Come In, Yeti Actual [Chapter 7] [updated 19 Aug]


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Re: Kenji's Conspiracy (Deus Ex crossover) [Updated May 11th

Post by 651 »

Mirage_GSM wrote:Any special reason to change narrative styles between two sections of the same chapter?
Just the way I chose to describe what's happening and sometimes fill the ellipses.

Chapter 1 starts at Monday morning, the time flows on and on, so the present tense narration can no longer be used to describe anything that's happened on Sunday, Saturday or at the hospital. I can, however, trick the nature and escape into Hisao's memory after he experiences something I haven't explained to the reader yet. This requires past tense since the memorized events have already happened.
If he's doing routine tasks like eating his breakfast while thinking of something, then as a bonus I save myself from the pit of describing his life in too much detail.

I've done it in the prologue too. It was a story inside a story inside a story. Hisao got a heart attack, then we jumped several months ahead when he's got visited by Genetesis employees (this was narrated in present tense). Before talking to them he recalled the events of the day before and while he was at it he also recalled some events that happened throughout last months (this was narrated in past tense due to having happened by the day that's narrated in present tense).
I wrote a Fluttershy x Tails once. It was really good, swer.
Then I wrote some KS fiction, and being not as stellar, it at least exists.
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Re: Kenji's Conspiracy (Deus Ex crossover) [Updated May 11th

Post by 651 »

Should've waited to post this piece and the previous as one. Anyhow, this concludes chapter 1.


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The teacher doesn't give us a drop of attention, so I adjust the chair a little and slide my hands in Molly's armpits. She lets go of the crutches, making me lose balance with all the weight thrown on my hands at once. We both land hard, except she fits like the seat like nothing happened while I lean over her shoulder in an awkward position, grabbing the edge of her table.

"Hpf. Sorry," she snorts.

With a thrust I set myself standing and notice students turning their eyes away hastily. Have I done something wrong already? Molly's trying to hide a smile behind her hand too.

Sitting down at my desk I realise that in addition to stereotype breaking it would've been helpful to consider some ways to grab a female stranger without getting creepy. Now I just hope the classwork will wash the warmth and softness of her body from my hands. Fat chance. My face slowly turns red, too.

Amazing how much information a human brain transmits and stores over short time periods when it's in a rush. It could come in handy at the exams if there wasn't too much time to prepare for them. Sometimes harmful things benefit us the most, oh the irony.

Anyway, almost every student introduced themselves over the short breaks. Suzu Suzuki the sleepyhead had Miki to speak for her due to being asleep. I wonder how natural is for her not to wake up in the middle of all the noise. The loud bubble of energy to my right turned out to be Shiina "just Misha, wahaha~" Mikado. Why the need for a nickname, I wonder. By the lunch break I'm pretty sure she's translating for her deaf neighbor, Shizune, who's a person of interest herself with her mature appearance and analyzing gaze. You'd think she's wearing glasses to protect others from becoming too transparent.

In other news, I've already forgotten the other eleven students' names. Pretty sure it's mutual since Molly's been the center of attention for everyone except that shy girl in the back row. She was so swallowed in her reading to notice the crazy burst of obsession with legs. Augmentations seem to affect sanity, not even the bearer's. As for me, I still can't believe witnessing the apex of human technology in motion, although it's about time already. Guess I'll have to be content with a simple lunch with no worries about the technological revolution or implications it casts on the social progress.

"You're eating with us today, Molly. Nakai~, you too!"

I turn around too late to know who of the two asked the question. Oh well, at least I won't have to ask where the cafeteria is.

Molly drags her legs from underneath the table and reaches for the crutches, so I decide to help again. Gotta make acquaintances, after all. There's a short squeak as her ribcage gets squeezed by unexpected hands and gently lifted to its level.

"Don't get too shy now," she smirks.

Yeah, yeah, shouldn't have done that. Now the heterochromic girl is staring at us. I don't feel secure around her, she emanates some kind of omnipotence.

"Nakai," a harsh voice calls, "for a couple of words, please."

"We're gone, don't lag~."

My lunch companions leave compensating their calm pace with lively chatter. From here it looks like Misha and Shizune are weaving an invisible web while
Molly's giving them advice.

"Apologies for the... lack of proper introduction."

Name's Akio Mutou, I gathered that much through the morning. What he just said would be suitable given his position as our homeroom teacher, but the unrefined looks and this villainous voice make the phrase sound out of character. He realizes it too, struggling to find words both serious enough and not too formal.

"No problem, guys already-"

"So I need you to-"

We end up speaking together, embarrassing ourselves. Awkward silence hangs over the room for a second before it's broken with a loud crash in the hallway followed by a yell "Ibarazaki! How do I hammer in your head not to run indoors?". The contrast between the playful voice and scolding words I make a wild guess it might be Shizune speaking. Uh, speaking? Argh.

"Sometimes I wish we were allowed to this furious," Mutou reacts pulling the left corner of his mouth, which makes a more natural impression. "So what are you doing for the festival?"

"I just heard about it yesterday-"

"Good, at least you know it exists. Try to be helpful, maybe find a club that suits you while you're at it, get social. This is *highly* encouraged. Other than that, Hakamichi will fill you in on more distant events."

Fighting the urge to either shout "Roger" or to bluntly ask who exactly is Hakamichi and show my complete lack of social skills, I end up simply nodding.

"Don't worry, she's got it. If anyone in the class has solid leadership capabilities, that's her," he says as if convincing himself rather than me. "On the other note, check in with the nurse after classes. That's mandatory due to your... problems. That's all."

I mumble some thanks and dash off. To be honest, finding the cafeteria feels more important than asociality and health problems right now, since those are hardly news.

Following the laggers, I get to the central staircase and thank Molly's wonderful flaw. Dark varnished stairs appear as a serious challenge to her. Wonder how she managed to climb two floors upwards today. Students pass by, white tops and green bottoms running down the stairs without hope of getting in the line anywhere near the start. Speaking of which,

"Shicchan went ahead for some food," Misha answers both of my silent questions.

Thinking it must be hard to support Molly from just one side, I move to the other to ensure she doesn't fall or anything. Well, she doesn't. Instead she stops and hands me the crutches, swaying under her own weight. With each swing the opposite side of her thighs and shins tightens, each muscle shortening and thickening a bit. Elastic gray material changes shapes and shades, creating and erasing patterns in a blink of an eye. Her arms slowly rise as is she was walking a rope.

"You don't have to-"

"-be lazy," Molly shuts Misha up. "This iis eeasyyy."

The vowels stretch as she concentrates on taking a step. Waves of tension and relaxation run up her left leg while the right foot takes it time levitating above the next stair before slamming flat onto it. One after another steps are left behind, each one performed more confidently than the previous. In the end artificial muscles catch some sort of rhythm, completely captivating me in their dance. I'm not the only one staring, there's a whole bunch of delayed students watching the hi-tech acrobat. Those who follow their hunger (for good) can't help looking in our direction too.

Molly turns around with a shining face and braids flying over her shoulders.

"See? Piece o'cake. Bet you I'll walk to the cafeteria on myAAH!"

