Hanako's Broken Heart Club

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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Auratus »

Beoran wrote:Auratus, I think it's better not to believe in horoscopes or similar nonsense. Just focus on getting to know her better, and work on the relationship. You and her are unique so you'll both have to find your own way to make the relationship work. There are no shortcuts. I hope it works out well for both of you.
Yes. I know. It's just make me happier. and did I told you I can't contract her? All I can do is wait and hope that we will meet again. Well, Even we will not. I already drawing her a lot in my book, and realized that I was worship my old crush because I feel like destroying some kind of icon I use to worship when erasing her drawing, and perhaps creating new one
I want to make Thai Translation of KS alone and protesting with this signature.

Unofficially Demanding. Temporary even-more malfunctioned in English Grammar.

Introducing one of the few thread of it's kind that bring the world together. Wait, Whatever then.
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Keneshiro »

EDIT: Going for one medical interview tomorrow. Doing it just to try. Then I'm taking some time to decide what I want to do with life. Considered getting a license to sell original anime from Japan to the SEA as well as providing a delivery service but it turned out that a company already has one. Ah well.
Last edited by Keneshiro on Fri Oct 05, 2012 12:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Magnenntae »

Auratus wrote:
Beoran wrote:Auratus, I think it's better not to believe in horoscopes or similar nonsense. Just focus on getting to know her better, and work on the relationship. You and her are unique so you'll both have to find your own way to make the relationship work. There are no shortcuts. I hope it works out well for both of you.
Yes. I know. It's just make me happier. and did I told you I can't contract her? All I can do is wait and hope that we will meet again. Well, Even we will not. I already drawing her a lot in my book, and realized that I was worship my old crush because I feel like destroying some kind of icon I use to worship when erasing her drawing, and perhaps creating new one
Yeah horoscopes are bullshit, the only thing that determines how a relationship works is how the two personalities mix, and the effort each side puts into it.
Though I do understand the feeling of wanting some sort of confirmation that a relationship with an unreachable person would work out.

I'm not sure why it is that you aren't able to contact this girl, but I don't suppose it really matters. I think you should try not to hold onto the hope of coming into contact with her, and just relax, if it happens, it happens and if it doesn't, it doesn't.
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Magnenntae »

I'm not sure how I'm supposed to phrase something like this, so I'm just going to wing it and start from the beginning.

Back in January, I think, as the first time I played Katawa Shoujo, I played through Emi's route, and I got the feels blahblahblahblahblah. Then in July I played it again, except this time I went through Lilly's route. I sort of fell head over heels in love with her and spent a shitload of time thinking about her, fantasizing, and thinking about what it would be like if I were able to be in the same universe as her. I decided that I was attracted to the "Lilly" personality type, and I wanted to find a girl like her, and I rationalized that if I were in Katawa Shoujo land and me and Lilly were to date it would work out, now I realize that's really unlikely, so many things in my life are sight oriented, and I don't even like tea, or at least, any of the tea I've had. But that's besides the point.
Later I fell into a depression, not because of KS, or anything related to KS, I just did. I'm coming out of it now and things are going pretty okay. But that's not what I'm here to talk about.

Sometime between July and now I started watching K-ON! (It's really fucking cute, I recommend it to people who like funny-cutesy anime and don't mind being called a faggot. (: ) and I got a big crush on Mio.
I thought about it more and more, and after a day or two, I decided I liked Mio more. And that was all fine and dandy or whatever until last night, I was feeling sort of bad, and I just wanted to listen to something that would make me cry, just because I felt like crying. So of course, I turned on the Katawa Shoujo soundtrack, after I did that, thoughts of Lilly started rushing into my head and I was filled with this feeling of love and longing towards her, and even after 10 minutes I couldn't manage to stop crying. Though after a while it let up, and I was able to get to sleep.

Before I just waved it off as me "falling in love with love" but now I'm not so sure.

