After Graduation - A Shizune/Hisao story (post good route)


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Re: After Graduation - A Shizune/Hisao story (post good rout

Post by AntonSlavik020 »

OutofBlues wrote:
[I know I've been lousy to you, and I want to make up for lost time. When you told me yesterday that you love me, something finally clicked inside.] I smile at her words. She hesitates, and I wait patiently, sensing she has more to tell me. Soon her hands move again, [but, I can't really take credit for that epiphany,] she signs. [Just a few days ago, Misha and I had another fight. Only, this time, it wasn't about me and her, it was about you.]
Shizune was never very likely to make a massive change in her behavior out of the blue unless she had her face rubbed in the fact that she was committing the most horrible of mistakes...not being the best at something. Misha pointing out that she could lose Hisao due to her own negligence seems like the kind of thing that would kick her into high gear.

Mind you, it never really bothered me one way or another why she had a change of heart at the end of the year, but that you managed to explain it in a way that remains truthful to what we know about Misha and Shizune's character is really impressive. I can't think any other Shizune epilogues that remain faithful to the characters like that.

Also, update is full of d'awwww.
I'm not great with words, so what he said.
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Re: After Graduation - A Shizune/Hisao story (post good rout

Post by Oscar Wildecat »

At the risk of being called a copycat, I'm going to ditto OutofBlues comments on this post.

But I will add that I like Hisao's response: "I knew what I was getting into." Yeah, right. Sure you did. So did Napoleon when he invaded Russia.
I like all the girls in KS, but empathize with Hanako the most.
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Re: After Graduation - A Shizune/Hisao story (post good rout

Post by griffon8 »

Maybe I missed it, maybe there was a reasonable accounting for it, but do Hisao's parents know that Shizune is coming? I don't recall Hisao informing them of the change of plans.
I found out about Katawa Shoujo through the forums of Misfile. There, I am the editor of Misfiled Dreams.

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Re: After Graduation - A Shizune/Hisao story (post good rout

Post by sg1cat »

OutofBlues wrote:
[I know I've been lousy to you, and I want to make up for lost time. When you told me yesterday that you love me, something finally clicked inside.] I smile at her words. She hesitates, and I wait patiently, sensing she has more to tell me. Soon her hands move again, [but, I can't really take credit for that epiphany,] she signs. [Just a few days ago, Misha and I had another fight. Only, this time, it wasn't about me and her, it was about you.]
Shizune was never very likely to make a massive change in her behavior out of the blue unless she had her face rubbed in the fact that she was committing the most horrible of mistakes...not being the best at something. Misha pointing out that she could lose Hisao due to her own negligence seems like the kind of thing that would kick her into high gear.

Mind you, it never really bothered me one way or another why she had a change of heart at the end of the year, but that you managed to explain it in a way that remains truthful to what we know about Misha and Shizune's character is really impressive. I can't think any other Shizune epilogues that remain faithful to the characters like that.

Also, update is full of d'awwww.
Thank you very much, OutOfBlues. I was tickled pink to read your coments, was was really quite the compliment!

I consciously made the choice to have Shizune more affectionate, it was the reason I wanted to write this - my dissatisfaction with that part of her route.

To keep it IC, though, I knew it had to be caused by something that would warrant her making such a dramatic change. Obviously, this is what I came up with, and I'm simply thrilled that you, Anton, and Oscar all feel it's bang on.

I'm glad you folks like it, having happy readers makes writing worthwhile. :D

AntonSlavik020 wrote:I'm not great with words, so what he said.
Thanks, Anton. :)

Very glad to see your replies, as always. :D

Oscar Wildecat wrote:At the risk of being called a copycat, I'm going to ditto OutofBlues comments on this post.
copycatting is very allowed in this context, thanks much. As I said, I'm thrilled so many like the way I justified her change in behavior.
Oscar Wildecat wrote:But I will add that I like Hisao's response: "I knew what I was getting into." Yeah, right. Sure you did. So did Napoleon when he invaded Russia.
I loved this! I laughed out loud (for real, not just a smile or an amused reaction). Very clever.

Great analogy too, bringing in the military history. So appropos for Shizzy. ;)
griffon8 wrote:Maybe I missed it, maybe there was a reasonable accounting for it, but do Hisao's parents know that Shizune is coming? I don't recall Hisao informing them of the change of plans.
Hmm...interesting observation!

