A pseudo-pseudo Suzu route (completed)


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Re: A pseudo-pseudo Suzu route (updated 10/26)

Post by Meadows »

BlackWaltzTheThird wrote:
Helbereth wrote: Perhaps I've read too many doujins, but, after reading this, I had some very disturbing thoughts about what Hisao and Suzu's mom did upstairs...
So did I. I fear I must also stop reading doujins. Er, not that I'm into that sorta thing. I only read them for the story, I swear!
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Re: A pseudo-pseudo Suzu route (updated 10/26)

Post by AlchemistR »

Finally. I've finally caught up on this goddamned story I've put off reading for far too long.

I don't really have much to say other than the usual "That was feelsy, blah blah blah, Scissorlips, you magnificent bastard, you, blah blah blah etc."

Honestly, though I have to admit the inclusion of an actual painting with this chapter did feel...Right. I dunno how to put it, just...right.
Image "This is me...all of me."
Image "He wouldn't wake up...The one time he actually needed me and I wasn't there for him!”

The Suzu quote comes from this.


Snoozu and Miki need routes. As do Kenji and Jigoro. No homo.
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Re: A pseudo-pseudo Suzu route (updated 10/26)

Post by Scissorlips »

AlchemistR wrote:Finally. I've finally caught up on this goddamned story I've put off reading for far too long.

I don't really have much to say other than the usual "That was feelsy, blah blah blah, Scissorlips, you magnificent bastard, you, blah blah blah etc."

Honestly, though I have to admit the inclusion of an actual painting with this chapter did feel...Right. I dunno how to put it, just...right.
Glad to have you back, I'm always glad to know when someone isn't gone for good. That a statement like that could even be called "the usual" is still pretty flattering to me, so thank you. And I agree, I've been very, very lucky to have received the amount of art for this story that I have, by artists kind enough to fulfill requests and the ones who have drawn things on their own accord, I'm very grateful for both. Thank you for posting your thoughts.

And now here's something a little unexpected. The timing is awkward, I'll be the first to admit, but someone hashed out a birthday for Suzu a while back and I decided to run with it because why not. So to celebrate, here's a short little piece. I'm working on the next chapter in the main story even as we speak, so I hope to continue with things there again soon. Thanks for reading.

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Paradise (birthday extra)

Post by Scissorlips »


“So, hey. You.” I give the girl sitting next to me a nudge, she raises her head a little slowly to blink at me. She does that slowly too. She's obviously dragging, Suzu hasn't gone dark once all day long and it's really starting to get on my nerves.

“What. What?” She mumbles, looking like she's desperately fighting off a yawn. The three of us, me, her and Hisao are hanging out in her room, just passing the time on a lazy Sunday afternoon. The TV is playing some 90's era science fiction movie and Hisao is chilling on the bed and reading something. He's in on the plan, of course, but I wouldn't trust him not to get too absorbed in whatever fascinating piece of literature he's rescued from Suzu's floor this time and forget about our scheme.

Speaking of Suzu, she's still staring at me, her head is getting a little wobbly. Good, it shouldn't be much longer now. “Anything going on today?” I ask her, making sure my expression is blank and innocent.

She gives a shrug that takes so long to execute that I think it would probably fail to qualify as one, and now she's blinking a lot. Almost there.

“We could go get dinner.” She says hazily.

“It's 2 PM.” Hisao chimes in, his words punctuated by the turning of a page. We're sitting with our backs against the bed, Suzu turns to look in his direction but she's grimacing, she's squinting now. She's trying to hold on so hard and it's adorable but c'mon, Suzu, this is happening. Just do it already.

“I meant... I meant later, when it's... when it's dinner...” Nope, she's gone. Suzu sinks sideways, her head landing on my shoulder in a maneuver that we have down perfectly by now, even if she does it subconsciously. Unconsciously.

“Hisao.” I call.

Another page turns. “Hmm.”

“Get up and help me grab her.”

He seems reluctant to part with his book but complies, escaping from Suzu's admittedly comfortable bed and sliding down to crouch next to her.

“Miki, tell me why we're doing this again?” He asks, carefully reaching forward to sling one of the sleeping girl's arms over his shoulder.

“Because she's a gaylord.” I huff, pretending to be annoyed as I take her other arm. We begin to haul her up, luckily for us she's not very heavy, and lucky for her that me and Hisao both have this trick down too.

“I think I could probably disprove that claim.” Hisao mutters sheepishly, oh god, not this again. He can be as blushy as he wants and I'm sure she'd be happy to do the same later when she's up, but for now we have places to go, people to see and narcoleptic girls to move.

“Stow it, loverboy.” I grunt, beginning to move towards the door with our shared burden between us. “Everybody else is probably getting tired of waiting.”

“Is there a reason we had to hold off until she passed out before coming though?” Hisao asks as we step into the hallway. Other students pay us no heed, by now the entire floor is used to the sight of us carting Suzu around. It's actually kinda depressing, but that's how it goes.

“Can you think of a better way to throw a surprise party?” I grin at him before reaching for my phone, holding Suzu's arm in place with the crook of my left elbow. I scroll through my messages, remembering to delete the one that must have been a wrong number--I don't even know what the hell a strelok is, much less why I should kill it--and then finally let Molly know that we're on our way.

“She doesn't even really like surprises.” Hisao is raising an eyebrow when I glance up at him, we're still making our way towards the exit. “Especially the waking-up kind.”

“She can deal.” I shrug, nice and crisp, unlike hers. If you were awake, you could see how it's done, Suzu. But then again...

“She doesn't really like birthday parties either.” I say with a frown.

“Why--” Hisao pauses to step forward and push open the door, easier said than done with our cargo. “--why not?”

“I'll let her tell you herself.” I suck in a breath of crisp November air as we step out and into the daylight. “But it has something to do with cakes and candles and having a tendency to wake up needing a bath and a haircut, in that order.”

Hisao laughs for only a brief moment, shaking his head and gazing fondly at the girl draped between us. Months ago he might have stared at her in horror or with pity as he thought it over, but not now. Now he knows better. Suzu is just being silly anyway, she would have been perfectly fine with spending the whole day with the people she cared about the most and not seeing a single present, but I know she's going to love this. She'd better, and she will. I just hope she doesn't wake up before it's time, but she looks like she's down for the count right now. Good.

We manage to descend the hill without incident, pressing on through the streets and carrying her through the doors of the Beijing. We plant her in our usual booth, it takes her another good hour to wake up, lucky for us that the guests don't seem to mind, they're all happy to sit around munching on snacks and talking about the upcoming winter holidays. Hisao was going to help us make sure everything was ready but Suzu latched onto him in her sleep and wouldn't let go, not that he has the heart to deny her. So he sat there with her, just resting his head against hers until eventually he conked out too.

Like peas in a pod by now, or something like that. Hell, I don't know. And it was cute, but everyone has been waiting and Yuuko is starting to get antsy now, she's talking about how she feels like a traitor being at a rival restaurant and hopes her boss doesn't catch sight of her. Afternoon has turned into evening and it's time to get this show on the road--well no, we were already on the road and now we're here. So it's time to get this party started.

At my signal, Taro brings the cake out from the back. It's massive, decked with dark blue frosting and swirls of bright yellow and white--stars and moons. On a hunch, I had asked him to put them there, since Suzu and Hisao have been spending so many nights outside stargazing lately. Taro knows his stuff, it looks delicious, and I think those are even cream puffs--covered in chocolate? Oh, hell yes--stuck to the sides. With extra care, he sets it down on the table in front of the two sleeping lovebirds, here we go.

I slide into the booth next to Suzu and give her a good shake, then reach behind her to slap Hisao on the head. Boys can handle a rude awakening but birthday girls deserve the best. Hisao is the first to stir, he's yawning and sitting up. But Suzu is coming back now, the assembled crowd trades glances for a moment, I stand up, pumping my fist in the air. Here we go, here we go!

The girl in the booth slowly opens her eyes--

--and here it comes.

“Now.” I give the command, and we raise our voices as one.

“Happy birthday Suzu!”

