After Graduation - A Shizune/Hisao story (post good route)


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Re: Chapter 2

Post by sg1cat »

Thanks for all the feedback on my first chapter, here's the second! I hope folks like it. :-)

Still lots more to go, stay tuned!
After Graduation - a Shizune/Hisao story (post-good route)
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Re: After Graduation - A Shizune/Hisao story (post good rout

Post by Blasphemy »

So I guess the direction is a bit clearer as it seems to head towards Shizune spending time at HIsao's house, meeting his parents and stuff like that. You kinda dropped most of the concerns regarding Misha this chapter but I suppose she can get involved in this situation as well. She may feel left out or whatnot as it's unlikely that she's going to go with them, at least not for a longer period.
It's not really enough to get me personally interested yet though.

I gotta criticize Shizune's OOC behavior again though. As mentioned in my last comment, this kind of affectionate kissing in public, especially in Japan—as pointed out by Mirage- simply doesn't suit her character. For now we can only take your word on it that she'd behave like this. After all you didn't really build up these kind of changes, how could you. This fanfic continues directly after Shizune's route ending, so there just couldn't have happened anything in the meantime to explain all this.
Of course now one can go back and point to chapter 1 and argue that its established by now, but eh.
(edit: I mean this time it's even with tongue...)

By the way, her sulking about Misha and going home also doesn't seem quite fitting. Wouldn't the Shizune we know rather actively do or at least think about solutions. For example if she isn't exactly happy about going home, then I'd expect her being the one to proposition going with Hisao, turning that into a competition. Shizune's rather proactive and, at least considering the overall pretty good situation she's in, I wouldn't expect her to sit around pouting.

Lastly, I question why Shizune feels like she wins their competition, when Hisao already visited her. They'd be even now, wouldn't they? It's unlike Shizune to be unfair with winning conditions like this.
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Re: After Graduation - A Shizune/Hisao story (post good rout

Post by sg1cat »

Blasphemy wrote:So I guess the direction is a bit clearer as it seems to head towards Shizune spending time at HIsao's house, meeting his parents and stuff like that. You kinda dropped most of the concerns regarding Misha this chapter but I suppose she can get involved in this situation as well. She may feel left out or whatnot as it's unlikely that she's going to go with them, at least not for a longer period.
Patience...this story goes on for quite a while... ;-)
Blasphemy wrote:It's not really enough to get me personally interested yet though.

Bummer! Hopefully that changes in future chapters...
Blasphemy wrote:I gotta criticize Shizune's OOC behavior again though. As mentioned in my last comment, this kind of affectionate kissing in public, especially in Japan—as pointed out by Mirage- simply doesn't suit her character.
So I'll admit, I had no idea about the Japanese cultural taboo about public displays of affection. Sure, I should have researched it before hand, but I'm writing this for fun, so I'm not doing any due dilligence outside of reviewing cannon to ensure IC and some VERY minimal research on real-world stuff.

I really adore this route with these characters and was left disappointed by the ending. So I decided to extend it in the direction I wanted it to go. I'm a romantic, so that's the avenue I'm taking.

Regarding PDA being OOC for Shizune back in chapter 1, it's hard to argue against that point, given the cultural bias against it and the very public setting. At the same time, it is the end of school. Shizune is letting go of her responsibilities and letting her hair down a bit, as can be evidenced by her laughing out loud along with Misha at the end of the game. (Given how much she wanted to keep from making noise throughout the game, I think we can safely interpret her laughter as her letting loose a bit.)

It might be too far for her to have gone, but then again, they did just admit they loved each other, after slowly falling in love over the course of the year. So, one might argue that it's an extremely unusual exception.

Failing that, I'll just whip out the ol' literarly license and say it helps the story. ;)

So, back to the points raised about chapter 2...
Blasphemy wrote:For now we can only take your word on it that she'd behave like this. After all you didn't really build up these kind of changes, how could you. This fanfic continues directly after Shizune's route ending, so there just couldn't have happened anything in the meantime to explain all this.
As was said before, this story is yet young. I have things in mind to reveal, some of which I'm putting chronologically before the end of the game that will help justify her being affectionate in general with Hisao, cultural issues around PDA issue notwithstanding.

Stay tuned.
Blasphemy wrote:Of course now one can go back and point to chapter 1 and argue that its established by now, but eh.
(edit: I mean this time it's even with tongue...)
So, with this chapter in particular, I have to quible. It was clearly stated that the teahouse was empty. There was *nobody* there.

Is it PDA if it occurs in a public place that has nobody else in it?