We'll just have to wait and see about that, won't we?! ;)

And now, the next chapter...
After Graduation - a Shizune/Hisao story (post-good route)
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Chapter 19

Post by sg1cat »

Shizune finally pulls away after we kiss for some time. She looks at me with a sweet smile, caressing my cheek. I smile back at her, as she sits snuggly nestled between me and the wall, both of her legs draped over mine. Though she was sitting more completely on my lap when we started to make out, it became necessary to make a change after my legs started to go numb.

Even now, there's still some pins and needles in my toes, but that seems to be going away. Either way, it was worth it, I love being this close to her. I squeeze Shizune to me a bit more as we stare into each other's eyes, causing her to smile happily.

Finally, she shifts back a bit so she can sign. [It's times like this I hate being deaf.]

My jaw half drops in shock at her words. That really came out of nowhere, and I don't think I've ever known her to be upset by her condition.

[Why?] I can only ask, my mind still whirling at her confession.

She smiles sadly, answering, [because I want to snuggle up into your arms and hold you, but I also want to talk with to you some more.] She sighs, signing further, [If I were any other girl, we could do both, but I have to choose.]

My lips curl into a smile at her words, relieved that it's not something more serious. She frowns slightly, shifting uncomfortably in confusion to my reaction.

[Get your phone,] I sign with a grin. She looks at me, confused.

[Trust me,] I sign to her with a wink.

With a furrowed brow, she glares at me, then reaches across the table to pick up her purse. Fishing out her smart phone, she gives me an expectant look.

Taking the device from her hands, I pull her body against me again, gently pushing her head into the crook of my neck. She resists a little, but sighs in frustration as she relents. It isn't long before she melts against me.

I smile as I touch the button to light up her smartphone. Looking over the display, I find the icon I was looking for. Touching the little symbol for a notepad, I watch as the display fills with empty lines and the soft keyboard. I feel her body stiffen against mine as I start to type.

{ Now we can cuddle and talk at the same time. } I write, then pass the phone back to her.

Shizune shifts restlessly against me as she reads my words. She hesitates before writing her reply, then pushes the phone back into my hand.

{ You know I hate talking this way. }

{ Well, it's this or we choose between cuddling and talking. Now we can do both. } I write back. I'm about to hand handing the phone back to her, but then add, { Isn't snuggling with me worth the hassle? ;) }

Taking the phone back, she sighs heavily upon reading my answer. I smirk, glad she can't see my face right now. Her thumbs hover over the keys, hesitating before she starts typing her response. I look out the window as her thumbs move over the phone, watching the rain falling over the countryside as it whizzes by.

I feel the phone pressed into my hand, then look down to read it.

{ That's not fair. Now I'm the bad guy if I say I don't want to do this. It's impossible to have a serious conversation this way, you know. I can't read your facial expressions. }

Chuckling, I write back, { I won't blame you if you say you'd rather not do this, I was just teasing. As for serious conversations, is that something we should be doing while cuddling anyway? }

She shifts again as she reads my response, quickly typing her answer. As I look out the window, I start to wonder if this was a bad idea. Without thinking about it, I start to rub her back, then slide my hand up to run my fingers through her hair, waiting patiently.

Shizune pushes the phone into my other hand.

{ If we could hear each other, we could still hear tone of voice when we talked, so we could have serious conversations. But since I'm deaf, I need to see your face. I like it when your run your fingers through my hair like that. }

I smile from ear to ear as I write out my reply. { You've never expressed this kind of discontent at your condition before. Why now? I like running my fingers through your hair. If I keep doing it, will you keep doing this with me? } After I hand her the phone, I start playing with her hair again. When I do, she snuggles up closer to me as she types out her response.

A little while later, I get the phone returned to me.

{ I have my moments. Now and again, doesn't everyone get unhappy with the hand that life dealt them? Keep doing it and I'll think about it. }

I chuckle as I start to type. { You're probably right. But you know what this means, don't you? }

She takes the phone back when I return it to her, then gives it back almost immediately.

{ What? }

I grin, typing out, { We're having a pretty serious conversation in writing only, while you cuddle up against me. I love being this close to you, by the way. }

Handing the phone back to her, I hear her sigh happily as she reads it. I start to run my fingers through her hair as she types her answer, now feeling pretty darn good about suggesting this.

I look down when I'm handed the phone.

