Katawa Zhoujo (A zombie fic. yes i know the title is dumb)


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Katawa Zhoujo (A zombie fic. yes i know the title is dumb)

Post by LorSquirrel »

I started writing this around Halloween, but the way I was writing it didn't quite sit right with me, so I proceeded to 're-write it several times until I got this version which I like quite a lot more. Anyway. I hope you enjoy this little project of mine.

Also. Do to technical difficulties with my desktop. I had to write this with my kindle fire, and while I'm confident in OscarWildeCat's proof reading abilities. It would still be appreciated if you could point out any miss spelling that me, or Oscar might have missed.


Table of contents:

Chapter 1 (Lelouch. Half an hour in). (This post)

Chapter 2 (Ikuno. One week in)


Katawa Zhoujo

Chapter 1 (Lelouch. Half an hour in)

"Well that went straight to hell faster than I thought it would!" Takashi yells as he slides a metal bar through the handles of the main set of doors that lead into the cafeteria.

"Thanks for the update moron!" Taro yells back from behind a small barrier of tables and chairs he's created.

"Hey! I'm just trying to lighten the mood!" Takashi yells once again as multiple loud banging sounds come from the doors he's just barred.

"Oh no," is all I can muster as the doors begin to rattle violently under the attack of those things on the other side.

Takashi quickly backs away from the doors and heads to where me, and Taro are standing.

"Where'd the Nakai guy go?" He asks in a surprised look and tone.

"He tried to go and help Shiina and Shizune, and ran towards the gardens with them. Not sure where he is now though," Taro says as he finishes moving the last of the chairs up to his barricade.

"Damn," Takashi says before he looks at over at me, the anxious expression on his face turning to one of terror as he sees the blood covering my left arm, "Holy hell, Lelouch! What happened to you?" He asks in a terrified voice as he slowly backs away from me.

I quickly look my arm. It's entirely covered in blood from my shoulder all the way down to my exposed wrist. It's like that because while we were running, I saw a girl from our class who sits next to me. She was knocked down by another student as they ran, and I went to help her up, but as I got her to her feet one of those things grabbed her by her hair and yanked her back, so it could bite her neck. When it bit her, some of her blood shot out and covered my arm. All I could do was run as I heard her and several other people begging for help as they were devoured.

He probably thinks one of those things bit me, "Not my blood!" I practically scream, as I show him that there are no bite marks.

Our English teacher was bit; we managed to pry the one who was attacking her off. However, as we got her to the nurse's office, she turned into one of them and killed our classmate Suzu.

"Oh, thank god," Takashi replies in a relieved tone as he calms down a little.

I turn to ask Taro what we should do next, and I see him holding the leg of one of the chairs while in a stance like a baseball player with the leg held at the same level as my head.

Well it isn't exactly like a baseball player since his left arm just dangles uselessly at his side like always, but it still looks like, if he swung right now, he would still either knock me out, or kill me.

I throw him an angry look, and he returns with an apologetic look as he lowers his weapon.

"I just wanted to be ready in case-," he's cut off as the rattling at the doors turns into a very loud and rapid thumping.

We all turn to see that the metal bar that Takashi put in place is just barely keeping the doors from bursting open under the force from the other side.

"We need to get out of here!" Takashi says as we turn back to each other. A look of pure terror is displayed on his face.

"Agreed!" says Taro, "this barricade should slow them down long enough for us to find a way out. There should be an exit in the back. Come on!" He orders as he makes a motion for us to follow him as he heads behind the serving counters.

Takashi and I quickly follow Taro. We run through the area where they prepare the food, and discover a door in the back.

"Thank god!" Taro says as he reaches to open the door.

He turns the knob but it doesn't seem to budge even as he puts progressively harder to open it.

"Damnit!" He yells as he punches the door in anger, and turns to us, "It won’t budge!"

"Crap..." I mutter under my breath as I rub my temple in frustration.

"Maybe we should head back, and try to-" Takashi is cut off by the loud crashing sound coming from out front that is quickly followed by a loud wave of moaning, and the sound of feet shuffling towards us.

Without even thinking, I immediately begin kicking at the door in the hope that it will bust open. As the shuffling becomes louder and I see Takashi and Taro tense up, I back up to the other side of the kitchen and charge full speed at the door ramming into it with my shoulder. I can feel it as the door give way with a crack, and I tumble unto the grass behind the school.

I feel relief as I stare up from the ground, and see the azure blue sky above.