Let's just mark her multitasking as unimpressive for now. Walking while talking caused her to slip on the stair's edge and fall hands first on the floor.
Misha gasps, of course, and runs down to check on her, which is unnecessary because Molly rolls to her back shaking with laughter. I've got no clue what's the joke here. Misha picks up in a moment though, and floods the corridors with distinct WAHAHAHAHA. Still laughing, Molly drags her feet closer and springs up with surprising agility.

"Pffheh. They never taught dealing with uneven surfaces."

"So the main problem, ahha~, main problem still stands?"

Guessing the show's over, spectators slowly drift away, hopelessly late to get a decent place. I think. I shamelessly try to slack by offering the crutches back to their owner, who just shakes her heads. Welp, I'm stuck with these.

"Oh, it stands so tall. Just look at me. Helpless as never, eh?" she responds after a pause, causing our pink box of TNT to explode once more.

Sure she is. I mean, touching a wall to have some support and stretching vowels not to lose focus surely qualifies as helpless, right? For a legless person. Right?

So I ask,
"Is there a joke I'm missing?"

It takes some time for her to process Misha's confused look and the fact the question's been addressed to her.

"Ah, yup. Fell down the stair on the summer break, dislocated a shoulder. Was pissed to all hell. Changed to augs afterwards. So it's kinda ironic."

"You mean there's something wrong with your shoulder?" the worry in my voice shines right through.

"Ehehe. I'm fine."

"So... Old prostheses?"

"Mechanical ones. You know, they let you march like a soldier and would sometimes get stuck when bent to the max so it's no more getting up from the chair?"

"Sounds awful," she doesn't add anything, but it'd be a waste to let go of the conversation which came this close to the subject of interest, so in search for an acceptable hook phrase I go full dumb. "Better now?"

Both girls look at me like a retard I am.

"Well, not much. I mean, have I stopped slipping? I'm not used to these. Feeling alive from the waist down hurts. And then there's horrible medicine. You know, that completely disgusting drug that I get into my system through a dedicated port and feel exactly the same as ever? Eww. I feel so addicted."

Oh, she's probably sarcastic.

"Moving without support must be suffering too."

"Now you understand."

"So did they just give you these because you wanted?"

Another "geez-aren't-you-dense" look.

"Kidding? They were happy out of their pants. Not to help, no. Corporation has a market to fill. More performance data means faster advancement, more patients mean more trial and error, simple as that."

Misha finally opens her mouth.

"Molly, you don't mean-"

"I'm not complaining. Feet feel great, although shoes will be a problem. As a bonus, I can finally scratch under my ankles. Phantom itches were the worst. How's Miura, by the way?"

"You best talk to her," Misha's quiet voice clearly adds "because she isn't" to the reply. Surprisingly, the topic doesn't shift further.

"Anything else you want to know?"

"Why not earlier?"

"I fell, remember?"

"Not the first time, I suppose," my curiosity will lead me to the grave.

"Psychology played its part, of course~"

"Misha, not aga-"

"You wouldn't deny~ that-"

"It had. Nothing. To do with him!"

"Then why so late, Kapur?"

Misha acts someone I'm yet to meet. Hoarse mocking voice, almost evil yet strangely charming. Molly's about to retort once more, but I open the cafeteria doors and the racket kills the argument as expected.

Well, maybe it's just Shizune furiously signing at Misha. Has she been waiting for us at the exit this whole time? Quickly losing interest to the conversation that has drifted to a non-verbal plane by now, I take my chance to feel the regular buzzing. I've always associated the noise of my old school's crowds with the City lights. Some tones heavy and constant like the duty lights, others bright and chaotic like the LED ads. Some harsh and persistent like a police flashlight shoved in your face, not that I'd, eh, know anything about it, of course. Somehow I expected to find more serenity here, especially after yesterday's idyllic view. Can't beat the joyful youth, I suppose.

Meanwhile Shizune leads us to an empty table. Well, isn't that weird. This whole place is crowded, yet students pass the opportunity to sit down even though the four meals imply two more vacant seats. Instead they keep a good distance. Let me guess, is it respect? fear? disgust, maybe? There's a familiar figure slicing through the crowd with the grace of a nuclear icebreaker.

"How's it going, ladies?" Daigo asks the moment we touch our seats.

Would you take a look at this playboy. His uniform didn't receive a single visible wrinkle since morning and what looked like messy hair earlier turned out to be a complex "don't even care 'bout my looks" hairstyle. Am I supposed to look this attractive? Wouldn't be a big surprise, really.

"Morning, Kurosaki. Anything on your mind?"

Something in Misha's voice sounds wrong.

"Not much, just stealing your classmate."

"Nakai, I guess. Enjoying illegal activities already? Seducing the youth? Of course he does, Shicchan~!"

Even translated phrases feel off. Wait, illegal activities? Damn, bets must be prohibited here. What was I even thinking?

"Naw, just some stuff. Men's stuff, you dig?"

"May-be. Should I just report another case of gambling?"

That's it. We're fried. I'm fried.

"Sure, go on. Principal's gonna love your financial reports. The raw ones, not those you show him."

"Hmpf. All right, you win this one."

What happened? Financial reports? Just who exactly is she?

"You just can't leave the Council be."

Despite all these questions, my brain slightly winds down now that the danger passed, and Misha's problem becomes obvious. Her playfulness is gone. Earlier today she spiced the dullest words with smiles and winks, but now dark gloom finds its way not only to her speech, but to her face as well. What's even more disturbing, the dialogue would make sense if both sides disliked each other, but no, Shizune's lips form a frisky grin as she stands up, and it reflects ever so lightly on Daigo's face.

"Not if it's you at the wheel. C'mon, don't repeat the last time."

They stare, no, they devour each other with eyes, as if a simple look could burn a hole through flesh, yet their faces are of playing cats. It's a game to them.

"Can't I? We had such a nice fight back then."

The distance between their faces steadily shortens. My peripheral vision notices the empty space around us widening and people slowing down to watch the stand-off. Normally, I'd propose to back off to a quieter place.

"And we weren't happy how it ended. Wanna go at it again right here?"

"Wait for the Marathon, boy. I will destroy you!"

They almost touch foreheads. The scene could've looked romantic if not for words.

"Come on, Nakai. Nothing more to see here."

One word, poof, and the conflict's gone. Shizune's back in her seat, smirks have evaporated, only frowning Misha and rapidly closing emptiness around remind that something happened here.

"Don't forget your greens~."

Finally, some kind of joy in her voice.


"Shicchan says she's treating you today. Don't want to wait another~ queue, do you?"

I mumble some thanks and grab the blue tray. Suddenly something hits my shoulder, sweeping me off my feet. Then I hit the floor, and the pain kicks in. Careful with impacts, they said. What they forgot to add is that gnawing pain blocks your breath.
Last edited by 651 on Sun Nov 10, 2013 4:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
I wrote a Fluttershy x Tails once. It was really good, swer.
Then I wrote some KS fiction, and being not as stellar, it at least exists.
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Re: Kenji's Conspiracy (Deus Ex crossover) [Updated May 17th

Post by 651 »

So yeah, this fic has been pretty dead, but by Murphy's Law two weeks after I decided to wrap things up and let it go, I magically had another chapter on my hands. So to start things up, here's the last part of Ch.1 that I haven't bothered to upload. Never uploading writing in chapters again.
This one may have typos as I'm not even supposed to have a computer here.


