Octovaitor's Story Time (Explicit)


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Octovaitor's Story Time (Explicit)

Post by octovaitor »

I've been reading fan fiction and erotic fiction for quite a while, and I've always wanted to attempt to capture the magic that good fan fiction can create. This is not my first attempt at writing fiction, but I've never done something on quite this level, so I really appreciate your feedback. This first chapter has nothing pornographic in it. Beyond the first chapter, the others will. It will get freaky, and weird. Apologies in advance, and I thank you for your time.

Secret of the Student Council

Chapter 1

I struggled to keep my eyes open as I reached my first class. It had been a fruitless fight with insomnia the previous night, most likely caused by my meds. Despite having several months of Yamaku under my belt at the time, my medicine still threw my body for a loop at times and I still wasn’t completely perfect at taking my doses. My state of drowsiness continued until class began and I realized something was very wrong.

Shizune and Misha weren’t in class.

While I could buy Misha missing her wakeup call due to her ditziness, Shizune was always a hardass about going to class unless it conflicted with Student Council. Both of their absence would point to some mysterious Student Council duty, but as a member at this point, I was entitled to some prior explanation of every function that we did, and there was nothing planned for today. Granted, even after I joined, the two still spent a lot of time together alone.

It then struck me that I always had the two of them to rely on in class since I came to Yamaku. They certainly weren’t my only friends; I still kept contact with Lilly and occasionally had lunch with her and Hanako (although Shizune always got a little jealous after I did), and Kenji could be pretty fun if he wasn't being an asshole. I still got hellos and lent a helping hand to Rin and Emi even if I hadn't really hung out with them since my first week.

At the end of the day though, they were basically my best friends, and it was hard to imagine that both would be absent on the same day.

What if they had both gotten sick? Their close proximity to each other would facilitate such a transfer, but I doubt that anything short of cancer would stop Shizune from attempting to go to school.

Maybe Shizune had finally cracked and decided to spend the day watching subtitled television whilst Misha slept in? Nah, that would have already happened if it ever would. Besides, Shizune doesn’t seem to like TV too much.

At this point, my sleep deprived brain began cranking out more implausible scenarios. What if ninjas had kidnapped Shizune and Misha had to become a bad enough dude to save her? What if a wizard transformed the two into frogs and threw them into the school pond? What if Misha was part of a secret underground prostitution ring and dragged Shizune into it in order to pay off her abusive pimp, only to overcome great odds and ride off into the sunset with Shizune as her lover?

As my brain realized how weird it would be for Misha to be gay, my musings were interrupted by-

“Hey Nakai! You haven’t seen Hakamichi or Mikado have you?” prodded my science teacher, Akio Mutou.

I shook my head and he continued to take roll. As the actual lessons began, I settled on the two both catching a cold and tried to put the pair out of my mind for the day.

After class was over, I reflexively headed over to the Student Council room, which we had relocated a month ago to another empty room on the first floor as the old one was ripped from our grasp by the Board Game Club, who had been on hiatus due to the members getting locked into a cold war over opinions on “Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull”. I pulled up a chair and decided to work on my homework. I had to read a passage or two from the science textbook, and figuring that even if my compatriots weren’t gonna show up, I’d at least have some peace and quiet in here, as opposed to if I did it in my room, where there was an ever-present possibility of Kenji barging in and attempting to impose his conspiracies upon me.

While the rigors of school had at least kept me awake and lucid enough to pay attention and do my assignments, the lack of a teacher and other students had left my mind unfocused, and no sleep was again rearing it’s ugly head. My eyes started to dim and flicker, I found myself rereading sentences over and over again, and I kept reading sentences over and over again, and then finally my eyes couldn’t stay open any more and I conked out.

I was walking down a hallway. The girl’s dorm, yeah, that one. I knocked on a door, and Misha opened it. Her hair was different though. I couldn’t put my finger on, it just didn’t exactly look like hair, more like a mass of machinery hanging from her head. She screamed in delight and dragged me in. She then sat me on her bed and and started to style her locks. There was a lot of buzzes, and pops, and hammering, and screwing, and sawing, until finally she stood back and asked me how she looked. The mass of machinery was now a lot more organized. The top was a bunch of whizzing gears that melted into sheet metal as it fell down onto her back, along with a spiral shaped pair of dongly things hanging in front. She asked if I was impressed, and I said she had a nice set of drills in her hair. This did not gain the reaction that I desired.

“Waaaahaaahaaaahahaahhhhhhh! Punish me harder, mistress!” she screamed in pleasure.

