Is There Any Character That You Really Hate Seeing?

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Re: Is There Any Character That You Really Hate Seeing?

Post by Trivun »

Xanatos wrote:Jigoro is filth. Definitely Jigoro. What a cunt.

I can't say I hate Kenji. He just gets an exasperated sigh.

And I'd hug Yuuko.
I love seeing Jigoro! He is filth, yes, but he's also hilarious! I recall a fanfic on this very site, I'll update this post if I remember which one, that was not only very well written but also had a feature describing Jigoro briefly in a way that made me laugh non-stop for about five minutes in how accurate the character portrayal was and for the sheer balls out craziness of it. Hold on and I'll see if I can find it...

(yes, I do type like I'm actually speaking to someone. I'm weird like that...)

Here we go. Here's the copy/paste of it:

We drop off our pint-sized passenger to his mansion of a house first. I was rather surprised by how big it was on my first visit this morning. More startling was his macho-man of a father. Even though Hideaki answered the door, he was abruptly shoved out of the way and replaced with a huge man in a Hawaiian shirt swinging his katana at me and shouting something about huffing glue. At the time, I wasn't sure if I should cower in fear or stand my ground. I ended up just taking Hideaki and leaving while he wasn't looking, focused on telling his entire life story to a nearby wall.

Hideaki waves goodbye as he heads inside, and Akira speeds away, presumably to avoid the crazy that lives in that house. "You learn to just avoid Jigoro when you can," she states. "That whole family is crazy. Shizune kinda takes after his competitive side."

Credit goes to DaGarver for his excellent post-Hanako story, Salvage :D

But yes, for reasons like that, I think Jigoro is awesome, even if he is a massive dick. Personally, I don't think there is any character I don't like seeing. The main cast are all awesome, Yuuko is adorably dorky, Nomiya is rather weird but in an endearing way, and Akira is one of my favourite non-main characters. I guess the only person that doesn't make me smile is Hideaki, but I'm merely more ambivalent to him than anything else. Huh.

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Re: Is There Any Character That You Really Hate Seeing?

Post by Helbereth »

Jigoro Hakamichi's graciousness is limited, but he's always accomodated his niece's needs. With some bluster for good measure, he agreed to let her use his master bedroom during the stay. His delicate words echoed in Hisao's mind, "make sure my niece doesn't end up falling out a window while you're not looking, glue-huffer."

Of course, he immediately followed that with news that he would be disappointingly absent while he went bear hunting. Nobody questioned his claim, though that had more to do with them not wanting to hear his explanation than out of respect. It diminished the weight of the gesture, but one most certainly does not look a katana-wielding gift-horse in the mouth.
Crap... I wrote that a while back (and edited it to repost it here because, wow, it was embarrassing). Of all the things I had planned for that story (which I haven't touched since the beginning of August), the stuff I had outlined for Jigoro's return later in the story was probably what I looked forward to most.
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Re: Is There Any Character That You Really Hate Seeing?

Post by arc7angel »

Yes, you may say you hate Nomiya. He is my least favorite character excluding Hisao.
However, the only reason they made Nomiya to get angry at Rin like that is to allow the player - Hisao - to realize that's what he's been doing to Rin all along.
To make the player realize his mistakes.
However, I really disagree with so many of Hisao's choices that he is honestly the worst character in the VN.
He makes Hanako horrible to the point she is considered to commit suicide in her bad end. However, as seen in the Lily route, Hanako actually does better without Hisao.
In Rin's Route, Rin destroys herself only because Hisao suggests to her to do the art gallery. In Emi's route, she doesn't do it.
Just about every character seems to do fine, AS LONG AS THEY DON'T GO OUT WITH HISAO.
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Re: Is There Any Character That You Really Hate Seeing?

Post by arc7angel »

The biggest downfall of Nomiya is his final actions.
Unlike Hisao, who ends up making up for his actions towards Rin, Nomiya gives up on Rin and walks away.
I'm just joking.
The biggest downfall of Nomiya is his looks.

But seriously, if he had decided to continue supporting Rin, even after getting angry, he'd be understandable. But completely leaving Rin after destroying her feelings is unacceptable.
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Re: Is There Any Character That You Really Hate Seeing?

Post by OtakuNinja »

arc7angel wrote:Hisao.
YOU, the player, are Hisao. :P
You say you disagree with his choices, but it's you who choose how he'll react to the various situations. :)
Good ends or bad ends, it all depends on YOUR choices. :wink:
Hisao is merely a puppet, which you use in your quest for sex. :lol:
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Re: Is There Any Character That You Really Hate Seeing?

Post by Guest Poster »

He makes Hanako horrible to the point she is considered to commit suicide in her bad end. However, as seen in the Lily route, Hanako actually does better without Hisao.
Actually, at no point is it even suggested that Hanako considers suicide. The whole point of Hanako's route is that she's not so emotionally fragile that she'd kill herself just like that and that Hisao's obsessive worrying is partially a coping mechanism. And in Lilly's route, Lilly credits Hisao's friendship with Hanako getting out of her shell a little more. So his presence definitely helped Hanako in both her own route and Lilly's.
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Re: Is There Any Character That You Really Hate Seeing?

