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Re: Post-KS Depression

Post by Potato »

yassodude wrote:if you don't like it you can kindly disconnect your internet connection...You think romantic love is not important go buy a sex doll
With all due respect, this is the internet. Everyone here can say anything they want and it's not always going to be something you want to hear. That's a basic part of the internet. If you don't like that, you can kindly disconnect YOUR internet connection.

You're depressed, fine. Take your pick of advice and fix it. Moping about how life won't match up to a game will only make it worse. Nobody here will make it better. Not even venting will make it better. Doing something about it will make it better. You came in moping because life isn't perfect like KS. I came in telling you moping about that won't solve anything (because perfection is shitty anyway) and telling you what you might do instead of being depressed. If you intended solely to vent and didn't want advice to overcome your depression, you should have made that clear in the first place.

People in life aren't perfect: You want to be depressed about that, or go find something or someone to make you happy again?

And to be blunt, that second line of your quote is just dumb on so many levels. What the hell do sex dolls have to do with anything here anyway? If you're implying that the only options are romantic love or mindless sex, you're an idiot. And it sounds like that's the implication.

Also, I did play Kenji's route. It was the first ending I got and it was depressing as hell. I don't consider it Kenji's route though. It's what I call the default ending. Most VNs of this sort have them: Two endings minimum per character (neutral or harem endings may also be included) and a default ending for players who somehow manage to continue playing without ever triggering a character path. Such ends are invariably unpleasant but this was the first I've seen actually kill the guy...But at least he brought pretzels.
I love the interpretation of Pac-Man where he's a just a lowly worker retrieving golf balls left all over the course by the rich masters and the ghosts are all previous workers who got conked on the head and killed by incoming golf balls in the line of duty.
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Re: Post-KS Depression

Post by yassodude »

So i've concluded that you are waay too bitter and heartless to even consider replying to this post . You want to act mighty and criticize other people DO IT SOME WHERE ELSE . here it just makes you sound like a bitter bitter man who's life is messed up and can't fix it so he tries to drag people down with him . Anyway i only needed the first reply , not yours ofc. And believe me i'd shut this thread down if i could just so you won't reply again because you don't even know what's happening i mean the quote wasn't even for you.
i really am surprised at how bitter you are . Like an old man in a nursing home reminiscing about the good ol' days . Good day i'm going to try to ignore your replies as best I can seeing as you're not qualified to answer me let alo0ne use a computer .
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Re: Post-KS Depression

Post by Potato »

yassodude wrote:you're not qualified to answer me let alo0ne use a computer .

Ooh, personal attacks based on nothing. Bravo. We've got a badass over here. Grow up, kid.

If you can't take responses without vomiting insults and nonsense accusations, don't start a thread next time. Enjoy your mopey depression.
I love the interpretation of Pac-Man where he's a just a lowly worker retrieving golf balls left all over the course by the rich masters and the ghosts are all previous workers who got conked on the head and killed by incoming golf balls in the line of duty.
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Re: Post-KS Depression

Post by Magnenntae »

Zezin wrote:
yassodude wrote:Yes , the guy has Arrhythmia but you can't deny the fact that he is lucky as !@#$ . In every "good" route he ends up with a girl that is perfect on the inside and almost if not completely (Lilly ,Shizune) perfect on the outside.
I used to think the EXACT same thing but, I noticed when doctors tell you that you aren't expected to live past 30 you got a lot of shit to be depressed about. At least the other characters are expected to live the majority of their life.
I feel more sorry for the girls, really, they would have to be alone, I don't have any doubt that they would miss Hisao dearly. "Tragedy of Long Life", I think it's called.

As for this whole "perfect" discussion: Like beauty, perfection is a subjective sort of thing, for example, a certain artist mind think a dab of red paint here and a dab of blue paint there would make the painting perfect, while another artist might think that the entire painting is rubbish. I'm sure most of you have already realized that, but I just wanted to get it out of the way before I went any further into the subject.
While a person with no flaws might be perfect by the textbook definition, I don't think such a person would be desirable. It's our flaws that make us human, it's our imperfections that make us perfect, as they say.

And guys, could you please stop bickering? Throwing insults and sarcastic remarks at each other isn't going to help either one of you.