Her eyes fly open, the wave of cheers and clapping causes her to flinch for a moment, she's definitely still waking up. But then understanding dawns, her head darts back and forth, taking in the sight of so many smiling faces. I'm here, of course, and so are Molly and Ikuno, Taro, Akio and some of her other friends from the literature club. Yuuko is still looking a little uneasy, but she smiles widely, standing next to Shizune and Misha--who has only now stopped lusting after the cake on the table--and flanked by Emi and Rin. I don't really know why those last two wanted to come but why the hell not, there's plenty of food for everyone. I even spot Lezard lurking in the kitchen out of the corner of my eye, his voice wasn't among the roar but he doesn't look like he's in a pissy mood for once.

I glance back at Suzu. Still looking kind of shocked, she gives a weak smile to the crowd and then turns to me, staring at me with--is she angry? Nope, nope, that's awe. Yup.

“Did you do this?” She mumbles, a heavy blush creeping across her face. I grin, sitting down opposite her.

“I might've had a hand in it, yeah.” I reply with a wink. She grimaces at my pun, but she knows I'm only doing it to drive away the last drop of her hesitation. Suzu shakes her head, she's smiling now, but she still looks embarrassed. She's never used to being the center of attention, probably another reason she would have stayed in her room all day. She glances back at the people standing all around, opens her mouth, then closes it and bites her lip. I know just what she's thinking, what does she say, how does she make sure they know she's grateful and blah blah blah. She worries too damn much. Everyone is smiling, everyone is happy. We're here for you, so don't be dumb.

“Cut the cake, Suzu!”

“Yeah, cut the cake!”

Suzu fidgets a little in her seat, looking down at the massive pastry set out before her. From the knowing smile she gives when she sees the design, I'm pretty sure my hunch was a good one, but then her eyebrows shoot upwards in surprise.

“No candles...” She almost whispers, taking in the sight before her. Hisao leans forward, giving her a warm smile.

“Only cream puffs.” He says gently. She turns to him, face scrunching up as if she's going to start--ah crap, she's crying now.

“Thank you.” She sputters. Looking overjoyed, she reaches to hug him tightly, she reaches up to wipe her eyes. Then she looks back at me, at the rest of us, smiling with trembling lips. “Thank you.”

“Stop crying.” I reply. She nods.


“And stop apologizing. Just cut the cake.”

She sniffs, then nods again, reaching for a plastic knife next to the dish. She moves to cut down the center and Taro begins handing out ice cream and soda, all paid for by Suzu's parents, but she doesn't need to know that yet, she lifts a slice of cake up and sets it on top of a stack of plates that someone deposits on the table. She looks like she can't believe this is even happening, she can't believe she's here. But she is, and she's totally glowing, her face is still red and she still looks embarrassed but she's so damn happy. Mission accomplished, Miki. A job well done and all that, and, oh hey, cake.

Suzu looks at all the people around, she smiles, and it's real and heartfelt and bright. Only now do I notice that her other arm is linked tightly with Hisao's, he watches her, sharing her smile. She's still crying, if only a little bit, but I don't have a single doubt that she's glad she's here.

She lifts up the plate. “Who's first?” She asks.

“Paradise” is a song by Coldplay.
Last edited by Scissorlips on Mon Nov 05, 2012 7:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: A pseudo-pseudo Suzu route (birthday extra added 11/4)

Post by misterprinny »

Interesting song choice. Now that I reflect on the lyrics, very cool :D good work sir!
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Re: A pseudo-pseudo Suzu route (birthday extra added 11/4)

Post by nemz »

Aww man... between cotton candy feels and the description of that cake I think you just gave me diabetes. :wink:
Rin > Shizune > Emi > Hanako > Lilly
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Re: A pseudo-pseudo Suzu route (updated 9/20)

Post by Biomorph »

Scissorlips wrote:Every route in the game had a slightly different blend of sexuality (Emi = anal, Rin = oral, Shizune = light bondage, Lilly = blindfolds and Hanako = rape)
Hanako = Rape? I would argue that's not the case... in fact, It could possibly be argued that Shizune = Rape (at least in the first sex scene, I've only just seen the first one now, and Hisao in this case would be the one being raped) Just look at the definition of rape "Any act of sexual intercourse that is forced upon a person." Hisao had no choice in the matter, his hands were tied up (effectively gagging him, so even if he didn't want it he couldn't tell Shizune "no") and when he cums at the end he has no choice but to cum inside her, no protection either.
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Re: A pseudo-pseudo Suzu route (birthday extra added 11/4)

Post by Sev'risk'avina »

Welp, I'm not the first one to do this so... I guess that's what I get for dropping in on a thread 44 pages long, let alone KS itself last month. Subscribed pretty much just to get my two cents out.

Firstly, I have not finished all of the routes. I've done Shizune (good and bad) and Hanako (good), and honestly I enjoyed Shizune's the most. My KSG photo thread folder is just called Shizune, because initially I just wanted some of the fan art that I thought fit her character, or rather the one in my head (thanks tg and MEG for the term 'headcannon'). Then I d'awwed and saved a cute Rin pic. Then a cute Misha pic. Things devolved from there. Anyhow, after lurking the KSGs for a while I finally relented and checked out the pastebin, and this really sad story about Shizune by someone named Scissor-something. Few days later I'm looking for some more reading material and decide to see what else this Skissored-whomever has written. So for the last two days instead of: Packing for a move I'm making this Monday; making sure I have a place to move to by said Monday; and playing Halo 4 for the story (not only somewhat ironic, but good for moving goals too!); I've been on a main-story marathon within these pages of the internet.

This has had the effect of not quite bumping Shizune from first place in my mental list, but making it a dead heat between Shizune and Scissorlips' Suzu. Something that the character of Shizune would be thrilled about, I know, but I can't help but enjoy the playfulness Suzu expresses during the not-so-dramatic-not-so-intense moments of the story. It kept me reading, because I'd realize I'd be smiling and not know it during those moments. Some of the more serious/intense/emotion parts where very good, as well as the dream sequences with Death. I'm not a literary critic so I can't say much more on that except Huzzah, and Once more into the breach. OK, I lied. It also has made me want to read more Shakespeare, only knowing his Band of Brothers line with any intimacy.... so... thanks? for that.

Secondly (omg what that thing above this ISN'T the second part????) during the time I've spent... broadening my emotional horizons (putting off packing and general productivity altogether) I realized this was a work in progress. That realization put me into a state of restlessness. This is for two reasons. One, I feel rather emotionally drained. Something usually connected to items/events much more important than an internet fanfic. Two, because *breath in* omgihateitwhathappensnextineedtoknow-japaneseschoolgirlscream-whaaathaaaapppeeennnsssssimaguywhyisthissoimportanttomeeeee *smaller breath out*

Emotionally a chord has been strung, so I can only offer congratulations. The last time I teared up this much was the last time I watched Act of Valor (maybe a hint into my emotional norm there). This story has captured my attention, and at least a small part of my heart. When I finished the main story earlier today that restlessness made me get more done between then and a late dinner 5 hours later than I have in more time than I'd really like to admit. Made it feel good to get the heart pumping and a good sweat going.

So I end this spewing monologue of what I hope is at least somewhat amusing gibberish with this, a part of the last extent of my classical poetry likes.

But I, being poor, have only my dreams;
I have spread my dreams under your feet;
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
W.B. Yeats

(P.S. ...yes i first heard that in Equilibrium, but it struck so I looked it up later...)
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Re: A pseudo-pseudo Suzu route (birthday extra added 11/4)

Post by griffon8 »

Well, Sev'risk'avina gets my vote for 'Best First Post'. But finish the game, huh? :lol:

When I started playing, back in the dark, dark days when only Act 1 existed, I though Lilly and Hanako were going to be my favorites. After I played, Emi & Shizune became my favorites. That hasn't changed, but I still like all of them. Although I think the full game inevitably increased the difference in affection I have for each of them. Anyway…

Did I have a point? Probably just to finish the game. And while this Suzu story has already been put on my (unpublished) recommendation list, it will be sweeter when it is complete. Not that I am demanding more be written; that would be against forum rules.

You know, it's been a long time since I posted while drunk. At least I'm not trying to solve math problems. After all, friends don't let friends drink and derive. :wink:
I found out about Katawa Shoujo through the forums of Misfile. There, I am the editor of Misfiled Dreams.

