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Post by LordDarknus »

Warning: Possibly Disturbing (Hope you like End-of-Evangelion for Christmas)

Also; did this in less than a day, almost right after browsing the 2012 Secret Santa


The world has ended

I am no longer a pilot



Shards of sunlight cut themselves noticeable below, in the ruined city's rusting windows.

I sit here, atop watchtower-3, overlooking Yamaku-3, judging their 3 defunct sky cannons.

They held off the alien-human hybrids's attacks, and have earned forever rest in disrepair.

The distant hum of the last evacuation ship in the sad grey sky asks if I should still be here, watching over ..nothing.

A map of the broken world that is earth tilts its war-ridden face and questions if I'm waiting... for something.

But I continue painting my map, knowing that.. in the End of this all, it's not the picture that I'm looking for.

It's the map of memories in my heart that I'm after, the fond moments with people and my fellow beloved pilots.

My friends. All dead and gone. Ashes and dust carried in the wind of the dead. In this world of the dead. ..and forgotten.

Forgotten so much, that I must recollect, the pieces and the bits, the spicks and the specks. The littlest things that meant so so much to me.

I remember Shizune, the Third Child. Dutiful Pilot of Eva-01, the "Silent Siren".

I remember she was deafened by an accident, and mute, she had never learned to talk. By the time I knew her, she was distant and calculating.

But I remember her smile... it was brief, it was ..beautiful. Forever painted in my heart.

Jigoro was Shizune's father, the administrator of Yamaku-3, the monster that drives us all.

Summoned to Yamaku-3 by a rudely simple message, Shizune had every intention of saying no at the last possible moment, to spite her father, even if it meant the end of the world if she didn't pilot Eva-01.

But I would have, I would have gotten into the plug chamber and driven it, and I would have died.

Why did Shizune go in the mecha instead of letting me die? I wanted to.

But it was alright. She fought and won, against the overgrown alien-human hybrid's bio-mech. At the cost of her freedom.

There was no chance of turning back, she knew that, but she did it. She became a pilot anyway. ..and I think she blamed me.

We didn't talk much, I couldn't understand her the same way no one understood me. But I wanted her to know that I'll appreciate her forever for what she did.

I don't know how many paintings I created, how many letters I wrote, how many failures I tried conveying my gratitude to her. She never understood and pushed me aside.

She would never hear what I had to say, even if I could say it in a way that she would understand. But one day, some small part of my yearning wish came true. When the alien-humans attacked again.

They learned from their mistakes and brought a fortified ship, all 3 sky cannons bombarded it and scratched only it's paint. Our mechas would be no use against it either.

Shizune and Captain Miki Miura, the pilot of the snazzy but stomped-on Lamborghini Miura, devised a suicide attack strategy, to use Eva-01 as a doomed distraction while I manoeuvred Eva-00 close enough to stab the tiny opening vent of the enemy ship's core.

I sabotaged the operation when I jumped the gun, using myself as the bait while Captain Miura kept decrying my actions as irresponsibly reckless. Shizune didn't care, she took over my role and killed the enemy ship anyway. She was hailed as a heroine.

I was hauled from the wreck of Eva-00 as half a person, both my arms had fused and melted into the console, it took them too long to reach me, they had no choice but to cut them away. I was a shame to everyone.

It took a while to learn to paint again, I prefer to do it with my feet. They didn't mind me much anymore, I couldn't pilot the mechas anymore, they didn't need me anymore. Not with Shizune around; "Shizune Hakamichi", "The Great Starkiller", "Slayer of the Death-Star".

I spent so long learning sign language.. I would have communicated with Shizune the night before I lost my hands, that first time she acutally spoke. It wasn't clearly spoken, it was garbled, but I understood she said 'Sayonara'. "Farewell Forever". With the moon behind her and the night air so coldly beautiful, I was cruelly mesmerised and didn't think to sign to Shizune that it wasn't the end for her, I would take her place. She didn't have to die.

It was strange, my first day back at school. I don't remember when I left it to become a mecha pilot, but I'll remember forever when Shizune came and sat beside me in class.

I'll remember her offering me her homemade cooking for lunch. I'll remember forever the way she offered me her friendship. I'll remember the first time she truly smiled at me.

..and how I smiled with so much happiness in return.

