know if you find some so we don’t end up with two sets, and we’ll do the same.” She tosses me the bag of frozen gyoza and grabs a cold bottle of wine to take with us. “This is why we have baskets, right?”
The actual trip takes slightly over fifteen minutes, but we have to dismount and walk once we get to the gates. All told, it’s about twenty minutes from the time we leave until we actually reach her room.
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Re: "Three Of A Perfect Pair" (Neko, Book 2) 2014/04/03

Post by NekoDude »


I finally ran out of whiskey just after my solitary lunch of cup noodles, and have been pounding the water ever since, hoping this will do something to ward off a hangover. I got rid of the empty bottle on one of my bathroom visits, making a side trip to the common room to dispose of it safely far away from home.

I can’t sleep any more, and although I wish to avoid most company, maybe there’s one person around here who can distract me for just a little while. I wonder if he’ll be happy to see me without anything to drink, but I’ll have to take my chances. As much as I thought I’d want to be alone today, I have come to realize that maybe what I need is the company of someone more screwed up than I am.

«Let's have a black celebration
Black celebration tonight
To celebrate the fact
That we've seen the back
Of another black day»

I grab the borrowed sweatshirt and pull on the denim jacket and beret, hoping to keep the afternoon sun out of my eyes on my walk across the courtyard. Between that and staring at the ground directly in front of me, I manage not to get a face full of orange sun. The hall at the other end is quiet, and I tap at Kenji’s door. I hear nothing inside, and try knocking louder since the rest of the hall is currently unoccupied. Still no response. I lack the energy to go hunting for him, and although there aren’t that many places he might have gone, they’re all pretty widely separated, so I just settle in and hope he shows up.

I have no idea how long I’m sitting there before someone finally does come down the hall, but it’s not Kenji, but Hisao, carrying a small refrigerator – one much like the one I still need to return before it is noticed missing. He has to walk right by me, but aside from a hesitation to his step and a glance at me, he barely gives any sign of interest in why I’m here. After getting his own room unlocked and opening the door, he disappears inside with his burden. I’m just starting to unwind from panic mode and relax when I hear whistling. I look up hopefully… but no, it’s someone else.

“Are you alright, love?” Neko is looking down at me with concern. “You look worn out.”

“I was l-looking for Setou. I n-need to return th-this.” I hold up the sweatshirt that was used to conceal the bottle the night before.

“There’s no sense in sitting in the hallway, you can come in and wait across the hall with us. If he doesn’t show up sometime soon, I’m sure we can return it for you if you want.”

“I d-don’t want to be a b-bother.” I’m caught in between drunkenness and sobriety, and between alcoholic calmness and panic.

“You won’t be. It’s a bit of a special night for us, but we can spare a little bit of it and still have the rest. Come on over.”

“I-I’ll be in your w-way.”

“Yeah, like we need so much space just do do our homework. Really, don’t worry about it, you’re welcome to join us.” She extends her hand to me to help me get up, but the door handle is in reach and I use that instead. I guess I can stay for a few minutes, then leave if he doesn’t show up.

It turns out it doesn’t make that much difference, as they leave the door open so we can hear anyone coming down the hall.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t really stop to say hello before,” Hisao apologizes. “I kinda had my hands full, then I had to straighten up, and get the fridge hooked up to keep everything cold. I knew I only had a couple minutes, so it wasn’t that I wanted to ignore you. I was just in a hurry.”

“I u-understand.” I’m sitting on the floor against his closet door, much like I was seated in the hallway. Even so, I do feel marginally better protected in here.

“I haven’t seen you in class since we talked Saturday morning, have you been feeling alright? I could lend you my notes for every subject other than the one I’m currently working on, if you want to catch up a bit.”

“N-no, I h-haven’t been very w-well, but I sh-should be back t-tomorrow. Maybe I will look at your n-notes later.” I pull my knees in tighter under my chin.

“I wouldn’t mind if you’d return the favor. I already know I’m going to miss most of the day next Tuesday, maybe all of it, so if you’d take good notes I’d really appreciate it. I know you generally understand the lessons, but even if you don’t, just writing down what’s on the board should still help.”

“I th-think I can d-do that.”

Several minutes of near-silence follow, but it’s not really awkward, as each of them is busy with their own individual assignments. There is still no sign that Kenji is going to return any time soon, so maybe I should just leave a note – he obviously knows how to call me. “I-I think m-maybe I should let the t-two of you have your s-space.”

