Banda's Wonderful Smut Compilation


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Re: Banda's Wonderful Smut Compilation

Post by Hoitash »

Guest90206 wrote:
banda why
Cuz he(?) can.
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Re: Banda's Wonderful Smut Compilation

Post by Helbereth »

I had to comment on this thread eventually.

My reaction:
Things You Cant Unlearn.
Things You Cant Unlearn.
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Re: Banda's Wonderful Smut Compilation

Post by Banda »

Helbereth wrote:I had to comment on this thread eventually.
Warned you bro, told you dog.
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Re: Banda's Wonderful Smut Compilation

Post by parallelism_magnet »

The futa ones?


The vanilla?


The last one?

What the shit?

Truly, this is something to behold.
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Re: Banda's Wonderful Smut Compilation

Post by Banda »

THe Mysterious Case of Miki Miura's Missing Hand
Requested on the 4chans, and I could not resist.

Hello, as many of you know, I am Banda.

I come to you tonight to weave a magnificent tale, of things unspoken of by Yamaku’s residents. This tale is one that has been referred to as a myth, something that is whispered by gossipy underclassmen in between periods, and it’s something that seems so absurd that it can’t possibly be true.

I assure you though, this story is completely accurate, and I issue a warning to those weak of heart or stomach to stop reading here, lest you find yourself swimming in an ocean of regret.

I shall relay you the truth behind Miki Miura’s lost hand.

It was a fine day, with many of the adolescents attending Yamaku were out and about in the crisp spring air, engaging in the commonplace activities of their age groups. Most of the staff were out and about as well, some (like Sir Mutou) smoking outside the building, whilst other engaged in idle chit-chat in the break rooms.

Overall it was a great day.

Though… it wouldn’t be that way for some, nay, for some it’d quickly turn horrid.

Out near the school track, is a simple shed. One made to shelter equipment from the elements, but as of recently it has become the center for lewd activities.

Specifically, the lewd acts of a Miss Emi Ibarazaki, and her compatriot Miki Miura.

Now neither of these girls were lesbians, even though high school girls can become so at the drop of a hat, but they did enjoy playing with each other’s bodies a bit. Generally this all boiled down to the duo attempting several things they’d read about online before just rubbing their respective genitals against the others until they climaxed.

Today however, Emi decided she wanted to try something that’d been a topic of conversation with a close friend.

“Anal?” Miki asked, cocking an eyebrow at the twin-tailed minx.

Emi nodded enthusiastically, hand clenched around the bottle of lemon scented lubricant she’d taken from the anonymous friend.

“I hear it’s supposed to feel really good,”

Miki didn’t know how to feel about this, they didn’t have anything truly “safe” for penetration in the shed, and she sure didn’t have the required equipment on her body for it either.

“So how do we do it? We don’t really have anything to stick in… there,”

Emi grinned deviously, the sure sign that she’d already figured out a way to jump that particular hurdle.
“We use our hands of course!”

Miki’s eyes went wide, that was kinda gross to her honestly, and she wasn’t sure if she was okay with the plan presented.

“Emi… I don’t think I want to do that…”

Emi’s grin dropped slightly at the rejection of her plan, but she knew Miki would fold quickly if pressured a little.

“But why not? I promise it’ll be fun~!”

“It’s just… it’s not exactly the cleanest place to put a hand…” Miki’s voice dropped to a whisper.

“I don’t know about you, but I’m clean. I took precautions this morning~!”

Of course Emi was referring to an enema, administered by the school’s nurse at her request.

“And if you don’t like it, you can stop. I won’t be mad as long as you try,”

Miki shifted side to side, weighing the options set before her.

On one hand she could participate in this taboo act, and possibly discover an anal preference.

On the other hand she could refuse, and go back to doing nothing in her room all day while Suzu used her as a body pillow.

Deciding on the former, Miki therein sealed her own fate without her knowledge.

The duo started quick, Emi bending over a stack of mats whilst Miki generously applied the lube onto her puckered star, and onto her left hand in preparation for entry. Once she’d gotten the hand nice and slick, she pressed two fingers against Emi’s hole, marveling at how easy the digits slid in and out with the lubricant’s help.