I truly smiled with all my heart, in all the days that we spent together. I was her friend and she was mine. "The Silent Siren" and "The Artist Formerly Known as The First Child". We were ordinary children, living ordinary lives.

While Shizune elected herself as Class President, and I learned to paint again, we met and made friends with our fascinating classmates along the way. There was Hisao and Kenji, and Iwanako too.

Kenji was very shortsighted, but was a man with a vista-filling visionary vision. He looked up to me and Shizune for being mecha pilots, and hinted strongly that he wanted to become one too. Something that irks Hisao everytime Kenji mentions it.

Hisao didn't like Kenji's constant worshipping of the "good work" Jigoro does, and outright hates the Eva mechas themselves, and by association, me and Shizune for being pilots.

But he has a good heart, it may have took Iwanako a bout of slapping to gently put some sense into him on my behalf, but he was a good person. He helped Shizune do most of the class-president work, while Kenji was mostly building detailed scale models of the Evas and Iwanako started to become my closest friend.

Those endless days that ended so quickly. It was just the five of us, joyfully together in class, lonely children learning to be happy with themselves again. The class-president team. Ordinary people. Living ordinary lives.
Last edited by LordDarknus on Sat Jan 12, 2013 10:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by LordDarknus »

How much I didn't like Misha when she appeared, there was a brief skirmish somewhere in the ocean they didn't tell me, and they had managed to capture one of the alien-humans' mechas and its pilot.

She was brainwashed into being our classmate and kept constantly monitored, but I knew Misha was not to be trusted. She wedged herself between me and Shizune, splitting our team in half, me-Iwanako-and-Hisao, versus the crazed-Misha-taking-over-Kenji-and-Shizune.

I wanted to kick her, I wanted Misha to disappear forever, but they needed Misha. They needed her mecha. They needed a new pilot. And she was a perfect pilot. Far better than I was...

Battle after battle, the civilian-minded side of the class-president team dropped out, one by one. Misha drove Shizune and Kenji into mindless cheerleaders. Or at least Kenji. Shizune was never one to let Misha overtake her as "best pilot of the year".

But she did grow more and more ravenous for victory, even insulting Hisao over a game of RISK for being too careful. One painful event after another, our good team was finally torn apart, when Shizune wanted to be, and actually became the new Student Council President.

We never looked or talked to each again. We became bitter enemies. Where I wanted peace and joy and the company of friends who cares about me, Shizune made it sharply clear that all she craved was the total destruction of the alien-human race, and to dispose of her own tyrant-king father. I still lie to myself that it was an immature childish rant, and not meditated murder.

My faith in Shizune was never shattered, not until that one day, when Misha's brainwashing let up, and she remembered what she really was. A heartless monster who would turn on Shizune and kill her, Shizune didn't believe it, and I didn't believe that Shizune refused to hurt Misha, even when the monster had hijacked Eva-02.

Shizune shut off her radio in Eva-01, refusing to listen to Jigoro ordering her to kill Misha. Shizune thought she could reason with Misha, not attacking and giving the rampaging Eva-02 the chance to land a death blow. Straight into the plug chamber. I cried and screamed for her when Shizune's vital signs died in silence.

There was nothing left to save, the self-destruct was activated, and a part of the city was bathed in bio-mecha blood and toxic emissions. The radioactive 'dead-zone' grew on the map.

I will never understand what happened. I will never know why this world is cruel and unforgiving. Is it it's nature? It's tao? It's purpose?

What are we? Born to suffer false joys and eternal griefs? Why do we live on listlessly to find life more and more meaningless? Can't I die and be done with it?

So many questions, only one answer was true to me. And I would have thrown myself into its crystal clear embrace below from the ruins of watchtower-3. But she had to stop me. That star in the night sky. The one that Shizune reached out and claimed as hers, before giving it to me as a simple smile. So many nights before when we were still happily together.

I will never understand what happened. I will never know why I trudge on through the ashes and dust, knowing a part of me is lost to the stars.

But I'll remember...

I'll remember her smile.

Closing again the distance I had unwittingly put between myself and Hisao-and-Iwanako, I found them closer than they were before, it looked like they were happy together, yet, it was so sad for them that I felt again the wistful goodbye from Shizune so long ago.

A disillusioned Kenji filled in the blanks for me, for someone who had been so passionate about Jigoro, it was eerie and disturbing to see him calmly despising the government and its conspiracies as much as Hisao first did.