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Hot, moist air brings a salty flavor to his lips. An inexprienced tongue could taste blood, but oceanic salt doesn’t feel like iron in your mouth. Still, it’s annoying.

A quick spark flashes in his hands. Meteo predicted a storm for today, and the black clouds above confirm it. A bit. Might as well have his last cigarette for the next forty hours. Life has already taught him better than to smoke indoors with this hellish heat outside. Oh, the faces grunts made upon the news that Colonel can’t sit in his office due to insufferable atmosphere. They lauhed their limbs off.

To be fair, he would prefer mainland to an equatorial island in the Pacific much, much better. Caged on thirty square miles with endless ocean around and barely any landscape to cheer the sight just wasn’t the way he imagined his fifties. Then again, once you hit clearance level Black, you realize whybases like this have no place on the continents. And once more, at least he’s not rotting behind a desk in DC.

“COLLINS! You sack of dog shit, third HUD malfunction this week!”

He chuckles. Yeah, yeah, be nostalgic all you want, old man. You like it here. These boys are your family while you’re away from home. You’ll never stop being a private, and you’re not getting any closer to action for a while.

“No, I don’t give a rat’s ass if you jammed a pogo stick up your-” and the rest drowns in the roar of the VTOL engines.

Colonel turns around on his hels and slowly walks away. No need to watch it fly away to the northwest.

Strange people these corporates are. You’d think the head of security of a company this large would have something in common with him, but no. The man’s a total alien. About the sae age, still single. Served at the intel, doesn’t smoke. Wears a suit, talks like a thug, and the motivation in his voice is dusturbing, ideas behind them considered.

“Do you realize we’re talking war?”

“We are discussing potential usage of a violent civi conflict in a first world country as a testing ground for experimental, highly classified hardware. We are talking a massacre in my homeland, not yours, I think I understand.”

That’s an actual quote. So, wgat’s the cause, Corporal asked. Deep down, he knew. He was allowed to know because someone up above was sure he wouldn’t talk.

Back when he joined the Army, things wereeasier. They fought for the States’ interests, be it oil or political domination or whatever. Everyone was patriotic, everything felt justified. Then it felt even more justifid with a blue bereton. At first. The doubts came later, followed with cowardice. He had to live through another dozen of years and several promotions to accept the sensitive business UN was conducting. Gray weapon markets, information leaks, you name it. All of it looks like child’s play, now that he’s gotten ears deep into the corporate world.

We’re going to need UN’s approval, he said half an hour ago. At this rate they will crawl on their knees begging to intervene, was the answer. You’re nuts, he said without thinking. That’s why you’re going to do this, was the answer. And a damn right one it was.



A soldier’s nightmare two minutes earlier, a lapdog now. Just the waythey need to be.

“At ease. We’re cancelling all current courses, switching to urban warfare. Orders to come tonight, better spend your time filing reports and requests, I need them all yesterday. Notify other teams. Dismissed.”

Moose’s eyes brighten as he shouts “Siryessir”. He can read the magic word written on Corporal’s face. Action. Just give them a reason and enough justification, that’s all they need. In fact, that’s all he needs as well. His justification is that a man’s life is worth what he built minus consumed, legal expenses added on top. Their justification is NATO. Their reason is probably some propaganda, too. His reasons are beyond their clearance.

A blast of thunder tears through the usual noises. Thick drops start faling down, hitting the ground with dull thudsto rest there, covered in dust. There’s gonna be a storm all right.
Last edited by 651 on Sun Nov 10, 2013 4:04 am, edited 2 times in total.
I wrote a Fluttershy x Tails once. It was really good, swer.
Then I wrote some KS fiction, and being not as stellar, it at least exists.
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Re: Kenji's Conspiracy (KS x Deus Ex) [Updated Aug 6th]

Post by 651 »

And by "never uploading writing in chapters" I obviously meant "never uploading chapters in parts". Duh.

Now for something else. Don't be surprised when the character development in this fic won't follow canon. It's pretty impossible to take bishoujos and throw them in a cyberpunk setting. Well, it's definitely possible, they just won't survive.
Another thing is that 3-1 was supposed to be a deaf class. I can't roll with it just because if it was the case, then Shizune would have either been its rep, or the story of how she separated from her supposed class would'v made a strong plot point. Then again, Shizune's route is not the best one in the novel, so I'm allowing myself another step away from the canon here.
Well okay, it's dumb trying to follow canon in a crossover, but still.

EDIT: took down the first draft due to that part of the story having been majorly changed.


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Chapter 2. Sneak a Peek.

A trembling web of leaves covers the morning sky. It catches the wind to gossip, their playful whispers heard easily. What do they have to tell each other? Probably something about the weather, rising electricity prices and a strange guy lying on the ground during the morning rush hour while everyone else is busy at the dorm. What is he thinking? Oh, he must be a social recluse who wants to stay alone. It's easier to lose yourself in the crowd, though. Maybe he didn't come here to be lonely, then.

After a close look at my already grass stained (great, just awesome) PE uniform you might get another idea, a less romantic one. However, don't let your instincts deceive you. I certainly didn't come here to exercise, it's just that the morning breeze is so enjoyable today and the scent of summer can't get past air conditioning. Following common sense, I picked the running track as a perfect place for a lazy meditation. No one's going for a morning run, right? You have to be stupid not to enjoy a few laps in the afternoon heat.

"Long time no see!"

A waterfall of black hair breaches into my field of vision, ignoring all internal protests. It's fine, its owner didn't come here for a workout. Right?

"Morning runs?"

"Uh, sort of. Lost shape after hospital, is all."

Grass crumbles under her feet as she walks around me. Too lazy to turn my head, I still study her shape with the corner of an eye when she finally lands beside me. Looks like she "didn't come here to exercise" as well. We simply sit there enjoying the morning for who knows how long. It's easy. Kick back and relax, everything is going to be all right. The careless mood is almost hanging in the air. If only life worked this way. Well, maybe it does for some.

"Yep, those are nice."

I wake up to find my eyes fixated on two juicy curves under Miki's T-shirt. Something quiet and bubbly comes out of my mouth and hangs under the clear azure sky for a while, not sure whether to identify itself as words or to just lay low and pretend it doesn't exist.

"No need for excuses, you know. Throw the hottie a compliment or something."

I swear, if this is what Daigo has been meaning!

"Congratulations on your healthy confidence," her playful smile darkens for a second it takes to realize her looks are being praised as well. "What about you? Run here often?"

"Yep. Between PE and the track team, hasn't been a single day without the track."


"Hah. I'm a pro."

"Saw that yesterday. You're impressive."

"That meaning I now officially have a stalker?"

"Uh, look, it wasn't-"


The conversation dies, and once again the world consists of windy whispers and whistling birds. The heat slowly fills the air, reminding what a frying pan the track will become at noon. However, slackery grows even stronger under the warm waves. My pro lays down with a loud sigh, feeling it too.

"Grass," she gets a warning.

"Says who?"

"Fair point."


"So... How do you like mornings here?"


"I mean, since you've got more experience."