From there things progressed quickly, Miki rapidly adding more fingers as she pistoned in and out of Emi’s ass, spurred on by the girl’s moans at the feeling of being finger-banged. Eventually she’d reached the point where all four fingers fit in easily, the noise of her lubed up hand thrusting in and out reverberating off the walls.

“M-Miki~, Put it ALL in~!!!” Emi lustfully moaned, pushing her butt into Miki’s hand.

This is where things spiraled downhill.

Miki immediately pushed forward, fitting the entirety of her hand into the shorter girl, and Emi’s sphincter suddenly clamped around her.

It was tight… far too tight, and Miki’s circulation started to cut off.

The sphincter continued to tighten even further, sending throbs of pain up Miki’s arm as she began to scream in pain. Emi was screaming too, for Miki to pull it out of her, and Miki complied by tugging at the wrist with her free hand.

The sphincter continued to tighten, as if having a mind of its own, and the pain increased to an almost unbearable point as the tight passage attempted to suck Miki’s arm in.

Then there was a sudden pop, and Miki’s arm was free…

Sans hand.

Emi passed out, the sight of Miki staring at her new stump was too much, and the poor girl’s brain just gave up.

Miki didn’t notice any of that; her gaze was drawn to the sight of the tendons of her arm flopping about as the muscles tried to contract fingers that weren’t attached anymore. To Miki it looked like thick spaghetti, drenched in crimson sauce, and it took her several second to realize just what had happened.

There isn’t much more to this tale fair readers, Miss Miura was forced to run across campus alone, bleeding stump wrapped up in her shirt as she beat feet to the nurse’s office.

Both the girls spent time in the hospital, Miki for physical therapy regarding her new disability, and Emi for a near surgery to extract the hand from her anus.

If you take anything from this tale gentlemen, I should hope that you realize that sometimes the worst decisions can be taken in the heat of the moment, and those decisions can haunt you for the rest of your life.
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Re: Banda's Wonderful Smut Compilation

Post by Mahorfeus »

I was rather close to posting a gif of Arnold Ernst Toht's face melting off to express myself here, but I can't help but think that it wouldn't be sincere. Like, that I've already been built up to this moment by your other works. I can't quite tell if my tempered tolerance to your subject material is a good or bad thing. :?

Ahem. Carry on.
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Re: Banda's Wonderful Smut Compilation

Post by Guest90206 »

Oh Banda. Keep rockin'.
Hanabro to the end.
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Re: Banda's Wonderful Smut Compilation

Post by George Da Moose »

Banda wrote:On one hand she could participate in this taboo act, and possibly discover an anal preference.

On the other hand she could refuse, and go back to doing nothing in her room all day while Suzu used her as a body pillow.
Either way, she's going to lose a hand.
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Re: Banda's Wonderful Smut Compilation

Post by MrDan »

This has to be the most... something piece of writing I have ever read. I don't know what that something is, but it's definitely good.
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Re: Banda's Wonderful Smut Compilation

Post by captan »

That was... interesting/messed up, this terrified me for reasons unknown
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Re: Banda's Wonderful Smut Compilation

Post by Banda »

Student Council Initiations
Aoi and Keiko catch Hisao and Miki

Keiko leaned back in the chair, rubbing her wrist as she sighed quietly. The freshly completed papers sat in a neat stack on the desk, filled out per Hakamichi’s orders (translated by Mikado of course), and Keiko was just happy that the day was almost over. Ever since she’d “joined” the council it’d been nothing but work 24/7 as part of the training for replacing the president.

Not that she was new to hard work, but sitting about filling out dozens of forms everyday was not her cup of tea. Neither was writing three essays about what the council did for the school and its students. Keiko wasn’t the only trainee either, across the room from her sat Aoi, a friend of hers from middle school.

They’d joined together, technically Keiko pushing Aoi into it since the girl was too shy to go by herself. Keiko sincerely doubted Aoi would pull herself out of that damn handheld game if Keiko didn’t pester her enough. Which is exactly what Aoi was doing right now, head tucked down as she booted up the game-boy she’d snuck into the room.