“At least stay for our little toast,” Neko says with a smile. “We don’t mind sharing our happiness.”

“What are you c-celebrating?”

“It’s been a month since our first date. We would have gone out tonight, but my Mum kinda threw a spanner into the works. We’re doing it tomorrow instead, but we do want to honor the occasion a bit. If you don’t mind, could you close the door?”

I give the door a nudge with my foot. It doesn’t take much to get it going, although it sometimes takes quite a bit of effort to stop one in motion. Even so, I underestimated the force required, and it fails to latch. I lean over and push it the rest of the way. By the time I turn around again, Hisao is uncorking a bottle and Neko is setting out paper cups – three of them, I notice.

“I had n-no idea y-you would have w-wine.”

Neko laughs. “Me, not have wine? My house is better stocked than the convenience store. Two thirds of the wine they sell comes through us. That’s what we do.” She passes me a cup.

“What exactly are we toasting, my dear?” Hisao’s cup hovers in the air as he awaits an answer.

“It’s traditional to let the guest choose something first, then we’ll each add to it. How’s that sound? Go ahead Hanako, what would you like to toast?”

“H-how about good f-friends?” It’s the best thing I can come up with, being put on the spot like this.

“I like that. I’ll add good times,” adds Hisao.

“Well that overlaps my choice a little, but I’ll pick… great sex.” I start to worry that I’m not going to be able to toast this after all, when both of them burst into laughter. “I keed, I keed. I’ll add good health, something I hope all of us enjoy in copious amounts. Very well then, to good friends, good times, and good health. Cheers!”

I’ll drink to that.

A bit later, after the bottle runs dry, I have to admit I don’t see a point in waiting around any longer. Neko offers to return the sweatshirt for me, but I decide to hang on to it. “Th-thank you, but I th-think I’ll return it m-myself, tomorrow or wh-whenever.” At least it gives me an excuse to come back.

“Alright, if we see him, we’ll let you know you were looking for him… gently, of course, lest he get the wrong idea and start accusing you of being part of some conspiracy.” Hisao makes a gesture I can only interpret as meaning ‘crazy.’

“You m-mean he does that w-with you too? I th-thought maybe it was j-just me.”

“Nope, that’s just Kenji at his Kenji-est.” Neko looks at me with a resigned expression. “He loves believing everyone is conspiring against him. That way nothing is his fault. It’s a shame, because he could have a good head on his shoulders, if he didn’t it have it so far up his bum.”

Maybe I could use more than one drinking buddy around here. They don’t have to be crazy to cheer me up – but it helps.
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Re: "Three Of A Perfect Pair" (Neko, Book 2) 2014/04/07

Post by NekoDude »


The morning run has lost much of its appeal. I’m running with the same few people I always do, and they act as they always do, but something is missing. The intensity just isn’t there – I’m a casual now, thanks to one «Asshole» Watanabe and his damn protest. I put in my usual distance, but without the sprint lap at the end. Even on such a cool morning as this, I usually break a little bit of a sweat, but not today.

As I walk the cooldown lap, Kenta slides up beside me. “I noticed you don’t have that fire burning today. It’s okay, I don’t always either. You need something to aim for, don’t you? It must be quite a letdown to know there’s no next race for yourself, even though you can see it on the schedule.”

“It’s just a phase, I think. I ran hard before there were any races, I’m sure I’ll get back to running hard without any races.”

“I have a suggestion that might help both of us, if you’ll accept it. Ever since our surge in popularity, I’ve had a significant increase in the number of casuals turning out for an afternoon run, and I had been using that time to get away from the track. Lately, I haven’t been able to. What I’d like would be for you to take over the training aspects of the morning session, so that I can get in a cross-country run in the morning and not feel like I’m shirking my duties. It’s not that many people, but someone still has to watch them and keep track of their progress, look for errors in form that might hurt them, keep them from trying to go too long or too fast before they’re ready – you must know what I mean.” He gives me a smile, then as I hesitate to answer, slowly morphs it into his pouty duckface.

“You expect an answer right now?” I look around the track, and there are three other people besides us. One of them is Haruhiko, and he doesn’t really need me to watch over him. “Could I at least have until the afternoon to decide?”

“Certainly. It doesn’t even have to be today, but the sooner I know, the better. If you accept, I’ll still be here for at least one more day, to help you with the list of things to be watching for, and how to track someone’s progress without letting it interrupt your own workout. That’s the real trick, watching everyone else without slowing down or stepping in a hole.”