"Hell yeah! I freaking made it!" I think to myself as my relief turns to overwhelming joy.

But then, I hear a shuffling noise commuting from my right followed by a low pitch moaning.

I turn to look at the source of the noise so quick that I swear my eyeballs nearly fly out of their socket. However, that thought is immediately thrown from my mind and replaced with fear as I see one of them shuffling towards me.

It's a man wearing a black three-piece suit, and a bright red tie. However, both the suit, and the tie are ripped and torn, and the man's is face is pale, rotting, and is covered in blood.

More importantly, it's only about yards away, and closing.

I frantically attempt to get to my feet but my hand slips on small pool of blood causing me to fall back down, and as I begin to try and back up again it closes at the gap between us, and lunges at me as time seems to slow. My heart feels like it has stopped from the sight of this thing coming at me.

So this is how I die? Eaten by some dead guy behind a school? This is bull crap!

Just as the thing's shadow begins to spread across me what looks a piece of wood comes in from the side, and smashes into the thing's skull so hard that it instantly breaks and splinter, and send the thing flying towards a nearby tree so fast that when it hits the tree, it's brains splatter against the trunk.

I turn to see where that came from, and see Taro standing over me with the bloody and destroyed chair leg that just saved my life.

He drops the legs, and helps me up.

"Thanks," is all I can say as he pulls me to my feet.

"No problem," he replies with a smile.

"Are you okay Lelouch?" Takashi asks frantically as he runs over to us.

"Yes," I reply plainly, as I dust myself off.

"Good. We should get going-" Takashi stops abruptly as his gaze drifts over to towards the corner of the wall.

Taro, and I look to see what he's looking at, and we Damn near freeze in place when see at least twenty of those things quickly shuffling towards us.

Taro turns around and runs away as fast as he can.

I grab Takashi by the arm, and we run after Taro while running from the dead.

We see Taro turn a corner, and we follow suit; but, as soon as we do, we turn straight into a nightmare.

We turn onto the side of the school that faces the woods and the track field. It usually looks beautiful, but now I can barely describe what I see. There's blood, and bodies scattered everywhere, some of those things are here, either eating the bodies, or chasing down anything that isn't them. And the smell. Oh god. It smells terrible. Like rotting, and blood, and the guts of everyone who’s dead.

What the hell.

I don't know how long I just stand there looking at it all, but I'm pulled out of it by one realization.

I don't see Taro.

I quickly scan the area but only see the dead, or the soon to be dead. Where the hell did he go? I don't see anywhere he could have run.

"Lelouch! Move!" I'm taken from my search by the screaming of Takashi who just blew straight past me, and is running at full speed towards the supplies shed.

Oh, crap! The group behind us!

I quickly look behind myself, and see them lumbering towards me.

I nearly fall over backwards at the sight of them, but I manage to right myself, and gun it to the supplies shed.

I move so fast that everything around becomes a complete blur. The dead, the blood, the god-awful smell. It just becomes a blur.

I finally reach the supplies shed just moments after Takashi does.

Seeing me approach he throws the door open, and hurries inside. As I pass by one of the windows, I catch a glimpse of him through one, and see that he is piling boxes up against them. I reach the door and go inside, slamming the door behind me.

A quick look at the interior tells me that this is not a good place to hold up. There are four Windows in total which is good, but there are so many tools, boxes, and cabinets in here that there isn't much maneuverability which means that if they get in here it'll be hard to do anything without bumping into each other.

Takashi has just finished blocking one of the windows in the back of the shed as the dead start beating at the door.

We both quickly run to the door and use our bodies to brace it against the dead seem to be massing outside.

After a minute of this, the banging at the door is so powerful that it knocks me onto the ground. Takashi looks at me in shock, and tells me to find a weapon.

I get up off the ground, and spot a metal baseball bat leaning up against the far wall on the other side of the shed. As I move to retrieve it, the window behind me shatters. I turn to see one of those things. It's a girl with strawberry pink hair done up in twin pigtails, and emerald green eyes, she's wearing the schools track uniform, and is pulling herself through the window.

As it falls through the window, I can see that it has no legs. They just abruptly stop just after the knees.

It looks up at with it soulless eyes, and starts dragging itself slowly towards me.

I quickly make my way to the other side of the shed, and grab the bat. It's heavier than I expected which should help.

I turn back to the one that came through window, and see that it is dragging itself towards Takashi now who is too distracted with the door to notice.

