Bad Ends


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Re: Bad Ends

Post by D00d »

I am so hoping that Lilly's bad ending isnt true. Yeah, I agree. Hanako wouldnt do that, not to her best friend. Lilly took Hanako under her wings and Hanako does such a thing T_T
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Re: Bad Ends

Post by Rednal »

I think Hanako would be happy. XD Maybe a little worried about being left behind, but then, maybe it would end up with the burned girl learning to get over her fears and stand on her own.

Me, I'm a sucker for happy endings. XD I can handle bad ends where the main character dies, but I don't want any ending where he actually ends up with a girl to be that way.
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Re: Bad Ends

Post by Dritz »

I support all yandere endings 100%, shits awesome.
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Re: Bad Ends

Post by Squirg »

Hmm, to me it seems like KS is more of a romantic VN rather than a "have sex with everything with a pussy all the time" VN. And as such, the gory endings don't seem to fit. imo, the Kenji end in the demo would be about as gory as a bad end should be; a drunken accident. Although I do like the endings themselves, they seem overdone and out of place. The beginning where Hisao first has his heart attack after being asked out of by Iwanko, seem to fit more and have a more "filling" aspect to them. Rather than dying because of some psycho, I think a heartbreaking ending would fit in better with this game. (See what I did there?) Death is overused, and I'd like to see KS put a spin on things more so than just the original concept.

With that said, it's all my opinion, and I wouldn't mind a few deadly bad ends. I also trust the Devs to not make them too cliche either.
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Re: Bad Ends

Post by Bara »

Squirg wrote: Death is overused, and I'd like to see KS put a spin on things more so than just the original concept.
I know! Instead of killing them the devs can cripple and disfigure them all... errrr... never mind. :lol:

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Re: Bad Ends

Post by DuaneMoody »

Squirg wrote:Hmm, to me it seems like KS is more of a romantic VN rather than a "have sex with everything with a pussy all the time" VN.
Yeah, the irony is that people come to this game expecting to make the girls fall in love with you (hell, they're even dressed in harem outfits in the splash screen for Act 1) and instead your choices make you fall in love with them. Disclaimer: I have never played another VN, so I don't know how groundbreaking that is.
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Re: Bad Ends

Post by Boosh! »

She ran away a few days ago. I don't know what caused it, but I couldn't help thinking I caused it. Was it something I said? Something I did, unconsciously, that made her run away? What could have happened to her? Was she lost? Scared? Mugged, or worse?


My worse fears were confirmed today in class. Muto stumbled in, later than usual, badly shaken and breathing hard.He set his briefcase down and stood behind the his desk, putting both hands on it to keep himself from collapsing, it seemed, and looked up at us. He looked like he hadn't slept in days.

"E-everyone. I've got some... Bad... No, horrible news."

Everyone sat up and listened intently, Misha began signing to Shizune.

"They've... They found Miss Ikezawa." He was struggling to find the right words, while he would usually trip up and say whatever came to mind.

"She... The... They found her in the lake during the storm last night. Some people down in town. They... They called the hospital and tried to help her but..." I knew this was coming. Deep down, I knew it.

"It was too late."

He finally sat down, head in hands. "Class is excused for today. You may all go back to your rooms."

People began to file out, murmuring nervously. I shook as I got up from my desk, and my chest hurt. No, not now, please not now. I sat back down as my heart hammered against my chest. "Nakai." I heard Muto's voice call me. "Stay seated, I imagine this isn't... Quite what your heart needs. Physically and metaphorically." I looked up at him lifelessly. "You seemed particularly close with Hanako. Yes, this confirms my suspicions, don't bother asking." He swallowed hard. "And please. Stop looking at me like that. You probably feel worse than me, but I still feel pretty horrible about this whole ordeal."

I crossed my arms and buried my head in them. I didn't want to think right now. "Her funeral's set for next week. You're invited, along with Miss Satou."

