Game saves transfering on other PCs ?

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Noexecute 17
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Game saves transfering on other PCs ?

Post by Noexecute 17 »

Hello there, chaps. :D

So, divorced parents = two PCs. So, basically, I love Katawa Shoujo, but I don't feel like completing two saves at 100%. I was wondering, then, if it is possible to transfer my KS's save files from the PC that I'm playing Katawa Shoujo with to my secondary PC. If yes, what are the files to copy and where are they located on the hard drive / what are the instructions to do it ? :)

Thank you in advance.
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Re: Game saves transfering on other PCs ?

Post by demonix »

You can take your progress from one computer to another by copying the katawashoujo_actual (version 1.1 might have extra numbers before the _actual part) folder, but the location is different depending on the operating system (*name* relates to the name of the account, and the application data/appdata folder is hidden so you'll have to make all files and folders visible through folder options in the view tab).

For XP it's documents and settings/*name*/application data/RenPy/

For Vista/7/8/8.1 it's Users/*name*/AppData/Roaming/RenPy/

Just a little warning: Save files from the 1.0 version won't work on the 1.1 version, so everything you've unlocked will still be available but you won't be able to resume any save files.
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Noexecute 17
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Re: Game saves transfering on other PCs ?

Post by Noexecute 17 »

Thank you very much for that answer with such accuracy. I found it. :D Indeed, I had to unmask the hidden folders to find it. Thank you again. This was very helpful. Have a nice day. :)
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