Enjoy The Silence (Ch. 10 2014-02-08, complete)


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Re: Enjoy The Silence (Ch. 7 2014-02-02)

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Oscar Wildecat wrote:
“Maybe w-we c-could build a n-new bridge? M-meet me halfway.”
So, they're going to meet 137 miles off the coast of Los Angeles? :wink:
More like somewhere in the arctic...
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

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Re: Enjoy The Silence (Ch. 7 2014-02-02)

Post by Guestimate »

On the chapter length discussion. I don't mind the shorter chapters. sometime bite-sized is better than "okay... I have a fifty-page chapter to read, and I have to remember whatever happened two months ago..."
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Re: Enjoy The Silence (Ch. 7 2014-02-02)

Post by bhtooefr »

dewelar wrote:Anyway, I enjoyed this chapter. I think one piece of this was meant to be a twist a scene in Developments. If so, I am honored *bows*. If not, then...never mind :) .
Heh. ;)

I'm not sure if I actually INTENDED to borrow that, but it became part of my headcanon.
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Re: Enjoy The Silence (Ch. 7 2014-02-02)

Post by Bad Apple »

I decide to start with the bacon, albeit with a bit of trepidation. I take the first bite. Huh, they actually made it crispy enough.
God I'm terrible
Akira looks at me, slightly shocked, and then returns to her own breakfast. "Wh.. what, is the bacon too crispy for you?"

"No, it's just... um... I was afraid you wouldn't like it this crispy. You might have shite taste in booze, but at least we agree on bacon."
This makes it look like it was on purpose this time though...
No, but she just got shitfaced.
Who can get a yeah? You can get a YEAHHHHHHH

Also, this fic merely reinforces my fanon-fed belief (not quite headcanon) that Akira is the biggest bro in all KS. How many bro points has she scored in just the past few chapters alone? God damn.
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Re: Enjoy The Silence (Ch. 7 2014-02-02)

Post by NekoDude »

Guestimate wrote:On the chapter length discussion. I don't mind the shorter chapters. sometime bite-sized is better than "okay... I have a fifty-page chapter to read, and I have to remember whatever happened two months ago..."
To quote from my own story:

MIKI: Eating is among our most carnal pleasures. Maybe enjoying bite-size servings to their fullest isn't such a bad way to live?
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Chapter 8

Post by bhtooefr »

I hate this class.

This professor is the hardest person to follow that I have ever heard, between his thick accent, and his habit of not following the textbook. I’m usually good at paying attention in class, but in this class, the professor’s words just blend together as unintelligible sounds, and my mind drifts away. I stare into my laptop’s screen, at my notes.

I wonder if I did the right thing last night. Sure, he might see what he’s getting from me if it’s no longer there, but who’s to say that he won’t run to Shizune? After all, he does claim to love her. Unlike me, she’s pretty. And, unlike me, she doesn’t have crippling anxiety.

I’m shaken from my thoughts by the professor speaking up. “Everyone, remember to study for the test Monday.” The entire class groans at that reminder. As I gather my books and prepare to leave, I notice yet another person staring at me. He gets up and starts walking over to my desk.

Please don't come over... please don't come over... pleasedon'tcomeover!

He stops a few meters short, and smiles at me. "Um… Ikezawa, right?"

I try to hide behind my laptop, but it’s futile. As I'm out of options, and I've been working to not run from situations like this, I respond, "y-yes?" I try to remember his name, but I can't for the life of me.

"Hey, um, I was wondering if you were doing anything Sunday evening." That... was not what I expected.

"Y... y-yeah, I am..." After a moment, though, I realize that I actually don’t have any plans... but I would've lied on purpose anyway, so what's the difference?

His face drops. "O-oh. Um... sorry, I... I need to go do something." He leaves the classroom quickly. That was weird, like something that I'd do.

Wait, was he... asking me out? Maybe there was something to Akira's idea...

Unfortunately, it seems it ultimately didn't work. I didn't see Hisao all day, it seems that he skipped all of his classes. I'm actually a little worried that something's happened, especially given his condition, but I also understand if he didn't want to see me today, after last night. I'd do the same thing, after all, if I were in his shoes. Had I known that he wasn't going to be in class today, though, I wouldn't have worn her tank top, even if it seems that people weren't just looking at my scars.

I manage to leave the classroom without any further propositions, and make it into my dorm room and collapse onto my bed. Today has been a very, very strange day. Just before I lose consciousness, my phone vibrates. A text from Akira. "Soooo... did he notice you?"

I sit up as I reply. "No, but everyone else did. He wasn't in class all day. I'm a bit worried about him, but I didn't want to call him."

She doesn't respond for a few minutes, in which I almost fall asleep again. "Apparently he's alive, he said he took a train to Tokyo." So she decided to contact him for me. She really didn't need to do that...

