For Want of a Nail - Misha Route (Updated 11/1/19)


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Re: For Want of a Nail - Misha Route (New Chapter 11/15)

Post by Mirage_GSM »

I think Rin's character is open for a pretty wide range of interpretations.
I'm not sure even Aura "gets" her completely ;-)
So while this interpretation may be an unusual one, I don't think it is that much off the mark.
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

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Re: For Want of a Nail - Misha Route (New Chapter 11/15)

Post by Heartless Wanderer »

Mirage_GSM wrote:I think Rin's character is open for a pretty wide range of interpretations.
I'm not sure even Aura "gets" her completely ;-)
So while this interpretation may be an unusual one, I don't think it is that much off the mark.
That said, the way she acts is pretty easy to remember, at least when you're looking at something she wouldn't say or wouldn't put quite that way.

The enthusiastic agreement with Emi says Rin "does what Rin does" underlines her character motivation while simultaneously clashing with her personality. It sort of sticks out, like stick that someone broke off a branch, sharpened up, and stuck in the garden next to a bunch of potato plants.
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Re: For Want of a Nail - Misha Route (New Chapter 11/15)

Post by EclipsiumRasa »


I enjoyed this. I half-agree and half disagree on Rin's "I certainly do!" remark being out of character. Its easy to read a line like that as light-hearted easy-going small-talk which is a clash with her personality, but she could also be oddly serious and completely mean that - sort of her version of "Emi at her Emi-est."

I'm slightly more concerned for Shizune's portrayal - she seem less direct and straightforward. With Hisao both learning sign language and a member of the council she seems to be spending rather less time with both council members and Misha.

Really looking forward to more of this.
- Eclair Raas
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Re: For Want of a Nail - Misha Route (New Chapter 11/15)

Post by ProfAllister »

A back-and-forth debate on whether or not I got Rin right? Meh, I'll take it. I would say that I was going more for EclipsiumRasa's interpretation, but it's really hard to get that across, especially from Hisao's point of view.

Remember, on this route, Hisao met Rin, helped her carry some paint, and mixed it for her. That's it. A matter of a few hours at most. Rin and Hisao are very much strangers right now.

As for Shizune, well, suffice it to say that it's intentional. I'd like to imagine I know what I'm doing, and I'm well aware that Shizune is not acting the way she would normally be expected to act.
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Re: For Want of a Nail - Misha Route (New Chapter 11/15)

Post by ProfAllister »

When the alarm goes off the next day, I find myself waking up without much complaint. I guess my body's learning to anticipate this new schedule. I also fell asleep rather early last night. I never really had any sort of routine before. It’s kind of nice. I’m halfway through taking my pills before I even realize I started. That’s convenient. I’m not likely to forget about taking them if it’s already a habit. I grab my things and make my way toward the auxiliary building.

It's a little odd being up and about before the sun has actually risen. It's no longer dark out, as the first rays of sunlight have already appeared, but the sun itself is nowhere to be seen. Needless to say, the grounds are more or less abandoned, with the occasional glimpse of a security guard or one of the few other early risers. I almost think I could get used to these peaceful early mornings.

As I enter the auxiliary building, it occurs to me that the lighting never changes here. It gives the building a sense of timelessness, probably for the sake of the nursing staff working around the clock.

The changing room is rather well-appointed. It would have to be, to cater to the various needs of the students. There are lockers and benches, a large communal shower and several smaller shower stalls and the same toilets that would be expected in any public bathroom.

I enter the pool area to find Shizune and Misha waiting for me. Today, however, they're both wearing simple one-piece racerbacks, colored green with a broad white stripe running down either side. A little old-fashioned, but they both seem to wear them well. Misha is also wearing a green swim cap, having managed to tuck all her hair under it by arcane methods known only to women.

“Good morning, you two. Why the matching suits?”

Misha waves enthusiastically as usual. “Good morning, Hicchan~!”

I never thought about it before, but her smiles are rather infectious. Even when I'm feeling lousy, seeing her cheer makes me want to smile too.

“Shicchan says that the whole Student Council is doing this, so it should be a student council event! That means we should be representing Yamaku, by wearing our uniform swimsuits.” Misha pauses, glancing at me. “Where's yours, Hicchan?”

I have an easy answer for the moment. It won't last long, but it should buy me enough time to think up a better excuse, “I was never told about this new uniform requirement.”

“Hahaha, I guess you weren't, Hicchan!” she laughs, then puts on her “serious” face. “But you'd better be ready for tomorrow, okay~?”

I sigh. They'll figure it out sooner or later, so I may as well give them an explanation, “I don't have any gym clothes...”

“Oh,” Misha replies, looking a little deflated, then she becomes alarmed as it sinks in. There's only one reason I wouldn't have gym clothes. “Oh! I'm so sorry!”

At first I feel insulted that she's started thinking of me as a cripple. Then I notice that she seems to be blushing, as if ashamed of some sort of mistake. I guess this is how it feels to be on the receiving end of thoughtless comments. I've made enough myself, so I can hardly blame her.

“It's okay,” I reply, brushing it off, “there's no reason you would have known.” There really isn't. The gym classes are segregated, so they wouldn't notice my absence anyway. “I was excused from gym class because of my... condition.”

Misha's eyes start to wander as she attempts to formulate a response, as if she were looking for inspiration. Even with my dismissal, it's hard to dispel the awkwardness. After what feels like an eternity, a loud snap brings us back to reality. As we turn toward Shizune, she starts signing, clearly annoyed by the distraction.

“Stretch?” Misha responds, forgetting to translate. “Oh, right! We're supposed to be swimming~.” She smiles, as if the uncomfortable moment had never happened. “Are you ready, Hicchan?”

This time, Shizune joins us for the stretching, a look of determination written on her face. Removing her glasses, she approaches the pool and makes a passable dive. Then things go sour.

She takes to the water not like a fish, but rather a housecat. A housecat that has been woken from a nap by being thrown into a pool. After a moment of flailing, she rights herself, sets her face once again, and makes an acceptable attempt at swimming toward the far end of her lane. I feel bad for her. No wonder she doesn't like swimming. With a shrug, I dive in to start my laps, and I hear the splash of Misha joining soon after.

I start strong, but after a few laps I'm starting to feel my muscles complain. I’m still not used to this level of exercise, but my heart seems okay, so I press on. By my final lap, my arms and legs feel like they're on fire, but I manage to make it to the end.

As I pull myself out of the pool, I notice that Shizune is already out and is wrapped in a towel. Her hair is uncharacteristically disheveled, but she seems to have tried fixing it. Unsuccessfully. She seems upset. She must be rather self-conscious about her performance. Our eyes meet, and she just looks straight into mine. I break contact to grab my own towel and begin drying off, but her eyes follow me. I don't know near enough sign language to communicate, so we just end up looking at each other.

Misha is done not too long after me, and Shizune begins signing at her the moment she's out of the pool. “I need to take care of something. I'll see you in class.” Seeming to understand the words only after she repeats them, Misha begins to look distressed. “You're going, Shicchan?”

Shizune nods and is about to turn around when I manage to signal for her attention. Making use of my basic understanding of sign language, I manage to construct a rudimentary sentence, [You. O. K.]

Unsure of how to convey that it's a question, I resort to drawing a question mark in the air. She gives a weak smile, probably at my poor attempt, then signs back to me. “Shicchan says 'I'm fine.'”

Not sure what to do, we watch Shizune vanish into the changing room. After she's gone, Misha turns to me. “I think Shicchan needs some space, so I'll do some more swimming. I haven't even dried, after all~! Hahaha!” Her laughter turns to a gentle but stern lecture in an instant. “You need to go see the nurse before he gets mad at both of us.” Then she’s back to a cheerful smile. “I'll meet you after you're done so we can have breakfast, okay? Okay~!”

My orders given, I dutifully make my way to the changing room.