At this moment my head smacked the desk and I was thrown into a state of groggy wakefulness. A large puddle of drool had formed on the book I had been reading, hopefully my own, and I realized I had nodded off. I glanced at the clock and noted I had zonked out for a few hours.

Deciding that the best course of action was to attempt to go back to sleep back in my own room despite the fact that there was still daylight and Kenji would have no qualms barging into my room until the period in which I normally hit the hay, I gathered my books and started to leave when I heard something vaguely familiar-

“Wahahahaaaaa! Spank my fat ass!”

My drowsy brain could not at the time process who that voice could belong to, but I did drop my books as I heard the sound resonate through the room.

As I picked my stuff, my brain kicked into high gear as I realized that I did in fact realize who possessed that voice. My unconscious mind must have heard it while I was asleep and put Misha into the dream! But where could that voice have come from? And what the hell compelled them to say something like that?

The new student council room was a bit roomier than what we were used to, and it had more filing cabinets than the old room did, but Shizune was peeved initially about losing access to the board games. She got over it the next day, although I never did find out why. When I questioned her in sign language, she merely brushed it off as nothing and flashed me a smirk.

What if she found something so good that it replaced the board games? There were few things in this world that I knew Shizune to love more than playing board games, but there had to have been more to this room than I had noticed. Glancing around, I tried to find what objects did not belong to us and had to have come with the room, but aside from various forms and office supplies, the only thing Shizune had added was a large ornate rug over in the corner where she ordinarily did her work.

I left my textbooks and decided to investigate the nearby rooms for whomever possessed a scream like Misha and yet was also in the middle of some intense sexual activity. Each time I came up empty-handed, and each time I felt more confused.

After I looked through the last room within the same hallway as the student council room, I found myself resigned to defeat, and forced myself to believe that I had been imagining Misha’s scream. Was I really so lonely and desperate for companionship that I’d imagine her voice? It was pretty much the only option that I had left.

I steered myself back to the Student Council room to recover my books and go catch up on my sleep, but then like a bolt from the blue, I immediately questioned myself: perhaps the voice wasn’t coming from a classroom on this level, but perhaps above or below me?

As immediately as I finished asking myself this, I then realized that right above me was the library. Since loud noise and libraries don’t mix, my mind then came to the conclusion that the voice had to have come below me.

Maybe Kenji had slowly gotten to me over the course of these months, but my apparent conclusion that there had to be a basement where Misha was screaming didn’t seem that stupid in my head at that specific moment in time. But where could the entrance be?

Of course, then I asked myself out loud, “If I were an entrance to a basement, then where would I be?”

Once again, inspiration struck, and my eyes shifted over to the rug that Shizune had placed in a conspicuous corner of the room, where nobody would think to look.

I ripped the rug off it’s normal resting place, and tossed behind me, not caring in the slightest how well it tied the room together and found an indent in the floorboards. I slipped my fingers into the indent and attempted to raise the floor.

To my delight, the floorboards rose, and I was able to peer into the new hole I had discovered. Stone steps lowered off into a hallway below the surface, and the piece of the floor I was holding up was actually a door of sorts, attached to the rest of the wooden floor via some hinges.

A laugh escaped my lips. Who could know what lied ahead of me below? There was only one way to find, I thought, as I hopped to my feet and closed the door into the student council room behind me. I kicked the trap-door as far back onto it’s hinges as it would go.

I walked down the dark steps below.
Last edited by octovaitor on Tue Aug 27, 2013 12:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Octovaitor's Story Time (Explicit)

Post by Sea »

My bondage senses are tingling. . .
Come join the Yamaku Book Club! Where stuff happens and we discuss cripple porn
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Re: Octovaitor's Story Time (Explicit)

Post by Carighan »

It's a trap!
The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.
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Re: Octovaitor's Story Time (Explicit)

Post by Steinherz »

Sea wrote:My bondage senses are tingling. . .
(if anyone gets the joke, you're awesome and have an equally odd taste in Manga as I do :lol: )
I write take a look, would you kindly?
I also draw, kind of.
KeiichiO wrote:You shall now, and forever be known as, "Steinherz, The Great".
Oddball wrote:It's an obvious mistake. Both are disfigured orphans that read alot and both wear green skirts.
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Re: Octovaitor's Story Time (Explicit)

Post by Endofone »

I started LOL'n half way through. I don't know why but it might be attribute to my sleep deprived brain. XD But i think it's going great!
Sea wrote:My bondage senses are tingling. . .
My thoughts exactly...
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Re: Octovaitor's Story Time (Explicit)

Post by octovaitor »

Greetings, readers. Minor pornographic content coming up, also pretty foul language. You have been warned. I am denoting sign language with [ and ]. Glad your pornography related senses are firing up, because it's only getting weirder from here.