In any case, part of me is massively relieved that he's OK, and part of me feels sick. If he's in Tokyo, I think I know who he chose, and Akira's plan didn't even get a chance to work. "Thanks for letting me know."

I try to fall asleep again, but the waves of anxiety triggered by losing Hisao to Shizune prevent me from doing so. I'm not going to bother Akira with this, and I'm definitely not going to tell Lilly about this yet. Besides, it's not even 5 PM yet, which means it's not even 9 AM in Scotland, and she almost certainly won't be awake yet. But that doesn't matter, because I'm not going to tell Lilly about this.

I need to take my mind off of this. Time for some Warcrack.

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Re: Enjoy The Silence (Ch. 8 2014-02-03)

Post by bhtooefr »

A couple notes.

I have now run out of buffer. Chapter 9 isn't in a state where I'm comfortable with posting it yet. I hope to get it in such a state today, but if you don't see a chapter tomorrow morning, I failed. I'd rather it be right than I keep up the release streak.

And, yes, I know, this one is really short. It felt pretty right to me at this length.
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Re: Chapter 8

Post by Munchenhausen »

bhtooefr wrote: I need to take my mind off of this. Time for some crack.
That's how I initially read that last line, and I lol'd.
Like stupid, silly doodles with no point? You've come to the right place, friend :^)
I also occasionally write oneshots. Why not have a skimread?
Miki fic? Miki fic!
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Re: Enjoy The Silence (Ch. 8 2014-02-03)

Post by Mournful3ch0 »


Hisao goes to Tokyo to 'have a talk' with his 'girlfriend'.
He breaks things off with Shizune.
He returns to his home University, expecting a waiting Hanako.
Oh she of little faith hath assumed that he was there to spend some time with Shizune instead of her.
Mystery guy is now in a relationship with Ikezawa-san.
He is kicked out of that relationship messily.
Hisao is now lonely and DOUBLE BROKEN HEARTED.

Let's see how this plays out.
Image "Forsooth, that line was feeble." - Courtesy of Mirage_GSM
Image "It occurs to me that maybe I’m an idiot." - Thanks to Jaspirian
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Re: Enjoy The Silence (Ch. 8 2014-02-03)

Post by Kitsune Spirit »

We secretly replaced Hisao with someone much better, lets see what happens!
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Re: Enjoy The Silence (Ch. 8 2014-02-03)

Post by Mader Levap »

Kitsune Spirit wrote:We secretly replaced Hisao with someone with bigger IQ, lets see what happens!
FTFY. Really, going far away without telling one of the most obvious people to tell? Idiot ball is strong with this one.
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Re: Enjoy The Silence (Ch. 8 2014-02-03)

Post by Mournful3ch0 »

Mader Levap wrote:Idiot ball is strong with this one.
I pull out my phone, almost as an afterthought whilst getting comfortable for the train ride. I know this won't be easy, but at least I don't have to say it in person. I take a deep breath and begin writing.

Hey, Hanako. I'm on my way to Tokyo to... to tell Shizune. About our relationship. How the one between her and I has to end. Talk to you in a bit?

My hands started shaking about halfway through that message, and when I look up the train is already building speed. Steadying myself, I begin going over my plans for our inevitable encounter and wonder how she'll react. I don't think I know her well enough to gauge whether she would be furious with me or just steel her gaze with that ever-present silent indifference that she loves to deploy.

That sad fact gives me the resolve to press send.\

Agreed on the idiot ball. However, this is still good fun to read, and I still have hope for Bhtooefr to surprise me!
Also, sorry if I was a bit out of bounds in writing this. I couldn't help myself.
Image "Forsooth, that line was feeble." - Courtesy of Mirage_GSM
Image "It occurs to me that maybe I’m an idiot." - Thanks to Jaspirian
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Chapter 9

Post by bhtooefr »

I wake up to a beeping sound, and realize that my head is resting on my laptop’s keyboard. I must have fallen asleep playing again. I lift my head off the keyboard, feel my face, notice that it’s damp and feels like keys have been imprinted on it, and then notice that the keyboard and palmrest are wet as well. I must have been crying after I passed out...

Quickly, I unplug my laptop, and flip it over to remove the battery, when I notice the pool of liquid underneath. Oh, right, I forgot, this one has drainage channels under the keyboard. I set the laptop back down, and grab a towel to clean everything up. Once this is done, I look at my phone. It’s 4:30 AM, and I apparently missed a text message from Hisao.

“Hanako, I’d like to talk.” Looks like he sent it around 10 PM.

He’s going to tell me that he decided to get back with Shizune, isn’t he? Screw him.

