The "feels" bazaar.

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Re: The "feels" bazaar.

Post by pandaphil »

Good luck Robin!
"The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don't always soften the bad things. But vice versa, the bad things don't necessarily spoil the good things or make them unimportant." ~ The Doctor.
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Re: The "feels" bazaar.

Post by Steinherz »

rockin robin wrote:
KeiichiO wrote:
rockin robin wrote:ps im back. miss me?
Where did you go?
coursework and preparations for first year exams. Which was today. And was all about feminism
Bloody feminists -_-
I write take a look, would you kindly?
I also draw, kind of.
KeiichiO wrote:You shall now, and forever be known as, "Steinherz, The Great".
Oddball wrote:It's an obvious mistake. Both are disfigured orphans that read alot and both wear green skirts.
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Re: The "feels" bazaar.

Post by rockin robin »

pandaphil wrote:Good luck Robin!
Thank you I finished my exam two hours ago. But they want my coursework at an.exact.FUCKING.[TIME!!!!

Anyway, time to read sisterhood. And I don't know how but simmr somehow put a picture on here. Think it looks quite nice

Alright getting this out the way, yes I'm a feminist. But I'm the kind that hates men on a construction site yelling at woman to lift their blouse, as I despise woman showing some boobs to get out of a speeding ticket. If we are going to complain about being equal, it's got to be a two way street.
I kenji's worst nightmare! A FEMINIST!!
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Re: The "feels" bazaar.

Post by Xanatos »

rockin robin wrote:If we are going to complain about being equal, it's got to be a two way street.
Since when has feminism ever been about equality? Equality can't be accomplished by solely focusing on one side which is all they do (it's even in the name) aside from bitching and moaning about patriarchal conspiracies and being "objectified" (and generally acting persecuted). Feminism's a complete load. :lol: With all due respect...And go slap those people. You finished two hours ago, they ought to have taken it two hours ago. :lol:
<KeiichiO>: "I wonder what Misha's WAHAHA's sound like with a cock stuffed down her throat..."
<Ascension>: "I laughed, cried, vomited in my mouth a little, and even had time for marshmallows afterwards. Well played, Xanatos. Well played."
<KeiichiO>: "That's a beautiful response to chocolate."
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Re: The "feels" bazaar.

Post by pandaphil »

rockin robin wrote:
Thank you I finished my exam two hours ago. But they want my coursework at an.exact.FUCKING.[TIME!!!!

Anyway, time to read sisterhood. And I don't know how but simmr somehow put a picture on here. Think it looks quite nice

Alright getting this out the way, yes I'm a feminist. But I'm the kind that hates men on a construction site yelling at woman to lift their blouse, as I despise woman showing some boobs to get out of a speeding ticket. If we are going to complain about being equal, it's got to be a two way street.
Sweet! Can't wait to see what you guys think.

So basically you're the good kind of feminist. That's cool. I imagine we'd agree on a lot of things.

*add's giant boobed anime girls and overly sexualized video game women to the list*
"The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don't always soften the bad things. But vice versa, the bad things don't necessarily spoil the good things or make them unimportant." ~ The Doctor.
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Re: The "feels" bazaar.

Post by rockin robin »

Xanatos wrote:
rockin robin wrote:If we are going to complain about being equal, it's got to be a two way street.
Since when has feminism ever been about equality? Equality can't be accomplished by solely focusing on one side which is all they do (it's even in the name) aside from bitching and moaning about patriarchal conspiracies and being "objectified" (and generally acting persecuted). Feminism's a complete load. :lol: With all due respect...And go slap those people. You finished two hours ago, they ought to have taken it two hours ago. :lol:
At much as I hate to admit your right. Their are too many so called "feminists" (who future sociopath kenji is free to target) who use it as a shield to blame when things don't go their way, or a man gets promoted above them (maybe if you stopped complaining and started WORKING you wouldn't have been passed over) I'm more into things like equal rights among the armed forces to serve on the front lines at soldiers, (woman are only allowed in support or engineers here) or, on the flip side, the equality of domestic abuse, as women can be just as bad as men and can manipulate the situation to victimize themselves.
I kenji's worst nightmare! A FEMINIST!!
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Re: The "feels" bazaar.