Completed: 100%, including bonus picture. Shizune>Emi>Lilly>Hanako>Rin

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Re: A pseudo-pseudo Suzu route (birthday extra added 11/4)

Post by Scissorlips »

misterprinny wrote:Interesting song choice. Now that I reflect on the lyrics, very cool :D good work sir!
Thank you, I'm glad you liked it. My second choice was the song "Charlie Brown" off the same album, it also has some fitting lyrics and a really good piano section at the end, but the title would have been a hurdle for people to get over, so. Thanks for reading and responding.
nemz wrote:Aww man... between cotton candy feels and the description of that cake I think you just gave me diabetes. :wink:
Ha. Believe it or not... well, I guess it's not that hard to believe, but before this story, the absolute vast majority of my writing were pieces that had that kind of warm fuzzy ending. I still like it, even if it's nice to mix things up now and then. Thanks for the feedback.
Biomorph wrote:Hanako = Rape? I would argue that's not the case... in fact, It could possibly be argued that Shizune = Rape (at least in the first sex scene, I've only just seen the first one now, and Hisao in this case would be the one being raped) Just look at the definition of rape "Any act of sexual intercourse that is forced upon a person." Hisao had no choice in the matter, his hands were tied up (effectively gagging him, so even if he didn't want it he couldn't tell Shizune "no") and when he cums at the end he has no choice but to cum inside her, no protection either.
Not to be rude at all, but...
Sev'risk'avina wrote:Words
Wow. Uh. Well, hello, welcome, and thank you. Thank you very, very much. What you described is pretty much the exact same way I got into the community. Imagine my surprise when I found myself writing a sad Shizune story and publishing it under some fairly dramatic name, and then how surprised I was that people actually like it and... and then all this happened.
Thank you for picking this piece up, I know it's something of an incredible time investment at this point, and I'm really, really glad that you're enjoying it so far. That you're taking the time to tell me so really means a lot to me, to be honest, it's kind of amazing to know that something I've written has had an emotional impact on people. Like griffon said though, I heartily encourage you to play the rest of the routes in the game, they're all great in their own ways, and you may find something that resonates with you even more than Shizune's routes or the pages of this story here. Any and either way though, it has been my pleasure and honor to give back to this community. To be honest, when I finished the game, I was filled with a kind of emptiness, a deep desire to touch people in the same way that the game had touched me. To know that I've managed to come even close is, well, it's immensely satisfying. So thank you, very much. I would be very grateful if you continued to share your thoughts for the duration of the story, but of course, you're under no obligation.
As for the what happens next part, I might be able to help with that.

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Summer's Gone

Post by Scissorlips »

Summer's Gone

A series of sharp banging noises drag me from my slumber, I remember that I exist and I'm alive and... and I'm in bed. Oh, what I would give to hold on to that last one.

Well. All three of them, I guess. I groan in protest, the morning light is a dull red glow against my eyelids, this is, no. Noo. I root around blindly, emergency procedure is as follows: find pillow, apply to face. There... done. But the banging continues.

I knew that, once we returned to Yamaku, it would be hard to settle back into the mode of getting up earlier for class, if... if I was ever really in that mode to begin with. But something about this just feels wrong, it's got to be way too early. Miki, please no.

The knocking doesn't stop. I lift the pillow away, raising my head and begging for only five more minutes, but my plea goes ignored. Normally by now, if she had wanted to come in, Miki would have used her key, why... why doesn't she use her. Why hasn't. Why hasn't she done that?

It's no use. I open my bleary eyes, crawl to the side of the bed and slide out and onto the floor. The landing is a bit... it's a bit rougher than I was expecting, why is--no, more knocking, no more knocking please. I get to my feet and stagger over to the door, I know it's the first day of classes resuming but Miki what is the big deal, oh villain, villain, smiling, damned vill--

But it's not my dark-skinned best friend waiting for me on the other side of the door. It's not even just one person, it's two, and they're not smiling, they're both staring at me with looks of complete shock.

“Su... Suzuki?” Misha sputters, her eyes wide. Next to her, Shizune's hands hang limply at her sides, her mouth has fallen open.

I suddenly remember that I'm wearing nothing more than a plain t-shirt and panties. Well, and a knee brace. With something between a small shriek and a squeal I grab the door and pull it closed until I'm staring at the two of them through only a crack, my face is on fire.

“W-what are you doing here?” I mumble. Student council, outside my door, at some ungodly hour in the morning. Why? Why?

“What are YOU doing here, Suzuk... Suuchan~?” Misha invents the term on the spot, that's... great, another nickname, just what I need. But what does she... and now Shizune looks like she's regained her senses enough to look outraged, why...

Blinking heavily, I crane my neck to glance back at the room behind me. The walls are boring and plain, the floor is clean, the... the curtains, they're ugly.



“I can explain.” I turn back to the two girls in the hall, but Shizune is looking away, mouth twisted in a pouting frown as she shoves an envelope towards me. Without thinking, I reach through the crack in the door and take it, pulling it back to me while keeping the door between us as if it were all that stood between me and absolute terror. It just might be.

Misha's laugh booms through the halls of the girls'... no, the boys' dormitory, she crosses her arms in front of her, grinning widely.

“Welcome back to school, Suuchan~!” She nearly shouts as the two of them turn to go. “Hope you had a nice break~”

Shizune gives me a look that says this is not even close to being over and I swallow hard, but they make their retreat. I peek my head out the door, watching their hands dance back and forth as they walk down the hallway. It actually takes a good minute or two for Misha's occasional bursts of laughter to cease.

In the sudden quiet, I can hear the sound of the shower running, just a little further down the hall. No, that's right, I...

I remember now. Closing the door, I stumble back to the bed--Hisao's bed--and collapse onto it, taking care not to crush the envelope in my hand. I want to know what the heck this thing is, but first things first, I...

I do, I remember. After that day with... with the painting, and my parents. I felt better being in my own house than I had for a long, long time. We spent the rest of the week together, as a family. Well, and Hisao. I know he had a hand in my parents finding me there, I know he went to get them. He told them there was something they needed to see.

I think, the more time I spend around Hisao, the more grateful I am to be with him. So the last few days of the break were good, I slept sound, slept well, and I clung to him every night not out of need, or... or not that kind of need anyway, but I curled up next to him and I was glad. Glad to be with him, and glad that he wanted to be with me.

And then when he had to head home to gather up his things before going back to school, I fell asleep in the middle of saying goodbye at the station. But it was okay, because I knew I would see him again when I got back to Yamaku, and I did. And then, well, this happened and now I'm here and... who's Iwanako?

Still plopped down face-first on the bed, I hold the letter in front of me, trying to study it while still blinking. It's... pretty, I guess. Neat, delicate handwriting, colorful design, addressed to Hisao, of course. I'm... I'm intensely curious. Or I would be, if I wasn't also intensely sleepy. Intent on sleeping. My eyes close on their own, my hand sinks to the bed. Five more minutes.

My second awakening of the day is much nicer than the first. I feel a hand on my shoulder gently shaking me, sleep retreats and I raise my still-heavy head to be greeted by the sight of Hisao. He's already dressed but still has a towel draped over his head and he... he smells amazing. I can't help but smile up at him and he returns it, it's still somewhat early in the morning but if the student council always do things that early, I don't know if he would have survived joining them, way back when. I know I wouldn't.

“Good morning.” He says, reaching up to finish drying his hair. When he removes the towel, that single lock immediately returns to standing position but he doesn't seem to notice, I stare at it for a few long moments before looking back into those warm brown eyes.

I want to say there's no such thing as a good morning, but this... it's not so bad, not with him here. “Morning.” I mumble, still smiling.

His gaze lowers. “What's that?” He asks, gesturing to the envelope that I still hold in one hand. Oh, that. I mean, I mean this. I suck in a deep breath as I sit up, stretching my shoulders.

“It's for you.” I say, holding it up. Hisao takes it gingerly, cocking his head to one side.

“How'd this get here?” He asks, his expression immediately stiffening as he looks it over.

“Magic.” I mumble, pressing my knees together as I dangle my legs over the side of the bed.

“Huh?” Hisao glances back at me. I frown and look way, the memory of earlier this morning causing a blush to creep back into my cheeks.

“Magic!” I insist, feeling my face begin to burn. In fact, I'm... I'm still not wearing very much, I rest my hands in my lap as I try to remember where my skirt could be hiding.