I see Emi leaving the nurse's office as I approach again. It seems like this will be a regular occurrence. She flashes me a smile and gives a mocking “Hi, Hicchan!” before she runs off.

“May as well skip the knock and come in, Nakai,” comes the familiar voice from the office. He smirks as I walk in. “Hicchan, eh?”

I grimace. “Don't you even start.”

His grin widens, showing off his teeth. “Relax, Nakai, I'm not interested,” he teases, then gives me an uncomfortably suggestive glance, “unless, of course, you're interested?”

I can't even begin to process, much less respond, before he switches to full professional mode, “For future reference, it would probably be better for you to come here right after you're done swimming. Just quickly dry yourself off and come in your swim clothes. You can change afterward. It kind of defeats the purpose if you've taken enough time to fully cool down before I can take a look, after all.”

The checkup seems to be rather routine, and he seems satisfied, dismissing me with an exhortation to keep up the good work.

The hall outside the office is unexpectedly empty. Didn't Misha say she'd meet me here? I don't see any sign of her, so it's possible she's still playing with her hair or something. I walk over to the entrance of the girls' changing room and am about to knock when Misha bursts out. Of course. She manages to call out, “Hicchan, are you still there? Wait up for me~!” right before running headlong into me.

I'm okay, since the impact was... well, “cushioned,” and she seems no worse for wear.

“There you are, Hicchan. What a relief~!” She visibly relaxes. Was she afraid that I'd leave without her? Her eyes narrow. “Wait a minute... Why were you standing outside the girls' changing room? Were you planning something naughty?”

Of course my tongue fails me, and I'm unable to respond. On the other hand, it's not like I could think of something to say, even if I could say anything.

“That won't do at all, Hicchan,” she clucks disapprovingly. “You shouldn't be doing naughty things on an empty stomach~. Let's go to the cafeteria for breakfast!”

…Wait, what?


Another meal, another strange concoction for Misha to eat. This time it appears to be watermelon mixed with some white bits of something. It looks too solid and textured to be tofu, so I'm going to guess cheese. I wonder if I'll ever get used to her unusual tastes in food.

“So, Misha,” I begin.

“Hmm?” she asks, clearly more interested in her breakfast.

“Last night-”

“Could you just forget about anything I did last night?” That uncomfortable expression again. “I get silly and say weird things when I'm sleepy like that.”

I don't remember her doing anything unusual. “No, that's not what I was talking about. You said you were the Student Council vice president.”

“Wahahaha! That's because I am~, Hicchan!”

“So even when it was the two of you, you were president and vice president?”

With a dramatic flourish, Misha imitates Shizune, adjusting her non-existent glasses arrogantly. “A proper Student Council needs officers, with important-sounding titles.”

It's a solid impression of a deaf-mute, all things considered. Even the signing looks like Shizune's.

“That's pretty good,” I chuckle, “but doesn't that mean that I should have a title, too?”

“Wahahaha~! You think so?” Without waiting for an answer, she continues, “Of course you have a title, Hicchan~. You're the Student Council deputy!”

“Student Council deputy? You mean like a sheriff?”

“Hahahaha, no~, Hicchan, that would be silly. The deputy takes care of the day-to-day operations while the president and vice president handle the leadership roles~.”

I see where this is going.

“In other words,” I respond, unimpressed, “I do all the work while you two 'manage?'”

“Wahahahaha! Yup~!” she laughs boisterously, then notices that I'm significantly less amused. “Cheer up, Hicchan! The deputy's the third most powerful position in the Student Council~.”

Third most powerful. Out of a Student Council of three. What an honor.

The instant the conversation slows down, Misha focuses on eating. I guess she needs to eat when she can, since talking uses her hands.

I still can't get over the idea that she's eating watermelon and cheese. “I can't help but wonder,” I begin, “what gave you the idea to eat that for breakfast?”

She glances down at her food as if I could have been referring to something else. “This? It's Mediterranean~.”

That rules out her just randomly throwing food together.

“Fair enough, I guess. But why are you eating it? How did you even learn something like that?”

“Hahahaha, good question, Hicchan~!” she flashes one of her winning smiles, “It's because I want to eat all the delicious foods! I can't do that if I don't know about it, right~? Right!”

That's all well and good, but something seems a little off...

“But don't you always order the same thing for takeout? And at the Shanghai?”

Her smile falters a little, and she lowers her eyes toward her breakfast. “Shicchan says it's childish to keep trying new things. She thinks you should just find something you like and stick to that. So I usually eat the same stuff when she's around...”

That doesn't make much sense, and I doubt Shizune cares, but Misha seems to think it's a pretty big deal. “Don't worry,” I reassure her, “we can keep it our little secret.”

Upon hearing this, she cheers up considerably. “Really, Hicchan? Thanks~! I knew I could trust you!”

It's amazing how much value she places on those little things. I must admit, my curiosity is getting the better of me, “You said you like to eat delicious foods. Is that delicious?” I ask, gesturing toward her food.

Her eyes widen as her spoon sits in her mouth. She somehow manages to chew around it then swallow. Removing the spoon, she replies, “Most people aren't interested in my food. They think it's gross, and won't even taste it... I wouldn't eat it if I didn't love it...”

There she goes looking depressed again. And, surprisingly enough, she's gotten rather quiet. If it weren't Misha, I'd imagine she was fishing for a response. The more time I spend with her, the more I get the sense that she just thinks out loud.

Either way, it feels like I have no choice. “I think it looks good,” I lie.

As Misha's smile returns, I start to wonder if I'm putting her through some sort of emotional roller-coaster. She's not mentally unstable or anything, is she? I'm pretty sure she mentioned something about Yamaku not taking students with mental disabilities, so that's not likely. Besides, she said herself that there's nothing wrong with her.

“You think so? You can try some, if you want.”

As soon as she stops signing, she fills her spoon and holds it out toward me. It takes every effort for me to not cringe. Cheese is usually disgusting, and the watermelon probably makes it soggy and gross. Too late to turn back now, though. If I refuse, she'll know I lied, and I'd feel terrible.

Cautiously, I take the utensil from her and bring the food to my mouth. I've had foul-tasting medicine before, so how bad could it be? Steeling myself, I take a bite...

…And am surprised that it's actually not too bad. The texture's a little weird, and I still think cheese is one of the craziest ideas for food ever, but I don't feel like gagging or anything.

Finishing the bite, I hand the spoon back to her. She watches me expectantly.

“It's... actually pretty good,” I admit, stretching the truth far less than I feared.

“Yay!” she celebrates, perhaps a bit too loudly, “Hicchan likes it~!”

Somehow the cafeteria crowd hasn't learned to tune Misha out, and her outburst seems to be attracting some attention. I realize I ate off the same spoon as her. Isn't that considered some sort of indirect kiss or something? That's the kind of thing that starts rumors. And Misha and Shizune would blame it on me, of course...

“Do you want some more?” she offers, perhaps a bit too eagerly.

“No, thanks,” I respond, “you worked harder than me this morning. You need it more. I'd feel terrible if you went hungry because I ate all your food.”

It's technically true. The fact that it allows me to avoid eating more cheese is simply a bonus.

Misha seems to think about this for a little bit, then nods. “You're right, I have been working harder than you. If I go too easy on you, the nurse will be disappointed... Okay! Okay, okay~! Starting tomorrow, we'll be pushing harder! I'm going to make sure you're hungry enough to eat all the food we get! Wahahahaha!”

It's official. I can't win, no matter what I do.


Even after breakfast, we arrive in the classroom early. As promised, Shizune is already there, waiting for us. Misha and Shizune start talking immediately once we get to our seats. Their conversation continues as the rest of the students filter in, followed by the teacher. By the end of the discussion, Misha looks quite downcast. Unfortunately, class starts before I can ask her about it. She stays remarkably quiet through the lesson, which is a little unnerving. I was starting to get used to her distracting me with her chatter.

Shortly before class ends, Misha discreetly passes me a hastily scrawled note. While the teacher is distracted, I sneak a glance.

