Hanako's Broken Heart Club

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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Beoran »

Semisoftcheese, to put your story into perspective, in my country, university is university, and it doesn't matte much where you got the degree, because the level is equally high everywhere. Good employers will look more at what you know than where you have been, so do your best but don't get disappointed too much if politics are working against you.

I do think it goes to show that "affarmative action" may sometimes give bad results. In stead of lowering the bar for certain groups or giving them preferential treatment or "positive" discrimination, I think it would be more fair to give more financial and other educational support to the groups that need it. But that would cost more money, so...
Kind Regards, B.
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by SemisoftCheese »

Hi Beoran,

I think you're right, but I live in such a pressure-cooker environment. I know one executive who only interviews people from Wharton (#1 Business School). If you're not from Wharton, he won't even bother taking a look at you. It's not that he isn't a nice guy (he's a very nice one), but business is business, and he only wants the best. If you came from a lower college, even if you're more qualified, tough.

So the end result of this is a lot of stress. I don't think that this choice will determine my entire life, but it's hard not to think that way when you see what happens at the hiring process nowadays. One of my friends parents went through 8 interns (7 Wharton, 1 MIT; both elite), and ending up picking one of them. The other 7 were back to where they started--out of a job. It's just so worrisome to think that being even a sliver off the top means you're effectively at the bottom of the pool.

I've got a lot to be grateful for--I'm healthy, I eat three meals a day, and sleep in a warm bed at night. But human nature is to fear, and I can't do much right now except worry until April 1st, when my decisions come out.

As for Affirmative Action, it's a mixed bag. You could say life is like a hand of cards--you play what you're dealt, and don't complain about the flop. I could lament that I'm Asian and it's hard for me to get accepted. But I've had such an great hand otherwise--I eat three meals a day, I'm healthy, and I'm surrounded by people I love. So at the end of the day, I'm a little stressed, but ok.

Life goes a day at a time. Beoran, thank you for taking the time and care to respond.
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Yoh_Komori »

SemisoftCheese wrote:Hi Beoran,

I think you're right, but I live in such a pressure-cooker environment. I know one executive who only interviews people from Wharton (#1 Business School). If you're not from Wharton, he won't even bother taking a look at you. It's not that he isn't a nice guy (he's a very nice one), but business is business, and he only wants the best. If you came from a lower college, even if you're more qualified, tough.

So the end result of this is a lot of stress. I don't think that this choice will determine my entire life, but it's hard not to think that way when you see what happens at the hiring process nowadays. One of my friends parents went through 8 interns (7 Wharton, 1 MIT; both elite), and ending up picking one of them. The other 7 were back to where they started--out of a job. It's just so worrisome to think that being even a sliver off the top means you're effectively at the bottom of the pool.

I've got a lot to be grateful for--I'm healthy, I eat three meals a day, and sleep in a warm bed at night. But human nature is to fear, and I can't do much right now except worry until April 1st, when my decisions come out.

As for Affirmative Action, it's a mixed bag. You could say life is like a hand of cards--you play what you're dealt, and don't complain about the flop. I could lament that I'm Asian and it's hard for me to get accepted. But I've had such an great hand otherwise--I eat three meals a day, I'm healthy, and I'm surrounded by people I love. So at the end of the day, I'm a little stressed, but ok.

Life goes a day at a time. Beoran, thank you for taking the time and care to respond.
It's not human to fear, actually, that's more from our primitive side, our animal side. Being human is using rational thought. You know you are worth it, so put your mind in a positive place and realize you are full of potential and they should be lucky to hire you/ accept your application.Don't let the animalistic nature of the human mind rob your mind of it's rational thinking. Be like barman: KNOW your fear and experience it but CONTROL it and accept you have nothing to fear. :idea:
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Xanatos »

Yoh_Komori wrote:It's not human to fear, actually, that's more from our primitive side, our animal side. Being human is using rational thought. You know you are worth it, so put your mind in a positive place and realize you are full of potential and they should be lucky to hire you/ accept your application.Don't let the animalistic nature of the human mind rob your mind of it's rational thinking. Be like barman: KNOW your fear and experience it but CONTROL it and accept you have nothing to fear. :idea:
Humans are animals. If it's from our "animal side", it's still human. :P And non-humans are capable of rational thought too.

