Act1 Walkthrough, 100% & Individual paths, Flowchart

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Re: Act1 Walkthrought, 100% & Individual paths, Flowchart

Post by Fawriel »

Agh... so that confirms my suspicion that Rin is treated like some sort of consolation prize. I am filled with tears and various organs!

Seriously, though... Hmm, I'm not sure if it's worth creating a new thread over, but...

Okay, so I assume the next release will be the full game. So all the 100% completion so far will go to waste, but oh well. But that also means that nothing that happens in the first act is set in stone, right? I suppose it's a necessary part of games like this, but it still seems really awkward the way the paths work sometimes... Getting Emi's ending pretty much depends entirely on one choice. And Rin, you don't get any chance to score any points with her until it's too late. I really like both Rin and Hanako, but to get Rin, you pretty much have to neglect Hanako... It just seems unfair. I hope I'll get enough chances to still make friends with either of them. It would be nice if, I dunno, the times you spend with Emi and Rin together would count for Rin as well? I dunno.

Sorry for rambling like that. I just get a little too much into this sort of thing sometimes, so having to make a decision between two such choices is quite daunting.
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Re: Act1 Walkthrought, 100% & Individual paths, Flowchart

Post by vermithrx »

Fawriel wrote:And Rin, you don't get any chance to score any points with her until it's too late. I really like both Rin and Hanako, but to get Rin, you pretty much have to neglect Hanako... It just seems unfair.
Actually, you can be as nice to Hanako as you want as long as you don't both have lunch with her in the tea room on the third day and side with Lilly in her conflict with Shizune. One or the other is alright, just not both.

Same goes with Shizune. You can get as many 'points' with her as you want, but as long as you don't both go to the Shanghai with her and side with her against Lilly you won't get her ending.

So the choices are really set up like this:
Lunch Day 3 + Conflict = ? Path
Shizune + Shizune = Shizune path
Hanako + Lilly = Lilly/Hanako path
Shizune + Lilly = Rin path
Hanako + Shizune = Rin path
Book + Shizune = Rin Path
Book + Lilly = Rin Path

Then you just have to make sure not to race Emi and you're golden. You can be a nice guy and get points with all the girls, or you can be an asshole to all except the one you're aiming for, but as long as you follow the formula above you can get whichever path you want regardless. :D
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Re: Act1 Walkthrought, 100% & Individual paths, Flowchart

Post by Darisc »

Strange, I have 100% on paths, but I'm still missing one gallery pic, the very last one. Is there something I did wrong?
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Re: Act1 Walkthrought, 100% & Individual paths, Flowchart

Post by EvilDragon »

Finish Lilly's route. Yes, it's a bit different than Hanako's. Just answer the last question differently.
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Re: Act1 Walkthrought, 100% & Individual paths, Flowchart

Post by Fawriel »

Hmmmm... thanks, vermithrx. I guess Hanako will survive without having me to accompany her on that day. *ponders*
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Re: Act1 Walkthrought, 100% & Individual paths, Flowchart

Post by Warwick »

vermithrx wrote:
Fawriel wrote:And Rin, you don't get any chance to score any points with her until it's too late. I really like both Rin and Hanako, but to get Rin, you pretty much have to neglect Hanako... It just seems unfair.
Actually, you can be as nice to Hanako as you want as long as you don't both have lunch with her in the tea room on the third day and side with Lilly in her conflict with Shizune. One or the other is alright, just not both.

Same goes with Shizune. You can get as many 'points' with her as you want, but as long as you don't both go to the Shanghai with her and side with her against Lilly you won't get her ending.

So the choices are really set up like this:
Lunch Day 3 + Conflict = ? Path
Shizune + Shizune = Shizune path
Hanako + Lilly = Lilly/Hanako path
Shizune + Lilly = Rin path
Hanako + Shizune = Rin path
Book + Shizune = Rin Path
Book + Lilly = Rin Path

Then you just have to make sure not to race Emi and you're golden. You can be a nice guy and get points with all the girls, or you can be an asshole to all except the one you're aiming for, but as long as you follow the formula above you can get whichever path you want regardless. :D
Which is also why I didn't label the choices as Emi/Rin. I figured out that you can get Rin's ending by neglecting Emi, unlike Lilly and Hanako, who come as a package until the very end.
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Re: Act1 Walkthrought, 100% & Individual paths, Flowchart

Post by vermithrx »

Warwick wrote:Which is also why I didn't label the choices as Emi/Rin. I figured out that you can get Rin's ending by neglecting Emi, unlike Lilly and Hanako, who come as a package until the very end.
Yup. I enjoy thinking about it.