{ Yeah, I guess we are. Maybe your idea wasn't such a dud, after all. I love being close to you, too. }

I smile from ear to ear at her response, taking a moment to think before I start to write my reply. { Thanks for saying so,} I start to write, when suddenly I feel her lips press against my neck, her breath warming my skin. I hesitate, suddenly finding it hard to concentrate. { I like it when you kiss my neck like that, but it makes writing to you very hard. }

Regrettably, she stops when I hand the phone back to her, but she wouldn't have be able to read my answer if she hadn't. My fingers resume stroking through her hair as I again look out the window. I feel her giggling as she reads it, then wait as she types out her answer. When she hands me the phone, I read it. As soon as the phone is back in my hand, she starts kissing my neck again.

{ That's not the only thing that's hard. } Just as I read that, she presses her thigh firmly against my erection that's been straining against her leg for quite a while now. Clearing my throat as I feel her giggle again, I start to write my response as she continues her standard assault on two fronts, her lips caressing my neck while she continues to grind her thigh against my pelvis.

I write back, { if you keep this up, I'm going to insist we do something about it. }

After I hand the phone back, I run my fingers through her hair again. She fairly quickly writes back, giggling as she does, then hands me the phone. Her thigh continuing to apply pressure the whole time, and she starts kissing my neck again as I struggle to stay focused enough to read.

{ No means no, Hisao. We're still meeting your parents tonight. I'm just showing you more affection. You can stew in your lust for today, it'll make you appreciate the next time we have sex all that much more. }

I chuckle at her answer, typing back quickly, { This from the woman who tied me to a chair for the first time we had sex? I didn't even have the chance to say no! } Handing the phone back to her, I resume playing with her hair.

She very quickly puts the phone back into my hand.

{ Would you have said no if I had asked first? }

I write back, { Of course not. }

It's not long after I return the phone to her that it's back in my hand again.

{ Then quit complaining. You love being tormented. I've seen it in your eyes. }

I groan as I read her words, and in turn feel her giggle again against me. Forcing myself to focus as she continues to tease me with her lips and thigh, I type my response. { I will get my revenge for this. }

She shakes in a giggle while reading the reply. The phone is returned to me again.

{ Good. Now you understand the game. }

I sigh. As I do, I feel yet another giggle shake her body. It suddenly occurs to me how intimate this is, cuddling with my mute girlfriend while we write back and forth. Without the sounds of her laughter or speech, I'm better in tune with the way her body feels against mine. I can feel her silent laughter, her sighing, her tensing up when she's upset, all of it.

I squeeze her to me as I realize that she's stopped applying pressure with her thigh, though her lips do still place sometimes kisses upon my neck as I ponder my response. Suddenly the phone is pulled from my hands and she's typing again. I chuckle as she writes, playing with her hair. She gives me the phone, then goes back to nuzzling my neck.

{ You took too long. My turn again. So why did you ask me at Tanabata to be your girlfriend? }

I pause after reading her words on the display, smiling slightly as I consider my answer. { Because I had been fascinated with you from the moment I met you. Because I liked you and wanted to tell you so. Because you looked so beautiful and it was such a lovely, romantic moment. Most of all, because even then, I was falling in love with you. }

Putting the phone back in her hands, I grin with eager anticipation. I run my fingers through her hair as I wait for her to read it, but it's only the space of a couple of breaths before she's putting the phone down and sitting up in my lap. Warm hands cup my face as her soft lips press against mine, kissing me urgently. She steals my breath away when she deepens the kiss, her fingers running through my hair.

I wrap my arms about her waist to pull her closer to me, kissing back hungrily. I sigh happily as she melts into my embrace, and for the second time today we loose track of time while we kiss with abandon.

After a while, however, I hear a loud growling sound coming from Shizune's stomach. It catches me so off guard, that I can't help but pause as we kiss. Shizune likewise pauses, then sighs. Pulling away from me, she looks at me with a blush, then starts to sign.

[You heard that, didn't you?] she asks with a sheepish grin.

I grin, meeting her gaze with an amused look. [Yeah. It kinda filled the room, actually.] She huffs in her embarrassment, half glaring at me.

[You know,] she signs with a chiding glare, [a gentleman would have lied and told me he couldn't hear a thing!]

I chuckle, lifting an eyebrow at her, [Well, given that I stopped kissing you when it happened, I didn't think that line would have been very believable.] She glares at me as I continue with a smirk, [besides, we should't be basing our relationship on lies! How could you suggest that, Shizune?!]

