Which Hisao is your favourite?

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Which of the different five arc Hisao's did you like the most?

Hisao from Shizune's arc
Hisao from Lilly's arc
Hisao from Hanako's arc
Hisao from Emi's arc
Hisao from Rin's arc
Hisao from Kenji's arc
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Re: Which Hisao is your favourite?

Post by Nyzer »

Well, I didn't like that part in Lilly's arc either, and I've argued before that it was on her to talk to Hisao about what was troubling her, not on him to force it out of her when she's barely showing any signs at all.

I really can't disagree there, no.

But you handwave away a bit more than necessary for Emi. Her being confused is one thing, but she was outright lying to others about their relationship and their interaction right in front of Hisao, as well as pulling the "come have a dinner with my mom" thing. Then she gets mad if her mom mentions her dad, or if Hisao talks to her mom about her. (She gets mad if he follows her instead of the latter too, but that was a fair bit more understandable.)

"I don't want to get close to you" shouldn't be followed with lying to others and saying you two are really close, then inviting the person you're shutting out to go meet your family.
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Re: Which Hisao is your favourite?

Post by Total Destruction »

Loonie wrote: As to my thoughts on Shizune's Hisao, that you bring up. I like him a fair bit, although I did find it funny in my recent replay that Jigoro, of all people, throws something back at him that turns out to be very relevant. Something to the effect of: "Look at you, you got all this energy and here you are wasting it by trying to argue with me!" And Jigoro being a dick does not change the fact that it is a valid point, one Hisao also overcomes by the good ending.
Yeah. Jigoro's a royal dick, but he's got a few really good gems like that that make Hisao, and (this) player stop and think about what the hell he's on about.
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Re: Which Hisao is your favourite?

Post by Helbereth »

Definitely Shizune's Hisao.

He's the one I've tried to emulate when writing about Hisao in my own deviations.

Still caring and attentive, he's not wholly focused on her, nor does she become the only light in his day. He's a functional human being when she isn't around, capable and willing to do things on his own - including talk to Misha on equal footing.

Emi's Hisao is almost as well-defined, but since I kinda didn't like Emi's route to begin with, it's less appealing. He's probably about the same in both, though.
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Re: Which Hisao is your favourite?

Post by sporkaganza »

It's been too long since the last time I played to pick my favorite Hisao, but I do love that no one has picked Rin's route. Man, he really was a douche in that one.
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Re: Which Hisao is your favourite?

Post by Loonie »

sporkaganza wrote:It's been too long since the last time I played to pick my favorite Hisao, but I do love that no one has picked Rin's route. Man, he really was a douche in that one.
Okay! That settles it! I'm restarting the poll again and throwing my vote from Emi to Rin, just so as she can have one vote! HATE ON ME!!! :P
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Re: Which Hisao is your favourite?

Post by ravenlord »

I picked the Hasio from Hanako's arc (good ending). I admit that he was clueless and pretty co-dependent during most of the arc (causing a lot of frustration for me!), but he really got his act together after taking Lilly's advice. He buckeld down, worked on his own problems, and gave Hanako the space that she needed to work on her own problems as well. It shows a lot of growth and maturity, and the key is that of all the girls, her's was the only arc were he wasn't pursuing something to impress or to keep up with his girl. He was doing it solely for himself, and not in a selfish way but in an healthy way.

He may have stumbled a bit near the end at Hanako's awkward attempt to finally define their relationship, but he recovered and rose to the occasion at the very end to make it a very happy ending. Of all of the arcs, I think Hanako's good ending Hasio is the most emotionally grounded and stable Hasio of them all.

Edit note: FWIW, Shizune's Hasio is a close second. He acquired a lot of the same qualities as Hanako's Hasio, but I got the feeling that a lot of his results were from pursuing Shizune and simply being swept along in her wake. Sometimes those don't mean as much as the qualities that you gain when you have to dig them out of yourself, by yourself, and for yourself.
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Re: Which Hisao is your favourite?

Post by yummines »

http://i385.photobucket.com/albums/oo29 ... 599d9e.jpg
this is why nobody picked Rin's route

although Rin's route is my favorite route, Hisao was probably the worst part about it (other than Nomiya)
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Re: Which Hisao is your favourite?

Post by gRaViJa »

Emi's Hisao fo' sure.
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Re: Which Hisao is your favourite?

Post by Loonie »

yummines wrote:http://i385.photobucket.com/albums/oo29 ... 599d9e.jpg
this is why nobody picked Rin's route

although Rin's route is my favorite route, Hisao was probably the worst part about it (other than Nomiya)
All that comic shows me is how little people understand Rin's path.
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Re: Which Hisao is your favourite?

Post by yummines »

Loonie wrote:
yummines wrote:http://i385.photobucket.com/albums/oo29 ... 599d9e.jpg
this is why nobody picked Rin's route

although Rin's route is my favorite route, Hisao was probably the worst part about it (other than Nomiya)
All that comic shows me is how little people understand Rin's path.
that might be the whole point of it...

for whatever reason a lot of people find it hard to understand Rin, even though it came naturally to me
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Re: Which Hisao is your favourite?