Or, to put it another way, if a tree falls and nobody's there to hear it, yada, yada...
Blasphemy wrote:By the way, her sulking about Misha and going home also doesn't seem quite fitting. Wouldn't the Shizune we know rather actively do or at least think about solutions. For example if she isn't exactly happy about going home, then I'd expect her being the one to proposition going with Hisao, turning that into a competition. Shizune's rather proactive and, at least considering the overall pretty good situation she's in, I wouldn't expect her to sit around pouting.

In general, that's correct about her, but this is the last day of school. As happened throughout the canonical story, she's conflicted with splitting her time between Misha and Hisao. Given that they all go home the next day, she's on a clock and has to choose between "doing something" to deal with the apparent issue with Misha, whom she doesn't know the location of, or spending the remaining time with Hisao, who's right there (bird in the hand, and all that).

Additionally, we already saw her exhibit a little dispair when it comes to Misha, in both Grand Strategy and Off By One. Given all they've been through regarding their pink haired friend, I don't see her mood as unreasonable.
Blasphemy wrote:Lastly, I question why Shizune feels like she wins their competition, when Hisao already visited her. They'd be even now, wouldn't they? It's unlike Shizune to be unfair with winning conditions like this.
It was his game, his rules. She wanted to win following the rules to his game, which he laid out pretty clearly, telling her that if she came home with him, she "won".

Besides, Hisao only made up the "game" as a device to help convince her to come home with him. She's smart enough to see it for what it is, but being who she is, playing along was both fun and natural. What's more, as an added bonus, she got what she really wanted which was to take him up on his offer and go spend quality time with her boyfriend, the man she loves.

Thanks much for the feedback (you too Mirage!)

I do hope you like the story as I add to it, please feel free to share more of your thoughts!
After Graduation - a Shizune/Hisao story (post-good route)
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Re: After Graduation - A Shizune/Hisao story (post good rout

Post by monkeywitha6pack »

Really enjoying it so far, It's very enjoyable. :)
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Re: After Graduation - A Shizune/Hisao story (post good rout

Post by sg1cat »

monkeywitha6pack wrote:Really enjoying it so far, It's very enjoyable. :)
Thanks very much! :-)

Lots more to come, hope you enjoy the rest. :-D
After Graduation - a Shizune/Hisao story (post-good route)
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Re: After Graduation - A Shizune/Hisao story (post good rout

Post by Blasphemy »

So, with this chapter in particular, I have to quible. It was clearly stated that the teahouse was empty. There was *nobody* there.

Is it PDA if it occurs in a public place that has nobody else in it?

Or, to put it another way, if a tree falls and nobody's there to hear it, yada, yada...
Fair enough. I was searching for descriptions about how crowded that place would be, but ended up overseeing "deserted as usual" statement, instead finding "We find an empty booth" first. Then just thought this means there are some occupied ones as well. My fault for overseeing the statement in the first line, although I suggest removing "empty" as that redundant and makes it rather sound like there are occupied booths as well.

Now there's of course still the waitress around who could see them kissing as well as further customers entering the Shanghai. It's ultimately still a public place.

Still it's obviously less of an issue this way.
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Chapter 3 (Erotic content)

Post by sg1cat »

We linger for some time in each other's arms, kissing. The quiet seclusion of The Shanghai giving us little reason to part anytime soon. When we finally and slowly pull away, we look into each other's eyes while still pressed together in a tight embrace. There's so much I want to say to Shizune, but I have no way to convey my thoughts while my arms are wrapped about her. She is likewise bound to wordlessness, leaving us only what our eyes can tell one another.

We smile and blush as we stare into each other's gaze, happy beyond words.

Finally, Shizune pulls away and picks up her tea, grinning impishly at me as she does. She takes a sip, though the cup is no longer steaming. Likewise I drink from mine. The brew is still warm, but it's on the cusp of being too cold to enjoy. I drink it more quickly.

Putting down her tea, she signs, [So do your parents know you're inviting me home?]

I shake my head as I also put down my cup to answer. Before I can, she starts to look worried and signs further, [They won't be mad, will they?]

I chuckle and shake my head, [Oh no,] I assure her, [my parents will be quite thrilled that I'm bringing a girl home.] Shizune blushes at this as I continue, [you're my first girlfriend, you know. I think my mother was starting to get worried.] I smile as the lovely young lady next to me silently giggles behind her hand.

Of course, that was on the border of being untrue. Iwanako had asked me out, but as she did, I had my heart attack. I never did have a chance to answer her. Though she came to visit me in the hospital, we never really connected after the incident. Then there was her letter.

I don't know in what universe I could possibly call Iwanako my girlfriend, so I decide I'm safe with what I said. Although I do wonder if I should mention her to Shizune, at some point.

