Vekter's One-Shot Feels Emporium (18+) [Updated 8/07]


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GG Crono
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Re: Vekter's One-Shot Feels Emporium (18+)

Post by GG Crono »

Y'know, if there's anyone who you would expect to have really melodramatic dreams, it would probably be Misha. Just sayin'. :)

But seriously though. Nice little piece.
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Re: Vekter's One-Shot Feels Emporium (18+)

Post by Rika »

Oh God, the Misha's nightmare made ​​me terribly sad. I felt so sad for her. ;w;
Misha = Lilly > Rin > Hanako > Shizune.
Userbars by me. Excuse my english, I'm freeench ~
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Re: Vekter's One-Shot Feels Emporium (18+)

Post by Vekter »

GG Crono wrote:Y'know, if there's anyone who you would expect to have really melodramatic dreams, it would probably be Misha. Just sayin'. :)

But seriously though. Nice little piece.
I thought the same thing! I just felt like toning it down a bit.
Rika wrote:Oh God, the Misha's nightmare made ​​me terribly sad. I felt so sad for her. ;w;
at least she has Hisao now! :D
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Re: Vekter's One-Shot Feels Emporium (18+)

Post by Scissorlips »

I remember reading about that a little while back. Combined with that blog post title, it has my vote for best thing.

As for the second chapter, more sweet goodness. I hope you're enjoying being able to do a smaller piece with a more limited scope like this, it can be a lot of fun to do something with a sweet and simple objective at times.

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Re: Vekter's One-Shot Feels Emporium (18+)

Post by Vekter »

Scissorlips wrote:As for the second chapter, more sweet goodness. I hope you're enjoying being able to do a smaller piece with a more limited scope like this, it can be a lot of fun to do something with a sweet and simple objective at times.
It's been a joy. I think I'll keep doing some smaller stuff for the time being, then tackle something a big longer later down the line.
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Re: Vekter's One-Shot Feels Emporium (18+)

Post by Vekter »

Let's Make it Last

I feel... warmth.

As I wake from my slumber, my brain slowly starts to spin up, processing exactly where I am and what's going on. The first thing I notice is intense warmth next to me. Next is... softness, I think. Yeah, soft. REALLY soft, in fact. My hand sinks into whatever this mass is next to me. I squeeze lightly, causing the thing - no, person - next to me to stir, cuddling up closer to me and making a contented sigh.

Oh. Well, that explains that.

I think back to last night. Misha's nightmare, her apprehensions, her fears. Everything she shared yesterday comes flooding back to me. I squeeze her again in a hug, grinning so huge that it actually hurts my cheeks. She stirs again and gives that cute, contented sigh. I'll never get tired of hearing that. She sounds like an angel, even when she's asleep.

I look over at the clock. 07:03. I'm surprised I woke up this early, to be honest. Usually I sleep in on Saturdays, but I guess I slept so well, my body just decided to get a head start. Oh well. I'm not complaining. Although, my arm is asleep, and even though I'm enjoying holding Misha, it's getting rather uncomfortable. I try my best to un-wedge my arm without waking her and I think I've actually suc-

"Mmh... Hicchan?" Well, fuck. There goes that.

Misha turns over to look at me, and the look on her face... without a doubt, the best thing I've ever seen. This look of utter contentment, of complete relaxation, this weak, loving smile of hers, knowing that I was there for her, and still am. It melts my heart, really. I hope I never forget that smile, as long as I live.

"Hicchan, why are we up so early~?" she says to me groggily, throwing her arms around my neck and pulling me into a light kiss. "Let's go back to slee~ep. I was having the nicest dream~." She pouts at me with those big eyes and hell, I can't resist her.

"In a few minutes. I'm enjoying this right now." I pull her into another kiss, smiling inside as she sighs into it and settles into my arms. We stay like this for a good few minutes, just enjoying the moment, neither of us wanting it to end. Finally, after what feels like an eternity, we separate. And... she goes right back in. Damn, that woman's energetic.

In between kisses, she sneaks in a word or two. "I just - can't stop - kissing you - Hicchan - I don't - know why - but it's - so much fun~". That... that might be the most adorable thing I've ever heard her say. Finally, we break again for breath and just hold each other. I look into her eyes and... she's crying. A tear or two rolls down her cheek. Nothing more. I kiss the edge of her eye and hold her closely. "I'm so happy, Hicchan~! I was starting to think no one could ever fall in love with me..."

