Suggestion for KS 2 and a new character

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Suggestion for KS 2 and a new character

Post by Fyn »

Im pretty new to this forums but ive been stalking some threads for a while now and I have gathered some good questions and information about a possible sequel and some fan theories about the characters. And from all of them, I had concluded that a sequel for Katawa Shoujo will be failure. Everyone wishes the same characters to appear and that Hisao will choose no one as canon in their new University. Hate to say it but really, that kind of thinking will never present a good result because you kept on playing inside the safety bubble.

I have no rights to interfere with the creators though, but please hear my suggestion. Instead of creating a sequel, why not just create a Prequel? I mean it makes sense! There are so many questions that was left unanswered in KS. All of which happened before Hisao came. Like:

1. Is it true that Yuko and Kenji used to have a relationship?
2. What was the root of Lily and Shizune’s strife?
3. Misha’s hair, how did she came up with such an idea. And did she choose it before or after Lily and Shizune fought?
4. How was Hanako doing in the 3 years before Lily came to board? (She never met Lily until 3rd year)
5. How does Hanako sings? (Lily said Hanako is a singer)
6. How did Hanako and Lily’s relationship came to be
7. How does Rin and Emi managed to adapt to each others differences?

So many things happened before Hisao came. And all of them can be a good reason to create a prequel.

I havent finished the game yet but heres my idea: Round up some new characters. Have them be a spectator of what happened last year and the POV will depend on which route the new protagonist will take. And speaking of a new character, please allow me to introduce my character on the next post.
Last edited by Fyn on Thu Feb 21, 2013 6:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Suggestion for KS 2 and a new character

Post by Fyn »

Name: Eris Heinfield
Status: A 3rd year student and member of the choir. Frequently seen in the school church.
Disease: Multiple Personality Disorder and Borderline Personality Syndrome (Mental Illness)

Born in a rich and wealthy family, she used to have everything a little girl could ever want. Until when her family business went bankrupt and fallen into a huge debt. Out of greed, her family invested on a huge insurance for her life. And pretended to take her to a vacation where they pushed her off the cliff and make it look like an accident.
Her injuries was a bad one but the water below managed to break her fall. She woke up in a hospital after a month of coma. Upon waking up, the first thing she muttered was “where are they?” (referring to her parents.)
Though hesitant, the doctors was unable to keep the truth from her. Her parents are currently in jail for it was found that her accident was not. They are never going to see her again. The shock was too much for little Eris to bear, she was unable to eat, much less to speak. Her body was almost at its end when she finally saw the emergency exit. In order to save herself from her own self-destructive depression, she denied her reality.
She created another person and split herself from a joyful Eris who lives in a lie. And an Eris who lives only for her hate.

Sweet, gentle and a complete animal lover. Her favorite hotspot is the church where she can always be seen reading a book or holding a rosary. Being a graceful and excellent student, one can never expect that her smile is just a false façade for her murderous half.
When in a calm state, she has no memories of her past but any chances of being reminded of it can easily trigger a breakdown where she will undergo a panic state. She will be uncontrollably violent and she will be repeat any of the 3 mantras: “None of you can be trusted. I don’t want to be betrayed anymore, You should all just die!”
She is aware of this and she does not want to hurt anyone so she keeps an evasive attitude. She never accepts any invitation no matter how small the event, she avoids crowds especially the cafeteria, and always absent.
It is not a strange thing to see her with a box cutter. When ask, she will say that she uses it for her craft but upon further inspection, you will learn that her bag keeps at least 6 more boxcutters. The reason for this is that she is paranoid. While she does not remember it, her subconscious has engraved it that if her parents can betray her so easily, then anyone can.(Which explains the origin of her mantra)