[Then I hope I do I not disappoint,] she signs, bringing me back to the present. [I wouldn't want them to think I'm corrupting you...] a mischievous look glimmers in her eyes and she quickly adds, [even though I am...] her look turns hungry as she glances me over, then looks back up into my eyes. Memories from the night when we were alone in the Student Council room together flood over me, still fresh and vivid as they were just after we had joined together. Flashes of when she rode me at her parent's house also come to mind, the remembered feeling of her moist heat wrapped about me hitting me like a smoldering wave. Her burning stare into my eyes only makes more poignant the remembered intimacy of our first time together.

I can tell by the heated look in those dark eyes and the wicked grin upon her lips that she's thinking of the the same thing.

I blush furiously and smile, answering, [I like being corrupted by you. I think you'll have to continue to do so...]

She nods, her lips curling into an even more naughty smile, [So do I...] she signs. I can't help but notice that her breath has quickened and there's a dangerous glint in her eyes.

Suddenly, I'm half worried that she's planning to jump me right here and now, in The Shanghai. I look around worriedly. The room is empty, and I can't remember the last time I saw our waitress. Still, it's the middle of the day and anyone could walk in, although in all the times we've come here, it was pretty rare when when anyone did.

As if reading my thoughts, Shizune's hands fall to rest on my knee. Looking back into her eyes, I see her grinning at me evilly. I swallow apprehensively. Slowly her hands move up my thigh, pressing the flats of her palms against me as she does, her fingers probing up ahead. I squirm in my seat to make the necessary adjustments as my body quickly responds to her touch, my pants suddenly becoming tight and uncomfortable. Her hands get ever closer to my crotch while her smile grows all the more devilish as she watches my reaction.

I took another quick look around the shop as she presses her palms over my stiff member hidden within my trousers, the pressure causing me to close my eyes. When I open them again, I see that The Shanghai is still empty, with no sign of our waitress. Looking back at Shizune, I see her also checking out the area, but then I feel her caressing fingers opening my fly, derailing my thoughts. Cool air touches me inside my pants as she slowly draws down the zipper and looks at me with a truly wicked gaze all the while.

My heart pounds and I draw in a sharp breath. Her fingers slip inside of my zipper to explore while dark blue eyes stare into mine as she finds my member. Cool fingers caress my erect length, causing me to suck in my breath sharply. While she cannot hear me do so, it's clear she can see the evidence of it, her smile twisting into a sharply wry lilt as she wraps her fingers about me. I close my eyes as she pulls me out, her hands starting to stroke my length.

I look about nervously again as she handles my manhood, her fingers caressing my shaft with a tender and erotic touch. Glancing back at her, I see her staring up at me with a mixture of love and lust as she continues to smirk, clearly enjoying herself to no end. She squeezes me and I close my eyes while listening intently, terrified that someone will walk in on us.

I breathe in deeply as she continues to caress me, trying desperately to keep my heartbeat steady. I can already feel the red-line of my heart's limits creeping up on me as she fondles my sex, faint flashes of red and white faintly pulsing before my eyes as I keep them tightly shut. Her hand feels amazing as she plays with me and I quickly lose myself in her tender caresses, slowly and visibly relaxing at her touch.

As she continues to fondle me, I draw in deep breaths, finally feeling like I've managed to get my heart under control.

Then I feel the soft, wet touch of her lips wrapping about the head of my shaft.

My eyes fly open as I look down to see Shizune bent over in the booth with me, her head in my lap. I open my mouth to protest, immediately feeling foolish at trying to speak to her with my concerns. It doesn't matter anyway, as I only manage to moan through my open lips as she sucks on my tip, her tongue flicking over me. I tense and shiver, instinctively placing my hands upon her head, entwining my fingers in her hair.

She apparently takes this as a cue to go further and slowly slides my length into her warm, wet mouth. Involuntarily I moan again, watching her head move down, pausing about halfway. My eyelids tightly shut as she starts to slide back up and then down my length, her tongue pressed firmly against my underside as she does, causing me to shiver with delight. I play with her hair, entangling my fingers in it and unwittingly start to encourage her motions with my hands as I lean back in the booth, feeling her hands move over my lower body and thighs, caressing me.

My breath comes quickly as she moves her lips up and down my length in a steady rhythm, the sensations quickly overwhelming my sense of everything else. As with all things she takes on, she's completely dedicated herself to it, focusing all her attention upon the task, this time to pleasure me. The effort pays off, as I find it impossible to think anything at all, my thoughts lost in our intimacy. My heart races dangerously as the thrill of sharing this with her in so public a place nonetheless haunts the back of my mind, though in truth it only adds to my excitement.