"Well, you've got me now, right?" She nods furiously, smiling from ear to ear. God, I love that. "So, does this mean we're dating now?"

She gives me a playful little shove and looses a loud "WAHAHAHAHA!". "Hicchan, would you be here if we weren't dating? I'm not that kind of girl!" I can feel my face heating up. I simply shrug in response and rest my head on her shoulder.

Another glance at the clock. 07:30. Time flies, I guess. "Let's get some more sleep, Hicchan." I silently agree, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her close to me, hugging her tightly as we once again slip off into our dreams.



The fuck?

I wake to the sound of a VERY loud thudding at Misha's door. Oh... oh crap, there's only one person that could be. And from the soun-


Yeah, she's angry. How the hell does Misha sleep through that? I shake her lightly and, once that proves to be futile, lean over and kiss her on the cheek. That one worked. She stirs from her sleep and bolts up at the next knock, right as things get deathly silent.

It takes me a few seconds to process everything that happens.

First, I suddenly realize, in a moment of great horror, that we forgot to lock the door.

Then, I remember that Shizune is deaf, and probably couldn't hear us waking up.

Finally, I put two and two together. Oh, CRAP.

The door flies open and there stands a very angry Shizune, whose expression quickly changes from anger, to shock, to surprise. Misha pulls the covers over the both of us and signs as quickly as she can. "Shicchan, I can explain! This, er, it's not... okay, it's TOTALLY what it looks like, but I'm sorry, he HAD to spend the night, I couldn't just let him walk out in that storm and catch a cold and I know it's against the rules but it was just this one time and it'll never ha-"

Shizune cuts her off with a blur of sign before stepping back through the door as quickly as she had come. Right before it swings closed, I see what could almost be a meloncholy smile cross her lips, but then she's gone.

Misha fails to notice her friend's expression, letting out another one of her trademark boisterous laughs. "She - wahaha - she said," Misha gasps, trying to regain her composure.

"She said, 'It's about damn time you two started dating!'"

I don't think I can laugh as hard as Misha can, but I certainly gave it my best shot.
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Re: Vekter's One-Shot Feels Emporium (18+)

Post by SirDakishi »

I have to say Vek everytime I read this fic it makes me feel good inside.
I really like Misha x Hisao fics that hardly involve lewd things because I find thy'd work well together
All in all, I like this piece and it was a great read.
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Re: Vekter's One-Shot Feels Emporium (18+)

Post by Scissorlips »

This third chapter is more sugary sweet romance, and I think it fits the dynamic between Misha and Hisao pretty well. I'm glad you didn't decide to abandon the problem with Shizune entirely though, and I'm looking forward to seeing it resolved in the following chapter or two. Keep up the good work, Vek.

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Re: Vekter's One-Shot Feels Emporium (18+)

Post by Vekter »

I haven't written anything in ages. It's Christmas season. I work at Walmart. I have an excuse.


Tonight, Tonight

“Man, this place is great at night!”

Miki Miura walks ahead of me as we trek through the park, the full moon shining down upon us, bathing the park in an unearthly glow. I must admit, it’s very nice, even if it’s a bit creepy.

We continue to walk to our usual spot: a large oak tree off in the corner; nice and somewhat secluded from the rest of the usually busy park. For the last month, this is how we’ve spent every Saturday: we come down from Yamaku to have lunch in the town, we go for a jog around the park, and we sit at our tree and just talk. There’s never any particular topic; we just chat like old friends, talking about whatever comes to mind at the time.

It’s been an interesting month. At the very least, I’m glad I turned down Emi to go running at night with Miki. It’s certainly been less “boot camp” and more “relative fun”. In fact, I’ve really been enjoying our runs lately. Plus, my heart’s getting stronger.

My mind turns to the girl sitting next to me. The lapse in our conversation gives me some time to think about what she means to me. I never thought I’d fall for a girl like Miki, but I must admit: she’s certainly grown on me. That cute way she closes her eyes when she smiles, the way she’s always encouraging me to push myself to my limit... And her smile, it has this way of just lighting up everything around her.