“Lunch in student council room. Emergency meeting.”

I wish I could get out of this, but I did join the Student Council. It's only fair that I participate. Besides, our workload has been surprisingly light this week.


I'm in no rush to get to this “emergency meeting,” so I wave Misha and Shizune to go ahead while I pack up my books. Surprisingly, they don't protest. I guess they're starting to trust me. I immediately betray that trust by thinking I should sneak away but decide that would be a bad idea. My head still hurts a little from Misha's last rebuke.

I enter the student council room to find the two of them casually sitting on two of the desks lined up along the walls, a collection of convenience store food piled on the table in the middle of the room. Before I get a chance to approach the food, Shizune begins signing, with Misha dutifully translating.

“Due to ex-ten-u-at-ing cir-cum-stan-ces, we're going to have your sign language lesson now. Sign language~? I thought you said this was about Student Council, Shicchan?”

Shizune rolls her eyes, then begins signing an explanation.

“It's related to Student Council because I have a presentation for the Board today? I don't think that really counts, Shicchan...”

A few curt gestures indicate that this isn't a matter for discussion. Resigned, Misha turns to me to start whatever lesson she had planned, or, more likely, whatever she manages to think up on the fly. Before she can even begin to speak, Shizune slaps her hand on the desk next to her and begins lecturing at a rapid pace. It's all Misha can do to keep up with her, barely able to process the words before she repeats them.

The lecture is about tone and the fact that sign language uses your whole body, not just your hands. Body language and facial expressions are important as well. My incompetence this morning must have left an impression on her.

I try to position myself so that I can look at both Shizune and Misha at the same time. Shizune wants me to look at her while she “speaks,” but it's hard to hear what's being said if I'm not looking at Misha. As the lesson goes on, beads of sweat form on Misha's brow, the strain of relaying Shizune's rapid stream of words wearing her down. Her voice also becomes increasingly taut as she continues speaking at Shizune's pace. Finally, she throws her arms up, signalling Shizune to stop, at the same time yelling, “Slow down, Shicchan!”

Stunned, Shizune pauses, a look of concern crossing her face. Misha has placed her head in her hands, gently massaging her temples. Occasionally, she takes a sip from her nearby drink. I glance at the clock. Shizune's been signing non-stop for twenty minutes, with Misha translating the whole time. It's impressive that Misha was able to last that long, barely able to take a breath the whole time. I guess Shizune doesn't think about voice strain when she “talks.” Even at that, she's rolling her wrists and cracking her knuckles. I guess it wasn't easy on her either.

The momentary reprieve is enough for me to remember that I'm hungry and that it's lunch time. I take advantage of the pause in the lesson to grab some food from the table. I would check on Misha, but she looks like she wants us to back off and give her some space. I hope she's okay.

I don't really care what I get, and end up with a melon roll.

I hear a heavy thud on the desk next to me, and see that Shizune placed a thick hardbound book on the table, its title covered by a sheet of notebook paper. By the time I react, she's already headed out the door. I notice that the sheet of paper has a note written on it. Shizune's neat, precise script bears an equally professional message:

“The presentation is at 2:00. I will not be in class this afternoon. Make sure Misha eats and goes to class. The book is due back to the library on Tuesday.”

Those last two lines seem odd. I can't imagine Misha not eating. I can imagine her skipping class, but that's usually on Shizune's encouragement. And why would it be so important that we take care of her library book that isn't due for a week?

I scan the food on the table to see if there's anything unusual in the pile. Misha did say she likes trying new foods. It's all pretty ordinary, so I just grab a pork bun for her. She still has her head in her hands. I can see her mouth moving slightly, as if she's mumbling something to herself. Suddenly, she hops to her feet, shouting cheerfully.

“Okay~! Okay, okay, okay~. I'm ready to continue~!”

She pauses, then looks around, somewhat confused. “Where's Shicchan?”

I shrug and hand her the pork bun and the note. “She left.”

Misha thanks me as she accepts the food and begins to puzzle over the note, taking bites as she reads. She's taking quite a bit of time to read it. Is she looking for coded messages? “What book is Shicchan talking about?”

“This one, I guess,” I respond, reaching for the book. I notice that it's about sign language.

“That's a good one~,” Misha comments. “It's one of the books I used to learn back when I first... started to learn sign language~. Shicchan must want you to read it.”

That solves that mystery. Even with that one down, though, there's still plenty to go around.

“How can Shizune give a presentation without you?” I ask, somewhat perplexed by the omission. “Aren't you her interpreter?”

“Hahaha, I'm not really~ her interpreter. You have to be specially certified to be an official interpreter. So~! I can't translate for Shicchan in an official capacity. She has her brother record her presentations, and the board has a certified interpreter in case they have any questions for her. So no need for Misha~.”

This is the first I've heard of Shizune's brother. I was under the impression that she was an only child. If Shizune's brother is anything like she is, he must have an impressive commanding voice, and a stature to match. I wonder if I'll ever get the chance to meet him.

I'm about to ask Misha what was bothering her earlier today when the warning bell rings. I guess it'll have to wait until after classes.

“Shizune says I need to make sure you go to class, whether you like it or not,” I joke, secretly hoping that Shizune's concerns were unfounded and it actually is just a joke.

“Wahahaha~! Don't worry, Hicchan, I'll come quietly~!”

I wince at her volume. Somehow, I doubt she can do anything quietly.


After classes, I manage to catch Misha before she walks out. “Hey, Misha, do you have a minute?”

She pauses and bites her lip, her eyes drifting toward the ceiling as she thinks. “I guess I have a few minutes, Hicchan. I have some important student council paperwork, and I need to study for that history test, but I always have time for a friend~!”

Ugh, history test. Don't remind me. “You seemed a little down this morning after talking to Shizune. Is something the matter?”

“Oh, that…” She grimaces. “Shicchan said she won't be able to join us for our swimming in the morning anymore...”

That seems a silly reason to get upset, but I figure I shouldn't push the issue.

“Since you're here, Hicchan, I guess I can get your opinion~. Our swimming isn't a student council event anymore, so I don't need~ to wear my uniform. But it is rather nice~... What do you think, Hicchan?”

I hesitate. What kind of a question is that? Girls don't just ask guys what they should wear... do they? Is this some kind of a test? I guess I do have an opinion on the subject, but it's safer to be noncommittal.

“I don't know. It's just a swimsuit, right? Wear whatever you want, I guess.”

Misha puffs her cheeks out in annoyance. Wrong answer. “You should have an opinion on these kinds of things, Hicchan. Shicchan says that you're at your best when you have an opinion and stick to it.”

Her expression shifts to what I could only guess is mild disappointment. “No one knows what you're thinking unless you have the courage to say it, Hicchan. I wouldn't have asked you if I didn't want your opinion.”

I guess I did take the coward's way out. Shizune has a point, and she would know. No wonder she comes off as forceful. She has trouble telling people what she thinks, whether or not she wants to.

I notice that no one else is left in the classroom. Everyone must have been in a hurry to get out of here. Not that I blame them.

Just the two of us. In a classroom. Alone. And I already blew it.

Misha plops herself on top of a nearby desk with all the elegance of a drunken elephant. “While we're here, Hicchan, I wanted to apologize~. For this morning.”

I open my mouth to dismiss the matter, but she holds up a finger, arresting me with a steely-eyed gaze. Her gold eyes are surprisingly commanding.

“There are lots of students here who can't hide what's wrong with them, so they're really casual about it. There's no use pretending otherwise, so they have no shame about it.”

Her eyes fall to her hands, translating what she's saying as she speaks. “And then there are the people who can hide their disabilities. Some of them are comfortable about it, and just as casual. But the others... It's so easy to pretend there's nothing wrong. But they can't lie to themselves. And it hurts all the more because they're so ashamed of it...”

