Bug Report: Nameless Scene
Bug Report: Nameless Scene
Sorry if this has already been reported, but I noticed that if you get to Exercise and say "Go for it", then you will eventually get to a scene where you go back to class and hand the nurse's note to Muto. This scene is otherwise substantially the same as No Recovery, but if you open up the menu during it, there is no listing at the bottom of the screen for what the scene is called. The scene title comes back as normal for Foot and Mouth.
Re: Bug Report: Nameless Scene
There are some scenes that don't have names or entries in the Library. It's intentional, and this scene most likely belongs to that category.
<Aura> would you squeeze a warm PVC bottle between your thighs and call it "manaka-chan"
<Suriko> I would do it if it wouldn't be so hard to explain to my parents
<Suriko> I would do it if it wouldn't be so hard to explain to my parents