The Golden Rainbow


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The Golden Rainbow

Post by LordDarknus »

The Golden Rainbow

“His name was Niji...”

Lilly breaks the uneasy silence between us...

From the window, ethereal billowing curtains of silken light softly enshroud her, beautifully caressing her golden hair...

Gentle flowing shadows.. grey with the heaviness of clouds, comes whispering to me, hinting to me.. of the misty sadness hiding in the honest blue of her eyes...

On which my own eyes dart upon.. my lips quietly part open... my soul struck by her elegant.. graceful smile, wistfully entering my heart.

After a moment lost in recollection, she takes my heart with her, silently bringing herself to the window, sylphlike in every step... gathering courage in the embrace of a cold breeze.

When finally.. with the warmth of a bright smile, she begins her story of memories.

“I was twelve years old..”

“Akira and I... a 19-year old working woman and her blind younger sister... on a lonely night, we were suddenly left to fend for ourselves, when the aeroplane lifted off, and took our parents to Inverness forever...

I stayed as long as I could behind the cold veil of the airport window, listening to the shrill roar of the plane whistling away into the sky, leaving dark rippling echoes around us while I waved at Mother and Father still, Akira bitterly held my hand and told me to stop, scolding me that our parents never saw us ...even when we were crying.

She was.. Akira's bitterness grew into anger on the brink of tears, but stopped herself and the heavy mists in her eyes from falling.

She apologised regretfully, and held me tightly for a momentary eternity.. then gently leading me by my hand, we quietly shared the long road home..

Our parents' home... lonely without their voices, felt unfamiliar and unspeakably sad. All of our rooms became locked or hollow, the kitchen and garden froze and withered without Mother, and the air robbed of Father's laughter and presence hung forever cold.

While Akira went to bed early for work tomorrow, I stayed up beside the window as long as I could, ..listening to the long lonely tune of silence.. trying to stop heavy mists in my eyes from falling.

But every morning I'd hear Akira's voice leading me home from my dreams, and find my heart bright with happiness for my beloved sister, still there for me.. taking care of me... staying with me.

After washing up and dressing myself proper, the happiness in my heart would take me to distant memories of Mother in the kitchen, teaching me how to cook a good delicious breakfast for Akira, and spare her from descending into a lifeless diet of cereal and milk.

While work trundled on the same for Akira, I however.. well, at the prestigious all-girls Catholic school I was sent to, ..I ..fell in love with my tutor.

An honest.. patient, witty and loving man, whom with great care taught me English, and through the kindness in his heart bought me wonderful gifts, finding rare audiobooks and unique collections that otherwise would never have enriched my life. Without either of us truly knowing it, his generous love had made him the centre of my world... the single definition of how much meaning there was in my life.

All of my classmates who longed for me, who wanted me to love them in our precious time of youth and innocence, no matter how many confessions I received, I just politely turned them away, choosing instead to hold on to him... to never let go of my one love that must never be.

My forbidden love that breaks me, that pains my heart with every beat..

My foolish, ..childish, .....beautiful.. mistake.

My forlorn hope and cause to feel so lost in heartbreak.

For a while, for a time.. I don't know how long, an indescribable sadness upon unspeakable sorrow swept upon the garden of my heart, and not knowing what best to do, Akira bought me a puppy to help cheer me up.

I didn't know why she did it, or rather, I wasn't aware how lonely I was becoming, and walking past a pet shop closing down its business one day, Akira at once decided I needed a little puppy for company.

For a young, clumsy little Golden Retriever who cost only a quarter of what he should, my gullible older sister instantly found him an irresistible bundle of joy who sat up on his hindquarters, and “waved those wee little paws” at Akira, and immediately made her.. “squee” at how cute he was, and coughed up the money it took to bring him home.

The first time we met, I reached out.. and stroked his small, furry head. I thought he bit me in response, but he was only gently licking my fingers.. innocently returning my affections.

I lovingly picked him up, and held him close, letting him snuggle into my arms..

Quietly we shared the warmth of belonging, I felt the frozen waves over my heart start to melt away.. and, beautifully.. found for him a special place in the renewed garden of my heart.

“His name's Niji.”

Akira held and whispered to me.. while I cradled my puppy ever gentler and tighter.

“Niji..” I spoke trembling in happiness, with warm mists softly gathering in my eyes...

“Welcome to our family...”