She looks up at me again, her eyes meeting my own. I don't see any tears, but her eyes do look a little red. “I know I can't really understand what you go through, Hicchan. I don't know what brought you to Yamaku, and I don't care. But it's not you – you're not your disability, Hicchan. You'll always be Hicchan, no matter what happens to you.”

I really don't know how to respond to that, so I just stand there, transfixed by her piercing gaze. I never would have expected this from Misha. Given her position, she must think about this a lot.

Misha hops down from the desk, breaking eye contact. “I should be going now.”

I finally find my voice and speak up. “Misha?” She stops and turns around, waiting for me to continue. “What is it like? To be here without a disability?”

Now it's Misha's turn to hesitate. After a moment, she gives a resigned chuckle. “Haha, I guess it's only fair~. I can't answer your question. I don't know the answer.” She pauses for a moment, then turns to leave. “I'll see you tomorrow morning, okay, Hicchan?”

I nod absentmindedly. Satisfied, Misha skips out of the room, appearing to all the world as if this conversation never happened. With no reason left to stay, I leave shortly afterward.

Act 2 Scene 2 Part 2 | Act 2 Scene 4
Last edited by ProfAllister on Thu Nov 29, 2012 6:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
Current Project: Misha Pseudo-Route

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Re: For Want of a Nail - Misha Route (New Chapter 11/22)

Post by ProfAllister »

The next few weeks seem to blur together.

Misha keeps to her promise on pushing me. Whenever I start to get used to my routine, she makes me swim more, or learn a new stroke.

She seems to have decided on not deciding on a swimsuit – she seems to randomly switch between the two whenever the mood strikes her. She's also taken to playing with simple hairstyles in the morning, returning to her drills after we finish swimming.

She's also roped me into being a guinea pig for her food experimentation. Most of it actually tastes good, and I think Misha cares more about sharing the experience, regardless of the result. I still don't like cheese.

There hasn't been much going on with the Student Council recently. Misha says she remembers there being more work for this time of year, but Shizune insists that this is perfectly normal. Even without regular student council work, it seems that Shizune is constantly being called to special tasks as the Student Council president.

We generally spend the scheduled Student Council period working on my sign language. I seem to have a bit of a talent for it; Misha says that I'm learning even faster than she did. To practice, we've gotten into the habit of speaking to each other almost exclusively in sign language. We mouth the words as we sign, but Shizune's book indicates that that's a good habit to have in general. I checked the book out under my name after returning it for Shizune. Yuuko insisted that she had to reshelve the book before I could check it out. I've learned to let her do her job, regardless of how nonsensical it seems. I figure it's better for her mental health.

We don't talk about our disabilities. Misha made it clear that she doesn't want to discuss it, and I'm not terribly eager to bring it up myself. If something happens with my heart, or with whatever she has, we'll deal with that when the time comes.

Amazingly enough, I'm even getting used to the early mornings. I've started waking up before my alarm goes off, which makes the mornings a little nicer. Following my routine, I wake up, grab my stuff and make my way to the auxiliary building.


After getting changed, I enter to pool area, but am surprised to see Shizune there with Misha nowhere in sight.

[Hello, Shizune. Where's Misha?]

Shizune freezes for just an instant, but responds as if nothing were out of the ordinary. [She said she wasn't feeling well. She was afraid you would swim alone.]

This is the first time Shizune and I have talked one-on-one. We’ve spoken to each other in sign before, but Misha was there, too. Something feels off this time. Did I do something wrong?

I frown. [Why would she care about me swimming alone?]

[Don't ever swim alone. If something bad happens, there won't be anyone to help you. That's what Misha said.]

It turns out that Shizune is just as bad at conveying emotion and tone as Misha is.

[So,] I venture, [Misha sent you here to make sure I don't drown?]

She simply nods.

Figuring that this conversation is over, I begin my stretches. I get the feeling that Shizune is watching me with her analytical stare. It's making me very self-conscious, so I finish my stretches sooner than I probably should and dive into the pool. The shock of hitting the water and the exertion of swimming clears away the last traces of sleep. The full-body exercise helps me clear my mind; I only need to focus on maintaining proper form. There's nothing pressing on my mind at the moment, but it's still good preparation for classes in the morning. I allow myself to slack off a little. I figure it won't hurt anyone. Misha never needs to know.

After I finish, as I'm drying off, Shizune signs to me, [Okay, I'll see you in class.]

[Thanks, Shizune. I'm sure Misha appreciates it.]

Shizune pauses again, then seems to make a decision.

[My name is not Shizune.]

I blink, confused. [Isn't that the sign Misha uses when talking about you?]

[It is. Misha calls me “Shizune.” My name is …]

I've been so immersed in sign language that it takes me a moment to process what she's saying.

[So... “Shizune” is the sign for s-h-i-c-c-h-a-n?]

She nods. [Not really, but it's probably the best t-r-a-n-s-l-a-t-i-o-n.]

I'm amazed at how meticulous Shizune is with sign language. She seems to know what words I don't know better than I do. Whenever an unfamiliar word comes up, she spells it, then signs it. It's very thoughtful of her.

Of course, she also explained that that’s not how things are normally done. Generally, you sign assuming the other person knows all the words. If they don’t, they ask. She hates repeating herself, so she tries to make sure she’s understood the first time. I get plenty of practice asking Misha to repeat herself, so it works out in the end.

This leads me to another thought. [Is “Misha” m-i-s-h-a or -s-h-i-i-n-a?]

I must have done something wrong, because her expression changes to a mix or annoyance and disappointment. [Misha is Misha. Names don't translate directly.]

[Then why does Misha call you Shicchan?]

[Misha is Misha. She makes up n-i-c-k-n-a-m-e-s for people, even in sign language.]

Thinking about it, I guess that's as good an explanation as any. [Thanks again, Shizune.] She smiles approvingly on seeing me use the right sign. [ I'll see you in class.]


Thankfully, the nurse just runs me through a regular check-up, keeping the witty remarks to himself. He looks tired, as if he's had a rough night. I’m reminded that a 24-hour nursing staff is more than just a phrase on a brochure. I hope for his sake that his shift ends soon.

The check-up complete, I take a shower and get changed. As I'm about to leave the auxiliary building, a voice calls out from behind me, “Hey, Hicchan!”

I was hoping Emi would get bored of that. No such luck.

I turn around to face her. “I really wish you'd stop calling me that.”

It looks like she just took a shower herself; her wet twintails leave damp spots on the shoulders of her uniform. She smirks at my response. “Let me guess, only your girlfriend is allowed to call you that?”

“My… girlfriend?”

“Yeah, pink hair done up in drills, tends to be a little loud, hangs out with the Student Council president. Ring any bells?”

“Misha's not my girlfriend.”

Not that I wouldn't like her to be my girlfriend, but that's just wishful thinking. If she were interested, she'd have said something by now. Emi, however, remains unconvinced. She scowls at me. Or pouts, it’s hard to tell with her.

“So you're telling me that you spend most of every day together, and you share each others' food, but you're not dating? What do you call it, then?”

I cross my arms decisively. “There isn't an 'it' to call. We swim together on the Nurse's orders, we're in most of the same classes, and we're both on the Student Council.”

Emi arches her eyebrows, “And the food?”

That one's a bit harder to explain. I relax a little, somewhat defeated. “...Yeah, I guess it does look that way, doesn't it? It's not, though. Misha just likes it when people try new foods. And she doesn't think about things like sharing utensils.”

With that last comment, Emi’s eyes widen in shock for an instant, before giving way to an impish grin. “So you share utensils, too? Miki didn't know that bit.”

I should've guessed. Miki's the girl in my class with the missing hand. She's in the Track and Field Club with Emi and also the school's biggest gossip. “We're not dating.”

I can only imagine what Misha would do if she heard those rumors. She'd blame me for spreading them, of course. Even worse, what if Shizune catches wind of them? I think back to her confrontation with Lilly. Shizune's usually nice, but she can be rather vicious when she wants to be.

Emi gives me a conspiratorial wink. “I get it, Hicchan. I'll make sure Miki knows the two of you are 'not dating.'”