There was a heavy silence between us as I struggled not to sob into my arms. I think Muto was trying to do the same, though I couldn't see him.

"Nakai, I didn't want to tell the other students this. But they've already informed Miss Satou, and since you were closest to her, at least according to Miss Satou... I think you should know. It was a suicide."

I don't remember getting up or stomping over to his desk. All I know is that I suddenly got there, standing over it, staring angrily into his bloodshot eyes as he tried to look away. "They found a note, Nakai. They never told me what it said, but they said it was a suicide note." He got up and picked up his briefcase. "I don't know if you want it or not, but I'm going to try to get that note for you and Miss Satou. You two deserve to know."

He walked out the door without another word, and I think that's when I let myself cry.


Lilly managed to get a car to drive us there. The funeral went on slowly, everyone's speeches concerning Hanako eventually just blurred into one continuous depressing speech. Lilly held my hand the entire time. I think she cried all her tears out before she got here. It was so odd seeing her in black and I couldn't help but wonder if, even with her blindness, she felt odd in the dark clothes.

As we got to her grave, ominous clouds threatening to rain on us as she was lowered into the ground.

Lilly and I stayed the longest. Just staring at the coffin (Well, me at least) and wondering what went wrong.

"You two owe me a lot."

It was the first time I noticed Muto was here. "Here it is." he said, giving me a white envelope. "Don't ask how I got it, okay?"

Lilly murmured a thank you and Muto walked off.

"Please read it to me, Hisao."

I tore open the envelope gently. The paper inside was slightly damaged by rain and coffee and other mystery stains. I carefully unfolded it and began to read Hanako's scrappy handwriting aloud.

"I'm sorry. I really am. I don't deserve this world. Lilly, thank you for looking after me and making me feel happy. And Hisao, thank you for loving me."

It started raining then and there as Hanako appeared in my head, smiling and saying the last sentence again and again. We walked back to the car and were dropped off at our dorm rooms. Lilly nodded and said thank you as she went back to her room, and said she would be okay now. She wouldn't. She never would be again and I knew it.

Even Kenji decided to pity Hanako and said nothing to me about the great feminist conspiracy and how she was breaking regulations by loving me and they pushed her off as execution but he genuinely considered her a hero, cross his heart and hope to die, by trying to break them down from the inside.

He waited a few days before he blurted that out and I admit, it was the first thing to make me smile since she died.


As I look up at the ceiling in my room, a scene plays in my head.

Hanako is standing over a bridge and wipes away her tears as she steps over the guardrail, and holds onto the other side tight, staring down at the water.

The wind is blowing and she looks up at the moonlit sky and the stars dotting in and suddenly she smiles a bit.

As she lets her hands slip away from the rail the wind blows the hair away from her face. The last time the world will every see her full face.

As her body hits the water she gasps in pain and at the coldness, but she soon gets used to it as she opens her eyes and sees the moonlight from under the water, and the blurred stars dotting the sky.

As the final bubbles of her breath slip out from her, she is comforted by the fact that the world has her, an ugly monster by her standards, surrounded with beauty in her final moments. The world goes dark and she closes her eyes.

It probably happened nothing like that, but I like to think it did.
Last edited by Boosh! on Fri Jun 05, 2009 7:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bad Ends

Post by U.T. Raptor »

Boosh! wrote:This Post
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Re: Bad Ends

Post by vermithrx »

:cry: Fuck, I need a drink after reading that. Good show, Boosh!, good show.
Boosh! wrote:The funeral went on slowly, each person who spoke about her's speeches eventually just blurred into eachother's.
The bolded portion of that sentence is rather stilted. Please consider revising it.
I'll PM you if I find anything else when I read it again, which will probably be tomorrow. :D
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Re: Bad Ends

Post by Boosh! »

vermithrx wrote::cry: Fuck, I need a drink after reading that. Good show, Boosh!, good show.
Boosh! wrote:The funeral went on slowly, each person who spoke about her's speeches eventually just blurred into eachother's.
The bolded portion of that sentence is rather stilted. Please consider revising it.
I'll PM you if I find anything else when I read it again, which will probably be tomorrow. :D