A loud wide yawn. For a second it looks like her jaw's going to fall off.

"Haven't had a morning in years, so no idea."

"Any reasons?"

She gives me a puzzled look.

"You an early waker? Evening is where the fun is at. Parties, movies, all the good stuff. Sex, drugs and rock'n'roll in dadspeak, right?"

"Sex, drugs, rock and roll, born to trigger public toll-"

"What is that?" my horrible humming is luckily interrupted.

"Uh, a piece Mom likes. Sorry, couldn't hold myself."

"Pfff. Talk to Shizune someday," we share a giggle, "she was in need of a singer."

I choke with laughter.

"Yeah, she seemed the melodic type. So, why are you here so early after all?"

Another loud sigh.

"Because she told me to."


"She. Zune. Who else treats people as resources around here? Imagine this, you get your hand chopped off, rehabilitate for months and your first welcome at a new place, a school for half-humans is 'I need your legs, Miura'. Felt like breaking hers right there and then."

"Can you?"

Miki gets her eyes off a bird balancing on a thin branch to trace my gaze down her arm. A dreadful grimace crosses her pretty face.

"Wanna try it out, smart boy?"


"Okay, uh, I mean, I believe, and, like, we should get running already. Just so you girls don't hurt each other or something."

Although to be fair, a good catfight is always a passable show.

"Best bet on me when it boils down to violence."

"Well, another concern is I'm not getting fit so far."

"Oh shit," the runner springs up as a released coil. Some language she's got compared to other students here.
I clumsily get up, trying to evade her stretched out hand.

Say, what's more uplifting than a morning spent exercising with a hot (let's be honest here) girl as your coach? So what if she's missing some body parts and not wearing makeup, snobs aren't welcomed at this place. Imagine the gains: clean air to breathe, clear sky to look at and the long-missed sore feeling in your muscle. Aside from all that, a nice bouncy butt to watch and adore as a bonus. Buff hips shining with sweat. Calf muscles clearly visible through the skin. Now you're going, right?

A magical feeling that is, to roam free once more. Lots of space straight ahead, behind you as well, and no concrete lid above your head. No more green walls or silenced hallways, period, have green trees and crackling gravel underneath your feet instead. Go where wanted, life won't wait for anyone. Life. Yeah. That one girl who hasn't passed by any of your windows lately. Refreshing it is, to feel the wind rush towards you. Nice to finally participate in the movement, be one with the flow, to see life from the inside. Or should I say the backside? The life in front of me is boiling with energy ready to carelessly spend it all. Whatever scrub crosses her way serves as an excuse to show off her capabilities, not much more. Merciless when it comes to running, she leaves you struggle with your own pace and it isn't her fault someone's lagging.

Anyway, only false hopes sell for free. You get a drawback. A minor technical flaw, which builds up an unfamilliar pressure inside your body. You'd gladly make a hole to relieve it, but unfortunately it's said to be unhealthy, so you wait and bear and overcome until Miki's compliment on your being a women magnet goes completely over your head and Molly, whom Misha basically dragged to the track on her back, shows visible concern about it. At that moment you stop to say you're done for today and dismiss the mockery with a wave of hand. You're less worried about chickening out on the warm-up than your throat not working. Your fists clench tighter as you walk away. Well, one of them is. The right one just send needles of pain up the arm.


Maybe having ditched the nurse yesterday wasn't that great of an achievement. What was I meant to do anyway, show up all smug and whine about how bad I fell? Don't be ridiculous. Of course I got up and made a face like nothing happened, they would've had me locked up in the medical for a day or something otherwise. Who knows how crazy this place is when it comes to health problems. So yeah, a welcome party at the afternoon break and delayed by a day tour around the school territory in the evening, both masterminded by the omnipresent Daigo, came as quite welcomed alternatives. Socialization felt surprisingly relaxing, even though the guys invited weren't from 3-3 except for Takashi, so the matters discussed went as high over my head as possible. Every now and then a general question popped up though, along with an opportunity to steal a line, so by the end of the day the "Nakai, Master Obvious" image was well established. My patron nodded ever so slightly in approval as I made fun of myself under the waves of liquefying summer heat.

Hell, I wouldn't even find the track if not for the guys. Kind of impressive how an entire acre of land can stay hidden from unfamiliar eyes here. Wonder what else I haven't seen.

What I definitely have was our track team, and one kind of a sight it was, mind you. Sure, the members were different like in any given group, some sprinters, some stayers, boys and girls, cheerful and grim, coming and leaving, yet their communal effort felt driven by an awkward rhythm as if runners were just cogs of one complicated machine slowly crawling towards an invisible finish line. Now cover the machine in sweat and add a voice simultaneously grumbling in hope of a quicker session and yelling because the captain knows better than that. You've got an accurate depiction, if a bit surrealistic. Yep, that's what dragged me to the track today.

Why am I imaginarily rambling again? Well, maybe because of the last minutes spent fighting to wake up. If you ever find yourself unable to lift your eyelids, let alone move arms and legs, call me, we're friends. It must've taken him a lion's share of tranquilizers to stuff me this hard. That's right, the head nurse is a he. Oh, and I'm at his office.

First thing to assume about him is his love towards cats. Possible love. Judging by catful pictures, calendars, a poster of two Godzilla tall cats destroying a city in the heat of their standoff, cat figurines, furry fana- oh, eww. The dedication. Apart from this, the place looks painfully familiar with its walls of light green and bed sheets with printed flowers. Smells like medicine as well. Desperately trying to find a single difference from the hospital, I toss and turn and sigh like a whale but all is in vain. Cages. Cages never change. And it's only been a single day.

Cicadas carry on their monotonous songs, annoying as ever. Huh, come to think of it, they do have a rhythm here. Click, click-click-click, click, it weaves into the noise. Wait a second, my ears are playing tricks on me. Bloody tranquilizers. Those sounds come right from the next room, meaning someone's typing there.

Sit up on the couch, jump to the floor. The room tilts as I lose balance due to still not having completely waken up.

"Congratulations, student! Back at the university I would have given this heart three more hours tops to beat."

Right. All you need to do after drugging a man is talk like nothing happened, kids.

"That roofie must've helped."

"We needed your emotional response out of the game. Worked way better than expected, lightweight."


The nurse rolls into the room in his chair, braking with his heel then sending the chair back with his kneepit in one single motion. Cool. For a highschooler, not a mature man.

"See, I'm no cardiologist, so - whoa, watch your step – so I called some help from downhill. Huge luck to have them at an arm's reach. Careful, don't trip over the doorstep. They fixed you for now, but this is only the beginning. Care to explain how your medicine's untouched?"

"So you've broken in my room as well."

His smile stretches even wider, like one of a lizard bathing in sunlight.

"Innocence, naiveté. The Academy has every key copied and besides, doctors can easily tell if a patient as difficult as you takes follows his prescription or not. It's our job."

Settling down in his chair again, he points me to the patient's seat. Beams of sunlight mercilessly burn my skin. Lizard. A lizard clad in white.

"Let's go over it once more, Nakai. You are dying. Any heart weakened by an attack and months of idleness on top of it can't take much pressure. Pills should keep it alive for some time, but there's no living happily ever after. Do not get careless. And in case you try to end it all once more, I have a rule here, no bodies during the first trimester. Morale has to be high, Nakai. Got it?"