Hisao's parents were apparently the top mecha engineers, who squandered all their attention to the Eva project that they let their only son be adopted in some half-baked welfare system. But their skills were made redundant by the reverse-engineering of the aliens' bio-mechas, and they've tried to reconnect with Hisao again.

They had to, a while back Hisao had stupidly applied to be a mecha pilot on a whim or a bet with Shizune, and he was fully accepted and can't wrest himself free of it. No matter how agonisingly hard he tried. Jigoro wouldn't let someone who aced all the simulation tests go so easily.

Hisao's parents were selfish, to say the least, but it wasn't just them depending entirely on Jigoro's good graces to live, Iwanako had an erratic-heart condition, and Hisao would need a pilot's pay to keep her alive.

Their last moments together was spent in the same classroom, where we knew and learned what happiness was again. Iwanako must have reasoned and begged Hisao not to become a pilot for her, even if to save her. But he didn't listen. He just walked out and never looked back. He never saw Iwanako climbing out the window and ending her life on the steps below.

Hisao lost his life too, on his first mission the very next day. Defending the safety of two new mecha pilots, his Eva is lost somewhere between the silent depths of space and the coldness of life's hollow meanings.

His death was only mentioned and never honoured, the government was losing the support of the people, and needed some good news to bolster its standing and credibility. "Meet the New Pilots! Better than the Old Pilots!"

"Emi Ibarazaki and Hanako Ikezawa!", and the new Evas had perfect neural-feedback controls, meaning I was re-enlisted to serve Jigoro again. Something that former-captain Miura was very unhappy about, trying to reason to Overseer Othello that I've suffered enough loss. Of life and limb, and friends and family. "Enough!"

But it was alright... "I'll serve". "I'll pilot again". Because I had no choice. I thought I could run away with Kenji, to defect to the other side. It was worth the run, it was worth a try.

But Miura shot him, just before he could signal for the aliens' rescue ship. I was far too valuable to fall into enemy hands. He died babbling nonsense at my feet.

Miura quit her job at the horror of what she done, and was never seen again. Someone told me that she eventually died of alcohol-poisoning on the door of a clinic somewhere.

It didn't even hurt or.. or, or Mean Anything anymore, to lose family I cared about, who cared about me. It was all a bad dream. A bad dream I couldn't wake up from.

I kept that emotional distance from the new pilots the same way I did with my lost friends and family. We were serving together, but I never looked at them, I just stared out the window in the debriefing room. I don't want to know someone I'll lose tomorrow.

But there was something about Emi.. I didn't understand what made me lose hope in living, the same way I'll never know why I liked Emi's smile so much that.. I let myself start talking to her.

It took months, and three close calls on the battlefield, before I realised I've failed to stop myself from caring about Hanako and Emi. Especially Emi.

Hanako was always unsure of herself, despite being able to land a shot from a lightyear away, and having enough strategic sense to counter Emi's constant blundering into ambush after ambush. Not that Emi wasn't quick enough to fight her way out of the crossfires she always seemed to start.

Those two pilots were a new breed, they were aliens. They were the enemy. But their hearts were human. They cared. They think and feel. They were my friends.

And I cared for them, the same way Emi tended to me and Hanako. The little "big sister" that watched over both of us. Despite her childish attitude and fierce competitiveness, she was the one we looked up to as the Best pilot among the three of us.

I loathed the unpleasant rumours that went behind her, that she caused the console malfunction that started a fire in Hanako's plug capsule. It was a horrible repeat of that tragic fire with the Apollo astronauts.

Hanako was trapped in flames inside her plug capsule, it was only a simulation test. It was not a battle. It was only a simple test. And she was scarred for life for it. Her sweet voice and gentle demeanour forever gone. Only a shell of the former pilot remained. Her psychological condition worsened each day they pretended she wasn't suffering brain damage from smoke inhalation.

They made us stars, the government, they had publicised the three of us as heroines of hope, as maidens of war, "Mecha Valkyries". The media vultures immediately used what little they have to make grand news, vilifying Emi and overdramatising Hanako's condition.

It was only for a brief day, before a gag-order was issued to the media and the more flagrant reporters were sent mysteriously disappearing. But the damage was done. Everyone turned on us. Even the common soldiers we served and fought alongside started hating us.