She shoots me one of her famous smiles; a small, almost caring smile that makes me break out in a big grin. “Whatcha thinkin’ about, Hisao? Got your mind in the gutter again?”

I feel my cheeks redden. “N-not exactly, no.” I grin at her. “Just thinking about a girl.”

Her smile turns into a cheshire grin. “Oh, really? And who would that be?” She scoots a bit closer.

“W-well, I dunno if you know her, to be honest...” I feel my resolve quickly drop away. I’m certain of it now: I love her. I just need to figure out the best way to say it.

“I’m sure I don’t then.” She sighs, almost wistfully.

Okay, now I HAVE to. But how do I say it? And what do I say? What if she says no? Why are women so damn complicated!?

I can’t let this settle on my mind, though. It’s just going to tear me apart until I tell her.

“Hey, Miki.” I almost whisper.

“Hm?” She looks at me quizzically, the moon making her dark hair almost glow. Damn, she’s beautiful.

And there goes my nerve.

“I-I l-l-love...”

Come on, champ. You’ve got this.

“I love the trees around here. They’re so pretty.”

I wonder if I can punch myself without her noticing. She rolls her eyes and says “Yeah, they are. I love it around here. Especially in the fall.” We go on about the trees and park for a bit as I try to gather my courage again.

Some time passes, and I feel like I’m ready to try again. “Miki, I gotta tell you something. I... I-I l... l-love... love running with you. It’s great!” Damn it, you thick-headed moron, get it right!

She looks at me with that look again. It’s this curious smirk she has. I have no idea what’s going through her head right now, much less mine. “Yeah, it’s a real blast”, she says, almost sarcastically.

Some more time goes by, with the both of us sitting in the most uncomfortable silence ever. “We should be heading back” she says, moving to get up from her spot.

“Wait, Miki, hang on.”

She sighs loudly. “What is it? You’ve been acting so weird tonight, what’s up?”

Now or never, Nakai. “Miki, I wanted to tell you... I really care about you, and you’re probably the best friend I have around here, except... Well hell, I don’t know if I want to be just your friend anymore, and it’s kinda weird in my head, but every time I see y-”

I stop abruptly as she grabs my collar, pulling me in, our noses almost touching. She has that smile on her face, and a tear in her eye. She whispers to me, in a low, yet happy tone.

“Shut up and kiss me, you gaylord.”

She presses her lips to mine, wrapping her arms around my torso and holding me close. She’s so warm... My mind goes blank as our lips part and crash together again, a full month of tension unraveling at once.

When we finally break for air, she looks me straight in the eye, and tells me, “You really suck at this confession thing, y’know?”

“Can you blame me, Miki? You’re so beautiful, you make me nervous.” She blushes a deep crimson.

“S-shut up and come on, gaylord! It’s getting cold.” Miki’s good hand finds mine, and we walk together back toward Yamaku. I haven’t been this happy since that fateful day in the snow.

And no matter what happens from now on, whatever happens to the both of us, I think I’m gonna be okay. As long as Miki’s by my side, I can do anything.

(Named after and somewhat inspired by Tonight, Tonight, by the Smashing Pumpkins
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It's the Thought That Counts

Post by Vekter »

New one, a day late, but hey, I was drunk last night.


Damn it.

Damn it, damn it, damn it.

Why are women so damn hard to shop for?

I walk through the aisles of the local department store, trying to find something to get Yuuko for Christmas. Problem is, well, I have no damn clue what to buy for her. I’m no ladies man, but hell, I should be able to find something for her.

A pen? No, she’s a librarian. She has like eighty pens, for fuck’s sake. Perfume? Hell no, she doesn’t go for stuff like that. A scarf? Nah, cliché. Jewelry? I’m not made of money.

I continue to wander the store, trying to locate that perfect little something she’d want; something that says “Damn it, I love you so much I actually spent time in public finding you a gift”.

Finally, I give up on the department store and make my way down the street, poking my head into every other store, just trying to jog my mind. I’m amazed at how hard it is to buy a gift for a woman. The real trick is trying to find one they can’t kill you with.