Before Lily’s arrival, she was Hanako’s most trusted friend. They had been together since first day as classmates their frequent delinquency was enough similarity to establish friendship. Hanako likes her because just like her, she enjoys isolation, peace and serenity. They both loaths crowds who does not understand them. Eris likesher because Hanako’s shyness and humility is a proof that she wont betray her.
When Lily was still in the Student Council, she used to persuade Eris to join them. But she always refuse.
If you wont pursue her route, you will notice that Eris will soon start acting Yandere towards Hanako and hostile towards Lily. But she will leave the school before valentines. If you will pursue her route, then be aware of its pros and cons
1. You get to join the choir
2. You will see the event where Shizune and Lily will fight
3. On the event where Lily moves to the dorm and met Hanako, you can get to hear her confessions about how much she values her alliance with Shizune. And how much she laments her pride that divided them now.
4. In a Halloween event, the choir will held a costume party where you can get to see the gang doing cosplay. And that includes a neko-Hanako, maid Hanako, or Mecha Katawa
5. In the Christmas event, Eris will ask Hanako for help but she will provide more by being the lead singer for the choir.
6. You get to see Hanako’s “Book Collection”
1. Once you had proven that she can trust you, you are already stepping on a landmine as she harbors strong affection towards her friends. She fears losing you so she might take insane actions in keeping you safe. (in short, shes a Yandere)
2. She’s not into sports she Emi and Rin will probably lack appearance in her arc.
3. Her breakdowns are scary.
4. There will be blood
5. Did I said she’s a Yandere?
Bad Ending #1
(Triggered by forcing her to face her past)
She will attempt to do as you wish. She will try to forgive all those who wronged her and that includes herself. She will try to leave the burden. But after a few minutes of deep meditation, she will undergo a shocking breakdown. She will shoot up to a stand, both of her hands pressing her head then she will release a blood curdling scream. Then she will loose conscience.
In an emergency, you brought her to the nurse then leave the rest to him. You were too bothered to go to class and spent the day in the church. Reminiscing her memories. You imagine her alone in this dark place where only the walls listen to her crying. Then suddenly, the door opened and a figure came- it was Eris
You were delighted to see her but she didn’t returned it. She said hello and went to sit on the other bench. You tried to get closer but the moment you did, she tried to act hostile. Then you realized something- she does not remember you!
You had a talk with the Nurse about this where he informed you about how she must have removed the memories that hurts her, you must have been included. He also requested that it maybe best to leave her be. If you truly loves her, you will let her go. BAD END

[Beta] Good Ending (Triggered by giving her time)
She will visit you in your room and ask if she can sleep with you. (No sex though) After some time, you will notice that she is shaking wildly and pale white. She will confess later that she plans to visit the prison and meet her parents. You were surprised to learn that she can remember her parents now. But it was not a good news, you know how dangerous she is and decided to accompany her.
(Im not sure which parent is best for the scene and I haven’t made a dialogue yet but heres how it goes)
Mother/Father wont apologize and say that “What makes you think we love you? You are nothing more than expendable material” This will cause Eris to loose it and safety glass, yelling swears and curses that she has kept for so long. Until when the police managed to hold her and you pacify her and led her outside. When out of sight, the parent will turn to you and say that he/she would like to talk to you.
You returned a week later and had a one-on-one talk with her parent where he/she will confess how much he/she regrets being blinded by greed and how much he/she loves their daughter. He/She only said such a rash word because Forgiveness is something that he/she does not deserve. It is best not to meet Eris again. And He/she trusts that you will take a good care of her.
In the evening, you will see Eris by the rooftop, her hair flowing wildly with the wind. Behind her, the full moon echoes its lambent lullaby. Silver tears streams in her face as she embrace the despair that she has denied. You are meeting an Eris that you have never seen before.
She will confess that she has made peace with her past. She remembers everything now. “I have no past to return to anymore. But I still have a future. All this time, I tried to travel there without carrying my cross. I am such a fool to be so afraid of it.”
Then she will embrace you. Her life has been set anew. As if she was now reborn. Within the silence of the night, her cries was the loudest to be heard. “I still have you right? I can love you right?”
Protagonist will say “Yes”
Then you will see the purest smile that she can ever give. Then lend you a kiss. GOOD END
Last edited by Fyn on Thu Feb 21, 2013 6:18 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Suggestion for KS 2 and a new character

Post by Xanatos »

There will never be a sequel or a prequel. And many of those questions are answered in the game. Go play it instead of plaguing us with your fanfiction characters. Not to mention that by spoiling every aspect of your idea in these posts, you've already ruined any potential they ever could have had. "Oh, hey, I have an idea for a game and HERE'S HOW IT ALL PLAYS OUT AND ENDS so you never have to play it anyway." kind of defeats the point.

Who tries to suggest sequel possibilities without even finishing the original anyway? That's ridiculous.
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Re: Suggestion for KS 2 and a new character

Post by Fyn »

Ouch, my idea was rejected.I kinda expected that though :)
But just a request, please read it the story. You dont want to waste the efforts of a fan of your game, now do you?
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Re: Suggestion for KS 2 and a new character

Post by Xanatos »

Fyn wrote:Did you read the first paragraph? :(
First paragraph...Of the post? The prequel stuff? Yup. Let's review that:

1. Is it true that Yuko and Kenji used to have a relationship? --- It's implied. It's also not very good prequel material. Kenji's a one-note character and many find Yuuko uninteresting.