Choices between the Shizune and Hanako/Lilly paths are obvious and spread throughout the game, but that makes sense because you meet them early and their characters conflict.
-For Shizune you have to be agressive and self important from the start to get her interested in you.
-In contrast, you have to be considerate, so as not to scare away Hanako, and impress Lilly by chivalrously coming to her aid if you want either of them.
Those particular paths almost give Hisao entirely different personalities.
-Emi, on the other hand, is like a subtle trap you have to sidestep if you're going for anyone else. She just comes out of nowhere and bowls you over if you aren't careful.
-Rin you get if you won't fully comit to anyone or anything until the last minute.
It makes sense because Rin and Emi aren't at all similar despite their friendship. (Wait...Isn't that supposed to be the other way around?)

I really like that set up, because it seems to fit the way each girl goes about things.
The only exception is Hanako vs. Lilly. I don't like that it is an obvious, almost conscious choice between them at the end. I'm not sure how you'd make it more subtle though, what with how close they are. *shrug*
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Re: Act1 Walkthrought, 100% & Individual paths, Flowchart

Post by Fawriel »

Hmm, I actually liked the obviousness of the final choice between Hanako and Lilly. It was very refreshing after all the trouble with Rin and whatnot. :P
It makes sense, too. The two girls are only marginally less close than Mishizune. In fact, Hanako is more dependent on Lilly than either of the other two are on one another, but Lilly isn't really dependent on Hanako at all - in fact, Hanako is kind of a burden to her, although she doesn't really mind and would never complain about it. The fact remains, though, that she's a busy person with lots of responsibilities, and she has to go out of her way for her friend.
Lilly and Hanako are like mother and daughter, respectively. No matter what you do, you end up keeping Hanako company, and making life easier for Lilly. Their route is based entirely on empathy, and the only question is, are you more interested in the one evoking your empathy, or the one who shares it? Or, in other words, do you want to be Hanako's boyfriend or her stepfather?
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Re: Act1 Walkthrought, 100% & Individual paths, Flowchart

Post by Rednal »

Boyfriend. Definitely. And go with Lilly while I'm at it. XD
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Re: Act1 Walkthrought, 100% & Individual paths, Flowchart

Post by kobe »

Fawriel wrote:Do you want to be Hanako's boyfriend or her stepfather?
Guys, where are the internets? I need to hand one out!

Boyfriend, hell yeah, a girl who plays chess, AND reads books, my kind of girl ^^ (even though i suck at chess, I'm rather good at stratego, I've only lost 6 times in my life) Did i mention Stephen King, Douglas Adams, ... *mind wanders off*
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Re: Act1 Walkthrought, 100% & Individual paths, Flowchart

Post by vermithrx »

Fawriel wrote:Or, in other words, do you want to be Hanako's boyfriend or her stepfather?
Or, in other other words, do you want to be Lilly's boyfriend or her son-in-law?

:shock: I don't see a right answer here, do you?

Re: Act1 Walkthrought, 100% & Individual paths, Flowchart

Post by mwalimu »

Just wanted to confirm one thing on the flowchart. In "Shared Library" it shows the 'I'm sorry' reply scoring a point for Lilly/Hanako while 'Hi, I'm new here' does not. This seems rather counterintuitive, and I would have expected the opposite.
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Re: Act1 Walkthrought, 100% & Individual paths, Flowchart

Post by Fawriel »

Hmm, my roommate was also confused by that. It seemed pretty intuitive to me, though.

See, it's a psychological thing. Hanako is terrified of strangers, and you just intruded on her. In animal terms, at that point, she's trying to determine whether you're harmless, or a predator. That's why apologizing is the right thing to do: You signify that you have no ill intentions. Introducing yourself casually while ignoring her obvious fright is far too direct.
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Re: Act1 Walkthrought, 100% & Individual paths, Flowchart

Post by vermithrx »

mwalimu wrote:Just wanted to confirm one thing on the flowchart. In "Shared Library" it shows the 'I'm sorry' reply scoring a point for Lilly/Hanako while 'Hi, I'm new here' does not. This seems rather counterintuitive, and I would have expected the opposite.
The flowchart is accurate. I ran through the first five choices about fifty times on skip mode checking all possible combinations to make sure of their effect on the Lunch Evolution Theory choice. (2x3x2x2x2=??) Also, what Fawriel said. Sound analysis there. :D

Re: Act1 Walkthrought, 100% & Individual paths, Flowchart

Post by mwalimu »

That would be 48. And I do appreciate your thoroughness.
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