I run up next to it, raise the bat above my head, and swing it down onto its head with as much force as I can manage, and smash it's skull in.

As the bat connects, the thing’s head is crushed after the third swing. Pieces of it brain are scattered over the floor of the shed.

After that, I turn my attention back to the front door. Takashi looks back and sees me holding the now bloody bat, and gives a shocked look at the sight of the one I just re-killed.

I get into the baseball stance, and aim for where I think they're heads should be.

I tighten my grip as the banging grows louder, and loud along with the moaning of the dead.

They'll be through any second now. From the sound of it there's way more than the two of us can take even with the bats. However, if they keep coming through the door then maybe we can-

My thought is cut off by the sounds of gunfire, and explosions.

The military? That was pretty damn fast. Not that I'm complaining. The noise from them is drawing away a lot of the dead that are around the shed to the point that it sounds like there is only a few left out there.

So, sound sensitive? That's good to know.

There are so few left that Takashi is able to get off the door, and grab his own bat so he can fight with me.

After a while, we end up opening the door to deal with the ones that stayed behind. These ended up only being five. They looked like they had been rotting for a longer time then the other ones.

"Maybe they become less sensitive the longer they've been dead?" Takashi hypothesized as he drags the pigtails one out of the shed.

"Looks like it," I reply plainly, as I clean my bat off.

"We should probably start looking through these boxes to see if we can use anything they might have inside. I'll check the left side while you check the right?" Takashi asks as he walks back in the shed, and motions to the left side of the shed, and then to the right.

"Sure," I reply walking over to a stack of boxes. They're stacked up rather high, and look like they're going to fall if I nudge them slightly.

This will take a while, but we could make this a bit of a base. Well. Let's see what's in box number one!

End of chapter 1

Hope you guys enjoyed!
Last edited by LorSquirrel on Sun Dec 22, 2013 5:56 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Katawa Zhoujo (A zombie fic. yes i know the title is dum

Post by Liminaut »

Aww, Emi. I *liked* Emi.
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Re: Katawa Zhoujo (A zombie fic. yes i know the title is dum

Post by Steinherz »

Why are there so many zombie fics popping up now? :lol:
Y'all need to stop watching The Walking Dead.
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Re: Katawa Zhoujo (A zombie fic. yes i know the title is dum

Post by Comrade »

Steinherz wrote:Why are there so many zombie fics popping up now? :lol:
Y'all need to stop watching The Walking Dead.
This week shall be forever remembered as zombie week!
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Re: Katawa Zhoujo (A zombie fic. yes i know the title is dum

Post by LorSquirrel »

@Limaut. Yeah. I felt like a bastard as I wrote that, but you got to crack a few lolli's to make a decent fix :D

@Steinherz. There is always time for zombie my friend! Also. I needed to do something while I wait for the second half of season four to start.

@Comrade. So shall it be! Mark it on your calendars people!
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Re: Katawa Zhoujo (A zombie fic. yes i know the title is dum

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Why does everyone and their grandkids have to write zombie fics all of a sudden?
Three of them going at the same time? I mean even one is one too many.
Zombies are an inherently stupid story concept. There's no way a zombie outbreak would last more than a few days even if it somehow came to pass.
Plus there's absolutely no merit in writing a story about it, since it's invariably going to be just gratuitious violence.

I'm sorry it's your story that got this post. It could have just as well one of the two others, but yours happened to be the third.
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Re: Katawa Zhoujo (A zombie fic. yes i know the title is dum

Post by TheGoatman »

I can see a zombie outbreak lasting up to several months, at my guess a fresh zombie has a realistic lifespan of 1-2 weeks max but likely a few days, however if each zombie bit one person that would stretch it alot, but since the body would inevitably deteriorate from simple wear and tear, I can't see these year old "walkers" sprinting after people all hyper and shit, I'd love to sit here and debate about the technicalities of zombies but I fear that such a debate would devolve into unpleasantness as my previous ones have, suffice to say I'm gonna side with Mirage on this one. Zombie stories are fun to read about and I enjoy zombie games however they are getting rather stale, I attempted to take a fresh spin on one and tried to make it realistic and it sounded boring even to me. If you want to write a full zombie story based on Katawa Shoujo I would be elated to read it though!
I'm just a rusty old goat and a poor writer by anyone's standards, so no need to take my advice to heart, and when you do, take a handful of salt with it.
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Re: Katawa Zhoujo (A zombie fic. yes i know the title is dum

