Misha's disabillity?

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Re: Misha's disabillity?

Post by Rinftw »

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Re: Misha's disabillity?

Post by DuaneMoody »

Rinftw wrote:Man, lepers in Japan get treated like shit.
(apologies to Paul McCartney)
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Re: Misha's disabillity?

Post by toast »

Man, I wish they would just release the game already so we can find out. It seems that these discussions always end up going around in circles :(. However, for my two bits I have to say isn't possible that Misha has a gastrointestinal problem or some simple(or complex) internal problem? I mean her personality could just be like that.
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Re: Misha's disabillity?

Post by abscess »

Am I the only one that thinks that the problem could be in her bones? like some kind of osteoporosis or something? "To brittle for normal school" so she goes to Yamaku..... I'm throwing this here mostly just because, I don't find it very likely though.... But if someone can actually find medicall conditions that could describe her symptoms, that would be awesome!
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Re: Misha's disabillity?

Post by Onisake »

toast wrote:Man, I wish they would just release the game already so we can find out. It seems that these discussions always end up going around in circles :(. However, for my two bits I have to say isn't possible that Misha has a gastrointestinal problem or some simple(or complex) internal problem? I mean her personality could just be like that.
you mean she's dumb as a rock? yeah. we got that already. I'd still bang her. unless you mean she's also OCD. but even 'normal' kids get that. seeing as the title of the game is basically cripple girls, it should be obvious that she likely has a physical ailment as opposed to a mental one. While the ailment could affect her to a degree, like hanako, her root personality is independent. Even if Hanako wasn't severely scarred, she would still probably be shy. it just compounds because Japanese boys are shallow. Except Hisao. maybe. i might have made that up. Also Kenji's personality quirks have nothing to do with his ailment.
abscess wrote:Am I the only one that thinks that the problem could be in her bones? like some kind of osteoporosis or something? "To brittle for normal school" so she goes to Yamaku..... I'm throwing this here mostly just because, I don't find it very likely though.... But if someone can actually find medicall conditions that could describe her symptoms, that would be awesome!

In a nutshell: genetic disease, body doesn't produce collagen as it should. either their is a defect in the collagen, or there just isn't enough of it. your bones are responsible for supporting your entire body. It's understood that Misha has a larger body frame, at least compared to a normal jp girl. so cute aren't they? anyway, brittle bone disease would be very obvious. So, i really don't think so. if it was severe enough she would be wheel chair bound. seeing as she was very nearly bouncing off the walls at one point. no. just no. If it is something in her bones, i would suspect a blood disease. but that's a big stretch. (more later)

The most sound theories i've heard are Moody's Meniere's disease and the Autoimmune Inner Ear Disease. Which basically boils down to some sort of progressive hearing loss. The particular cause is debatable. All we have are what we think are symptoms.
She's too loud
The teacher mentioned 'what have we talked about volume control' or something like that
she got dizzy at the top of some stairs.

and as Toast said, she could just be that way. i know a lot of loud girls, who are hyper. and are OCD. Getting dizzy at the top of stairs could be a sign of anemia or blood disease as well. but it doesn't fit with her obnoxious behavior, and her constantly spending too much energy. she'd pass out from all that talking. then again, all the oxygen deprivation could explain why she's kind of stupid. then again, she could just not be that smart. It happens.

And it's fun to theorize and see other's theories, compare them to your own, and see where holes are in your own theory. Those of us here aren't (that) stupid. So we can come up with something interesting eventually. Except for you futa people. shame on you.
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Re: Misha's disabillity?

Post by abscess »

Onisake wrote:you mean she's dumb as a rock?
i may be wrong but, I don't remember reading somewhere that Misha is "dumb as a rock". I know people that are loud and hyper and do impressively well in school. She probably is around average (maybe a bit below) and could do better, but she's just too occupied with the student council, I guess.
Onisake wrote:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osteogenesis_imperfecta
[...] i really don't think so.
Thanks. And yeah, it's just that I wanted to check a different approach.
Onisake wrote:And it's fun to theorize and see other's theories, compare them to your own, and see where holes are in your own theory. Those of us here aren't (that) stupid. So we can come up with something interesting eventually. Except for you futa people. shame on you.
lol Don't be so hard on Roxius, he just seems to be that way.
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Re: Misha's disabillity?