Chapter 2: Dungeons and Drills

The hallway that I'd been led into from above was only a couple of meters of space before I was challenged by a well-worn wooden door with a suspicious indent installed at about eye-length. While knocking first would have been the polite thing to do, my overwhelming curiosity rendered all of my manners useless, and instead I immediately turned the knob and pushed the door open.

Ordinarily I would have noticed the clean stone flooring and walls, the enormous bed covered with black and crimson linens, the set of chains hanging from a wall, the huge wardrobe to my right, an ornate chair to the left, worn old nightstands on either side of the bed, and a shelf located on the easternmost wall containing several works of dubious content.

However, all of this was currently minuscule to my sensory organs at the time. All my attention was instead devoted to the furiously masturbating young woman in front of me.

No longer dressed in the school uniform, she instead was clad in a leather bikini top and bottom (currently both were only about halfway on her in order to allow her fingers access) and fishnet stockings. Her eyes were covered by a blindfold, and her ears had a set of headphones on, explaining why she hadn't heard me come in, and why my presence was still unknown to her. To her left was a large dildo, with traces of liquid indicating it had been used recently. She herself was moaning, gasping, and whispering to herself, apparently in the midst of some fantasy, which was about to end.

All the stimuli around me had caught up at once, and I felt my pulse quicken. I immediately called Misha's name as I fell to my knees and tried to regulate my breathing. The bed in front of my began bouncing and shaking more than it had been whilst Misha was busy, and as I fell back I felt a hand grasp my shoulder to hold my still. I looked up, as my heart was finally regaining it's regular rhythm.

Misha's face was as white as a sheet was absent and her eyes had gone as wide as saucers. Her headphones and blindfold had been thrown off the to the side, but her clothes were still lopsided, giving me a full view at the display.

"Hii-chan!!!! Are you okay...please, tell me you're okay!!!" she screamed as tears bubbled up in her eyes.

I stood up slowly, using the bed and Misha's hands to lift myself up. After I was able to stand on my own, I stood silently and tried to regain my composure, whilst Misha was looking lost and trying to try her tears.

I then sat down onto the bed, and took a look at Misha, who stopped crying and was attempting to put her garments back into a position to at least cover her naughty bits, even if they still left nothing to the imagination. She in turn, sat on the bed beside me, and sat silently for a moment too. I turned to look at her and she met my eyes, sniffled and looked down to avoid my gaze. That only made things worse.

She gasped and turned around, and I realized that I become aroused as well, even if I forgotten it in my heart flutter.

"Okay Misha," I began calmly, "what's going on here?"

"Uh, well...me and Shi-chan found this room. And...well, she decided to turn it into a playroom...of sorts," she stuttered.

"A playroom!?" I repeated with indignation.

"Well, Shizune is into...things that some people may frown upon, and she thought this room would serve as a good place to...let out some steam," Misha said, now a little flustered at my outburst.

"Well I don't care what Shizune is into, but why wasn't I told about this?"

"Shizune thought you might think she was-"

At that moment, we were interrupted by the door squeaking open. Shizune was back.

[Hisao... what are you doing here?], she signed quickly, obviously confused and distressed at my being there.

"Yeah, how did you find us here?" Misha immediately dropping the earlier conversation and deciding to side with Shizune. She even got off of the bed and leaped to her side.

[I was awakened from a nap in the student council room by Misha's screams of pleasure,]I retorted to the girls.

Shizune's confused look immediately faded to a glare of anger directed at Misha, but then she turned back around and drilled me some.

[So you were snooping around the student council room without the supervision of your superior officers of the student council, who were unfortunately indisposed from attending school today due to-]

"BULLSHIT", I yelled and stood up to stare down Shizune. She turned to Misha who translated my outburst.

"You two skipped school to come down here and fuck today! I came to the student council room to do my homework while you two are supposedly absent, and I find a goddamn dungeon that the two of you have hidden from me for a month. Last time I checked, our Model Student Council President," which I said with an air of pompousness, "wasn't supposed to hide secret sex rooms from her respected officers, nor skip school to go have sex. You really want to keep something like this a secret from the guy with a heart condition, who might accidentally stumble across it whilst a certain someone is diddling herself?"