But I do agree with the rest: Be like barman, and bring me a drink. :lol:
<KeiichiO>: "I wonder what Misha's WAHAHA's sound like with a cock stuffed down her throat..."
<Ascension>: "I laughed, cried, vomited in my mouth a little, and even had time for marshmallows afterwards. Well played, Xanatos. Well played."
<KeiichiO>: "That's a beautiful response to chocolate."
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Pyramid Head »

So i recently was involved in an act i didn't want to be in. Really i was saving myself for the right woman, someone as insane as i am but still intelligent enough to keep it under wraps. But sadly it wasn't meant to be. I'm still job hunting and the federal government felt it necessary to FUCK ME UP THE ASS WITH A USELESS BITCH FOR A CASE WORKER WHO GAVE ME THE WRONG DATE FOR A MEETING AND WHO DIDN'T HAVE THE COURTESY TO ANSWER HER MOTHERFUCKING PHONE WHEN I TRIED TO CALL TO CONFIRM THINGS!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHH!!!

...luckily the meetings are almost done with. Once i've signed up with a third party instead of the government agency things should start going a little more smooth. I still hope to move into an apartment before summer hits.
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My Life Story/Thank you KS Devs

Post by Chadkins »

Katawa Shoujo has had such a major recent impact on my life.

For many years, I've been doing a lot of extremely stupid 'beta' things regarding my first love interest.

This is a very real story about my entire life, and KS has been such a wake-up call for me.

So many things in this game have made me realize the crap that I've been doing, and I'm so glad for its existence.

If you would like to read the full story, you can find it at: http://funnyjunk.com/channel/katawashou ... d/TollGGb/


After you've read it:
I've gotten over it. I no longer have the anxiety, and it's getting easier thinking about all of this. I'm honestly glad I was put through this, it was a true test of my mettle. I will never allow myself to do something like what I did. Still, she hasn't talked to me. But I'm ok with that. I think at this point, it's best we just don't talk for a while, and let things heal. I just hope she knows how sorry I am.

So again, thank you to everyone who had anything to do in the making of this game. Every single character path had something very moralistic that I hadn't really put enough thought into. My life will truly be so much greater now that I've had this experience.

Once you deal with something so terrible in your life, everything else gets a little bit better.

Besides, I think even if she didn't forgive me, she'd be happy that I moved on.

Feel free to comment, I love feedback.
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Kiv »

First of all. sorry for my bad english, i can understand it up to 97%~ but i'll probably fail some parts of this because i don't think that i can speak a perfect english.

I've been always alone, you know, that type of guy with no friends, serious expression and few words. I've never liked people so much, since i was in the school i always avoided contacts because they always made me feel a bit nervous or even annoyed. Probably because of how i was, nobody showed interest for me, needless to say that i was unexistant for most of the girls, but well, it was simple, nobody loves me so i don't love anyone either. I always though that i knew myself, comparing my with the other people around me lead me to think that i was a cold person, but then, one day i realized how i didn't liked the world at all. After some time being a bit depressed, suddenly i experienced what was that thing that people called sadness, and i just went into a huge depression, and at last, i tried to kill myself. Obviously, i didn't die, and after some time in a clinic, i was able to go back home. After that i returned to my old type of guy, everything was like it was before, like it always was, just me and my mind and in another place the rest of the world. I though that my depression was cuased just for my age (18 in that momment) , everyone says that teens have some hard times. So i tried to continue with my life, but now there was a question in my mind all the time: "Why are you here?", everyday when i jumped out of the bed there was that question and i wasn't able to answer that. And a week ago, i found something, something that have changed my mind, i found KS.
I always liked to read, and i really liked KS, i liked it until i reach the scene when Hisao shows his scar to Hanako, i don't know if it was the music, the image or just that i really liked Hanako, but thanks to that i found something, tears. I was crying, i was crying because i realized how lonely i was, and for first time in my life i wanted to be loved and i wanted to love someone, but she isn't real. This is my story, i'm still being the type of guy with no friends, serious expression and few words but i don't want to be lonely anymore, i think i've changed thanks to this. Thanks for reading.
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Beoran »

Chadkin, thank you for your story. I hope things will turn out for the better somehow.

Kiv, thank you too for your story. I'm glad you are still with us, and I hope you are getting the professional care you need to slowly be cured from your depression. There are very few people who genuinely like to be alone. Most people who are lonely get used to it. But even so, most people need someone else in their life. I'm glad you realized that, now you can start working getting ready to meet that wonderful person just for you. You may still have a way to go, but I hope you will find what you need as soon as is possible for someone in your situation.
Kind Regards, B.
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Kiv »

Thanks, Beoran. I don't know why but it feels good to know that other people know my story, i've never done this before because as i said i didn't like pepole but now, i'm going to read other people stories too.
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Xanatos »

Kiv wrote:Thanks, Beoran. I don't know why but it feels good to know that other people know my story, i've never done this before because as i said i didn't like pepole but now, i'm going to read other people stories too.