Post by Xaphan »

The suspence of not knowing Misha's actual condition is a rather interesting twist. While I was playing the demo, I too had a hunger for inquiry on what different conditons Misha could have... I see that most people believe it has something to do with the brain, OCD, COLD, ADHD, AS or some other mental disorder. However if that were the case, then the conclusion would lead some kind of defect in her central nervous system...

After going back and quickly skimming through the game, it is to my understanding that the school IS for people who have some kind of motor control deficiency. (Not exactly a disorder however.) The most obvious cases would be Emi and Rin. Shizune and Lilly may not have an actual motor control disorder, however their problem does deal with the 5 senses of the human body, so it does affect motor control even though the condition isn't entirely noticeable at first hand. Take Lilly for instance, not being able to see would have a huge impact on how someone can go along with an everyday lifestyle. Or how about Shizune? Her deaf problem couldn't really put her motor control at risk can it? Well, even though seeing and hearing aren't exactly what allows someone to move, they do play essential roles in dexterity and movement. On top of that, the sense of sight and sound go hand and hand just as much as arms and legs do... For example, if one were to experience a very immense proportion sound, then their vision goes blur as well.

There are two parts of our body that work together to accomplish motor control. The central nervous system, and the peripheral nervous system. The central nervous system controls the five senses (along with awareness, emotions, memory, and thought processes). The peripheral nervous system controls our movement, dexterity, balance, and involuntary movement. Everything that happens within our body is controls by the neurons. Neurons are like little messengers that go all throughout our body. Even though all neurons are generally the same, not all of them transfer the same message. Some transport messages to our eyes which allows us to read, others are used to maintain the chemical balance we know as homeostasis. The motor cortex and the cerebellum are the two main parts of the brain which control sensory perception (hearing and sight) and motor control. In other words hearing and sight contribute to our ability to move, they correspond with the rest of our body to help maintain immaculate (perfect) motor control.

So, how can all of this help us learn about what might be wrong with Misha? Well, to be honest, there are various possibilities of what could be wrong with her, but I believe that most of you concluded that it has something to do with the nervous system... Lets briefly review some of the possible conclusions some of you guys have come up with.

AS could be a possibility. However, People who tend to have AS are more... how to say... in their own boundaries than Misa is. People who have an extreme case of AS usually tend to fill the atmosphere with depression. They keep to themselves and are relativity quiet. Also, they do show signs of OCD and are pretty smart because of it. On top of that, it doesn't really affect motor control. In my opinion, AS is not what Misha has...

I believe that OCD could be something that Misha has, but it's defiantly not the main condition... People who have OCD are r constantly nervous. OCD can drive people crazy! They're always messing around with stuff, always worrying about things that are irrelevant no anything, and they are pretty arrogant as well. Take monk for example! There are people out there that are like that. (Don't know about having quite as much phobias as he does however.) Misa isn't any of those... but I do think she has OCD but at a very low level.

COLD does suit Msha very well. I have to give the person props for coming up with a diagnoses such as COLD. Not very many people know if it's whereabouts. If anything, COLD would explain Misha very well. However, I'm taking account to all the possibilities here. Since the school IS for people who have some kind of disorder which affects both the central and peripheral nervous system, I can't help but think that Misha has to fit the category somehow.

My Conclusion:
There are very little signs that lead her to fitting the category but some of you have pointed out the fact that she does tend to stutter over her words. There has been recent studies which involve estrogen (a hormone found in women) and hearing loss which states that having a high amount of estrogen could increase the chances of becoming deaf over time. Having high amounts of estrogen increases certain "uncontrollable activity" in young women. Being extremely hyper, intensive, loud, and randomly stop between phrases (like shuddering) are just a few side affects of having too much estrogen. Misha could have had recent therapy (which she could explain over time in the story) for this problem and now needs to be watched over to make sure she's ok.

:mrgreen: If this is the case, then Misha probably isn't a virgin either. :mrgreen:
Think about it, Misha giving instructions to the now defenseless and embarrassed Shizune. Looking very closely and trying to follow how to give one badass blowjob. Misha, with her blushed face and seductive and surprisingly mature and calm attitude. Oh god, I need to stop...
Last edited by Xaphan on Mon May 25, 2009 3:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Misha's disabillity?

