Blue Balls and a Slack Jaw (Taro Pseudo Route)


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Blue Balls and a Slack Jaw (Taro Pseudo Route)

Post by GorisTheKing »

Blue Balls and a Slack Jaw a Taro Arai Pseudo Route

Okay, I was looking for minor characters to kill in my Bad Hanako fanfic and was looking here and upon seeing the most repulsive character in 3-3, this popped into my head. Just a one off to practice my writing a bit and have a laugh. It takes place immediately after Hisao falls off the roof in Kenji's route. Enjoy! (or don't)

And a warning;
Helbereth wrote:There is not a single sentence in that entire story that I found redeemable.


I hear a crack and feel a sharp pain in my side, then another, and another. I almost come to a stop while my arms flail, trying to grab at the branches lashing my body and face, but my hands wont grip and I slide out of the tangle of branches. Right onto a soft something below as it would happen.

A groan emanates from below me and I leap off, only to collapse in agony next to, who? Is that Taro Arai from my class?

He stands up, brushing himself off and starts speaking, “aar oo oorite?”

“Not really, I just fell off …...” and I faint.

I feel a sharp pain in my neck as my head flops back and forwards. “aake oop”

Was that 'wake up?' I always had trouble understanding Taro, he seems to have some king of speech issue. I raise my arm to stop him shaking me, I don't think he was helping me much. Actually, now my neck hurts more than the rest of me.

Still under the effects of Kenji's whiskey I pass out again.


The next time I wake up I am sitting in a familiar looking room. The walls are white and sterile and my bed crinkles with the sound of a plastic underlay. Great, back in hospital. Not even two weeks back into the real world and I'm back here. I press the buzzer on the side of my bed to call a nurse over, time to find out what happened to me.

She arrives with a smile and promptly answers my questions. It seems I drank way too much and fell off the school roof, broke several ribs falling through a tree. A tree that I'm not sure I should thank for saving my life, the hard concrete below might have been a more merciful fate than the sharp pains in my side whenever I take a breath. That wasn't the end of my 'luck' however, I fell on Taro as he walked past. When he tried to wake me he tore the muscles along the right of my neck so I have my entire head and upperbody encased I a solid cast. For the cherry on the cake, he carried me to the nurses office, tripped on the way, breaking his ankle and my wrist as we collapsed to the ground in a heap. And now he is sitting in the bed opposite me.

“Herro Hsoou”

“Hello Taro.”

“Aar oo oorite noo.”

“Not really, but I'm getting better Taro.” Sigh, “What about you Taro? Feeling better.”

“Mi anclee urts.” He sits up and reaches for what looks like a bottle of cleaning fluid before spraying it in his mouth and leaning back down.

Well, this is going to be a fun stay.

“So Taro, why do you speak like you do?” I really should learn this quickly, It will make interacting with him much easier.

He, looks happy that I asked, “I aave onoagia. Oi aww ont urk.”

Great. “Nurse!”

“Yes Mr Naki?”

“Could you please tell my about Taro? His speech I mean. He just told me but deciphering what he said is a bit beyond me.”

She looks over at Taro for permission, continuing after his nod. “Mr Arai has monoplegia. Its a type of plegia, or paralysis, that affects only one part of his body. In this case his jaw. He cant move it but his throat has enough muscle strength to make basic sounds. Enough to communicate.”

“Interesting, so it is just his speech it affects then?”

“Well, his mouth dries out and is prone to infection from the cracking skin. This is easily handled by spraying water into his mouth to keep it moist. Nothing mental though, as most people would automatically think.”

“Thank you for your time.”

“My pleasure.”

“Oh, I forgot. How long will my stay here be?”

“The two of you should be able to leave tomorrow. In wheelchairs mind, It will take months for those ribs and muscles to heal properly.”

Great, I will have my own mobile hospital bed. “Thanks”

It does give me an excuse to avoid running with Emi, that one plus I suppose.