A lizard mask to hide a human face. Yeah, screw you too, mister.

"Got it."

"Now to the hospital. Your ID-"

Now wait just a second.

"How about I go to my classroom?"

Boy, are you pissed off.

"How about I sedate you again, joker?" with a smile, always with a smile. "The meds will hold for a couple hours more. You better go, I've instructed the teachers to escort you should you show up at the main buildings."

"Hell, I've just gotten out of bed and you're going to put me down again! Humanity not included, eh?"

Hey man, that just might've been over the line. I'm not even sure you're allowed to talk to the staff like that.
Contrary to my expectations, Nurse loses himself in hearty laughter, taking a good while.

"Hoo, one kind of a wild card you are for sure. Civilian hospitals usually give us depressed wet rags in situations like yours. Who's riled you up?"

Was that supposed to be a compliment? Thanks for nothing.

"Anyway, good job at the track," he drops after a brief silence, and his grin stretches even wider.

"Good job killing myself?"

"Good job exercising your heart. I'll talk to your coach."

"The credit goes to Miura," I add with little thinking. Maybe she'll get something out of it. I owe her this much for the motivation.

A dark shadow falls on the sunbathing lizard for a second.

"Miura. Right. Come on now, doctors are waiting."

Closing the door, I think of cutting the route short if I can't escape the green walls after all. Guys showed me a bunch of things, some back exits as well. One connects directly to the hospital territory and is often used in case of emergencies. Emergency time, I guess.

If anything, this place is large. A light walk to the gates takes about fifteen minutes, that's at my slowed pace of course, with drugs still wearing off and the conflagrating heat (seriously, the sun feels much hotter here than back home), but still, you'd think an emergency route would be shorter. I must be crawling slower than a snail, either that or they have jet stretchers here. Which sounds extremely cool, come to think about it.

Not as cool as the alley right before the gate though. Literally. Thank you Linus Torvalds, devil or whoever planted these trees. Blessed be the shadow. I press my ID against the reading pad and open with quite some force. One step worth of sand, another gate, and the hospital grounds begin. I'm positively interested what's up with the fence, by the way. Trying to get a better look, I bring my face closer and closer to one of the poles until my hair touches one of the humming strings. Ow ow ow ow ow! I jerk back as my scalp feels the burn. The strings' tone jumps higher, then starts sliding back to normal. A bright yellow light blinks on the pole. I rub my head in panic, but don't find any harm. Good. Oops. Twp cameras mounted on each side of the fence stare at me motionless. Embarrassed and mildly frightened, I walk away at the best pace my body can pull, hoping the hospital's part of the walk will be shorter.


Okay, in retrospect it can be responsibly stated it's not and the downhill slope doesn't help much. On the other hand, it's nothing compared to other matters.

First off, the hospital is huge! It may look different from the outside, but it stands rather far from the driveway and while it has only four floors and a reasonable height-to-width ratio for a flat building, the floor height is more than twice as much as in an ordinary building. That way the total workspace exceeds all expectations, and even then the building widens upwards. Internists, neurologists, oncologists, ophthalmologists, endocrinologists, urologists, terminals are overflowing with names and timetables the moment you enter and get no emptier when you leave. You'd think it's a little too much for a small town, well, the place is crawling with work like a troubled beehive. It might confuse at first, but after six hours or so it's easy to get that any state-of-the-art facility requires not only top-notch equipment and specialists, but also highly qualified technicians to operate the sci-fi stuff and trainees for further employment by places of the like. As is, it also becomes a specialized research center when its resources place it on the forefront of practical medicine.

Yes, I spent six hours straight discussing health problems and world politics. More politics than health, to my joy. Fair to say it starts from the front doors here. A giant globe hangs above the reception desks, slowly rotating and casting gleams off its shiny gray surface. Projectors paint bright dots and lines on it to catch the world in a web. On a closer inspection, the dots appear to be world's largest cities and capitals of the key countries. "Genetesis: implementing your dream" written above it all. Ambitious dreams those must be. Caught in the sight, you stand there contemplating world dominance until a receptionist calls you.

Then the hard part starts. Patients drift through wide corridors like lazy crayfish, lost between aluminum walls with yellow plastic stripes on them. Who decided it would ever become an acceptable design for a hospital? Pastel colors and light green, they have a meaning, okay? A purpose to make people relax and keep calm throughout the unpleasantries. Cold metallic colors, as it appears, have a debilitating effect on an untrained psyche. Electrons travelling between nodes on a circuit board must feel the same. Destination set, nothing to think about in these shining corridors. So human electrons sadly drift from the cardiologist to ECG to echo to coronography to the neurologist and then on and on and on, only to receive a bitter grimace from the cardiologist and be reassured that yes, long QTs are the root of the problem and there's no reliable cure for that emerging in the closest future. The best science can do is change the medicine to more effective analogues and encourage a healthy lifestyle.

But there's another way, if you'd like to hear. A radically different way, he says in a low voice. What's that, the electron asks, alerted by the tone.

"As you may know, the syndrome draws its origin in the myocytes of the heart itself."

"Pathologically long repolarization period, spare me the 101."

"Okay. Now imagine we take the affected tissue and replace it with a healthy version."

"Problem gone. What are you suggesting?"

Artificial muscles, one of the wonders of human augmentation. He goes on describing how great it'd be, but does it mean I have to rip my own heart out and then take neuropozyne for the rest of my life? See, I've been reading stuff back then.

"Genetesis is not fond of Darrow's hobby of putting huge PEDOT superstructures in every augmentee's brain, but there are few cases where we can escape it completely. In your case the cluster will be located on your heart, which isn't less fatal in case of neuropozyne deprivation. But..."

But I'm already on drugs, lots of them, and the addiction isn't lighter than the neuropozyne: take them or die. On top of it, stress is still a grave risk, there's an annoying piece of tech inside my chest that hurts with every punch, and my life expectancy is ten to fifteen more years compared to unlimited with augs. Still...

Still what, I'm asking myself since the burning sun will give no answer. Still, it feels wrong. No idea why. Maybe it's the synthetic heart, just maybe.

With this I open the dormitory door,

"Theseus at last!" to receive a greeting from a friendly face.

"Hey, Daigo. Where's Takashi?"

He's sitting in the middle of the hall just like first time, so I'm compelled to ask.

"Busy shading chess pieces in the classroom and swearing like a sailor."


Despite an overwhelming desire to crash land on any flat surface to give my worn out mind at least some rest, I struggle to remember any of my classmates' room numbers. Tough luck.

"Not as busy as you though. Missing the second day in, dude!"

"Look, it was-"

"-an accident, I spoke to Mutou. Today's assignment is on your e-mail, no worries."

"Thanks. Better get to it, huh?"

"Say what? We are going outside!"

"Yeah, thanks. I had my share for today."

Something has to hang from the ceiling above my head since he studies that general area for some time with an unreadable emotion.

"Say, how empty is your fridge?"

"Let's assume I suddenly became ready for an adventure."

A satisfied smile fills not only his face, but the whole empty hall. Well, no time to be tired.