As Misha signed out my outburst, Shizune's face fell further and further, and she went white after Misha signed the last of it to her. After a few moments of stillness, she signed a response.

[Hisao, I'm sorry you had to find out like that. I should have told you when we found the room, but honestly, I didn't want you to think of me as a pervert or some kind of freak.] A long pause, and then she reached over to me and pulled me in an embrace.

She held me in the hug for a long time and then pulled back.

[I'm happy you're fine, and I'll never keep anything like this from you again. Friends shouldn't keep things like this from each other, anyway.] When she finished signing, she turned to Misha and flashed a smirk. Turning back to me, she pushed me toward the bed, and then she and Misha jumped on beside me.
Last edited by octovaitor on Sun Sep 08, 2013 2:18 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Octovaitor's Story Time (Explicit)

Post by Mirage_GSM »

my eyes shifted over to the rug that Shizune had placed in a conspicuous corner of the room...
If Shizune and Misha are both down there, who put the rug back in place after closing the trapdoor?
No, I'm not going to ask how the trapdoor got there in the first place...
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Octovaitor's Story Time (Explicit)

Post by octovaitor »

Alright folks, now that I have a semblance of a story and lead-up out of the way, we're gonna dive headfirst into smut, though I don't want this to be Porn Without Plot. I'll also spoiler tag what erotic content will be in the story, so you can check to see if it's something you're not interested in, unless you'd rather it be a surprise. Despite how things are currently looking, we aren't only gonna be in the realm of BDSM; we're gonna get a good sampling of different kinks. In this chapter, expect foul language, graphic depictions of sex and minor bondage, threesome, female dominance, the ingestion of semen and lesbianism. Thanks for reading, and I always appreciate feedback!

Chapter 3: Tonight They're Gonna Rock You, Tonight

"Guys, what're you..." I said before Shizune put her hand to my mouth and silenced my words; she then moved her way down toward my pants and found my reawakened erection. She then signed to Misha a command that I couldn't decipher, due to my now horizontal position.

Misha giggled and said to me, "Now, Hisao, if this ever gets too much for you, yell Red Light or Landing Gear, or tug on my or Shizune's ears. That'll be our safety word!"

"Now wait a minute...you guys wanna do this? Really?" I gasped.

Misha laughed, "WAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Of course! You're our friend! You help us in this and we'll treat you real good. Just play along!"

"But it's just I...I...I haven't had sex before."

Misha stopped dead in her tracks and then grabbed Shizune, who also stopped, despite the fact the pants were already halfway off and my belt was in her hands.

"You haven't had sex before?", asked Misha, who started signing to Shizune.

"No, never."

[Well, you've certainly masturbated,] cut in Shizune.

"Well yeah, but I think is kinda different."

"Nonsense Hiichan! Me and Shiichan will give you a good time. We won't be too mean or anything," she said with a huge grin plastered over her face.

I sighed. Arguing with the two of them was pointless but I had to give a token effort. "I don't really know what I'm doing, and both of you are into some...stuff that I don't get exactly."

[You must have some sexual fantasies or fetishes. I bet you'd be excited if I did this.] After signing that, Shizune grabbed Misha into a deep kiss.

A few seconds later, Shizune broke the kiss, a spittle of drool escaping between their lips. Misha sat there dazed for a second, her eyes lost in some happy dream. She then blinked and regained herself.

"Fantasies? I, uh, well, I, uhhh..." I did have a few, but they were from another time. A time before Yamaku and heart conditions and the Student Council. I had given up on them after the accident, assuming them to be forever a dream now with a body that couldn't exert itself too much. I did find that masturbating after spending four months in a hospital leads to one hell of an orgasm, but I'd kept my sexual impulses down since I came here.

"I do have a few. But, I don't think you'll like them. That being said, I'll try it your way. Just please take it easy."

Misha was signing all of this to Shizune, and the two both nodded in understanding after I was done.

"Here I come Hiichan!"

Misha put herself next to me on the bed and started pulling my shirt and tie off. Shizune had gotten off the bed and had climbed back up the stairs.

"Where is she-,"

"She said she'd check to make sure the room was secure. She 's gonna lock the door to the student council room, and come in with the trap door shut behind us," Misha explained.

A few moments later, Shizune closed the door behind us and then pulled my pants off completely. She then took my belt and tossed it aside, while she turned over to the wardrobe in the corner and pulled out four lengths of cord. She passed two to Misha.

"Now give me your wrists, Hiichan," Misha said in a sing-song voice.

I hesitated for a moment, and then held my arms out for her, deciding that I trusted them completely.

