Staggering Harmony - (A2,S15 Updated 12/30/15)


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Re: Staggering Harmony - (Updated - Act 1, Scene 4)

Post by Zykes »

Mirage_GSM wrote:Try variating your sentences a bit. Almost two thirds of your sentences start with "I".
"I look down as I step forward, passing by all those that stare, and hold fear in my heart. I stop and look up, I realize I am not afraid of what others think of me. I am afraid of of what I think of myself."

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Re: Staggering Harmony - (Updated - Act 1, Scene 4)

Post by Zykes »

Just a minor update here.

I had originally planned to release Act 1, Scene 5 tomorrow. However several issues have come up which has halted my writing.

It's roughly 1/3 complete so far.

I will try to get it out after labor day.

Oh, and a new art will be released with it (That is already completed).
"I look down as I step forward, passing by all those that stare, and hold fear in my heart. I stop and look up, I realize I am not afraid of what others think of me. I am afraid of of what I think of myself."

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Re: Staggering Harmony - (Updated - Act 1, Scene 4)

Post by Zykes »

Zykes wrote:Just a minor update here.

I had originally planned to release Act 1, Scene 5 tomorrow. However several issues have come up which has halted my writing.

It's roughly 1/3 complete so far.

I will try to get it out after labor day.

Oh, and a new art will be released with it (That is already completed).
My goals for Scene 5 always seem to get pushed back. Recently we had suffered power outages here, on top of other personal issues, it has halted my writing for the time being.

I will get things moving asap.
"I look down as I step forward, passing by all those that stare, and hold fear in my heart. I stop and look up, I realize I am not afraid of what others think of me. I am afraid of of what I think of myself."

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Re: Staggering Harmony - (Updated - Act 1, Scene 5)

Post by Zykes »

Scene 5Appropriate Push

The sunlight peeks in through the slight opening in the curtain. I do my best to ignore it and go back to sleep, but the sudden sound of banging from the door makes me roll off the bed face first.

I climb to my feet and step over to the door, opening it, my body full alert as I rub my face.

To my surprise, it’s Shizune and Misha. There is a moment of silence between us.

“Good Morning..,” I spoke up, not wanting to stare at them blankly.

Shizune looks at me with an intense expression. I have to be honest, it is a bit intimidating. She starts to sign to Misha.

“Made a lot of bad choices yesterday, huh Hiroshi?” Misha’s face looks serious. This isn’t going to be something nice to wake up to, I can feel it.

“What do you mean?” Besides what happened with them yesterday, I can’t imagine what else I did wrong. Misha and Shizune sign to each other.

“Not only were you rude Hiroshi, but you also did not go see the nurse, like you were supposed to,” Tilting my head, I wonder about their words, unable to recall being told about that.

Shizune doesn’t miss my confused look, signing to Misha, who looks a bit surprised by whatever was told to her.

“Do you even realize what you did?” Misha looks curious at how I will respond. I wonder if they jumped the gun at being angry with me.

“I did something to make both of you mad I guess….oh and I didn’t go see the nurse,” my hand starts to rub the hair on the top of my head.

Misha translates for Shizune, starting to look remorseful. At least I think she does. They sign to each other, my eyes trying to keep up with their hands.

“So, does Hiroshi think we aren’t cute?” Misha’s voice is innocent sounding. I react quickly to the question.

“Of course not, why would I ever say that!!” Feeling panicked, my body moves in along with the words. Not surprisingly Misha responds just as quickly as I did.

“That’s what you said yesterday!” Her expression changes from one of curiosity to somewhat pouty. She pokes my nose roughly.

Cycling through my memories of yesterday, I can’t find anything that was remotely like that. Looking at both of them, I go through it one more time, thinking about the moment they walked off.

My last words…?

It dawns on me, slapping my forehead, having not pieced it together yesterday. Shizune and Misha can see that I remember.

“See, you did,” Misha boasted, though I am quick to respond.

“I thought you were asking something else!” Not feeling proud of myself, but I know I didn’t intend any harm.

“What did you think we were asking?” She was on the defensive.

“I thought you asked me about joining the music club…,” a puzzled look covers my face, as I look at Shizune and Misha.

A few moments of signing pass between the two of them.

“You should have been paying attention,” Shizune looks confidently at me, as if I was stuck in a corner. In retrospect, I am. Wanting to get past this, I swallow my pride on the matter.

“Okay... I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get you two all upset, can you please forgive me?” The words came out as sincere as I could say, my eyes somewhat pleading.

Shizune and Misha look at each other for a moment. Though they do not speak, they do seem to know what the other is thinking. This waiting seems to last forever, wanting to hear them say something.

“Alright Hiroshi, we forgive you.” Misha giggles, as Shizune smiles. A weight is lifted off my shoulders as I sigh.

I don’t say much, but I make a gesture of appreciation.

The calm moment ends quickly as Misha speaks.

