KS in JAGS wonderland


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KS in JAGS wonderland

Post by Paropues »

Okay, somehow I feel this will get me banned or at least is gong to be deleted.
Hi there!!! I just recently joined the forums And I will attempt to ask for some oppinions.
So anyway, I am working on a crossover fic of KS And JAGS wonderland, anybody heard of that before???
If not, basically JAGS wonderland is a tabletop rpg which reimages alice in wonderland into a dark psychologycal horror setting, think of it as little sweet alice having a tea party with lovecraftian abominations.

Wonderland is a parallel realm devoid of fisical laws And logical sense as humans comprehends them, which is trying to creep in here to Either destroy or conquer humanity. Wonderland infects humans with a disease And warps reality in order to gain more And more of a foothold. This disease is unique because instead of making you lose grip of reality, it makes reality lose hold of yourself, sucking You into the various levels that compose wonderland, each more lethal And bizarre than the last one.
If somehow you manage to survive the trips And return to human reality, the world thinks You Have gonne insane, suddenly You Have a war on two fronts, all while wondering, what is real And wheter if the world is completely nuts or if You are the last sane person of earth.

Considering how deep KS setting already is, I think this can blend Well enough...
If at least one person in the world finds this interesting, I will be the happyest person alive.
Also I think I need to apologize because english is not my primary tongue, so maybe my writting is a little awkward, but I am here to improve myself, so as soon as I finish writting And translating I will prove my luck.
Huge thanks to anyone who had the patience to read this... You guys rock!!!
Last edited by Paropues on Sun Mar 03, 2013 4:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: KS in JAGS wonderland

Post by SemisoftCheese »

crossovers are a little rough to write, because they combine two things that are completely different. more often then not, if a reader hasn't read both, then it doesn't really work. i haven't personally heard of JAGS, but it sounds a little difficult to crossover.

also, what's your first language? i might be able to help translate and help with your english.

¿basado en su nombre, su primero lenguaje es español? si es así, te puedo ayudar con traddución al ingles. me manda una PM si quieres.
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