She reaches a hand inside of my pants to cup my balls, caressing them tenderly as her lips and tongue continue to stroke over me with faster and faster motions, unknowingly eliciting another throaty moan from me. I grip her hair tightly in my hands as she pumps more quickly up and down my length, the intensity of the moment crashing over me. I feel my peak starting to approach as she sucks on me intensely while I groan in a low, throaty moan.

Just then the bell on the door rings loudly as it opens up forcefully, jarring me out of my trance. My heart jumps into my throat as I grip Shizune's hair and forcefully yank her head off of my length. Looking down I see her staring up at me with a mixture of pain, confusion, and fury.

"Hicchan~!!" I hear Misha call out excitedly from behind me, causing me to glance over my shoulder, looking behind us to see our pink haired friend. With terrified eyes I look back down at Shizune's hostile stare, which starts to waver as she sees the look on my face.

Releasing her thoroughly messed hair, I sign quickly, [Misha's here!] The dark eyes in my lap lose all hints of anger as they fly wide open with terror at my words. Shizune suddenly sits up, a look of panic crossing her face as she turns bright crimson. I quickly put myself away, zipping up my fly just as the creaky door swings closed and the bell rings a second time. Thankfully, the noise seems to cover the sound of my zipper closing up.

"Oh...Sicchan~!!" I hear Misha call further in a now confused voice. "I didn't see you there..." Turning around in the booth, I look behind us at Misha. I smile and wave at her. My heart is pounding and I try to settle my breath as red flashes come in the corners of my vision. I have no doubt that I'm flushed in the face and visibly out of breath, but I do my best to keep up appearances. The girl with bubblegum pink hair looks at me strangely as she starts to walk slowly over, her brow furrowed as her eyes probe.

As I turn back forward in the booth to face forward again, I catch sight of Shizune, her hair askew from the clenching of my fingers just moments before. [Hair!] I desperately sign at her as she dries off her mouth and hands with one of the napkins on the table, catching her gaze with the motions of my hands. A renewed surge of panic hits her eyes as she hurriedly starts to smooth her hair down, running her fingers through it and blushing furiously. Misha's footsteps fall heavily behind us as Shizune tries desperately to make herself look presentable, her face a portrait of panic. I suddenly realize it must be worse for her, as she has no idea how near or far Misha is just yet.

Just then, Misha arrives at the booth. She looks at both of us with a suspicious gaze and furrowed brow, clearly aware she interrupted something, but is either unsure of what or is having a hard time believing her suspicions.

["Hi there Misha,"] I say and sign at the same time, smiling at her and doing my best to look nonchalant, in spite of my still being slightly out of breath and probably blushing. ["We were afraid you weren't going to join us after you ran off. What happened?"] I glance over at Shizune, who smiles widely at the other girl, even as she blushes all the way to the tips of her ears with a guilty look in her eyes. Her hair looks slightly askew, but it's better than before.

Misha eyes us warily before answering. "After I caught up with Yuuko and tried to convince her to come with us, some friends bumped into me and wanted to say goodbye," she finally answers, not signing as she speaks. I'm surprised by this, but quickly pick up the task and sign her words for Shizune's benefit. "Yuuko dashed off again, so I went looking for her as soon as my friends left." She sighs in frustration, "but she had too much of a head start the second time, I couldn't find her again in the crowd." Frowning slightly, she says, "I spent too long looking for her. By the time I got back to the gate, you were gone. So, I decided to go get the last of my packing done. After that, I didn't have anything else to do, so I thought I'd come down here and get a parfait."

She sits down in the booth on the other side for the table from Shizune and I as she says that, as if suddenly reminded that's why she came and her interest in a parfait overwhelmed any uncertainty or care she had regarding what Shizune and I were doing when she walked in. I'm relieved, though I know we're not out of the woods yet.

["Oh well,"] I answer aloud to Misha while signing as she again looks at the two of us with an uncertain gaze. ["You're here now, that's all that matters."] She smiles slightly at this and I continue, hoping to distract her further from any thoughts about what was happening just a few moments ago. ["We're really glad you're here. We were worried that you weren't going to join us for one last time together before we all go home. It wouldn't have been tea at The Shanghai without you."]

Misha smiles more at this, looking warmed by my words. Shizune nods and smiles at the our friend, signing to her, [I'm really, really glad you came. I would have been very sad to leave Yamaku without seeing my best friend one last time.]

Beneath the bubblegum tresses, her expression melts at our professions of affection for her. All thoughts of what she might have interrupted appear to get washed away with our words, a smile blooming upon her face.