“There had better not be any holes in the track!” I inspect everything within my sight, but don’t see anything alarming.

“In the track, no. I’d call maintenance if there were, because that’s a hazard to the track itself – letting water get underneath and erode the foundation – but the infield, where we do wind sprints, has a few. No matter how much we fill them up, the gophers make more. I’d still do the checks for that sort of thing in the afternoons when we can see a bit better, but that doesn’t stop you from falling into them when they appear overnight.”

“Maybe we can try to burn it out or blow it up like in that one movie… what was it called?” I rack my brain, but I usually go running to avoid thinking too much. Rodents burrowing holes is all I have to go on. “Was it ‘Groundhog Day?’ maybe?”

Kenta has a good laugh at my expense. It’s not the first time, and probably won’t be the last. “I think you meant ‘Caddyshack’ but I’ll give you points for effort. Somehow I don’t think the administration would look too kindly on burning down the village to save the village – and have you seen the price of petrol lately?”

“Speaking of fires,” I say, taking the opportunity to change the subject, “how are things with your old flame?”

He stops walking. I can’t stop instantly even at a walking pace, so I’m two steps beyond before I turn around and look at him standing with his head hanging. He draws a deep breath and lets it out slowly.

“That well, huh? Sorry I mentioned it.”

“No, it’s fine. In a way, nothing has changed. In another way, that’s the whole problem – nothing has changed. I let him know how I felt about his transgressions, and told him about mine. He said he forgives me, which he better after looking over his own past, but we couldn’t come to terms that work for both of us. He tries to tell me that when he steps out, it’s just physical and doesn’t mean anything. Now that I’ve been in that position myself, I’m pretty sure that’s a lie, but then Miki says it didn’t mean anything to her…

“Wait, what? Aw shit, we’ll have to continue this later, I need a shower before class and you probably do too. I have to hear the rest of this though.”

“Maybe when you accept my proposal then?” He smiles coolly, knowing he’s already won this round.
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Re: "Three Of A Perfect Pair" (Neko, Book 2) 2014/04/10

Post by NekoDude »


It feels a bit odd to be wandering northeast of Moniwadai on foot when we have bicycles, but today, it makes sense – not only because of the lack of locks, but because we were on foot a month ago, and trying to talk while on bicycles is difficult. We take a roundabout path to the restaurant, since there are no fireworks to worry about, and we haven’t really just wandered this part of town. Unfortunately, all there is to see are things not terribly useful today – a ladies’ clinic, a pharmacy and variety store with cigarette and soda machines out front, a daycare facility, a dentist. On a lark, we pause at the pharmacy, but the only thing they have that’s of any use to us is tire sealant in a can. I buy one anyhow. Who knows when that might come in handy.

“I hope Abe has better luck with his search,” says Hisao as he tosses the tire sealant into the backpack we brought along.

“Me too. I’m going to declare this a lost cause.” I poke at my phone, pausing every few characters to make sure I don’t step in a pothole. By the time I send the text, we’re back on track from our little sightseeing trip and headed for the park. The quickest way to the restaurant from where we stand runs alongside that park, and because of the odd routing of the roads at this edge of town, we’re actually further from our destination than we were when we left the school. We backtrack briefly to avoid taking the even longer way around.

Unfortunately, the walk from this direction is even less interesting than it is coming from the school. Houses, more houses, and because we’ve chosen a small residential street rather than the busier main street, there are kids playing stickball. A struck ball bounces off one of the parked cars nearby with a resonant thunk, and I’m sure both the kids and the neighbors are glad they’re using a tennis ball instead of something hard. We stand and watch for a moment, not wanting to walk through their field with a game in progress. Once we hear them settle up their scoring – ‘one out, man on second’ – we walk through during the pause in play.

I pull Hisao in close to my side as we walk through while they take up their positions, because they’re staring at us. He takes this as a signal that he’s to give me a kiss, which draws nervous giggling and a hushed ‘oooh’ from the players. Once we’ve passed through their game area, they resume ignoring us entirely, so I suppose they were just waiting for us to get out of the way. I couldn’t understand why they would be staring. I’m the only one who is visibly marked, and that’s pretty well concealed when we walk arm-in-arm as we are now.

We walk a while in silence before he speaks again. “Do you think we could do that?” The question seems to come out of nowhere.

“Do what, hit a tennis ball with a stick and chase each other around? I suppose we could, though I’m not sure…”

“I meant tennis in general. It should be safe enough for me, and a fair number of players only use one hand even though they have two. That’s mostly men, but there are a few women with a one-handed backhand as well.” There is an odd sort of interest behind his eyes that says the question is not just to fill up silence.