Post by Comrade »

So what if zombies is an unrealistic concept? It's not like I intended it to be taken seriously, I decided to go with the whole zombie setting for my first pic because i thought it would've been easier to write for a first work, as some sort of writing exercise before i take on something more serious. If you can remember the conversation we had on the original zombie apocalypse thread I made it quite clear (at least i think i did) that I'll go for it just for the hell of it, maybe it wasn't a good choice, but i don't regret it one bit.
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Sea wrote:Comrade, as Khan Bek has convinced me to give Democracy a try.
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Re: Katawa Zhoujo (A zombie fic. yes i know the title is dum

Post by TheGoatman »

Comrade wrote:So what if zombies is an unrealistic concept? It's not like I intended it to be taken seriously, I decided to go with the whole zombie setting for my first pic because i thought it would've been easier to write for a first work, as some sort of writing exercise before i take on something more serious. If you can remember the conversation we had on the original zombie apocalypse thread I made it quite clear (at least i think i did) that I'll go for it just for the hell of it, maybe it wasn't a good choice, but i don't regret it one bit.
I enjoy reading zombie fics, and I also enjoy debating the technicalities of them, the latter often ends poorly while the former is fairly harmless. I have no complaints about the mass of zombie fanfics other than the usual desire for them to be finished and not abandoned.
I'm just a rusty old goat and a poor writer by anyone's standards, so no need to take my advice to heart, and when you do, take a handful of salt with it.
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Re: Katawa Zhoujo (A zombie fic. yes i know the title is dum

Post by LorSquirrel »

Mirage_GSM wrote:Why?
Why does everyone and their grandkids have to write zombie fics all of a sudden?
Three of them going at the same time? I mean even one is one too many.
Zombies are an inherently stupid story concept. There's no way a zombie outbreak would last more than a few days even if it somehow came to pass.
Plus there's absolutely no merit in writing a story about it, since it's invariably going to be just gratuitious violence.

I'm sorry it's your story that got this post. It could have just as well one of the two others, but yours happened to be the third.
Well we don't really have zombie related material on this site, so I guess this is just an attempt to add a little bit of diversity among all the routes and epilogue.

Anyway. I've read a few zombie stories where it was just about how certain people react in a survival situation that just happened to include zombies. Saying that it will always just be an excuse for violence, and that there is no merit in writing a story with zombies in it reminds me of those people who say that all VN'S are just about pornography, and that they all suck.

Personally. I was kinda over zombies until I played the telltale walking dead game (I played the game before I watched the tv show) now I see that they can be a great way to see people at they're most desperate. Is it scientifically plausible, or even possible? Probably not. But then again it's doubtful that we'll come across any more then five, or six other sentient species in mankind's existence, but a lot of people still like stuff like Mass Effect, Halo, Phantasy Star, FTL, and other Sci-fi series that say other wise. It isn't about what is scientifically possible. Its about what can make a setting for an interesting story.

...And with all of that being said. Yeah. This is mostly going to be a over the top zombie fic :oops: but I do intend to at least make the characters distinct, while throwing in some interesting, or intense situations.

Also. Why are you apologizing? You have a right to your opinion you don't need to apologize for expressing it.
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Re: Katawa Zhoujo (A zombie fic. yes i know the title is dum

Post by LorSquirrel »

Here's the second chapter. Enjoy!

Katawa Zhoujo

Chapter 2 (Ikuno. One week in)

I reach my destination. A regular wooden door with a small silver plaque on the wall next that reads, "Nurse's office" I can just barely make out a streak of something red running just below it.

The small rays of orange sunlight coming from the doors at the end of the hall offer just enough of my vision to see that it's blood. Dried blood, but still blood.

I pull out the knife I grabbed from the cafeteria on the way over. It's still perfectly clean. I can see that it's gleaming from the sunlight hitting it.

I slowly crack open the door to peak inside. I raise the knife above my head. Ready to strike at anything that might be inside.

I open the door enough to see that there are papers, medical tools, and blood scattered around the room.

I hear something fall over inside, and I close the door, jumping back out of fear.

As I stand on the other side of the hall with my knife pointing at the door to the nurse's office, my hands start shaking slightly as the thought of having to fight one of those things creep into my mind.