I love them both so much that's it's difficult to choose between them. It's not just the fact that I can't seem manage to choose between these two fictional characters that's distressing to me, there's also the implications that it has on actual relationships I might get into.
Like for a minute just bear with me while I guide us through a dumb fantasy gone wrong, say I'm in Anime World Happy Fun Land or whatever the hell you want to call it, and I fall in love with Lilly and we're happy and in love and it's cheesy and sweet blahblahblah. but then I meet Mio and get a big crush on her and decide I like her more than Lilly, so with great difficulty I break up with Lilly, and start dating Mio. Then I start thinking about Lilly again and can't decide who I like more so I'm stuck in some sort of relationship limbo.

So what I'm saying is what if that happened except in real life with real people? I used to think that it was a great thing that I was attracted to so many different personality types, but now I'm thinking it might have serious repercussions.

Also can I just express how much I fucking love this thread, it's almost like a journal, where you can write your thoughts and worries, except it's better because if you're being stupid then people can say so or if you're going through a hard time people can be there to give advice and it's great.
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Reksho »

Magnenntae wrote: So what I'm saying is what if that happened except in real life with real people? I used to think that it was a great thing that I was attracted to so many different personality types, but now I'm thinking it might have serious repercussions.
I'm sure you already realize this but I'll just repeat it for argument's sake: fictional relationship are not the same as real life relationships.

Fictional characters are creations of the people behind them. The point is, the creators show exactly what they want in a fictional character. You mostly get to see the good sides, the positive sides, the sides that appeal to people. And even if the creators decide to show the negative sides, they almost always decide to accompany this with a situation in which the character can redeem himself/herself.

In real life, not so much. Sure, people always try to show off their good sides to get people to like them. But no single person can keep this up so long that they will never slip up. You are bound to make mistakes and get frowned upon. And this is exactly what makes or breaks the attraction in a (potential) relationship: the degree of coping with the mistakes.

Can you cope with the mistakes of the person you are with? Will you cope with this? This does not only apply to romantic relationships. Family, friends and even colleagues follow this general rule.

It isn't for nothing that Mio is called a moe-blob.
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Xanatos »

Magnenntae wrote:I started watching K-ON! (It's really fucking cute, I recommend it to people who like funny-cutesy anime and don't mind being called a faggot. (: )

Anyway. That sort of thing is actually fairly common in real-life relationships. Nothing to do but take it as it comes, really. If it happens, just try to think it all through before acting, or else that 'limbo' can leave you with ruined relations all around.
<KeiichiO>: "I wonder what Misha's WAHAHA's sound like with a cock stuffed down her throat..."
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by RecoiL »

Well, never thought I'd post in this thread. I'll try to make this short.

My recent troubles in short: Mom died two weeks ago, family's a wreck, torn apart by fights /not physical/. This has been the case for nearly two years, the culumination being this summer. The details are not important.
Also worth noting is that I used to really dislike myself 6+ months ago in most physical and a some psychological aspects. Then I decided to start improving, and so I did. I felt better.
On top of all I'm doing my driver's license course/don't know what you call it/ and I'm probably gonna need to find a job soon.

The main problem now is: I'm 12 grade, and I don't know what I want to do with my life. The last should be understood as "I don't know what area of study I should persue". All I know is that I want to study in the UK, probably Scotland, and that I want to start as soon as I finish school. That being said, I practically have less than a month to figure out what exactly I want to study and narrow down the options for universities and majors. Since I'm more or less leaning to the artistic side of the fields of study, I also need to make a portfolio, from scratch, in two months or so.
Now for the hard part: My head is a fucking mess after this summer... I can barely keep any concentration anymore, I can't seem to make decisions. I'm having a hard time finding the will to work on my health, fitness, and hygene. Too bad though, I was really making progress with those.
That being said, I'm not depressed. Or at least I'm fighting back depression reasonably well. I have my breakdowns every now and again, but hey, it's to be expected. I was really dependant on my mom, now I don't really have anybody close enough to lean on.

That's about all I can think of right now. There's probably more. Like I said, my concentration reallt hasn't been up to par these last few weeks...
So yeah... I kinda posted on a whim here. Not even sure if this belongs in this thread. Not the most touching or the most interesting story you've read, but hey. Better here than on /b/.

edit: an advice or two would be appreciated
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by OtakuNinja »

Yesterday I saw the girl I like kiss someone else right in front of me. :cry: I already knew she had a boyfriend, but it still hurts.