"What are we waiting for?" I ask as he stops in front of the gate and gives me a bored look.

"A girl," noticing a lifted eyebrow, he continues. "Lilly Satou, 3-2 rep. A chance to rocket jump to Yamaku's society highest circles, dude. You already have, but I'm far too modest, yo."

The eyebrow is still up.

"Okay, good god, okay. Did you really think I'd miss a skirt?"

"Dear me, what an indecent excuse for self-respect," says a melodic voice behind us.

Daigo turns on his heels with a sweet expression on his face and oily eyes, recognizing it instantly.

"A thousand pardons, mademoiselle, me manners moved completely out of town today."

The girl in question... right. That's someone you'd expect to meet in an art gallery. Hanging on the wall. A tall gent azure-eyed blonde with royal behavior, have we stepped through a time portal? Because it sure feels like she's not for real. I battle the urge to pinch myself.

Meanwhile, my companions lock arms, which costs the alpha dog a moment of pain, and start off. The former comes as a matter of convenience rather than a romantic attribute. Lilly's sky-colored eyes don't have pupils. Her irises are colored uniformly, slowly fading to dirty white. Disregard being the only flaw on her face, these eyes make a spooky repelling impression. How didn't I notice the sound of her cane, the persistent tapping that was driving me insane on the first day?

"Lilly, here is the fine lad we had a talk about."

"Hisao Nakai? A pleasure to finally meet in person after all the stories my chevalier for today told about you," with this she looks 90 degrees right. My smile quickly fades as within a second her face turns towards me lagging a step behind with eyes only slightly off mine. Wow. Echolocation?

"The pleasure's all mine," dammit, it's contagious! "Oh, stories. I'm new, you know."

"Indeed, so the more intriguing is your reputation."


They share a giggle.

"Okay dude, she overdid it."

"Did I really? We should make a hasty review then," Daigo rolls his eyes with, of course, no effect whatsoever. "On Sunday evening somebody shatters our major disbeliever's fame as the only one to lose a bet to the cautious Maeda and both count their responsibility to tell everyone about the significant incident."

Daigo rolls his whole head to the point it may fall off. It costs him one hell of a pain fest.

"How incautious of them, don't you think? Even Shizune may have found out."

"Shizune? What's her part in this?"

An uneasy silence.

"I told you about Hakamichi, right?"

Oh. Shizune Hakamichi. Makes some sense.

"On Monday," Lilly continues, "you achieved quite a feat mastering the Molly trial."

"The Molly trial?"

"I need to work on your education. Look, almost each class has its trial to feel the smell of fresh meat. Up in the dubs it's Molly. She likes tactile contact, and the silent deal is she makes people touch her for the class to laugh."

"But, I mean, it's only natural to help a... constrained person."

"My my, what modesty. Some here would benefit from your example."

"Milady, please do not let teenage tomfoolery upset you."

Lilly just waves him off.

"Afterwards, you proceeded to surprise the public in the cafeteria. Girls' dormitory boiled with talk of a nice pure guy who is cutely weak."

"Image ruined, acknowledged. Just for the record, it was all a coincidence."

"Oh, is that right. Just like your mysterious disappearance today, along with careless Ritsu no less?"


"That picked a lot of interest, might I say."

No associations with the name.

"Dude, you okay?"

"Ritsu. She's the small girl with a hair band, right?"

"Miss Satou, it's safe to leave him out of suspicion."

If anything is more off-putting than Lilly's eyes, it's his constantly switching manner of speech.

"Anyway, you continue this stuff, gonna make more racket than Miura did."

For a moment there's only us, melting asphalt under our feet, and silence.

"Not a regular student, she is. Nor a fitting one, no matter how harsh that may sound," our lady finally speaks up.

"Not fitting?"

"You shall get the idea soon enough. Monsieur, if you will?"

"O for the love of God, stop with this royal family, guys!"

She freezes in her tracks, turns to face me, and the stream of her hair flies all over Daigo by inertia.

"Do not speak His name in vain!"

Guys. Guys? Really now?

"Chill, dude. Catholic schools do things to people, and I'm just yanking around. Take the shank, yo."

I mindlessly stare at the offered knife.


"Same reason we don't go to town alone. Caution."

As we pass the first block, the reason clears up. The looks people were giving me on the bus, they haven't gone anywhere. At every corner, at every shop we are watched. No matter how light and cheerful our conversation goes, the air around is heavy. Daigo's explanation becomes transparent halfway through. There's actually little need for reasons when you yourself viewed Yamaku as a corporate closet for experiments on freaks not so long ago. Others won't ever see it from the inside, and the hospital, the closest place they can judge Genetesis by, smells of annoying robotic flawlessness. Nothing to calm their suspicions. To them, we might look like mutated superhumans, chemically altered zombies, or whatever goes as a nightly scare these days. Right, augmented killers. Here's a really nice electronics store, my companions mention. Customers look ready to call 112 as we pass by. A friendly cafe, check it! Almost no one's inside, despite the inviting look and a cute waitress barely older than us. And there-

"Ma, Pa, queeries!" a clear voice rings in the middle of the street.

Lilly stumbles and attempts to fall face first on the ground as the "chevalier" stops in his tracks. On the opposite side, parents hurriedly take their observant kid away. Are they, uh, scared? A desperate sigh escapes my lungs.


One thing girls' dorm has over ours is the smell, not even the "girly scent", no. Something homemade and very tasty is being cooked at the kitchen, filling the whole floor with an aroma that makes my stomach hurt. (In a good way, I'm yet to have lunch). It may be not the best offer here, but certainly superior to what I've seen guys have. Ramen, you guessed. Surprisingly, we have tidier hallways, probably due to a forced clean-up after each gaming session, which happen frequently since there were two in my first two nights here. Step inside a room, though, and it's reversed. That's what the media says, at least. Faint notes of perfume and something, uh, something incredibly soft and feminine hanging in the air support the theory. Girls themselves aren't as messy at home compared to school as guys are. That's not to say all of us magically become lazy oilfaced animals not capable of basic life support routines stepping inside our rooms. Well, this isn't exactly untrue, too, but if you're a guy, you know what I'm ramnling about. Yes, you generally see less makeup and pretty clothes, but that's all right in most cases. Sometimes the "pretty" part can be omitted, and the sight becomes even more pleasant. Yeah. But I'm drifting away.
"Come on, maybe she went outside for once."

Medieval courtesy left Daigo on our way back. The lady might've had a victorious shine in her eyes when it did, but in any case his patience is about to follow. We've already wasted several long minutes standing before a door.
"The library should have closed already, there is no way kind Yuuko didn't send her home," Lilly answers clearly, yet in such a quiet voice the words are barely audible. "Hanako, dear, please make a sound, don't make me worried."
He turns around raising his hands to the level of his lower ribs. Along with a careful inspection of the cable on the ceiling, it must equate to raising hands to the sky in his language. Of course, some girl is hit with the sudden gesture. She's blind too, so no wonder. Come to think of it, first floors here are occupied by the vision impaired, which has some sense, but at the same time I've already met a student more in need of such luxury.

"L-Lilly, I... I'm not feeling very well."

"Right away, dear, just let me change and I'll be with you."