“Oh, umm… yes and no. I’m sure I could hit a tennis ball about as easily as anyone else, but I have neither the speed nor the agility to go chasing around the court. In particular, trying to slide to my left would be… sluggish at best. Why do you ask?”

“Aren’t you ever struck by the urge to just go out and do something? I admit it doesn’t happen to me very often, but it has been known to occur once in a while, and I was just trying to get a feel for something we might be able to do on days like that.” He gives our arm embrace a gentle pull, and I take that as an invitation to kiss him.

“Not often myself. I mean, I can always go for a swim or get on the radio. Those are usually my first choices when a do something urge falls upon me, and now we have the bicycles…”

“Exactly! This means that our options aren’t limited to what’s just in front of us. Okay, I’ll scratch any ideas that involve having to run fast, even for short distances. I have a day trip idea for summer break that I believe you’ll like, but that wouldn’t be just the two of us, and I was looking for something a bit more personal anyhow.”

“Personal? What do you mean?”

“Something we could do on impulse, just the two of us, any time the mood struck. Something like bowling, or tennis, or… disc golf maybe?”

“Disc golf? Isn’t that a bunch of stoned hippies throwing frisbees in a park somewhere?” At least that’s the image that I’ve always associated with it.

“That’s one crowd that plays it, certainly, but since when do you have a problem with stoned hippies?” He has a point. “The reason I was looking into it is that there’s very little in the way of equipment needed, and we wouldn’t have to run, or even change shoes. Yet there’s still a score at the end so we can tell if we’re getting any better at it – and who won, if we care. Unfortunately, it’s not very popular here, but the one place that exists is right on the bus line.”

“Then it looks like we need to start a stoned hippie importation program at once! It’d be good for the game, good for our business, and… hmm, I don’t know where else I was going with that one. So when you say ‘not much equipment,’ how much are you talking about?”

“Oh, like four discs and a small bag to carry them around in, smaller than this backpack. Most people carry a towel too, since sometimes the disc gets wet or dirty where it lands.” He’s making motions of wiping off an imaginary disc with an imaginary towel.

“How about a little bedroom golf later? There’s this nice little course with two playable holes, the green is well-manicured, and all you need is one club and two balls…” Like I really even need to ask.

“And you accuse me of being the one with my mind in the gutter. Sure, reserve me a tee time. Speaking of tea time…” He gives my arm a tug, and gestures ahead with his chin. We’re in sight of the target now.

Once inside, it is indeed tea time as that just appears on the table without so much as a request. So does a bowl of cold, salted edamame, which we begin munching on immediately. Neither of us even glances at the menu, and someone shows up quickly to take our orders. I opt for the sashimi bento, while Hisao chooses the beef. We also order a tempura platter to share, which should arrive first, and of course – coffee.

“Getting daring, are we? I was pretty sure you’d get chicken.” I give him a gentle kick under the table.

“I’d like to think I’ve changed a little in the last month, and that it’s for the better. I have you to thank for a lot of it, I might add. We walked easily as far today just getting here as we did the entire day when we met, and I’m not at all winded or at risk of dropping dead. Don’t tell me you haven’t changed a little bit yourself in this span of time.”

“I don’t know that I have, but my life has, that much is for sure. I had known for some time that my previous situation was… unstable. That’s why I decided maybe it was time to find someone I can actually relate to, rather than someone I just get into trouble with, and I have you to thank for being there. Sorry you had to endure a literally broken heart to get here.”

“So you want me to keep you out of trouble now, is that it?” He winks at me. “Your mother sure seems to think it’s part of my job description.”

“I’d noticed the two of you conspiring quite a bit lately, but I suppose if she’s picking your brain for ways to be nice to me, that’s something I just have to live with.” I pout and try to make it look convincing, but it just draws another kiss. This time I make it last, and by the time we disengage, a platter has been silently placed on the table. “Funny, but it looks like they want us to eat.”

We both reach for the same shrimp at the same time, but there are two of them on the platter and the impasse is quickly resolved. Vegetables have to be negotiated, though. A few get torn in half, but he concedes the entire sweet potato slice in return for the broccoli. We’re munching on our respective halves of deep fried onion when the main meals arrive and the now-empty platter is carried away.

“Pick something.” I wave my chopsticks toward my plate as I reach across and pick a bit of beef from his.