Turning back to Taro I say, “I'm surprised you didn't break anything when I fell on you.”

He perks up and grins, “I, I oork out.”

Greeeat. Well, one more day of this and then I can get back to school and put this sorry incident behind me.

The Next few hours pass at an agonizing pace. The TV on the far wall is the only entertainment save for Taro. I tried to read a book but, seeing as I can only move one of my arms from the elbow down, the book ended up on the floor. A couple of failed attempts later I resign myself to staring at the flashing screen.

Taro and I have short conversations, never about anything much. Just small talk. It seems he doesn't have any friends at Yamaku, most people think he is stupid and avoid him. While I'm sure it's not very nice, I think I agree with the rest of Yamaku. The sooner I get back to school and spend some time with more normal people the better. That’s a funny thought, normal people at Yamaku.

I manage to doze off and get a good nights sleep, despite the pain of my injuries. When I wake I find myself being wheeled up a ramp and into a mini-bus. Taro is already inside, watching me with his lazy eyes and drooling mouth.

“Ur aawake.”

“Good morning Taro.”

A voice behind me commands attention, “Finally awake then Hisao.”


“That’s me, I came to pick the two of you up and take you back to Yamaku.”

“Thanks.” I would have preferred somebody else to pick me up, he would probably give me an earful about what I did. Forgetting what happened would be so much easier.

He straps me into the side of the bus and walks around the front, taking the drivers seat and starting the engine. We drive in silence until outside of the city, I look at the trees and gentle hills outside, it is a nice day today. Sunny and warm.

Nurse starts talking again. “Do I need to say how stupid you are Hisao?”

Thankfully this will be a short telling off, “I know, I was an Idiot. Can we move on now?”

I see him nod his head, “When you get to Yamaku we will settle you into your new room and then you can start classes after lunch.”

“New room?”

“Hisao, you can only move half of an arm and your legs. How do You think you will get dressed, eat, even sleep without help?”

“I, I hadn't thought about it.”

“There is a free room attached to the nursing wing, Its not very big. Or comfortable. Or pleasant. But The nursing aids are there so they can dress and feed you. During lunches you wont have time to find somebody to take care of you, so Taro here has agreed to feed you.” I see his goofy grin staring at me from the rare view mirror, instantly sending me into a frown. Living with arrhythmia was bad enough but this is bordering on torture.


The next day I decide to find Emi and see I she wants to have lunch with me. I did only go to one of her running sessions, and turn down her lunch offer, and ignore her morning wake-up calls, but I really need a friend other than Taro.

With my good arm I play with a little joystick on my chair, propelling me forwards towards Emi's classroom. My motorized chair was the one good thing to come out of me falling off the roof. I start to spin in circled outside Emi's class, waiting for her to get out, the teacher is still lecturing. Muto could never keep his students in class so long after the bell has rung, this teacher is either a lot more interesting or a lot more frightening.

I hear a sharp yelp and see Rin fall over infront of me. Opps. “Sorry, I'm so sorry-”

“Hisao, what the hell! You hurt Rin.” Emi, shouts at me while helping Rin to her feet.

I turn my chair to face her, knocking another person to my side, “Sorry.”

“Sorry Rin, Emi. This chair is a little bulky.”

“Then why the hell were you spinning it in circles?”

“I, ah , I was waiting for you to get out of class.”

“Why?”, well this isn't going to go well. No turning back now though.

“I wanted to have lunch with you two.”

Emi fumes for a few seconds before gathering herself and resuming her shouting tirade, “Why would I have lunch with you. You turned me up so many times! You ignored me, ran over Rin and now you can't do any thing but stare at my chest!”

Oh, she noticed. “I-I-I , ah, well my neck. And I cant move it.”, my half apology is lost as she marches off, Rin in tow. I see amused faces looking at me and quickly wheel my chair around to make my quick escape. I shout behind me “My neck won't move so I can only look at chest height.”, Hopefully that will save me some face when the rumor mill starts revving its engines.