The faint stuttering voice behind the door barely comes through, so we have to repeat the words to Daigo, who's still whispering apologies. Actually, the way his victim leaves blushing makes me wonder if those were apologies only.

"You weren't lying about skirts, huh."

"Al illness beyond remedy, as it has been repeatedly proven," our lady confirms with an actorish sadness.

"What? What illness?"

"Being a dog."

"Ow, dude! That, that's a low insult! See, I'm in," he takes a pause and speaks in a soft voice, as if teaching a kid, "love, yo."

"With a whole gender."

"Boys, please continue this discussion away from my door."

The lover's expression changes to a concerned one in a moment.


"She manages better than I would think, it's more of me being a worrywart as always," she answers from behind a half-closed door. A pastel beige room shines through the opening, a room suited for an upper class daughter. "Now disperse before I exit."

The door quietly closes. Another difference compared to our dorm, where no one's oiled the hinges in a lifetime. Just like with the rooms and kitchens, same form with different filling.

"What a woman, Nakai, what a woman! Those... tones, Nakai, have you seen them? No, have you seen anything like them ever?"

Seen and those are nice indeed and no, and why are you crying it out loud embarrassing me in front of all girls, I want to answer, but oh well. May as well roll with it after this much.

"At least call me by my bloody name."

"Name? Name! For two years I've been carried away by them, and bet you they are nicer on the tactile side than you think," he stresses the word 'tactile'. "Classy, classy woman that is, Hisao!"

"Come on."


"You're yelling about your friend's breasts in the girls' dormitory."

"Oh yeah I am! There's no stopping the flagship."

"Flagship? You all right in the head?"

"Hundred percent and counting. Dude, I'm a pirate. Wanna know why?"

Taking my silence as approvement, he continues.

"You know, because I-"




"-to rob," he kicks the front door open to shout the last word off the top of his lungs, "booty!"

"Get out."

Now all three floors have heard him. Maybe our dorm has as well.

"How did you even get to become a representative."

"Dude, dude, you're blushing!"

Thanks to our Lord almighty, his volume went back to normal.

"No I'm not, and when you pick such topics at such places, of course I will."

"Such innocence, oh," tears of laughter appear in his eyes. "Now dude, you're gonna get hooked up, bet or not."

So he continues the semi-sane speech on "tones", chicks and how I'm not getting one with the current attitude, confidence, looks and tricks of the trade he's not going to uncover, and on and on. Long shadows cross our faces, cool wind finally plays with my hair. Imaginarily replacing the boys&girls motif with world domination, nuclear winter or capitalistic conspiracies, I get a sufferable doomsayer by my side. The problem is, everyone else takes it as it sounds. Guys make confused smiles and give a thumbs up. Suzu, however, seems to regret going home this road since her precious waking minutes are being spent on Daigo's idiocy. The young girl supporting her makes an, uh, know anything of explosive giggles? Now you do.

"-not even talking about Satou here, she's obviously way out of your league, oh hi there, grim reaper."

Many faces turn our way as we entered the dorm but Takashi's, and reasonably enough the greeting goes to him.

"What's up?"

"... chessboard."

His glare tells to be grateful that the first word was murmured without any articulation.

"Nice, it's been what, ten days? Doing great so far."

"Screw you."

"Be right back, Rafael."

Even in the elevator his projects see no end. Even in front of my door he continues to swear that my instincts will kick in once I'm on target. Wait, what? When have we switched to military terminology? Searching for a way out, I use a recently acquired technique.

"-so it goes like key and lock from there on, if you catch my drift. Here, you better not. Go with the flow, all you need is-"

"Here, take the shank."

No need for it anyway, since I've got my own one now. Hey, you would too in my shoes. It isn't all daisies and sunshine out there, not only deprecation as well. Punks in the alleyways, in the century two times ten and first. Today they were only staring, but who knows. That's called caution nowadays, and for good. Funny how those thoughts feel a bit alien in a shady corridor.

"Yeah, about that. Dad tipped me off, things are about to get worse, starting very soon," he carefully looks around and continues in a low voice. "Nothing more, and it's not a matter to discuss over the phone, so how's that."

"Uh, and what exactly does your father have to do with-"

We're interrupted by a click of an opened lock. The still closed door across the corridor says the owner has more of them. So we're allowed that much, nice. Daigo's face expresses a just eaten frog rather than interest, though.

"Screw me indeed. Meet the creep, I'm out."

Having whispered goodbye, he counts his job finished and retreats with surprising pace. I'm left alone with a clicking door, a promise of an interesting acquaintance and an annoyingly heavy bag.
Last edited by 651 on Sun Nov 10, 2013 4:05 am, edited 2 times in total.
I wrote a Fluttershy x Tails once. It was really good, swer.
Then I wrote some KS fiction, and being not as stellar, it at least exists.
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Re: Kenji's Conspiracy (KS x Deus Ex) [Updated Aug 21st]

Post by Shail »

o-o NOOO wtf are you doing to poor Lilly QAQ? (referring to pic in original post)

P.S: What is Deus Ex? I'm not sure what I'm reading here, assuming it's because I don't get the crossover reference.
~I hate endings~ Fan fiction is the only way to keep KS alive!
~The only good ending is a sequel~
~Want to know why I REALLY fucking hate endings? Mirai Nikki Want to know why I love epilogues? Watch the Mirai Nikki OVA
~Mirai Nikki: A perfect example of endings I hate~
Hanako -> Rin -> Shizune -> ? -> ?
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Re: Kenji's Conspiracy (KS x Deus Ex) [Updated Aug 21st]

Post by 651 »

Shail wrote:o-o NOOO wtf are you doing to poor Lilly QAQ? (referring to pic in original post)
Giving her the gift of sight.
What is Deus Ex?
Cyberpunk, stealth action, GOTY 2000, PCGamer's best PC game of all times, the game that got its devs questioned after 9/11 due to a prediction of the event, you name it.
I wrote a Fluttershy x Tails once. It was really good, swer.
Then I wrote some KS fiction, and being not as stellar, it at least exists.
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Re: Kenji's Conspiracy (KS x Deus Ex) [Updated Aug 21st]

Post by Shail »

651 wrote:
Shail wrote:o-o NOOO wtf are you doing to poor Lilly QAQ? (referring to pic in original post)
Giving her the gift of sight.
What is Deus Ex?
Cyberpunk, stealth action, GOTY 2000, PCGamer's best PC game of all times, the game that got its devs questioned after 9/11 due to a prediction of the event, you name it.
Giving Lilly sight is nice, pains me to see that sweet girl with that expression though ;-;.