After finishing up some homework, I get ready for class, and then remember that it’s Saturday, and I didn’t schedule any Saturday classes this semester. Might as well get some breakfast, at least. I decide to skip the cafeteria this time, and walk to McDonald’s. Neither option serves actual food, but at least McDonald’s is tastier, is only a couple blocks away, and shouldn’t be too crowded at this hour.

Before long, I make it to my destination. There’s almost nobody here, except… wait, is that who I think it is? Sure enough, the blonde suited figure looks up at me, and waves. Well, I wasn’t going to bother her, but if she’s already here… I head up to the counter, and order a platter of pancakes. It’s not long before they’re ready, and I head over to Akira’s table.

“Hey, Hanako, what brings you here this late?” Late? She must be well past the midnight oil by now...

“J-just wanted to g-get out of the dorm… and I d-didn’t eat last night, stayed up playing WoW instead… what about y-you?”

“Eh, this is basically my lunch break, with how they’ve got me working…”

“I’m glad I’m not s-studying law, then, if lawyers have to work like that.”

“It’s not usually this bad, it’s just because my dear fucking father knows he can get away with burying me under this much work…” Akira’s phone vibrates, and she looks at it. “Aaaaand, speak of the devil. Apparently I can’t even take a fucking hour lunch break without being asked where I am.” She deletes the message, and scrolls down to another one. “Oh, hey. You might want to see this one, Hanako.”

It’s a message from Hisao, sent at 7:22 PM. “Heading back to Tohoku.” Wait, if he went to try to fix his relationship with Shizune, he would’ve spent the night, I’d think… so does that mean Shizune broke up with him? Hmm.

I pull out my own phone, and look at Hisao’s last message to me, before shutting it. I now realize that he wasn’t going to tell me that he decided on Shizune, but… am I his second choice? I don’t think I’d be happy with that any more.

“You OK?” She must have noticed my grimace.

I open my phone back up, and hand it to Akira. “Hisao sent this l-last night, after I f-fell asleep.”

“So? He’d like to talk. Sounds like a good idea.” She takes another bite of her hot dog, and then sets it down and washes it down with some coffee.

“I just… what if I’m his s-second choice?”

“Talk. To. Him. How will you know if you are or aren’t if you don’t?”

“Y… you’re right.”

Wordlessly, we finish our breakfasts, and Akira pops a couple pills with the last of her coffee. “Hey, I gotta get back to work. Good luck, kiddo.”

“Th-thanks, Akira.” A crowd is forming in the restaurant, so I decide to follow her out, and then I head back to my dorm. Once I get there, my phone starts playing music.

“«Feeling unknown
And you're all alone
Flesh and bone
By the telephone
Lift up the receiver
I'll make you a believer
I will deliver
You know I'm a forgiver»”

I look at the caller ID, and see that it’s Lilly. Akira must have added her to my phone yesterday morning. Ha ha, very funny. I decide to answer it anyway, though.


“Good morning, Hanako. How are you?”

“I’m d-doing fine, you?”

“I’m doing fine as well, thanks for asking.”

An awkward silence descends on our phone call, neither of us knowing what to say after the pleasantries are through.

“So how are your studies going?”

“Fine, y-you?” That’s all there really is to say, so...

“I’m busy studying for finals now, but they’ll be over in a couple weeks, and I’ll be starting university in September.” Oh, right, I forgot about the different school year in Scotland.

Another awkward pause, before Lilly starts again. “How’s the weather there? It’s pretty cool here.”

“It was rainy yesterday, but it’s supposed to be n-nicer today.”

The weather isn’t exactly a captivating topic for either of us, though, and I’m left staring at my bed, listening to a silent phone again. I decide to try to make conversation this time. “I’ve b-been playing P-Portal, you sh-should… oh…” Blind. Right.

Lilly chuckles at my slip-up. “My my, I’m afraid my reflexes just won’t be up to that game.”

Well, that wasn’t one of my brighter moments.

Something that Akira said yesterday morning flashes through my mind. "You have another friend that you could call... and she'd listen." Dare I tell Lilly about Hisao? Akira’s right, she’ll listen. It’s what she might say that worries me.

Then again, I remember that she seemed to be trying to get me together with Hisao a year ago, and I remember her being disappointed that he had started dating Shizune. Maybe… maybe this won’t be so bad.

“So… I’ve… I’ve been seeing s-someone the past couple m-months…”

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Re: Enjoy The Silence (Ch. 9 2014-02-06)

Post by bhtooefr »

Sorry about the delay in posting this chapter. It just wasn't ready to go, and needed reworking, and then some editing of the rework.
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Re: Enjoy The Silence (Ch. 9 2014-02-06)

Post by UltimateShammer »

Thank the lord for Akira, I would've been very upset with Hanako if she just decided to completely ignore Hisao, like it seemed was going to happen.
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