Misha wrapped the cord around each wrist, and then Shizune pulled out a piece of cord and tied one to each of my ankles. They then tied each cord around a bedpost, making sure that while I couldn't really escape, I had enough range of motion to prevent discomfort. When Shizune was satisfied with the binding, she signed something to Misha. Misha nodded and then put positioned herself on top of my chest, although she was supporting herself by her knees and thankfully not on me.

Misha began to rub my chest, her cute fingers running over my skin and bringing me to ease. Shizune in the meantime had gotten off the bed and was taking her own clothes off. Misha continued to rub my chest, although she slowed down when she came to my surgery scar.

"Uh, Hiichan, is it okay if I-"

"It's fine. It doesn't hurt anymore and I trust you."

She slowly dragged her fingers on it before moving to a more sensitive spot. She positioned both of her hands around each of my nipples and touched them both.

The sensation made me start, but the restraints held fast but didn't strain or hurt. I leaned back and Misha continued to play them, touching them, moving them, and finally she grabbed one and gave it a pinch.

The sensation again caused me to fidget, although I got nowhere of course. Despite the pain, the sensation certainly felt good. I moaned in pleasure at the feeling, but then stopped myself and blinked. Was I really getting excited from getting my nipples played with? It didn't seem like the manliest thing in the world. I was about to speak but then...

"Oh, did that hurt?" Misha taunted and did it again. She then straightened herself to look bigger than she was from my point of view. I struggled a little from the second time and was gonna speak but then, I realized, it was all part of the experience. Time to play along.

"Hardly. is that the best you got?"

A glint of malevolence appeared in Misha's eyes. She then pinched them both at the same time.

"Wahahahaha! Of course it isn't, my little pet!" Misha said as she got into her own role.

This went on for a few minutes, her playing with my nipples. Every time she'd pull and pinch and flick them around until I would struggle, then she'd laugh and do it again. My erection hadn't dipped the whole time, and it was still straining in my underwear. Thankfully Shizune came to remedy this.

Misha moved over to my side and away from my chest so I could get a look, though she soon reattached her fingers to my adjacent nipple. Unlike Misha who was clad in the leather bikini, Shizune was completely naked. Her breasts were larger than they appeared, no doubt restrained by her uniform, and the rest of her nude figure was stunning. She sat back down on the bed and removed my boxers slowly, so she could watch my erection bob up and down as it was given freedom. The bobbing of my erect member felt pleasurable but also like it was being teased. Seeing the mixed reaction of pleasure and slight irritation that said motion had put on my face, she then did that further. She moved it around and would pass it between her hands while she watched my face contort slightly and my body struggle.

When she grew tired of that, she grabbed my penis and got a firm grasp around. She started stroking it, and then would speed up, only to slow down and wait a few seconds before cranking the heat up again. Finally, I could take no more, and I ejaculated over her fist.

Misha giggled as she watch the cum spew out the head and shoot over onto my belly. With the pressure finally relieved, I fell back and relaxed into the bed. My mind thought of going to sleep, as I realized how tired I felt. But I couldn't go to sleep yet.

Shizune started to clean up my cum by licking it off my shaft. Misha leaned over my belly and cleaned what semen had landed there. The sensation of their tongues on my body caused my shaft to harden again, to Shizune's delight. She signed Misha something and then put herself on top of me, positioned similarly to Misha before.

Shizune then leaned close and gave me a kiss. Her tongue and mine entwined briefly, and I did not grimace at the taste of my own seed. Shizune then placed her own genitalia atop my own, and began to ride me.

She signed Misha an order whilst atop my shaft, and Misha untied my arm on her side of the bed. She grasped my wrist and held my hand whilst Shizune continued riding atop me. She then laid beside me and put her head on my chest. She moved her head over to my nipple and started suckling from it. Her tongue felt heavenly upon it, something that I never would have imagined to possible.

Shizune continued in our shared pleasure, bobbing a little bit, but mostly just moving back and forth. The pressure built steadily again from their combined efforts, and suddenly, I exploded again. Shizune was not done though. She kept riding for a few more moments whilst I laid back and let my orgasm wash over my mind. I looked up and watched as her own face contorted and warped, until her pressure became too much, and she had her own orgasm. I could feel her shake all over, and then she fell forward on top of me, but managed to steady herself before falling on Misha.

She slowly climbed off of me, and then beckoned Misha over. Misha, following in her president's footsteps, licked the splooge off my member, but then took things a step farther. She pulled Shizune close and started to lick the extra cum that remained in and around her vagina. When she was finished, she initiated another kiss between the two.