I find Taro in an empty classroom where we originally agreed to meet. After exchanging brief pleasantry’s he wheels his chair up to me and squirts a tube of brown protein paste into my mouth. Yum.


A week later I find that nobody is willing to talk to me but Taro. Every time I try to strike up a conversation with someone they either call me a pervert and walk away or make up some excuse to be elsewhere. The whole pervert rumor seems to be getting more traction as well. It's not my fault I need to strain my eyes to look at somebody face. There could be worse places to look I muse to myself. I even started identifying people by there bust, not that I would let them know that. Slightly crumpled blouse with soft breasts and slightly hunched shoulders, that’s Suzu. Next to her is unwashed shirt with perky boobs, thats Miki.

I spy over stuffed blouse and tortured buttons walking to the student council room and decide to follow. Even helping with the council has got to be better than spending any more time with Taro. Misha enters the room and then stops, hearing the whining of my chair behind her.

“What do you want Hisao?

“Do you need any help? I was getting a little bored.”

Crisp blouse with narrow waist and large boobs stands up and starts a frantic signing conversation with Misha.

“We don't need your help Hisao.”

“Oh, okay. What about getting something to eat then?”

“We don't want to spend time with you Hisao. We were nice to you but then you showed us what you were like. A drunk, a idiot and a – God Hisao what it that!” Both of them are staring at my groin. Oh no, track pants don't leave much to the imagination. I feel warmth there and try to think of something else, but all I can see in front of me are the two pairs of plump breasts. My face reddens and I make my exit as fast as I can, bumping into a girl with a cane and blonde hair. She falls to the ground and I appologise before driving towards the elevator.

I find myself in Taro's lunch room and am thankful that he is fast asleep in his wheelchair. My erection is starting to get sore, staring at breasts for over a week can't be good for me. I need to do something.

I park myself against a wall and roll off my chair, falling to the ground with a painful thud. I push with my legs, forcing me against the wall and into a upright position. Finally standing after a long struggle I waddle over to a table and bend up and down, using the corner to pull down my pants. Looking around the room I see a small closet and head for it, the fresh air startling on my exposed body. Using my good arm I fumble with my hand, trying to pleasure myself. It's no use, I can't reach. I feel my groin bursting with warmth and an uncomfortable soreness but I cant do anything about it.

Looking around the room I spot the answer to my problems. Taro is sleeping soundly with his jaw agape, drool running down His side. My fallen trousers are restricting my movement so I kick them off. Hobbling over to him I realize I'm not tall enough. Using my legs I pull over two chairs while trying not to fall over. Perfect. I balance on top of the chairs and slide myself into Taro's slack jaw, the relief is immediate, pleasure coursing through my body as I slide in and out.

I loose myself to the moment, ignoring everything around me. This is all that matters.

A choking sound brings be back to the world and a surprised Taro looks up at me. Oh god what the hell am I doing.

Thump. My heart beats loudly and I stumble, one of the chairs rolling forwards.

Thump. I'm lying on the floor.

Thump. Something is dragging me.

Thump, Thump. My heart beat is quickening.

Thump, Thump, Thump. Taro is dragging me by the leg wile trying to push his wheelchair with one hand.

The pain is excruciating now. My eyes open. People are staring with open mouths. Just like Taro.

“Uurse! Uurse!” I hope he is calling for a hearse rather than the nurse, just let me die.
Last edited by GorisTheKing on Tue Feb 18, 2014 4:50 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Blue Balls and a Slack Jaw (Taro Pseudo Route)

Post by Helbereth »

There is not a single sentence in that entire story that I found redeemable.
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Re: Blue Balls and a Slack Jaw (Taro Pseudo Route)

Post by Mournful3ch0 »

This is the scummiest piece of garbage I have ever had the displeasure of reading.