Post by Loonie »

yummines wrote:that might be the whole point of it...

for whatever reason a lot of people find it hard to understand Rin, even though it came naturally to me
Heheh, yep - you are right.

Having thought about it, in a way I can't blame people for it and I even understand why it leads to practically no person voting for Rin's Hisao - because the truth of the matter is that as much as Rin's behaviour obfuscated and made the arc hard to understand, Hisao's thoughts and worries certainly did not help explain it that much either. It's not because he totally misses the point or is stupid (he does, in fact, touch upon important points about Rin with his thoughts), it's just that (like Rin) he touches upon EVERYTHING AT ONCE. It's almost as if just like Rin has trouble communicating things verbally, Hisao has trouble communicating things through is thoughts hahahah. And that just winds up being a confusing information overload to most people, but a wonderful puzzle for people like myself to solve. And whereas Rin has a handy enough excuse for why she's like this, Hisao, on the other hand, just comes across as a worrywart that likes to complicate things too much.

Yet still...I honestly doubt most people would do that much better than him if they were put into the same situation. Most people would probably give in to the stress and say 'fuck it' when it came to Rin a lot sooner, getting their own version of the bad ending in that arc. I'd say that's the thing that I find utterly hilarious (but only because I happen to really love looking for clues and solving riddles so much) about Rin's Hisao. That in a way only an obsessive worrywart, who is deeply into puzzle-solving on the human personality level, like he turns out to be in the end would even have the patience to keep on going. Of course most people really don't have that in them and again, frankly, I can't blame them - so they find it easier to just project their own frustration onto Hisao and think that's what he's all about. Truth is, that's only half of what Rin's Hisao is about - the worrywart puzzle-solver part. The other half is his utter refusal to quit interacting with Rin on an intellectual level - no matter what the cost to his psyche turns out to be. It's a kinder thing than any other person has done for Rin before and, in the end, she winds up recognizing that kindness and is changed by it.

Still, I gotta say, the more I think about Hisao's Rin as having no votes in this context, the more amused I am, moreso than anything else. :D Yeah - he definitely does not qualify as what I'd call a healthy individual. He's pretty damn messed up tbh. But like Rin said very well during the course of the arc: "It's the best part of him." I guess I'm just someone who believes in that whole axiom, that we might admire and respect people for their virtues, but it's because of their specific faults that we truly love them. In a way that helps me interpret a lot of the popularity behind the other choices in this and other polls of its kind. And it helps explain why someone like me might actually find Hisao in Rin's arc good enough to be his second most favourite.

Re: Which Hisao is your favourite?

Post by Beanwell »

I picked the Hasio from Hanako's arc (good ending). I admit that he was clueless and pretty co-dependent during most of the arc (causing a lot of frustration for me!), but he really got his act together after taking Lilly's advice. He buckeld down, worked on his own problems, and gave Hanako the space that she needed to work on her own problems as well. It shows a lot of growth and maturity, and the key is that of all the girls, her's was the only arc were he wasn't pursuing something to impress or to keep up with his girl. He was doing it solely for himself, and not in a selfish way but in an healthy way.

He may have stumbled a bit near the end at Hanako's awkward attempt to finally define their relationship, but he recovered and rose to the occasion at the very end to make it a very happy ending. Of all of the arcs, I think Hanako's good ending Hasio is the most emotionally grounded and stable Hasio of them all.

Edit note: FWIW, Shizune's Hasio is a close second. He acquired a lot of the same qualities as Hanako's Hasio, but I got the feeling that a lot of his results were from pursuing Shizune and simply being swept along in her wake. Sometimes those don't mean as much as the qualities that you gain when you have to dig them out of yourself, by yourself, and for yourself.

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Re: Which Hisao is your favourite?

Post by ravenlord »

Beanwell wrote:


Sorry man, and I'm glad you caught that. I had to redo the settings on my spellcheck after they got wiped a few days back, and I put back in Hisao's name wrong. So it auto "corrected" everything to "Hasio".

It is fixed now :)
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Re: Which Hisao is your favourite?

Post by JukoVon »

Emi's Hisao got his shit together the most, but... I dislike Emi as a love interest.
Lily's Hisao got shit together too, but she was a complacent lover.
Hanako's Hisao tried too hard to take care of her to get anything really done
Shizune's Hisao has a good idea
Rin's Hisao is the worse,the good ending has them throwing away their future. I don't understand how the bad ending for Rin is her getting a scholarship and doing something with her life.
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Re: Which Hisao is your favourite?

Post by griffon8 »

JukoVon wrote:Rin's Hisao is the worse, the good ending has them throwing away their future. I don't understand how the bad ending for Rin is her getting a scholarship and doing something with her life.
Because of the possibility that, like Sae's husband, Rin will eventually kill herself.
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