I hope you start feeling better soon, OP.
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Re: Post-KS Depression

Post by ProfAllister »

yassodude wrote:Dude WTF is wrong with you ? Why did you take it so personnally . I didn't post in here so someone who acts like he is above humans and knows everything could lecture me like a Wannabe Life coach. I came here to vent and to get things off my mind if you don't like it you can kindly disconnect your internet connection and go read a book for all i care. I get you appologised at the end but you don't seem to understand the purpose of this post , you want to be a life coach please do it somewhere else . YOu think there are alot of these posts then leave the forums . You think romantic love is not important go buy a sex doll . Also sorry for the rudeness but honestly :
I posted this to feel better not worse ...
Honestly, it was the wrong place and the wrong time. People come here all the time, whining about how all the girls (or one specific girl) is perfect and life is worthless without them. I don't ignore them because I do want to try to help out and share what I've learned in my life. It was probably imprudent for me to vent like that.

I know I'm not above humans, and I certainly know that I don't know everything. That being said, while you're a unique and special snowflake, so is everyone else. There is a commonality to the human experience. This is a good thing. If you're smart, you'll take advice from people who have traveled this road before you. Otherwise, you'll trip over the same rocks and fall into the same ditches, because there was no one to point them out to you.

I know that I have a tendency to get preachy. People who don't want help tend to get annoyed. But people who do want help will listen, and they appreciate the words of encouragement. I don't know what you mean by a "Wannabe Life coach," and, frankly, I don't care. You put this post out there on a discussion board. To the sane individual, that means you want to discuss something.

And, as previously observed, you completely missed the point about romantic love. I wrote an essay of my thoughts on the matter in another thread. You'll probably call it "more Wannabe Life coach bullshit," but there it is.

You posted this to feel better. I'm guessing by this you mean that you wanted to get it off your chest, rather than you wanted a bunch of strangers to agree with you and have a big group hug because you all hate real women. I may have sounded like an ass, nut every word I said was something someone here has needed to hear at one point in their life. If your life is perfect, go ahead and ignore my advice. If, as your first post implied, you aren't happy with life as it is, what's the worst that could happen from taking advice? Or at least considering what was said?

If you want to ignore me, feel free to do so. It's your life. But, if you want to interact with people, I'd recommend you at least consider accepting help from people who want to help.
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Re: Post-KS Depression

Post by hernytan »

Helbereth wrote:PKSDD (Post-Katawa-Shoujo-Depression-Disorder) is a common affliction among its readers.
feels-b-gone image
On a completely unrelated note, Helbereth that is an extremely good photo
Also, I like your Acronym and hope someday to have some opportunity to use both of them. If you don't mind of course. :P

Oh, and guys:
It's a great game guys, stop arguing over who is best they are in order of my preference if you must know
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Re: Post-KS Depression

Post by Helbereth »

hernytan wrote:
Helbereth wrote:PKSDD (Post-Katawa-Shoujo-Depression-Disorder) is a common affliction among its readers.
feels-b-gone image
On a completely unrelated note, Helbereth that is an extremely good photo
Also, I like your Acronym and hope someday to have some opportunity to use both of them. If you don't mind of course. :P
I wasn't sure whether to go with the more euphemistic PKSDD, or the more old-fashioned KSS (Katawa-Shoujo-Shock). For a while I considered KSF (Katawa-Shoujo-Fatigue), but even that seemed too shocking for the modern, discerning forum-browser. After that I though I would refer to the condition as KSE (Katawa-Shoujo-Exhaustion), but, as it turns out, the term simply wasn't descriptive enough, and the test group was uncertain about the damning affects the condition could have on an addled mind.

Perhaps it's a result of modern education systems, but people have come to expect terminology to be exceedingly descriptive, such that the entire condition can be rounded up into a few empty words. So, I took it upon myself to allow for the exceedingly lengthy PKSDD, which the focus group unerringly enjoyed; saying it made them feel safe and informed while remaining emotionally distant - which is the goal of any scientific term, I suppose. As for the image, you're free to wield it however you may; it's the result of a half-hour spent doodling in Flash - which consisted mainly of opening the program and finding my tablet.

This line of bullshit brought to you by the comedic stylings of George Carlin.
Last edited by Helbereth on Sun Aug 19, 2012 7:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Post-KS Depression

Post by hernytan »

Helbereth wrote:~snip~
which the focus group unerringly enjoyed; saying it made them feel safe and informed while remaining emotionally distant - which is the goal of any scientific term, I suppose.
Focus group...... :shock:
As for the image, you're free to wield it however you may; it's the result of a half-hour spent doodling in Flash - which consisted mainly of opening the program and finding my tablet.
Muahaha the power of the feels is NOW MINE TO USE! May a thousand wahaha~s grace you, good sir.
It's a great game guys, stop arguing over who is best they are in order of my preference if you must know
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Re: Post-KS Depression