Post by Steinherz »

rockin robin wrote:At much as I hate to admit your right. Their are too many so called "feminists" (who future sociopath kenji is free to target) who use it as a shield to blame when things don't go their way, or a man gets promoted above them (maybe if you stopped complaining and started WORKING you wouldn't have been passed over) I'm more into things like equal rights among the armed forces to serve on the front lines at soldiers, (woman are only allowed in support or engineers here) or, on the flip side, the equality of domestic abuse, as women can be just as bad as men and can manipulate the situation to victimize themselves.
Where are you that prevents women from being soldiers?
Last time I checked the only branch of the armed forces that women can't join (in America) are the Navy SEALs, Delta Force and the Rangers. AKA the "Holy Shit We're Screwed"-Elite armed forces :lol:
I write take a look, would you kindly?
I also draw, kind of.
KeiichiO wrote:You shall now, and forever be known as, "Steinherz, The Great".
Oddball wrote:It's an obvious mistake. Both are disfigured orphans that read alot and both wear green skirts.
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rockin robin
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Re: The "feels" bazaar.

Post by rockin robin »

pandaphil wrote:
rockin robin wrote:
Thank you I finished my exam two hours ago. But they want my coursework at an.exact.FUCKING.[TIME!!!!

Anyway, time to read sisterhood. And I don't know how but simmr somehow put a picture on here. Think it looks quite nice

Alright getting this out the way, yes I'm a feminist. But I'm the kind that hates men on a construction site yelling at woman to lift their blouse, as I despise woman showing some boobs to get out of a speeding ticket. If we are going to complain about being equal, it's got to be a two way street.
Sweet! Can't wait to see what you guys think.

So basically you're the good kind of feminist. That's cool. I imagine we'd agree on a lot of things.

*add's giant boobed anime girls and overly sexualized video game women to the list*

Yes to the first, complicated second answer.

If you're going to give a girl G cups, give her something to justify it. Undoing the bra could snap her neck from the sudden downward drop. Sex could be a life or death act.

The only reason we have characters like Naoto shirogane or Elizabeth Comerica, without Lara croft. Having an overabundance of them? Hell yes. Having none? Kinda overkill.

Although DEAD OR ALIVE can die a slow and painful death in the fires of hell

yeah, but the military of both UK and US have a thing against putting woman on the front line, only in support regiments or the engineers. Saying the men will jeopardise the objective to save the women
I kenji's worst nightmare! A FEMINIST!!
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Re: The "feels" bazaar.

Post by Loonie »

rockin robin wrote:yeah, but the military of both UK and US have a thing against putting woman on the front line, only in support regiments or the engineers. Saying the men will jeopardise the objective to save the women
In that respect I honestly believe that they are right to do that. To quote G.I. Jane's Viggo Mortensen character: "You know, she's not the problem. We are." But funnily enough, if the elite forces just adapted their training regimen a little bit, I don't think women would need to be excluded from those.

You see...a front-line soldier might indeed make that mistake mentally, of subconsciously allowing themselves to prioritize a woman over a man. They just don't train them mentally well enough (the men that is) to resist that impulse. But the elite forces do, in fact, train with such intensity that, if they adjusted their regimen just a little bit, then most of the time they wouldn't even see each other as men or women but as soldiers first and foremost. And if a woman was physically and mentally good enough to fit that bill, I'm willing to bet they wouldn't see her as a woman at all by the time that the end of the training was at hand and that she passed. And honestly I don't even think they'd see her as 'one of the guys' while in combat. She'd just be a Navy SEAL, same as any other man. No more or less.

Though frankly it opens up a whole different threat. Namely, that the only way for women to be on the front lines would be that they gave up being women. Just as much as men gave up being men. It would probably make war even more dehumanizing if this form of equality really was pursued. I think it would be possible (I'm the kind of person who tends to think anything's possible with enough time and effort), but the price for this equality might turn out as too high. For both women and men.

So I'd say...I like feminism just fine when it strives to be pragmatic and bring gender equality to the areas where there is no reason why it couldn't exist (because the truth is that there are a lot of such areas in western society that could use that mentality). Moreso than feminists, really, I have a problem with the men that will continually fuel the unhealthy and non-pragmatic parts of feminism by loudly proclaiming that, if they're thinking of dirty chauvinistic shit all the time, damn that means the feminists are right all the time and every man must be a pervert at heart! Yeah, sorry...that's just not true for all men. Some of us are very discerning as to what arouses us. A woman could have the most perfect body imaginable, but if she's acting like a complete tart I will not be aroused in the slightest even if she places her head in my lap (this much I can actually say from experience).

Yeah...I guess I don't like chauvinists either. Not just because they're dicks towards women, but also because they provoke feminists towards being moreso emotional (and unfortunately moreso impractical) about their goals and how they go about them. And too many people inbetween (men and women) get caught in that crossfire.
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rockin robin
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Re: The "feels" bazaar.

Post by rockin robin »

Loonie wrote:
rockin robin wrote:yeah, but the military of both UK and US have a thing against putting woman on the front line, only in support regiments or the engineers. Saying the men will jeopardise the objective to save the women
In that respect I honestly believe that they are right to do that. To quote G.I. Jane's Viggo Mortensen character: "You know, she's not the problem. We are." But funnily enough, if the elite forces just adapted their training regimen a little bit, I don't think women would need to be excluded from those.