She stares back at me with an irritated gaze, frowning now. [Fine, then. You've just earned yourself another trip to the cafe car to get me my lunch!]

I can't help but laugh harder at her angry response, which only serves to infuriate her more. What I say next doesn't help matters.

[Should I run? Are you going to pass out if I don't get back quickly with some food soon?]

With that she gets up, walks over to the door, opens it, turns back to look at me, and jabs her thumb over her shoulder while glaring at me. I grin as I get up and walk towards her and the door, almost a little worried about getting too close to her. Cautiously, I step past her and into the hallway, then pause to turn around to look at her.

[Was that a yes?] I ask, unable to resist the urge to push it further.

She answers me by slamming the door in my face, which causes me to chuckle, but then gives me pause. I make my way to the cafe car, half wondering if I'll come back to find the door locked. Or, if not, then what punishment will be waiting for me when I rejoin her in the cabin?

As I get our lunch, I ponder which fate would be worse.

I find I can't decide, but I guess I'll find out soon enough.

Getting lunch takes a bit longer than getting breakfast did this morning. There's more of a crowd in the cafe car, and my order of sushi for us requires waiting longer while they make it. It's worth the time though, since it's covered by the expensive tickets that Shizune already paid for. I figure we might as well get her money's worth for us.

Eventually, I'm walking into our first class car, once more balancing two trays bearing covered plates, this time with assortments of raw fish and rice. I make my way down the aisle as the train jostles beneath my feet, wondering what awaits me when I get back.

I arrive at the door, hesitating as I look at the closed portal. Did she lock me out? She seemed peeved enough to maybe do something like that, though I kinda doubt it.

A gentle tug on the handle disproves the concern, and the door slides open.

Looking inside, I see Shizune looking out our window again, as she was when I went to get our breakfast. Now, however, the view outside is gray and gloomy, with a driving rain hammering against the glass that separates us from the tempest outside. The inside of the car is warm, made to feel all the more snug and cozy by the sight of the storm that the train carries us through at high speed.

I walk over to our table and set down our trays, in so doing drawing Shizune's gaze to me. She smiles up at me warmly, looking into my eyes as she signs to me.

[Thank you, Hisao. The sushi looks wonderful.]

Nervously I smile, worried when the other shoe is going to drop. [You're welcome,] I answer as I sit down opposite her again. [I confess I'm surprised you don't have another game of Risk set up.]

She lifts an eyebrow, looking intrigued. [Oh? Why is that?] she asks with a grin.

[Well, you were a little upset at the cracks I was making, before you sent me off to get our lunch.] She can't help but giggle at this, which helps to ease my mind, though not completely. [I expected you to have some sort of punishment ready for me when I returned,] I elaborate.

She smirks all the more, looking at me with a gaze that is now growing just a little wicked. Again I start to get nervous.

[Oh, that,] she answers with a shrug. [Don't worry, love,] she goes on, [I won't be punishing you for that.]

I sigh in relief and pick up my chopsticks, when she suddenly signs, [...yet.]

Blinking in concern, I look over at her with a worried gaze.

[Yet?] I ask with a nervous gesture.

She nods, [While I could imagine lots of different ways that I could torment you for the rest of the train ride to your parents' house, our trip is growing short. I don't want to waste it by taking my revenge on you now.]

By now, I fully expect what she says next. [I'll get you later, when you least expect it.]

With that, she picks up her chopsticks and proceeds to eat, looking up at me and smiling wickedly.


One of these days, I'll learn not to push her so far.

But then again, what would be the fun in that?
After Graduation - a Shizune/Hisao story (post-good route)
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Re: After Graduation - A Shizune/Hisao story (post good rout

Post by ksfan1989 »

I really like the characterization for Shizune in this chapter. She's learning to open up a little more, but she's still that stubborn girl we all know and love. It feels like Hisao's starting to get a better handle on how to deal with her and evening out the relationship dynamic a bit.

