Katawa Shoujo Act 1 Preview feedback thread

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Re: Katawa Shoujo Act 1 Preview feedback thread

Post by Bara »

TheHivemind wrote: Emi is part of the track team, and really the only reason she's even wandering around the festival is to see Rin and be sociable. So I didn't really think any big moment at the end of the festival was necessary. There's plenty of that stuff as the path goes on, of course, but I will confess that there's not a whole lot to Emi at first glance.

That's kind of the point, though. So there you go.
Thats right Emi is an athlete. Will we have a scene with Hisao offering Emi a towel? :mrgreen:

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Re: Katawa Shoujo Act 1 Preview feedback thread

Post by Nosson »

Seeing that everyone is talking about Emi's path I guess I will too.

I also ended up with Emi on my first playthough, and I was also following the choices I would of naturally made as well.
See the last choice that decided if you end up with her or not sounded like this to me:

Run a littler farther and be happy about yourself?
Give up and walk away in shame?

I was not expecting for this to go as far as they did when I picked option 1...

Also I was following Hanako's route up untill that point, and I was very much loving it.

But then to experience the soul crushing pain of Hisao ignoring Hanako once I was placed on Emi's route didnt do much to improve her standing with me.

(Me to my computer screen as the scenes played out) "Ahh, There is Hanako, my precious... What? I dont even get to option to go talk to her? WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HISAO?? You love her now go talk to her... no Hanako...HAANAAKOOOO! *starts crying*"

I will have to play through Emi's path again, and I sure I will like her alot more when I am not jaded by so much grief :D
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Re: Katawa Shoujo Act 1 Preview feedback thread

Post by Bara »

Thats right, get over the grief Nosson, and try Emi again. She is like champagne; bubbly, effervescent, and she packs a punch.... to the chest.... HNNNNNGGGG! :D

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Re: Katawa Shoujo Act 1 Preview feedback thread

Post by abscess »

I also fell victim to the Emi route in my first run. I think it's pretty much the easiest one to get, since she actively goes out of her way to interact with Hisao.
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Re: Katawa Shoujo Act 1 Preview feedback thread

Post by Envy »

I thought it was pretty obvious what "Go for it" would mean when you running on the track with Emi, it's clearly going to give you a point towards Emi's route so unless you're trying to get it you should just be taking it easy.
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Re: Katawa Shoujo Act 1 Preview feedback thread

Post by sazaland »

First post, woo.

I also thought the choices were pretty obvious for the track scene. The point is to get excercise, and you're not supposed to be straining yourself, so it seemed to me "chill" was the option unless you felt you had something the prove to Emi.

Anywho, for my feedback: I too followed what I felt was the best choices my first time, and like many this is my first VN. I ended up with Rin, only to realize later when examining a path guide that I'd dodged about 500 ways to BAD END. :mrgreen:

I've played Rin, Shizune, and Lilly's paths so far, Rin is my favorite followed close by... probably Shizune but Lilly is really sweet. Based on my first play I thought Lilly was my No.2 but as many have said Shizune turns out much nicer after the intro phase. (Likewise, from a bystander's perspective I do think it seems a little disingenuous for someone to request a deadline extension and then run all the way to the new deadline, so I don't think Shizune was totally unreasonable.) I really liked the writing, and Hisao's internal monologue. It really felt like Hisao was a consistent person, but also was influenced by how you played him, his thoughts subtly changed based on whose path you were on and the choices you made, which is a really tough thing to pull off I'd imagine.

I can't say much about Hanako, she's really shy and I'm not one to need to be told something twice. The first meeting with her pretty much says it all to my mind, and I had to play against my grain to get Lilly's path because of it.

On the topic of Emi, I haven't done her path so I haven't seen like 60% of her screen time :oops: She seems to have a decent sense of humor, but I guess she's a foul manipulator(based on what I've read)? At least Shizune is predictable, I wouldn't have seen that coming. I'll withhold judgement for now, but I will comment that she seems to have the least synergy with her "partner" Rin, It'll be interesting to see how involved they are in one another's paths.

Speaking of partners it'd be a crime to not mention Misha, she's great. Interpretations of her seem to be all over the place, but the way I saw her was a cheery version of Shizune, all her faces that aren't sad or confused look mischievous, like she too treats everything as some type of game. I recall a Hisao line where he contemplates if Shizune would sound like Misha if she could talk, and my personal thoughts are that that would be the case from the content of Act 1. Misha struck me as someone who mostly "played" ditzy, but was actually very clever. Perhaps I'm totally wrong. :lol:

As for Kenji, he's hilarious the first time you read each of his lines, but his scenes are the hardest to read through more than once. I can't put my finger on why.

Art, Music, and other things seem quite polished, though I can't personally compare to other VNs.