She says “not dating” as if that phrase were especially scandalous. I should probably learn to just keep my mouth shut. Before I can dig myself any deeper, she shoots off in her usual rush to get wherever she's going as quickly as possible.


As expected, Misha is nowhere to be seen when I get to the classroom. Oddly enough, Shizune isn't bothered by the lack of her interpreter. I can't imagine how she expects to get anything out of class when she can't hear. After thinking it over, I offer to try interpreting for her.

At first she looks surprised, then covers her mouth and shakes in what I imagine would be a silent giggle. [You're welcome to try. If you're good enough, it might actually be helpful. You should sit at Misha's desk, though. It will be easier for me to see.]

The glint in Shizune's eyes and the smirk on her face make it clear: she's turned this into a challenge. She's betting on me failing. She expects it. I feel my competitive spirit willing up. It seems like I have no choice but to disappoint her by doing a good job.

Taking her advice, I migrate to Misha's desk. It's just like mine, but it seems... wrong. I've only shifted a few feet, but the change in perspective makes it feel like I'm in an entirely different classroom.

Mutou does a double-take when he notices me sitting in the wrong seat, but he doesn't say anything. Taking a piece of chalk, he begins writing on the blackboard while lecturing on a completely unrelated matter. He isn't making this easy for me. With a determined expression, I begin translating.


Damn, this is difficult.

For the most part, I can run on autopilot, but then there are the technical terms, or even just unfamiliar words. I need to stop for a moment and fingerspell them, but I also need to keep up a rapid pace, so I don't fall too far behind in the lecture.

And then there's the fatigue. There are breaks between the periods, but it's far from enough. I manage to stay pretty strong through the first class with Mutou. Halfway through History, my hands start to cramp. Third period is nothing but pain. By the fourth subject, Math, my hands are feeling numb, which is rather concerning. I've also slowed down considerably, but I somehow manage to keep up. After what seems like an eternity, the bell rings for lunch, bringing my torture to a merciful end.

I slump down in my chair. Misha does this every day? I never imagined sign language could be such a workout. I'm not sure how to deal with sign language fatigue, so I figure I should roll my wrists, like Shizune does on occasion.

I glance over to see that she hasn't made any motion to leave for lunch. She's clearly very pleased with herself, and I can't help but feel that it's at my expense.

[You were pretty terrible.]

I can't tell if that's a joke or not. Either way, it's not the sort of comment I want to hear. Or see. My expression seems to convey this sentiment well enough, considering she modifies her own expression to one slightly more serious.

[You still won, though. I expected you to quit halfway through Physics.]

I grin, not willing to end this yet. [There are still three more periods.]

[No.] She shakes her head emphatically, eying me sternly. I'm about to protest when she places a firm hand on mine, a signal to be quiet. As she continues, she starts to look more concerned than anything. [You could hurt yourself. Severely. You really shouldn't be interpreting for more than 20 minutes at a time.]

Twenty minutes? She let me go for nearly four hours! Feeling no small degree of anger rising, I reply, [Twenty minutes? Why didn't you stop me? You just said that I could really hurt myself!]

She shrinks back from my outburst. She should feel bad about being so careless with others. However, she only pauses slightly before she responds, [If I tried to stop you, would you have listened?]

She may have been chastened, but the challenge has already returned to her eyes. I want to tell her I would have, but we both know that's a lie. Defeated, I concede the point, [No, I wouldn't have listened.]

Surprisingly, she accepts her victory gracefully.

I still feel the need to ask one more question, though. [What about Misha? She does this all day, every day.]

Shizune is clearly not comfortable with answering, playing with her hands as she thinks of what to say. [Misha is much more conditioned than you, and she has much more experience.] She hesitates for a moment before continuing, [More importantly, she won't listen either.]

An awkward silence passes between us. It's odd, thinking that there can be an awkward silence with a deaf person, but I'm not sure how else to describe it. After a moment, Shizune breaks the “silence.” [We should get lunch before classes start up again. I'll pay.]


The afternoon lessons are a welcome relief after my morning ordeal. I'm somewhat concerned for Shizune, but she seems to be managing well enough without Misha's assistance.

After the last bell rings, Shizune insists that we have some sort of sign language session even though Misha's out of commission, so we make our way to the student council room. I begin to suspect that Shizune is a creature of the moment, because the lesson is focused on posture and proper form – presumably so I'm less likely to hurt myself. It is nice to concentrate on technique for a change. Misha seems to restrict herself almost exclusively to vocabulary, which is useful, but limited.

The lesson concluded, Shizune smiles at me. A genuine, honest smile. She really should smile like that more often, it's very becoming. With a hint of playfulness creeping in, she begins signing, [I told you that you won, but we never discussed the stakes.]

I forgot that she never made challenges for the sake of challenges. She always wants to set a wager. I'm not too concerned this time, since I won.

[Since I lost, I'll treat the Student Council to a nice dinner in the city. Once Misha starts feeling better, we can figure out when and where.]

I was expecting something small and silly, like “I'll go to classes wearing a boy's uniform.” This sounds like it's a pretty big deal, and expensive, too. I briefly wonder why she's including Misha, but I can't begrudge her something like this after getting a sense for what she does every day. Besides, Shizune is probably afraid I'd get the wrong idea if it were just the two of us. I smile back. [That sounds like it will be fun.]

I almost think I see a hint of a blush, but Shizune turns around and hefts her bag over her shoulder too quickly for me to be certain. She waves “goodbye” without looking back as she leaves the room. I sit down for a moment to gather my thoughts.

Misha was right about Shizune. She's actually very nice once you get to know her. She’s surprisingly sweet, in fact. It’s a pretty dramatic change from her usual professional demeanor.

Is she afraid that people won't take her seriously? Thinking about it, most people would see someone who won't speak to you and won't listen as a petulant child, if not mentally handicapped. I guess she can be forgiven for being so harsh most of the time.

I'm still a little bothered by what Emi said. Those rumors are sure to cause trouble for me, since they're so obviously false. At least, mostly false. I like Misha, but I'd be fooling myself to think she feels the same way. That's as ridiculous as thinking that Shizune would be attracted to me. Or Emi. There are tons of smarter, more athletic, and more attractive guys on campus. I'm just some nobody with a heart condition.

As I make my way to the cafeteria for dinner, it occurs to me that I have no recollection of what we covered in this morning's classes. And I didn't take notes, of course. I guess I'll have to ask Shizune for a copy of hers in the morning...

Act 2 Scene 3 | Act 2 Scene 5
Last edited by ProfAllister on Thu Dec 06, 2012 10:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Current Project: Misha Pseudo-Route

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Re: For Want of a Nail - Misha Route (New Chapter 11/29)

Post by Mjack_15980 »

This better keep going. It is amazing!!! I can picture this happening. Keep up all the good work! :D
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Re: For Want of a Nail - Misha Route (New Chapter 11/29)

Post by Kutagh »

Mjack_15980 wrote:This better keep going. It is amazing!!! I can picture this happening. Keep up all the good work! :D
Don't worry, ProfAllister has no intention of quiting this yet ;) And part of being able to picture this happening is his good research before actually writing something, so he doesn't have any immersion-breaking aspects in the story like a Cochlear Implant magically 'solving' the Deafness (which in reality doesn't work like that, I should know since I have one)
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Re: For Want of a Nail - Misha Route (New Chapter 11/15)

Post by Dumanios »

ProfAllister wrote:If Shizune's brother is anything like she is, he must have an impressive commanding voice, and a stature to match. I wonder if I'll ever get the chance to meet him.Act 2 Scene 2 Part 2 | Act 2 Scene 4
Oh, will Hisao be disappointed. Anyway, fun story, and I saw what you did with the Armadillo.
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Re: For Want of a Nail - Misha Route (New Chapter 11/29)

Post by Bagheera »

This is amazingly good stuff. Misha seems spot on, and I didn't have any issues with Rin at all (that was a cold thing to say, but I doubt Rin meant it like that). And your Shizune . . . she seems a bit softer than the Shizune in the game, which is a good thing IMO. I could never connect with canon!Shizune because she was just too harsh with nothing to really balance it out. Your version, first pool scene notwithstanding, seems more . . . elegant maybe? Refined? I'm not sure how to put it, but for some reason I find her a lot more attractive than the canon version of the girl.