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Re: After Graduation - A Shizune/Hisao story (post good rout

Post by AntonSlavik020 »

In addition to everything that's been said, this story, and the recent chapters in particular, show why Shizune is one of my favorite girls, and the one I think I would have the best relationship with if she were real. I love the games she plays.
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Re: After Graduation - A Shizune/Hisao story (post good rout

Post by Mirage_GSM »

AntonSlavik020 wrote:In addition to everything that's been said, this story, and the recent chapters in particular, show why Shizune is one of my favorite girls, and the one I think I would have the best relationship with if she were real. I love the games she plays.
While the Shizune in this story is still too competitive for my tastes, keep in mind that that is not the behavior she exhibits in the VN. Cat found a plausible way to change her behaviour, but that's still not a reason for you to have liked her before this story^^°
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
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Re: After Graduation - A Shizune/Hisao story (post good rout

Post by AntonSlavik020 »

Mirage_GSM wrote:
AntonSlavik020 wrote:In addition to everything that's been said, this story, and the recent chapters in particular, show why Shizune is one of my favorite girls, and the one I think I would have the best relationship with if she were real. I love the games she plays.
While the Shizune in this story is still too competitive for my tastes, keep in mind that that is not the behavior she exhibits in the VN. Cat found a plausible way to change her behaviour, but that's still not a reason for you to have liked her before this story^^°
The main difference in her personality is how affectionate she's being, though that was explained. The competitive part of her, which is what I was referring to, I think is pretty similar.
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Re: After Graduation - A Shizune/Hisao story (post good rout

Post by sg1cat »

ksfan1989 wrote:I really like the characterization for Shizune in this chapter. She's learning to open up a little more, but she's still that stubborn girl we all know and love. It feels like Hisao's starting to get a better handle on how to deal with her and evening out the relationship dynamic a bit.
Thanks much. I'm really enjoying writing their development together, glad you like it too.

Stay tuned, there's still much more to come!
ksfan1989 wrote: Also:
Good. Now you understand the game.

AntonSlavik020 wrote:In addition to everything that's been said, this story, and the recent chapters in particular, show why Shizune is one of my favorite girls, and the one I think I would have the best relationship with if she were real. I love the games she plays.
Ditto. Her competitiveness and spunk are what drew me to her in the first place, that's why I personally feel she's the best girl.

I find her interesting and fun, a puzzle to figure out. Writing her and Hisao together is so enjoyable. :)
AntonSlavik020 wrote:
Mirage_GSM wrote:
AntonSlavik020 wrote:In addition to everything that's been said, this story, and the recent chapters in particular, show why Shizune is one of my favorite girls, and the one I think I would have the best relationship with if she were real. I love the games she plays.
While the Shizune in this story is still too competitive for my tastes, keep in mind that that is not the behavior she exhibits in the VN. Cat found a plausible way to change her behaviour, but that's still not a reason for you to have liked her before this story^^°
The main difference in her personality is how affectionate she's being, though that was explained. The competitive part of her, which is what I was referring to, I think is pretty similar.
Thanks, and that's what I've tried so hard to capture. (I'm glad to see you think I'm doing it right! ;))

What bothered me about her route in the VN was that she wasn't affectionate. I can understand why she was written that way, I think it's appropriate for her character, but it was unsatisfying, in the end.

I'm tickled pink to find folks here like the way I wrote her becoming affectionate in my fanfic, thanks again so much to those who chimed in with their support.

Having said that, I should take another moment to thank Mirage_GSM for his awesome proof reading of my fic. He's point out lots of great stuff that needed fixing, and got me thinking about stuff that needed improvement. Very cool stuff, I'm very glad he's helping me out. :)

So now - on to the next chapter! :D
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Chapter 20

Post by sg1cat »

We eat our late lunch in the usual wordless companionship that we share at mealtimes, looking at each other between bites, sharing flirtatious glances. Her threat of taking her revenge on me much later for my teasing her is quickly forgotten, especially when I realize that it will probably be a lot of fun.

Even if the punishment isn't, I'll enjoy tormenting her afterwards, as a rebuttal for whatever she plans for her retribution. That, of course, will probably only make her to seek further revenge, which will thus cause me to torment her more, and so forth.

We seem to be getting ourselves in a vicious little cycle.

I have to confess that I love it.

Though I don't think I'll admit that to Shizune any time soon.

We finish lunch, setting down our chopsticks, and I find my girlfriend looking at me from across the table for a few moments. I furrow my brow, about to ask what she's thinking, when she beats me to the punch, lifting her hands to sign.

[Why didn't you tell me about your condition before yesterday?]

The question hits me like a ton of bricks. Shizune watches me unwaveringly with her typically analytical stare, intently studying my every reaction.

I hesitate. I'm really not sure what to say. I definitely wasn't expecting this. At least, not so soon. I try to gather my wits.