Usually Keiko would chastise her for something like this, but neither Hakamichi nor Mikado was here so it really didn’t matter.

She reached into her bag, pulling out her copy of Beowulf, and flipped open to her bookmarked page. She truly enjoyed this book, and her copy was worn with how many times she’d re-read it over the years. Just as she started to lose herself into Beowulf entering Grendel’s den, the door opened, and she almost threw the book down in fear of a lecture from Hakamichi.

Fortunately though, it was just Hisao Nakai, and Keiko’s nerves calmed quickly.

Hisao came by often, he was an irregular member of the tiny council, but he did a lot of work for Hakamichi and Mikado. He was a nice boy, always helpful and kind, but there were rumors surrounding him. If one believed said rumors, then Hisao was a veritable romance master, and was committing lewd acts with several girls in school. Though Keiko knew the truth, that Hisao was dating the dark skinned runner Miki Miura, because they were always together outside school events.

He didn’t really look the type though, with his messy brown hair, lean physique, and those deep eyes…
Keiko shook her head, clearing away the dreamy thoughts of Hisao from her mind as she watched him talk to Aoi quietly across the room. She was being shyer than usual, blush spreading across her cheeks as she covered her face with the handheld. They chatted for a few minutes, Keiko leaning forward to try and catch a small amount of what was being said, when he suddenly turned and left, leaving the two girls alone again in the empty room.

“What did he say?” she nearly shouted across the room, shocking Aoi and causing her to drop the handheld on the desk.

“U-Umm, he said that Shizune said that when we were done with our paperwork we could leave, and that he was going to close up.”

Aoi didn’t keep eye contact, playing with the handheld instead as she speaks. She’s trying her best not to spill any secrets, but Keiko knows her far too well.

“Tell me the truth,”

Aoi buries her head into the game, turning the sound up to ignore Keiko. Undaunted by the horrible attempt at avoiding the question, Keiko crosses the room in a second, folding her arms across her chest and staring directly at Aoi.

“Tell me, now.”

Aoi flinches visibly at her words, squeezing her eyes shut as Keiko gently tugs her head up to look at her.

“Now Acchan,”

The mention of her old nickname is the last straw, and Aoi cracks.

“Hisao wants us to leave so he and his girlfriend can come here and do lewd things with each other but Shizune thinks we’re going to be closing for her so she won’t come by and he made me promise not to tell anyone so let’s just let them do whatever pleeeeaaaassseee~?”

Her speech is so frantic Keiko can barely make it out, but enough is discerned to confirm that the rumors she’d heard were mostly true. Grinning slightly, Keiko smooths out her blouse as she runs through the options in her head, the best one being that she tells Hakamichi about the attempted dupe and possibly get to see her tear Hisao a new one… that is if she believed them in the first place.

This was unsettling, Aoi and Keiko WERE both rather unpopular in school, and Hakamichi had no real reason to act on their accusations.

Rubbing her chin, Keiko thought hard about how she was going to prove that Hisao is indeed going to commit lewd acts with Miura in the student council room, and she catches a glimpse of the supply cabinet in the corner.

It’s big, holding relatively few supplies despite its capacity, and a smirk stretches across Keiko’s face as a plan is formulated.

Fifteen long minutes later the duo are still sitting closely against each other in the cabinet, various packets of pens and other stationary reorganized to fit them inside. It didn’t take much to convince Aoi into helping to bust Hisao, just a few favors called in from the past, and now the girl sits with Keiko opposite of her while she silently plays her game.

It’s not much longer before the door opens to the student council room, and the noise of two bodies shuffling about makes Keiko’s stomach turn.

She leant forward, long hair brushing up against Aoi’s face as she slid the door of the cabinet open slightly, and immediately widening with shock at the scene before her.

Hisao and Miura were…


They were having sex.

Not just the normal sex Keiko had read about in the mandatory sex ed classes. Miki had him pushed onto a chair, and was riding him whilst still wearing her skirt, though her blouse was opened to allow him access to her breasts. The sound of their bodies colliding echoed throughout the room and each time the noise hit Keiko’s ears she flinched a bit. She’d been raised to believe in sex as only for procreation, and not for shameless fun.