The more disgusting things came anonymously, from the "devoted fans", those who had been drawn to and fantasised over Hanako started making death threats to Emi, and those who identified with and thought they loved Emi began saying Hanako "got what she deserved".

It was mass chaos. Stressed and overworked citizens going mad and spouting rabid cruelties, all claiming to want justice be done, with "justice" being based on biased obsession.

It was an unfortunate accident. It was just that. I don't understand. What was wrong with the world we were trying to save? What was wrong with the people we were protecting with our own lives? Why!

I saw it in their eyes.. their nature. Those people.. they weren't worth saving. We were carrying out maintenance work on the power-connectors of sky-cannon-3, and they held up signs at us, one side was with Emi, the other with Hanako. And the two crowds descended on each other like dog packs.

I turned my head. I looked away. Hanako's visual and audio inputs were ordered censored by Jigoro. Emi kept focusing on the little ants fighting each other at her feet. She wasn't doing her job lifting the coils. Her Eva kept looking down at the rabble killing each other.

She stepped on them.

And she brought silence to everything. The rest of the crowds stopped moving. No one knew what to do. Emi just murdered the innocents like insects.

Jigoro ordered us to continue work. The media won't report anything. No one is allowed to speak of it ever again.

So we all continued the maintenance. We've seen enough senseless death to do that much. But it changed everything between the three of us pilots.

There were no more idiots crying their hearts out in the street, no more people idolising or insulting us. We were just paid killers, working for Jigoro. The fantasy around us was finally torn down, and only forgotten monsters in the mirror were revealed.
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Post by LordDarknus »

It wasn't apparent at first, but it was undeniable in the end; we were losing the war.

After years and years of pointless fighting, we came to that point where both sides were about to collapse from socio-economic imbalances, but the enemy grew restless and kept fighting harder and faster, while our workers languished in hopelessness.

We knew their resources were completely dry, we knew it'll be their Pyrrhic victory, but we didn't admit to ourselves that we would, in the end, die along with them.

Our planet was already dead, our genetically-modified plants were suffering from diseases or plagued by the enemy's bio-weapons. Wild or natural plants that would have survived were incredibly rare or outright extinct.

Our food was gone. No livestock anymore. Nothing to eat but recycled waste and "repurposed" corpses.

We Both lost.

But there was one grand battle left to be had. A final mecha-versus-mecha fight. On the surface of Yamaku-3, where it all began.

There was only one coming... Hanako had descended into incurable madness and was lapsing into a comatose state, Emi and I were the only mecha pilots left.

We waited on the dead world's rusty iron surface, wires and connection-points jutting out from total damage and utter disrepair.

And it shook, the steel structures of the technological maze shattered into fresh flying pieces of scrap when Hanako's mecha tore its way out from underneath us.

Through the garbled transmission and disjointed speech, we could hear Hanako screaming to herself that she didn't want to die, over and over again, the exact same words and repetition from when she was caught in the test capsule.

And we saw it; the enemy mecha descending from the stars, it was a white beautiful angel with gold-yellow armour, with wings as delicately beautiful as a lily, gently beckoning for the violet mutating demon barely under Hanako's control.

A security feed from Yuuko shot to my display; she announced that she had killed Jigoro and Overseer Othello, in cold blood.

For the death of Miki whom she had loved unrequitedly.

I.. I had no idea.. I didn't know our own timid, shy, neurotic, overworked comm-operator would do such a thing..

Yuuko proudly declared that she was a traitor like Kenji, and that she freed Hanako, to let the tortured girl do whatever she wanted. Loudly taunting and madly encouraging Hanako to return All the pain and torment we've unfairly suffered on this wretched earth.

Before Yuuko puts something to her head and pulls the trigger...

She killed herself with Miki's gun.

I didn't know what to do anymore.. everyone was dead.

The white enemy mecha pilot identified herself as "Lilly", politely telling us that she would take Hanako to a place where "no war nor conflict shall haunt them".

She asks if we would follow them, as friends of Hanako, we would be "more than welcome".

Emi loudly answered something, as she shot Lilly's mech in the face.

Hanako pounced on Emi like a rabid dog, tearing at her armour and clawing her way down to Emi's plug chamber.

