Rainy Days and Warm Nights (Suzu one-shot)


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Rainy Days and Warm Nights (Suzu one-shot)

Post by SirDakishi »

Greetings fellow writers.
I am Sir Dakishi, you may know me from the steamchats or the KSG. If not, hello.

As I have not written anything in years, I recently got the inspiration late at night in the KSG and wrote some notes down, and eventually turned it into this.
Any feedback and comments appreciated.

Pastebin link: http://pastebin.com/GpYqWQ2e


Today has been a rather tranquil Sunday so far. The soothing sound of rain comes from beyond my window, trickling down the frosted panes. A cool winter's chill permeates the air. Good thing I'm wearing warm clothes. I scratch my chest through my sweater. Although the rainfall is quite heavy, the sound is comfortably relaxing. Perfect to engage in relaxing activities, such as reading a good book.

I haven't been bothered by anyone today, which is surprising to say the least. No echoes of "WAHAHA~"
down the halls of the dorm or a furious Shizune repeatedly rapping on my door, ready to con me into some Council work, even though I'm not really a part of it. Judging by the weather, Miki probably doesn't think running would be a good idea today. I suppose even on cold, rainy days like this one, everyone has their own pastimes to occupy them. Not to say that I'm lonely, I'd just be happy for the company on a lazy day like this. Can't be helped, I guess.

A few minutes pass as my eyes dart across page after page, drinking in their fountains of knowledge. A little while longer and my mind wanders to thoughts of Suzu.

Her smile, her laughter at my cheesy romantic one-liners, her sleeping face after a night of declaring war on dreams. Cuddling up with her on nights she can't fall asleep, and those long movie marathons into the daybreak. I'm lucky to have such a wondrous girl to have by my side.

Glancing over at the clock, it reads 1PM. I yawn, placing the book down for a brief moment while I straighten my back.

She should be awake by now, but knowing her condition she could be dead to the world still. Sighing, I put down my book about thermonuclear physics. Mutou recommended that for me one day after class, and I haven't put it down since.

I extract my phone from the pocket of my blazer, draped over the nightstand. Scrolling through the menus, I see no sign of any messages from her. Maybe she really is sleeping. Guess I'll just stop by later and ask if she wants to watch a movie or two.

Picking up my book from where I left off, I slowly become enthralled in numerous formulas and equations. I was so heavily engrossed I almost missed the faint knock on my door. Rising from my chair, I stretch my arms and neck before opening the door.

Reading all day stiffens muscles quite easily.

The doorknob twisted loosely in my grasp, and the door opened to reveal none other than Suzu.

A shivering, dripping wet Suzu.

She wears a sopping wet blue sweater, and black tracksuit pants dripping with water, causing a small pool to form on the floor. Needless to say, the wet clothing has become rather form-fitting, highlighting her modest features. Her turquoise locks hang heavily over her face, in a mess of rainwater and tangled strands.

The narcoleptic beams at me with her tired green eyes, looking miserable, yet quite happy to see me.

"Fancy seeing you here." she smirks.

"Suzu! What happened?" I stammer. She's gonna get sick from the cold. How did she even end up like this?

Suzu shivers, shooting me a weak smile before replying.

"Miki was busy sorting out track stuff with the captain and Emi, so I got lonely. I was on my way to see you, as a surprise."

"How'd you manage to get so wet? Did Miss Snoozu have her head in the clouds?" I retort, grinning.

She pokes her tongue out at me and jabs me in the shoulder, leaving faint wet marks on my shirt. "You know I don't like being called that," she grumbles. "On my way here I blacked out, and when I woke up it was raining. No big deal though, I was walking on the grass so I didn't hurt myself as much."

I sigh. Suzu, what will we do with you?

"Let me grab you a towel and some of my clothes. You need to get out of what you're wearing," I say, opening the closet. "I don't want you to get sick from being in the rain for so long, let alone sleeping through it."

Finding a towel was an easy task, as I keep a pile of them at the bottom of the closet so I'll never run out. Grabbing a white one from the stack, I walk back to Suzu and hand it to her. She has a look of mild shock on her face.

"Wait, whaddya mean get me out of what I'm wearing? I can't change clothes! At least, not with you here..." She shoots me a look of pure horror in the process, emphasizing her point.

"Don't worry about it, you can go use the bathroom." I offer.

"Hisao, I'll be fine." She yawns, attempting to stifle it with her sleeve. "You got an umbrella?"

I nod, drawing a tired smile from her.

"Well, for once you're actually prepared."

She starts drying herself off with the towel, to no avail. The water dripping from her clothes has ceased, only a minor comfort instead of being in nice warm garments. She shrugs and throws the towel onto her head, drying her hair.

"H-Hey, I am prepared! Sometimes..." I say, disheartened. Maybe I could be a little more prepared. My mind flashes back to the long nights spent with Suzu when I've forgotten to take my pills.

"Oh, come on, Hisao, you know I was just joking." she giggles, rolling her eyes.