Post by Oddball »

He makes Hanako horrible to the point she is considered to commit suicide in her bad end.
100 % False.
However, as seen in the Lily route, Hanako actually does better without Hisao.
Also not true.
In Rin's Route, Rin destroys herself only because Hisao suggests to her to do the art gallery. In Emi's route, she doesn't do it.
I'm no sure how you can blame Hisao for Rin shutting him out, starving herselfl, and pushing herself to paint until she's at the point of collapse as being Hisao's fault. Hell, at several points Hisao calls her out on her irrational behavior and tries to pull her out of her deep blue funk.

All Hisao says is, "hey, you want to be an artists, right? maybe you should do an art exhibit." Rin is the one that says "I must destroy myself for my art."
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Re: Is There Any Character That You Really Hate Seeing?

Post by Xanatos »

arc7angel wrote:
1) He makes Hanako horrible to the point she is considered to commit suicide in her bad end.

2) However, as seen in the Lily route, Hanako actually does better without Hisao.

3) In Rin's Route, Rin destroys herself only because Hisao suggests to her to do the art gallery. In Emi's route, she doesn't do it.

4) Just about every character seems to do fine, AS LONG AS THEY DON'T GO OUT WITH HISAO.
Numbered for convenience.

1) Bullshit. Go read the VN or else don't comment on it.

2) Hanako's entire change in that route AND her own is because of Hisao. She only appears to do better faster in Lilly's because she isn't the center of Hisao and Lilly's constant coddling, which only exacerbated her issues in her own route.

3) Rin destroys herself because she's hopelessly dedicated to her art. If I tell you to try sewing and you go off and make a damn tea cozy out of human skin, that isn't my fault. It's yours for being mentally unwell.

4) Really? Okay, let's play this game. Without Hisao:

- Hanako remains a reclusive trauma case with no friends.

- Emi never works past her complex and remains a distant emotional wreck, damaging many others in the process.

- Rin never develops beyond being that weird kid in the art class that nobody gets or cares to understand.

- Misha continues her hopeless internalization of unrequited feelings for Shizune while Shizune remains oblivious and overbearing as always, both locked into a blatantly unhealthy duo dynamic.

- Mutou never gets the satisfaction of a student actually interested in his subject.

The only one who might possibly be okay without Hisao is Lilly, as she seems well enough during Shizune's later route (and apparently made the choice to not go to Scotland, most likely because without Hisao, Hanako literally has no one else and can't be safely left alone.)
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Re: Is There Any Character That You Really Hate Seeing?

Post by Pyramid Head »

arc7angel wrote:Hisao.
Yes, you may say you hate Nomiya. He is my least favorite character excluding Hisao.
However, the only reason they made Nomiya to get angry at Rin like that is to allow the player - Hisao - to realize that's what he's been doing to Rin all along.
To make the player realize his mistakes.
However, I really disagree with so many of Hisao's choices that he is honestly the worst character in the VN.
He makes Hanako horrible to the point she is considered to commit suicide in her bad end. However, as seen in the Lily route, Hanako actually does better without Hisao.
In Rin's Route, Rin destroys herself only because Hisao suggests to her to do the art gallery. In Emi's route, she doesn't do it.
Just about every character seems to do fine, AS LONG AS THEY DON'T GO OUT WITH HISAO.

Bwuh? Did a conservative Escapist follow me here? Ah well. I know several other people have commented but i've never been above beating a dead horse.

1. Connect the dots for me. The Hanako bad ending features Hanako screaming at Hisao for being condescending and scaring the ever loving shit out of him, but when did the self destructive behavior crop up? Connect the dots for me,where did we go from Hisao barging on on Hanako at a time where she wants to be left alone trying to get her to take steps she doesn't want to take based on false assumptions to Hanako contemplating suicide because her friend is being a twat?

2. Yes Hisao pushes Rin to do the art gallery, yes it was a stupid move but bare in mind Nomiya was also pushing her towards it but didn't have the sense of mind to rehearse things with her, you're making it sound like Hisao is the only one at fault there.

3. The Lilly arc lasts past a point that the Hanako arc does and it's very possible Hanako does begin to have a fast recovery after the shit is sorted out. Also some positive changes are made, yes i hate Hisao but it's possible that without his influence Lilly would have moved (had that plot point popped up in any of the other arcs), Shizune would never have worked that pole out of her ass, and Jah only knows what Emi would be doing. Besides, drama. Would you even want to read the arcs if Hisao approached Hanako and everything went swimmingly with no drama at all like it's just Heavy Rain with no kids ever dying?