“Hiroshi, get going to the nurse, you don’t want to get in trouble right?” Her words seem rushed, as if she wants to get moving. I simply nod as I go back into my room to get ready.


A nice breeze passes throughout the main walkway, as I make a left from the school. Misha and Shizune directed me towards the auxiliary building as we left the dorm. I wave at both of them as they leave my sight. Figuring they have Student Council work, they had to be in a hurry. Pushing the doors open, I step inside.

The hallway looks very similar to the main building, though its archways have a different style to them. It’s something I notice as I step towards the door with the sign reading “Head Nurse”.

I have no idea what to expect, or the kind of person I would be talking to. The only idea I get when I think of a nurse is that it usually is a woman. Letting out a soft sigh, I knock on the door and walk in.


The brightness of the room catches me off guard for a moment as I start to look around. It is what you’d expect from a school medical office. The beige walls stretch around the room, a few desks with a computer and medical supplies and a few beds. At the desk, a young looking man with faded blue hair. He turns toward me now.

“Oh, who might you be?” His voice is enthusiastic, as he holds a big grin on his face. The idea of this man surprises me in general.

“Umm...I’m Hiroshi Yamashita,” I start to wonder if he has a condition, considering his eyes were closed the whole time.

He pauses briefly, as his expression changes, as if he realizes something.

“Oh yes, you were supposed to come yesterday. Did something happen?” Some concern can be read from his voice. I shake my head in response.

“Oh no, I’m sorry. I sort of forgot to show up,” Recalling the events from earlier with Misha and Shizune. It is the only honest answer I can give.

He just smiles again, looking over his desk to grab some paper work.

“Ah yes, here you are. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, as well as a case of C.F.S. to boot. Well, from this I can say you need to take things easy and not over exert your body as best you can,” He seems more serious than before.

He starts to pull out a pill bottle from the cabinet, handing it over to me.

“These should help with your energy levels throughout the day. If you have any issues, come see me,” I read the bottle as he speaks. It says to take twice a day, once in the morning and once in the afternoon. It is some sort of stimulant.

“Oh yes, you can call me Nurse by the way, everyone else does.” His usual smile returns.

“All right, Thank You,” I start to walk out of the room, but I’m quickly stopped by him.

“Hmm... Yamashita... You wouldn’t happen to be related to Katsumi Yamashita, would you?” Just the mention of my sister’s name pulls my attention. I nod to his question.

“I figured as much. She is a good friend of mine from Medical school.” He chuckles a little, somewhat too casual for my taste.

Thinking about it, I try to visualize both him and my sister together, but the idea seems odd and out of place, they seem pretty different to me. Focusing back on him, he looks at his watch.

“Oh, you should hurry. You don’t want to be late for class.” The time catches me by surprise as I head out of the office, at a quick pace. The only thing on my mind is getting where I need go on time.

Don’t be late!
Last edited by Zykes on Fri Dec 25, 2015 8:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"I look down as I step forward, passing by all those that stare, and hold fear in my heart. I stop and look up, I realize I am not afraid of what others think of me. I am afraid of of what I think of myself."

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Re: Staggering Harmony - (Updated - Act 1, Scene 6)

Post by Zykes »

Scene 6A Generous Offer

Upon reaching the third floor, a heavy breath escapes my lips. My body feeling weak, as my heart pounds somewhat roughly. I hold my hand against my chest, in an attempt to relax, though it doesn’t help much.

I look down the hallway, which for the most part is empty. One person is standing near the door to the classroom. Her dark purple hair is unmistakably familiar. She seems to be staring at me.

Our sudden eye contact, however, makes her run into the classroom.

Her reaction is something I was expecting since my arrival; something about this girl is different for a lack of a better word. I wonder what he name is. I let the thought fade as I walk sluggishly into the classroom.

I can tell that I’m already late as I look up at the clock. Mutou glances at me, figuring he wants a response for my lateness. My breathing is still abnormal from the rush in and I’m unable to form the words. A shout from behind me, clears me of trouble.

“Sensei, Hiroshi had to go see the Nurse this morning!” This is the first time I can say, I am glad to hear Misha’s voice. I simply nod to confirm the statement, Mutou signals me to go to my seat and I promptly do so.

Walking up to my desk, I notice Misha grin as I pass her. She is quite content with herself.

Taking my seat, Mutou writes the assignment on the board. Class starts like any other day I suppose.


The bell rings for the start of lunch. I yawn into my hand, taking a moment to think about my day so far, things are starting to feel normal or at least what constitutes for normal with me.

A sudden jab to my side pulls my attention to the source. Shizune and Misha are standing by my desk. I must have been too deep in thought to not notice them come up to me.

“Let’s go to lunch Hiroshi,” Misha’s voice is as loud as ever.

“All right,” Pulling myself out of the seat, I follow behind them. Not much is said between us, but I do spot their hands moving as we reach the staircase.

Feeling curious about what the two of them could be talking about, I speak up as we get off at the first floor.