2. What was the root of Lily and Shizune’s strife? --- Explained in-game.

3. Misha’s hair, how did she came up with such an idea. And did she choose it before or after Lily and Shizune fought? --- How she came up with it is not explained nor a good prequel point. When she chose it is explained in-game.

4. How was Hanako doing in the 3 years before Lily came to board? (She never met Lily until 3rd year) --- Total recluse, most likely. Too depressing to be prequel material. "Hi, I'm Hanako, and this is the story of how I lived without friends for years." - I've lived that, I don't want to play someone else living it.

5. How does Hanako sings? (Lily said Hanako is a singer) --- Irrelevant.

6. How did Hanako and Lily’s relationship came to be --- If you can't figure out how friendships happen, there's a problem. As for specific details of their friendship's origin, also irrelevant and not interesting enough to be the basis for a new game.

7. How does Rin and Emi managed to adapt to each others differences? --- Implied in-game that they don't. (You should finish the game before asking questions, honestly.)

All the potentially interesting past stuff is already in the game as backstory. A prequel's got little to work with, except maybe detailing Kenji's descent into madness. But, as mentioned, he's just not a good enough character to focus on. If there were anything new, and there won't be, it would have to be a sequel. And there's a thread for sequel ideas somewhere here already.

As for the character...Meh.
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Re: Suggestion for KS 2 and a new character

Post by Fyn »

So I see, guess, I should delete this topic. :|
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Re: Suggestion for KS 2 and a new character

Post by Carighan »

How did Hanako and Lily’s relationship came to be
I thought this was merely not in the game because all test players ended up spacing out over the specific H-scene? :P
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Re: Suggestion for KS 2 and a new character

Post by Fyn »

Wait, i cant find how to delete this. Im new, can someone tell me how to delete this topic?
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Re: Suggestion for KS 2 and a new character

Post by metalangel »

I like Eris, but even with just BPD (no multiple personalities) it would be a roller coaster of feels so harrowing it might destroy us all.
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Re: Suggestion for KS 2 and a new character

Post by pandaphil »

Well, now that you've survived Xan's tirade, we can welcome you to the board properly Fyn! :)

I don't quite understand why the devs aren't doing anything more with KS. If I created something this popular I'd be milking the hell out of it. But, its there choice and that's that. But if there was a KS2, it would have to be with a totally different cast and probably a different situation.

You do have some good questions though. I'd love to read about Lily and Hanaok's first meeting too. I think at this point it'll be up to fanfic writers to provide the answers.

As for your character, I love stuff like this! Doesn't this come a bit close to RP'ing though? Something the mods don't allow?

I actually do have a YHS character I made up just for fun. (see my avi) -----> I just haven't been able to come up with a decent disability.
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Re: Suggestion for KS 2 and a new character

Post by Xanatos »

pandaphil wrote:If I created something this popular I'd be milking the hell out of it.
We here in the world call that "ruining everything". :lol: Name one popular thing that wasn't completely wrecked by being milked to death. :P

@Fyn: You can't delete the topic.
<KeiichiO>: "I wonder what Misha's WAHAHA's sound like with a cock stuffed down her throat..."
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Re: Suggestion for KS 2 and a new character

Post by Fyn »

Gundam Franchise, Tales Franchise, Final Fantasy series, Fire Emblem Franchise and One Piece Legacy. They never died and the haters never increased unlike the fans of Naruto and Bleach.

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Re: Suggestion for KS 2 and a new character

Post by Xanatos »

Fyn wrote:Final Fantasy series...the haters never increased...
Are you sure on that one? :P

And Tales and Fire Emblem weren't milked. They were continued. "Milking" implies just dragging shit on without any attention to quality. Like the Mario or Call of Duty franchises that have released the very same game year after year. :lol:
<KeiichiO>: "I wonder what Misha's WAHAHA's sound like with a cock stuffed down her throat..."
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Re: Suggestion for KS 2 and a new character

Post by pandaphil »

Okay fine. How about "continued", or "expanded on" rather than "milked". Happy?
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Re: Suggestion for KS 2 and a new character

Post by Xanatos »

pandaphil wrote:Okay fine. How about "continued", or "expanded on" rather than "milked". Happy?
Ask me again in August. :lol:
<KeiichiO>: "I wonder what Misha's WAHAHA's sound like with a cock stuffed down her throat..."
<Ascension>: "I laughed, cried, vomited in my mouth a little, and even had time for marshmallows afterwards. Well played, Xanatos. Well played."
<KeiichiO>: "That's a beautiful response to chocolate."