[I don't know,] I finally answer, just to buy time, but immediately feel like a fool for it. Quickly I go on to sign, [I think I was embarrassed? Maybe a little scared of what you would think?] I can feel my cheeks starting to burn, the discomfort growing inside of me as I force myself to keep eye contact with her, while trying to dredge the answers out of myself.

[I guess I was ashamed,] I admit, as much to myself as to her. [When I learned about my condition, I never thought I'd be able to have a normal life. I felt lost, depressed, alone.] She watches me with a steadfast gaze, her ever stoic countenance betraying nothing of her thoughts or feelings to my words. Unable to think of anything else to say, I let my hands fall to my sides, watching her hesitantly, worried about how she might answer.

After watching me a little while, she nods. [I remember seeing that in you, when you first arrived at Yamaku,] she signs, adding with a slight smile, [I'm glad I was able to help you overcome all that.]

I grin, [You did a lot more than just help,] I remind her. [You were the driving force behind it. I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't Dragooned me into the Student Council.]

She smiles secretively, looking down for a moment. [Well,] she signs, [I had to convince you to ask me out somehow.] Looking back into my eyes, she grins shyly. [I'm couldn't be more thrilled with how everything has turned out.]

Nodding, I answer with a wide smile, [me too.] The look of happiness on her face just melts my heart.

[So when did you find out about your condition?] she asks, quickly adding, [How did you find out?]

I groan inwardly as she redirects the conversation back to my condition, but try not to let her see it. I had hoped we were done with that.

Taking a deep breath, I explain, [a girl in my old school asked me out.] Shizune visibly flinches at my words. I'm so taken aback by this that my fingers falter.

As I hesitate, she signs hastily, [I thought you said I was the only girlfriend you've ever had.] She looks uncharacteristically insecure, maybe even scared. It's so unlike her that I question my reading of her expression and body language, but both are fairly clear.

I smile kindly. [You are, Shizune,] I assure her, watching her intently, keeping my eyes fixed upon hers. [I never had a chance to answer her. I was so surprised by her question that I had a heart attack and collapsed. Literally. That's how I found out about my condition.] Now an expression of guilt crosses Shizune's face as I tell that part of my tale. [When I woke up, days later, I was in the hospital. They had performed several operations on me, and I was pumped full of drugs.] She nods, watching me intently as I go on.

[After I woke up I spent many weeks in the hospital, before finally going to Yamaku, where I met you.] She smiles slightly at this, nodding as I elaborate, [Iwanako came to visit me while I was in the hospital, as did a lot of my class mates and friends.]

Shizune signs as I pause at this point, [Her name is Iwanako?]

I nod in response adding, [but she and I never spoke of that day again, or of the question she asked. I never did give her an answer. I was too lost in my own self pity to be fit company for her, or anyone else.] Shizune's expression falls a little while I add, [as time went on, my classmates and friends stopped visiting. Eventually, so did she.] I shrug, [Finally, only my parents bothered to see me, and even they not so much, given all the long hours that they work. I spent most of my time alone, reading.]

Looking away for a moment, I remember those dark days, which now seem so far away, like someone else's life.

And yet, it feels like it was just yesterday, too.

Looking back at Shizune, I see her watching me with a concerned gaze, taking in my every move.

Not having anything else to say, I lower my hands again, watching her as she considers my words. She never looks away from me, her dark blue eyes studying me intently.

Finally, she gets up and crosses the small cabin, sitting herself in my lap. Cupping my cheeks in her hands, she looks into my eyes for the space of a few breaths, then kisses me tenderly. I can't help but moan against her lips. She kisses me all the more deeply when I do, and I wrap my arms about her, drawing her close.

When we part, she sits back and signs, [I'm sorry.]

[For what?] I ask, genuinely confused.

[Sorry to have brought it up, I guess,] she explains. [Sorry I questioned your claim that I'm your first girlfriend.]

I chuckle, shaking my head. [Don't apologize,] I tell her. [I want to share all these things with you.] She smiles happily at this. [How else will you learn anything about me, if you don't ask questions like these?]

Nodding, she answers, [I'm glad you feel that way.] Leaning in, she kisses me again.

I respond in kind, then gently push her away to sign, [Of course, you realize I'm expecting this to be a two-way street.]

She lifts an eyebrow at this, grinning slightly. [Oh?] she asks.

[It's only fair,] I answer. [This won't be much of a relationship if I'm the only one who opens up.]

She smirks all the more. [Well in that case, I guess that it's okay.]

Now I'm the one to lift an eyebrow. She giggles silently, covering her mouth with a hand.

