Which character did you get most attached to and why

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Re: Which character did you get most attached to and why

Post by Firewind »

Sea wrote:Though I was finally over Hanako enough to run through my next route, but then i saw this:
https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos- ... 8994_n.png
. . . Welp time to run through Hanako's route again!
Don't do this to us, man :(
Everyone hides who they are at least some of their time. Sometimes you bury that part of yourself so deeply that you have to be reminded it's there at all. And sometimes you just want to forget who you are all together.
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Re: Which character did you get most attached to and why

Post by wazuzu »

Don't get tense man, relax and recall HANAKO BELLY DANCING.
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Re: Which character did you get most attached to and why

Post by EyesOfLilly »

Firewind wrote:
Sea wrote:Though I was finally over Hanako enough to run through my next route, but then i saw this:
https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos- ... 8994_n.png
. . . Welp time to run through Hanako's route again!
Don't do this to us, man :(
Ouch, when you think of Lilly's route through Hanako's eyes it's the saddest feeling ever :/ especially seeing as they always together but so far away.
It makes me think that when Lilly tells Hanako that she confessed to Hisao, that Hanako... y'know I won't go any further the feels... THEY'RE TOO MUCH Dx
Fave Girls: Lilly >Emi > Hanako > Shizune > Rin
Fave Misc. Characters: Akira>Miki>Yuuko>Misha>Nurse>Kenji>Nomiya>Hideaki>Jigoro
Fave Paths: Lilly > Emi > Hanako > Rin > Shizune
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Re: Which character did you get most attached to and why

Post by Sea »

Firewind wrote:
Sea wrote:Though I was finally over Hanako enough to run through my next route, but then i saw this:
https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos- ... 8994_n.png
. . . Welp time to run through Hanako's route again!
Don't do this to us, man :(
My cure to happiness is nothing compared to a few of panda's. Many hours have been spent in deep depression in my 2 week trip through the fav art thread after seeing some of them. Then I puke a little bit in my mouth at what ever Xan posted. Ah well.
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Re: Which character did you get most attached to and why

Post by Firewind »

Sea wrote: My cure to happiness is nothing compared to a few of panda's. Many hours have been spent in deep depression in my 2 week trip through the fav art thread after seeing some of them. Then I puke a little bit in my mouth at what ever Xan posted. Ah well.
I gotta find myself some time to browse that thread entirely, I know there's some goodies in there :mrgreen: ...and Xan's pics :lol:
Everyone hides who they are at least some of their time. Sometimes you bury that part of yourself so deeply that you have to be reminded it's there at all. And sometimes you just want to forget who you are all together.
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Re: Which character did you get most attached to and why

Post by pandaphil »

Sea wrote:
My cure to happiness is nothing compared to a few of panda's. Many hours have been spent in deep depression in my 2 week trip through the fav art thread after seeing some of them. Then I puke a little bit in my mouth at what ever Xan posted. Ah well.

Nice to know I'm famous for something. :)
wazuzu wrote:Don't get tense man, relax and recall HANAKO BELLY DANCING.

Okay, that was kinda weird. But it does inspire some adorably cute mental images. Talk about extreme shyness therapy...

"Lilly: "You're taking what kind of dancing class?"
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Re: Which character did you get most attached to and why

Post by Xanatos »

pandaphil wrote:But it does inspire some adorably cute mental images.
<KeiichiO>: "I wonder what Misha's WAHAHA's sound like with a cock stuffed down her throat..."
<Ascension>: "I laughed, cried, vomited in my mouth a little, and even had time for marshmallows afterwards. Well played, Xanatos. Well played."
<KeiichiO>: "That's a beautiful response to chocolate."
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Re: Which character did you get most attached to and why

Post by simmr001 »

Xanatos wrote:
pandaphil wrote:But it does inspire some adorably cute mental images.
Fuck you they started it
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Re: Which character did you get most attached to and why

Post by YZQ »

Firewind wrote:
Sea wrote:Though I was finally over Hanako enough to run through my next route, but then i saw this:
https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos- ... 8994_n.png
. . . Welp time to run through Hanako's route again!
Don't do this to us, man :(
Well, in Lily's route, Hanako was trying to branch out to do other stuff. Now, we know why.