It was completely different for Aoi though, as her experience with sex outside of the classes was a bit less modest. Probably due to finding several H-Doujins her brother kept stashed in his room. Those acted as a gateway into the less reputable parts of the internet, and Aoi learned a lot about things of a sexual manner.

The difference between their upbringings dictated their actions following the sight of Miki humping away at Hisao. Keiko squeezed her eyes shut, placing her hands over her ears in an attempt to block out the lewd slapping sounds, whilst Aoi’s eyes were drawn to the scene. She’d never been one to deny her lust, once actually masturbating in the bathroom during lunch, and she was having trouble resisting now.

Noticing that Keiko was focusing on blocking the world out, Aoi took the chance to slip one hand down between her legs, and began gently caressing herself. She didn’t feel much, layers of clothing blocking direct stimulation, but the act itself drove her wild. This entire situation felt like something out of an h-anime, and the chance at being discovered both frightened and exhilarated her.

Aoi began to squirm slightly, legs shifting as she slipped her hand under her pantyhose, and she slowly began to rub the slick lips. Her pace increased quickly, and her eyes closed as she began to writhe with pleasure, imagining herself in Miki’s position on Hisao’s lap. She didn’t pay much attention to the noise she was making however, and Keiko was snapped back to reality as the cabinet door was thrown open, Aoi being pulled out by three hands.

Her heart skipped a few beats as she waited for Miki and Hisao to pop around the corner with accusatory looks, but surprisingly they didn’t.

They were preoccupied.

Sliding the opposite door open a crack, Keiko stifled a gasp as she caught sight of Aoi.

She’d lost herself in lust, diving at Hisao’s uncovered cock, and gagging herself on it as Miki watched with an amused look. Hisao was taken aback as well, just sitting there as Aoi began sucking on him, eyes glazed over as her head bounced up and down on his shaft. After the initial surprise had passed, Miki moved behind Aoi, her hand moving around do undo the girl’s blouse and exposing the teal bra that held back her breasts.

Miki grinned as she noticed the bra was actually a few sizes too small for Aoi’s bust, her breasts overflowing a bit from the top of the bra, and the straps straining as she pulled away from Hisao’s dick and took a few deep breaths. Miki removed the cottony prison with one motion, Aoi’s breasts bursting out and causing a squeal of pleasure to erupt from her mouth, sending pleasurable vibrations along Hisao’s cock.

Everything felt wonderful to Aoi right now, from the throbbing hunk of flesh in her mouth, to the way Miki’s hand danced over her uncovered chest, and she found it hard to even think straight with the heat emanating from her core.

Keiko watched them from the cabinet, her mind this jumble of thoughts and desires as her eyes bounced from Aoi’s eager sucking to Miki’s groping.

This entire thing was taboo to her, especially with her upbringing, but part of her knew how Aoi felt… and how much she wanted to be in her position.

It wasn’t that she was a harlot, or (God help her) bisexual, but she couldn’t help the stirring inside herself at witnessing things meant for the privacy of a bedroom. She fought herself mentally about the possibility of joining the threesome, but feared a chance at rejection or ruining the mood. Deciding to be courageous, Keiko took a deep breath before creeping out of the open door, and was met by a grinning Miki.

“Another player? Well I guess we can make room for ya,” Miki chuckled, pulling Aoi back from Hisao’s lap.

Aoi struggled for a moment, enjoying the feeling of Hisao twitch in her mouth, but backed off with a sheepish look when she caught eyes with Keiko. Miki pulled her onto the floor, straddling her and beginning to smother her with kisses as Keiko pressed out her skirt nervously. She avoided Hisao’s eyes, accidentally staring at his dick, and Hisao smiled at her as he beckoned her over. She moved quickly, dropping to her knees in front of him, and placed her hands on his legs as she came face to face with his saliva covered erection.

“Take it slow,” he said reassuringly, prompting her to wrap one soft hand around him.

It felt… hot, and it twitched slightly in tune with his heartbeat.