You see...a front-line soldier might indeed make that mistake mentally, of subconsciously allowing themselves to prioritize a woman over a man. They just don't train them mentally well enough (the men that is) to resist that impulse. But the elite forces do, in fact, train with such intensity that, if they adjusted their regimen just a little bit, then most of the time they wouldn't even see each other as men or women but as soldiers first and foremost. And if a woman was physically and mentally good enough to fit that bill, I'm willing to bet they wouldn't see her as a woman at all by the time that the end of the training was at hand and that she passed. And honestly I don't even think they'd see her as 'one of the guys' while in combat. She'd just be a Navy SEAL, same as any other man. No more or less.

Though frankly it opens up a whole different threat. Namely, that the only way for women to be on the front lines would be that they gave up being women. Just as much as men gave up being men. It would probably make war even more dehumanizing if this form of equality really was pursued. I think it would be possible (I'm the kind of person who tends to think anything's possible with enough time and effort), but the price for this equality might turn out as too high. For both women and men.

So I'd say...I like feminism just fine when it strives to be pragmatic and bring gender equality to the areas where there is no reason why it couldn't exist (because the truth is that there are a lot of such areas in western society that could use that mentality). Moreso than feminists, really, I have a problem with the men that will continually fuel the unhealthy and non-pragmatic parts of feminism by loudly proclaiming that, if they're thinking of dirty chauvinistic shit all the time, damn that means the feminists are right all the time and every man must be a pervert at heart! Yeah, sorry...that's just not true for all men. Some of us are very discerning as to what arouses us. A woman could have the most perfect body imaginable, but if she's acting like a complete tart I will not be aroused in the slightest even if she places her head in my lap (this much I can actually say from experience).

Yeah...I guess I don't like chauvinists either. Not just because they're dicks towards women, but also because they provoke feminists towards being moreso emotional (and unfortunately moreso impractical) about their goals and how they go about them.
I can see your point indeed you are the only person I have had this discussion with that didn't jump on either bandwagon and ride into the sunset. And the problem with the seal thing is that the women don't get the same experience front line troops get when they join.

And some women play it up trying to appeal to the chauvinist crowd for freebies, and like to incite the chauvinist s to make their argument seem more important.

Simmr, if I could describe him in a sentence, is Hagrid with Hanako's personality (weird mental image for you their) yet I'm with him because of his personality. Women are the same, mostly, only the shallow ones go for the assholes with abs.

Sorry for partial answers, no laptop, and writing paragraphs on a kindle is hard!
I kenji's worst nightmare! A FEMINIST!!
have a tracheo-osoephagul puncture.
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Why did I play this??

Post by ahhhstiii »

Why? I mean, i cry, in each path, and keep playing, till the end. And now im broken in little pieces for weeks. Not really sure if it was a positive experience huh. Now i have Clannad installed, but im too afraid to play haha. I have more fear of these game then silent hill or dead space loll. So, what the hell is good being broken like a little girl? If there is no answer i never play again VN :D
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Re: Why did I play this??

Post by Loonie »

Sure you'll play it again.

Because it's good to have a nice cry every once in awhile. Wether it's sad or happy.
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Re: Why did I play this??

Post by OtakuNinja »

ahhhstiii wrote:being broken like a little girl
I have no idea what you mean by that but the answer you're looking for is unike for every person I believe.
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Re: Why did I play this??

Post by Xanatos »

ahhhstiii wrote:So, what the hell is good being broken like a little girl? If there is no answer i never play again VN :D
Welp. Don't let the door hit ya on the way out. :D
<KeiichiO>: "I wonder what Misha's WAHAHA's sound like with a cock stuffed down her throat..."
<Ascension>: "I laughed, cried, vomited in my mouth a little, and even had time for marshmallows afterwards. Well played, Xanatos. Well played."
<KeiichiO>: "That's a beautiful response to chocolate."
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rockin robin
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Re: Why did I play this??

Post by rockin robin »

ahhhstiii wrote:Why? I mean, i cry, in each path, and keep playing, till the end. And now im broken in little pieces for weeks. Not really sure if it was a positive experience huh. Now i have Clannad installed, but im too afraid to play haha. I have more fear of these game then silent hill or dead space loll. So, what the hell is good being broken like a little girl? If there is no answer i never play again VN :D
You don't play it again you have the knowledge that a young woman can play this and act like less of a pussy than you. :)

emotional states improve after breakdowns too.
I kenji's worst nightmare! A FEMINIST!!
have a tracheo-osoephagul puncture.
three years with simmr001 10/06/13
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