Post by Fawriel »

I apologize in advance for not reading through the whole thread...

First off, I'm glad to hear that I'm not a complete moron for thinking she has Asperger's when she barges into the classroom and doesn't even notice how exasperated Muto is. :P
That said, the actual condition is unlikely, but not completely impossible... But it might be something similar. All the girl duos have a certain dynamic between them... And thinking of the Mishizune Symbiont, I'm reminded of an online friend of mine who has Asperger's. According to her, she likes being online because, as she says, everyone has AS on the internets. Since the communication is on a purely verbal level, aspects that are hard for an Aspie (no offense ._.) to grasp are absent, and people can and are often forced to make their intents and emotions and such clear via smilies and clarification.
Point is, the sign language between Shizune and Misha is also almost purely verbal. And Shizune won't be annoyed by Misha being unnecessarily loud or talking funny. So there.
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Re: Misha's disabillity?

Post by Onisake »

abscess wrote: i may be wrong but, I don't remember reading somewhere that Misha is "dumb as a rock". I know people that are loud and hyper and do impressively well in school. She probably is around average (maybe a bit below) and could do better, but she's just too occupied with the student council, I guess.
I exagerated, sorry. haha. Yes, she's not retarded, but she doesn't always act smart. Also, she seems to be able to understand what words are, but not really know what they mean. I remember at least one case where Misha had to ask Shizune what a word meant. She also has difficulty pronouncing more complicated words, but can still understand them from Shizune. I think her 'stupidity' is part of what makes her cute.
abscess wrote:Thanks. And yeah, it's just that I wanted to check a different approach.
Glad you did. Every idea brought to the table increases our scope of thinking. some of us were pretty hooked on some sort of progressive hearing loss.

abscess wrote: lol Don't be so hard on Roxius, he just seems to be that way.
Sorry, was being sarcastic. But yes, I was just giving him a hard time. And the thought of my precious Misha as a futa sparked an emotional response. M(_ _)M my bad. I tend to be over critical of things. I don't critic my own work, simply because i did it, therefore it HAS to be gold (yeah, right) so i need someone else to pick it apart so i can look at it again with all the holes exposed. Because i'm probably not going to see those holes otherwise. I dont' mean to offend anyone by my comments. But it's bound to happen. I do hope that if i offend someone they talk to be about it, so it doesn't happen again.

Xaphan wrote: My Conclusion:
There are very little signs that lead her to fitting the category but some of you have pointed out the fact that she does tend to stutter over her words. There has been recent studies which involve estrogen (a hormone found and women) and hearing loss which states that having a high about of estrogen could increase the chances of becoming deaf over time. Having high amounts of estrogen increases certain "uncontrollable activity" in young women. Being extremely hyper, intensive, loud, and randomly stop between phrases (like shuddering) are just a few side affects of having too much estrogen. Misha could have had recent therapy (which she could explain over time in the story) for this problem and now needs to be watched over to make sure she's ok.

oooo, that's interesting. I hadn't thought of that. I also know little about it. But it certainly explains a lot. I'm not sure how you would treat this either. The first thing that came to mind would be to inject another chemical that either minds to estrogen, or estrogen receptors, preventing the excess estrogen from doing further harm. I found a website that explains it somewhat, but i only skimmed some of it. But i didn't really see anything on treatment. oh well. I really don't like the source, but it's easy to read, and as far as i know it's not erroneous.


Like Hisao, Misha seems pretty normal. She has all her limbs, she doesn't appear to be blind of deaf. She's just loud, and a bit OCD. I'm sure there are a lot of kids at the school who would be going through the same torment we are now over hisao. =/
Xaphan wrote: :mrgreen: If this is the case, then Misha probably isn't a virgin either. :mrgreen:
Think about it, Misha giving instructions to the now defenseless and embarrassed Shizune. Looking very closely and trying to follow how to give one badass blowjob. Misha, with her blushed face and seductive and surprisingly mature and calm attitude. Oh god, I need to stop...
. . .by all means, please keep going. >=)
Fawriel wrote:I apologize in advance for not reading through the whole thread...