As I said, amazing story. Please keep it up!
Girls: Emi = Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Shizune = Rin
Routes: Rin = Shizune > Emi > Lilly = Hanako

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Re: For Want of a Nail - Misha Route (New Chapter 11/29)

Post by ProfAllister »

The following morning, I enter the pool area to see Misha waiting for me, as cheerful as ever.

[Hi, Hicchan!]

She doesn't actually sign “Hicchan.” I don't have a sign name yet. It's something that has to be given to you. Technically, she's been calling me “new kid.” I guess that's my nickname for the time being.

[Good morning, Misha. Feeling better?]

Her smile grows wider. [Yup! All better now!]

It still strikes me as a little odd to be talking to Misha without, well, talking to her. It’s certainly easier on the ears, and we’re doing it to keep my signing sharp, but it almost makes me miss her voice, as crazy as that sounds.

Eager to get started, Misha begins her stretches. I want to tell her about the plans for dinner in the city, but it's not so important that it can't wait until after our exercise.

Diving in, I let my body go on autopilot as I swim through my routine.

Emi referred to Misha as my girlfriend. It's a nice fantasy, but that's all it is. I'm certainly not complaining about being able to spend so much time with someone so pretty, but I have to face reality. We've spent most of the past several weeks together, but she's never indicated that she was interested. Has she? Of course not, I would have noticed something like that. Wouldn't I?

Damn it, Emi!

Frustrated, I try to busy my mind with something simpler, like quantum physics. It manages to keep my mind occupied until I finish my last lap.

As I climb out, I notice Misha waiting for me with a mildly concerned look on her face. Hesitantly, she begins signing, [Are you okay?]

[I'm fine,] I answer, somewhat confused. [Why wouldn't I be okay?]

She shrugs. [You're getting lazy. Shicchan said you were slacking off yesterday, too. Is something bothering you?]

Nothing was bothering me yesterday. I guess I was distracted a bit today, though. [It's nothing,] I lie, [just a little concerned about the upcoming tests.]

This earns me a weak smile. [Me too.]


I figure that I should let Misha know about Shizune’s offer during breakfast. The sooner she knows about it, the sooner we can pick a date that works for all of us.

I've stopped paying attention to Misha's food. She always explains what it is and offers me a bite, eventually. The anticipation's always worse than the actual experience. Except for that one time... Either way, I figure that it's more profitable to avoid thinking about Misha's meals before she brings them up herself.

[So,] I begin, [I tried interpreting for Shizune yesterday...]

Misha's eyes widen, and she drops her forkful of... whatever. [Are you okay? You didn't hurt yourself, did you?]

[I'm fine,] I reply. She calms down a little, but still looks rather worried. [She stopped me after a while, because she didn't want me to get hurt.]

Misha smiles at this. [Yeah, Shicchan's thoughtful like that.] “She said we can probably talk now, too~.”

It takes me entirely too long to realize she was speaking, especially considering she was still signing. “Huh?”

“Shicchan said that your signing was good enough that you probably don't really need any more lessons~! She just wants you to keep practicing~! You must have really impressed her with your interpreting!”

“I guess I did...” I choose not to bring up the fact that she called my interpreting “terrible.” “She said she wanted to take us to the city for a nice dinner to celebrate.”

Upon my mentioning this, Misha suddenly becomes very interested in the plate in front of her. “Yeah,” she replies softly, “she told me that, too.”

“You don't sound too excited. I'd have thought you would want to go.”

Her head sinks a little. Her curls are dangling dangerously close to her food. “I do~ want to go. But I can't~. You and Shicchan can enjoy yourselves without me...”

“You can't make it? We don't have to do it right away. I'm sure Shizune's willing to wait.”

Misha stops playing with her food and slumps back in her seat. “It's not that simple, Hicchan. I can't go at all~. I really really really need to catch up in my classes, so I can't be wasting any time. I even have to skip Student Council for this, and that’s especially bad because we need to start preparing for Tanabata soon.” She looks up and gives me another faint smile. “But I can still do swimming in the mornings~. And breakfast~, too.”

This is terrible. It's obvious she really wants to go, but it sounds like her grades are in dire straits. “Do you think I could help you out?”

She tilts her head in puzzlement. “How would you be able to help, Hicchan?”

“Well, for starters I can do some of the interpreting for Shizune. I learned firsthand how hard it is to focus on lessons while interpreting. It's probably better if you can take the occasional break anyway.”

She seems touched by the offer, and her smile gets a little stronger. “That's sweet, Hicchan~. You definitely know how to be helpful. That won't be enough, though...”

It would be a shame for Misha to miss out on Shizune's offer, considering how disappointed she looked when I brought it up. It would probably upset Shizune, too.

“You have difficulty in Physics and Math, right? I could probably help you with those subjects.”

Misha cheers up a little more on hearing this. “Mutou's classes are hard~. You don't have much trouble with them, though. Are you sure you want to help me?”

“Of course!” I answer in mock indignation. “I wouldn't have mentioned it if it wasn't a serious offer.”

“Wahahahaha~! Thanks, Hicchan. That means a lot to me.”

She seems happier now, which is a bit of a relief. A mischievous grin starts to form at the corners of her mouth. “So, Hicchan, does this mean that you're going to tutor~ me?”

“I... guess so?” Tutor? Who even uses that word? “On one condition though.”

She narrows her eyes slightly, making her smile seem downright devilish. “One condition~? And what might that be~?”

“You need to promise that you'll come to Shizune's dinner celebration with us.”

She blinks. Was she surprised by that condition? “Oh. Okay. Okay~! I was going to agree to that anyway! With Hicchan's help, I'll definitely have enough time~. Yay! Yay!”

“After all the help you've given me, Misha, it's really the least I could do.”

“You're too kind, Hicchan! It's a good thing I'm here to take advantage of your generosity~! Wahahaha~!”

After she finishes laughing at her own joke, she meets my eyes with another impish grin, “I hope you tutor me well, Hicchan. I intend to learn a lot under you.”

A bit of an odd comment to make. I've gotten used to Misha's non-sequiturs, though, so I don't really pay it any mind.

That seems to have resolved itself rather nicely. I had to give up my evenings to keep Misha and Shizune happy, but that's what friends do. Besides, Misha really has done a lot for me, and I do owe her something in return.

“Now that that's over with, what are you eating today? It looks... good?”


Conversing with Shizune before classes start, we decided that this coming Saturday is a good time to go to the city for our dinner celebration. We also determined that the best way for us to switch off as interpreters is if Misha and I trade desks between each period. Misha tried to argue that she should just trade desks with Shizune, but Shizune pointed out that it would be too hard on her to switch between watching her left and watching her right. Constantly trading desks is a little inconvenient, but Shizune's right. She has it hard enough as it is. At least this way the burden of interpretation doesn't rest entirely on Misha.

[You're sure you can take care of the student council work without us, Shicchan?]

Shizune rolls her eyes. I can't really blame her, considering Misha's asked this same question three times already. [I'll manage. Your studies are more important.]

They’ve been going back and forth like this since the end of class. They haven’t even gotten out of their chairs. Technically, Misha’s sitting in my chair, since I was the last interpreter. I’m sitting this discussion out. Shizune’s lessons on posture and technique have helped a lot, but it’s still a lot of work, and my arms aren’t really used to this sort of workout. Swimming helps a little, but, for the most part, signing uses different muscles.

[But Shiiichaaan...]

It's a little weird getting used to seeing stuff like whining translated into sign language. It's like a full-body pout. And, amazingly enough, it's as irritating as the normal kind.