“You haven’t mixed the wasabi and shoyu yet, how am I supposed to dip?”

I grab a small sauce dish from the edge of the table with my chopsticks, dropping it a bit sooner than I’d intended and making a bit of a clatter, but it ends up more or less where I wanted it. I don’t even try to pick up the bottle of shoyu that way, let alone pour from it, and I drop the entire lump of wasabi into the mix and start mashing it up. I use one stick to pin the dish to the table so it doesn’t slide around, while I use the other to actually do the work. He’s watching intently, but whether it’s out of admiration for my dexterity or whether he just wants a piece of sashimi and is waiting for me to finish, I can’t tell – until he reaches over and pinches a piece of tuna hard enough to break it in half, and takes only one side of it. I guess I’m not the only one who can handle these.

We’re not in a hurry, but the hot parts of the food do taste better warm than cold, so not too much passes for conversation for a while. We’re down to rice and the cold items before we get to talking again. A server refills our coffees and drops the check, and we both reach for it at once.

“I’m not letting you pay for this, you paid for the first date.” I give him my sternest look.

“Don’t worry, I’m not.” He produces a prepaid card from what had appeared to be an empty hand. “Your mother insisted on apologizing for blowing up my plans yesterday.”

Maybe I need to not worry so much when they talk alone. It looks like he’s doing pretty well at standing up for himself, and us. “Well, good job then. I’m willing to let Mum pay, after keeping me in suspense all day yesterday.” I mean, it was with good intentions, but she didn’t have to be so dramatic about it.

“Yeah, I was a bit annoyed at the way she chose to do the reveal, but it’s partly my fault too for not mentioning that it would be a special day when we went shopping the day before. She didn’t realize she was stepping on our toes. Things could have been handled better, but I think it worked out in the end, don’t you?” Despite the cheerful tone of his words, his face seems to show worry. Just as quickly, it passes. Is he a bit afraid of her too, even when she’s being nice? He should be, maybe especially when she’s being nice.

A month ago, I might not have minded spending an entire day like this. Now, I know there are more delights to await us behind closed doors. I end up leaving the salad and most of the rice, and still feel like I ate too much when we stand up to leave. I’m sure of it once we get to walking, but that just means we head back more slowly than we came. At least this time we’re going directly toward the destination, rather than sideways. We’re about five minutes into the walk back, when he does the last thing I was expecting.


I stop dead in my tracks. Is he about to speak English again? That’s the only time he ever calls me that. That’s the only time anyone but Mum calls me that, and sometimes not even then.

“...I wanted to thank you again, for everything the last month. Your company, the radio club, the swimming, the uh… intimate moments…” He blushes quite noticeably before continuing. “I’m sorry someone else had to lose in this, all the more so because she’s sort of my friend too, but I’m not the least bit sorry we’re here, now.”

I don’t know if he wants a kiss, a hug, or to break down crying, so I just wait for a cue as he stares into my eyes. Finally, he continues. “I’m sorry things there had to go the way they did, but it’s her mistake, and her loss. Maybe it’s just the way she is, or maybe if she could have seen you the way I do, she could have loved you… because I do. I love you, my dear Katelyn Rogers.”

Mum’s words ring in my ears from a decade ago. “Nobody is going to love half a wife.” Even so, I can’t be bitter. I think she’s glad to be wrong for a change... she’s even helping. It’s also not like I’ve been harmed any by the attitude those words inspired in me. Maybe she has wanted me to prove her wrong this entire time.

“You have no idea how long I have waited to hear those words. I mean, I’ve heard them before, but only when someone clearly wanted something out of me.” Or in me. Sometimes it’s not easy being easy. “Yours is the first confession that I have believed completely.” I grab his right hand and place it on the end of my left arm, clutching his fingers in the fold of my elbow, before grabbing his left hand and holding it at more or less the same level. “I love you too, Nakai, Hisao Nakai.” This draws a memory and a smile. “I have known it for a while now, but I didn’t want to admit it, even to myself, just in case the world could be cruel enough to take it from us.”

“That’s not totally unwarranted, considering something like this is what stopped my heart the first time, but you’ve put me in a better place, both physically and mentally. I don’t imagine you’re done with that yet, either.”

You could power a good size rig from my smile about now. “Can you keep up with me if I skip? Because I really, really feel like doing that right now.” That is, if I don’t spontaneously start flying first, like I always do in dreams.
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Re: "Three Of A Perfect Pair" (Neko, Book 2) 2014/04/12

Post by NekoDude »


“Yeah, I saw them. They look pretty normal to me. Nice, but normal.” I hold the phone a palm’s width from my ear as I lay in bed.