[Okay then,] I sign, [My turn.]

Shaking her head, she answers, [Not yet.]

Furrowing my brow, I ask, [Why not?]

Grinning, she answers, [it's still my turn, that's why. I'm not done yet.]

Rolling my eyes, I reply, [Okay, then. What else did you want to know?]

She pauses, looking at me with a considering gaze. [So do you have to do anything besides your pills to take care of your condition?]

I shift uncomfortably at her question. For the last several months, I've been ignoring the Yamaku nurse's prescription for exercise and overall fitness. Despite all the ways I rationalized it, I'd been disregarding the advice of a medical professional about caring for my life threatening condition.

By the steely look in Shizune's eyes as she watches me, I've already tipped my hand, before I even sign a word in reply. She watches me like a hawk now, ready to strike if I show any signs of keeping the whole truth from her.

I briefly ponder the idea of doing so, but realize quickly that it would be foolish. If I don't tell her everything, she'll know I've left something out. She can see through me that easily. Then, she'll either drag it out of me, or get the truth some other way.

Resigning myself to my fate, I sign, [Well, the nurse had told me that I should exercise daily, to strengthen my heart.]

She watches me studiously, considering my answer for a short while. I try not to squirm under her scrutinizing gaze, but find that difficult. Though I didn't confess to her that Ive basically ignored that advice for months now, I can't help but feel like she's already divined that truth for herself. I look back into her eyes and put on my best poker face.

She smiles at me.

Nodding, she signs, [Okay, your turn now.]

I blink in surprise. [What?]

Grinning, she answers, [You wanted to ask me questions. I told you not yet, it was still my turn. Now, I'm done. It's your turn.]

I hesitate, looking at her warily. She let the exercise thing go way too easily.

I seriously doubt this is the last I've heard about it from her.

Oh well. I guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. At least I've got my turn now. Besides, what I've got for her will definitely turn the tables.

[Thanks,] I answer her, smiling from ear to ear now. The look in her eyes shows that she sees trouble ahead now. I waste no time cutting to the chase. [On the rooftop last night, you said we'd talk more about your family problems and this weekend's gathering while riding the train home.] I look into her eyes with an expectant gaze.

[I did?] she asks, putting on a confused look. Nice try, Shizune. Not buying it.

Nodding, I answer with conviction, [you did.]

Adjusting her glasses, she fidgets uncomfortably in my lap. [I suppose I might have,] she answers. I frown slightly, narrowing my eyes as I look into hers. With a huffing sigh, she finally concedes, [okay, I did. What do you want to know?]

Grinning slightly at my victory, I sign, [Why don't you and I go together to your reunion this weekend?]

In all the months I've known Shizune, I could probably count on one hand the number of times she's been completely flabbergasted. This is now one of those times.

It's something I'm rather proud of, actually.

She looks at me, slack jawed, eyes wide open, trying to process what I suggested. Lifting her hands, she attempts to stitch together some sort of reply, but her hands can't form the words. I smirk at the sight of it, looking at her with an adoring gaze.

This finally serves to snap her out of it, her dumbfounded expression being replaced by one of annoyed consternation.

[Why would you want to?] she challenges me.

Grinning, I answer, [because it would answer all of your problems.] She lifts an eyebrow, waiting for me to continue. [You told me that you didn't want to go because nobody there can understand you, and you would rather spend your time with me.] She nods, her eyes narrowing as she sees quite clearly where I'm going. I decide to spell it out for her anyway.

[If I go with you, then I can translate for you, and being understood won't be an issue.] She watches me with a hard gaze. I continue, [what's more, I'll be with you the whole time, so you won't have to miss one minute with me.] Her lips twitch at this, I think I see the start of a smile. Time to put on the finishing touches. [Afterwards, you come back home with me, and we spend the rest of our break at my parents' house, together, like we planned.]

She draws in a deep breath, unable to hold back her smile any longer.

[Well, that's all the reasons why I would want you to do it,] she signs back, watching me intently, forcing herself to stop smiling. [But, why would *you* want to do it? My father is going to be there. Lilly will be there. You know she and I are going to fight more, and you'll get put in the middle of it, translating for us as we do. Then there's meeting other relatives you don't know, like Lilly's parents. They're even worse than my father. They left Lilly here in Japan so they could go be corporate executives on the other side of the world without the stigma of a disabled daughter in their home.] Her eyes bore into mine as she relentlessly signs out each unpleasant part of her family gathering.