Shizune shakes her head. [We've already discussed this. You need to get your schoolwork done. No excuses.]

Misha doesn't respond, opting to cross her arms and sulk. Satisfied that Misha will cooperate, Shizune nods. [I'll see you in class tomorrow morning.]

And with that, she leaves.

“Are you ready to get started, then?”

“Here? In the classroom?” The disappointment on Misha's face is evident. “Classrooms are such a boring place to study.”

“Studying is supposed to be boring.”

She sticks her tongue out at me.

“...Fine,” I relent, “where should we study?”

“The roof! I do my best thinking up there~.”

And just like that, she cheers up. Like a spoiled child.

“Won't the wind be a problem?”

“That's a silly thing to say, Hicchan! The wind doesn't blow that hard up there~. Now let's go! We're wasting study time~.”

And of course we aren't wasting time by moving to the roof before we start...


The rooftop is abandoned except for the two of us. The building forms a small ledge where it meets the fence, just the right height to use as a seat. Misha settles herself on the ledge, so I follow suit. There's a light breeze, but it shouldn't upset our papers too much. Looks like Misha was right on that count.

In no time at all, Misha makes herself comfortable. She must come up here a lot. I start fishing through my bag for my class notes. It would be a little easier if I didn't have to work around the plastic bag holding my swim clothes.

“It's hot.”

She's right, it is hot today, and it will just be getting worse, especially in the mid-afternoon like this. It is the middle of summer, after all.

“Okay, we should start by reviewing what we covered in class toda- what are you doing?!”

While I was busy retrieving my notes, Misha seems to have taken the liberty of undoing her ribbon and unbuttoning the top few buttons of her blouse.

She seems confused by my question, as if the answer were patently obvious. “I told you, it's hot. These uniforms are so stuffy~.”

Exhaling heavily, she causes her generous bosom to strain against the remaining buttons. I remind myself to avert my eyes and most definitely not to casually glance down her shirt to find out if I can see her bra.

“I know it's hot, I feel it too. But if you do things like that, people might get the wrong idea.”

I fail at averting my eyes and learn that I can in fact see her bra. And it's a sexy bra, too. All pink and black and lacy. I thought girls wore plain white or flesh-colored bras most of the time. I must admit, though, the uniform’s blouses are impressively opaque.

“The wrong idea~...?” Her confusion gives way to amusement. “Are you having perverted thoughts, Hicchan?”

“Of course not!” I lie. I try to focus on something other than her chest. And end up looking at her legs. With her skirt as short as it is, that's not much better. I turn my head and force myself to focus on her eyes. Eyes and hair. I can do this.

Except she's looking at me like a hurt puppy now. “You're not? Am I not pretty enough~?”

“No! I mean yes! What?”

She tries to continue to look pitiful, but a smile breaks through, giving way to a giggle, then blossoming into full laughter. “Wahahahahahaha! Hahahahahaha! You're so cute~ when you blush like that, Hicchan! Hahahaha!”

I'm not blushing. Real men never blush.

“Who's there?”

I freeze. Misha manages to stop laughing just in time for us to see a head poke out from the other side of the enclosure for the stairs. Rin's head. Attached to the rest of her body, of course.

“Oh, it's you two.”

“Good afternoon~, Miss Tezuka!”

Rin frowns. “You can call me Rin. We know each other well enough now. I know what's not wrong with you, and you know what's wrong with me. So I'll call you Shiina, and you call me Rin.”

Misha winces upon hearing her name. “Everyone calls me Misha, so you can call me Misha, too~! Okay Ricchan?” She hesitates, as if the name left a bad taste in her mouth. “Rinchan? ...I'll just call you Rin.”

Rin ponders this for a moment. At least, I think she's thinking about that. It's what a normal person would be doing. “No, Misha is too casual, too familiar. We're not close enough friends for me to call you Misha.”

Misha looks like she wants to object, but can't figure out how. She probably isn't used to such a refusal.

No longer interested in that chain of thought, Rin turns her attention toward me. “I found someone who smiles the right amount. An underclassman. He has para-? Quadra-? He has plegias. A lot of them.”

I had completely forgotten about that question. Having received an answer, I can't help but want more information. “So there is someone who smiles just the right amount. How often does he smile?”

“The right amount.”

I figured as much. “No, I meant- how does his smiling compare to his not smiling? What's the percentage?”

Rin cocks her head to the side, not quite understanding. Then she kicks off one of her sandals and starts... counting on her toes, I guess. “I don't know. I'm not very good at math. He smiles when he should smile, and doesn't when he shouldn't.”

It's pretty hard to argue with logic like that. Literally. It inherently resists argument. I'm not going to get anything more from her. “That's good to know. I'll keep it in mind. What brings- no, we've been through that before... What were you doing on the roof today?”

“I was watching the sky. Then I ate lunch with Emi. Then I decided to paint something. I couldn't think of anything, so I took a nap. I had a dream about butterflies. In giant robots. Butterfly robots. Robot butterflies? They were about to combine into a zebra when I woke up. Then I started talking to you and Shiina.”

There's a pause between each sentence, as if she's thinking of what to say. “Did you figure out what to paint?”

Rin shrugs. “Not really. I'll look around to see if the ideas are hiding somewhere.”

With that, she wanders off to the far end of the rooftop.

“Hicchan? Are we going to study~?”

I turn to see that Misha's leaning in my direction, displaying a flattering view of her impressive cleavage. I quickly return my eyes to my notes. “Right. Today's lessons. We'll start from the top with... let’s see, we’ve been covering basic architectural principles in Physics, and today’s lesson was on... support structures.”

The gods must hate me.


I'm pleasantly surprised to find that Misha is able to pick up on the material rather quickly, and she seems to get a firm grasp on the various subjects in short order as well. I underestimated her.

“It's getting a little late. Do we want to stop here and go find something to eat?”

“Wahahaha! No need~! I came prepared!”

Reaching into her bag, Misha produces a small assortment of food containers and a few beverage cans.

“Help yourself~!”

There's an impressive selection here, especially for two people. I grab one of the cans and sample a little bit of each dish, to start.

“These are really good. Did you make them?”

“Hahahaha, nope~! I'm not too good at cooking. I'm much better at eating! Shicchan made these for us~! 'You'll probably forget about eating until you're hungry, and then you'll waste time trying to find food!' Hahahaha! She's probably right~, too!”

I smile. “That was thoughtful of her. If you see her before me, tell her thanks.”

My smile is met with a broad grin. “Okay!”

A few minutes later, I notice Misha eying me oddly. “Hicchan, do you like Shizune?”

“Yeah.” I say. “She's very sweet, and surprisingly perceptive and thoughtful.” She's a good friend.

Misha responds quietly, “That's good to hear~.”

“I really should thank you for that. You helped me learn sign language. Without you, I'd have never been able to talk to her.”

“Yeah. Thanks to Misha~...”

She's become surprisingly quiet all of a sudden. I wonder what she's thinking.

Glancing around, I notice that Rin has returned. She seems to be... dancing?

“Hey, Rin-”

“Can't talk. Painting.”

Painting. That makes more sense. Sure enough, there's a paintbrush held between her toes. The canvas is lying flat on the ground, so I didn't notice it at first. I can't really make out what she's painting at this distance. Then again, I still have no idea what she was painting in her mural.

I look around some more. Into the distance, this time. Yamaku is in a very lovely location, and being on the roof like this grants an amazing view. The sun's starting to set, giving everything a slight orange hue. Living in the city my whole life, I never really appreciated all that nature has to offer.

We finish our dinner in contemplative silence.

“Okay!” Misha shouts, jumping to her feet. “Okay, okay, okay~! Back to studying!”

Throwing her arms out, Misha arches her back, stretching her body while her figure strains against the remaining buttons on her blouse. I almost feel sorry for them. Theirs is a thankless job, working under tremendous pressure while everyone secretly hopes they fail.

