Whisky, Saki and Other Spirits- A Saki Story


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Re: Whisky, Saki and Other Spirits- A Saki Story

Post by Lothbrok »

FluffandCrunch wrote:
Daitengu wrote: Well, just means he's tempted to get it on with a ghost lol.

Saki's got points going for her in ghost mode since she can touch Hisao.

1. Hisao can do it raw cause she has no body.
2. Saki is in teen form.
3. No one can see her except him.

Ghosts, perfect mistresses lolz
...don't tempt me.
Please get tempted !!!!
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Re: Whisky, Saki and Other Spirits- A Saki Story

Post by BobBobberson »

Gotta give you props man, well written story that answers any questions the reader may have. Now you really make me want a Saki DLC route for KS. I would pay good money for that shit :(
The bittersweetness of the story is off the damn charts though (in a good way)
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Re: Whisky, Saki and Other Spirits- A Saki Story

Post by Mahorfeus »

Whisky, Saki and Other Spirits
Well, I'm slow.
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Re: Whisky, Saki and Other Spirits- A Saki Story

Post by Mut-Who »

Heh, you seem to have something for Hisao getting haunted. Maybe you should take up the earlier suggestion of making him a paranormal investigator!

In all seriousness, I enjoyed the story. Not quite as many bitch tears as with the Akira story, if only because the twist was a bit more of a blind-side. Still, feels were had and this was well written: nice work.
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Re: Whisky, Saki and Other Spirits- A Saki Story

Post by nemz »

Hmm... very interesting stuff. I do have to wonder why he's living with Lilly AND Hanako though... harem end achieved? Then again, I suppose he and Lilly could have had a daughter and named her after their old friend.
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Re: Whisky, Saki and Other Spirits- A Saki Story

Post by FluffandCrunch »

>>he hasn't read my other stories.

Scar Tissue

Thanks for the comment, Nemz. I hope you enjoy my other shitscribbles.
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Re: Whisky, Saki and Other Spirits- A Saki Story

Post by SemisoftCheese »

i normally hate necroes, but this piece is too good for people not to see. i wish i could write at this level.

best read while listening to this
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Re: Whisky, Saki and Other Spirits- A Saki Story

Post by spamholderman »

Necroing because your title is genius. You are great and you should feel great.
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Re: Whisky, Saki and Other Spirits- A Saki Story

Post by Munchenhausen »

Knock knock
Who's there?

First time I read it was when I found it on a pastebin somewhere.
Now I've found a tangeable source, I can tell you that you had me sat in my work's staff room, holding back a solitary tear.

Absolutely beautiful work, pal!
That quote from Saki, whether or not you made it, is one that I have engraved into my mind.
Ahhh, I well up everytime I say it.
Like stupid, silly doodles with no point? You've come to the right place, friend :^)
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Re: Whisky, Saki and Other Spirits- A Saki Story

Post by Solistor »

I like the title, very clever. The story itself is pretty nice too; the ending in particular was cute. That said,
Mahorfeus wrote:And now I'm imagining a spin-off series where Hisao is one of those paranormal investigator guys that helps ghosts pass on.
Mut-Who wrote:Heh, you seem to have something for Hisao getting haunted. Maybe you should take up the earlier suggestion of making him a paranormal investigator!
I'm tempted to write this idea just because I enjoyed Hoitash's Hisao & Kenji detective fics, and then I had an idea like that only Hisao's the dead one and he investigates dead stuff similar to Yu Yu Hakusho
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Re: Whisky, Saki and Other Spirits- A Saki Story

Post by Helbereth »

Well, obviously this fell off the forum before I joined, so I haven't seen it until now. I do recall people making references to it, but I never discovered what they were talking about. Also, I'm not sure if this is already there, but it ought to be on the Yamaku Library post...
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Re: Whisky, Saki and Other Spirits- A Saki Story

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Hmm. I thought i already put this in... apparently not^^°
It will be in my next update.
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Re: Whisky, Saki and Other Spirits- A Saki Story

Post by Rikabro »

I love this story a whole ton. And let me be the first to say that the title is really clever.
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