“So… what’s up?” I’m not one for eloquent phrasing I suppose.

“Sshhh!” The response from Misha is quick, which makes me hush up. She is too focused on understanding Shizune to give me a proper answer.

They stop their conversation just as we arrive at the cafeteria.


I place my tray on our usual table, as I start to eat. Shizune and Misha go back to their early discussion.

I do my best to keep my attention towards them, wanting to find an open spot to get my question across.

The chance comes just as soon as I finish my food. In my eagerness I just blurt out my question.

“What are you two talking about?!” This catches Misha off guard, and I would suspect it’d have the same effect on Shizune, if she could hear.

“Ahaha! Well, we were talking about how much work we have to do to set up for the upcoming festival,” Her laugh seems to bring Misha back to her normal stance. She translates the question and response to Shizune, who looks at me curiously.

“A festival, doesn’t sound that difficult,” Having only gone to a few school festivals, I’ve never really put much though on the effort required to set one up. I can’t imagine it being something to be concerned about.

“Well, it is Hiroshi. We have to get every class’s booth ideas in order, as well as build the actual booths,” Misha speaks seriously, so I’m sure Shizune is the one talking.

“With the whole school working, It should be a piece of cake,” The look I get from both of them tells me that I am quite ignorant on the subject.

“Only the Student Council is working on this,” Misha’s expression looks somewhat depressed. Thinking about it, the answer suddenly hits me.

“You mean only you two are working on it?” I look at them with concern, they nod. I envision a festival with dozens of booths and with only two people working on it, I can imagine it taking forever.

“Doesn’t anyone help out?” In a school like this, I can’t picture, not getting help since people like Shizune and Misha are so kind.

“Sometimes they do, but it’s pretty rare,” Shizune and Misha finish up their meals.

I feel bad, thinking about the kind of work load they have. Considering that they took the time to help me on my first day and even forgave me for my own stupidity, the least I can do is help them with this.

“When is the festival?” It is something I’ve been wondering about. My sense of time has felt out of place since I was hospitalized.

“It’s in about a month from now. Why do you ask Hiroshi?” I smile, as Misha signs to Shizune.

“Well I figure you two could use help with the festival, so I want to help,” The expression on their faces light up. I couldn’t be too sure of what they were thinking, but they were happy none the less.

Before they can say anything, I bring up my tray. They follow along to drop them off. I look at both of them, feeling as if they want to say something, heading out of the cafeteria.


A glance at my watch lets me know that we still have ten minutes, as we walk by the Student Council office. Shizune and Misha stop at the door, I turn to them.

“After class, meet us here so we can work on the festival together Hiroshi,” The cheerful smile on Misha and Shizune’s face makes me feel unnaturally warm, I don’t know how to explain it.

I simply nod, as we move towards the stairs. I take my time, not wanting to burn myself out like I did in the morning. Shizune and Misha speed past me, the eagerness they show makes me wonder.

How bad could this be?

Last edited by Zykes on Fri Dec 25, 2015 8:58 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"I look down as I step forward, passing by all those that stare, and hold fear in my heart. I stop and look up, I realize I am not afraid of what others think of me. I am afraid of of what I think of myself."

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Re: Staggering Harmony - (Updated - Act 1, Scene 6)

Post by badmanslayer04 »

Still quite curious whether this is going to be Shizune story or change to a Hanako one or maybe if I'm lucky a Misha one :D
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Re: Staggering Harmony - (Updated - Act 1, Scene 6)

Post by demonix »

badmanslayer04 wrote:Still quite curious whether this is going to be Shizune story or change to a Hanako one or maybe if I'm lucky a Misha one :D
If you look at the artwork thread for this story in the fan works section (the link is in the fist post) then you'll know which character is going to be the interest in the story (and I know from one of the pictures who that will be).
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Re: Staggering Harmony - (Updated - Act 1, Scene 6)

Post by Zykes »

demonix wrote:
badmanslayer04 wrote:Still quite curious whether this is going to be Shizune story or change to a Hanako one or maybe if I'm lucky a Misha one :D
If you look at the artwork thread for this story in the fan works section (the link is in the fist post) then you'll know which character is going to be the interest in the story (and I know from one of the pictures who that will be).
While I won't say either yes or no on that subject.

Anything not listed as Artwork from a specific scene is just random artwork, which was to see how well the artist could get my ideas on paper. A single shot, a pairing and a group piece. A few more pieces do exist that I never uploaded (Including a comic strip which I may be posting in the future, featuring a few addition OCs, Misha and Shizune.)
"I look down as I step forward, passing by all those that stare, and hold fear in my heart. I stop and look up, I realize I am not afraid of what others think of me. I am afraid of of what I think of myself."

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Re: Staggering Harmony - (Updated - Act 1, Scene 7)

Post by Zykes »

Scene 7Dynamic Moment

By the time the bell finally goes off for the end of the day, my notebook looks so blurry; I can’t even tell if words are written on it.