Following me to class every day, it was fortunate that my school made a special exception, and allowed Niji to accompany me as my “seeing-eye dog”, even though he wasn't trained to be one.

The attention he drew was incredible, it sounded as if every girl we knew, and many more we didn't know, formed some semblance of a queue, desperately clamouring to pet and hug Niji so lovable.

Even the school staff would surreptitiously give Niji a little pat on the head whenever we were alone in hallways, brightly cheering them up for the rest of the day.

While I felt slightly overwhelmed by such sudden interest and fairly fanatical attention, my adorable little Niji instead seemed quite calm and pleased by all the love and affection he received, proudly enjoying his immense popularity among so many young women.

Back home though, he was but a gentle family dog again, quietly sitting beside me when I made supper and dinner, while Akira relaxed on the sofa and maybe wondered if she could train Niji to find and fetch the often misplaced TV remote.

And while Akira said that she would take Niji out for walks, it ended up that I was the one to do so, since Akira so often found her evening naps on her favourite chair too comfortable to resist.

I'll always remember my evening walks with Niji.. when the wandering winds would whisper by and the neighbourhood was alive.. I'd listen to the laughter of younger children, carefree while they played in the garden... when their mothers cheered and clapped, crying and happy for their child having found a butterfly or learned to ride a bicycle.

I'd linger.. and listen... while a mother kisses her daughter.. telling her it was time to go home... and stay together as a family...

My memories of when Mother cuddled and loved me.. when Father would praise and love me... all my treasured moments of family, lost and found again in cold mists falling from my eyes...

Poor Niji must have been confused when he suddenly reached up for me, putting his paws on my shaking hands...

It was a gesture he learned to do on his own... comforting me.. wanting me to smile.. because I still had Akira beside me... and loyal Niji who cares for me dearly...

I reached out to him... and held him close, softly thanking him... telling him how much I loved him..

“We'll always be together...”

The many months moved on into the yawing years, Akira, Niji and I lived our time together warmly and lovingly... though the signs became clearer every day..

Akira and I often wondered about Niji's perceived “clumsiness”, when he would bump head on into obstacles, stunning and surprising himself, before gently and curiously petting his paw at the object, which.. would often be the large, lazy neighbourhood cat, hiding from the rain and stealing a nap on our doormat, or just blatantly taking over Niji's bed.

At first, Akira thought that Niji was.. “just being Niji.” But we started worrying something was terribly amiss, when Akira saw the fat cat pull away Niji's bowl from under his nose, and Niji continued to take another mouthful in vain, before sniffing out and finding his bowl again, and kindly licking the cat and sharing the rest of his biscuits with it.

'Progressive retinal atrophy', the veterinarian said. 'Niji is nearly blind at this stage.'

'There is no cure, I'm sorry.'

I don't know how long I held him that night, with him nervously resting his paws on my trembling shoulders, trying to comfort me.. asking me not to cry...

Akira coaxed and led him away from me.. easing Niji of his reluctance to leave me sobbing alone..

I couldn't take care of anyone that night... Akira had to manage on her own..

I cried until morning... until I lost my voice..

By that time.. I was about to begin my first year at Yamaku.. I was told that pets are strictly not permitted, due to the danger of allergic complications for the other students.

My cousins offered to take care of Niji, against their father's strong objections after.. having argued with my own father over the phone regarding it.

In the end... we decided to go through the arrangements and give Niji up for adoption, hoping there would be a kind soul somewhere.. somehow willing to accept Niji... someone who would love him for who he is...

On the last day we had together... after the rain had let up.. and the neighbourhood cat meowed for us to let him out..

I slowly opened the door and tenderly stroked his soft head.. before he brushed his whiskers against my fingers.. and bid me a final meow goodbye..

I wondered... standing at the open door, listening to the soothing sound of raindrops and puddles...

Niji came close to me... sensing my loneliness..

With a smile.. I asked him if he wanted to share one last walk with me...

A quiet walk after the rain.. I'll always remember that last moment Niji and I shared...

When we passed by some young children in raincoats, dragging their umbrellas, happily walking home from kindergarten class..

Suddenly, a little girl jumped and said.. “Look! Look! A rainbow!”

“Wow~!” said the other children, admiring the sight of colours in the sky...

Niji and I stayed close, listening to the awe and innocence in their young hearts, trying to imagine what it must look like..

My tutor told me that... dogs don't actually perceive mere shades of black and white... no, they can detect colours, just not quite as vibrant.. for example; what most see as a colourful rainbow up in the big blue sky, is to a dog instead... a shining band of gold and deep blue.