It must have sucked to realise that if you want to love a guy/gal, your rival is your best bud.
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Re: Which character did you get most attached to and why

Post by kendrix »

Well, I'm only halfway through, still got to do Lilly's and Shizune's routes, but so far, it's Rin.
It's maybe just the nostalgia filter/because I played her route first, but I would say Rin. Because she is a deep person, I guess.

For the first playthrough, I just kinda clicked the boxes naturally/like I personally would, but I was initially going/hoping for Hanako when I first heard about the game, because I kinda like the character archetype (through what I heard was not waht I got - More on that later.), but the library meeting scene sort of weirded me out. I'd heard beforehand that she was supposed to be a deconstruction, so my thought was, bleh, it didn't take much for me, creepy... I later learnt that this would not have happened had I made the other choice, but I was a bit too meta here and thought not normally introducing myself would already score me minus points XD
Maybe it was the word "animal-like" in the description, but I thought bleh, she's obviously made so only a psycho would like her, no, even the psychos would be off-put.
Still, I tried to govern myself and keep clicking, but then, I randomly stumbled across Rin.
I had already noticed the "Grafiti" on the wall at the beginning, (It instantly stood out to me, but I thought it would just remain a funny background thing) and thought it was kinda cool that an actuall character made them and we even meet her! It was also something about the straightfoward way she adressed the heart thing, a straightforwardsness/honesty that I felt had been missing before.
I just thought her nonchalant manner was way cool.
Also, something about the way she was described as fairly plain except for the eyes. And a redhead fetish?
I guess it was also because she is a lot like myself/resonated with me.
I'm also an artist (writer, though) who sees art as a method of communication, so that whole storyline just appealed to me. I did NOT expect a game that appears to start with "Pick your creepy fetish, please?" to touch on existential lonelyness, and I could feel her trapped-ness and frustration... I'm not very good with people, either, and I also used to have a simple/careless sort of appearance, untill I went to university and a lot happened. I'm wearing nail-polish as we speak, but I used to be that kind of "spacey" girl (uh, yes, I'm a bisexual girl. Don't get frightened...?), so I can related. I could even sort of follow her musings, if not to 100&. Enough to tell that the writers weren't just sprouting randomness to have randomness there, they put thoughts into it.
Being forced to do things I didn't want just because I happened to be good at them is also kind of a button of mine.
Besides, the latter parts just sqeezed a lot of feels out of me; That's just how it is.
Many little meaningful details~
sky blue bras. How'd they make BRAS deep and meaningful?

That said, so far, I have greatly enjoyed all the GREAT and VARIED writing in there, they were all likeable, multilayered, tears-worthy (well, can't say for sure about lilly and Shizune, but the other Routes gave me confidence in this game) and most of all very life-like (this being the go-to word I would discribe KS' writing with) and and the end, you get the feeling that you spent a very long time with them. A streght of the game really is that there are many sorts of writing styles/stories for many sorts of tastes.

At this point, I'd like to clear up any misconception that I somehow dislike Hanako - I don't, and even if I did, I don't care for her fans to eat me alive. Probably my second favorite so far. Again, her reaction to the apology is still within the boundaries of cute, and it was when I saw her do little personal things like painting the banner for the festival or playing chess, that "dilligence" aspect of her (like we got a few glimpses at the 3D person behind the cocoon of complexes), that was all it took to win me over.
It's just like the common fan-perception seems non-indicative or maybe I'm having an unorthodox interpretation of her (because I'm a girl? Or because I was bullied when I was younger, too? Not to that extent, though. ), either way, she was kinda 'sold' (in the fan-perception/descriptions) as the Ayanami-Rei-type 'fragile cutie' character geared to set of the male protective instint, or a deconstruction thereof, but my actual impression when I actually saw her was more of this "gothic", mysterious/melancholic character type (Kikyo from "Inuyasha", etc) ...something darker and more mature.
The fragile/alien one is acttually Rin, if you ask me. At least body type wise/the simple, undecorated clothing, the descriptions of her ... Hanako had a more "womanly" body shape, really, and wanted to be seen her as a woman, too, to the point of basically stripping and showing her boobs in the main character's face. Dunno, the like for antiques, the hobbies like reading, singing or chess, her outfit with the cap and the dark trousers(which is really cool), the long robe, it's pink color and the robes betraying a hidden romantic/normal-girly streak, long dark hair, period, bullying as a backstory, the way the maincharacter first notices her, the plot about loneliness, the anger with which she repells you in the bad ending, the whole "disfigured tragic monster" plot, the kind of smiles you get when you enter that private world with all her little quirks, like a normal girl, not to speak of the "hopelessly romantic" double breakdown/hug in the good ending all things going with that "dark magical girl" -y image. The only thing missing was random ravens, except that would've been too cliche.
And if you look at her like that, you begin to thik of her as potentially attractive and really awesome.
In a way, she reminds me of Rosetta, one of my own characters from my first novel, who was also shunned, if fore more fantasy-ish reasons.
Either way, definitely also a cutie and very feels-inducing.
Dat smile~
My favorite pic of hers is probably when we see her play pool.