Post by Helbereth »

hernytan wrote:
Helbereth wrote:~snip~
which the focus group unerringly enjoyed; saying it made them feel safe and informed while remaining emotionally distant - which is the goal of any scientific term, I suppose.
Focus group...... :shock:
As for the image, you're free to wield it however you may; it's the result of a half-hour spent doodling in Flash - which consisted mainly of opening the program and finding my tablet.
Muahaha the power of the feels is NOW MINE TO USE! May a thousand wahaha~s grace you, good sir.
I just hope you checked that link - it's hilarious. :)
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Re: Post-KS Depression

Post by Keneshiro »

ProfAllister wrote: You'll never find anyone in real life as perfect as them. Because, in the real world, there are only evil selfish bitches, who secretly plan the downfall of men, who are seen as nothing more than playthings, to be used and thrown away.
That's a bit harsh, isn't it? I mean yeah, most of today's society is materialistic, scheming, coniving and downright disgusting, but among the trash of society, surely there must be a few diamonds? Wow. That's one nasty analogy.

Ignoring the appalling comparison, what I'm trying to get at is that there is probably someone out there that you can get along with enough to be together. Will she be the exact match as you? Understand you completely? Hell, I hope not. That sounds absolutely boring. Troll or not, I don't really care, but the thought of finding the perfect someone is rather dangerous as it'll just make you become blind to the rest of the world.

Sigh, no where on the internet is safe from insult flinging. Tis a shame.
Image <<< The waifu
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Re: Post-KS Depression

Post by ProfAllister »

Keneshiro wrote:
ProfAllister wrote: You'll never find anyone in real life as perfect as them. Because, in the real world, there are only evil selfish bitches, who secretly plan the downfall of men, who are seen as nothing more than playthings, to be used and thrown away.
That's a bit harsh, isn't it? I mean yeah, most of today's society is materialistic, scheming, coniving and downright disgusting, but among the trash of society, surely there must be a few diamonds? Wow. That's one nasty analogy.

Ignoring the appalling comparison, what I'm trying to get at is that there is probably someone out there that you can get along with enough to be together. Will she be the exact match as you? Understand you completely? Hell, I hope not. That sounds absolutely boring. Troll or not, I don't really care, but the thought of finding the perfect someone is rather dangerous as it'll just make you become blind to the rest of the world.

Sigh, no where on the internet is safe from insult flinging. Tis a shame.
Apologies, that was bitter sarcasm. I'm a hopeless romantic and an idealist, really. I just kinda exploded there. This particular subject ("The KS girls are perfect! No one in real life is as good! Woe is me!") seems to have become a bit of a raw nerve for me. I'd guess it's a symptom of Post-KS Depression Depression.

What I'm trying to say is stop looking for the perfect someone. Focus on making yourself better. In your life, you will likely find many people that complement you well, if not perfectly. But, no matter how right they may be for you, it's all for nothing unless you're also right for them. If you're meant to find a romantic love, you will, and all the waifus in the world will be but pale imitations. Not everyone finds romantic love, and not everyone needs romantic love.

Looking for someone to complete you is a hopeless exercise. If you work to complete yourself, though, you may happen to find someone to help you, and you can work together to build each other up. Even if you don't, you can still become a better person on your own, and help everyone you meet become better as well. And in the end, that's better than sex with a hottie that understands you, hard as it might be to believe.

Not that you shouldn't be doing that if you DO manage to score a hottie that understands you...

TL;DR, no one's perfect, real or imaginary, yourself included. Work to become "good enough." You may meet someone else who is "good enough," but you shouldn't make your happiness dependent on meeting a special someone. Not everyone finds a special someone, but they can still be happy in spite of that.
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Re: How to sleep after Lilly's arc?

Post by Nekken »

How to sleep after Lilly's arc?
Like this.
Falling in love is a volcano. Being in love is a kotatsu.
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Re: Post-KS Depression

Post by yassodude »

I'm sorry about any snide or Offensive comments I've made that may have offended any of you . I still think they were justified but i've never really been the type of guy to do that .

That sad . Prof(sth) If you have Post-KS Depression Depression then why on earth did you even reply , did the subject offend you so much that you felt the need to make me even more depressed ? I value the advice you've given me but they were too negative to be of any use.