"hanako.. stop... please." I whispered to her, I knew she wouldn't stop, I knew she didn't hear me, I knew it doesn't matter.

That was the very nature of war. That was Our nature. Our true selves.

I turned away as Hanako plucked Emi from her eviscerated Eva, accidentally ..or not caring that she pulled Emi out without her legs.

I asked Lilly, "where is this special place?" where can we be free of the terrible things we do to each other?

Through her Eva's limply-hanging jaw, Lilly answers very simply...


"A quick Brilliant death. Where we wake up in God's garden. Free of life's darknesses."

They killed each other,

Both of them are dead at each other's hands.

I couldn't save Emi.

A drop of warm rain hits me...

The weather is already erratic and aberrant, I know it's not going to rain, but I wish it would.

As I sit here on watchtower-3, watching the last evacuation ship leave this third rock from the sun, thinking and painting the things that happened here in Yamaku-3.

What would it have been like if life was kinder?

Could we all be friends together?

I believe so.. I believe we can, for I'm a dreamer.

And I'll paint that,

This picture..

Of us all together.

Last edited by LordDarknus on Sat Jan 12, 2013 10:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Gamera Ramen
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Post by Gamera Ramen »

This is great! Don't really know anything about Evangelion beyond that there are people piloting giant mechs and angels are involved somehow, but I really enjoyed this!
Hellcat wrote:Hanako as a guest appearance for Marvel Vs Capcom 4, make it happen.
TheHivemind wrote:(the amount of time I spent reading really shitty fanfiction as a direct result of needing more ways to describe sticking a dick in a butt is, at this point, incalculable).
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Post by LordDarknus »

Gamera Ramen wrote:This is great!

Gamera Ramen wrote:Don't really know anything about Evangelion beyond that there are people piloting giant mechs and angels are involved somehow, but I really enjoyed this!

Thanks Gamera Ramen!

The Angels in Evangelion aren't exactly 'Angels' per se, but ..yeah, Lilly's always called an angel here and there, so that's that.

(Heck, I even titled her "Golden Angel of The East" myself)

And if you have the time or interest, you should go watch Neon Genesis Evangelion, the Original Unedited series, I think it's on youtube, if not.. go to one of those.. "sites", or you could just rent it. Evangelion itself is pretty "mind-altering", but I think you'll like it.

You shouldn't skip any part of the experience, go through Episode 1-26, then 'Death and Rebirth' if only for the beautiful ending credits, then 'End Of Evangelion'. It's... very mind-altering.

The only thing I regret leaving out were the iconic AT Fields, since everything was kept as real as possible in the vein of KS. The general feel I went for is a bit like a rusty Star Wars-Gundam 00 war-world actually, but ..really, it's all based on that Awesome 80s-style apocalyptic "ruined future" picture by Doomfest for Aura in the 2012 Secret Santa.

So yeah.

Thanks Again for your Post Gamera Ramen! I appreciate it!
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Post by themocaw »

I enjoyed this. :)
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Post by LordDarknus »

themocaw wrote:I enjoyed this. :)
Thank You themocaw! I enjoyed you Posting! Thanks! :D
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Post by Mirage_GSM »

You shouldn't skip any part of the experience, go through Episode 1-26, then 'Death and Rebirth' if only for the beautiful ending credits, then 'End Of Evangelion'. It's... very mind-altering.
The only thing that's mind-altering about NGE is the stuff the director had sniffed when he made the last couple of episodes^^°
Up until Episode 22 or so, NGE is a mediocre Mecha series, but it goes all the way downhill from there...
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Post by nemz »

I think the idea had promise, but relating the whole thing in past tense and with this terse summary style really limits it.

But yes, Eva is good times, and I heartily approve of anyone who likes the original on-air version over the retcon. End of Evangelion is very good animation, but I don't care at all for what they did to the show with this new ending. Makes for a good, deeply cynical Christmas avatar though. :lol:
Rin > Shizune > Emi > Hanako > Lilly
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Post by Mahorfeus »

Evangelion is more or less the Star Wars of the anime world, but it definitely holds a special place in my heart. With that said, I can't exactly say this did it much justice. It was much more of a summary than it was a story.