Now my face is sore from smiling. I hate you.
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Re: Blue Balls and a Slack Jaw (Taro Pseudo Route)

Post by Mahorfeus »

I would have rather seen you kill him off than subject poor Taro to this... mess.

I mean, what the hell?
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Re: Blue Balls and a Slack Jaw (Taro Pseudo Route)

Post by Umber »

Mahorfeus wrote:I would have rather seen you kill him off than subject poor Taro to this... mess.

I mean, what the hell?
And apparently, this is a 'pseudo-route'. It's amazing how loose the sense of a term can get.

Right about halfway, at the 'Emi's chest' part, I had to force myself through everything else. Didn't help the cringing much. Yeah, poor Taro.
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Re: Blue Balls and a Slack Jaw (Taro Pseudo Route)

Post by Munchenhausen »

I don't know what's worse.
The way you tortured poor Hisao to this fate of being the most hated guy in school,
The way you depicted Taro as a drooling lump of flesh with no friends,
The way you created the worst, most embarrassing scenarios and thrust our characters into them...
Or the fact that I loved it.

You had me with the title, but you kept me until Taro was dragging a naked, erect Hisao through the coridors at lunch, screaming at the top of his lungs.

Would fund for a canon route
Like stupid, silly doodles with no point? You've come to the right place, friend :^)
I also occasionally write oneshots. Why not have a skimread?
Miki fic? Miki fic!
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Re: Blue Balls and a Slack Jaw (Taro Pseudo Route)

Post by SpunkySix »

This is pretty high on the list of fictional things I'm not okay with.
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Re: Blue Balls and a Slack Jaw (Taro Pseudo Route)

Post by Henry Spencer »

Written pretty well, but the content is pretty horrible. It balances out it nicely.
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Re: Blue Balls and a Slack Jaw (Taro Pseudo Route)

Post by WarbirdHD »

I don't have the words for this... mess. This is the most well written piece of trash I have ever seen, but god, man..
WarbirdHD out!
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Re: Blue Balls and a Slack Jaw (Taro Pseudo Route)

Post by GorisTheKing »

Seem to be about two replies short of a lynching, maybe best to not post the sequel where Hisao makes up with Taro and they go on holiday to a cabin in Grand Tenton national park :D
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Re: Blue Balls and a Slack Jaw (Taro Pseudo Route)

Post by Munchenhausen »

GorisTheKing wrote:Seem to be about two replies short of a lynching, maybe best to not post the sequel where Hisao makes up with Taro and they go on holiday to a cabin in Grand Tenton national park :D
You're kidding, right?
You're saying this masterpiece has a sequel?!
Like stupid, silly doodles with no point? You've come to the right place, friend :^)
I also occasionally write oneshots. Why not have a skimread?
Miki fic? Miki fic!
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Re: Blue Balls and a Slack Jaw (Taro Pseudo Route)

Post by Oddball »

Gave it a shot. I just didn't find anything interesting enough to keep my attention.
Slightly crumpled blouse with soft breasts and slightly hunched shoulders, that’s Suzi.
Unless Hisao got a new classmate somewhere along the lines, I think you mean Suzu.
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Re: Blue Balls and a Slack Jaw (Taro Pseudo Route)

Post by SpunkySix »

Munchenhausen wrote:
GorisTheKing wrote:Seem to be about two replies short of a lynching, maybe best to not post the sequel where Hisao makes up with Taro and they go on holiday to a cabin in Grand Tenton national park :D
You're kidding, right?
You're saying this masterpiece has a sequel?!
I literally can't.
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Re: Blue Balls and a Slack Jaw (Taro Pseudo Route)

Post by Sea »

I think I got through about 6 lines of this, NOPE
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Re: Blue Balls and a Slack Jaw (Taro Pseudo Route)

Post by Comrade »

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Sea wrote:Comrade, as Khan Bek has convinced me to give Democracy a try.
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