Peu Vu


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Peu Vu

Post by Impulsive »

Deja Vu, literally translated to english, means 'already seen'. Peu Vu means 'somewhat seen'. This fanfiction will be a rewrite of the game, keeping most fundamental aspects (Hisao has arrythmia and is going to Yamuku) but I am changing a lot of other things (personalities, mostly) which I hope will keep readers interested.

This rather ambitious writing project was spawned from playing KS through all arcs, and while I felt many many feels from some routes, I believe others left a lot to be desired. While I am a budding computer games programmer, I feel that making a VN of KS in my own way would get me into some copyright issues, so I figured "Hey, why not just make it a novel?"

So without further ado, Chapter 1 of Peu Vu!

Chapter 1 - Long Drive

“Are you okay, Hisao?”

I don’t exactly know what the word okay means any more, to be honest.

My name is Hisao Nakai, and I have Arrhythmia. For those who don’t know, Arrhythmia is a condition in which your heart is fragile, and beats irregularly. Over the course of the past few years, it has brought my life to a standstill – literally. Nearly 3 years ago, a childhood crush confessed their feelings for me and I discovered my condition in a heartbeat (or lack thereof). Sure, go ahead, call me a pussy and a wimp for having a heart attack over a girl. I’ve already heard it all before.

Nothing you can say can change the fact that I spent nearly 2 years of my life in an oxygen starvation induced healing coma. Nothing you can say can remove my heart condition, which I have to take medication for for the rest of my life. Nothing you can say is going to stop this car and turn it around, and believe me, I would love to.

Okay is a subjective term, Dad.” I can hear the defeatism in my own voice.

“Cheer up, kiddo, we’re almost there.”

Yamuku Academy. A boarding school for the disabled. I’ve heard they don’t allow the severely mentally ill to enrol, but if you have anything from a social disorder through to being quadriplegic, you’re in. They have a 24/7 nursing team and facilities for all students. It’s a school that doubles as a hospital. I have had it with hospitals, so as you can imagine, I’m not best pleased with the current turn of events.

My dad pulls up to the gate. It’s too pompous for what it is. My dad gets out of the car, and begins unpacking my stuff, while I sit in the car with my head in my hands. I’d always been the guy at my old school, captain of the soccer team, straight As and girls at my feet. All the other guys wanted to be me. All the girls wanted to be with me. I never slept with any, because I was always hung up on one girl.


Just as I begin to think of her again, I’m snapped back to reality by a rapping of knuckles on the window.

“Come on, son, I have to go soon.”

I step out of the car, grab my bags and head toward the gate. I’ve already said my goodbyes to my family. My dad knows this, and I can hear him shutting his car door and driving off. I don’t look back.

I walk through the pompous gate and step into the main courtyard. I pull the map out of my pocket that was sent to my house a few weeks ago. The main school building is just ahead. It’s old looking, but grand and pompous still. I realise this school is here to give the disabled a normal education, but still. I’ve not met many disabled people before in my life, but I would assume a school for the needed would look more… modern. More tech savvy. It feels wrong here. It feels like I don’t belong. Maybe that’s because it’s empty at the moment.

A man in a suit looks over at me and walks over. He appears to be not a professor, but simply an attendant.


I nod my head and wait for him to reach me.

“Here’s the key to your dorm. Take your bags there and put on your school uniform. Your first class starts in an hour and 30 minutes. You’re in room 3-3, and your tutor is Mutou.”

He drops the key in my hand, and I make my way to my dorm.

I hate it here.
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Re: Peu Vu

Post by Impulsive »

Chapter 2 - First Of The Year


The key opens the lock, and I open the door to my dorm. It’s impersonal, as expected. Blank walls, nought but a bed, a wardrobe, some shelves and other miscellaneous furniture. I would sling my bags over onto my bed, but my lost strength and sheer weight of my stuff means I just lift it up and place them on the end of my bed.