"Awwww~!" she says as the waitress enters the room and approaches our table. Misha looks at us with an adoring gaze. ["Thanks, you two. That really means a lot."] she says and signs in answer. As she turns to our waitress to order her parfait I inwardly breathe a silent sigh, glad that she's again signing for Shizune's sake. I'm also relieved at the near miss that Shizune and I just had with nearly getting discovered while doing something we really shouldn't have done in public. I start to wonder if this will be a continuing part of being her boyfriend.

As the waitress leaves our table, Shizune and Misha start signing to each other and it suddenly strikes me that my girlfriend has a taste for risky sex. The three times we've been intimate were just now, when we almost got caught, in the Student Council room, initially with the door unlocked (and the only reason she locked it was because I asked after it), and at her parents house, with me tied to a chair.

Come to think of it, I suddenly realize that I never did find out if the door to my guest room was locked when she tied me into the chair and mounted me. I glance back at Shizune as she signs back and forth with Misha, the two laughing and giggling as they converse, and I realize that it probably wasn't.

Idly, I hope that I can live with this part of Shizune, but immediately realize I don't have a choice. This is obviously part of who she is, and I can't imagine life without her. So, I'd better get used to it.

Besides, if I had to be completely honest with myself, part of me likes the excitement of the risk of getting caught, even if it's not something I would have ever had the guts to suggest, let alone push my partner into.

This is going to be interesting.
After Graduation - a Shizune/Hisao story (post-good route)
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Re: After Graduation - A Shizune/Hisao story (post good rout

Post by dewelar »

Ah, going for humor full-on. I approve :D . Will be watching this one closely.
Rin is orthogonal to everything.
Stuff I've written: Developments, a continuation of Lilly's (bad? neutral?) ending - COMPLETE!
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Chapter 4

Post by sg1cat »

I can't help but smirk as I watch Shizune. Lost in my reverie, I ponder our relationship and our sex life, not paying attention to anything she or Misha are signing.

It's a mistake that quickly catches up with me.

The loud snap of Shizune's fingers jolts me out of my thoughts as she glares at me furiously.

[Well?!] she signs with a heated gaze into my eyes that burns straight through me. I hear Misha's giggle as she watches her friend confront me with my inattentiveness. A feeling of panic surges through me as Shizune's piercing and unblinking glare pins me to the spot. In the back of my mind, I wonder which was worse - almost being caught by Misha as Shizune gave me a blow job, or Shizune's wrath at my ignoring what she was saying.

I quickly realize there's no contest.

Nearly getting caught was much better than this.

"Uhm," I hesitate, feeling trapped. Her stare darkens as I start to move my mouth without signing, prompting me to quickly lift my hands and sign helplessly, ["I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention."]

Shizune rolls her eyes as I confirm what she already knew, while Misha giggles all the more at my misery. [Obviously,] my girlfriend answers, scowling at me. [I asked you my question three times before I snapped at you.] She pauses, considering me then asks, [So what were you thinking about that had you so engrossed you couldn't pay attention to your girlfriend?]

I hesitate, but then answer simply with a shrug, [I was thinking about us.]

She pauses, fighting the urge to smirk. She partly loses the battle, half smiling. It's not completely reflected in her eyes, however, which are still partly angry. [That's sweet,] she begins, adding, [assuming I can believe you.] I tilt my head slightly as she mildly accuses me of lying. I'd be offended, but the fact is that while the answer I gave her was technically true, it wasn't completely forthcoming.

[So, what was it you had asked me?] I sign, trying to duck the question further, hoping that she'll let me off the hook.

Shizune smirks at me as she pauses, considering whether or not to oblige me. I suddenly feel like I'm being toyed with. I shift uncomfortably as she thinks about her answer, which only causes her to grin all the more. Misha giggles in the meanwhile, still clearly enjoying the show.

[I don't know if I should tell you,] she signs with a wicked smirk, her eyes dancing as she continues to play with me. [You weren't paying attention. So clearly, you didn't think what Misha and I were talking about was important.]

Misha giggles again, adding, ["Yeah, Hicchan! You shouldn't ignore your friends like that!!"]

["What can I say?"] I ask with my voice and my fingers, ["My mind is easily distracted these last few days, particularly because of recent events."] I do my best to keep the sarcasm out of my voice while also trying convey my meaning to Shizune, but find it's difficult to translate what I'd normally rely upon tone of voice for into a look and hand motions.

Nevertheless, Shizune seems to get it while Misha merely laughs loudly at what she thought
was a generic excuse and not a rebuke by way of a pointed reminder to my girlfriend that it was her that put us in a compromising position just now.

Shizune's face flashes with a touch of chagrined panic at my words. At least she has the decency to look abashed.

Still laughing, Misha obliviously piles on, ["You still shouldn't be ignoring your girlfriend, Hicchan!"]