I went through a similar change of heart with Emi - reading her description, I thought she would be the most boring of them all, and I thought that I would put her last, but since you see a lot of her beaming at you in Rin's route, I was absolutely taken by how cutielicious and awesome she was, even in her
I thought it might be a hindrance because I simply am not a sports person, but since Hisao wasn't, either, his PoV kinda helped.
I was kinda waiting for the drama load to come down, but even when it did... It didn't really. Not that strongly, at least, it was there, but in the way that all of us, even the stronger ones carry some bags. Existential loneliness says hi again?
Kind of the point was for Hisao to accept that she really can deal with it and has done so ever since... but that even if another person doesn't absolutely need you to survive, you And emi had to get that this doesn't invalidate her efforts to be strong, i guess.
Well, she was cute, anyway, and it was kinda nice that you get to do all sorts of normal girlfriend activities in this route. I feel she'd be the best in bed, too, so confident and spontaneous and stuff... through the last scene where there was more emotional intimacy is something more special...
Still, it's very hard not to like the little thing. So cute and headstrong.

So, while Rin has grabbed a special place in my heart, they all exude a certain urge to grab and marry them or just bask in their awesomeness - thant, and feels.
So. Gotta continue with Lilly now, will report back if opinion changes.
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Re: Which character did you get most attached to and why

Post by Atario »

kendrix wrote:I was a bit too meta here
See, I did the same thing. I like you.
NB: none of the above is a request

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Re: Which character did you get most attached to and why

Post by simmr001 »

YZQ wrote:
Firewind wrote:
Sea wrote:Though I was finally over Hanako enough to run through my next route, but then i saw this:
https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos- ... 8994_n.png
. . . Welp time to run through Hanako's route again!
Don't do this to us, man :(
Well, in Lily's route, Hanako was trying to branch out to do other stuff. Now, we know why.

It must have sucked to realise that if you want to love a guy/gal, your rival is your best bud.
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Re: Which character did you get most attached to and why

Post by wazuzu »

To quote myself, Hanako seeing Lilly and Hisao dating is ok, and that's why:
Hanako's best friends at that moment are Lilly and Hisao. If Hanako took a liking to Hisao, it would be a very difficult thing to develop for her, since the only person she can have advice from is Lilly, and I doubt that Hanako would easily open up this topic with her. It would be hard to start, nowhere to go type of path, unless Hisao is interested in Hanako herself. So, to put this simply, Lilly's confession to Hisao closed that difficult topic for Hanako, she gave them her blessings, sighed with relief (and possibly a little bit of grief, but we'll never know) and went on for herself.
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Re: Which character did you get most attached to and why

Post by Lexäeus »

Shizune. All Shizune ever does is try to make people happy, because she can't make people open up to her. She can't talk. Telling someone to tell someone about you is arrogant. Shizune, then, has no way to tell people about herself. All she can ever do is create things and hope that the things she creates makes people happy. I like to make people happy. It rarely happens, but that's all I ever want to do. I can't express my feelings very well. I'm socially awkward. I stutter a lot because I'm nervous when I talk to people, even though I would like to think I'm too proud of myself to admit it. "Well Lex, after all this stuff how can you be proud of you?" I don't really know. I guess I just am because I want to be something I can actually be proud of and have believed that I could be for so long I actually believe I am. Forgive my rambling if you made it this far. I only have one outlet for feels and that's music. Nothing can break my musical concentration. It's like being in a different world, just me, my instrument, and nothing more but the sounds it makes.
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Re: Which character did you get most attached to and why

Post by Heather »

Hanako because she has a sad history... :(
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