EDIT: Oh, and Nightwish broke up (again) so that kinda broke my heart too. :(
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Reksho »

RecoiL wrote:The main problem now is: I'm 12 grade, and I don't know what I want to do with my life.
I don't know how old you are (a quick Google search about your grade shows me you're probably 17 or 18 years old) but that's absolutely normal.

When I was at the end of high school, I had no clue what to do with the rest of my life. Honestly, there are very few people who already know what they want to do for the rest of their life at that point. And most of those that do know, pull back because it didn't turn out to be what they wanted after all.

Do not be afraid of that. If you are doubting between things, choose the one that seems the best to you. Even if it turns out to be the wrong choice later on, it is infinitely better to have knowledge of things you don't want than to sit still and have no knowledge at all.

In your case, I'm not sure if you are doubting between studies or you have absolutely no idea whatsoever what to study. If it is the latter, start doing your homework. Read about the studies you're interested in, go visit some schools, talk to the students, send some e-mails, read up on the websites. Anything. Every piece of information is valuable so that you can carve your own path to a correct future.

You have interests. You have passions. Go after them. Even if you do not see them clearly, there's bound to be a study that seems slightly interesting to you. There must be an advisor or something at your current school. Those people aren't for show, they will help you. They know what a helpless feeling it is to have no idea what to do with your life.

There are still days that I myself doubt if I made the right choice. But, I'd much rather have the regret of choosing the wrong study and study something else later than to regret not having tried it at all.

As for your motivational problems: they are tied to your lack of (clear) goals. It's easy to work out, to groom yourself or to watch your diet. The real challenge is to keep it up. And that's where you need clear goals to set for yourself so that you have something to work towards to. Make yourself a schedule for things that you want to achieve throughout the day. I don't care how silly it is-- even putting the amount of times you want to brush your teeth on paper is fine. Looking at how you make VISIBLE progress - even the tiniest ones - will crank up your motivation to skyhigh levels.
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Xanatos »

OtakuNinja wrote:EDIT: Oh, and Nightwish broke up (again) so that kinda broke my heart too. :(
Wait, they wha- *google* ...GOD DAMMIT, REALLY, GUYS?! Now we'll get ANOTHER 3-5 years of bitching when a new singer comes around! The Tarja-obsessive whiners were finally starting to shut the hell up (mostly - even on the news posting about Olzon leaving, the dumber fans are babbling on about that crap) too after Imaginaerum!

Sigh...Well, at least I've got Kamelot's new album to look forward to soon. They've been secretive as hell about who their new singer would be but I'm sure Karevik will do great...As for Nightwish, at least Floor Jansen got picked up to replace Olzon for the tour. She does a damn good job.
<KeiichiO>: "I wonder what Misha's WAHAHA's sound like with a cock stuffed down her throat..."
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by OtakuNinja »

Xanatos wrote:
OtakuNinja wrote:EDIT: Oh, and Nightwish broke up (again) so that kinda broke my heart too. :(
at least Floor Jansen got picked up to replace Olzon for the tour. She does a damn good job.
I think it's sad she isn't even allowed to complete the tour.Even if they don't share the same future visions, they could at least let her complete this tour. Those songs were writen for her. :(
Emibro, Hanabro, [Lilly Lover], Rin Kin, Feminist, Two-timer
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by RecoiL »


I've been a teenager for quite a while, I'm 18 and I'm used to not knowing what I want to do. The problem is that I literally have till November to decide what that is, and where to study it.
Thanks for the other tips though, I'll give them a shot starting tomorrow.
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by gragon »

waw i havent posted here in a loooong while. (im mostly active on the HBHC forum) anyway ill just keep the updates on the HBHC forum but ill keep ya guys up to date too!

so euhm i just started to have sessions with a therapist my first session was 2 weeks ago and well it didnt feel right anyone could ask those questions... my next session is nextweek on monday...

as of right now i still feel kind of feelless? Numb maybe... i cant really make contact with people my age because they are to childish...

so i guess thats m little update :roll:
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Magnenntae »

Reksho wrote:
Magnenntae wrote: So what I'm saying is what if that happened except in real life with real people? I used to think that it was a great thing that I was attracted to so many different personality types, but now I'm thinking it might have serious repercussions.
I'm sure you already realize this but I'll just repeat it for argument's sake: fictional relationship are not the same as real life relationships.