With a slight flush of embarrassment to her cheeks, Shizune ignores our pink haired friend's attempts to continue teasing me and cuts me a break. [What I had asked you was, What are your plans for next year?] She partly glares at me while fuming over my gentle reminder of her culpability in the near incident. My smirk at her yielding doesn't help. Never one to be defeated, she adds, [Misha and I were discussing what comes after graduation while you were having your little flight of fancy.]

At first I think she's taking a calculated gamble, goading me like that. Then I realize that she's simply calling my bluff. What was I going to do, tell Misha what we were doing?

Not a chance, and Shizune well knows that.

Still, she's letting me off the hook.

A smirk crosses my lips at her inability to let me have even that minor win in the shadow of her more obvious victory of catching me being inattentive.

["Go to University,"] I answer simply.

[Yes, but what school?] she asks with an irritated gaze when she sees my generic answer.

["Kyoto University,"] I answer without thinking. In truth, I haven't yet picked a school, but was I figured it was safer to tell her anything rather than leave myself open to some speech about how important it is to be responsible and make these choices in a timely fashion. I'd been accepted to several Universities, but just couldn't make up my mind about which one.

[That's not a bad school,] Shizune answers, adjusting her glasses with a smile as she comments, [it was rated 8th among the QA Asia University Rankings]. Pausing, she watches me and then grins wickedly. [But the University of Tokyo was ranked 5th, the highest in Japan.] She meets my gaze, her eyes glinting. [That's where I'm going,] she boasts proudly.

Of course. Another way to compete. I cannot help but smile back at her, though. I'm starting to find this part of her endearing, the longer I know her. I must really be in love with her.

That or I have a masochistic streak I never knew about.

Of course, I have to admit I am partly enjoying the games. It's fun when I actually manage to beat her at something, even if it's not that often. Even losing has its pluses.

["What about you?"] I ask Misha, turning to look across the table at her.

["Oh, I'm traveling to New York City to attend university there!"] she answers with a gleeful expression. ["I've been accepted to NYU, into their education program."] She beams happily. ["It'll be fun going to America, even if getting my degree overseas will be a challenge."]

[It's good to take on challenges,] Shizune reminds Misha, who nods in return.

["What degree will you be getting, Hicchan?"] Misha asks further. Shizune looks back over to me as our friend continues, ["what kind of career are you going after?"]

I pause, thinking about the question. Shizune watches me intently and I feel like I'm again being tested on the invisible clock.

At least this time I have an answer ready.

["Well,"] I begin, pausing for a moment to collect my thoughts, ["coming here to Yamaku really helped me,"] I start to explain. I'm about to tell them how I want to be a teacher here, but as I look at Shizune and Misha, it suddenly strikes me that this our last time together as a group, maybe ever. I'm hit with memories of when Shizune and I picnicked up on the roof after we failed get Misha to join us. I feel guilty as I recall how I was too afraid to tell her how much what she did for me meant to me. I'm determined not to let another chance slip.

Drawing in a deep breath, I speak pointedly, with firm emphasis in my voice and hand motions ["But really, it was both of you that helped me."]

The two girls blink at my words, a little surprised by the direction I'm taking. They both sit up a little and blush slightly as I go on. ["I was in a really bad place when I arrived here, earlier this year. Not just my condition, but in my head and in my heart."]

Suddenly I realize that I'd never told either of them why I'm even here. These are my closest friends in the world, and I've kept that from them to this day. Today's my last chance, too. I can feel the intensity of their eyes upon me, though I can no longer look at them, the sudden flood of emotions from what I'm about to say overwhelming me.

["I...don't know what would have happened to me if I hadn't met you both,"] I explain, glancing downwards at the table. ["I was feeling very sorry for myself, hating my fate and the world. I felt like it was the end of everything."] I pause for a moment to collect myself. ["Maybe if I hadn't met the two of you, it would have been."] Neither say a word as they wait for me to continue. My words hang in the air as I swallow tightly.

["I never told you before, but all those pills in my room?"] I hesitate, glancing up at them just before taking the plunge. ["It's medication for the reason I was sent here. I have Cardiac Arrhythmia. I was only diagnosed after I had my first heart attack, last winter. I have to be really careful about my heart and treat it right, or else I could die from another attack. Even just getting hit in the chest could kill me."]

I watch their reactions as I tell them everything. They're watching me intently, their heartfelt gazes a mixture of surprise at the news and concern for me. Shizune's brow is furrowed with deep worry, and looks like she might break down in tears, which surprises me, it's so unlike her. She watches me with that typically sharp gaze of hers, her eyes burning with far greater intensity than usual. I continue, ["so...I guess I could have well met my end, if I kept going as I had been."] Taking a deep breath, I glance back down at the table.