First off, I'm glad to hear that I'm not a complete moron for thinking she has Asperger's when she barges into the classroom and doesn't even notice how exasperated Muto is. :P
That said, the actual condition is unlikely, but not completely impossible... But it might be something similar. All the girl duos have a certain dynamic between them... And thinking of the Mishizune Symbiont, I'm reminded of an online friend of mine who has Asperger's. According to her, she likes being online because, as she says, everyone has AS on the internets. Since the communication is on a purely verbal level, aspects that are hard for an Aspie (no offense ._.) to grasp are absent, and people can and are often forced to make their intents and emotions and such clear via smilies and clarification.
Point is, the sign language between Shizune and Misha is also almost purely verbal. And Shizune won't be annoyed by Misha being unnecessarily loud or talking funny. So there.
Once a topic gets over like 2 pages, i woudlnt' expect anyone to read all the entries. If an idea is brought up again, it can be ignored or discussed again if brought to the table in a new light. As i said earlier, every idea brought to the table increases our scope. Which is important to seeking answers to a question/problem we don't know the answer to, Every possibility must be looked at. The only way i would call someone on here an idiot, and actually mean it, is if someone said. 'ohai guis Misha's blind didn't you play the game!?11?! it's sho obvious c'mon lulz <3 <3 <3 =D' A theory like that has no backing, and Misha is very clearly not blind. although that doesn't mean she won't become blind.

Also, social/mental disorders tend to be overlooked in japan. (Take Neet syndrome, or however it's spelled.) I highly doubt a doctor would put misha in a special school for something so 'small' as a social disorder. But that's me speculating. That doesn't mean she doesn't also have a social disorder. I'm of the opinion there is little to know real treatment for social disorders. It's an internal struggle for the afflicted. If they want to get better, they'll need a large amount of will power and determination, and they'll have to work at it.
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Re: Misha's disabillity?

Post by DuaneMoody »

Devs have been clear Yamaku isn't for mental disorders.
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Re: Misha's disabillity?

Post by Krull »

I still say it's a brain/nerve disorder that she had as a kid,left her deaf for a short while and maybe has some lasting affects that she has to deal with.

Or maybe it's a spinal disorder and she needs a brace to keep from getting deformed,yea she's bouncing off the walls but maybe that's thanks to her being on pain killers? she just doesn't realize how much she's hurting?

There are 1001 possiblitys and we are shooting at a pin head in the dark.
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Re: Misha's disabillity?

Post by Roxius »

Well, once the game is finally complete (I pray to God that it's soon), we'll finally know...hopefully.
You just KNOW there's gonna be a Nurse X Akira X Hanako threesome witnessed by Yuuko at SOME point during the Emi path...in Lilly's room.
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Re: Misha's disabillity?

Post by Bara »

Roxius wrote:Well, once the game is finally complete (I pray to God that it's soon), we'll finally know...hopefully.
Hmm, ok you pray for speed if you want to. I'll be praying for a story that blows my socks off. I'll to wait for the best product. I won't be happy about waiting, but I'd rather it be the best VN possible than hear that if they had just taken 3 more weeks or whatever that it wold have been majorly improved. :mrgreen:

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Re: Misha's disabillity?

Post by Xaphan »

Bara wrote:
Roxius wrote:Well, once the game is finally complete (I pray to God that it's soon), we'll finally know...hopefully.
Hmm, ok you pray for speed if you want to. I'll be praying for a story that blows my socks off. I'll to wait for the best product. I won't be happy about waiting, but I'd rather it be the best VN possible than hear that if they had just taken 3 more weeks or whatever that it wold have been majorly improved. :mrgreen:
I agree with you on that, I still have a small list of games I haven't completely beaten yet anyways. I've got all the patients in the world... heh, heh, heh.

Re: Misha's disabillity?

Post by Guest »

Oh my god! I just got an idea!

The thing where they dont have pigment or color or whatever.... pink mice! Or... ALBINO! or yeah! ALBINO!

*points at Misha, points at hair, point at eyes*

The only unnatural colors in the game.

*eats cookie, puts on tinfoil hat*
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