Cannot save after coming back to the game.

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Cannot save after coming back to the game.

Post by GamersPhilosohy »

I played for 30 minutes and I saved and quit so I could go to sleep. The next day I went to continue my game; I played for a hour and when I tried to save it said
Save Failed the error message was: IOError:{Errno13] permission denied:
Then it showed my save file name and said that I may want to save in a different slot,or to play a while and try again later. I played for a good while after getting the error and I still got the error. It seems like I can only save in my first session, I really want to enjoy this fantastic game but the saving problem has stopped me dead in my tracks. Also when I delete and re-install the game I can save until I quit and come back. I use the torrent version if that makes a difference,but I wouldn't know because I do not know much about technological computer stuff so I can't figure this problem out for myself. I really hope I can get some help because I love to play,but like I stated earlier the save problem stops me dead in my tracks. :cry:
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Joined: Thu Aug 29, 2013 1:40 am

Re: Cannot save after coming back to the game.

Post by GamersPhilosohy »

Well after randomly moving files it works,I don't know how exactly, but it did. If anybody else has the same problem just move files around or so. Again it was random attempts. Hopefully someone has experienced the same problem and now they would know that it was not just their game.
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