Game looks interesting, I might check it out, hopefully Steam has it
~I hate endings~ Fan fiction is the only way to keep KS alive!
~The only good ending is a sequel~
~Want to know why I REALLY fucking hate endings? Mirai Nikki Want to know why I love epilogues? Watch the Mirai Nikki OVA
~Mirai Nikki: A perfect example of endings I hate~
Hanako -> Rin -> Shizune -> ? -> ?
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Re: Kenji's Conspiracy (KS x Deus Ex) [Updated Aug 21st]

Post by 651 »

Shail wrote:Giving Lilly sight is nice, pains me to see that sweet girl with that expression though ;-;.
Everything comes for a price. Imagine living in darkness for eighteen years and then looking at the sun all of a sudden.
Imagine having no idea what light or darkness is, then experiencing it for the first time.
Shail wrote:Game looks interesting, I might check it out, hopefully Steam has it
Of course, it's classic. For a joke price, even.
I wrote a Fluttershy x Tails once. It was really good, swer.
Then I wrote some KS fiction, and being not as stellar, it at least exists.
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Re: Kenji's Conspiracy (KS x Deus Ex) [Updated Aug 21st]

Post by Shail »

651 wrote:
Shail wrote:Giving Lilly sight is nice, pains me to see that sweet girl with that expression though ;-;.
Everything comes for a price. Imagine living in darkness for eighteen years and then looking at the sun all of a sudden.
Imagine having no idea what light or darkness is, then experiencing it for the first time.
Shail wrote:Game looks interesting, I might check it out, hopefully Steam has it
Of course, it's classic. For a joke price, even.
I would still feel terrible having to see Lilly like that, even if it gave her sight afterwards. I wonder how her character would actually change if she woke up one day and could see. Probably alot of "wtf" floating around
~I hate endings~ Fan fiction is the only way to keep KS alive!
~The only good ending is a sequel~
~Want to know why I REALLY fucking hate endings? Mirai Nikki Want to know why I love epilogues? Watch the Mirai Nikki OVA
~Mirai Nikki: A perfect example of endings I hate~
Hanako -> Rin -> Shizune -> ? -> ?
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Re: Kenji's Conspiracy (KS x Deus Ex) [Updated Aug 21st]

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Well, that took me a lot longer to work through than I expected it to. Your story seems very... disjointed in places.
Sometimes I simply can't follow Hisao's thoughts or tell what the heck just happened.
For example during the scene at the track, it seems like at one point Hisao fell down, but I can't find the line where it actually happened...
And when more than two people are talking it's really difficult to keep track of who's speaking at any given time. I had to read the scene in front of Hanako's door several times to understand what happened there.
Say, what's more uplifting than a morning spent exercising with a hot (let's be honest here) girl as your couch?
I'll talk to your couch."
What's this talk about a couch? Did he rest atop Miki, and if so how did the nurse learn about it?
Or is this some kind of slang term I'm not familiar with?
so I'm complied to ask.
I mindlessly stare at the offered knife.
I'm not really sure who pulled a knife on whom here nor why.
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Kenji's Conspiracy (KS x Deus Ex) [Updated Aug 21st]

Post by 651 »

Shail wrote:I would still feel terrible having to see Lilly like that, even if it gave her sight afterwards. I wonder how her character would actually change if she woke up one day and could see. Probably alot of "wtf" floating around
Almost every surgery makes you lose blood. Wearing glasses may worsen your sight problems. Life's like that.
As for her character, at first it wouldn't change a bit. She's been blind since birth, so her occipital lobes must have developed in a different way than mine and yours. Under normal conditions her brain is going to take a long time adapting to new signals, and even in the end sight may play a much lesser role in her life than in ours.
If, by some magic, she does acquire sight in the full meaning of the word, then it'll make her and Akira rivals at least, because now both of them will be their father's worthy heirs.
Mirage_GSM wrote:For example during the scene at the track, it seems like at one point Hisao fell down, but I can't find the line where it actually happened...
You're less worried about chickening out on the warm-up than your throat not working. <...> The right [fist] just send needles of pain up the arm.
He narrowly avoids a heart attack. The symptoms I used were the ones that led him to the first one. Not a word about him falling down though.
Mirage_GSM wrote:
Mirage_GSM wrote:
so I'm complied to ask.
I'm literally rolling on the floor right now. It's "coach" and "compelled" of course. Oh dear. Serves me for not using GTranslate often enough.
Mirage_GSM wrote:
I mindlessly stare at the offered knife.
I'm not really sure who pulled a knife on whom here nor why.
Daigo gave Hisao a knife to protect himself should anything have happened.
Daigo wrote:Take the shank, yo.
Hisao wrote:Why?
Daigo wrote:Same reason we don't go to town alone. Caution.
The townsfolk don't like Yamaku students at all. Who knows what that medical corporation is doing with the kids up there. Businessmen never help ordinary people out of free will. There's rumor of all sorts, you know, and the youth may act silly because of it.
Hisao wrote:It isn't all daisies and sunshine out there, not only deprecation as well. Punks in the alleyways, in the century two times ten and first. Today they were only staring, but who knows.
I wrote a Fluttershy x Tails once. It was really good, swer.
Then I wrote some KS fiction, and being not as stellar, it at least exists.
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Re: Kenji's Conspiracy (KS x Deus Ex) [Updated Aug 21st]

Post by Shail »

I just can't see Lilliy and Akira as rivals ...
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Re: Kenji's Conspiracy (KS x Deus Ex) [Updated Aug 21st]

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Daigo gave Hisao a knife to protect himself should anything have happened.
Without any other explanation my first impression was that Lilly was threatening Hisao with the knife because he had disrespected the name of god ^^°
I just can't see Lilliy and Akira as rivals ...
He said that the characters would not neccessarily have the same character in this story as usual.
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
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Re: Kenji's Conspiracy (KS x Deus Ex) [Updated Aug 21st]

Post by Shail »

That's true, but still, the thought of Lilly and Akira not being friendly is like.. so far from logical o-o, Akira has always been there for her, they are so close that I feel like jelly(strawberry D:<!) I suppose if Lilly got the gift of sight and could see, she would stop relying on Akira as much and possibly get annoyed at her protectiveness as she tries to become more independent because of her new sight...

... If you've been blind forever and can suddenly see.. how will you react when you realize how people behave via nonverbal language in your presence?
~I hate endings~ Fan fiction is the only way to keep KS alive!
~The only good ending is a sequel~
~Want to know why I REALLY fucking hate endings? Mirai Nikki Want to know why I love epilogues? Watch the Mirai Nikki OVA
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Re: Kenji's Conspiracy (KS x Deus Ex) [Updated Aug 21st]

Post by 651 »

Shail wrote:I just can't see Lilliy and Akira as rivals
the thought of Lilly and Akira not being friendly is like.. so far from logical o-o, Akira has always been there for her, they are so close that I feel like jelly
Mirage_GSM wrote:He said that the characters would not neccessarily have the same character in this story as usual.
Well, spoiling the chardev would have been silly of me, but fortunately, the novel itself has enough implications. Akira isn't a pretty butterfly. She uses Lilly to clean the summer house for herself and her boyfriend, whom she does love but dumps (almost dumps in Lilly's good ending) for the sake of Carreer. She gives Lilly alcohol, knowing damn right Hisao is oblivious to the ease with which Lilly forms addictions and Hanako can't say a word against her, then enjoys punching her sis in the bar.
Mirage_GSM wrote:Without any other explanation my first impression was that Lilly was threatening Hisao with the knife because he had disrespected the name of god ^^°
This is, uh, quite an entertaining scene. I'm more than sure Akira333 has written something like that.
I wrote a Fluttershy x Tails once. It was really good, swer.
Then I wrote some KS fiction, and being not as stellar, it at least exists.
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