With classes over, I know that I’ve barely finished the assigned work. Looking up from the book, I notice the classroom empty, including Shizune and Misha. I figure they were in a hurry to get to work.

Putting my things away, I notice a small bottle inside the bag. I pull it out, as it immediately hits me that this is my medication. My memory has been on and off recently.

I try to read the label, but it really doesn’t amount to much. I may as well take one now. Knowing I do have to help Shizune and Misha with the festival, as promised.

After sorting my bag, I walk out of the classroom. Heading down the hall, a water fountain comes into view. I take a pill from the bottle and pop it into my mouth.

It tastes dry and makes my tongue feel weird. Ignoring this, I drink from the fountain and swallow the pill.

I splash some water on my face from the fountain to wake me up. Not wanting to pass out before the medicine takes effect. Now heading down the stairs, it feels a lot shorter than it normally does.


Once downstairs, I spot a few students talking in the hall. Something I wouldn’t have paid any mind to, except they are gathering near the Student Council room. I walk past them into the room, feeling slightly nervous.

The room looks like any other class, making me wonder if it was used that way previously. Before I can examine more, Misha shouts across the room, which wasn’t needed.

“Hiroshi! You really came!” What strikes me as odd is that she is really surprised by that.

I rub the back of my head, letting out a soft chuckle. Misha waves me over to their table. Getting around a few chairs I take a seat next to Shizune. A cheerful look grows on my face, as she smiles at me.

I take a moment to look around the room again. I turn back to Shizune, who is in the process of talking with Misha. My curiosity is immediately dropped as Misha shouts again.

“Class Representatives, Please come in!” Like a conductor in a choir, the students from the hallway come in at her command. My eyes watch as they line up near the desk. Shizune hands me a paper, as I glance at it.

It is a list of papers they need and where to grab them, pretty simple.

Quickly, I get out of the seat, moving to the cabinets in search of the files. While I don’t pay too much attention to the conversation, I do hear a variety of food brought up in general. Cooking would be one of the most basic things to do for a festival.

I continue on, moving files.


I didn’t realize how much paperwork was involved for something like a festival. Perhaps it’s like this because of the school.

Things start to wind down, as most of the students have already left. I pick up another pile of papers, walking back to Shizune and Misha.

There is one student still in the room, who catches my eye. She is taller than most of the other girls I’ve seen so far, but her most prominent feature is her long blonde hair.

Looking at Shizune and Misha, I can sense the atmosphere has changed, but I can’t really picture why. Moving the final stack of papers over to them, I look back towards the unfamiliar girl.

It’s a bad time to look away from where I was going. My knee hits one of the desks roughly, causing me to drop the papers and go on to the floor; my eyes close to shut out the pain.

A great urge fills me. I want to yell, scream and curse from the pain I’m feeling. Though I resist this knowing that it’s something I wouldn’t want to do in front of girls.

I open my eyes, notice all three of them staring at me. The blonde haired girl is the first to speak.

“Oh dear, are you alright?” Her voice was soft, polite and proper. It is nothing like Misha’s voice. Before I have a chance to respond to her, Misha speaks up.

“That looked quite painful, can you stand?” Shizune and Misha give concerned looks.

Simply nodding, I pull myself off the floor, picking up the papers before getting them set near Shizune and Misha. The blonde haired girl is still looking where I fell.

“It’s good that you’re all right,” Misha turns back to the girl, as I take a seat. I rub my knee, wanting the stinging sensation to fade away.


Shizune and Misha finish their business with the girl. Based on the way Misha was speaking, they are not very fond of her. I can’t imagine why, considering she seemed like a very nice person. She leaves the room, my thought on the matter fades.

They sigh in relief, as they look at me. Shizune makes a playful grin.

“Hiroshi, thanks to your help, we finished a lot earlier than expected,” Misha’s happy look and compliment, gives a rewarding feeling.

I stand up and help move some chairs into place. Shizune starts to order papers. The quiet in the room is a nice change of pace. Misha helps with the chairs a few moments later.

After some time, the room is finally in order, as I can see the sun setting from the window. I notice Shizune and Misha waiting by the door and I hurry over. We step out of the Student Council room and head out.

The night sky is an interesting sight at Yamaku. It’s nothing like the city where the idea of stars seems like a myth. I can imagine music in the background to this calm setting. The thought however is interrupted by a rough poke to my rib.

“Hiroshi, what are you thinking about?” Misha grins at me, while Shizune gives a curious look. I make an attempt to say something, but my words feel like they would come out jumbled. I take another moment to clear my thoughts.

“Just about being here and music,” The few steps down to the road towards dorm, pulls my attention from the sky.

Shizune and Misha sign to each other, as we reach the crossing point between the dorms.

“Hiroshi, the Music room is open during lunch,” I find that to be interesting news, my expression matching my feelings.

The attempt to give my farewell to both of them is cut off by Misha.