Hisao sits on the bed next to me, his brow furrowed as he works to open the envelope. When he succeeds, he pulls out a sheet of paper, adorned with images of sunflowers and fields, and written on in bright pink pen.

My heart sinks a little as he glances at me, but I know it's only fair. Judging from his face, this is probably something important, something he wasn't expecting to see.

“Do you want me to go?” I ask, beginning to search around again for the rest of my clothes. This isn't even my shirt, it's one of his, I was wearing my uniform yesterday.

“I...” Hisao frowns, he looks conflicted. I'm here for him, he knows that by now. But this is something that he might want to face on his own. He falls silent as he begins to read the letter, the moments stretch on and on. A strained quiet settles in, even as I can hear the sounds of the rest of the school coming to life all around us.

I slide off the bed, hunting down my clothes and changing back into my uniform. I try not to feel hurt, I don't have a right to be upset.

Hisao deserves to choose whether he wants to share this with me or not, after all, I refused to share my problems with him for a long time. I ran away, I changed the subject, I played them off as nothing. I don't have a right to be hurt, so... so stop it, I command myself. Stop feeling like that, stop feeling bad.

“Wait.” Hisao calls, just as I'm reaching for the door. “Suzu, wait.”

I turn around. He still looks uneasy, but he motions for me to join him and I do, I sit down beside him on the bed. Hisao glances at the letter one more time before coming to a decision. He lets out a long sigh but then he smiles at me, it's a little weak. But it's a smile nonetheless.

“Suzu,” he begins.

“Hi.” I reply with a wave. His smile kicks up a notch. He's definitely having trouble with this, but after all the things in my past that we've dredged up, all the parts of me that he's seen, I more than want to return that favor, and I think he knows that. He starts again, I'm not going to interrupt him this time.

“This letter is from... well, I guess you could call her my ex-girlfriend.” He says slowly. I remember him mentioning something about that before, when we were apart during the break, but he didn't go into detail and I was too tired to think too much into it. That's not a problem now, though. I... I hope this isn't a problem.

“Should I be jealous?” I ask, tilting my head to one side and giving him a playfully inquisitive stare. He chuckles.

“No, I really don't think you should.” Hisao's expression grows distant, he looks like he's sorting through old memories. But then he continues where he left off.

“She was a girl that I liked, at my old school. One day, she confessed to me and...”

Months ago, when we first met, he probably would have been grimacing as he said these words. He'd be struggling, and more than likely, he'd be bitter. The first time he ever told me about his condition, he'd acted like a man coming forward with his sins, or on his deathbed. Maybe he even felt like he was. But he doesn't feel that way now.

No, he doesn't, he closes his eyes once, exhales through his nose, and then looks back to me.

“...She confessed to me, and I had a heart attack.” He shakes his head, he smiles.

I laugh for a moment but instantly regret it, even though he doesn't look angry at all. He's still smiling, but...

“Wait.” I blink at him, feeling terrible. “You're serious.”


“Wow.” I breathe, staring down at my lap again.

“Here.” Hisao hands me the letter. “See for yourself.”

“Are you sure?” I ask meekly, but he nods.

“Fair's fair. Besides,” he manages a grin. “I already made sure there weren't any scandalous parts.”

I let out a little laugh. Okay, Hisao. Okay.

I want to know more about you. If this is part of your past and you want to share it, then of course I'm here, of course I'm willing to listen. Or read, I guess.

I look down at the first page of the letter.

“Dear Hisao. How are you? I hope you are well and happy at your new school...”

“...The mood among the third-years seems to be very anxious about the final exams, even though they are so far away. The teachers are badgering us about it all the time...”

“...I think things like that are the main reason why the mood among the third-years is so nervous.” I crack a smile at that, so it's... so it's not just me who's worried. I can see Hisao studying me out of the corner of my eye, but I continue reading. There's a few more lines of small talk, but then the letter cuts to the chase.

“There are other things I want to say. I'm writing to you because I felt that there are things I should've said after the incident back in winter.” My pulse begins to quicken. The incident. So that must... that must be his heart attack?

“The truth is, the times when I visited you at the hospital made me worried about you. I am not talking about your health. You seemed to become more distant and disheartened.” Ha, dis... disheartened. I glance over at Hisao and he stares back, his expression is melancholy again, like some blend of pain and nostalgia, but he gives me another smile.

I have a feeling that things are about to get worse, but I manage to smile back before continuing to read, my eyes dart back and forth across the page in front of me.

“It was natural after something like that happened, I'm sure, but somehow I got the feeling that you had given up on something back then.”

“Happiness, maybe?” The words almost stop me in my tracks, they're... well, they're not exactly familiar. But what she's describing is.

I know what she means. I think I would agree, back when he first walked into my classroom, Hisao certainly looked like someone who had given up.

I'm... I'm sure I probably looked the same way, last year, the first time I was able to crawl back to class.

The letter continues. “I wanted to somehow express my feelings, but the right words didn't come to me.”

“I couldn't say anything to comfort you. I am really sorry for not being able to support you when it mattered the most, even though I like you so much. At least now, finally, I can be more honest.”

I'm grimacing softly now, not because someone else is talking about liking my boyfriend. That's not what's bothering me.

It's that Hisao was alone.

He was stuck in a hospital bed for who knows how long, recovering from what was probably the most terrifying and painful thing in his life, and he, he was--

He was all alone.

I want to look up at Hisao, I want to see his face now, but I force myself to keep going.

“If I could go back to those quiet days in February and March, I'd tell you not to give up on yourself.”

My free hand begins patting the space beside to me on the bed, searching instinctively. The next moment, I'm holding Hisao's hand, he grips mine gently but I still don't look up.

“That's what I would say. Maybe you wouldn't have drifted so far away if I had just said something. I hope you've managed to get back on your feet on your own.”

The letter ends with an invitation for him to respond, but I know she doesn't mean it. It's not an angry message, or anything like that, it's something to give both of them closure. That's my impression, at least.

Now that I'm done reading, I finally look up, I look over at Hisao and he's staring back at me, watching my reaction. The morning light bathes both him and our surroundings in a bright glow, but...

“I'm sorry.” I mumble, unable to keep from frowning.

“Don't be.” He says softly.

“But you were in the hospital and you, you were all by yourself and--”

“I got better.” He says, giving me one of his warm smiles. I... I love those.

His smiles. And him.

“It took me a long time to recover, inside and out. And it's true that I never expected to hear from her again.” He nods to himself as he says it, he looks like he's come to a conclusion, and now he's speaking to himself almost as much as to me.

“Suzu, a girl confessed to me and I had a heart attack. I spent four months in the hospital.” Hisao continues, looking straight at me. “But I can't live in the past.”

“I have too much going for me here, in the present.” He whispers. He reaches forward to gently stroke the side of my face and I close my eyes. I lean my head into his hand, wanting even more of his touch.

I get my wish. A moment later he leans forward and plants a gentle kiss on my lips, but then he retreats. I open my eyes to see him gazing at me.

“I'm not the person that letter was written for, not anymore.”

“You didn't give up.” I manage a smile. “And even if you did--”

“I won't do it again.” He says softly. “Not if you don't.”

I chuckle weakly, so you... you were thinking it too, huh? Hisao, are you really okay with this?

I don't know, I don't know if he's come so far that he can put his past behind him this easily. But maybe he has, and I have to believe him, I have to take his word.

“We're not so different, you and I.” I mumble. I don't want to imagine him back there, lying in a hospital bed and growing cold and distant. I'm... I'm happy that he seems so much better now, I'm happy that I have him here with me and that I might have been able to help him come back alive again. Just like he's done for me.

Hisao raises an eyebrow, still wearing one of his smiles. “I don't think that's Shakespeare.”

It's not, but that doesn't matter now. “Shows what you know.” I retort, scooting a little closer to him until our shoulders touch. I beg another kiss and he complies, this one is longer than the first and I'm glad.

When we part, I reach over to pick up the letter and hand it back to Hisao, he doesn't look uneasy anymore. I don't know whether he was fine before, whether reading it was something he needed or not, but now, he seems to be at peace with its contents.

I don't want to bring up old memories, but if he's really all right with it, I can't help but wonder...

“What was she like?” I ask.