["But...meeting you two was like a breath of fresh air. I didn't want it at first, and I tried so hard to push you away, but you wouldn't take no for an answer."] I smile ruefully as I consider those first days, when the two of them chased me so relentlessly to join them on the Student Council. ["Thank the heavens you didn't,"] I continue, closing my eyes for a moment before looking back up from the table to face them. I suddenly realize how moist my eyes are as I look at them both. Their expressions are mirrors of each other, both heartfelt affection and humble care for me. Their eyes likewise glisten with unshed tears as they watch and listen, hanging on my every word. Shizune stares at me intently, her face a portrait of passionately worried energy. It looks like all she can do to contain herself and keep from tackling me in a desperate hug. I grin wryly and plow on.

["You saved me, both of you,"] I rasp in a broken voice while signing with shaking hands, glancing over at Misha and smiling, though my gaze lingers longer on Shizune as I look back at her. Glancing down again, I continue, ["It wasn't only you, of course, everything here helped to pull me together. The teachers, the other students, Yuuko, the festivals, the Student Council..."] I pause as I realize what I just said, chuckling as I shake my head, ["but it all does come back to the both of you, in the end, doesn't it? Full circle."] Looking back at them again with a wry smile, I see the deep emotion in their eyes as they smile back at me.

I realize I need to finish my thoughts soon, before I lose the strength to do so.

["But I wouldn't have met you two if it wasn't for Yamaku,"] I explain. ["I didn't want to come here at first. I hated it. I felt like it was the start of the end."] I shake my head ruefully at my own foolishness, ["But really, in the end, it was a new beginning. This school changed my life by bringing us together, so that the two of you could save my life."] I pause, the emotion again overwhelming me.

["So,"] I suddenly add, glancing down from their intense stares again, ["I've decided I want to become a teacher here, so that I can help other kids. I want to tell them what I've learned, and I want to give them the same opportunity that I had. The opportunity to meet amazing people who will change their lives forever."]

I hesitate, not sure what else to say.

Suddenly I add in a weak voice, my hands shaking as I sign, ["thank you."] I glance up at them one more time, struggling to look into their eyes, each in turn. ["Thank you for saving me,"] as I turn from Misha, I look deeply into Shizune's eyes with my final words, lingering for an extra few moments, then glance down again, unable to face them anymore. I fall silent, suddenly feeling awkward and extremely vulnerable. I close my eyes as the silence stretches on as I continue to look down, unsure of what more to say, unable to look up at them.

Slender arms wrap about me as Shizune slides to me in the booth, wrapping me up in a tight embrace. I feel warm lips press briefly against my forehead as she squeezes me to her while my arms instinctively encircle her waist. As she presses her cheek against forehead, I feel one of Shizune's arms pull away. Opening my eyes I see her reaching across the table for Misha's hand. The girl with pink hair hesitates for a moment, then grabs my girlfriend's hand and squeezes tightly. It looks like she's crying.

Misha purses her lips and then gets up out of the booth. I'm afraid she's about to leave, but she never lets go of Shizune's hand. I feel Misha sit down on the other side of me on the bench, her arms wrapping about myself and Shizune, both. Suddenly overwhelmed again, I draw in a deep and shuddering breath, shifting my one arm so that I can place my hand upon Misha's encircling arm, giving her a squeeze while I still hold Shizune tightly still with the other. I can feel Shizune's one arm wrap about Misha's, holding onto her tightly while her other arm still rests snugly about my shoulders.

The tears flow freely and silently now. As mine trickle onto Shizune's shoulder, I can feel her's upon my neck as she buries her face there. I realize that at some point she took off her glasses. I can feel Misha's tears upon the back of my neck as she presses against me, squeezing both Shizune and I tightly together in her embrace. A happy sigh comes from the tips of my toes as I consider how lucky I've been, to find friends like these, and to fall in love with someone as special as Shizune.

Nobody moves for a while. We hold onto each other as if our lives depend upon it, wanting to cherish this special moment for as long as we can.

"Uuuhm," I hear, causing Misha and I to stir and look behind us to see who's there. Shizune lifts her head from my shoulder as we do, and the three of us look with tear stained eyes to see our waitress standing next to the table with a large tray in her hands and an awkward expression on her face. At the sight of the confused, embarrassed look on her face, we all giggle, Shizune silently, though as close as I am I can feel her body shaking petitely against mine. Slowly disentangling ourselves from each other, we part.