“Will you help out tomorrow as well Hiroshi?” They strike an innocent like pose, as if they needed to convince me. I chuckle a bit at the gesture, nodding.

“Of course I will help, it’s no problem,” They wave farewell to me, as I do the same.

Stepping into the dorm, I start to ponder how much both Shizune and Misha have grown on me.

I hope to have more time with the two of them, if it’s like this.

Last edited by Zykes on Fri Dec 25, 2015 8:58 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"I look down as I step forward, passing by all those that stare, and hold fear in my heart. I stop and look up, I realize I am not afraid of what others think of me. I am afraid of of what I think of myself."

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Re: Staggering Harmony - (Updated - Act 1, Scene 7)

Post by Zykes »

Well, I've been going through my outline and Scene 8 has ended up basic and short for a scene. So I am planning to release Scene 8 and Scene 9 as a double release.

So, unless something happens to slow things down, I would say I plan to release both around mid-week.
"I look down as I step forward, passing by all those that stare, and hold fear in my heart. I stop and look up, I realize I am not afraid of what others think of me. I am afraid of of what I think of myself."

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Re: Staggering Harmony - (Updated - Act 1, Scene 8)

Post by Zykes »

Scene 8Interlude

The buzz of my alarm signals that it’s time to get up. My face is covered by a pillow. My arm reaches out to hit the snooze button.

I sigh, uncovering my head and stare at the clock. It is a lot earlier in the morning then I want to get up at, but it’s needed.

The blanket slides from my chest, as I sit up, glancing at the window. The morning sun was barely over the horizon, which is gleaming in my eyes. I reach over to the night stand, grabbing the bottle of pills which is conveniently placed by the clock.

I open the top, staring into the bottle. It has become a daily routine that I am not very fond of. I take my pill quickly, still not use to the awful taste.

My movement off the bed is slow at best, stepping over to the window, staring off into the distance. A yawn escapes my lips as I start to think, my eyes somewhat captivated by the sun behind the clouds.

It’s my fifth day since I’ve come to Yamaku, and despite making some friends, I don’t feel as good as I should. While class work and the normal part of the day has been what I’d expect, the workload I have after class the last few days has not.

Shizune and Misha have had me working on getting booths built for the last two days. I wouldn’t mind providing the help so much, if in fact they were also involved. They have been off with “paperwork” while I’ve been outside, dealing with this.

My body starts to feel heated with these thoughts floating around. A mix of stress and anxiety, rushes throughout my body.

I open the window to let the cold air come in. I feel a strong need to cool down. It helps a little, going to get myself ready for the day.


The door closes behind me, walking out of my room, the bag over my shoulder. A few male students walk by, waving at me.

“Good morning,” I wave back. Though I am not very familiar with them, we live next to each other, so it’s something we do if we see each other.

I follow down the hall, to exit the dorms, trying to going over what I have to do today. Class work for the most part and a test after lunch, then of course, continue to help Shizune and Misha with the festival.

Out of the building and on the pathway to the Main building, I notice a few students I had seen a few days ago at the Student Council room talking by the crossroad. As I walk by, I can hear them talking about their ideas, which is still mostly about food.

I hear one mention Miso Soup, which makes me feel hungry all of a sudden. I turn back to confirm who said it, so I knew which booth to visit. Of course it was a silly idea, considering my desire for it now and the festival being about 3 weeks from now, but I couldn’t help it.

Suddenly I feel my body hit something. Falling backwards, my head turning to try to see what I ran into, it’s another student.

“Damn it,” I hit the ground, arms first, attempting to brace myself. It’s very painful, quickly pulling myself back up. Immediately I go to help the student I knocked down.

“Are you all right?” I extend my hand to the girl.

“Y-yes...,” The girl was very soft spoken, as she pulls herself off the ground.

“I’m sorry about, I wasn’t paying attention,” The girl does not look directly at me at first. She pats herself off, before giving her attention, the right side of her face covered by her dark purple hair.

“It’s all right...,” She seems like she was apologizing for something I did. It was strange. Our eyes met after a moment. The realization of who she is, hits me like a ton of bricks. She is in my class.

Before I have any chance to say anything else, her face turns slightly red. The look on my face, filled with curiosity, our eyes continue to meet. There is a pause between us.

“Ivegottagodosomething!” She runs off towards the Main building, leaving me baffled.

I start to feel worse than before. Not only for knocking her down, but for whatever made her run off the way she did. I still don’t know her name.

I walk into the main building, figuring I can apologize again, when I see her. My mind back on the subject of Shizune and Misha as I move up the stairs. I don’t want to work on more booths today.

My day seems to be filling up with tons of things I have to do.

Last edited by Zykes on Fri Dec 25, 2015 8:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"I look down as I step forward, passing by all those that stare, and hold fear in my heart. I stop and look up, I realize I am not afraid of what others think of me. I am afraid of of what I think of myself."