“Who, Iwanako?”

“Yeah.” I nod. “Was she cute?”

“Hmm...” He brings one hand to his chin, staring into space for a moment and taking on a thoughtful air.

“You know what? I don't really remember.” He says, looking back at me.

“Good answer.” I reply with a wink. Hisao rolls his eyes.

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah.” I whisper. I close my eyes and lean towards him, resting my head on his shoulder as his hand finds mine again. I'm glad you asked me to stay, Hisao. I'm glad you told me, thank you for telling me.

We don't say anything else for a while longer, I just soak up the morning sun as I enjoy his presence, his warmth. I know we need to get up. I know we need to go to class. But I need him a lot more than either of those.

I'd probably be okay with staying here all morning, but the beginning of the school day is rapidly approaching. We say goodbye and I manage to get back to the girls' dorms with just enough time to take a shower. Miki is moving a little slow today and I certainly can't blame her, when I arrive she's only just dragging herself down the hall to knock on my door and wake me up. Her surprise quickly gives way to mischievous curiosity when she sees me, and I'm okay with that, as long as it means no more banging on doors today.

I may not be a star student, but it still feels really good to be around so many familiar faces, to see all the other students walking across the grounds. It's... it's like the day before the break but in reverse, people are greeting eachother, talking about the things they did over their vacation, showing off new tans or pictures of their adventures. Miki fills me in on the latest gossip as we make our way through the halls and up the stairs, and I can't keep this smile off my face. Some people seem like they were probably dragged back to Yamaku kicking and screaming, but I'm really glad to be back at school, I'm even glad to be back in this same old classro--

This... this same old...

There's a sheet of paper sitting on my desk. It looks innocent enough, but when I take a few steps closer and look down, it's like staring into the face of an old opponent. I feel limp, I feel numb as I reach down and pick it up.

I stare at the rows of questions, the little bubbles for me to rate ideas on a scale of one to five, but there's no space for not applicable, not applicable, not applicable.

“Suzu?” Leaning on me, Miki peers over my shoulder. “Didn't we do that like two months ago?”

“Something like that.” I mumble. The rest of the class did, but I never filled it out, I... I ran away to the nurse's office. Back then, it managed to follow me, but I still escaped. Was I stupid, to think I could forget about it? To think I could just keep going like this and not have to worry about the future?

Do we have to fill these out, in order to graduate? What about our classes, are they going to start getting faster and more difficult and I won't have any idea how to--

“Hey.” Miki gives me a light slap on the back. My eyes refocus on the paper in front of me, I tear them away to look at her.

She gives me a bright grin, looking far too cheerful for someone who's awake at a reasonable hour for a change and about to be subjected to a day of grueling lectures after a month of freedom.

“Just make something up.” Miki says with a wink. “That's what I did. Don't stress about something like this.”

I open my mouth to protest, what if something even worse happens because of that, but behind her, the door to the classroom opens again and Hisao walks through... flanked on either side by Shizune and Misha. He looks a little uncomfortable but still in one piece, maybe they just found him straggling and brought him here, instead of taking him on a tour of their dungeon. The one in the basement. The existence of which I have yet to prove, but at this rate I just might get to see it for myself.

The three of them look at us, look at me. Misha smiles and waves, for a moment Shizune eyes me like a cat trying to decide if it should eat the mouse in front of it or just kill it, but her expression softens to a neutral, analytical stare when she sees my face.

Misha might be oblivious but Hisao doesn't miss it, he escapes from the pair and walks over to us.

“Are you okay? What's that?” He asks, looking at me with a mix of curiosity and concern. Miki shrugs, she probably thinks I'm just being silly and, and I probably am, but she wants to let me answer and I'm grateful. I feel like grimacing, I feel like panicking but I close my eyes for just a brief moment,

Here we go, here we are, we're back at school. I... I survived summer vacation, and I made it back here. I open my eyes, now Miki and Hisao are both watching me. Mutou staggers through the door looking like he would replace the blood in his veins with coffee if he could, that probably means the bell is going to ring soon. I should say something, I need to say something.

I might have been sinking before, but I find purchase in those warm brown eyes, only a few feet away from me. Hisao. I guess we both kind of got an unexpected reminder today. Of his past and... and of my future.

But he was able to put all that behind him, and thanks to him and Miki and my parents, I'm starting to get there too. And Miki, she isn't even worried, or at least, not about the little things. She's living in the present, and I want to be more like her, right? I don't want to feel scared and worry all the time now that I'm back here at school, now that I'm back with my friends.

I can't give up. I have to try. For Hisao, and for everyone else who has helped me come this far.

“It's a career survey.” I finally speak up, trying to keep my tone neutral. Hisao is nodding now.

“That's right, I remember. Didn't those go around a while back, though?”

I manage a weak smile. “I'm... not really good at things like this.” I say, remembering the times both he and my parents threw college applications and brochures at me, remembering that mess of a workshop, those few weeks ago.

From the look on his face, Hisao is starting to remember too. But the last student slinks through the door just as the bell rings, and there's no more time to talk. Miki drops into her seat with an exasperated groan, no doubt dreading the return to classwork and groupwork and homework, but Hisao stands there for a few more moments, he looks me in the eye. I stare back, this is... this is kind of like old times, but our teacher clears his throat, people are probably watching us now.

I motion for him to go, I give him a smile that I hope is a little more convincing than my last one, and I hope I mean it, too. Go on, Hisao, I'm only a few desks away from you. I'm not going anywhere.

Not right now, at least.

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Short Cut / Detour

Post by Scissorlips »

Short Cut / Detour

To the relief of the entire class, our teachers decide to have mercy on us and ease back into things. We mostly just review the stuff that we went over before the break, instead of diving headfirst into new material at a breakneck speed. I, um, don't even want to think about how fast that would be. I don't want to think about necks breaking, not mine or anyone else's, except... no, I can't really think of anyone I would wish that on.

Finally, our last class comes to an end, we escape from our desks. I fell asleep a few times during lecture already but I still feel so worn out, this is going to take some getting used to. Re-used to. Relearn what was... what was unlearned? You know what, no more learning today, please.

After school today we have a literature club meeting. I'll probably end up appreciating the beanbag chairs more than the books, but it will be nice to see the other club members again. Just need to get... down one flight of stairs, and... and through the library, with its aisles spread out like hard landmines. Does that analogy make any sense? I would ask Hisao, he's walking next to me but he looks like he's deep in thought, right. Right. Keep walking. We're almost there now, and I know he'll catch me if I fall asleep. Or at least, he'll try. And it's the thought that counts. I think.

The warm afternoon sun that drifts through the library's windows is a welcome sight. Hefting my bag over my shoulder, I snatch one of the larger beanbags and drag it along behind me, call the librarian, see if I care. I have to work to get it through the door to the club room but it's worth it, we're almost late... as... as usual, and all the good seats are already taken.

Hisao frowns at the lack of free beanbag chairs, casting a longing glance at mine.


I shake my head back and forth, uninterested in doing anything else today that might earn me a spot on one of the student council's torture racks.

“That would be a public display of affection.” I mutter, plopping the beanbag down on the floor and nudging it closer to the center table with both hands.

Hisao laughs as the last few club members trickle through the door behind us. “Okay, Shizune.”

I flap my wrists in the air in some hazy attempt at sign language and then fall into the cushy, oversized beanbag. Hisao scoffs in mock indignation as he grabs the nearest boring, uncomfortable chair and takes a seat. I wonder what Shizune said to him on the way to class this morning? Or, well, she wouldn't have been the one to say it I guess, that would be Misha's job. But if she did lodge a complaint or something, Hisao hasn't mentioned it, and I haven't had to suffer the... the winter of her discontent or something, so.

Now that I think about it, the literature club room is kind of like a dungeon, maybe it was built by the same people who designed the student council's dungeon? I'd like to stay here, please. I'll, I'll take paper cuts over iron maidens, and things like that.

Thankfully, Yuuko arrives and begins the meeting before I can get too engrossed in the hypothetical. She asks how everyone's vacation was, and she even brought snacks! Best club adviser ev--oh, they're leftovers from the Shanghai. Well that's okay, I... I never look a gift pastry in the mouth. Unless it's my mouth. If that makes sense.

