Emi inspired running/workout

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Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Post by tounymalouny »

Week 3 link 4 doesn't work, it just says "Permission Denied."
Could you reupload it elsewhere?

Edit: Same goes for
Week 4 Link 5
Week 5 Links 2 and 3
Week 6 Link 1
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Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Post by Parliament »

I don't think I was inspired just by Emi, I would be fairly confident saying that I'm not the only one who sees a bit of themselves in every character- something I'm sure the developers intended.
I guess I've been waiting for a catalyst for change for a while now, I figure the feels from KS is as good as anything else =)

I can't really run anything besides wind sprints, which I don't have the space for, so to compensate for my flat feet/bad knees/bad back/shin splints I wrote up some exercises I can do with some 10 pounders and a rug for my back.
Not really sure why I'm posting them here but if anyone else is looking for something similar maybe I can help a bit =)

Lunges w/ weights 5x6
Squats w/ weights 5x6
Crunches 20x6
Push ups 5x6
Side lateral raise 5x6
Curl to press 10x6
Ledge dips 10x6
Side/front plank 1 min each side x3

Pretty simple- I go down the list 6 separate times, the planks I do every other time down the list(3 total) since they're pretty rough so far.

If anyone has any ideas for simple cardio or exercises to add I'd love to hear them, this workout feels pretty good so far but I want to do more.
I wish I had some kind of succinct piece of wisdom to put here. Oh well, bathrobes are comfy =)
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Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Post by bahamit_147 »

When I'm back to my computer I'm very interested in reading this, though as I have weak lungs athsma only being one of the problems, extreme cardio has always been out, though my capabilities have been far lower than they should be as last time I tore my shoulder I haven't had the motivation to begin training again knowing its only a matter of time before I push to far and tear it again, though its like my motivation is back, I'll post again after reading everything though.
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Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Post by YZQ »

bahamit_147 wrote:When I'm back to my computer I'm very interested in reading this, though as I have weak lungs athsma only being one of the problems, extreme cardio has always been out, though my capabilities have been far lower than they should be as last time I tore my shoulder I haven't had the motivation to begin training again knowing its only a matter of time before I push to far and tear it again, though its like my motivation is back, I'll post again after reading everything though.
The usual "consult your doctor before trying anything" stuff applies. Otherwise, have fun with the research, and hope it helps you.
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Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Post by HurricaneHarvey »

tounymalouny wrote:Week 3 link 4 doesn't work, it just says "Permission Denied."
Could you reupload it elsewhere?

Edit: Same goes for
Week 4 Link 5
Week 5 Links 2 and 3
Week 6 Link 1
HurricaneHarvey wrote:
HurricaneHarvey wrote:
nginx wrote:I've also encounterd problems with downloading some of the running mixes.
The following songs linked on the first post are not available for me:
http://www.mediafire.com/?r8bb5d2qyuxe99m (W3, 4th link)
http://www.mediafire.com/?vbhqz9tpoa6mda0 (W4, 5th link)
http://www.mediafire.com/?j7w6cv4zy13yl2b (W5, 2nd link)
http://www.mediafire.com/?4dhcqn8nn1azo2e (W5 3rd link)
http://www.mediafire.com/?hvlmct7q3hgcud1 (W6)

It would be awesome if someone could re-upload those.

Noted. I do not have the tracks on me however so I will get back to you with updated links and then update the 1st post. Alliteratively, if someone else gets working links posted before I do I will update the first post with those.
HurricaneHarvey wrote: Having trouble finding the missing tracks. I may have to make some unless someone else has them already downloaded so they can put up a link so I can fill in the blanks.
As for your w5d1 mix nginx, I the link was had all the download options either over limit or needing an account so I couldn't get to it. I would just stick it on youtube and I can download it from there.
HurricaneHarvey wrote: Well I never could find the missing files from the running tracks so I just tossed some songs together and trimmed for length myself. No DJing but here is a replacement week 3 download 4. Check it out and let me know if I should go ahead and replace the other missing ones in the same way.
https://docs.google.com/folder/d/0B67FO ... o2RFE/edit
That is as far as I got with the missing tracks a few pages back.
Sorry for my grammar and spelling. I am not very good at those...
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Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Post by bahamit_147 »