Overall, this is way longer than I'd intended. That and I really like what's been done here. I might follow up with more elaborate thoughts on Rin, since I just now noticed I mentioned she was my favorite solely in passing.. :shock:
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Re: Katawa Shoujo Act 1 Preview feedback thread

Post by SirAkbar »

This was my first visual novel, and I have to say that was very impressed by it. In fact, I was so compelled by the whole thing that I just had to get 100%. I loved the music, particularly the credits piano piece (I love piano). The visuals were great, both the photographic backgrounds and the character drawings. The dialogue was good, but I thought that the excess of swearing cheapens its quality. I understand that it's just a difference of tastes, though.

As for the characters, I am most fond of Shizune. Misha is a little hard for me to tolerate, though I don't despise her. I assume the later Shizune acts will still have Misha involved, but to lesser degree, which is probably good enough for me. Also, could someone tell me how "Shizune" is pronounced? I assume it's not my "sheh-zoon".

After hearing how the story will eventually turn out, I can only speculate how you will transition something intelligent and innocent to something so lascivious. It is my hope that it will be handled with the same grace as what has been released so far.
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Re: Katawa Shoujo Act 1 Preview feedback thread

Post by cpl_crud »

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<Suriko> Crud would be patting Hanako's head
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Re: Katawa Shoujo Act 1 Preview feedback thread

Post by DuaneMoody »

cpl_crud wrote:し shi
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Re: Katawa Shoujo Act 1 Preview feedback thread

Post by Guest »


I find the lack of options to avoid Kenji disturbing.

Like telling him to feck off after the first mention of conspiracy or feminists. Or to just turn around and leave when we see him on the roof. Or just saying "Nah, I don't drink. Aaand I just remembered, I have something to do. Not here."

Seriously. Anything to avoid that creep.
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Re: Katawa Shoujo Act 1 Preview feedback thread

Post by Bara »

Guest wrote:KENJI. MUST. DIE.

I find the lack of options to avoid Kenji disturbing.

Like telling him to feck off after the first mention of conspiracy or feminists. Or to just turn around and leave when we see him on the roof. Or just saying "Nah, I don't drink. Aaand I just remembered, I have something to do. Not here."

Seriously. Anything to avoid that creep.
If he is too annoying to repeat on different paths use the skip function untill his scene is done.

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Re: Katawa Shoujo Act 1 Preview feedback thread

Post by Pimmy »

Rin: A lot of people seem to really like Rin when ironically, she is the one I have the most problems with. I don't mind her being out there and different, I really like this about her. She's not overly moe or really anything which is perfect for people who are not into that kind of crap I guess. That said though, I can't feel for her at all. I have no sense of her as a 'person', she feels more like a walking breathing personification of awkward conversation and witty remarks. Now if she had more 'human' aspects than just being "weird" this would probably make her much more easy to want to go for. Maybe she opens up more in the full game? After all she's supposed to be the hardest one to get!
These two things I really agree with! I know everyone loves Rin, but I couldn't feel a connection with her at all. I could see her as "a strange girl" but I have yet to get a feel for her as a "person". The whole time I kept trying my best to get a real handle on her personality, but I couldn't.

But then again, that may be just what the writer wants us to feel! But I do hope she opens up. It's weird to say someone as blunt as her should "open up", but that's the only way I can think of it!

And that example image. My sister thought they HAD to have changed more than the mouth, but they didnt! It just makes the entire thing look better XD
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Re: Katawa Shoujo Act 1 Preview feedback thread

Post by stranger »

I think a lot of people like Rin precisely because she isn't easily pidgeonholed. Either because they're intrigued, or they just project whatever attributes they like onto her. Either way, it's a given that more will be revealed later.
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Re: Katawa Shoujo Act 1 Preview feedback thread

Post by Seroanth »

Teclo wrote:One thing that just struck me as odd is that Hanako reads in the library. She's meant to be incredibly shy and yet she sits there happily in a public place (well, public as far as the students are concerned). Surely she'd take the books back to her room? Hisao doesn't even read them in the library and he's not shy like Hanako. This oddity is highlighted when Lilly says the below line. I mean, Hanako's the kind of person who would buy her groceries online rather than going shopping - I even know someone like that, being very shy rather than lazy - and would generally want to eliminate any chance of being seen by others.
The thing with Hanako is that she only reads in this secluded part of the library. hisao only finds her by accident, and, as far as I'm aware, students don't openly go to that corner.
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Re: Katawa Shoujo Act 1 Preview feedback thread

Post by Vertical »

DuaneMoody wrote:
cpl_crud wrote:し shi
ず zu
ね ne
Umm. No.


stranger wrote:I think a lot of people like Rin precisely because she isn't easily pidgeonholed.
That's part of it. I think another is that she is immune to what are often considered tropes of human behavior: drama, bickering, crabbiness, defensiveness. She is without a doubt the coolest character because she is just that. Cool. She doesnt give a rip what others think. When she gets praise heaped on her, she'll just shrug. When she gets scolded she'll cooly offer her intent to correct herself. When she is in discomfort, she'll say so honeslty without an ounce of mirth.

While she is not my favorite girl, her route in the demo is.
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