“...a golden rainbow.” I whispered to myself..

“Is that how you always saw the world, Niji?” I gently asked him...

I reached out... and for the last time I can remember... felt him kiss my fingers.... warmly returning all the love I have for him in my heart..

“Goodbye... Niji..”

“I will always remember you... The Golden Rainbow over the garden of my heart.”

The heavy mists in Lilly's eyes finally falls and caresses her cheeks..

Gracefully... she dabs the tears away...

Then she turns to me, listening for what I have to say...

“I.. I... had no idea... Iwanako and I were alone at the edge of the winter forest... there was no one around, only whiteness as far as the eye could see...”

“When I collapsed from my heart attack, Iwanako carried me as far as she could, before a wandering dog heard her crying in the snow..”

“It ran as far as it could, back and forth over the frozen landscape, barking and waving his paws beside the road, trying to get someone to come and help.”

“Somewhere far from where I laid, someone finally stopped and noticed, following the frantic dog to my body and Iwanako beside me. Somehow.. they managed to bring me to the hospital in time, saving my life.”

“Iwanako said... she told me.. that the dog... died from exposure and exhaustion..”

“...his name was Niji.”
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Re: The Golden Rainbow

Post by Comrade »

Umm, wow.
That was a very good little story, but i have to ask how did iwanako knew the dog's name? I assume she can't speak to dogs.
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Re: The Golden Rainbow

Post by Mirage_GSM »

I assume you had Lilly talk like she's from a dime novel intentionally?
I have no idea why, though. It makes her sound incredibly OOC^^°
Kinda ruined the story for me.
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Re: The Golden Rainbow

Post by bhtooefr »

I just assumed he had a collar with a nametag. Or maybe a microchip, if that's common in Japan.
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Re: The Golden Rainbow

Post by Comrade »

bhtooefr wrote:I just assumed he had a collar with a nametag. Or maybe a microchip, if that's common in Japan.
Derp, should have thought of that
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Re: The Golden Rainbow

Post by LordDarknus »

Comrade wrote:Umm, wow.
That was a very good little story,
Why, Thank You.
Comrade wrote:but i have to ask how did iwanako knew the dog's name? I assume she can't speak to dogs.
Your assumption is unfounded and completely lacking in tact.

She's a psychic spy, capable of inter-species Jedi Mind Tricks.

Mirage_GSM wrote:I assume you had Lilly talk like she's from a dime novel intentionally?
What's a "dime novel"?
WIKIPEDIA (THANK~ YOU~!) wrote:In the modern age, "dime novel" has become a term to describe any quickly written, lurid potboiler and as such is generally used as a pejorative to describe a sensationalized yet superficial piece of written work.
Oh. Never mind.

Your assumption is baseless and an unprovoked assault on my personal poetic style.

Lilly is simply expressing herself with her True Colours and I'm a lazy cheap hack since I didn't want go through in-depth details to describe the sounds and smells and "feelings of presence" as she would logically perceive the world since birth.

And speaking of Dime Store Writings; did you know that Shigure Sohma is a real dog for High School Girls? It's true!
Mirage_GSM wrote:I have no idea why, though. It makes her sound incredibly OOC^^°
Kinda ruined the story for me.
I am so sorry..

bhtooefr wrote:I just assumed he had a collar with a nametag. Or maybe a microchip, if that's common in Japan.
Your assumption is accurate and logical and you have my Thanks.

And My Axe! ... %20axe.jpg

(Though if Niji were imported, (from ..Ireland? Maybe?) He'd probably have a microchip, but if he was bred locally in Japan, maybe he wouldn't have one.)

(I'd describe how I wrote that Niji was accidentally hit by the car, or that he had other health problems, but still struggled on despite the pain to lead the driver to Iwanako, and how his current owner is a monk in a temple near the forest, but went out for supplies at the time, and Niji was buried somewhere near the forest, but... all of that was just too sad, so either it all didn't happen / doesn't matter, or Iwanako or Hisao couldn't bring themselves to say it)

Comrade wrote:
bhtooefr wrote:I just assumed he had a collar with a nametag. Or maybe a microchip, if that's common in Japan.
Derp, should have thought of that
Well, maybe you were misunderstanding Iwanako's character, I mean, she has been known to command fish and elite hydralisks and other assorted creatures of the deep... ... thulhu.jpg

And; Yes: I am a sad, strange little man.