4. Nomiya was always a failure. He was pushing Rin based on her talents and never intervened even though it's later explicitly stated he's seen obsessives have their lives fall apart, but he never keeps an eye on Rin and like i mentioned, gave no efforts to help her rehearse for the art gathering. Nomiya's behavior at the end was almost to be expected, he was greedy, narrow minded and stuck so far up his ass he never considered Rin's feelings. Really the only nice thing i can say about Nomiya is...

Also i think it's worth mentioning that without Hisao's influence Misha would never have grown up.
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Re: Is There Any Character That You Really Hate Seeing?

Post by Auratus »

@arc7angel and Nomiya hater, Er... everyone.
You know. I somehow feels sympathetic to him despite I am Rin's fan. He possibly plan for everything for Rin and dream that one day he will proudly retire while Rin reaches her peak by her own, and by her own. I means Nomiya will show the door and let Rin walk pass it by herself, or forcing her to walks pass it, whatever you think. He might want Rin to draw art by herself probably because he tried and can't understand Rin's mind like most human being, and realizing that everything he done for Rin is lost, everything Rin painting is for... nothing? I'd in rage but not get mad (so obviously) like him if I were him in Measuring Shadow(?). You never knows what he done after he "ragequit". He might depressed shortly after and may not recovered yet while you (Hisao) are fucking her. Nomiya may be nicer guy if Rin arc end little later.

@OtakuNinja He probably means Hisao while you can't pick his choice. If I were Hisao, I would hug Rin for an hour and not finger her. , I might also kill Kenji twice because he killed me twice after I finished KS once (Emi's good end) and cause mini-trauma on me.

my hindbrain... my precious hindbrain...
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Re: Is There Any Character That You Really Hate Seeing?

Post by Pyramid Head »

Auratus wrote:@arc7angel and Nomiya hater, Er... everyone.
You know. I somehow feels sympathetic to him despite I am Rin's fan. He possibly plan for everything for Rin and dream that one day he will proudly retire while Rin reaches her peak by her own, and by her own. I means Nomiya will show the door and let Rin walk pass it by herself, or forcing her to walks pass it, whatever you think. He might want Rin to draw art by herself probably because he tried and can't understand Rin's mind like most human being, and realizing that everything he done for Rin is lost, everything Rin painting is for... nothing? I'd in rage but not get mad (so obviously) like him if I were him in Measuring Shadow(?). You never knows what he done after he "ragequit". He might depressed shortly after and may not recovered yet while you (Hisao) are fucking her. Nomiya may be nicer guy if Rin arc end little later.

@OtakuNinja He probably means Hisao while you can't pick his choice. If I were Hisao, I would hug Rin for an hour and not finger her. , I might also kill Kenji twice because he killed me twice after I finished KS once (Emi's good end) and cause mini-trauma on me.

my hindbrain... my precious hindbrain...
Y'know i can kind of see where you're coming from, but frankly i can't sympathize with stupid people. Nomiya knew first hand obsessive artists could self-destruct and should have learned to keep a better eye on people, even if it means their work may suffer. But instead we see him leaving the one student possibly more socially inept than Hanako to her own devices and acts surprised when things fall apart. Frankly, fuck him with a baseball bat, anyone stuck that far up their ass deserves any pain and misery they get.
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Re: Is There Any Character That You Really Hate Seeing?

Post by Xanatos »

Auratus wrote:my hindbrain... my precious hindbrain...
...That isn't where your brain is supposed to be.

And as for Nomiya, fuck him. He knew perfectly well the danger Rin was in from having gone through the same scenario with Sae's husband and still ignored it for his own stupid ambitions.
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Re: Is There Any Character That You Really Hate Seeing?

Post by Auratus »

As people said. It almost impossible to convince people you don't know on Internet. I am okay dealing with opinion's difference. But my fanfic should show Nomiya in another prospective, or Pro-Nomiya if you wish.

Oh. Hindbrain is of course not brain. But I think it's damage means death which quite likely to be Hisao's fate. My neck is even hurt by the impact's sound in Act 1 Bad End.
I want to make Thai Translation of KS alone and protesting with this signature.

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Re: Is There Any Character That You Really Hate Seeing?

Post by yummines »

Nomiya is the kind of guy you love to hate. He pushes Rin into art, without considering her feelings. When she breaks down from stress he freaks out instead of being worried for her mental state. He has 0 sympathy for a disabled high schooler struggling with her feelings quite obviously, that's enough to make him a sack of shit.

Nomiya means well, though he's also selfish, inconsiderate, and arrogant.
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Re: Is There Any Character That You Really Hate Seeing?

Post by Jack of H3arts »

Shizune and Misha (but especially Misha)...except in Shizune's route. When Shizune was the focus, I found her antics amusing, and sometimes they were even a turn-on. But in any other route, I wanted to smack the shit out of both of them. Especially Misha. And especially especially in Hanako's route. Before, during, and after Hanako's catatonic episode I could perceive nothing but murderous rage. Friggin' drill lesbianfrom space...
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