I'll go get you some whiskey.
U.T. Raptor wrote:
Boosh! wrote:This Post
I made a Yotsuba cry. Fuck me if I didn't already feel terrible for writing that.
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Re: Bad Ends

Post by SirMax »

Boosh! wrote:
U.T. Raptor wrote:
Boosh! wrote:This Post
I made a Yotsuba cry. Fuck me if I didn't already feel terrible for writing that.
well it is a bad end. Being heart wrenching is a plus.
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Re: Bad Ends

Post by Validus Razgriz »

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"We all suffer from the preoccupation that there exists... in the loved one, perfection."
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Re: Bad Ends

Post by SirMax »

~Emi bad end~
Not too sure about formatting, but I just did it in-game text formatting style. I'll change it if it needs to be.

"Hisao, are you sure you can manage this? You shouldn't push yourself..."
Emi was turning one of her patented pouts on me, knowing that it would cut through my deception like a knife, but this time it would be to no avail. I could handle this. It was just a little foot race, not a marathon.
"Don't worry, Emi. It's not that far, right? We did more laps yesterday."
Emi didn't stop pouting, however. Obviously, she wasn't going to be easy to convince. But this time I was sure, and so I was sure I could convince her. The other times I'd not been so sure of myself, so her pout had blown me out of the water.
"But those were just laps, not racing. I don't want you to nearly die like last time!"
I did remember that day, but that wasn't going to happen this time. Emi's regime had really worked. I felt strong, and I knew I could handle this.
"I'll be fine."
Emi continued to pout.
"I will!"
The pout deepened.
"I promise, Emi, if I start feeling out of breath I'll slow down. Okay?"
Finally, Emi seemed to sense how determined I was and relented, switching from her pout into a grin.
"Well, if you promise."
Turning away from her after grinning once, I walked over to the start line. Nurse would probably be angry if he caught me doing this, but I was going to take it easy. And after Emi's training, I could handle this. The starting gun went off, and I set off, near the back. Well, of course. I wasn't going to pull to the front of the pack taking it easy. Slipping into more of a jog, I started catching up with others. By the end, I was near the front when I noticed I was running out of breath. Remembering my promise, I slowed, and ended up in fifth. Still, even that would have been impossible a couple months ago. Walking off the course, breathing heavily, I marvelled at my new found strength before Emi barrelled into me.
My chest hurt for a moment but I ignored it. It wasn't even a flutter. Just from Emi's tackle, no doubt.
"You did it Hisao!"
Emi was overjoyed, and clung to me gleefully. Well, she would be. Without her I never could have done this. It was all down to her diet and exercise plan, really. I had so much to thank her for. She'd given me back my life, stealing it away from my condition.
"Thank you, Emi."
Emi looked up at me with a confused expression on her face. It was amazingly adorable.
"For helping with running and everything."
Emi grinned from ear to ear.
"But... why did you help me out? Was it really just because of the nurse? I'm not really the new kid anymore..."
Emi shuffled guiltily, managing somehow to be cuter than before. I noticed she was turning quite red.
"Well... it wasn't really just because of the nurse."
Emi's voice was sheepish and she was turning redder, not meeting my eye. Still panting slightly from the race, I looked at her and a thought crossed my mind. If she didn't do it for the nurse, and she was doing something this nice that must take so much of her time... and now when I was confronting her about it she was blushing. And that hug after the race...
"Emi... I..."
How could I put it? She hadn't said anything yet. She was still blushing, but now she was waiting for me. I took a deep breath and felt another pang in my chest.
"Emi, I... I love you too."
There. I said it.
Emi's face turned white, the blush draining away almost instantly.
"I... I don't... I..."
I stared at her in shock, and an expression of massive guilt, even worse than the day that I had the flutter, crossed her face.
"Rin asked me to... I don't... I don't love you, Haseo."
Emi's voice was quieter than it had been, but it was like church bells to me. I stepped away from her, my heart pounding. This couldn't be happening, I...
Another pang.
I fell to my knees, clutching my chest. The combination of being pushed to the edge by the race and the emotional stress was triggering an attack. Be calm. Focus your breathing. But it was too late. I froze up, and for the second time in my life, everything faded away, with Emi's scream ringing in my ears.