YZQ wrote: The usual "consult your doctor before trying anything" stuff applies. Otherwise, have fun with the research, and hope it helps you.
Lol I know that, actually I had to go through a medical/physical check for the job I'm working so I'm able to, however I haven't actually worked out in over a year and a half so no worries there, and just starting reading everything. In college I had a very strict workout regime, and I know many people have said that its bad to work out every day. I'm not sure if this was ever touched on and cleared up, actually depending on how your working out (what muscle groups) you can work out every day, or at least almost every day, I used to have one day of either rest or abdominal exercises. The other days alternated muscle group one, cardio (though I had to take that easy), muscle group two, yoga, muscle group three, cardio, and abdominal. The body however is something that has memory, and if you continue the same work out for an extended period of time (more than a month at a time) the effectiveness wanes. You need to continuously change it, and a very effective routine to doing that is once a month, and typically a muscle group listed above contains two or three smaller groups, these get mixed among themselves etc, quite simple. Cardio can contain any types you personally like, tai bo, jogging, etc.
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Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Post by YZQ »

bahamit_147 wrote:
YZQ wrote: The usual "consult your doctor before trying anything" stuff applies. Otherwise, have fun with the research, and hope it helps you.
Lol I know that, actually I had to go through a medical/physical check for the job I'm working so I'm able to, however I haven't actually worked out in over a year and a half so no worries there, and just starting reading everything. In college I had a very strict workout regime, and I know many people have said that its bad to work out every day. I'm not sure if this was ever touched on and cleared up, actually depending on how your working out (what muscle groups) you can work out every day, or at least almost every day, I used to have one day of either rest or abdominal exercises. The other days alternated muscle group one, cardio (though I had to take that easy), muscle group two, yoga, muscle group three, cardio, and abdominal. The body however is something that has memory, and if you continue the same work out for an extended period of time (more than a month at a time) the effectiveness wanes. You need to continuously change it, and a very effective routine to doing that is once a month, and typically a muscle group listed above contains two or three smaller groups, these get mixed among themselves etc, quite simple. Cardio can contain any types you personally like, tai bo, jogging, etc.
More people have died from lack of exercise than over-exercise. Stay frosty.
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Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Post by bahamit_147 »

Oh I know this fact, and I want to loose another 25 pounds, getting back to a healthy weight. I may be just under six feet tall, but I have a very large frame, an healthy weight (as long as I build up the muscle mass again) is 200lbs for me. I had a good friend in college who was studying nutrition and another who was a personal trainer, I'd be willing to share anything I used to know (well still do, just not as well) with anyone, as always its just advice, so right now I'm going to denounce any liability that may come if someone does hurt themselves.
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Post by Lloonnee2 »

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Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Post by CaptPonyholder »

Just finished Day 3 of the "Stop-Being-Lazy-Get-Ready-For-Emi" Challenge. Aka, getting used to the gym before I start my actual jogging. So far I have only been walking on an incline machine for 30 minutes every other day.

Oh well, next week is when I get really busy!
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Post by Lloonnee2 »

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Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Post by notme »

I have winter, fucking -10 °C :{
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Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Post by Gandara »