She carefully stroked it, Aoi’s saliva had lubricated it quite well, and before she knew it her hand was flying up and down the length of it. Her breath was getting quicker as she pumped his cock, her free hand moving from his leg to idly caress one of her modest breasts, and she started to feel the part of her brain that detested this slip away.

Behind her Miki had Aoi’s head buried in between her thighs, tongue enthusiastically lapping away at her folds, and hands trying to pull her hips closer to her every second. It hadn’t taken much prodding to get Aoi to do this, mainly just Miki suckling from her breasts a bit before leaning back to show off her glistening lip, and Aoi had dove straight for the prize.

Back in Hisao’s lap, Keiko had just brought her lips to his erection, and slowly brought it into her mouth. She found it was a decidedly fleshy taste, like sucking on your finger after eating chips, and she blushed when she realized she’d sat there motionless for several seconds with the dick partially in her mouth.

She descended slowly, slower than Aoi anyway, fitting as much as she could into her mouth. It was hot, thick, blocking her airways as she tried to jam it into her mouth in naivety. She’d never even seen a blowjob performed before today, and had little prompt to go on. Diving a little too far, she felt herself gag and squeezed her eyes shut.

“Careful, don’t push yourself too hard,”

Hisao sounded caring, and that made her want to do a good job. She wasn’t sure if it was because of her own arousal or a genuine desire to please him, but Keiko found herself trying even harder to deep-throat him. It was hard to do, she had to force her jaw open a bit more than normal, but eventually she felt her nose touch the short pubic hair above his cock and she started to bounce up and down with renewed vigor.

Miki and Aoi had switched places in the background, and Aoi was almost catatonic from pleasure. Miki’s tongue worked wonders in conjuncture with skilled fingers, the duo of sensations driving Aoi over the edge a few times, and Miki stopped to admire her handiwork. Bringing her attention from the disheveled Aoi, Miki noticed that Hisao was struggling not to come from Keiko’s ministrations.

“Scoot over will ya? I want some too!”

Miki wiggled in next to Keiko, throwing one arm around her waist as she lowered her head to plant a kiss on part of Hisao’s exposed shaft.

It was like a tug of war of sorts between the two girls. Miki would work her way up the shaft and force Keiko to break off, then Miki would bob on him until Keiko would do the same and force Miki off. Both were fighting for supremacy, eventually reaching a stalemate and giving each other competitive glares whilst working on opposite sides of Hisao’s cock. He was getting extremely close, both knew it, and both wanted the sticky reward.

Too bad Aoi got it.

Recovering slightly from the pleasure coma she was in, Aoi stumbled behind Hisao and leant over his side, dragging her bosom down his front as she bee-lined for his exposed erection. In one swift movement she pushed both girls off and went straight to the base, and Hisao exploded into her mouth with a loud moan. She’d never tasted semen before, and technically she didn’t now because of her reflexive swallowing. Once he stopped twitching in her mouth, Aoi pulled off, and Miki gave her an angry look.

“Hey! That was my pre-lunch snack!” Miki growled as she pulled Aoi into a furious kiss, attempting to get even a hint of the salty liquid from the other girl’s lips.

Realizing it was a lost cause, Miki flopped onto the ground, opening her legs and beckoning Hisao to mount her. Aoi did same, both eager and frightened to experience sex, flipping her skirt up as she sat on all fours for Hisao. Keiko sat the same as Miki, a blush crossing her face as she displayed her pantyhose covered crotch.

“So who’s first Gaylord?” Miki grinned, running her fingers across her glistening lips.

Hisao stood for a second, slowly tugging his dick with one hand as he looked over the three girls. He wanted to fuck Keiko first, the cute way she looked right now brought both a smile to his lips and renewed strength to his erection, but Aoi’s ass wagging in anticipation also drew him in hypnotically, plus he wanted to see her breasts bounce when he pounded her.