As Misha pulls away to stand, however, Shizune grabs one of Misha's hands and squeezes. Misha looks down into Shizune's eyes and I grab her other hand, also squeezing. She looks looks at me and then back to Shizune. Her lips then bloom into a lovely smile as she grips our hands tightly. I smile back at her, and we all hold on tightly to each other for another moment or two. She squeezes once more and releases our hands, moving to sit across from us again.

As we all wipe our eyes, Shizune and I stay close together after we both turn forward again to face Misha. Shizune picks up her glasses from the table, and I quickly look over so I can see her bare face. I smile at the sight of her. With her glasses, she's cute. Without them, she's beautiful.

Shizune lifts her glasses to her face, but I put my hand on hers to stop her. She glances as me as I do, looking confused. I meet her gaze with a smile. She smiles slightly, still looking uncertain. With my other hand I caress her bare face, stroking from her cheek up up to her temple, partly brushing my fingers into her hair. Her smile blossoms as I do this, and slowly her eyes close as she leans into my hand.

Reluctantly I pull my hand away, conscious of Misha sitting across from us. Shizune opens her eyes again, looking at me with a coy grin as she puts on her glasses again. I meet her gaze once more, smiling widely at her, causing her to beam radiantly back at me.

As I was distracted by Shizune, the waitress had set out Misha's parfait, fresh tea for everyone, and sandwiches for Shizune and I. Turning back to face forward again, I see the dish in front of me as the waitress departs. Blinking in surprise, I glance over at a grinning Shizune.

[You were busy with your flight of fancy when the waitress took our order,] she reminds me with a smirk. Misha giggles while wiping her eyes again as my girlfriend signs on, [so I took the liberty, figuring you might be as hungry as I am.]

I smile warmly at her, suddenly realizing that I am rather hungry. [Thanks,] I sign to her as I meet her gaze. I glance across the table to see Misha watching us with a knowing smirk, causing me to blush slightly. I glance over at Shizune and see her having the same reaction as she looks wordlessly looks at Misha. Our friend across the table smiles all the more at this, causing us to do the same. We all giggle a little bit, then wordlessly proceed to eat, finding that the inability to sign during a meal is for once a fitting blessing.
After Graduation - a Shizune/Hisao story (post-good route)
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Re: After Graduation - A Shizune/Hisao story (post good rout

Post by AntonSlavik020 »

Loved this chapter. My favorite yet. I never did like how Hisao never mentioned his condition to Shizune and Misha.
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Re: After Graduation - A Shizune/Hisao story (post good rout

Post by sg1cat »

dewelar wrote:Ah, going for humor full-on. I approve :D . Will be watching this one closely.
Thanks very much, glad you like it! :-D
After Graduation - a Shizune/Hisao story (post-good route)
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Re: After Graduation - A Shizune/Hisao story (post good rout

Post by sg1cat »

AntonSlavik020 wrote:Loved this chapter. My favorite yet. I never did like how Hisao never mentioned his condition to Shizune and Misha.
Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)

LIkewise, I felt the ending didn't have enough closure. Hopefully you'll like what's yet to come! :-D
After Graduation - a Shizune/Hisao story (post-good route)
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Re: After Graduation - A Shizune/Hisao story (post good rout

Post by AntonSlavik020 »

sg1cat wrote:
LIkewise, I felt the ending didn't have enough closure.
Yeah, that's a large reason why there's such a disparity between my opinion of Shizune and her route. I really like her, but her route is just so unsatisfying.
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Re: After Graduation - A Shizune/Hisao story (post good rout

Post by dewelar »

sg1cat wrote:
dewelar wrote:Ah, going for humor full-on. I approve :D . Will be watching this one closely.
Thanks very much, glad you like it! :-D
...and now with this chapter we really get rolling :D . Like AntonSlavik, I always thought it a bit odd that Hisao never talked about his heart, at least with Shizune. This chapter does a really good job of fixing that oversight, even if (in hindsight, anyway) it doesn't reflect particularly well on Hisao :) . Very interested to see where it goes from here.
Rin is orthogonal to everything.
Stuff I've written: Developments, a continuation of Lilly's (bad? neutral?) ending - COMPLETE!
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Re: After Graduation - A Shizune/Hisao story (post good rout

Post by sg1cat »

AntonSlavik020 wrote:
sg1cat wrote:
LIkewise, I felt the ending didn't have enough closure.
Yeah, that's a large reason why there's such a disparity between my opinion of Shizune and her route. I really like her, but her route is just so unsatisfying.
Yup, I was likewise disappointed. Loved Shizune and the trio, enjoyed most of the route, but was left hanging by the ending.

Then I realized, "Hey - this is an opportunity to write some fun fan fic!" ;-)
After Graduation - a Shizune/Hisao story (post-good route)
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