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Re: Staggering Harmony - (Updated - Act 1, Scene 9)

Post by Zykes »

Scene 9Reprise

It feels bizarre to say the least, coming into the class and not seeing either Shizune or Misha. Even if they were busy with Student Council work, they’re normally back before the bell rings.

The area around my desk seems a lot more quiet and peaceful than usual. I take my seat and look around the room, feeling somewhat exposed to the teacher.

Our next assignment is placed on the board. Math is such a boring subject.

Through the start of the class, my focus was on the work in front of me, but about half way through the period, the girl with the purple hair walks into the class. The teacher doesn’t say anything about her being late.

I’m not sure if this is a common occurrence or if it’s something new. Shizune and Misha normally have most of my attention in class, so I haven’t really paid much mind to everyone else. For some reason, this girl is pulling my eyes away from the work.

I try to understand why. Does it have to do with our encounter this morning? Or perhaps it’s just the distance she always has since I’ve first seen her. Like a tasty fruit too far from reach.

The class comes near its end, as I rush to finish up the last of the assignment. I never realized how hard this can be without Shizune or Misha to help.


The lunch bell goes off, as I scribble the last few numbers on the page.

The class leaves as normal, as I sit at my desk, trying to figure out what I want to do for lunch. There hasn’t been a day yet without Shizune and Misha, so the idea of going off on my own is quite unorthodox

I close my eyes to think clearly, remembering all the places I’ve been to, including the Student Council room and the area outside the main building.

I remember the night sky, the first day I helped with the Student Council. The night sky was peaceful, the stars bright, and I can remember wishing for some peaceful song to play in the background.

Like an egg cracking, an idea pops into my mind. The Music room!

Looking around the class room, it’s practically empty. Pulling myself from my seat I head out the door with my bag in tow. Turning quickly down the hall, I stand in front of the music room door.

My heart is beating quickly. The feeling is like an explorer finding a hidden treasure, anxious to see what’s inside.

The doorknob is cold, as my hand grasps it tightly. I push the door open and quickly step inside, taking in the new sight.


The Music room is quite different from other rooms I’ve seen so far. It is quite spacious, with most of the chairs up against the wall. Its bright yellow walls house many large cases, filled with musical instruments.

I walk past a few music stands, examining the instruments one by one. A saxophone and a bass are a few of the first ones I notice, but not what I’m interested in. At the very corner of the room, I find what I am looking for, a violin.

A smile grows on my face, as I reach down, grabbing the case and pulling it up to the nearby table. I flip both latches on the case, opening it up quickly, looking at the violin in awe.

Memories from the past begin to flood my thoughts.

It was about five years ago, while I was in middle school. My parents were quite busy at work, to acquire the funds for Katsumi’s tuition. This left me alone, most of the time. I happened across it while I was looking for school supplies, my sister’s violin.

Something about the design was appealing to my eyes. It was a small, but elegant. I had always assumed that my parents sold it once Katsumi lost interest, but thankfully it escaped such a fate.

I took it with me, always having a fondness for the kind of music produced by this amazing instrument. Though at first, I had no skill whatsoever. I would have never learned how to play one, if it wasn’t for my sister.

She came home one day, much earlier than normal. I can figure she heard my horrible attempts at playing, as she came into my room. I wasn’t sure if she was surprised by my interest in something or that it was still around, but she began to teach me everything about the violin.

It is the first time I could really say that Katsumi and I did anything together, and in a few short months, I was able to play as well as she could.


I sigh, reaching down, taking the violin and bow out of the case. I stand in proper form, attempting to find a song to begin with. Nothing really comes to mind, now starting to play somewhat randomly.

The sound of music fills the room, as I steadily move my hand with precision. Drawing the bow on each note, like an artist making strokes on canvas. My eyes close shut, focusing on the movement of my body and the sounds from the violin.

I’m completely enveloped with ease as I play, not having this kind of feeling since the last time I’ve played.

I finish up, allowing my hand to rest. Opening my eyes, to my surprise, someone is standing in the door way.

A nervous chuckle escapes my lips, pulling the violin from my neck.

“…Didn’t see you there…,” Her long blonde hair was something I noticed first, as she leaned against the door frame. Only one thought came to mind

“It’s quite all right. Your music is quite lovely, so I simply came to listen,” She walks very carefully into the room, waving a pole on the ground.

Suddenly I feel the urge to hit myself for my choice of words. It’s clear that this girl is blind and cannot see, though for some reason I sense like I’ve seen her before.

“…Thank you. It was something I did, before coming to this school,” My eyes completely focus on her, as she now stands a few feet away from me.

“You’ve clearly had a lot of practice. I imagine it’s quite rewarding to play an instrument,” Her polite mannerisms are something different, when compared to the likes of Shizune and Misha.

“When did you come to Yamaku, exactly? I don’t believe we’ve met before. My name is Lilly Satou; it’s a pleasure to meet you,” I suddenly feel drained of energy. Maybe it’s because I’m so nervous.