With introductions completed and leftovers vanquished, the assembled students launch into the day's agenda. The literature club is a pretty mixed group, we have everything from awkward little first years to more than a couple of third years, myself included. And Hisao now, too. Generally, they're a laid back bunch, we don't have anyone who really breaks the mold you would think of. Like, there's no one who loves to read books but also enjoys wrestling bears in the mountains, or, or we don't have anyone who's both blind and armless and still reads because screw you fate.

No, it's pretty relaxed here, I think that's what I like the most about it. We don't really have what you would call club drama either, the closest thing is when Yuuko starts to get too stressed, but even then no one really holds it against her. Today, though. Today is kind of different.

My eyelids are getting a little heavy but I tune out the current discussion about the things we read over the break, I peer across the room. Sitting in one of the corners, almost invisible behind the beam of afternoon light that shines down through the one window, a lone boy lurks. And I mean it, he's, he's not sitting normally, like a normal person does. He's totally lurking, I can barely even see him but what little I can make out is all arms crossed and glaring. At me, and at the messy-haired boy sitting next to me.

He didn't speak to me during class, and I didn't see him at all during lunch. To be honest, I haven't really thought about Lezard since summer vacation started. I guess he was working at the Beijing the whole time, and... I guess he's still angry. A month might be a long time to hold a grudge, I don't know, but...

Okay, let's--huh? What? Oh.

“Yeah, that's fine with me.” I mumble, Steinbeck is as good a choice as any to read over the next week. I guess. But anyway.

Lezard is still upset, it seems. I feel like I need to apologize to him, Hisao might have been the one who did the threatening but it happened because of me, because I... I had a nightmare and ran out of class.

Even if the events of that day weren't entirely my fault, I still don't like this. Lezard is a jerk, but even then, his intentions were good. I know he's not all bad, and I... I know it would probably be frustrating, being in his position. That doesn't give him an excuse to stew and glower for a whole month, but still.

Maybe Hisao should be the one apologizing, but I've known Lezard longer than he has, and he was always tolerable before. He was part of our lunch group, he made dry jokes and he got along pretty well with Taro and Akio, they might even be missing him by now.

I think I need to fix this. It will be one less problem, one less thing to deal with, and right now, that would be good, that's what I need. The career survey is shoved somewhere in my bag but I promised Mutou I would get it back to him by tomorrow, I guess the staff really do keep track of things like that. It makes sense, even a school like Yamaku looks better when its students get into good universities.

I'll... I'll deal with that paper later though, for now I need to get through the rest of this club meeting. But even though I try to hold on, everything is beginning to slip away. The beanbag below me is so incredibly comfy but I sit up, I squint at the people who are talking. I even glance at Lezard once or twice, hoping that his... his malevolent aura, I guess that's a good way to put it, I'm hoping that it will wake me up. But it doesn't. The already slightly dim, oppressive surroundings fade away, I collapse back into my chair just as sleep overtakes me.

Maybe he wanted to let me get some rest, or maybe the discussion today was really interesting, but either way, Hisao doesn't wake me up until the meeting is over. Through the blinking and the wiping sleep from my eyes, I see the other club members all packing up and leaving, Lezard has already vanished.

Well... there goes that. Thanks, head of mine. But then again, I guess I didn't really know what to say to him in the first place. I'll work on that.

I'm still blinking as Hisao offers a hand to pull me up. “I need to track down Mutou for something, are you going to be okay from here on out?” He asks as I get to my feet.

I nod, I... I think I'm awake now. Really, I should be okay, I'm able to get around the school by myself when I need to, and I even just passed out, so hopefully I'll be good for a while. Besides, I would say yes even if I wasn't, that he's not insisting on going everywhere with me is a good sign, I guess that means he trusts me to be alright.

Well I won't let him down. Even though I'm still slumping a little, I shoo him out of the room with a grin and he grins back, seeming to get lost in thought again as he begins walking away through the library.

I wonder what's on his mind. Maybe I'll ask him later? I'm still in the literature club room, it's only me and Yuuko left now. In the typical fashion, a bunch of people grabbed books on their way in that they wanted to suggest to the group and didn't bother putting them away, so she's having trouble carrying them in addition to the snack tray. I can't even see her face behind the stack of books she clutches with one arm. Yuuko takes a tentative step towards the door but begins wobbling sideways, I watch her for a few moments, slowly tilting my head back and forth to mirror her movements.

I'm still waking up, but I can't really just walk out and leave her like this. Besides, she brought snacks for us. My legs feel heavy but I take a few steps closer to her. “Here, I can take those.”

“Oh, thank you.” I remove a handful of the books at the top of the pile to see her smiling at me. She's still got a heavy load, but... but I've got my bag too, and she's the adult here so...

That's right. Yuuko certainly doesn't act like an adult sometimes, or at least, not the ones I'm used to seeing. Looking like she's trying frantically to muster her strength, she strides through the door and out into the library. I follow her and hope that the warm golden light that now fills the air doesn't put me right back to sleep.

“Did you have a nice vacation, Suzu?” She asks, walking a few steps ahead of me. I nod blankly, but, but she can't see that.


“Well... that's good.” Yuuko reaches the front desk and sets her cargo down with a thump. She breathes a weary sigh, probably dreading the task of returning all these books to their rightful places, and I can't say I blame her. She really does work hard, and all this is on top of her job at the Shanghai, and... she's in university, right? How does she manage to stay sane through--well. Well...

“Growing up must be terrible.” I mumble, stepping forward and depositing my handful of books next to hers. Yuuko starts, she seems to have forgotten that I was even in the room for a moment.

“What do you mean?” She turns to me, frowning nervously.

I shrug. “It's just...”

The career survey is still sitting in my bag, like a... a paper tiger that eats at me. Mauls at me. I know I can't keep running away from it, Mutou is just doing his job and it's not fair for me to test his patience by keeping this up. He's a good teacher too, even if he's a little strange, he's tried to make sure I don't get too far behind and things like that. And he and Hisao seem to get along fairly well.

Yuuko, she's an adult too, but she's kind of like me, she's a lot more unsteady. And she's always willing to give advice, as long as she's sure that she's not imposing. Maybe she's good at handling tigers. Paper tigers that is, I mean, no, I mean career surveys. I'm starting to get tired again...

Fatigue seeps through my body, I stifle a yawn as I sink sideways and lean my upper body against the desk.

“Yuuko...” I blink a few more times. I need to stay awake, I want to know. “Is being an adult scary?”

It's clearly not a question she's used to being asked in her role as a librarian. She thinks it over for a few moments, but then an only slightly hesitant smile spreads across her face. “It's not so bad, actually.” She says.

“Really?” I look up at her, grateful that the library has a carpet instead of linoleum like the halls outside. She nods.

“There are more things to worry about, of course. More things to manage.” Her expression grows cloudy, she wrings her hands together, going from on topic to tangent in the space of a few seconds. I guess I know the feeling.

“You have to keep track of bills and budget your time, and once you get to university, the learning style is completely different...” She should... she should stop, I think. She can stop any time now.

“Paying for school is really hard, and you have to make sure you're getting enough hours at work but not too much or your grades start to slip...” Yuuko, please. She's frowning deeply now, but catches herself and shakes her head back and forth, apparently remembering that she's supposed to be giving a pep talk instead of making me even more nervous.

“But overall, it's really not so bad.” She finishes, giving me an encouraging smile.

But... that's...

All the things she just listed are terrible. No, that's it, growing up is terrible. I let out a groan as my head sinks to rest on top of my arms. It's decided, I'm just going to go back to my room and sleep for days.

“Are you starting to worry about final exams and things like that?” Yuuko asks, still holding her hands in front of her chest as she gives me a look of mild concern. Urgh.

“I... yeah.” I sigh, gathering my strength and pushing off from the desk. It takes some effort, but I glance around the library, trying to see if any beanbag chairs are within a reasonable distance... and of course, they're not. We're... we're going to have to do this the hard way. The standing up way.

“I know it can be intimidating to look ahead at things like that.” Yuuko says, still frowning. “But would you really want your life to stay where it's at forever?”

Huh. Uh. Hmm.

