Half The Man I Was - Masato Nakamura


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Half The Man I Was - Masato Nakamura

Post by BCubeDave »

This is a fan-fic I'm developing in my free time whilst I'm waiting for my VN act one to be defined for development. This is a character from Numb's Miki route. He gave me full permission to use the character because we are on the same VN team, so there's that. Don't expect great work from me, I don't refine or check my work when I'm writing idly.

"Yuuri? Isn't he that fag that stays at the track all day?"

My neck muscles tensed as he brought up my cousin. What the fuck had he just said about him? I saw red, in my eye that worked. Flipping the desk, I was up faster then I thought I could move. So what if the kid was missing a foot, that didn't make it any better. Emotions flared inside my brain as I raised my fist to strike him, what had he expected? This was his fault. And so a flurry of fist was rained upon the unsuspecting classmate. You don't talk about someones family like that. Time seemed to flash forward after that. I was pulled off of him after a minute or two, but if no one had stopped me, I wouldn't have stopped. It made no sense to let people talk about your family that way, and I didn't plan on giving any exceptions if people talked about mine.

I was taken to the office with relative haste. It appeared that my actions where deemed unjustifiable, and was from then on pushed to a different class, after a formal apology and a suspension from classes for the next week. So now I had time to reflect on what I had done. So there I was, sitting in my dorm room, with no idea what I had done wrong. It was already lunch but I didn't have any plans. Walking to my bed, I flop onto my back. "Maybe I can get some sleep..." Closing my eyes, I realize quickly that this would be futile. I had friends, and no doubt they would soon assault my door. Right on queue, I heard a knock on the door, the familiar voice of Suzu penetrating into my dorm room.

"Time to eat lunch, loser!"

As tired sounding as ever, Suzus voice pulled me away from my bed. Opening the door, my head would turn slightly to the right so I could hear her better, it was something so natural that it didn't matter anymore. Suzu fumbled with her knee brace for a moment before returning her attention to me. "We're eating lunch with Akio today. Cafeteria." Shrugging I would follow my blue haired friend to the cafeteria. Akio quickly sunk into the line with us, his sarcasm entering our idle chat as we awaited. As he caned his way over too us, I came to a sudden realization. "Every person who I'm friends with has leg problems." Everyone around me stopped in place, glaring. What was their problem? Is there something on my face? Then I came to a second realization. I had verbalized my thoughts. My demeanor quickly turned defensive. I raised my hands in mock surrender, trying to wave away an offense. "I-I didn't mean it like that, I just thought it was a peculiar coincidence!"

I dropped my head as everyone started walking again. Akio and Suzu laughing at me for my slip up. I'd been having some bad luck recently, and now here I was again, in the most awkward situation I've been in for weeks. Rubbing the bridge of my nose, I followed them through the line. I already had a bento of niku udon in my pack, and that was all I would need for today. I did manage to snag a lemonade from one of the vending machines before we all got our seats. Sitting, I glanced at around. Within the next few days, I would have to introduce myself to a new class. What a treat.

"So, have you thought about my offer yet?"

Glancing up from my bento, I would glance in Suzus direction. Had I thought about it? The poetry club seemed to be pretty boring compared to soccer, but I guess it's up to me. Scratching my nose I would try to reassure her, she might make a scene if I angered her too much. "Soccer just takes up too much of my time right now." It was entirely true. Though at this rate, I would likely be suspended from the club within no time. Suzu peered up at me with beady eyes, a face of pure sadness plastered where her once confident gaze was. Casually eating my food, my only reply would be moving my hand forward, locking my middle finger behind my thumb, and flicking her on the nose. "No means no, Suzu." She recoiled quickly, letting out a gasp at my actions.

"How dare you!"

Her emotion was pseudo, obvious by the huge grin on her face. She wanted a battle, but I would not give it to her. I'd let Akio handle it. I had homework to do, and an entry speech to think of. Finishing the last of my udon, I would quickly begin my exit. "I have to go, I'll talk to you tommorow." Giving her a sincere smile, I would wave to Akio. I had been acquiring a habit of leaving my friends when I got bored, and it was somewhat unsettling. Maybe I should go to sleep.

Scrambling to my room with haste, I would lock the door. I wouldn't let this peace to go waste. Dropping my bag next to my desk, I would sink into apathy. Work was just not on top of my list right now. Hopping into my bead, I would close my eyes and remain still, the days events repeating themself in my head. Soon I would join my new class, and be forced to make new friends. What a bore. Things would be so much easier if they just wouldve left me in 2-3. Preparing myself mentally, I let my mind drift, succumbing to the darkness that is good sleep.


Scrambling out of bed, I put a clean uniform on. Doing my morning routine, my body was ready. Finally picking up my bag, I would begin the trek to my new classroom. "2-4, huh?" Grumbling to myself, I would enter the room. It seemed like a carbon copy of 2-3, except for the students. Glancing in I would spot a few familiar faces, though none I could put a name too. Shrugging, I would drop my pack next to me, and lean on the wall. I hadn't been assigned a seat, and I wasn't that outgoing, either. So now I would lie in wait, as the teacher slowly made their way to the classroom. Glancing around, it appeared that I was getting funny looks. Maybe they hadn't ever seen someone as suave as me before. Instead of staying in my shell, I decided to move next to someone who was alone. The cheery looking indian girl seemed to be writing in her notebook. My eyes and head moved left slightly, this was an angle that peopel usually found comfortable for me to speak in, instead of just my working ear, or my working eye. I opened my mouth, using as much pseudo confidence as I could muster. "Hey there, I'm Masato Nakamura. New kid."