Of course there was always Miki… his girlfriend…

He mounted her fast, cock slipping into her core easily, and he kissed her hard as they went to the ground. His hips worked quick, hammering into her with furious thrusts, and Miki broke from his mouth to shout words of encouragement as she rolled her hips along with him. She didn’t mind being chosen first, she wasn’t a jealous girl really, and she knew that it wouldn’t be long before another girl was going to be on the receiving end of his cock.

As if hearing her thoughts, Hisao gave Miki a quick kiss before pulling out and shuffling to the side to prod Aoi’s lips with the tip of his cock. He ran his hands over her butt, squeezing the pliant flesh as he started to slide the tip in, and marveled at how tight she was. It was tight enough that he had to force the rest of the shaft it, oddly not hitting any noticeable hymen, and waited a few seconds after bottoming out in her. What he didn’t know is that Aoi had accidentally broken her own hymen in the past, during a bout of vigorous masturbation, but that’s a story for another day.

Impatient to be fucked, Aoi wagged her hips side to side, looking back to give him a pleading look. She didn’t have to wait long, Hisao gripping her hips and pulling out before slamming back him, and beginning to pound her. He went ridiculously fast, the tempo of his thrusts pushing her to the ground, her breasts mashing against the tile as she let out short gasps of pleasure. She went wild underneath him, panting along with his thrusts, and letting out these little gasps when Hisao's hips went flush with hers. She felt another orgasm wash over her before Hisao finally pulled out of her and made his way to Keiko, and she almost considered pulling him back over to her before she saw the lust on Keiko’s face.

Planting himself between Keiko’s legs, Hisao placed his hands on her thighs before giving her a look of consideration, making sure she did want what was going to happen. Blushing profusely, Keiko nodded as she began undoing her blouse, exposing her small bra-clad breasts as he began to tear at her pantyhose. She almost considered slapping his hands away from ruining her hose, but the feeling of his hands so close to her core was driving her up the wall. She was the only one of them that hadn’t come yet, and it was going to be a big one from all the (more or less) foreplay.

After he’d torn a suitable hole, Hisao flipped the panties aside, and guided his cock into her. He went slowly, breaking her hymen and burying himself deep inside her. She didn’t know if it was the adrenaline, but there wasn’t any pain when her virginity was taken, and she wrapped both her arms and legs around Hisao as he began to slowly pump into her.

“P-Please go fast, like you did with them,” she whispered into his ear.

Giving her a quick kiss, Hisao complied, jack-hammering into Keiko with reckless abandon. It felt amazing, Hisao filling her up with each thrust, hitting every nook and cranny of her pussy, and she felt her orgasm finally hit. She moaned loudly, her walls clamping down on Hisao and nearly pushing him over the edge as she rode out this amazing climax. Giving her a few more thrusts, Hisao pulled out to finish on her stomach, and looked up to see Miki and Aoi scootched up close to Keiko, giving him a pleading look.

Obliging them, Hisao straddled Keiko’s chest and began rapidly tugging on his cock. It didn’t take long for him to come, his length twitching as it shot out several thick ropes of white cum, hitting all three girls’ faces at least once. After he was done, they all cleaned themselves up, Miki wearing a shit eating grin the entire time while the others blushed at the realization of what just happened.

After buttoning up her blouse, Keiko pulled Aoi toward her, throwing an accusatory look at Hisao before opening the student council room door.

“I expect you’ll be doing the cleanup Hisao? We finished our paperwork,”

With that they were gone, Hisao and Miki staying behind to clean up the mess they’d left behind.
Last edited by Banda on Wed Sep 12, 2012 3:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Banda's Wonderful Smut Compilation

Post by parallelism_magnet »

....ohmy. That, my friend was certainly heated.

And that escalated fast.
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Re: Banda's Wonderful Smut Compilation

Post by Banda »

parallelism_magnet wrote:....ohmy. That, my friend was certainly heated.

And that escalated fast.
It's a slippery slope.
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Re: Banda's Wonderful Smut Compilation

Post by Guest90206 »


It's... just not as good as your other stuff.
Hanabro to the end.
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Re: Banda's Wonderful Smut Compilation

Post by YourFavAnon »


This seems suffice.
I write things occasionally.

Dumps of my 35+ fics can be found here and here (including some non-KS stuff).
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