What if it's someone I know? What if it's Suzu in there? She came here during class last week when all of this started because she had a stomachache. How am I supposed to do this if it is her? Am I supposed to just stab one of my best friends in the head, grab some meds, and leave like some kind of psychotic druggie? Maybe I should leave-

I quickly shake that thought from my mind. I have to get the insulin that the nurse had for me, and I need to get something that can help Miki's cut.

But, if it is Suzu... would it be best to just end it for her? Could I even do it, and still be able move? I'm not sure I can stand to see another dead friend. I've already lost Ritsu, Haruhiko, Natsume, and Akio. Taro, Lelouch, and Naomi are probably gone as well. When Haruhiko died, I couldn't even force myself to move for almost an hour, so how can I see another one die, and keep going?

As this thought and many others swirl around chaotically in my mind, my hands shake more and more violently as one thought pushes its way to the front of my mind: If I don't get those meds, and Miki's cut gets infected, then she might die, and then everyone I know really will be gone.

I just stand there contemplating this thought for what must have been three minutes before I finally come to a decision.

I can't take that chance. Even if it means... stopping one of my friends.

I close my eyes, and take a good long breath to calm my nerves, and stop my hands from shaking.

I open my eyes, and walk back over to the door and grab the handle again. I stop, and press my ear against the door's hard wooden surface to listen for any noises coming from the other side.

I don't hear anything, so I slowly twist the handle, and open the door wide open. What I see is nothing short of chaos.

Just like I saw before there medical clipboards, and other things absolutely cover the floor along with all the blood, but I notice that there are those beds that feel like paper when lay on them pushed up against the windows. I’m not sure why anyone would think those would make a good barricades.

There are also two bodies in the room; one is my English teacher Mrs. Isas. She is laying on the ground motionless with mouth wide open, her eyes staring endlessly at nothing, and her head caved in from the side. I want to throw up the sight, but I've already seen people die in far worse ways.

"Believe me. You got the better end of things sensei," I say quietly as I bow in respect. "I’m sorry that I never played attention in class. You were a good teacher," I finish as I bend down to close her eyes, at the same time that I feel my eyes begin to tear up.

I stand up, and turn to the other body. Most of it is in a part of the room that's too dark for me to see clearly without getting closer, but I can see that it's a girl wearing the school's uniform. I almost move closer to see if it's down for good, but I see a small stream of blood leading away from its head.

"... I don't want to know. I just don't," I mutter to myself as I make my way over to the cabinet where I've seen the nurse grab medicine out of before.

I open it and I am immediately greeted by the sight of shelf after shelf of medicine.

I grab the insulin, some bottles that are labeled as antibiotics, some disinfectants, some bandage wraps, and a few meds that dull pain and put them into my backpack before leaving the office.

As I make my way to the stairs, I notice that the school is almost completely silent with the exception of the sound of one or two zombies slowly beating on some door in an attempt to get out of the school. I don't blame them. This place smells like death.

I quietly make my way up the stairs to the second floor. It's quieter than the first floor. Not a single noise. "Good. I can make it back to the room without any trouble now," I think to myself as I decide to forego any attempt at stealth, and run to the room where Miki and I have been holding up in.

As I run, I realize just how quiet this school is without anyone else in it. I realize just how loud the sound of my running is once it begins to echo through the empty hallways. If this was two days ago I would barely even be able to hear my own thoughts over the sound of all the other students, and teachers.

This realization causes me to tear up a bit. I love this school. I have so many memories of hanging out with my friends, the yearly festival, chatting with my teachers, and getting into trouble with some if the guys when Miki bugged me enough. Now it's just a husk, and those memories seem like they were from a different kind of world.

As I continue, the memories of some of the good times I've spent here periodically pop into my mind. The time that Taro and I got in trouble for throwing balloons full of paint the hallway. We ended up having to spend the next couple of days cleaning it all up. That year when Miki and I won at every game at the festival, when Akio bet us we couldn't. All the lunches I spent with Haruhiko, Suzu, and Natsume, where we just chatted about anything that came to mind. All the time Lelouch challenged me to Mortal Kombat, and failed miserably to win.

I miss all of them.

By the time I get to the room, all of these thoughts have caused me to slow back down to a steady walk. I open the door to the room, and see that it's pitch black.

I walk in, and drop my backpack on the floor, "Miki?" I call into the darkness as I close the door behind me.

A second later, I'm blinded by a bright light coming from the far corner of the room, "Gah!" I yell reflexively as I hold my hands out in front of me to block the light.

I hear an amused chuckle coming from the source of the light, "Miki!" I say angrily to the chuckle.