After several moments, Shizune and Misha broke away and went back down on the bed. They removed the remaining cords from the bed and then off of my wrists. Misha then set an alarm for herself via her cell phone (conveniently hidden in the nightstand) and I did the same, ensuring we could get up early for the next day. It was hardly nightfall outside, but we didn't care, and as soon as the lights were out in the Student Council Sex Basement, as I decided to call it, I fell into a fitful sleep.
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Re: Octovaitor's Story Time (Explicit)

Post by Oddball »

I've been reading fan fiction and erotic fiction for quite a while, and I've always wanted to attempt to capture the magic that good fan fiction can create
I hesitate to call this either good or erotic. I will, however, say this is certainly "What the hell?"
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Re: Octovaitor's Story Time (Explicit)

Post by Shail »

I- ....
The fuck..?

Good lulz btw, not my #1 choice for erotic reading material though
~I hate endings~ Fan fiction is the only way to keep KS alive!
~The only good ending is a sequel~
~Want to know why I REALLY fucking hate endings? Mirai Nikki Want to know why I love epilogues? Watch the Mirai Nikki OVA
~Mirai Nikki: A perfect example of endings I hate~
Hanako -> Rin -> Shizune -> ? -> ?
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Re: Octovaitor's Story Time (Explicit)

Post by Steinherz »

Shail wrote:I- ....
The fuck..?

Good lulz btw, not my #1 choice for erotic reading material though
Brains and Bondage: She's quite clever, and quite kinky too, judging by her first sex scene with Hisao and other details.
I write take a look, would you kindly?
I also draw, kind of.
KeiichiO wrote:You shall now, and forever be known as, "Steinherz, The Great".
Oddball wrote:It's an obvious mistake. Both are disfigured orphans that read alot and both wear green skirts.
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Re: Octovaitor's Story Time (Explicit)

Post by Shail »

Meh, when a cute and smart girl is into bondage that's niiiice, always took Shizune as more of a kinky kind of girl, but never played her route(Did Hanako -> Rin so far, doin Shizune or Emi next.. saving Lilly for last) Rin.. lolwtfdidIjustread over and over... The Road of Adulthood summed it up with "Goddamnit Rin"
~I hate endings~ Fan fiction is the only way to keep KS alive!
~The only good ending is a sequel~
~Want to know why I REALLY fucking hate endings? Mirai Nikki Want to know why I love epilogues? Watch the Mirai Nikki OVA
~Mirai Nikki: A perfect example of endings I hate~
Hanako -> Rin -> Shizune -> ? -> ?
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Re: Octovaitor's Story Time (Explicit)

Post by Steinherz »

Something popped out at me while rereading this:
octovaitor wrote:After class was over, I reflexively headed over to the Student Council room, which we had relocated a month ago to another empty room on the first floor as the old one was ripped from our grasp by the Board Game Club, who had been on hiatus due to the members getting locked into a cold war over opinions on “Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull”
Yay for Anachronism Screw.
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was released a year after KS takes place.

Also: I can't seem to read this fic without breaking out into laughter. Probably because it's so out there :lol:
Shail wrote:Meh, when a cute and smart girl is into bondage that's niiiice, always took Shizune as more of a kinky kind of girl, but never played her route(Did Hanako -> Rin so far, doin Shizune or Emi next.. saving Lilly for last) Rin.. lolwtfdidIjustread over and over... The Road of Adulthood summed it up with "Goddamnit Rin"
Well it doesn't help that VCR drew this on the Shimmie either:
Shizune likes S&M apparently.
I write take a look, would you kindly?
I also draw, kind of.
KeiichiO wrote:You shall now, and forever be known as, "Steinherz, The Great".
Oddball wrote:It's an obvious mistake. Both are disfigured orphans that read alot and both wear green skirts.
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Re: Octovaitor's Story Time (Explicit)

Post by octovaitor »

Oddball wrote: I hesitate to call this either good or erotic. I will, however, say this is certainly "What the hell?"
Holy Shit. I love your work! Thanks for reading!
Well, you can take me for a little while
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Re: Octovaitor's Story Time (Explicit)

Post by octovaitor »

Shail wrote:I- ....
The fuck..?

Good lulz btw, not my #1 choice for erotic reading material though
Thanks for reading. I'm glad I at least provided entertainment in some variety. As for "why bondage?", it's the vibe I think most people got from Shizune.
Well, you can take me for a little while
You can take me, you can make me smile in the end.
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