The girl turned to me, giving me what seemed like a sincere smile and spoke in a rather polite tone, that could have easily been passive aggressive. "Molly Kapur. Busy." Blinking once, she would go back to her work, leaving me in a state of awe at how much that actually hurt. Cold. Yet I had no time to reflect on how cold it actually was because the teacher arrived, right on queue. Everyone but me turned to attention, speaking respectfully. "Welcome Miss Iwazawa." I quickly turned to listen to her speak. It seemed that this class was going to be harder then I thought.
Last edited by BCubeDave on Wed Jan 29, 2014 10:49 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Half The Man I Was - Makato Nakamura

Post by Numb »

I should note, I give my full permission for Dave to use my character, Masato Nakamura.

I'd welcome you to the forums, but I feel bad for releasing you onto these kind people :lol:
Currently working on: Notes for a new project (Coming Soon™)
I did KS and other songs on note blocks in Minecraft: Playlist here
Old works| Rooftops - An Emi Story| Christmas with the Hakamichis | Not Like Him - Rin Perspective|Blossom - A Miki pseudo-route
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Re: Half The Man I Was - Masato Nakamura

Post by Mirage_GSM »

So as punishment for beating up a classmate he can stay home from classes for a week and gets transferred to the class all his friends are in?
Boy, this school is a delinquent's paradise ;-)
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Half The Man I Was - Masato Nakamura

Post by BCubeDave »

Mirage_GSM wrote:So as punishment for beating up a classmate he can stay home from classes for a week and gets transferred to the class all his friends are in?
Boy, this school is a delinquent's paradise ;-)
None of his friends are in his new class. T.T
BCubeDave wrote: I would spot a few familiar faces, though none I could put a name too.
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Re: Half The Man I Was - Masato Nakamura

Post by Mirage_GSM »

You said he was put into 2-3, and both Suzu and Akio are (very likely) in that class.
Remember that in Yamaku the classes are sorted roughly by disability, so it makes not much sense to shuffle them each year like Japanese schools usually do, since the blind and the deaf class are going to stay the same anyway..
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Half The Man I Was - Masato Nakamura

Post by BCubeDave »

Mirage_GSM wrote:You said he was put into 2-3, and both Suzu and Akio are (very likely) in that class.
Remember that in Yamaku the classes are sorted roughly by disability, so it makes not much sense to shuffle them each year like Japanese schools usually do, since the blind and the deaf class are going to stay the same anyway..
You can assume that he got moved between "Pretty much functional" classes. There's obviously more then 10 students who can almost properly function.

Also, I don't see how it's very likely that Suzu and Akio are in his new class considering I never said anything of the sort. In my mind, they where part of his old class.
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Re: Half The Man I Was - Masato Nakamura

Post by Steinherz »

BCubeDave wrote:
Mirage_GSM wrote:You said he was put into 2-3, and both Suzu and Akio are (very likely) in that class.
Remember that in Yamaku the classes are sorted roughly by disability, so it makes not much sense to shuffle them each year like Japanese schools usually do, since the blind and the deaf class are going to stay the same anyway..
You can assume that he got moved between "Pretty much functional" classes. There's obviously more then 10 students who can almost properly function.

Also, I don't see how it's very likely that Suzu and Akio are in his new class considering I never said anything of the sort. In my mind, they where part of his old class.
I think it was stated by one of the Devs (iirc it was Aura to be specific) the Classes in Yamaku are set up like this:
C-1: Deaf
C-2: Blind
C-3/4: Everything else
I write take a look, would you kindly?
I also draw, kind of.
KeiichiO wrote:You shall now, and forever be known as, "Steinherz, The Great".
Oddball wrote:It's an obvious mistake. Both are disfigured orphans that read alot and both wear green skirts.
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Re: Half The Man I Was - Masato Nakamura

Post by BCubeDave »

Steinherz wrote:
BCubeDave wrote:
Mirage_GSM wrote:You said he was put into 2-3, and both Suzu and Akio are (very likely) in that class.
Remember that in Yamaku the classes are sorted roughly by disability, so it makes not much sense to shuffle them each year like Japanese schools usually do, since the blind and the deaf class are going to stay the same anyway..
You can assume that he got moved between "Pretty much functional" classes. There's obviously more then 10 students who can almost properly function.

Also, I don't see how it's very likely that Suzu and Akio are in his new class considering I never said anything of the sort. In my mind, they where part of his old class.
I think it was stated by one of the Devs (iirc it was Aura to be specific) the Classes in Yamaku are set up like this:
C-1: Deaf
C-2: Blind
C-3/4: Everything else
Thanks for the heads up.
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