She finishes drying her hair and places the towel on the back of my chair. Her hair, now free of water, lay unkempt and messy. Just like she's gotten out of bed, I think to myself. She hardly bothers to fix her hair up because she always ends up messing it up again when she falls asleep. Just looks like the same old Suzu, just with 70% more water. A small smile escapes my lips at that thought.

"Well, grab the umbrella and lets go, I'm freezing."

Marching out of the dorms with Suzu in tow, I pop open the umbrella with a faint click and raise it in the air above us, making sure she is out of the rainfall. No need to get her anymore drenched than she is already.

The girl's dorms aren't that far away from ours, so we'll be there in no time.


"Yes?" she says.

"Why didn't you just walk back to your place when you woke up? Would've been easier for you to have showered and changed clothes, then come over and see me."

She locks her arm with mine, and edges closer to me, shivering.

"Because if I did that I could have well easily gone out like a light again and I'd be in the same predicament as before," she replies, resting her head on my arm as we strode down the concrete path.
"With you here, you'll be able to make sure I don't do that. And if I do, you'll be able to carry me, right?"

"It'd be a hassle to try and carry you while keeping the rain off. I need two hands, so how would I use the umbrella?" I say, grimacing at the thought of juggling Suzu and trying to keep the both of us dry at the same time.

"You couldn't. You'd most definitely get drenched as bad as I am. If that does happen, maybe we can take a bath together." She giggles as a blush was forming on my cheeks.

"H-Hey, don't tease a man. What if I just dropped the umbrella now and we walked all the way to the dorm? You'd have to let me have a bath then." The tables have turned, and Suzu fakes a sign of shock.

"Jeez, Hisao, can't a girl have her fun?" she sighs, smiling weakly.

Shaking my head, I disregard the need to retort that as we reached the girl's dorm.

Finally arriving at her room's door, she reaches into her pockets and draws out a small key. She fit it to the lock and we entered the room. It is still as cluttered as ever, an organised chaos. Mounds upon mounds of stuffed toys litter the floor, a soft surface covering every inch. The giant stuffed dinosaur I won for her at the festival glares at me atop the bed with its beady black eyes. I give it a curt nod, as if to salute the fluffy monster.

Suzu trudges across the room to her closet. She rummaged through her clothes and snatching a few loose garments up before walking past me, tapping me on the shoulder lightly with her fingers.

"I'm going to shower. There's a bunch of movies by the TV so pick out a few that we can watch. I won't be long." she says, walking out the door and turning to walk down the hall to the bathroom.

I poke my head out the door and cry, "Suzu, Suzu, wherefore art thou Suzu? Return to mine arms post-haste, or I will pine."

She shakes her head and keeps walking. "Always the one for cheesy lines, Hisao. How I fell for you is a mystery in itself," she giggles. She opens a door to her right and walked in, closing it behind her.

I shut Suzu's door behind me and remove my shoes. It's going to be a long afternoon, I muse as I browse her movie collection. The few movies that catch my eye I take from the stack and place them on top of the TV, ready to play them when Suzu returns.

I suppose I should get comfy before she gets back, I think to myself as I plop down onto her bed. Get to choose the best spot and relax. What can I say Suzu, you snooze, you lose.

It feels like an age passes, alone with my thoughts. I put my arms behind my head and rest on the backboard of her bed.

Extremely comfortable, I shut my eyes for a few brief moments when the door opens abruptly. My eyes open with a jolt, and a strawberry scent wafts from the entryway.

Suzu walks into the room, looking as refreshed as a narcoleptic girl could. Her damp hair hanging limply over her face, she brushes her locks out of her way and smiles at me. She changes from her drenched blue sweater to a pale grey hoodie. She walks towards me and I stare down at her legs, which oddly, considering the weather are devoid of winter wear. Instead of dripping trackpants, she wears light blue and white striped over-knee socks with her knee brace over the top of her left sock, along with navy short-shorts. The hoodie hangs loosely over her feminine form, draping over her chest like smooth silk, showing off her modest curves.

"Hey," she says, walking over to the TV and noticing the sizable stack of DVD's resting on the top. She picks up the DVD on the top of the pile and read the title. "Nice choice, even if I prefer the old greats."

I scoff. "Yeah, who knows how many times you've watched Romeo and Juliet."

She popped the disc out of the case and loaded it into the DVD player next to the TV. Picking up the remote from the table that houses the TV, she deftly switched the machine on with the tap of a button.

Turning around to face me, she steps closer to the bed. The smell of her strawberry-scented shampoo is alluring. I love her, this beautiful, sleepy girl. It's as if everyday becomes a whole lot more special if it's with her, even if I do get no sleep sometimes. Just knowing that those long, sleepless nights with her make her happy and relieved is what truly makes it worth staying awake. The more I stay awake the longer I can take in every last inch of her. Her tired smiles, her drained eyes, her unkempt hair. Her small discomfort when I call her Snoozu, and make terrible sleeping puns, her giggling at my cheesy romantics and the endless discussions about literature long into the nights.

Who would've thought that after coming here I'd meet such a person to call my love?

"What exactly are you staring at?" Suzu grumbles, puzzled.

Snapped out of my thoughts, I jump. I take a second to compose myself before replying.
"I was just admiring the best thing to happen to me in my entire life." I reply, smiling as a slight flush coloured my cheeks.