Having my best friend there to help me wake up every morning? Getting to spend class and lunch with Hisao and Miki and the others, every day, and then always having my friends there to help me study or go get some dinner or just hang around and do nothing? Endless dates with Hisao, and, and watching movies with him and cuddling up with him and doing... um... other things with him...

“Yup.” I nod hazily. “Absolutely. Sign me up.”

Yuuko almost panics for a moment, obviously that wasn't the answer she was hoping for.

“Well...” She begins again, looking like she's choosing her words a little more carefully this time. “Even if that were the case, there's just no real way to do that. All good things must end, right?”

Oh god, Yuuko, don't say it like that. I want to protest, I want to argue, but I know she's right. The only way to drag out high school any longer would be to start flunking all of my classes and repeat a year, but I couldn't do that. Hisao and Miki wouldn't let me, we've spent too many evenings cramming and studying and making up missed class time for me to do something as selfish as that.

So I can't stop. I, the school year is a ride that I can't get off, no matter how much I might want to. I stare at the floor, feeling trapped.

What if things only get worse from here? What will I do when it becomes time to apply to universities, to take entrance exams, will I run away then too, or just try to ignore it until it blows up in my face?

I think I'm already beginning to retreat to some quiet place inside myself, I think I'm running far away again. But Yuuko's gentle tone pulls me back to reality. “Being a grown-up isn't really that scary, Suzu.” She says.

I look up from the ground, now she's giving me an encouraging smile. I guess she found the right words. Well fire away, Yuuko. Please. I'm starting to sink again.

“Sure, it takes some getting used to, but so does anything else in life. Once you're there, it's not really so bad at all. It's the transition that's the hardest part, I think.”

She continues to smile, clasping her hands before her and looking like she's finally beginning to relax. “Growing up is scary because of all the uncertainty that comes in between, and to get through that, I think that everyone needs to have courage. If you have someone you can rely on, that just makes it easier.”

“You have someone like that, right?” She asks.

I... I nod, yes. Yes I do, and I'm lucky enough to have not just one person, although, although Hisao certainly does a really great job of being there for me. But I have even better than that, I have Miki too and I... I have my parents. And I know they want what's best for me, I know they want me to be happy.

“Well... so there.” Yuuko smiles brightly. “The classes at my university might be really hard, and getting the hang of working two jobs and going to school at the same time was hard too. But after a while, you learn to manage things like that. You get used to it.”

Some of the things she's describing, I don't really think I would ever want to get used to, at all. But I guess she's right. When I entered my last year of junior high, and... and my brother graduated ahead of me and came to Yamaku, I was scared. But I made it through. And then when I was finally old enough to attend school here too, even though I knew I wouldn't be alone, I was still terrified. But I survived.

And even, even here and now, even today, I'm still here. After everything that's happened, I've still managed to survive.

So, yeah, she's right. I'm not alone here, and I... I just need to have some courage. The future is still blank and empty and frightening, but running away isn't an option right now. I have to keep going.

And anyway, before I worry about all that, I need to see if I can patch things up with Lezard. I don't have his number and I'm not sure what dorm room he's in, and besides, I don't know if I would be comfortable going to his room by myself. But maybe he's still hanging around the school somewhere, and if not, I'll be able to talk to him during class tomorrow, after all, his desk is right next to mine.

Yuuko looks like she doesn't really know what to do if this round of advice doesn't work, but it does. I think. So I thank her and make my escape, it's starting to get late and the library will be closing soon. She really does work hard, I hope that, when I'm her age, my life won't be that stressful. You'd think being a librarian would be relaxing.

I lug my bag over my shoulder and walk through the halls of the school. I guess summer really is just about over, the sun has set by now and it's starting to get dark. Even though the inside of the building is still brightly lit, it's getting harder and harder to walk in a straight line. That talk must have took a lot out of me, although it was mostly just Yuuko speaking and me listening and both of us panicking a little. But... but either way, something to drink would be nice. I stagger over to the first vending machine I see that sells coffee, let my bag drop to the floor and reach for the buttons to make my selection. But just as I do, another hand reaches for the panel.

Oh. I stare at the new addition for a few moments, blinking. It's... it's a white hand. I mean, not like a glove or anything, the skin is light. Aaand... then there's a sleeve. A green one, so it's a uniform jacket. Almost none of the girls have started wearing theirs yet, it's not cold enough. So that means it's a guy. Probably. The suspense is... is killing me, or putting me to sleep, either way. I bite my lip and look up.


...Found you.

“Hi, Lezard.” I mumble. The bespectacled, brown-haired boy leans back, he thrusts his hands in his pockets. And grimaces.

“What do you want, Suzu?”

I tilt my head towards the vending machine. “Coffee.” I reply weakly. For a moment Lezard looks like he might actually smile, but he glances away, digging through his pocket and producing a handful of coins.

He steps closer to the machine, pointing to one of the rows inside. “This one, right?”

“Um. Yeah.” But I didn't mean it like that, I thought he was asking why I was here. Without another word he presses the button and inserts his coins.

Click. Whirr. Thump. Lezard retrieves the canned coffee, handing it to me before selecting something else for himself.

“Thanks.” I can't think of anything else to say as I accept the drink. He doesn't even reply, he just pops the tab on his can and takes a swig.

This is... see, this is exactly what makes it so hard to be around him. First it's blunt, sarcastic jokes that sometimes go too far, and then he does something nice but it's so unexpected that you don't know how to react, and when he doesn't get the response he was hoping for, he gets upset. Look, he's scowling now, but I said thanks! I don't know what else to say. But I guess there was something I've been wanting to tell him since earlier.

“Hey, Lezard? I'm sorry about... about before. During exams.”

He stares at the vending machine instead of me, still frowning. “Why are YOU sorry?”

“Well...” I open my can of coffee and take a quick drink. I'm not stalling for more time to get my thoughts straightened out, I just wanted to see how it tasted, and I need the caffeine. Okay I'm lying, except for that last part. “It was kind of my fault.”

“It's your fault that your boyfriend is an asshole?”

“No... I mean, yes... I mean, he's not.” I, I want to fix this. Please, can't we talk this over?

Now I'm the one grimacing. This isn't going very well.

“Hisao is a really, really good guy.” I say carefully. “He was just under a lot of pressure that week. I mean, we all were. And I'm grateful that you came after me and I'm sorry that he, that he was a jerk to you, but...”

“But what?” Lezard asks, finally turning to look at me. I can't tell if he's scowling or flinching.

I don't know what else to say, I open my mouth but nothing comes. I end up just shrugging, a response that obviously doesn't do it for him, because he crosses his arms and continues to stare at me with narrowed eyes.

“Look, Suzu.” He grunts. His expression keeps twisting, like he's trying hard to get something out but doesn't know the right words. I guess I know what that's like, but I try to keep my own face neutral, I want to hear what he has to say. He unfolds his arms again, returning one hand to his pocket, the other still clenching his drink.

“I'm not... I mean, I'm kind of...” He grits his teeth as frustration takes over. Lezard takes another sip from his can and glances at the darkening sky beyond the nearest window before turning back to me. He's glaring again.

Does he want me to read his mind? I'm... I'm not laughing at him, or making fun of him or even judging him. I know how difficult it can be to talk to people about some things, sometimes. It's easy in theory, just open your mouth and speak. But it's more complicated like that, it's a hundred times harder.

“What do you want from me, Lezard?” I ask softly, trying not to frown. He looks right at me now, there's a glimmer of pain in his eyes.

“I may not look as good in a sweatervest.” He says slowly. I think I already know where this is going and he can see it on my face. He glances away, looking like he would stop now if he could but he can't, he's come this far.

“And I know I'm not as skilled with people as him. I can't... quote plays, or crap like that.” He continues, avoiding my gaze. “But just tell me. I just want to know.”

“If Nakai wasn't here, if he hadn't... swept you off your goddamned feet, would you ever... I mean, would you have said yes, if...” Clenching his jaw, he finally works up the nerve to look back at me again.

This is a position I never really hoped I would find myself in. I mean, this is... it's sort of like a confession, right? And I guess that's flattering. It was certainly flattering when Hisao did it, and I'm not--I'm not comparing Lezard to Hisao. That's unfair, because I know Hisao better, even though Lezard and I have been classmates for a long time now.