Nodding solemnly, I decide to just tackle each issue, one by one. [Well, let's look at all that, shall we?] I ask rhetorically before continuing, [I can't be your boyfriend without having to deal with your father again sooner or later, so why not sooner? He may scare me, but I might as well get used to putting up with him.]

She grins wryly, and I continue. [I've already been in the middle of a number of fights between you and Lilly, so that's no big deal. I can handle the two of you.]

Shizune lifts an eyebrow, and I smirk. She says nothing but watches me intently as I go on. [As far as other relatives, or Lilly's parents, or even your father...I don't give a damn about what they think of you, and your disability.] Shizune watches me intently. [You're amazing. You're better than any other girl I know, and I'm completely in love with you.] She swallows at this, her eyes shining with passion.

[What's more,] I tell her, [I want to walk into that house with you on my arm.] I can feel Shizune tensing up in excitement at my words. [I want to show off what an amazing woman you are, how much you mean to me, and how proud I am to be your boyfriend.] Her eyes are shimmering now as she looks into mine.

Smiling from ear to ear, I stare back at her intently, adding with finality, [But most of all, I want to do it because I think it would make you happy.] She closes her eyes and swallows heavily. When she opens her eyes, I ask, [do I really need any other reason?]

Closing her eyes, she shakes her head vehemently. When she looks at me again, the tears roll freely down her cheek. In spite of this, she laughs with giddy excitement, smiling at me from ear to ear. Cupping my cheeks she leans in and kisses me deeply, passionately. I respond in kind, wrapping my arms about her waist. Her kisses are hungry, demanding.

We kiss for a long time.

Eventually, reluctantly, she pulls back to sign, [I love you, Hisao. More than you can imagine.]

I chuckle, signing back, [I think I have a pretty good idea.] Winking, I add, [I'm in love with you too, you know.] She giggles silently behind her hand, staring into my eyes.

[Lay down,] she signs, standing up so I can.

Lifting an eyebrow, I ask, [I though 'no meant no'?]

Frowning she signs back, [I'm not looking for sex. I want to cuddle with you and take a nap.] I furrow my brow at this, and she continues, [We had a late night last night and an early morning today. Between that and all that we've shared in the last few hours, I'm completely exhausted.] I nod in understanding as she adds, [I'd like to get some sleep before meeting your parents.]

Smiling, I nod, answering, [Okay, I can understand that.] I stretch out on the bench, which is just long enough for me to lay down on, comfortably. Looking up at her, I sign, [but if you change your mind about the sex...]

Taking off her glasses and setting them on the table, she then rolls her eyes, signing back, [not tonight dear, I have a headache.]

I chuckle at this as she lays down with me, snuggling up to me on the bench, half laying her body across me. I wrap my one arm about her, squeezing her to me. She sighs happily, her breath tickling my neck and cheek. I find myself regretting that I now cannot speak with her, but I take more than enough comfort in the fact that her warm body is pressed tightly against mine.

She kisses my cheek tenderly and I squeeze her all the more against me. It's not long before I hear her breathing slow into a relaxing, steady rhythm, and I realize she's already asleep. That, coupled with the warmth of her body against mine, work quickly together. I soon follow her into a deep slumber, aided by the constant rhythm and rattle of the train that speeds us through the countryside, the rain still driving constantly against the window.
After Graduation - a Shizune/Hisao story (post-good route)
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Re: After Graduation - A Shizune/Hisao story (post good rout

Post by AntonSlavik020 »

Another good chapter sg1cat. Anyways, I wonder if they are gonna meat Hisao's old friends. I've read a couple stories where Hisao and his girlfriend(one was Shizune the other was Hanako) met them, and they ultimately encountered Iwaniko. Whether you go that direction or not, looking forward to the meeting with Hisao's perants.
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Re: After Graduation - A Shizune/Hisao story (post good rout

Post by monkeywitha6pack »

I'm interested to see if they see Iwanako and how you write her and, how you write mr satou
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Re: After Graduation - A Shizune/Hisao story (post good rout

Post by ksfan1989 »

I'm starting to think that this train is going straight to Scotland.
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Minion of Chaos
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Re: After Graduation - A Shizune/Hisao story (post good rout

Post by Minion of Chaos »

AntonSlavik020 wrote:Another good chapter sg1cat... looking forward to the meeting with Hisao's perants.
Couldn't agree more!
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