Fictional characters are creations of the people behind them. The point is, the creators show exactly what they want in a fictional character. You mostly get to see the good sides, the positive sides, the sides that appeal to people. And even if the creators decide to show the negative sides, they almost always decide to accompany this with a situation in which the character can redeem himself/herself.

In real life, not so much. Sure, people always try to show off their good sides to get people to like them. But no single person can keep this up so long that they will never slip up. You are bound to make mistakes and get frowned upon. And this is exactly what makes or breaks the attraction in a (potential) relationship: the degree of coping with the mistakes.

Can you cope with the mistakes of the person you are with? Will you cope with this? This does not only apply to romantic relationships. Family, friends and even colleagues follow this general rule.

It isn't for nothing that Mio is called a moe-blob.
so what you're saying is that it's not a big deal to be (nearly) equally attracted to two or more fictional characters solely because they have no noticeable faults?

Also I don't know if I even need to defend myself on this issue, but I don't just like Mio just because she's a moe-blob acts really really cute, tbh i actually think Yui is cuter most of the time but whatever, what I like about Mio is the way she acts when the show isn't setting things up to be funny, or cute or whatever. You know?

I guess now I'm back to just being pretty sure I like Mio better anyway, so that's chill I guess. But I'm still sort of distressed about why that happened in the first place, I'm really confused. augghh
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Xanatos »

Magnenntae wrote:
Reksho wrote:
Magnenntae wrote: So what I'm saying is what if that happened except in real life with real people? I used to think that it was a great thing that I was attracted to so many different personality types, but now I'm thinking it might have serious repercussions.
I'm sure you already realize this but I'll just repeat it for argument's sake: fictional relationship are not the same as real life relationships.

Fictional characters are creations of the people behind them. The point is, the creators show exactly what they want in a fictional character. You mostly get to see the good sides, the positive sides, the sides that appeal to people. And even if the creators decide to show the negative sides, they almost always decide to accompany this with a situation in which the character can redeem himself/herself.

In real life, not so much. Sure, people always try to show off their good sides to get people to like them. But no single person can keep this up so long that they will never slip up. You are bound to make mistakes and get frowned upon. And this is exactly what makes or breaks the attraction in a (potential) relationship: the degree of coping with the mistakes.

Can you cope with the mistakes of the person you are with? Will you cope with this? This does not only apply to romantic relationships. Family, friends and even colleagues follow this general rule.

It isn't for nothing that Mio is called a moe-blob.
so what you're saying is that it's not a big deal to be (nearly) equally attracted to two or more fictional characters solely because they have no noticeable faults?

Also I don't know if I even need to defend myself on this issue, but I don't just like Mio just because she's a moe-blob acts really really cute, tbh i actually think Yui is cuter most of the time but whatever, what I like about Mio is the way she acts when the show isn't setting things up to be funny, or cute or whatever. You know?

I guess now I'm back to just being pretty sure I like Mio better anyway, so that's chill I guess. But I'm still sort of distressed about why that happened in the first place, I'm really confused. augghh
It happens. And yeah, that's basically it. If you're torn between fiction, whatever. If you're torn between real people (I have been, with awful results all around, so I can actually help here xD), that's more of an issue. But when/if that actually happens, I can give better advice.
<KeiichiO>: "I wonder what Misha's WAHAHA's sound like with a cock stuffed down her throat..."
<Ascension>: "I laughed, cried, vomited in my mouth a little, and even had time for marshmallows afterwards. Well played, Xanatos. Well played."
<KeiichiO>: "That's a beautiful response to chocolate."
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