“It is nice to meet you too…My name is Hiroshi Yamashita…I am from class 3-3,” I do my best to be as polite as she is, but it clearly comes to her naturally.

“It’s nice to meet you, Hiroshi. I am in class 3-2,” It’s the next class over, but I don’t know anything about it.

For a few minutes, there is a silence between us. I don’t know what else to say, and her silence makes me think she might feel the same. She then speaks up all of a sudden.

“Hello, Hanako,” I lean past Lilly, to look at the door and notice it’s the purple haired girl, hiding behind the door frame. How did she know the girl is standing there?

Lilly turns towards her and walks over, thinking about the other girl’s name. It was an interesting name for such a shy girl. As I watch the two of them, they whisper to each other.

Lilly turns back to me.

“I’m sorry Hiroshi, but I have to go…,” Lilly is sincere with her apology, though I think it would be rude of me to expect one.

“It is all right Lilly…. I don’t want to hold you up from anything with Hanako,” Lilly’s face lights up, as she holds a finger up.

“Say, would you like to join us? Hanako and I are about to have lunch, It would be nice to have company, as long as Hanako doesn’t mind of course,” Hanako jumps at the attention both of us show her.

“N-no I d-don’t mind...,” Her uneasiness is quite noticeable.

I begin to think about it, I have nothing else to do honestly, since Shizune and Misha are gone.

“Sure, I would like to join you two,” This could be exactly what I need right now.

Last edited by Zykes on Fri Dec 25, 2015 9:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"I look down as I step forward, passing by all those that stare, and hold fear in my heart. I stop and look up, I realize I am not afraid of what others think of me. I am afraid of of what I think of myself."

Staggering Harmony - OC Fanfic
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Re: Staggering Harmony - (Updated - Act 1, Scene 9)

Post by Zykes »

Minor update here.

Each scene has had some revision done.

I feel that, in my rush to keep constant posts, I have not been checking up on the what I've been writing. So to avoid doing this again, I will slow down on posting, to give myself more time to look it over.

Also, Scene 10 is about half way done.
"I look down as I step forward, passing by all those that stare, and hold fear in my heart. I stop and look up, I realize I am not afraid of what others think of me. I am afraid of of what I think of myself."

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Re: Staggering Harmony - (Updated - Act 1, Scene 10)

Post by Zykes »

Scene 10 Irregular Melody

The pace I moved to put things back in place can only be dwarfed by my eagerness. Lilly seems to be very nice in general, my interest is in Hanako, who for the last week, always grabs my attention and then run off. The prospect of getting to know her makes all feeling of my exhaustion fade away.

I step out the door of the Music room, standing before Lilly and Hanako.

“…Ready to go…,” I let out a deep breath, looking around the hallway now. It is empty, save the three of us.

Hanako holds tightly onto Lilly’s arm, using it to hide behind. I wonder if she finds me weird. Every time we have made eye contact, she runs away or turns from me.

I feel disgusted with myself, though the feeling isn’t on the surface for long.

Lilly and Hanako walk in front, as I keep close behind. I notice this trend of following a pair of girls around, which is something I’d never believe, could happen to me six months ago.

We head down a single flight of stairs than past a few doors before we reach our destination.


Another classroom?

This classroom shares many traits with the Music room. It is however, set up more like my class in terms of seating arrangements.

Hanako sits at a table, as I take little while longer to examine the room. It is a habit of mine to really take in my environment.

“Would you like some tea, Hiroshi?” Lilly’s soft voice pulls me away from my thoughts. I nod at first, but I realize it’s a stupid way to respond to her.

“Umm… sure,” Thinking about it, I wonder when the last time I’ve had tea. It has always seemed like something you’d have in a group setting, with family or friends. I can’t really pinpoint the memory, but I assume it had to be with Katsumi.

I go to help Lilly with the tea, though she seems quite capable with it, already having the three cups properly filled. She must have had a lot of time to adjust. With the thought past me, I pull up a seat next to Hanako.

A feeling of anxiety overcomes me, something similar to the first time I was around Shizune and Misha. The idea of me getting to know people, it’s all some big mystery to me. I got past it with the two of them, but not without issue.

My hope is that I can move forward with this without causing any real issues. I have to pay attention and focus on what happens.

Lilly starts to put sweetener into her tea, without hesitation, I reach my hand to grab some as well.

I feel another hand touch mine, as my fingers take hold of a packet. My eyes glance over, noticing the scar covered hand. I continue to turn, looking at Hanako for a moment. She blushes slightly as we make eye contact.

Terror fills my mind. I don’t want to cause a problem with her, quickly apologizing.

“I’m sorry!” My hand moves back by the cup, as I let her grab her sweetener first. Is this really the first thing I say to Hanako?

“Its A-all right…,” Hanako takes two packets and turns back to her own cup. I take one, mixing it into my teacup.

Silence grows between us, as I take a sip from my tea. It’s Black French Vanilla. It’s a wonderful flavor. As soon as I put the cup down, Lilly turns towards me, the expression on her face is one filled with interest.