(Can I have your Axe?)

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Re: The Golden Rainbow

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Your assumption is baseless and an unprovoked assault on my personal poetic style.
It wasn't, really...
There are more or less objective criteria that appear time and again in trivial literature (or dime novels). These are - among others - an overabundance of adjectives and excessively flowery metaphors and expressions.
That's what Lilly talks like in your story. It's not what she talks like in the VN.
I actually thought you were doing this consciously for some reason and was wondering what that reason might be.
If you want to continue keeping this as your "personal poetic style" feel free to do so, but that "style" is not usually very successful outside of dime novels.
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

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griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
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Re: The Golden Rainbow

Post by Helbereth »

LordDarknus personal poetic style.
Pretentious much?
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oh god why!

Post by LordDarknus »

What is irony?

The inability to perceive intentional cliche? As per Raita's perfunctory description? Or indeed, in keeping with the spirit (but not the letter) of the VN itself?
Mirage_GSM wrote:I assume you had Lilly talk like she's from a dime novel intentionally?
I have no idea why, though. It makes her sound incredibly OOC^^°
Kinda ruined the story for me.
"No, that's not ironic, it's just something one didn't happen to notice!"

Okay, then is it the inability to perceive overtly obvious, intentional, absurd, self-deprecating but hilarious sarcasm? And taking a single line from a joke-ridden post completely out of context?
Mirage_GSM wrote:
Your assumption is baseless and an unprovoked assault on my personal poetic style.
It wasn't, really...
There are more or less objective criteria that appear time and again in trivial literature (or dime novels). These are - among others - an overabundance of adjectives and excessively flowery metaphors and expressions.
That's what Lilly talks like in your story. It's not what she talks like in the VN.
I actually thought you were doing this consciously for some reason and was wondering what that reason might be.
If you want to continue keeping this as your "personal poetic style" feel free to do so, but that "style" is not usually very successful outside of dime novels.
"No, that's not ironic, what we have here is just a massive failure to communicate!"

Oh, okay. Then what is irony?
Bender wrote:The use of words to describe something other than their literal intention.
Helbereth wrote:
LordDarknus personal poetic style.
Pretentious much?
Bender wrote:Now that! IS! Irony!
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Re: The Golden Rainbow

Post by TheGoatman »

I'm not entirely sure what to make of this thread, the story was fairly decent in my opinion, although I would warn you not to take a goats opinion to heart. I can't help but notice that the comment section seems to be rather... frisky.

Short and sad/feels fanfics aren't really my thing but I do love it when people write prologues, as quality prologues are uncommon from what I've seen. Quality Rin writing is fairly rare too but that's off topic, good work!
I'm just a rusty old goat and a poor writer by anyone's standards, so no need to take my advice to heart, and when you do, take a handful of salt with it.
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Re: The Golden Rainbow

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Okay, then is it the inability to perceive overtly obvious, intentional, absurd, self-deprecating but hilarious sarcasm? And taking a single line from a joke-ridden post completely out of context?
Please bear in mind that written communication - as in forum posts - lacks certain cues reagrding the author's intent like inflection etc.
There are aids to help a reader realize that something was said as a jest (Smileys) but those were lacking from your post.
Taken at face value it seemed like you were offended by what I had written. I try not to offend people, so I think it's better to err on the side of caution here.
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

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griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
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Re: The Golden Rainbow

Post by Oddball »

I really liked it. As for the whole "dime novel" thing. I thought it actually set the mood. It gave it the feel of a melancholy recollections told years later. The bits with Akira seemed to throw that off slightly though, especially talking about her "Squee"ing.

The bit at the end with Iwanako seemed rather forced though.
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Re: The Golden Rainbow

Post by LordDarknus »

Oddball wrote:I really liked it.
Thank you.
As for the whole "dime novel" thing. I thought it actually set the mood. It gave it the feel of a melancholy recollections told years later.
Yeah, I guess that was what I thought was more interesting.

And I'm sorry, Mirage_GSM.

The bits with Akira seemed to throw that off slightly though, especially talking about her "Squee"ing.
Because the cuteness level was over 9000

The bit at the end with Iwanako seemed rather forced though.
I guess... kinda based on a real life thing. I guess I failed hard with that. ... 0409p1.asp

Thanks for your post!

P.S. : Sorry for the late reply. Had some things to take care of. Still do, actually. So I gotta hustle.

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