Food is out of the question, because they could just poison it and “share” it with you. You can’t get them weapons, for obvious reasons. Books are generally a bad idea, because, as we all know, information is the most dangerous weapon of all. Sun Tzu said that, I think. Then again, I figure if Yuuko hasn’t tried to kill me in the last year, why would she do it now?

I shake my head, trying to clear my clouded mind. Normally, it’s a steel trap in there, but this whole season’s got me all muddled up.

Finally, I see something in one of the shop’s windows that might just work. I’m not sure how she feels about clothing, but it’s five kinds of awesome, and cheap to boot. I’ve got to get it for her. I run in, buy it, and book it back home.


I might still dislike women, but I’ll admit - Yuuko’s one hell of a cook. As we let our dinner settle, the both of us meet on the couch to exchange gifts.

“Here ya go, Yuuko. I hope you like it”, I say as I hand her the hefty package. Her eyebrow raises at the weight of it; it’s pretty hefty for such a small bundle.

“I wonder what it is...” she mumbles as she rips it open, revealing a jet black vest, covered in pockets and holsters of all shapes and sizes. Staring at it blankly for a few seconds, she finally asks me, “Wh-... What is it?”

“It’s a combat vest! I figured you don’t have one, and it’ll come in handy when the world ends next year. It’s even your size, and I made sure to get the one with kevlar, just in case.” I’m sure she’s just trying to take it in. It’s pretty impressive, after all.

Sure enough, her mouth quickly forms into a small smile, and she almost chuckles a bit as she sets it aside, leaning over to kiss me on the cheek. That’ll never get old. “Thanks, Kenji. I love it. Now open yours!”

I take the small parcel from her, carefully and painstakingly wrapped in gold foil. It’s rectangular and light. I give it a slight shake to check the contents - you can never be too careful - and tear into it, opening the small box to reveal...

A tie.

A friggin’ tie.

It’s not even camouflage or something, it’s just... It’s plaid. Hell, it looks kinda like Hisao’s stupid sweatervest. It’s... It’s a fuckin’ tie. I mean, it’s not ugly or anything, it’s just... When the fuck am I gonna wear a tie?

I peak over the package at Yuuko, and realize I’ve made a pretty shitty mistake. She looks like I’ve kicked her puppy or something. Quickly, I backpedal, forcing a smile and swinging the thing over my head, around my neck.

“H-hey, it’s pre-tied. Cool. Thanks, Yuuko. I appreciate it.” She brightens up, that gorgeous smile of hers coming back. I’d kill to see that smile more often.

She grabs the tie and pulls me in, throwing her arms around me and kissing me lightly. “I’m glad you like it~.” We sit there for a bit, just enjoying each other’s company. I guess it’s more about the thought than the gift, isn’t it? As long as it makes her happy, I’ll keep wearing it, every day of my life.

Even if it looks kinda stupid.
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Re: Vekter's One-Shot Feels Emporium (18+)

Post by Brogurt »

I think I remember you saying in KSG that you'd be writing some hanako soon, but I didn't find any

that being said, where the hell is the table of contents
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Re: Vekter's One-Shot Feels Emporium (18+)

Post by Vekter »

Brogurt wrote:I think I remember you saying in KSG that you'd be writing some hanako soon, but I didn't find any

that being said, where the hell is the table of contents
I need to make one. I'll do that now.

The Hanako will be done shortly, within the week if I have the presence of mind. I work retail and Christmas is a shitty time for me.

EDIT: There, Table of Contents. Feel better?
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Re: Vekter's One-Shot Feels Emporium (18+) [Updated 12/25]

Post by Brogurt »

I don't think that the effect the table of contents has on me is even recognizable alongside the enthusiasm I have about getting more Hanako to enjoy.
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Re: Vekter's One-Shot Feels Emporium (18+) [Updated 12/25]

Post by Kitsune Spirit »

I'm one of those Misha-fans that was disappointed by there not being a route for her... the OPs little snippet was very cute and sweet. +10
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Re: Vekter's One-Shot Feels Emporium (18+) [Updated 12/25]

Post by Walshy12238 »

These were all extremely good; even though they were short, I felt like they were really well written and detailed.

Good job, I really hope you write more!
Lilly > Hanako=Emi > Shizune > Rin
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