But honestly ; after a couple of days of thinking about KS and not playing it , the main reason I'm sad is because I've never "connected" that much with a girl in real life and i doubt i ever will. And KS hit me deep for many reasons .. I'm young , relatively , still 17 . And I've broken up with my first girlfriend 2 weeks ago , which is probably 3 days before discovering KS , So that made it hurt all the more . It made me realize that the kind of relationship I want is the one Hisao had with (in my case Lilly more than the rest) and from my very limited experience I think that's difficult to find. My girlfriend had a very essential point in common with Emi : Her mother died 2 years ago , and she (like Emi) closed in on herself and never let anyone close , even me her best friend at the time. 4 months after her mother dies we started hanging out again , every now and again she just suddenly look sad , not teary eyed not depressed ... just sad. I knew what was bothering her but she never told me , I kept asking her "something wrong ?" she'd say either "No just tired" or "No really i'm fine" or another cliche'd answer. We were friends since we were 7 years old so I was kind of offended that she didn't trust me but I knew trust was earned and not demanded so I kept acting like nothing's wrong for about 6-7 months until I just couldn't take it anymore . It felt like I was going out with a robot , after 10 years of friendship 3 years of being together we were suddenly sent back to the small talk age . We never discussed anything deeper than small talk. I don't blame her what happened was very sad but after 6 months of only talking about a movie she'd seen or a book she's reading and ALL THE WHILE she's looking like Kristen Stewart , I couldn't take it anymore , going out felt more like a chore with me literally just being there for her . After a year I couldn't take it anymore , so I started thinking differently , Going out to expensive restaurants perhaps flirting more (like we used to) but it was no use , she was still acting like I just met her 3 days ago ... we started going out less and less until we finally just stopped seeing each other.

You might wonder why I'm telling all this in excruciating detail , this is to justify to Potato and ProfAllister why I was so .. umm ... childish ? about the issue , and I haven't told anyone my entire life what's in this post but since I don't know any of you I hope it will never get traced back to me :) So in conclusion sorry and my ex's situation's resemblance to Emi's is the reason why I was severely depressed and kept playing back out relationship in my head several times , wondering if I "MAde the wrong choice" you know , or "Got her bad ending" since KS depends on single lines , I though perhaps I said the wrong sentence once which is why she never opened up to me.

P.S: I have noway to prove this but why would I even make up such a pathetic story ...

P.P.S : Be kind , when addressing someone claiming to have depression aim to make him feel better , or just don't reply :D
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Re: Post-KS Depression

Post by ProfAllister »

As I said before, my response was a bit of an explosion, and not directed at you per se. It was too harsh, and poorly thought-out. I still agree with the content of what I said, if not the tone. You didn't deserve the brunt of the reply, even if it was applicable to you. And I really am more positive most of the time.

On a more personal level, I really do think people get running on a romantic path too early in life, and usually end up hurting themselves because of it. I didn't start dating until I was 19, and still feel that was too early. I got married at 22, and remain happily married, but that's another story entirely.

So, let's try to condense a few more ideas into a more organized (and hopefully gentler) form:

Rule #1: Life isn't about finding your true love. You can possibly find your true love, and, if you do, she can help make you happy, but it's a two-way street. But you don't need to find a true love to be happy.

Rule #2: In the world of VNs, a relationship that doesn't last is a bad end. In real life, a relationship that ends can (and should be) a new beginning. KS manages to get this right. In many VNs, a bad end often means death or other severe traumatic experiences, often of a life-altering nature. In KS, a bad end means that this girl wasn't the one, and Hisao manages to learn something about himself. Hisao's only 18 years old and doesn't have a terminal case of blue-balls, so he really has his whole life ahead of him. Even with his condition, it's potentially a very long life. Most people will get several "bad ends" in their life before they meet "the one," if they ever do meet "the one." The smarter ones learn from their "bad ends." Others are doomed to repeat the same mistakes over and over in a vicious cycle.

Rule #3: Not every relationship has a possible "good end." In some relationships, they're effectively doomed from the start. The only winning move is not to play, as it were. That being said, the wise are still able to learn from this. To quote someone much smarter than myself: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." You will make mistakes. It's a fact of life. Get up, learn what you can, and move on. The rest of the world won't wait for you, and your days are numbered. Make them count.

Also, you may want to stop by Hanako's Broken Heart Club. It's essentially a thread where people share their struggles, their heartbreaks, and those little existential questions that keep them up at night. Bear in mind, though, that it's a support group, not a licensed therapist. We can try to help on the little things, but we're fellow pilgrims, not trail guides.
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Re: Post-KS Depression

Post by yassodude »

ProfAllister wrote:Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement.
I don't know where you heard it , but that is honestly genius , the concept is not entirely new but it's phrased in such a way that simply appeals to the gamer inside me :) Thanks for the help , and I will stop by Hanako's Broken Heart Club.
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