Suzu blushes with embarrassment, a smile escaping her lips. She places one leg onto the bed and then the other, kneeling on the bed next to me.

"That's my Hisao. Always one to say something as romantic as that." she says, wrapping her arms around me in a sweet embrace. I return the favor as she nuzzles her head into my neck. The smell of her strawberry scented shampoo washes over me again as she envelops my being with warmth. I caress her frame gently.

She lets go of me, and I comply. She moves back next to me as I shuffle over, giving her more room. She lifts up the covers and throws them over the top of us, providing warmth on this cold, rainy day. The movie starts, and we're slowly engrossed in another world and it's problems.

A few hours and a few movies later, Suzu is curled up beside me, head resting on my chest as we lazily watch another film. I look out the window to the darkened campus and see many lights on. It has long passed sunset at Yamaku, but the rain has not ceased in its torrent upon the grounds.

I end up staying, Suzu pleading to watch one more movie, and another, and another.

We talk throughout the films, telling each other what we think would happen next and when one was over, put in another and the wild ride continued.

It's gotten late enough for food, so Suzu pauses the movie we are currently watching and goes to whip up a quick meal. Just a simple bowl of ramen for the both of us. After eating, we climb back into her bed and continue the marathon.

"Hey, Hisao?" Suzu calls, tilting her head up from my chest to look at me, the movie continuing on, oblivious to the fact that both pairs of eyes are focusing on each other rather than what's playing.

"What?" I reply.

"Thank you." she says softly, arms tightening gently around my torso in some form of embrace.

"For what?" I ask, puzzled. All we've done is laze around here all day in comfort.

"Everyone was busy today. Miki was out, Taro was working, and the others were all occupied with other stuff. I was lonely. When I had the idea of sneaking up on you today, I raced out the door. When I woke up on the ground, drenched and cold, I felt as if something didn't want me to be here today..."

"Suzu," I say, gently stroking her hair while she looked up at me with a faint smile. She stops me with a tight hug, and continued.

"But you were there. When we finally got back here into bed and watching movies, I felt better. I felt happy that you were there for me. So thank you Hisao, for being there for a lonely, sleepy girl."

She lets go of me and rose up to to my face. I stare into those pools of green, of the beautiful girl I love so.

"I love you, Hisao." she says. The smile on her face fills me with warmth. She places her hands on my shoulders and leans towards me.

"I love you too." I say, before being cut off by Suzu meeting her lips with mine. The warmth from her touch envelops my lips, and I return the favor with longing. The sweet scent of her strawberry-smelling hair is invigorating. I embrace her, and we lay there for a short while, until our lips part for the final time, and she settles back down to lie on my chest.

The movie finally ends, and a few seconds pass. Suzu hasn't gotten up to change to the next movie. I look down at her, and find her breathing softly, lying on me. I smile, stroking her hair while she sleeps. The remote is within my reach, so I use it to switch off the TV. I slowly sink down to her level, as to not wake her. I put my arm around her neck and rest my head on a pillow.

As the rain patters down on the roof, I slowly drift off to sleep, to join Suzu in her dreams.
Last edited by SirDakishi on Fri Oct 12, 2012 11:24 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Rainy Days and Warm Nights (Suzu one-shot)

Post by Mirage_GSM »

So we're down to writing fanfiction of fanfiction now...
Did you ask SL if he's okay with it? He probably is, but it's nice to ask.

The writing itself is not bad, but a few things are very jarring. For example I don't believ Hisao would refer to his girlfriend as "the narcoleptic" - not even in his internal monologue.

The worst thing about this piece, however, are the tenses. You're jumping back and forth between present and past tense all the time, sometimes even in the same sentence, like here:
She pokes her tongue out at me and jabbed me in the shoulder...
or here:
She finishes drying her hair and placed the towel on the back of my chair.
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Rainy Days and Warm Nights (Suzu one-shot)

Post by SirDakishi »

Mirage_GSM wrote:So we're down to writing fanfiction of fanfiction now...
Did you ask SL if he's okay with it? He probably is, but it's nice to ask.

The writing itself is not bad, but a few things are very jarring. For example I don't believ Hisao would refer to his girlfriend as "the narcoleptic" - not even in his internal monologue.

The worst thing about this piece, however, are the tenses. You're jumping back and forth between present and past tense all the time, sometimes even in the same sentence, like here:
She pokes her tongue out at me and jabbed me in the shoulder...
or here:
She finishes drying her hair and placed the towel on the back of my chair.

Agh, crap, I thought I fixed the majority of those tense errors. Just goes to show you can only fix so much of your own work that even you miss out on a few things. I'll definately fix that up, thanks. At the start I was writing it in past tense and I ended up switching midway so I must've missed a few.

Also no I forgot to ask him, I feel like a bit of a prick now. I'll go clear things up.

I tried to make Suzu a bit more cavlier to her disability in my writing. I kinda have a few ideas for some oneshots for her but nothing too big as to write a complete story with my full interpretation on her character, so I thought I'd play around a bit with this and see how it works out.

Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it.
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