But I feel bad, I feel like the villain here. Not just because he has to wrestle with this stuff because of me, but I'm also partly to blame for why he's been in such a foul mood for so long. And I guess I know for sure now that it's not just because of my nightmare during our last exam, but it's also because I'm dating Hisao. Even before I ran out of class, before we were even, um, official, Lezard started acting differently around me. Around us. And I guess by now I don't have any doubt that he likes me, and he probably has for a while.

I never strung him along or anything, if he had a crush on me I didn't ignore it, I just didn't know. Maybe I'm oblivious when it comes to things like that, or maybe I was just too distracted with everything else. With playing battleship. But Lezard...

Even if I wasn't with Hisao, even if he hadn't started hanging out with me and Miki or even come to Yamaku at all, I don't think I would have been able to return your feelings. And it isn't because you're not Hisao, he isn't perfect either. It's--

“Okay.” Lezard says sharply. “All right.”

My eyes had drifted to the floor but I look back up at him, he's back to scowling. He shakes his head, he's done struggling, he's done trying, I guess. Now he's just back to angry. Outside the window, the sky is just a sheet of black.

“I get that you're all fine and happy with Hisao, and that's great.” Lezard goes on, his tone growing venomous. “But I don't need it shoved in my face.”

Shoved in... what? Lezard, don't be like that, what did I... what did we do? We didn't even sit together during club today, even though there was room for both of us. We talked in class but we, we weren't fawning over eachother or anything like that. Again, I open my mouth to say something but can't even begin to come up anything. You didn't wait for me to respond to your question, you didn't let me.

Lezard raises his drink and downs the rest in one long gulp, before continuing to look at me with narrowed eyes. “Go be fine, Suzu. Go be happy.”

“But go do it somewhere else.” He tosses the now empty can into the nearest recycle bin. It's... a nice shot, two points, and, and he even recycled instead of throwing it into the trash. Now he's walking away, Lezard, why are you such an ass like this? You do something nice, you buy me a drink and then you, you recycle a can and then you tell me to do something somewhere else and then you leave? Why?

I know what he was going to ask, what he was trying to ask. And I know what I would have had to say. But I can't find any good explanation for how he's acting now, and I can't ask him either, I glare at his back more in frustration and sheer bewilderment than anger. All I wanted to do was fix this, all I wanted was to go back to being friends again, or close to it. I just don't understand.

By the time I get back to the girls' dorms, the stars are coming out and I still don't know what to make of Lezard. When I step into my room, I pull the now crumpled career survey from my bag, but even with the coffee I'm far too tired to take a serious look at it. There was just too much that happened today, I don't have the strength for something like this. Maybe... maybe I'll do it tomorrow, before class.

Yeah, maybe.

I don't, of course, but luckily for me, Mutou is too preoccupied with the day's lecture to ask about it. And next day's. And the day after that. Things still haven't kicked into high gear yet as far as our classwork goes, but I know we're getting there, the note of tension that hung in the air around exams is starting to sink back in, and I hate it.

I'm trying to take Yuuko's advice. I'm trying to hold it together and, and be brave and everything like that, but it's easier said than done. I want to be there for my friends, I want to be there for Hisao and Miki, just like they have for me, so many times by now. I... I guess I want to be there, period. Here, I mean.

I want to be around. I do want to see graduation, I know that now.

I just need to get from A to B. I just need to hold on. I just need to have some courage.

Since that day, Lezard doesn't so much as look at me, even though we sit right next to eachother. At first it was painfully awkward but I guess I got used to it, this might be as good as it's going to get. He doesn't seem to set foot in the cafeteria during lunch, and he doesn't show up to the next literature club meeting.

Part of me still wants to tell him I'm sorry, but I'm done apologizing. I've never gone out of my way to upset him, and me and Hisao aren't like some of the couples you see in this school, we aren't constantly hanging on eachother and kissing and hugging every ten minutes. No, we, we link arms and we hold hands sometimes, but we don't make out in the middle of lunch, and we certainly don't do any of those things during literature club meetings. So I'm not going to apologize to Lezard. I haven't been shoving anything in his face. It digs at me, it's frustrating that I can't make him understand that, but I have bigger things to deal with. I... I can't get stuck on this, I can't get bogged down just because Lezard is being a jerk again. I'm sorry. I tried.

I told Miki about my talk with him, if you could call it that. I left out the part where he almost sort of confessed to me, I don't think that's right to spread around. The last bit though she just dismissed as him being jealous and angry, and I guess she's probably right. I haven't mentioned it to Hisao because that might just makes things worse. He hasn't noticed anything though, he's been in a contemplative mood ever since the first day of school. But today, he says says he has something to talk to me about after class. He wants me to meet him in his room, I'm... kind of nervous.

But I'm always nervous, when I don't know what to expect. And I know that he just wants to help, I know I can trust him. I trust him.

Miki walks with me to the boys' dorms before we part ways, she's going shopping with Molly and Ikuno and I'm, well, I don't know what I'm doing. But I guess I'll find out.

I'm lucky enough not to pass out as I make my way through the hallways, until I'm standing in front of Hisao's door. Just as I'm about to knock, the sound of a lock being unbolted--several, no, more than several of them--comes from behind me.

Months ago I would be panicking right now, but... actually, no, it's okay to panic. I haven't thought about Kenji since before the break either, what if he's spent the entire time drawing up battle plans and, and rigging up traps in his room? It's been a long time since, uh. Since he kidnapped me. I was never really angry about that, I don't think Kenji is really dangerous, and it was fun, when Hisao came to my rescue. Hisao, he was angry about it though, but that was a while ago. With that said though, who knows what Kenji has been up to since then, considering Hisao was still giving him the cold shoulder. If he wasn't dangerous before, he could be now. 

But maybe, maybe if I can talk Kenji into apologizing, I can patch things up between them. Maybe it won't be like with Lezard and blow up in my face, maybe this is something I can fix after all.

The door opens and Yamaku's one and only--I hope--conspiracy theorist stumbles out, a blanket draped over his shoulders and clutching what appears to be a glass bottle, already half drained, in one hand. Its contents slosh back and forth with every step he takes, I wonder if Kenji is planning on smashing it and using it in self defense, or if he'd rather die before wasting any?

Actually, actually, “self defense” might be stretching it.

“Away party is... away, shit, I don't know. Go. Go go.” He mutters to himself, turning and slamming his door shut behind him before fiddling with the locks for a full ten seconds.

Even standing across from him in the hallway, I can smell the stench of alcohol on his breath, and he looks like he hasn't showered in far too long, maaaybe since before summer vacation. He really does seem to have deteriorated since I last saw him, a fact that I can only see as depressing.

“Wait, what color is my shirt?” He quickly looks down, patting his chest with his free hand before nodding to himself. “Okay, okay. We're good.”

His vision is normally bad, but maybe it's the booze, he doesn't even seem to notice me this time. With his room secured, Kenji staggers down the hall while continuing to ramble. Now I think I can make out something about gigabytes destroying his systems, maybe his computer has crashed and he's going to find someone who can reboot it?

I glance at Hisao's door, he's probably already inside and waiting for me, but Kenji is getting away...

[Go after him.]
[Do not pursue Kenji.]

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Re: A pseudo-pseudo Suzu route (updated 11/11)

Post by CaptainFalcon »

Well Scissorlips you've done it again, you will now have me hanging on tenterhooks until the next chapter comes out :P
Brilliant writing as per usual and I like that you've brought Kenji back into the mix, As always I very much look forward to your next chapter!
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Re: A pseudo-pseudo Suzu route (updated 11/11)

Post by Biomorph »

@Scissorlips, you're right, it did, lol, but I guess I think people are usually serious about that since most people on other forums I've read think the same Hanako=rape and it annoys me, and I haven't been around these forums long enough to gauge people.
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Re: A pseudo-pseudo Suzu route (updated 11/11)

Post by BlackWaltzTheThird »

Scissorlips wrote:“Was she cute?”
Wait, are we really getting a description of Iwanako? Tell me this isn't real!
Scissorlips wrote:“You know what? I don't really remember.”
...Goddamnit, I was being sarcastic.
Scissorlips wrote:[Go after him.]
[Do not pursue Kenji.]
...I honestly have no idea how either of these will turn out. Darn it, no I have to wait for two or more updates to see the results. I'm gonna bet on the latter being the bad end.
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