-Two months later-
"You okay, son?"
The next thing I heard was a heavily accented voice. Opening my eyes to a bleary world, I blinked a few times. Clearing my vision, I glanced down at myself and gasped. Under the flimsy hospital gown, my chest was a canvas of scars.
"Sorry about that, son. We had to do all sorts of surgery to pull you back from the brink. You're lucky to be alive."
Lucky. Oh, I was so lucky, alright. Two heart attacks. My chest a network of scar tissue. Two girls I loved taken from me. At least the first one had liked me...
"Where's Emi?"
I don't know why I asked. She wouldn't want to see me anyway. Maybe I hoped she'd be there out of guilt. Was that even what I wanted? To see her again? Could I even bear it?
Could I bear it to NOT see her?
The doctor looked uneasy.
"Ah, yeah, they told me you'd ask about her."
He mumbled something in a language I didn't understand. English, maybe. His accent sounded American.
"She... she's not here. She's fine, she just... blamed herself. Doesn't want to see you."
It sounded plausible, but I had a niggling doubt that he was lying. Why specify she was fine?
"Where is she? What happened to her?"
I struggled to sit up, but the doctor's angry bark stopped me.
"NO. Lay back down. I spent months keeping that heart of yours working. I won't have you throwing that away by moving and hearing things you don't need to."
Hearing things you don't need to. Months. I slumped back, deflated.
"I've been out that long?"
The doctor nodded.
"We weren't sure you'd make it. We still suspect there might be some kind of brain damage."
Brain damage? Oh, yes, I was so very lucky.
"I... can't tell you about Emi yet. She triggered it. Talking about it will only make it worse. I'll tell you when it's safe."
I couldn't bring myself to argue. I lay in the bed brooding and the doctor left me. That's how it was for the next six months. Every day I'd ask if I was ready to hear about Emi, and every day he'd say no and tell me to stop asking. Finally, a total of eight months after that fateful day, he relented.
"Alright, I guess... I guess you can hear about it now. Your heart seems to have recovered really well."
Don't you dare say I'm lucky again.
"She... she did blame herself. A lot. And like I said, we... didn't think you'd pull through. She thought... well, I'll be honest. As far as she thought, she'd killed you."
It was like a punch to the gut. Emi thought it was her fault? Just because she didn't feel the same way? God, and she felt that guilty about it...
"I... I don't think she could deal with it. Your school nurse said that she used to be very peppy, but the few times she was in here to visit you, when you weren't in surgery, she didn't seem that way. Little raincloud. And... well. It's not a confirmed suicide, there was no note, but it seems unlikely that she just fell off the bridge..."
Emi... killed herself? Tears clouded my vision- or was it pain? It was so hard to think. Everything was blurry again. Someone was shouting, too. For a nurse. Something about someone going under? Who was he talking about? My chest burned, but I couldn't focus on it. Everything was going out of focus, and starting to go dark...
Last edited by SirMax on Sat Jun 06, 2009 11:42 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Bad Ends

Post by kobe »

SirMax wrote:~Emi bad end~
Is Hisao some kind of suicide attractor?
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Re: Bad Ends

Post by SirMax »

kobe wrote:
SirMax wrote:~Emi bad end~
Is Hisao some kind of suicide attractor?
Hisao's horoscope on the last day of the game: "Today will be a big day for you! If you're in love, go for it today, as something good might happen. Of course, if you screw up, PEOPLE WILL DIE."
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