Plenty of stories to read. And if you liked KS, there are plenty of those stories too.
<KeiichiO>: "I wonder what Misha's WAHAHA's sound like with a cock stuffed down her throat..."
<Ascension>: "I laughed, cried, vomited in my mouth a little, and even had time for marshmallows afterwards. Well played, Xanatos. Well played."
<KeiichiO>: "That's a beautiful response to chocolate."
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Kiv »

Xanatos wrote:
Kiv wrote:Thanks, Beoran. I don't know why but it feels good to know that other people know my story, i've never done this before because as i said i didn't like pepole but now, i'm going to read other people stories too.

Plenty of stories to read. And if you liked KS, there are plenty of those stories too.
Thank you.
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Kitsune Spirit
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Kitsune Spirit »

I was going to write something, but my brain blanked out and now I cant think of it. >.<

I'm one of those people who doesn't have any friends, has an extremely hard time asking someone out, never been married, and am generally depressed and lonely, but hides it with stupid jokes and smiling a lot. I feel awkward in groups of people, but I want to be liked and have friends. I want to make friends, but I am shy about talking to new people, and don't know how to approach them without worrying about it sounding like I'm hitting on them... and then there's the paranoia that I am just annoying them, and that they don't really want to be around me when I do make acquaintances (about all I seem to be capable of).

I have trouble getting my words straight, I loose track of my thoughts easily and... (it's happening as I write this actually)... will forget the simplest words in the middle of talking making me seem really awkward and scatterbrained. Even after reading this post three times I am not sure if it makes any sense.

I want to be with someone, but I dislike myself and my problems, so I am sure it's one of those things were I can't expect someone else to love me if I don't even like myself.
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Kiv »

Thanks for posting, Kitsune. I think your problem can be solved thanks to the internet, i mean, you want to be liked but you think you can't so i think that the first step for this is talking to other people. You can take it like a training, trying to have some words while trying to keep your mind in the conversation will probably help you. Well i'm a nobody, so don't take me too serious but i think i'm right and i just tried to help you.
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by pandaphil »

Hi Kitsune and Kiv. I'm not sure I have much to offer, since I'm still pretty new here, but I honestly know exactly how you feel. I have a lot of the same problems and feelings as you. In high school I was the person everyone picked on, so as a result I became very shy and timid. Trying to figure out what to say during a conversation just seems like the hardest thing in the world. As a result, I've only had a few friends, never dated, or even had a romantic relationship. Well, at least none with anyone who wanted to be more than friends. As for now, I think I have one real friend, but she works most of the time so I hardly ever get to spend time with her. So as a result, I find that I'm depressed and unhappy most of the time, and I usually treat myself pretty badly.

People have told me that I'm not a bad looking person, and I like to think i have a kind, loving personality, if maybe a bit old-fashioned, but I'd never dream of hurting anyone. If only I could find someone to share it with. I guess that's why I love KS so much, it gives me a chance to experience the one thing I've always dreamed about. If only it were this easy to meet someone special in RL, I wouldn't mind the hard work and potential hearbreak.

But really, Kiv makes some good points. Its not a replacement for real life, but the internet can at least let you interact with people. Personally I spend a lot of time in a virtual world called Second Life, DJ'ing at a small club, where I'm actually very popular and have a fair number of online aquaintences who're accepting, and where I can be my real self, not hindered by shyness or insecurity.

I do hope you'll stay here on this forum. I plan to at least. Maybe it'll help things feel a bit less painful.
"The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don't always soften the bad things. But vice versa, the bad things don't necessarily spoil the good things or make them unimportant." ~ The Doctor.
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Kitsune Spirit »

Well thanks for that Panda and Kiv. I don't plan on leaving, the fanfic are keeps me coming back at least. :)

I never played 2nd Life before, I'm more for the likes of FFXIV and such. I do hang out on the internet quite a bit, being able to communicate through text is really very helpful, I don't have to worry about loosing words or trains of thought since I can pause as often as I need to. I don't have people looking at me, so stage fright can't make me feel awkward either. And if I feel too shy or embarrassed about something I can leave and come back later.

I wouldnt mind finding someone online, but I am not holding my breath. I've been on dates before, but they seem to get tired of me after while, or they weren't really dating me, just wasting their time with me while waiting for someone else to free up. Thats usually how it goes, I'm the... stopgap or something. One would think after all the times I've been hurt like that I would just give up and say screw it all... but some people are just wired in such a way they aren't happy without someone in their life. Which means I haven't been happy much because I never get with anyone that wants to be with me long term.

I keep thinking/hoping maybe I will find someone soon.
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