Right. Mustn't get distracted.


The sun has already set by the time we finish. It's not dark yet, but it will be soon enough. Misha yawns loudly, and I can’t say I blame her. It's been a long day.

“Okay, we should probably call it an evening. I think that was a productive session.”

“Yeah, it was good~. With your help, I'll be caught up in no time!”

“I agree. I feel much more confident about the upcoming test.”

That third voice was unexpected. I glance to my left to see Rin hovering right over my shoulder.

“Rin? How long have you been there?”

Rin thinks on my question, then starts counting on her toes. “A while. I finished my painting, then I got bored. So I joined your study group.”

While I'm trying to puzzle out how to respond, Misha joins the conversation, “Your painting's done? Can we see it~?”

With her normal look of utter boredom, Rin shrugs. “I think so. Neither of you said you have any vision problems.” Nodding toward the canvas she was working on, she adds, “It's over there.”

I'm surprised to find that the painting is not only comprehensible but downright mundane. It's a painting of the two of us studying with the sunset in the background. I must have smiled at some point, because Rin seems to have made a point of capturing it. I look so goofy.

“It's very... detailed~.” Misha actually seems at a loss for words. “I thought you usually did abstract stuff.”

Another shrug. “When I have ideas that don't look like things, I paint them. I didn't have any ideas today, so I just painted things. I don't really like it, but Nomiya says we should do some sort of art every day.”


“That's the art teacher, Hicchan. He's really famous in the art world~, so it's an honor for him to be teaching at Yamaku!”

Rin nods in agreement.

“So~... If you don't like it, Rin, can I have this painting? Pretty please~?”

Misha seems to want the painting pretty badly, considering how ambivalent she was at first.

Rin looks somewhat stunned by the question, then gives another of her characteristic shrugs. “I don't care. It's in the past. ”

Cheered by this response, Misha catches Rin in an enthusiastic hug. “Yay~! Thanks, Rin!”

Rin is surprised by the hug, but quickly reassumes a neutral expression. “Saves me the trouble of carrying it back to the art room. By the way, I think I'm comfortable calling you Misha now.”

Misha hugs Rin even tighter.“Wahahahaha! That's even better~!”

I get the distinct sense that a hug that tight is making Rin a little uncomfortable, so I cut in. “I hate to spoil the moment, but it's getting late. We should head back to the dorms before curfew.”

With a nod, Misha releases Rin and prances over to her bag to collect her stuff. It's dark now, and the lights have come on. I had the foresight to collect my things before we decided to look at Rin's painting.

I turn to Misha to suggest that she fix her blouse, but I notice that she's already buttoned it up. Mostly. The top button and ribbon are still undone. I guess it has cooled down since the sun set.

“Do you need any help, Rin?”

Rin glances over at me. “With what?”

I'm about to respond when she dexterously maneuvers herself around her knapsack, in what appears to be an attempt to tie herself into a knot. A moment more and she stands up, the knapsack slung over her shoulder as if someone with arms had placed it there. Thinking before I speak hasn't really helped, so I should probably just stop speaking...


Once again we find ourselves at the split between the dorms. Misha's hands are full with Rin's painting, so she just smiles at me. “Good night, Hicchan~! I'll see you in the morning!”

With that, she skips towards the girls' dorms.

Rin watches Misha go silently, then twists herself to look me in the eyes. “It’s a good thing she stopped hugging me. I think I was going to kick her.”

She appears lost in thought for a moment, then tilts her head to the side. “I don't have to call you Hicchan now, do I?”

I shudder internally at the idea of this sickness spreading further than it has. “No, Rin, I don't think our relationship is at that level.”

She nods sagely. “Agreed.”

As Rin leaves, I turn toward the Boys' dorm when I hear a familiar voice. “Divide and conquer. I like your style.”

The voice came from over by the mural. A male student is leaning against a nearby lamppost. Holding his hands near his face, a flame flickers to life as he lights a cigarette. A reflection of the flame glints off his enormous glasses.

I really don't have the time or patience for Kenji right now. Not like that made any difference any of the other times. “What do you want?”

He reacts as if shot. Pulling the... lollipop? out of his mouth, he responds with all the wounded dignity he can muster, “Is that any way to talk to a fellow soldier, dude? I was just complimenting you on a job well done. Although, if you're offering...”

“I'm not.”


“...did you light the end of a lollipop on fire?”

Kenji grins triumphantly. “Yeah, I totally did. It was badass, wasn't it? I would have done it with a real cigarette, but have you seen the price of those things? Damn feminists. They don't have the numbers to outlaw manliness, so they just make it prohibitively expensive.”

“What was that about divide and conquer?”

“I've been watching you dude, and I have to tell you, I like what I see. You go straight for the heart, breaking up the feminists' seat of power. I misjudged you, man. I thought you were doomed to be another slave in their lust factories, but it looks like you might actually have potential.”

Lust factories? I don't think I even want to know.

“You're not making any sense.” As if that was out of the ordinary.

“The Student Council, man! I told you, I've been watching you. You've been pulling the pink one away from the other one. The president. Take out the lieutenant and the queen bee is exposed. Smash the queen, and all the zombies explode.”

“Smash the queen... Are you talking about Shizune?”

Kenji sighs. “Okay, maybe you are as stupid as you look. At least as stupid as I imagine you look. Tell you what, you keep the pink one busy, and I'll take care of the rest, okay?”

I give up. I'd have an easier time reasoning with the lamppost. Or with Rin. “Whatever. I'm going to bed.”

Without bothering to wait for a response, I turn my back to him and drag myself to the boys’ dorm. It takes a surprising amount of effort to climb the stairs, and way too much time to fish out my key and unlock my door. I manage to stay awake long enough to change out of my uniform and collapse into the bed, but just barely. I'm asleep almost as soon as my head hits the pillow.

When did the days get so long?

Act 2 Scene 4 | Act 2 Scene 6
Last edited by ProfAllister on Mon Jun 04, 2018 7:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Current Project: Misha Pseudo-Route

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The Hero Hartmut
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Re: For Want of a Nail - Misha Route (New Chapter 11/29)

Post by The Hero Hartmut »

ProfAllister wrote:Throwing her arms out, Misha arches her back, stretching her body while her figure strains against the remaining buttons on her blouse. I almost feel sorry for them. Theirs is a thankless job, working under tremendous pressure while everyone secretly hopes they fail.
I love this bit so much, you have no idea.
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Re: For Want of a Nail - Misha Route (New Chapter 12/6)

Post by Andere »

This is pretty excellent so far. I like your depiction of Hisao, Misha, and Shizune. The gradual uptick in his general mood throughout the chapters is handled very well. Misha's lurking issues with depression and Shizune are done well, and the hinting of her situation feel well-done. Shizune hasn't gotten much spotlight yet, but she's well-done when she appears, and I particularly like the way Hisao's impression of her softens. After seeing this, I'm thinking that a change of perspective like that would be a much more interesting way of starting out a Shizune route.

I'm looking forward to more.
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Re: For Want of a Nail - Misha Route (New Chapter 12/6)

Post by Mjack_15980 »

It just gets better and better, keep it up man! :D
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Re: For Want of a Nail - Misha Route (New Chapter 12/6)

Post by ChrisTheCat »

This is actually worthy of 4 Leaf Studios themselves with this quality of writing. You use so many expressions that just seem like such a Hisao thing to say. 'Dear god, it's spreading.' Ah, brilliant.

I hope you update soon. Or else you will make Yuuko cry. You don't want that, do you?
Completion Level: 100%
Current Route: Shizune (Replay 3)

Favourite Girl
Before: Emi>Shizune>Lilly>Hanako>Misha>Rin
After: Shizune>Misha>Rin>Hanako>Emi>Lilly

Favourite Side-Character

'Seek out the good in every man, speak of all the best I can. Then will all men speak well of me, and say how kind of heart I be'~ Geoffrey Chaucer
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