Lloonnee2 wrote:1. I don't really get the 'runner's high' that Emi and a few other people in this thread have experienced, does it come when you're sprinting or jogging? :o.
I've never experienced this either (see: extremely overweight, can't do much more than jog right now without obliterating my knees and shins), but from what I've heard this comes later. Keep at it, and you'll end up feeling that high when you've passed a new threshold of endurance and motivation. =)
2. I feel when I'm jogging that I have to keep reminding myself to keep my pace, keep my pace, keep my pace, otherwise my body tends to speed up and I end up being unable to continue maintaining the higher speed of pace. Is this normal?
A treadmill would keep you from doing this. Go too slow, you fall off the treadmill - go too fast, you hit the plastic guard rail. :3 But it is normal, especially if you feel like you could run faster and you WANT to run faster but you know that running faster will burn way more energy more quickly. Try using an mp3 player and throw on some songs with a strong rhythmic beat. Techno works well, but you can use other genres, just nothing peaceful / serene. What you're looking for is a beat you can synchronize your footfalls to. Techno also works well for this because you can often find songs closer to or over 10 minutes, so depending on your running duration the song may last almost the entire run.
3. Does anyone know a good way to recover your breath after jogging? I remember Emi saying in the VN that putting your hands behind your head helps you to recover your breath faster, and it works quite well for me, but I'm interested in learning what other people do when they're walking to cool themselves down after jogging.
I grab some 10-lbs dumbbells and start lifting them over my head while pacing around. :lol: It might not be the best method of regaining my breath, but when I go to the workout center I'm in workout mode extreeeeme!
4. I'm identified as being 'Severely Underweight' due to having a BMI that causes me to be classified as being 'severely underweight'. With a weight of 48kg and a height of 1.75m, yea...I guess I'm underweight >.<, but it's a first since I've always been classified as merely 'underweight' for the past 6 or 7 years. The letter from a government board that identified me said that I '...may have an inherently high metabolic rate ad low tendency to store body fat.' What are the implications of this (me being severely underweight) for me when I'm undergoing Emi's Exercise Program?
As a rule, the BMI is an extremely antiquated, outdated, and, for lack of a better term, piece of shit measurement system. If you have the ability, I would consult a doctor before starting any new exercise regiment or diet plan. They will give you the most accurate and up-to-date information about how healthy you are, regardless of how you stack up against an old-as-sin body measurement system like BMI.

If you are unable to consult a doctor (don't have one, low on money, etc.) then you should just be careful with what you do. Listen to what your body is telling you when you try to work out. Don't push yourself extremely hard. Don't do risky stuff that might cause you to injure yourself (lifting weights improperly, using too much weight on a piece of equipment, etc.). If you're looking to "bulk up" a bit, consult the internets for bulking systems. Avoid the body-builder powder crap at the grocery store, just start eating more every day. There's plenty of guides to bulking up without the use of artificial supplements, and if you put on a few pounds your body will be much, much more receptive to building that muscle up.

Hope this helps!

To everyone else, great job on your progress! It doesn't seem like much at first, but you are putting in the steps necessary for a new path in life. Keep at it, and always feel free to come by this topic if you need encouragement or support. :)
Diet / Exercise Tracker:
Original weight (1/1/12): 400 lbs. // Target weight: ??? lbs. // Current (1/28/13): 344 lbs. // Total lost: 56 lbs.
Current exercise: Workout 3-4x a week: jogging, weights
"Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies." - Andy Dufresne, "The Shawshank Redemption"
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Post by Lloonnee2 »

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Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Post by Gandara »

Lloonnee2 wrote:I see, strange that my country still uses the BMI system then. I don't really have a personal doctor I go to, aside from the occasional flu ailments, but I don't lift weights nor train rigorously, so I think I should be fine :D
http://latino.foxnews.com/latino/health ... professor/

Somewhat recent, albeit apparently posted by FAWKS NEWS (it was a quick Google search, take it as you will).

And most countries still use BMI. They really shouldn't, though.
Diet / Exercise Tracker:
Original weight (1/1/12): 400 lbs. // Target weight: ??? lbs. // Current (1/28/13): 344 lbs. // Total lost: 56 lbs.
Current exercise: Workout 3-4x a week: jogging, weights
"Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies." - Andy Dufresne, "The Shawshank Redemption"
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