I lie down on the bed. Very comfortable, it makes a welcome change from the hospital beds. I get comfy on the pillow and stare up at the ceiling. Blank, just like the walls. I’m going to have to make this room my own soon, it feels way too much like the hospital in here. All I need is an IV drip and I’m back in my personal hell.

I get up, put on my school uniform and leave my unpacking for later. I figure I might as well go to the common room and try and make some friends.

As I walk into the common room, I notice that it’s empty, save for one sole boy. He has messy black hair, thick glasses and a scarf around his neck. Come on, Hisao. You’re a social butterfly. Talk to him.


“What? Who’s there? Are you a girl?”

“Over here.”


I slowly catch on that he must be somewhat blind. You know, figuring out people’s less obvious disabilities could be a fun game. I walk over to him and sit down. He looks at me… I would say unnervingly, but the glasses make it difficult to see his eyes at all. Without warning, he leans in towards me and gets mere inches away from my face. I’d be creeped out and thinking he was perhaps gay, but it quickly registers that this is probably the only way he’ll learn what I look like. Seemingly satisfied, he leans back against the sofa, smile on his face.

“Sup, dude. You new?”

“Yeah, just got here a few minutes ago. What’s your name?”

“My name is not important. I’m a guy, you’re a guy, we’re not girls. That’s all that really matters, right?”

Check off disability number two – that’s a bit of a stretch, let’s call it problem two – he’s rather sexist.

“I’m Hisao.”

“Dammit, I’ve always wanted to stay on a nameless basis with a fellow comrade in the gender stakes. We could have come up with codenames for one another… Screw it. I’m Kenji.”

He holds out his hand to shake mine, but at about 60 degrees away from me. I awkwardly reach over, palm bent backwards to shake his hand, and slowly pull it towards me.

“Hey, who are you twisting about? Manipulating me already? Are you a spy from the girls?”

God, he’s weird. But, I can’t exactly pick and choose my friends yet, so…

“Sorry, you misjudged where I was, I think.”

“Ah, so you were helping me! Good! Listen, Hisao, and I hope that’s your real name, have you noticed the hugely unbalanced ratio of girls to boys in this school?”

“Actually, you’re the first student I’ve seen since we’ve gotten here.”

“Oh, believe me. You will notice, and when you do, you’ll come crawling to my room, begging for protection against the double X menace!”

Holy shit, he’s nuts.

“Oh, wow, look at the time, only 10 minutes til class, I’d better go…”

Actually, it’s about 30, but I don’t think this was the best choice of my first social contact at the school. He’s not doing anyone any harm, though.

“Alright, see ya later, man.”

I collect my thoughts as I walk off to go wait outside class early.

I still hate it here.
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Re: Peu Vu

Post by Mirage_GSM »

First order of the day: Drop the colours.
I was beginning to doubt my eyesight when I thought to check on the code of your post^^°

Other than that your writing seems neat and free of mistakes.
Not sure yet what to make of the changes you promised. I assume you have a reason for making those, so I'll wait for that reason to become apparent before making up my mind.
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Re: Peu Vu

Post by Antor »

apart from the Deja Vu feeling of all this, I'm curious to see where all this will go, so I'll keep on reading and delay my consideration of the fiction :D

Edit: every time this happen I'm more convinced that I'm missing visual acuity, I had NO IDEA you even used color in the dialog before Mirage pointed it out
I made just one error with KS, I played the good endings first... now I'm recovering the feels from the first bad one.
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Re: Peu Vu

Post by Comrade »

iv'e read it twice and didn't noitce the colors.
apart from that, i liked it, we'll see how it goes
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Re: Peu Vu

Post by Mirage_GSM »

I wasn't sure at first either. I thought either my monitor was giving up the ghost or my eyes were playing a trick on me - I just noticed there was something strange and it was giving me a headache...
Had to quote the post to see the code.

So please don't do that.
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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