Another question about Japanese reaction

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Another question about Japanese reaction

Post by Fronzel »

Surely we've all seen that blog post and read the few translated comments, but those are probably more reactions to the unfortunate name and the very idea of non-Japanese making a visual novel. Have any Japanese actually played the demo and posted anything about it on the internet?
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Re: Another question about Japanese reaction

Post by cpl_crud »

Reading Japanese comments at this stage would be like reading comments on this forum about the latest Japanese VN. Sure, there would be a lot of "Nice Art" type responses, but until there is a translated version, it's hard to get a worthwile reaction from them.

It's the same with our pre-Act 1 audience. They had seen the art on the blog and had a general idea of the plot, but hadn't actually played the game. As a result, we didn't bother too much with the responses.

In time the JP localisation will be released, and then we will start seeing some more responses.
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Re: Another question about Japanese reaction

Post by Fronzel »

Well, yeah, but I was wondering if any English-fluent Japanese had played it, I guess.
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Re: Another question about Japanese reaction

Post by DuaneMoody »

Ever since I saw the post that translated "I want to use Misha's tummy for my pillow" I knew all was right in the world.
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Re: Another question about Japanese reaction

Post by Bara »

From what I read in posts the translation teams will have a fair amount of leeway in just how far their localization goes. What will work linguisticly and cultraly one place will not work elsewhere. 4LS is not going to sit and watch every sentence get translated. The people translating are also volunteering their own time and effort. Who can say when non-english speaking japanese have ready access to KS. That will depend on the japanese tranlation groups time and skill. Maybe the French, German, Italian, Lituanian, etcetera translations will be done first.

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Re: Another question about Japanese reaction

Post by abscess »

I have the same impression, though it seems a bit odd. I thought that, being somewhat of a weaboo community, there were at least one or two people able to understand the intricacies of moonspeak and willing to share them in a translation.
Anyway, I don't suppose it will be a bad reception. The most that could happen, I guess, is that it could attract guro-fans expecting to see scarred girls with amputated limbs and such, which there are, but not in the way they'd expect.
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