“So, how long have you been at Yamaku, Hiroshi?” A sweet smile appears across Lilly’s face, which makes me feel warm inside.

“…This is my first week still…,” When I think back about my words, all I can think of is Shizune and Misha.

“I gathered as much, well, welcome to Yamaku,” Something about the tone she uses seems off, I can’t figure out why.

There is another pause between us, which strikes me as fascinating. Lilly’s responses so far have been rather quick, so her silence makes me wonder, what’s on her mind.

Lilly and Hanako take sips from their own tea, which seems to follow a pattern. I try to follow it along, drinking from my cup as well, but quickly my cup empties.

The clink of the cup is a lot louder to me, than it actually is. Lilly puts her own teacup down as well, sighing happily.

“If you need anything, I’m sure I can help. I am the class representative for class 3-2,” She slightly tilts her head, the same smile from before reappears. I can’t help but be drawn in by it, there is an elegance that makes me feel unusual.

“Your class representative is Shizune Hakamichi, if I remember right,” The mention of her name makes me imagine her standing behind me with a look of poise. She always seemed like to be the kind of girl who is all work and no play, but immensely sincere.

“Thank you, and yes she is…,” I can feel the tension in my throat disappear, my words coming out more clearly.

I place both hands on the table, grasping each one with the other. Everything looks good so far.

“How do you like things here? Are you adjusting well?” Lilly continues her inquiry. I can say that at the least, she is asking me more about myself than Shizune and Misha did.

“It’s not as…,” I suddenly stop, realizing that my current choice of words would be something really bad to say. I take a deep breath to clear my mind, looking for the right words.

“It’s not what I expected…,” I was expecting just another high school, but people are completely different here.

“It never is, for anyone. You’ll get used to it.” Her words make me wonder if my response is typical. In a place like Yamaku, it might be the case.

From the corner of my eye, I notice Hanako staring at me. Normally this constant staring would make me very agitated, but for some reason, when she does it, I don’t feel anything.

I turn my head slightly as I look back at her. There is an encounter between our eyes, but quickly she covers her right eye with her hand and turns from me.

I’ve been distracted by my attempts to be as polite as possible, I didn’t think she was paying attention to it. My heart drops at the thought. My hands shaking a bit, trying to keep my composure as best as I can.

I turn away from both of them, my voice low and unsteady.

“I’m sorry Hanako…, I know I’m kind of… strange…,” Reflecting on Katsumi’s words, I know I shouldn’t let this affect me, but it really hurts.

A sense of dismay hangs over my head, as nothing is said.

“Did you like the tea, Hiroshi?” I jolt at the change of the mood, quickly facing Lilly.

“Huh?!..., oh yes, I did…,” smiling a bit, though I’m sure the gesture is lost with Lilly. I glance down at my watch, noticing the time.

“Hey, we have about five minutes until class starts,” Hanako and Lilly start to clear the table, as I move chairs back into place.

I feel foolish, every attempt I’ve made during the lunch period has apparently fallen flat. Hanako isn’t saying much to me, and is probably scared of me.

A few chairs make it difficult to move around, as I step over towards the door, where Hanako and Lilly stand. They seem to be whispering to each other as I reach them.

“...Something the matter...?” There is little hope of making this work out well, but at least I can try to patch up small holes.

“Not at all, Hiroshi, we were just waiting for you,” Even at the end of things, Lilly is trying to be cheerful, though it doesn’t help me that much.

The hallway is full of students moving into their classrooms at this point. I guess we weren’t the only ones who were waiting until the last minute to get back.

We move at a quick pace back upstairs, as we reach the door to 3-3, Hanako releases her grip on Lilly.

“See you later Lilly...,” Hanako’s voice is different, much more relaxed than before.

“Farewell for now Hanako,” The exchange between them, makes me wonder how deep their friendship is. Lilly walks down the hall to her class.

I expect Hanako to immediately step inside, but she just stands there, facing the door. Is she thinking about something?

“H-Hiroshi...?” Hearing her say my name, startles me.

“..Yes..?!” I take a step back, unsure of what to expect.

There is a pause, which felt a lot longer than it really was.

“You aren’t strange...,” With those words spoken, she steps into class. I quickly follow her inside, partly stunned.

What is this all of a sudden?
Last edited by Zykes on Fri Dec 25, 2015 9:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"I look down as I step forward, passing by all those that stare, and hold fear in my heart. I stop and look up, I realize I am not afraid of what others think of me. I am afraid of of what I think of myself."

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Re: Staggering Harmony - (Updated - Act 1, Scene 10)

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Your writing is definitely improving, but I think you overdo it when you seperate scenes.


Is the equivalent of slamming a book shut and searching for the page again.
Also think about whether you actually need some of those separations at all. As a rule of thumb, if there is no timeskip (e.G. your characters are just leaving a room) you don't need to change to a new scene.
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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