“That’s kind of the point, dear, not to attract attention. Even so, I can’t send you out on deliveries with a cheap mamachari. How would that look?”

“I didn’t think you knew how to not attract attention any more, look what you drive. I mean, I like your cars, but they’re hardly inconspicuous. Anyhow…” I pull the phone away a bit further as I yawn. “...I should probably get something to eat before I go to class. Dad said he’s paying cafeteria fees, and that I need to start spending the credits.”

“Alright then, enjoy your bowl of porridge, Goldilocks. We’re still on for a little dinner and entertainment, right?”

I inhale for a sigh, then decide to vector it through my nose. It wouldn’t pay to sound like I’m starting to resent this arrangement a little bit, even if I am. “I’m at your service, as always.”


Sitting at the gate, I’m watching for the Bimmer. If I’m lucky, maybe she’ll bring the Viper. I’m not as fond of the pearl-colored Elky as she is. I mean it’s nice and all, but it’s just a half-car-half-truck once you’re inside – well, except the full-size-car air conditioning in a tiny little cab. That part is pretty awesome. The bench seat comes in pretty handy at times too. Anyway, I’m so intent watching for one of these three cars that I totally ignore the one that pulls to the curb until she rolls down the window.

“What’s up, did you decide you’d rather walk?” she yells from a little blue car. The steering wheel is on the side I’d expect for her, but otherwise this makes no sense at all.

“Sorry, I wasn’t looking for… that. When did you get a normal car?” I get up and start toward the car, wondering whether it would be quicker to go around the front or the back.

“It’s not really for me, it’s for everyone else, but I’m making sure it’s trustworthy. I need to know if it’s cheap chankoro crap, or decently made chankoro crap.”

I decide to go around the back, even though it looks marginally longer. Why trust my life to her right foot if I don’t have to? Once I’m inside, she starts in on business of a sort.

“I got a black one and a white one. There weren’t that many colors left, and we already have a red, a green, and a blue. I also have some deliveries set up for you. You’re alright with taking directions from Miura while I’m gone?”

“Why not, I already do.” I regret saying it even before the look crosses her face. “No, not like that. We both know that’s not her thing, even if she likes to yank on my chain and pretend that it is.”

“I’m not so sure what I know about her any more. Not after… oh hell, I’ll just show you the video.”

The rest of the drive passes in awkward silence. I’m not about to defend Miki, I know she’s a few cards short of a full deck – but at the same time, it bothers me to think that maybe I was reading her wrong all this time.

Once inside, we go through the usual routine. I grab a cookie, she mixes a martini. This usually involves a fair amount of chatter, but not today. The moment I’ve finished, she has me by the arm and drags me straight to her private chambers. “This is not for public viewing, darling.” I guess she really wants me to see this. She slips a disc into the side of her wall-mounted television, and slips herself into something ‘more comfortable’ as it readies itself for service.

As I squint a bit at the green-on-black images on screen, I fail to understand the big deal. It looks to me like she got hidden camera footage of Neko and Hisao, like there’s any secret there. Yeah, we all know your daughter has thighs like butter – easy to spread. I glance back at her.

“Just keep watching. It will make itself clear.”

And she’s right, it does. About twenty seconds later, another figure enters the scene, and the two lovers just stop and stare. At first I can only see this figure from behind, and not all that well, but then this person heads for the window. The bright flash of green from that direction finally gives enough illumination to make out the identity… Miki! It looks like she’s just smoking out though, while enjoying the interruption she has caused.

Then the bathrobe hits the floor, and all sense of logic along with it. What. I turn back to Sally. “Are you sure this is necessary? I mean, it’s not like I’ve never seen anything like this before, but… these are real people I’m going to have to face tomorrow, and the day after that, and the next…”

“Fine, I’ll cut to the chase.” She starts skipping forward through the video, and pauses on a frame. It’s a textbook ‘triangle’ if I ever saw one, and it wouldn’t have come as that much of a surprise if the girls had been the other way around – but they’re not.

That which has been seen cannot be unseen. I can only manage two words before I need a bit of a lie down.

“Holy shit.”

The carpet seems mighty inviting right at this moment, but Sally has my back, literally, and hooks me under the arms and makes sure I land somewhere soft.

Like on top of her.

I guess there are worse places to be when I go away for a while.
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