To be completely honest, I do not really think there was any necessity in attempting to cross Eva over with KS - an "original" setting would have worked well enough on its own, provided some work was put into it.
"A very small degree of hope is sufficient to cause the birth of love." -Stendhal
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Post by LordDarknus »

Mirage_GSM wrote:
You shouldn't skip any part of the experience, go through Episode 1-26, then 'Death and Rebirth' if only for the beautiful ending credits, then 'End Of Evangelion'. It's... very mind-altering.
The only thing that's mind-altering about NGE is the stuff the director had sniffed when he made the last couple of episodes^^°
Up until Episode 22 or so, NGE is a mediocre Mecha series, but it goes all the way downhill from there...
Well.. the budget ran out... so they must have been sniffing... glue or something. (Or maybe some wild mushrooms they picked in the park)

Up until the point where things stopped making sense, it was.. yeah, the story was pretty mediocre sure, but I grew to like those characters and I was impressed by Gainax's ability to skillfully present a hard functional world that never felt too fake or cartoony. It was attention to all the tiny details that made NGE's crappy but working world felt so realistic. (to a more-or-less believable degree anyway)

But it was the horror and insanity taking over such a well thought-out, detailed world that really hits hard, it was total destruction of the characters and setting that you've started relating yourself with, a perfect mind-job for the average mecha-otaku. "Inception", as it were.

So if you didn't like NGE much for the messed-up characters and the unnecessarily meticulous efforts in presenting a believable world to begin with.. the mind-altering part probably wouldn't get to you.

So.. yeah,
nemz wrote:I think the idea had promise, but relating the whole thing in past tense and with this terse summary style really limits it.
Thank You nemz!

You know, I did want to do this in a more detailed way, but it really didn't feel right, because you're going to be reading about a ruined future and not actually seeing it, it's going to take Monumental effort to make the world real and believable on any standard. And I don't have that much time to figure out things, like how they built those 3 huge sky cannons in such close proximity, and the fact that you can only target about ...3% of the sky, and begging your pardon nemz, but it's a big-ass sky.


"Those canons don't rotate? Sure.. don't worry, we have all our flanks covered, at least from this side"

(well, there's technically at least 4 sky cannons if you look hard enough, but that would have ruined the whole "symbolic number of 3" thing I had going)

(and it would be Insanely Insanely Costly and Stupid to build an entire City of sky canons, instead of just a few that can swivel and rotate around like a Sensible Turret / Cannon Should)

(unless of course those aren't really cannons, but I don't want to go nuts trying to figure out what they could be. Exhaust ports? Emergency life-pod Ejectors? Satellite receivers? ...Stylish Office Buildings??)

(unless of course they are cannons that Do rotate and swivel around.. but, the wires look like they're fixed to permanent points... and they're Insanely Insanely Huge to even look like they can move an inch, even by Tokyo-3 standards. Also, what if an enemy comes down directly on top of them, can the cannons tilt up and down too? Because turning something that massive left and right would require miraculous engineering as it is, but having it tilt up and down too? It really pushes the limits of how much I'm interested in believably explaining those Leaning Towers of Pisa.)

nemz wrote:But yes, Eva is good times, and I heartily approve of anyone who likes the original on-air version over the retcon. End of Evangelion is very good animation, but I don't care at all for what they did to the show with this new ending. Makes for a good, deeply cynical Christmas avatar though. :lol:
I thought 'End of Evangelion' was ..."good", in a way, it made no sense sure, but.. emotionally, that was.. an experience. I know I can't justify it in any remotely logical way, but.. you know the very final scene? Where they were on the beach? You felt all kinds of negative emotions when Shinji became uncharacteristically "aggressive" towards Asuka, and you felt something ..positive, when Asuka uncharacteristically just caressed Shinji's face to stop him. And they you felt ..something again, when Shinji just started crying like the weakling he is made out to be, and Asuka just.. well, she's Asuka again.

It's emotional, in the most horrible, illogical, disturbing and even bizarrely disgusting way imaginable.

But it's at least.. "emotional".

And yes, your Avatar is Awesome! Saw it a few times before, but I forgot whose it was, but I assume you were an NGE fan and I was Hoping you'd at least give my fic a glance.

I guess that wish came true.

Thanks again nemz!

Mahorfeus wrote:Evangelion is more or less the Star Wars of the anime world, but it definitely holds a special place in my heart. With that said, I can't exactly say this did it much justice. It was much more of a summary than it was a story.
I'm glad you like Evangelion Mahorfeus! I'm sorry my "summary-fic" is sub-par. But really.. it's.. based on a few pictures, and written under time constraints. And a massive lack of interest to repeat / reinvent the same details Evangelion already did.