After I say that, the light points up to the ceiling illuminating most of the room, revealing the flashlight along with the dark brown skin of my friend Miki who's holding it, "Yes?" She says in a mischievous tone followed by a toothy grin.

"Why'd you do that?" I reply as angrily as before as I give her a stern look.

"Because I woke up, and you were gone!" She says in an aggravated tone as she puts the flash light down on the table still facing towards the ceiling, "Where were you?"

"I went to go get some medicine from the nurse's office," I state proudly as the look on Miki 's face turns from aggravation to shock, and admiration.

"Really?" She replies in bewilderment. I can't say I blame her for looking so confused. I usually just ask her where we're going next, and I usually refuse to go in any place that I think a zombie would be in, but this time she needed help, and I wasn't about to let her down.

"Yep. Go take a look for yourself," I say cheerfully as I motion towards my backpack.

She quickly walks over, and begins looking through my back. As she does, I catch a glimpse of her right arm. It has been bandaged from the back of the hand to almost half way to the elbow.

That happened earlier today. We headed into the town to get food from the grocery shop there, and on our way back, we were attacked by some crazy guy with a knife. He slashed at Miki giving her the cut that the bandages are covering. We ended up running away from him, but he kept chasing us, and eventually we ran into a group of zombies. When the crazy guy saw them, he ran straight past Miki and me yelling random gibberish at them as he attacked them. He ended up being a good distraction for us to get back to Yamaku without attracting any zombies. I saw him get dog piled by the zombies as we ran, so we won't have to worry about him anymore.

Anyway, when we got back Miki was feeling really tired, so I let her sleep while I went to the nurse's office. I just forgot to tell her before I left.

Miki pulls out all the medicine I got, and put them on the table with a grim look on her face.

"What's wrong?" I ask in a worried tone.

She sits down in a chair next to the table, and begins taking off the bandages revealing the cut from before. "I guess we have to get started," she says grimly as she puts arm on the table.

"What?" I reply in a confused tone.

"I you need to stick the cut," she say plainly as she looks at me expectantly.

"What? No! You know I suck at sowing! You do it!" I reply frantically as I shake my head violently.

She gives me an un-amused look, and holds up her left arm, which ends in a stump.

"Oh. Right," I reply sheepishly as I reluctantly grab a sowing kit out of one of the cupboards in the room before I sit down next to her.

A few minutes later I’ve poured some disinfectant on the cut, then do a decent job with the stitches, and re-bandaged the cut.

Miki thanks me, and tell me to get some sleep while she keeps watch to make sure nothing gets in.

"No way! You need to rest more than I do!" I argue standing up from my chair.

"I'm fine-" Miki cuts herself off with a sharp gasp of pain as she holds her arm to her side.

"Sure you are. Get to bed!" I command pointing to the bedroll in the corner of the room.

She gives a sheepish grin, "Fine..." She says in a defeated tone as she walks over to the bedroll as I turn one of the chairs towards the door and settle in for the night.

End of chapter 2

I get the feeling I ended this one a little too abruptly. Anyway. This is the last of my stuff until after the new year, so happy holidays everyone!
Last edited by LorSquirrel on Sun Dec 22, 2013 5:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Katawa Zhoujo (A zombie fic. yes i know the title is dum

Post by Oscar Wildecat »

Zombie concept aside, I like how this fic gives focus to some of the "other" members of class 3-3.

On the zombie concept, why are they always made out to be the bad guys? Is there no love for the "metabolically challenged"? :wink:
I like all the girls in KS, but empathize with Hanako the most.
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Re: Katawa Zhoujo (A zombie fic. yes i know the title is dum

Post by LorSquirrel »

Wasn't there some kind of zombie romance movie earlier this year? "Dead Hearts" or something like that? Haven't seen that one yet, but sounds like the writer wanted to give the dead some love.

Also. Yeah I like using the characters from 3-3 because I can work with most of they're disabilities, and I feel they don't get enough love in most of the fics here (still waiting for an Ikuno route people).
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Re: Katawa Zhoujo (A zombie fic. yes i know the title is dum

Post by Mirage_GSM »

It's a series and not a movie, and it's been more than a year, but maybe you were thinking of this?
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

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Re: Katawa Zhoujo (A zombie fic. yes i know the title is dum

Post by LorSquirrel »

No. I just remembered the title. It's "Warm Bodies" although that manga does look, uh, interesting.
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