Mahorfeus wrote:To be completely honest, I do not really think there was any necessity in attempting to cross Eva over with KS - an "original" setting would have worked well enough on its own, provided some work was put into it.
I'd like to see what you have in mind, Mahorfeus, :) I knew themocaw thought about "ANIMA".. or something... and that was interesting, (I'm not entirely sure what mecha-anime it was)

But I "cross-overed" Evangelion with KS only because I like the fact that Shizune = Shinji, Jigoro = Gendo, Rin = Rei, Emi = Asuka, Lilly = Kaworu, etc etc.


But.. really, the Evangelion bits are only mostly there for the novelty, I'm sure on some level it's actually more-or-less original, as in, I didn't rip anything off of anyone for the meat of the story. Well, it was crazy / disturbing in keeping with Evangelion's later episodes, but it was ..mostly it's own thing, despite being based on the key events of Evangelion and being references / homages to other depressing "kill-em-all" mecha animes. Like those Gundam ones. You know the ones I'm talking about.

Except that last bit about Emi being plucked from her Eva, that one came from a horrifying scene in 'The Animatrix', 'Second Renaissance', where a poor solider was "extracted" from his mecha armour in more-or-less the same way.


Thanks for your Post Mahorfeus!
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Post by Mirage_GSM »

So if you didn't like NGE much for the messed-up characters and the unnecessarily meticulous efforts in presenting a believable world to begin with.. the mind-altering part probably wouldn't get to you.
I didn't like NGE partly because of the messed up characters. Shinji
My main gripe is still the ending, though.
Don't want to derail the thread too much with an in-depth discussion. SC doesn't like those if they're not KS-related.
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Post by nemz »

But it is related to this fic as a crossover, and since I know I'm not the only eva fan around these parts it might lead somewhere interesting. So yeah, expound on your issues with eva but do try to tie it back to the story offered here, perhaps by saying exactly why you feel the crossover isn't a good fit? Obviously the charecters are quite a bit removed, but it isn't completely untenable. the reverse might work better actually... say, bringing recent amputee Toji Suzuhara to the school. You could even write the whole academy off as yet another branch of the Marduk institute. Several of the students HAVE lost their parents, afterall.
Rin > Shizune > Emi > Hanako > Lilly
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Post by Mirage_GSM »

So yeah, expound on your issues with eva but do try to tie it back to the story offered here,...
That' exactly where I have problems.
There aren't any characters from NGE, the only things the stories have in common is that they are piloting giant robots called EVA and everybody dies.
I don't have much to say about this fanfic. The writing is not bad, but the theme just isn't for me. So anything I could say would neccessarily be only about NGE and thus not fit for this forum.
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Post by LordDarknus »

Mirage_GSM wrote:
So if you didn't like NGE much for the messed-up characters and the unnecessarily meticulous efforts in presenting a believable world to begin with.. the mind-altering part probably wouldn't get to you.
I didn't like NGE partly because of the messed up characters. Shinji
My main gripe is still the ending, though.
Don't want to derail the thread too much with an in-depth discussion. SC doesn't like those if they're not KS-related.
That was a funny comic. Worth the 3 minutes or so to took to load.

Yeah, I think Silent Cook really doesn't like crossovers either (read it somewhere on the forum). Nor does he appreciate huge posts that might "glitch" the forum software (like the one I unfortunately made above ..oh boy). Two things I seem to unintentionally do a lot of actually.

Mirage_GSM wrote:
So yeah, expound on your issues with eva but do try to tie it back to the story offered here,...
That' exactly where I have problems.
There aren't any characters from NGE, the only things the stories have in common is that they are piloting giant robots called EVA and everybody dies.
I don't have much to say about this fanfic. The writing is not bad, but the theme just isn't for me. So anything I could say would neccessarily be only about NGE and thus not fit for this forum.
Yeah. Everybody dies. But Spectacularly!
(well not really, in fact, not spectacular at all. Not like Spider-Man.)

Also; I was Really wanting to Know what you think about the fic, Mirage_GSM, and now that I do; I Thank You.
(and Knowing is Half the Battle!)
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